Showing posts with label Ascension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ascension. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright© 2011
 Listen to this message on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Dearest Ones,

We are here today to transmit this important message to humanity. All should know the significance of this extremely special time.  You are all blessed beyond measure in your very soul. Never before have you been able to do such a big step forward in your evolutionary pathway. We would like to make you aware of this fact!

Therefore it is of uttermost importance that you consciously and diligently use this time and take advantage of it. Now you are able to grow significantly, using the wings of the current flow of incoming blessed divine energies which are supporting and carrying your planet into it’s new position in the higher dimensions. If you are able to flow with this current, you will receive a great push towards your own higher vibrational growth and accomplishment of a more advanced light body. This includes the development of the higher mind and the heart.

Please understand that ascension is not just an event in your thinking mind, as many believe, but in the first place an energetic process which will catapult your present frequency of body, mind and emotion into a higher level of intelligence, wisdom and heart-opening.
The higher your vibration, the higher your divine intelligence and the capacity to love.

In this process it is however necessary to understand your mind which operates on many levels, not just on the conceptual level, but gradually develops and exists on levels up to the most high and subtle form, which is ultimately called the mind of God. Higher mind is never disturbed or is missing tranquility or is wandering constantly around. Higher Mind is carrying wisdom and is able to use free awareness and is not interfered by lower emotions.

Therefore it is of advantage to exercise the higher mind as it utilizes the higher qualities of the human being. The higher mind transcends your everyday understanding of life. It is not linear and black-and-white thinking, it is rather circular and able to perceive realities on different levels simultaneously without interference of the lower personality. Of course you can exercise these higher capabilities with your will. But it is ultimately always the increase of your level of frequency required as a basis for the development of your higher human qualities.

How would you do this, to begin with? As we recommended, what you need to do is to rise your light quotient. And this can happen when you rise your feeling capacity for energy! If you do, if you are able to feel energy, to feel frequency, it is because you are consciously transmuting the density of your lower emotions into free feeling, which in turn allows you to receive more light into your system.

We cannot enough emphasize, that the ascension process is based on the rising of your level of frequency or your light quotient. Without it there is no true growth. All is energy, all is frequency. If you are not able to feel frequency it is because you have not dealt yet with your emotions, you have not cleared them yet, you have not dared yet to feel them exactly as they are. If you haven’t done it yet, it means, that all these emotional energies, which you have not allowed yourself to feel, are like deep blockages in  a streaming river. They are like accumulated pieces of debris piling up, while the water is streaming around them. But these blockages reduce greatly your capacity to feel. Energy can only be felt. 

Therefore you have work to do, dear ones! You cannot avoid it, you have to surrender to this process and allow yourselves to be purified. To do this, you first must be willing to feel, and even if your emotions are very painful. But know that even emotional pain is ultimately a form of energy, and that you are not it. You are merely the observer. You can look at it as something which has been stored in your system and which can be released now forever, just by allowing yourself to accept and fully feel it 

There is no other way, but know that the incoming energies are your great helpers, as they are pressing now on all your unresolved blockages, which can make feel you uneasy, nervous, upset or just very uncontent with yourself.

All these feelings must be accepted fully, exactly as they are. They are not to be avoided by any means. Take your time, dear ones, and do this most important and courageous work! Feel what you have accumulated in your system, stored in your energy field. And as you feel it all, one by one, a growing clarity and lightness will emerge in your being, freeing your body and  heart more and more and awakening your capacity to freely feel more and more everything, now even the more subtle and finer frequencies of light, and last not least: true Happiness!

Dear ones, there have been Millions before you, who have been going through these processes already. They have been courageous at a time where most of you were still deeply unaware of these necessary procedures of purification. They went already through great pain, and they did it, not only for themselves, but for all humanity, for all their brothers and sisters. As they worked so deep and thorough, they have made the way much easier for you now. While they, as single individuals,  needed often years to deal with certain very painful issues, you all can now go through your purification processes  in a few days or weeks already, if you are working seriously and if you do not let yourself off the hook! 

The incoming new energies help you greatly with this process so that it is now not difficult anymore for you. It has been difficult before, but it is not anymore. What many others have done already long before you, you can now do too! The path has been paved for you, dear ones, and you can now almost comfortably walk that path with much less pain, or at least an enormous shortening of the process.

We have encouraged you to walk that path of purification so that you will be able to rise your light quotient, together with many others. This is the great human awakening that has arrived! 

We are always with you, ready to support and help you. All what is needed, is your willingness and the desire of your heart to be free of your old baggage, which is only an unnecessary burden now. Have trust and faith in the process, in which you all are involved, by default! The process is happening anyway and your agreement and surrender to it makes it a blessed one.  Because if you collaborate, all will happen with much less pain and you will even experience happiness in the midst of difficulties, knowing that they are only very temporary and the sure indication, that you are about to be free of them.

Freedom from old baggage entails a natural increase of your vibration and permits higher light to enter your body and mind. This new freedom allows you to feel more, to start to feel frequencies and soon light itself, which is a higher vibration.
Think positiv and exercise positive feelings, whatever you do, because positive actions are rising your energy field as well. 

You see, it is all up to you, your sensitivity for your own energy field and of that around you is your own responsibility. Be patient with yourself and give yourself all the time you need. But do not delay and do not doubt. Follow your path of freeing yourself from old burdens steadily and with confidence. When you think that you made a mistake, don’t dwell on it, but  continue with faith on your path.

Remember, these are the most blessed times, humanity has experienced since Millenniums. Take advantage of it. Use this unique tailwind which makes your process so much easier than it would have been at other times. Go quickly through a process that took others years.

We bless and support you and embrace you with all our love!
We already can see you free of all your suffering and radiant in the New Light and the Love of the Divine!

We are the  Light Beings of the Andromeda Galaxy!

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright© 2011
Listen to this message on YouTube

Dearest Ones, I Am AA Metatron!

Greetings to all of you who are already consciously participating in the ascension process of Gaia and yourself, the united human body of which you are part of. Silently I bless all those still asleep, all those cells and points of consciousness, although still of dim light and not yet aware about what is going on. It is a great and wonderfully evolving process underway and already happening with your whole human civilization and your planet Gaia herself.

We, who are the  initiators and overseers of this process, are rejoicing in this glorious awakening which is happening directly in the Heart of God in His feminine and masculine aspect, which is Light and Consciousness Itself. The joy, concentrated and expanding in the Heart of God Who is the Creator of His Own Nature and the many emanations in the Divine Universe, Is directly igniting the most Sacred Core of your planet. And as you, humanity on earth, and all her beings, living in her sphere, are her expressions of her love and her life, you are all directly participating in this Blessed Event.

We are extremely happy to announce that your united ascension process has come to a point where it went over the ridge, so to speak. In your understanding of linear time, it is only a short while until the rest of humanity will awaken to this fact as a whole, and in our view it has already happened. As you know, Divine consciousness, sleeping in dense frequencies which you observe as matter, needs some “time” to en-lighten and transform low density into higher vibrations. The first step is always the most difficult one, but the process is already in everybody underway. Most of those  who are awakening, are not yet aware of this new process, as they are still dreaming, but it is their last morning dream and they are soon to open their eyes!

We wish that you turn your heart and your mind fully to this evolving and awakening human consciousness and thereby take responsibility to be midwifes for your fellow brothers and sisters! Like buds of beautiful flowers, today still tightly closed, they will open their eyes in the coming rising of the sunlight, like flowers are opening their petals.  You do not need to talk, you only need to radiate from your heart the knowing of Divinity, which is the true nature of all humanity. We ask that you, who are certain of the awakening, as you yourself have been already awakening, freely assume the awakening of your human family as already happened, knowing that they will awaken without doubt,  — all of them who came here to participate in this blessed event.

They all will be drawn now to those of you who are already participating so that your heart spark will ignite the still sleeping seeds of Divine Love in their hearts and open their minds in wondrous ways to embrace this glorious process.

Do not look back and do not look at what you do not want: a world without love, a world without light! Surrender these thoughts and these emotions,  which are mirrors of the outer world in your own being, to the ever growing expansion and opening of your own Divine Nature, allowing greater Divine Light flooding  through your being.

We have imprinted you with the information of opening up to your original blueprint, the Adam Kadmon, the Divine Man in the image of the  Creator. Trust that it will unfold and that you will – together with your brothers and sisters - unfold to your highest potential, where your body is only instrument to perform the Miracles and the Love of  God.

We cannot but bless you with the blessings from the Heart of God, arousing the fire of your heart, which is His Own.
Dear Ones, understand that there is only God who is awakening in His own creations. We ask to give room to His Presence in your very heart which is Greater than what you have been identifying  with so far. His Presence is breaking up your old prison of confinement as a dimensional being. In truth you are free of all limitations as the Light of God is. Light radiates in all directions and without limitations and form of mind  is only a tool to play, to explore, to experience.  And you are not even your experience, you should know.

Understand the relationship between true  knowing and experience and enjoy your Divine Play as a free dance with Divinity. The human heart is eternally free if you allow all limitations to be taken into the light and joy in the Heart of God.  

Your boundless Happiness has been always yours, always. But you allowed lower densities to enter your being and to darken the original free Structure of Divinity to become less than it has originally been created for. This heavy density which put you to sleep will now be lifted, beloved ones.
Light is already flowing – and even most powerfully, if you allow it - through your being and will set you fully free. All obstacles on its way are being dissolved so that the pure creation of God, fully transparent to His Light and His Love, will be obvious. In this state of en-lightenment of your bodily vehicle non-separation is fully realized. What has been a feeling and intuition will be a realization of the Great Divine Human Body which is One.
Keep this vision and truth in your hearts, always, dear ones, because it has already happened in the Heart of God, it already exists as unswerving truth.

Be careful about what you think as the power of more instant manifestation  increases rapidly. Do not resist or impede the Dream of God with your doubts but nurture the power of your faith in the Reality of Divine Purpose.

Gaia’s original purpose is restored and so is yours, beloved ones. Join forces with those who share your faith and build together  a powerful circle which is breathing the breath of your new world. Unite and celebrate joy and unconditional love which has the power to  dissolve the shadows of the past into the Light of the New Creation.

We are here to support all your dreams and love and heart-passion. We never leave you, as we are all part of this One Great Creation of God.

Be Blessed and accept the Love from the Heart of God!

I Am AA Metatron

Message received by Ute
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011



Dear friends and readers of my blog,

I decided to continue with a follow up as to what has transpired to my observation so far after this grandiose meeting. I received emails from dear readers who confirmed this meeting because they felt that they have been involved too!

That I have been released from my participation in the GF council and from my responsibility for Gaia, is pointing to the fact, that firm decisions have been made and everything is running now its course. This means, that Gaia's destiny is confirmed and so our ascension. Now everything is only a matter of time, and the uncertainty and dragged feeling about missing direction and stuckness is over and everything is now on its way without delay.

That's how I feel at this moment.

Please remember, that we are dealing in this matter mainly beyond linear time, and we cannot measure such events with our 3D mind. And when we try to do this we are finding ourselves confused about the timeliness of events.

We best can find our way through this labyrinth by using the image of pieces of a puzzle which all have to be put together and fit. Sometimes a piece has to be removed or replaced because the reality grid has changed somewhere. And even if this change is only minimal in one sector of its vastness, it might create a very strong reaction in other parts and ends of its spread.
In the end all details must fit, at least for a time given, to design a new creation which blesses without failure all involved.

After reading Georgi Stankov’s  newest report, which comprises many contributions from members of the PAT (Planetary Ascension Team)  and allowing myself to sink into the essence, the core light of all that has been communicated, I feel the immensity of speed, which we all share, and in which now everything is unfolding. Until now we have been sitting in a slow suburb train, which stops every 5-10 minutes to allow people to come on board. And sometimes the train was stopped for good because it broke down and we had to board a new train. But now we are traveling in a high speed interstate train of the newest galactic technology which does not stop until it reaches its destination. There is nothing which on its course upholds the process which has been agreed upon - in this multidimensional and thundering gathering lately.

This feeling of speed does not mean necessarily a certain 3dimensional "time" in which things are to happen, it is more a higher dimensional "speed", above the 3D world in which things are now unfolding, since the green light is on. It is a glorious and most powerful energy and field of light, expanding  to new creations in the blink of an eye. We have already arrived, although at the same time we are dragging still  behind when looking into the old 3D world. The more we are participating collectively in this high dimensional speed with our heart's vision, the quicker the new reality will appear, even before our eyes, like silhouettes are appearing through the morning fog with the the first rays of the dawning sun at the horizon.

I found this confirmed yesterday, when I went into town and noticed that something had fundamentally changed.

Our desperate shout for the awakening of the masses has been heard!

It is as if now around everybody there is a new shine, a new freshness, something working on everybody! They still don't know it and they are sleeping in their cocoons, but there is a new power at work and it looks like as if the big awakening plan has been set in motion. I am just so surprised about what I see. This kind of earlier desperation, that nothing so far has been changing regarding the mass awakening, has just no foundation anymore.  Something major is in the making.

The veil has lifted and the Light is pouring in. That is what we need to look at. With that much bliss in the air we can only wait and see what's happening next.

With Love and Blessings, 


©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Listen to this message on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Dearest earth humans,

A new beginning has dawned on your earth in a magnificent way!
Your galactic families can see what many of you on earth can see and what most of you earth human cannot yet see.

Not seeing it, does not mean it did not or is not happening right now or will not happen and grow exponentially in your future.
For us your future is already here and many of you on earth are already stepping in this awareness by transcending linear time.

Your earth servants, those who have been participating before, during and thereafter this most important 11.11.11 event, whose soul contract required to remain among you on earth, have been empowered greatly on that day. Many of them strenghtened their connections to their galactic homes and families and allowed their light and consciousness to incarnate deeper into their human bodies. These ones who have been so empowered would have been able to leave 3D Earth at this time for good because they were ready, but out of their love for Gaia and humanity they are continuing to stay with you.

With their greatly increased cosmic presence they will be able to magnify and speed up the ascension process for everybody as they anchor now tremendous light of the higher dimensions through the channel of their bodies.

Dearest ones, it is a magnificent cooperative work which is going on now in an intensified way, between your galactic friends and their representatives on your earth.

We can see, in interconnectedness with the crystalline earth grid, currents of Divine light and  flames running in ever more growing intensity between the mighty forces of light, - surrounding your planet, and from the deep of the universe - and Mother Earth and her servants, firing up the whole process of ascension for all involved in a glorious way. More and more of you are starting to participate in this magnificent progression of Divine Ignition and galactic connectedness of your planet. This is a spectacular Play of Joy and Love because the Divine Forces can now move freely into your sphere.

With joy we are describing to you what we see, so that you earth humans, even if you are not yet aware of what is now occurring on your world, can be assured and inspired to continue your life with a different perspective and increased and deeply magnified hope, to help you to already change the basic outlook on your life and daily experience. Even though you might mainly see the old shadows of a 3dimensional world, but which in reality are fading each day more away, you can be assured that the new world is already yours.

Do not hold on therefore to the shadows of the past, as they do not have any real fundament any more but are just relicts of a non-existing world. You must understand, that from the perspective of spirit your old world is already gone and what you still see are only phantoms and artificially created godless holograms of what you call your familiar world. Like when you lost a limb and it still seems to hurt!
And so your nervous systems are still programmed to accept your old world as to be true, but in reality it is gone already, dearest ones, this is the truth!

We are standing at the point of origin of this new creation where we can see and testify your new world. Therefore this new world has to be confirmed by you with faith, trust and joy in your heart, visions, thoughts and actions.

What your eyes seem still to see and your senses seem to feel, the shadows of the old, can be viewed now as an illusion. Remember that you see “outside”, what is inside of you. If you change your world inside with your higher will and love of your heart, you will see and feel sooner than later your new world reflected “outside” of you.
We recommend that you study the laws of creation to understand this. This will help you to enter fully into your God-given, creative potential and power.

When you do this you will attract the Divine Light and Fire into your own body and mind,  now running already through all beings and crystalline grids who are devoted to this glorious process of the creation of a new Divine World.

Gaia is joyful as never before and she asks all of you to be too! She needs you to join her in this, dearest humans, to lift her burden, as she feels what you feel. Only together you can complete this most wonderful adventure of your evolution in no time.

With deepest love!

The  Light Beings from the  Andromeda Galaxy

Message received by Ute

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Friday, November 11, 2011

My Personal 11.11.11 "Ascension" Report

Dear friends and readers of my blog,

I thought it would be encouraging for others to know that the magnificent 11.11.11 ascension activation - as foretold by many of our Galactic friends and channelers - is actually happening. Therefore I am reporting my own experience to give testimony of this event.
With no doubt- the energies today are extremely powerful. Living in Australia the 11.11 at 11:11 (o'clock) has already passed, and is wandering with the sun from my perspective towards the West so that we will have for another somewhat 20 hours a global 11.11 @ 11:11.

The process started for me actually already the day before yesterday. After I have been drawn to a so beautiful and brilliant Light far above my head, I felt, after my return, that I have been marked on my forehead, like: "she is ready to be a participant in the ascension process", of course meaning a growing responsibility for serving humanity thereafter. But, girls and boys, this is joy! And not a Reptilian kind of slavery!

Yesterday I felt like ‘sitting’ constantly  with my Arcturian family, with  signs in my body of being extremely brightened and expanded by light.

The process today began with a sensation of codes being downloaded into my body. I sat in mediation from very early in the morning  and experienced to be drawn into highest frequencies high above my head, appearing to me in brilliant white light. No colours or “places”. At the 11:11 mark I had a peak experience as if I have been drawn through a “hole”, not a black hole, but a white hole :) of extreme ecstasy and brilliance, but really not to describe. (I know it was at this time as I looked several minutes later at my watch, as I spontaneously opened my eyes.) There was also a unique and characteristic  smell which we do not have in the 3th dimension, and I remembered, ahh, that’s how high frequencies or higher dimensions can smell, because they were not just a vision but I felt them in and all over my body, so that that body was vibrating very high and felt flooded with light. This was very tangible.

At the same time I had several insights, such as: we create the dimensional “places”, because “mere” frequencies are not “enough” for us, we want something more to experience. I guess, in my case there were no “places” I went to, because I am a simple person, who is satisfied with the feeling of bliss and love, and don’t need “places”. 

Another experience was the work, together with Mother Earth. Since a while I had already felt the unity with her and literal non-separation from her, in my body. So the work “together” with her was to rise her energies, but better to say, not Her’s, but the frequencies She carries with her and which are those, humanity has created over the last Thousands of years (for whatever reason!). The work was to rise these rather heavy frequencies up to the heart. There they stood for a while, being stuck. And with the rays of Love and Compassion, suddenly emerging in the heart space, brilliant Light above the head ignited with Joy, and in the blink of an eye all heavy frequencies were raised up to above into the Light of the Heavens, to use this kind of image, to make it easier to understand.

So, this was great, as it means that Mother Earth has actually risen now forever above her former density and something has been taken from her.

Another experience was the meeting with other “co-workers” in this ascension process, with those who are here to assist Mother Earth and Humanity in their process. It was clear that we could not  share together a “certain place” were we would work together as a joined force.
Rather it seemed to be appropriate that each one of us would work from the “place” that was the one they have chosen to be, and that our joined force is the One of the Heart, that One Place of Unity, where we truly all melt, and melt with all humanity, regardless of the dimension in which they are existing.
From there it  was clearer than ever to me, that true ascension is Unity at the heart with all existence, and that 'dimensions’ are frequencies and ultimately illusions in that Truth of Unity.

While these experiences were all part of the “ascension” process, this changed in my case after 11:11 (o’clock). Because what came then was the "descension" process. In other words, to bring all that energy and all these frequencies down into the body. It started in my case with a very strange sensation of the head, as if it was not “my” head anymore, but was an “other worldy” head, which was sitting on my otherwise familiar human body.  This head – was it a new head? :) -  felt like being now of a different consistency and I have no idea what it means, and if it has perhaps something to do with the new crystalline structure.

While the Ascending process was in the first place definitely happening in the Arcturian Light-Energy, the descending process happened with the Andromedan Energy and Consciousness which pressed heavily down into my body and deep into Mother Earth. The Andromedan Energy is pretty much different to the Arcturian one, it is very much expanded and full and of highest vibration, so that the body needs some time of assimilation to recognize it as “light”. This was for me  a most profound grounding of my Andromedan family conscious light  into my body in an intensity which has not been possible for me before. During this descending process I also very shortly “visited” on my way my other cosmic homes, one on Sirius A with the beautiful and loving Lion Beings and the other with the Agarthans of Inner Earth.

Looking back it feels as if 'something’ of ‘me’ has left and stays there, high above in this light of brilliance at the peak of my ascension process, and I am wondering whether “I” am gone and somebody else is now sitting here. :). But who knows! This whole Divine Play is very astounding and there is definitely a joyful and humorous game going on, The Great One Amusing Him-Her-Self outrageously!

So far my 11.11 experience, and I encourage everyone, to report and share their own experience here with others.

Now, having written this down, I go back to meditation to see what’s next.
This is an exiting journey.

Much love to you all,

See also
"My personal update: Bardo or what?" from 3.12.11
"The Elohim and the Ascensionplan for Earth and Humanity" 
St.Germain: Learn from 11.11.11
After the Grand Decision of the GF council meeting
The Humming Sound of Transformation
My Conversation with Gaia
My Conversation with the Spirit of the Sun

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Listen to this message on YouTube

Dear Ones, we are the Arcturians,

It is time now to recover from your ailments of the last Thousands of years, Beloved earth humans! We are observing with joy that many of you started to understand the signs of this time and woke up, especially to the service they originally have incarnated for at this time on earth.

Many of you are now suddenly recognizing and understanding what the deeper meaning of your presence on Gaia is, — and this is mostly a surprise but carries also a lot of satisfaction.

Naturally, your soul and heart are now finally able to fully participate in life, which has been for many of you very difficult, because you could not find any real meaning in your lifes, other than purify yourselves to come to a spiritual understanding of existence and of your own nature.

Now to understand, that this process was the very meaning of your life because it was needed to purify the deep densities of earth, which you helped with the purification and spiritualizing process of your own body-minds, is extremely liberating for you and you experience to be profoundly  energized.

Therefore this time now has in some sense become a celebration for you, although the situation on earth has not yet officially recovered to love and peace which is the original characteristic of humanity.

When we made the first time contact with some of you, many years ago in the 70s, our contactees were still living in an environment with people who were utterly unaware of other galactic civilizations and planets who, as a whole, lived and practiced together in their societies spiritual life. They knew that the Divine Source Energy is Love and that all existence is originating from It.

Now, only after 40 years on your planet, this situation has changed profoundly. More and more people on earth are aware of this truth and spreading it among others. Your planet Earth is even now on a point in your history where She will go through a transformation of a greatness and uniqueness, that never before happened.

Many more of you started to communicate with us, some of them can see us, many of you are in telepathic contact with us and more and more can feel the high vibration of our light bodies.

This is magnificent and such quickening of your evolutionary process is astounding and without comparison!

Dear earth humans, and now you have arrived at a point in your history where you will make the greatest leap you ever have encountered!
Of course, it is not new for you, that on 11.11.11 massive new energies will be activated which can catapult you into higher dimensions.

But for this to happen, you must be able to be in a disposition of an energetic “expectancy”. Your heart must be able to reach out and anticipate this great flux of new energy and light to flow  into your own energetic system. When this happens, you will be able to jump in your consciousness and understanding into a completely new dimension of experience. You might have visited these places where you are going now to arrive before, but it makes a difference whether you visited only or whether you arrive at a place for good, dear ones!

When you arrive for good, this can mean many things, depending on your soul contract, but also depending on your level of preparedness. It might be that, once arrrived, you will not ‘return’ to the 3 dimensional world and that you will just drop your  physical body. Only in the case that your frequency is of the highest light, a physical body of your nature can be dissolved directly into light. But this will be very rare as this requires that you have already accomplished  a very high spiritual realization.

So most of you who are able to maintain their place in the higher dimensions, will be able – through their newly awakened multidimensionality – to stay with their physical body simultaneously in the 3th dimension, whereby their bodies will be transformed  and assume a crystalline structure. This can happen very quickly but could perhaps  be physically difficult for some, because of the adaptation of their body to their new frequency and at the same time, the hightened sensitivity to the lower vibration of the 3th dimension.

However, as this process also implies that their new crystalline  bodies can take on and hold significantly more light, that they do not have to suffer, as they did before in their old carbon based body, in the midst of lower and denser energies.

Bottom line is, that none of you has experienced this unique transformation and there will be people who do not experience any problems and who will have a very easy transition into their new body- and frequency-system, while others, depending on their history of perception and experience, might have to struggle in the beginning. But this will not last for long. For all the adaptation will be successful in a short time.

Those who do not arrive for good in the higher dimensions,  might experience them perhaps relatively shortly, and then, as they are not prepared, to stay there, come back, holding this new experience in their memory. But some of them will be able to visit these new  and higher dimensional places more and more often, until they adapted to it in consciousness and in their energy system, so that they can stay there permanently. In some cases they will drop their body too, or live from then on multidimensionally, depending where their service is.

The experience of this whole process has many different varieties, as each human being is unique, but there will be of course people with similar or identical experiences. They will find each other and join in groups together, as their soul level and spiritual experience is similar and these groups belong to soul families. Drawn to each other as a soul family, they will do their service to help humanity to ascend in due course of the year 2012 and thereafter.

Dear Ones, you are now at the threshold of your great adventure in your history, where there is no return to your old way of life. From now you will jump in big leaps along your ascension path. And you will leave behind your life of difficulties and suffering, as Mother Earth and Her new energies will carry and transport you to new and never before experienced shores  where all your heart desires are fulfilled.

We know that most of you who came to Mother Earth for service, were never able during their incarnation in these times, to just rest and to 'enjoy' life as many other of their human fellows did and even lived for, because you always felt a huge weight on your shoulders, knowing, you had to do something important, but mostly not knowing, what it was. Now you can understand, but you will also start to experience —perhaps for many the very first time— the true joy of undisturbed mere being, as you have arrived at your destination and as  this will be, in your new experience, the means, to assist your human family to ascend in the coming months and – perhaps years.

There is no exact and accurate ‘time frame’ we can tell, because there are many unknown factors, as each human being follows their own unique process and learning curve. But we can tell that the great shift is already on its way - in a mighty and powerful way. And ultimately, it will never end, because all is always on their path of evolution and expansion in the Heart of God.

Be well and be Blessed, dear ones!
We are your family in the Consciousness of the Cosmic Christ.

We are the Arcturians!

Message received by Ute

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


 Listen to this message on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Dearest earth humans,

We have a very important message for you at this special and outstanding time in your experience of your earth’s evolution and ascension process.
Today we can confirm that Gaia is indeed on her way to the fourth dimension, and this is happening to her very body!

Wondrous things are occurring on your world, but many of you are not aware of it. If so,  you are holding firmly onto your 3dimensional perception.

But in reality Gaia is now shifting and moving - slowly though - into her new freedom. She is on her way to fulfill ancient prophecies now, and heaven has given Her all the Blessings to experience this most joyful event, which also many of you are experiencing now in their own bodies.

Dear Ones, we recommend that you from now on avoid as much as you can the cities where harmful and toxic radiation is preventing your direct experience of higher  dimensional realities because of its very low frequencies, which can distort your ability to receive harmonious and Divine vibrations, and which are often mixed with messages with the intention to prevent your consciousness to awaken in light.

Seek as often as you can the undisturbed environment of Nature, to restore your energy system, and feel the actuality of your Mother Earth’s shifting.

We also recommend that you - if possible - stay on 11.11.11 in a natural environment, in a calm and secluded place, to take the greatest advantage of the magnificent and powerful waves of energy and light which are being activated on your planet on this day. We are sure that each one of you has chosen already such a place where you love to retreat, and find or restore your inner peace, disturbed by the hectic rush of your daily life.

To connect with a pure environment on your planet, allows you to connect easier with Gaia's Spirit, and while you connect with Her Spirit, you also will be able to connect with her shifting density.

Your Mother Earth knows each single one of you, but most have never noticed this, or have not connected themselves with Her or even built a relationship with Her. Dearest ones, in these times of great changes, it is important that you do this now! Your ascension occurs in union with Her, so how could you ascend if not closely connected with Her Spirit and Her body.
The evolutionary process is not only about the awakening of your consciousness, but also about a fundamental change of your physicality, which is one with your Earth Mother.

If you can overcome your doubt that you can communicate with Her, by firmly assuming the truth of it, by calling Her and expecting Her answer, - She WILL answer back to you! Connect with Her in your heart, connect with Her by allowing your body to be grounded deeply into Her. And She will respond and has many ways to do this. So let yourself be surprised as She knows what your heart loves! She is waiting so very much for each single one of you to make this connection!

Now you might be wondering why we, the Light Beings from your sister Galaxy, Andromeda, would remind you of these important things.

You must know that we maintain a very close relationship with Gaia, and therefore we see what She needs: the connection with Her humanity which She desires to be fully activated by your communion with Her. So that you can be  aware about Her movements, and thereby move together with Her. Not knowing Her movements and not being in synchronicity with them, is to a certain degree an impediment in the freely progressing ascension process, in which She, in Her unconditional love for you all, desires you to participate to the fullest. 

Furthermore, if you unite with Her, you will help to push for the shift in a more comprehensive way, whereby She is able to take from the beginning more members of the human family directly with Her, which allows to set free more and powerful energy, necessary for the ascension process.

If you cannot spend time in Nature, then wherever you are, you can still connect with Her, by grounding yourself and uniting with Her in your heart. But this requires that you have already developed your spiritual sensitivity. Whereas being in Her Nature you have enormous help from the Nature Spirits, to develop this sensitivity and your communion with Gaia.

When you are in Her beautiful Nature, always speak to Her and expect Her response, always assume that She Is Alive and Loves you, more than you can imagine!

This is the time now, where you all must work together, as one great Unity in consciousness, in love and in the greater reception of Divine Light into the Body of Humanity. We are certainly assisting you all in this process of awakening and the enfolding of your heart into the Greatness of Divinity.

Be Blessed, Beloveds! We shower from our Realms of Light eternal Love and Divine Light upon you and your Earth Mother!

Be at Peace, and Be Joy.
We Are the Beings of Light, from the Andromeda Galaxy.

Message received by Ute

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Listen to this message on YouTube

Dear Ones,
We Are the Arcturians!

You have been waiting for a very long time now to see your world shifting into her promised new and higher density. You have been proving immense patience and strength and many  also learned to understand the nature of your own creativity and the law of creation.
You started to understand your free will, meaning that you are free, to create a different situation than the one you are experiencing in any given moment. This is because you began to understand that any present circumstance is not a solid and eternal  situation but can be changed from the very moment on you recognize your non-agreement and your power of change that is yours.

With great joy we observe that many of you have come to the point were you were able to break free from the past and your seeming unavoidable bondage to it, but rather realized that you are given the power in any moment to insert and use a new set of vision and inspiration that enables you to create something different, carried by the new incoming light  and energy that you allow in this moment to flow and be the source of your new creation.

Dear earth humans, this is the glory of new humanity in which you are already participating and which more and more of you are discovering and bringing into play.
This is the way, dear ones, how you can change the current situation on your world which is still in the hands of the old and out-dated powers of those who do not have much future anymore.

We want to encourage you, each one of you, who is reading this message, to use your creative powers in a way, that you don’t look at the present moment, still governed by your controllers, and that you no longer allow to bind yourself to the images of darkness and all the suffering attached to it. Rather allow, regardless what they create in their thirst for domination and destruction, the light of a new creation into your mind and heart now. It is essential that you now, in this very moment, stop looking back into the old world with everything that is falling apart, and rise yourself into higher vibrations by visualizing, feeling and creating the foundation of the new world, you are already dreaming about.

What is important, is that you act as if your new world is already existing. This starts with peaceful and cooperative actions with your loved ones and also those you are not intimate with or not yet. Consider each and everyone as your family who is on their path of learning unity and unconditional love. Secondly, learn to live a life which is not dependent on false happiness. What we mean is, to drop your dependence on “consumer life”. Only acquire what you really need and do not support the industries and markets which are created to enrich your controllers and at the same time are aimed to distract you, by your desires from your true soul purpose. Learn to be content and in balance without unnecessary accumulation of things which you do not need to feel happy, but you might still think, they would make you “happy”, out of mere old habit. Learn discrimination and refrain from your old patterns with the tendency to consume things.

This also refers to the messages many of you are reading and listening to daily, such is this one. As long, as you do not learn from them, as long as you do not use them as a tool to grow humanly and spiritually, you engage consumer behavior, dear ones! 

All our messages and those from other members of the Light, involved and serving humanity’s ascension, must be taken serious and must be used in your daily life, if you feel they contain a message for you, so that you can make true progress in your evolution.

You can always ask questions if you do not understand the messages! Whether it is a “real” person you are turning to, or your invisible guides, be assured, if your question is serious, you will receive the answer you need.

Also know, that all your heart-desires regarding your ascension process will be fulfilled.
This is so as the desires of your heart are the motor at the core of your life process which moves you along your life contract which you signed before you incarnated in this life-time.

Further we want to encourage you, to trust yourself more, to trust your inner mover, the inner intention of your being, which you can feel in your heart.
This impulse is always free of any outside appearance, such as the establishment of your world, created by the intention of your controllers. Your inner impulse is the power of Divinity that took on your form, to free humanity, of which you are part of and from which you are inseparable, and who’s intention is the restoration of light and of love on earth.

This Divine Impulse is eternal, compared to the lesser impulses of your controllers. Always remember this, dear ones. Dare to dream the true Divine Dream at all times, knowing that the dreams of your controllers are necessarily only short, because what is of the light is the Power of the Divine in its Highest Existence Itself. The lighter the density the greater God’s Power. So allow God’s Power to re-establish Itself in your heart and creative dreams and actions, without giving your controllers a chance to take from you the slightest spot in your Divine World.

Unite with others, dear ones, to grow stronger, to share your new creations, but which must never be “against” others, but only always “for” the Glorious Divinity.
We also encourage you dearly, to forget anything your controllers have done to hurt you. Because if you do not, you only strengthen their power. Withdraw fully from their existence, and if your life is still under their laws in certain, or even in many ways, detach yourself from it in your heart, by maintaining equanimity and simultaneously keep your vision focused on your new world. This requires practice, of course, but this is what you are here for.

This will teach you that your are not your 3dimensional appearance, which experiences still a world, you do not really like,  but that you  are free in spirit and to love. Because is it this, what you Are! Divine Spirit, Divine Love.

Allow yourself to rise above the perception of a 3dimensional world and the identification with it. You have been always free of it, in Reality. Only your illusionary belief that you are just this 3dimensional appearance with all its experiences and limitations, cut off from the Divine Source, made it possible that your controllers ever had powers over you.

Do you see the difference and do you see your own true power which is that of Divinity and Eternity? To identify with your true nature is the means to create the New World and to ascend.

Some of you might ask: and how do I find my true Divine Nature? The first step is, to familiarize yourself with this truth of what you Are. Meditate on it, consider it to be true. Occupy yourself with the stories of those who have described their own Divinity and understand that you are looking directly into your own Divine Face, but which is still unconscious to you! True seekers of treasures never give up in their efforts to find them. And so do you! You will not give up to discover who you really are. It is time now for each one of you to wake up to your own truth, Beloved Ones!

We, the Arcturians, are your mentors and your guardians since unthinkable times. We have been once at the threshold where you are this precious moment in eternity. And it is humanity’s future to realize what we are now. Invoke your future now into your presence, dear ones.
The Light of the Divine is Calling you to accept and receive your rightful inheritance.

We love you, dearest ones, and we bless you on your path to ascension.

We Are the Arcturians!

Message received by Ute

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.