Showing posts with label Light Body. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Light Body. Show all posts

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
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Dear friends,

I remember when I was 1 year old, while laying in my little bed, that all of a sudden there was a  very loud, deafening bang and with it the perception of my world was altered by 180 degrees! Everything seemed to be upside down or as if a glove has been upended from inside out. 

Nothing was as it has been before, the freedom, the floating in free and unlimited Divine existence suddenly was seized and instead I seemed to be part of a reality in which everything appeared to be in separate pieces, like in boxes, everything separated from one another with straight lines.

And all of a sudden I seemed to be able to fit into this strange pseudo reality, and to suddenly understand the language spoken around me. All of a sudden I seemed to belong to a reality,  where everybody else already neatly fitted in, submitted to rules which everybody seemed always already undoubtedly and very self-evidently to understand, while for me it was still NOT so! To me nothing made sense, and only a mutual "agreement" about this strange experience seemed to justify it.

The years which followed have not been less astounding, and I was surprised how everybody around me took this compartamentalised life for real and absolute, extremely serious and without humor. I always have been asking myself, how people could be so sure about things, while I felt that this certainty was mere imagination. Still as time passed by I made my unavoidable adaptations to this game.

Later, after extensive travelings in India, at that time still the abode of spirituality incarnated, I noticed when I returned to the West, that everybody was carrying a little box in front of their forehead (symbolically spoken), where their whole life was happening in a compressed manner. The rest seemed to remain unused, while the content in that box was kept a secret from others. It was actually the constant chatter of the mind which keeps us apart from experiencing Real Life, which is the experience of life as conscious energy.

This perverted life is described otherwise as the hologram of illusion, the Fallen Ones have created once for us, because if we have been chopped into something, we are not, and which is a ridiculous persiflage of our true nature, we can be prevented from using our powers of Light and Divine Consciousness. We can be controlled, because only that can be controlled which is not alive, which is artificially manufactured.

We have been made cartoons of ourselves, and this tells us, who they are who created this version of an original human being. 

It has been done by splitting our brain in two halves to confuse our Divine Identity into something separate, so that we forget the quality of unity which is love.

This is the illusion most of us are suffering from, billions are still living this insanity, this error, without the ability to see through the veil and feel their Divinity, their wholeness, their naturally loving nature. 

But now, as new incredible high frequencies, or light and information is pouring down on this planet, who we are can become suddenly obvious to each single one of us, if we are inviting these precious gifts into our life. 

The old design and structures can fall apart, because they are not real. All which is not Real, all which is illusion and false, is collapsing now. The original Divine Codes of our Single Consciousness and of our light-bodies are being returned to us and we are being recreated in the midst of this old and already fading away false dream. And this clearly allows us to recognize its drollery.

That's why Enlightened Ones, the Saints and Adepts were rolling on the floor with laughter about this optical illusion, because it is really not more than this, as soon as we accept the manifestation of the true Reality of our Inherent Nature again. 

I call illusion what is not Divine, which is not born from the One Light of All-That-Is. The Fallen Ones created with their own distorted consciousness a lesser world, they have forgotten that  separation does not exist. It made us believe  that Unity needs to be created or even "re-created". 

But in Truth we only have to let go this hologram of illusion to discover that there is Only Unity, Oneness, it has always been there. We are a manifestation of love, it has been always so. We only need the courage to melt this holographic box in the infinite space of our heart.

I know many of you recognize this game of deception, it depends on how we perceive reality, we just need to look with eyes who are above our physical ones. Silently we might see and return to the obvious Truth!

Much Love and Many Blessings,


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Friday, April 27, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©201
 Improved Version
Watch on YouTube 

Dear friends,

It is for many difficult to accept the absence of mind boggling happenings  = being constantly fed by exciting information so that the mind can rotate and one does not have to truly do the work, the inner work, the work of conscious awakening.

Most  people want to be entertained: when will happen what. How will the world look like tomorrow, what are the promises, what can we expect. 

Unfortunately the (profound) change we are waiting for does not work like this, otherwise we would have already experienced it, and especially not with the ascension process. We have to come to know ourselves first before we can "ascend". 

Even though it is said that evolution is given to us for free, this does not mean that there will be a Big Bang, and everybody is enlightened all at once.

It is still each individual’s own process which involves an individual "time"-frame, and what our Galactic friends and other Sources are trying, is to inspire us and keep us moving, but the move itself truly does not happen outside, but within, to begin with.

The evolutionary process is being done by each single one of us and not by any force and consciousness off the planet. They can only offer guidance, inspiration and also help with rising our energy and light quotient by holding a space of light for us,  and by rising the frequency of our world. But it is always us who must do the work. Nobody will do it FOR us, although many are hoping so and mistakenly believing it. Water can be offered to us, but it is us who must drink it. Sometimes we are not yet able to drink because of certain obstacles. So we must first remove the obstacles to be able to drink. But eventually everybody of us will drink. However this is a question of "time"!

The process of evolution is therefore an individual process too, always has been, only that it is now easier than ever before because the global and solar and universal "trend" and light frequency is now going in unison into this direction. Therefore this time offers an incredible chance for evolution.

Not so before. It has been so far the heroic act of a very few who achieved degrees of enlightenment - against the odds of the very low frequencies and  consciousness of a dark environment. They are known to us as the spiritual masters of humanity.

Now we all have more support and can be in the flow WITH the energies when we evolve and are being all supported on that path. But this does not mean that we have not work to do. 

As enlightenment has always been a process in consciousness and rising the light quotient of the body, so evolution is. It is to a great deal a false “New Age” philosophy which looks at evolution merely from the point of view of the mind that changes perspective and understanding of our history, environment and limiting functioning since Millenniums. But the awakening of a broader conceptual mind is not sufficient. The lower mental level is only a part of our structure but does not match our true identity. Even so this level of mind is important,the use of it to its full extend is only the very beginning.

Certainly, to welcome our Galactic family into our lives and open up to the universe is a wonderful and very liberating step in our evolutionary process, but as long as we look at our galactic family as an extension of our 3dimensional consciousness, nothing really evolutionary is happening with us, as we are merely projecting our present situation and self-identification onto other realities. It is like the belief in a Father-God with a beard.

I consider our star brothers and sisters as beings who are far more evolved than humanity in general is, as most of them have been going already through the process we are now going through. The belief that we only need to drop this body and we are enlightened, is just not right. Because why then have there been the cycles of birth and rebirth since eons on this planet while we are still a very un-enlightened society? Because this very body-mind hasn’t been enlightened! And it is the enlightenment of the body-mind that sets our spirit free.

We cannot blame our "controllers" for that because there HAVE been a few who achieved a state of enlightenment, in spite of the dark times. And again only very few took the chance and were drawn to them for instructions.  And if more of us would have been waking up already, we would have  certainly made sure that the controllers would have left already the planet, but nothing like that did happen yet. 

We must face the reality and not fall for a superficial New Age propaganda which makes promises on false presumptions and which is therefore rather dangerous. A mere collecting of information is alarming as long as there is no intention to personally engage in an actual spiritual practice. Merely feeding the mind with information is just another avoiding of responsibility for ourselves. The mind is exactly the place where our controllers want us to have, because if we mainly exist on this level, we do not practice our full humanness. 

We all must come to the point, to find all we need in ourselves, we must all personally evolve our higher faculties, which is  discriminative intelligence (higher mind) and the heart, but which is only the first step in developing our true spirituality.  

As this is a planet of free will, only if we are willing to genuinely evolve, the life on this planet will truly change. To expect change outwardly first, is an illusion. And it is already commonplace to say that WE ourselves must BE the change we want to see. A would be reality  based on mental ideas is vane and never satisfactory, as the search for information goes on and on. 

Merely to be inspired is not enough, we must act on this inspiration. We must widen our understanding, we must go deeper, we must know ourselves, we must know our thoughts and our emotions, and actively go beyond them, we must transcend ourselves, to establish a platform for peace and true love. This will change our world.

With all that being said: it is important to understand that we do not need to be "perfect", meaning being a "saint" with no emotions and personal flaws, just sitting around in "holiness", motionless, without a sign of life. Such idealization is an illusion. We are still in a 3dimensional environment where such perfection is not programmed and not possible to achieve. This is still a realm of duality. But we need to truly know our deepest truth, our Divine Essence and let it govern fully our life. And we can only know It when we understand all our thoughts and emotions for what they are and not merely think about them or suppress them in our unconsious. Self-discovery cannot be avoided and the chatter of mind must be transcended to come in touch with our True Nature. Even the Nature of Love must be rightly understood.

Can we all do this? Sure we can, it is only a matter of will and agreement with ourselves. And with all that, there is a growing number of voices who see this process taking more than 200 years until finally our world will have been completely changed.

This is  quite possible because how many of us are ready to enter the path of real self-understanding. On the other hand, 200 years in the face of timelessness is nothing and a short moment only in the higher dimensions. 

There is also talk about the splitting of earth, even in 3 parts or timelines. One for those who ascend now, one for those who ascend later and one for those who prefer the situation as is and worse.

I personally do not see Gaia splitting in 3 parts! Would you yourself like to split like that? Gaia wants quickly to return fully to that Christed state where she is originally coming from. But there are many other planets to go to and who would exactly fit the vibration of those who would not choose to ascend in the very near future. On these other planets everybody has the opportunity to awaken at their own pace.

I just felt the urge to take that hype out of this sometimes insane New Age ideas. And there are some who sense that this misleading New Age philosophy has been planted into our consciousness by our controllers themselves, so that they could continue to manipulate us. Because as long as we are not grounded in ourselves, we are like dry leaves in the wind of mind and prone to deception. As long as we are not deeply rooted in Gaia we cannot be trees who reach the skies, conducting and merging the energy and light of heaven and earth in our body. The trees are by the way our ancestors.

The Pleiadians call our body a cosmic library. We need to become fully conscious of all its content. And by doing so we allow light to enter. This is the process of enlightenment. Literally. It is about this body, to allow the light to circulate through it. This process is the basis for realizing Divine Consciousness. Being preoccupied merely with the lower mind does prevent this process. And that is exactly what our controllers wanted to happen.

These few words touch only the tip of the iceberg. But they needed to be said, and I am aware that some might not like it. But a deep love for humanity is the motivation that drives me to speak up.

Many blessings,

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright© 2011
 Listen to this message on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Dearest Ones,

We are here today to transmit this important message to humanity. All should know the significance of this extremely special time.  You are all blessed beyond measure in your very soul. Never before have you been able to do such a big step forward in your evolutionary pathway. We would like to make you aware of this fact!

Therefore it is of uttermost importance that you consciously and diligently use this time and take advantage of it. Now you are able to grow significantly, using the wings of the current flow of incoming blessed divine energies which are supporting and carrying your planet into it’s new position in the higher dimensions. If you are able to flow with this current, you will receive a great push towards your own higher vibrational growth and accomplishment of a more advanced light body. This includes the development of the higher mind and the heart.

Please understand that ascension is not just an event in your thinking mind, as many believe, but in the first place an energetic process which will catapult your present frequency of body, mind and emotion into a higher level of intelligence, wisdom and heart-opening.
The higher your vibration, the higher your divine intelligence and the capacity to love.

In this process it is however necessary to understand your mind which operates on many levels, not just on the conceptual level, but gradually develops and exists on levels up to the most high and subtle form, which is ultimately called the mind of God. Higher mind is never disturbed or is missing tranquility or is wandering constantly around. Higher Mind is carrying wisdom and is able to use free awareness and is not interfered by lower emotions.

Therefore it is of advantage to exercise the higher mind as it utilizes the higher qualities of the human being. The higher mind transcends your everyday understanding of life. It is not linear and black-and-white thinking, it is rather circular and able to perceive realities on different levels simultaneously without interference of the lower personality. Of course you can exercise these higher capabilities with your will. But it is ultimately always the increase of your level of frequency required as a basis for the development of your higher human qualities.

How would you do this, to begin with? As we recommended, what you need to do is to rise your light quotient. And this can happen when you rise your feeling capacity for energy! If you do, if you are able to feel energy, to feel frequency, it is because you are consciously transmuting the density of your lower emotions into free feeling, which in turn allows you to receive more light into your system.

We cannot enough emphasize, that the ascension process is based on the rising of your level of frequency or your light quotient. Without it there is no true growth. All is energy, all is frequency. If you are not able to feel frequency it is because you have not dealt yet with your emotions, you have not cleared them yet, you have not dared yet to feel them exactly as they are. If you haven’t done it yet, it means, that all these emotional energies, which you have not allowed yourself to feel, are like deep blockages in  a streaming river. They are like accumulated pieces of debris piling up, while the water is streaming around them. But these blockages reduce greatly your capacity to feel. Energy can only be felt. 

Therefore you have work to do, dear ones! You cannot avoid it, you have to surrender to this process and allow yourselves to be purified. To do this, you first must be willing to feel, and even if your emotions are very painful. But know that even emotional pain is ultimately a form of energy, and that you are not it. You are merely the observer. You can look at it as something which has been stored in your system and which can be released now forever, just by allowing yourself to accept and fully feel it 

There is no other way, but know that the incoming energies are your great helpers, as they are pressing now on all your unresolved blockages, which can make feel you uneasy, nervous, upset or just very uncontent with yourself.

All these feelings must be accepted fully, exactly as they are. They are not to be avoided by any means. Take your time, dear ones, and do this most important and courageous work! Feel what you have accumulated in your system, stored in your energy field. And as you feel it all, one by one, a growing clarity and lightness will emerge in your being, freeing your body and  heart more and more and awakening your capacity to freely feel more and more everything, now even the more subtle and finer frequencies of light, and last not least: true Happiness!

Dear ones, there have been Millions before you, who have been going through these processes already. They have been courageous at a time where most of you were still deeply unaware of these necessary procedures of purification. They went already through great pain, and they did it, not only for themselves, but for all humanity, for all their brothers and sisters. As they worked so deep and thorough, they have made the way much easier for you now. While they, as single individuals,  needed often years to deal with certain very painful issues, you all can now go through your purification processes  in a few days or weeks already, if you are working seriously and if you do not let yourself off the hook! 

The incoming new energies help you greatly with this process so that it is now not difficult anymore for you. It has been difficult before, but it is not anymore. What many others have done already long before you, you can now do too! The path has been paved for you, dear ones, and you can now almost comfortably walk that path with much less pain, or at least an enormous shortening of the process.

We have encouraged you to walk that path of purification so that you will be able to rise your light quotient, together with many others. This is the great human awakening that has arrived! 

We are always with you, ready to support and help you. All what is needed, is your willingness and the desire of your heart to be free of your old baggage, which is only an unnecessary burden now. Have trust and faith in the process, in which you all are involved, by default! The process is happening anyway and your agreement and surrender to it makes it a blessed one.  Because if you collaborate, all will happen with much less pain and you will even experience happiness in the midst of difficulties, knowing that they are only very temporary and the sure indication, that you are about to be free of them.

Freedom from old baggage entails a natural increase of your vibration and permits higher light to enter your body and mind. This new freedom allows you to feel more, to start to feel frequencies and soon light itself, which is a higher vibration.
Think positiv and exercise positive feelings, whatever you do, because positive actions are rising your energy field as well. 

You see, it is all up to you, your sensitivity for your own energy field and of that around you is your own responsibility. Be patient with yourself and give yourself all the time you need. But do not delay and do not doubt. Follow your path of freeing yourself from old burdens steadily and with confidence. When you think that you made a mistake, don’t dwell on it, but  continue with faith on your path.

Remember, these are the most blessed times, humanity has experienced since Millenniums. Take advantage of it. Use this unique tailwind which makes your process so much easier than it would have been at other times. Go quickly through a process that took others years.

We bless and support you and embrace you with all our love!
We already can see you free of all your suffering and radiant in the New Light and the Love of the Divine!

We are the  Light Beings of the Andromeda Galaxy!

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Listen to this message on YouTube

Dear Ones, we are the Arcturians,

It is time now to recover from your ailments of the last Thousands of years, Beloved earth humans! We are observing with joy that many of you started to understand the signs of this time and woke up, especially to the service they originally have incarnated for at this time on earth.

Many of you are now suddenly recognizing and understanding what the deeper meaning of your presence on Gaia is, — and this is mostly a surprise but carries also a lot of satisfaction.

Naturally, your soul and heart are now finally able to fully participate in life, which has been for many of you very difficult, because you could not find any real meaning in your lifes, other than purify yourselves to come to a spiritual understanding of existence and of your own nature.

Now to understand, that this process was the very meaning of your life because it was needed to purify the deep densities of earth, which you helped with the purification and spiritualizing process of your own body-minds, is extremely liberating for you and you experience to be profoundly  energized.

Therefore this time now has in some sense become a celebration for you, although the situation on earth has not yet officially recovered to love and peace which is the original characteristic of humanity.

When we made the first time contact with some of you, many years ago in the 70s, our contactees were still living in an environment with people who were utterly unaware of other galactic civilizations and planets who, as a whole, lived and practiced together in their societies spiritual life. They knew that the Divine Source Energy is Love and that all existence is originating from It.

Now, only after 40 years on your planet, this situation has changed profoundly. More and more people on earth are aware of this truth and spreading it among others. Your planet Earth is even now on a point in your history where She will go through a transformation of a greatness and uniqueness, that never before happened.

Many more of you started to communicate with us, some of them can see us, many of you are in telepathic contact with us and more and more can feel the high vibration of our light bodies.

This is magnificent and such quickening of your evolutionary process is astounding and without comparison!

Dear earth humans, and now you have arrived at a point in your history where you will make the greatest leap you ever have encountered!
Of course, it is not new for you, that on 11.11.11 massive new energies will be activated which can catapult you into higher dimensions.

But for this to happen, you must be able to be in a disposition of an energetic “expectancy”. Your heart must be able to reach out and anticipate this great flux of new energy and light to flow  into your own energetic system. When this happens, you will be able to jump in your consciousness and understanding into a completely new dimension of experience. You might have visited these places where you are going now to arrive before, but it makes a difference whether you visited only or whether you arrive at a place for good, dear ones!

When you arrive for good, this can mean many things, depending on your soul contract, but also depending on your level of preparedness. It might be that, once arrrived, you will not ‘return’ to the 3 dimensional world and that you will just drop your  physical body. Only in the case that your frequency is of the highest light, a physical body of your nature can be dissolved directly into light. But this will be very rare as this requires that you have already accomplished  a very high spiritual realization.

So most of you who are able to maintain their place in the higher dimensions, will be able – through their newly awakened multidimensionality – to stay with their physical body simultaneously in the 3th dimension, whereby their bodies will be transformed  and assume a crystalline structure. This can happen very quickly but could perhaps  be physically difficult for some, because of the adaptation of their body to their new frequency and at the same time, the hightened sensitivity to the lower vibration of the 3th dimension.

However, as this process also implies that their new crystalline  bodies can take on and hold significantly more light, that they do not have to suffer, as they did before in their old carbon based body, in the midst of lower and denser energies.

Bottom line is, that none of you has experienced this unique transformation and there will be people who do not experience any problems and who will have a very easy transition into their new body- and frequency-system, while others, depending on their history of perception and experience, might have to struggle in the beginning. But this will not last for long. For all the adaptation will be successful in a short time.

Those who do not arrive for good in the higher dimensions,  might experience them perhaps relatively shortly, and then, as they are not prepared, to stay there, come back, holding this new experience in their memory. But some of them will be able to visit these new  and higher dimensional places more and more often, until they adapted to it in consciousness and in their energy system, so that they can stay there permanently. In some cases they will drop their body too, or live from then on multidimensionally, depending where their service is.

The experience of this whole process has many different varieties, as each human being is unique, but there will be of course people with similar or identical experiences. They will find each other and join in groups together, as their soul level and spiritual experience is similar and these groups belong to soul families. Drawn to each other as a soul family, they will do their service to help humanity to ascend in due course of the year 2012 and thereafter.

Dear Ones, you are now at the threshold of your great adventure in your history, where there is no return to your old way of life. From now you will jump in big leaps along your ascension path. And you will leave behind your life of difficulties and suffering, as Mother Earth and Her new energies will carry and transport you to new and never before experienced shores  where all your heart desires are fulfilled.

We know that most of you who came to Mother Earth for service, were never able during their incarnation in these times, to just rest and to 'enjoy' life as many other of their human fellows did and even lived for, because you always felt a huge weight on your shoulders, knowing, you had to do something important, but mostly not knowing, what it was. Now you can understand, but you will also start to experience —perhaps for many the very first time— the true joy of undisturbed mere being, as you have arrived at your destination and as  this will be, in your new experience, the means, to assist your human family to ascend in the coming months and – perhaps years.

There is no exact and accurate ‘time frame’ we can tell, because there are many unknown factors, as each human being follows their own unique process and learning curve. But we can tell that the great shift is already on its way - in a mighty and powerful way. And ultimately, it will never end, because all is always on their path of evolution and expansion in the Heart of God.

Be well and be Blessed, dear ones!
We are your family in the Consciousness of the Cosmic Christ.

We are the Arcturians!

Message received by Ute

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


We are the Arcturians!

As you know we are called the healers and  guardians of humanity.  We serve you with great love and know much about the emotional pains most of you have experienced and still are experiencing during this incarnation, and even many other of your incarnations on earth.

Many of you are carrying deep wounds which seem never to heal. We want to remind you that all these  wounds are nothing but energy blocks you hold on to, and about which you are often unconscious. You are holding these blockages in your chacras and in the layers of your subtle bodies, and each time a certain issue seems to be tapped on in your life, and even if only remotely similar to the original cause,  you repeat the same drama of pain and suffering again, deeply identified with it, and thereby re-affirming and more enforcing this energy blockage. Know that there is nobody who is doing this 'to' you. It is all your own doing. And you are free to live without it!

But when you look outside for the reason of your suffering, you step into the experience of duality by dramatizing your victim-culprit consciousness over and over again.
Dear ones, as long as you do this, you will never recover!

However, be assured, help is underway! All these negative emotional energy packages will be soon released from the ethereal field of Mother Earth. But you yourself must take responsibility for your new freedom too.

As the new and liberating  frequencies are now sweeping the Earth you are all given the opportunity to rise up with them above your lower emotional body into the spiritual light of your deeper being.
As such you are able now to observe your emotions and pains as denser and darker energy fields in your physical and emotional body. You can do this without identifying with them, without blaming neither yourself nor others, or anything else, but just by accepting what you have accumulated perhaps over many lifetimes.

As you have become the observer only, you can call upon us to help you with our beaming healing light to open these dense energy fields and slowly to fill them with spiritual light. Darkness cannot exist where light is, and all depends on your faith in the light whose Source is Love.  Join us in this healing process by shining your own love in these dark fields.

Dear ones, your suffering is over, there is no place for it to persist, only if you choose to hold on to it, because you believe in the truth of it and in its necessity.

Beloveds, suffering is where Divine Light is absent. But as your earth is now more and more soaked in Light, you can let go of your personal dramas and join forces with your bright and radiant future. There is no reason and no “right” you have, why you should continue to hold on to the past. It is not about “you” and “others”, and what you and they did, it is about unity, it is about joining together in the core essence of your heart where there is boundless freedom, where Divinity Shines. Let this Divinity Shine in your heart.

The process of ascension requires that you  let go of everything which is not what you truly are: a Being of Light, a Being who Is Love. The dark dream is over, dear ones, there is nowhere to go but into the Light.

If you listen with an open heart you know that Love is the answer to all your suffering. And we do not speak about a love which you “give” to some “other” being, we speak of the Love as a Power which is greater than “you” or “an other”, which is a force which is here now on your planet to be accepted into your life. It is the greatest power of transformation, it is the greatest power of healing, it is the greatest power that dissolves all pain, all suffering, all blockages and all illusions of the past.

You are that Love.Of that we want to remind you!  
And why would you allow yourself to be less than that.

We embrace you and bless you!
We are the Arcturians

Message received by Ute

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Listen to this message on YouTube

We are the Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah, seeding earth and humanity with the light of ascension.

Dearest Ones,

Blessings, Blessings! If you could see and feel our joy! But even if you do not feel it or see it, it IS important for you to know that it exists, that there is unspeakable joy in the heavens, that earth has been recovered from the densities of the forces who do not yet yearn for the bliss and love of the Divine.

What we mean by “earth has recovered” is, that all signs for  this recovery are set for your course of liberation and freedom in the subtle realms, in the realms of light and that there is no return to the old and dense way of life which has been lived for thousands of years by humanity, with a very few exceptions. These exceptions all came from spiritually advanced civilizations and heavenly domains, to help your world to not loose the connection to the light, to always keep a flame burning, to always keep the torch of the vision of the Light and the Presence of Divinity and the Ultimate Source of existence alive. They were the ones you called Masters, Saints and Adepts, and some of them were the ones who founded the great religions of humanity.

But now, dear ones, the time has come, where all of you will be keeping this torch high and becoming a flame, a light of the Divine yourself, as the shadows of the old world are lifting. All manifest worlds are supported by Divine rays and the great universal cycles in the creation of God.
And now your page is turning and it has been turned around already in the subtle worlds, where your new world already exists. To manifest In greater densities it takes some, what you call “time”, but know that your new world will be lifted from her current density to a more radiant one. It is called the 4th or 5th dimension, but all what it is, is that your world’s frequency and yours will change dramatically to a state where “matter”, as you understand it now will not exist anymore and where Gaia’s body, your body and all things you know on your earth, will be of a different and more transparent consistency, transparent to the Light of God Who Is the All-That-Is. It will be therefore a Divine Creation and all your dark and fearsome dreams will vanish.

You see, because we, the Light Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah, are dancing as God’s sacred flames, pouring now Divine Light into your world, are so joyful, you can be most joyful too. Divine Light from the Highest Source is not just an ‘etheric’ something, a thing of the mind, an idea, something somehow pale, as you might imagine it.

No, Divine Light is the most Real Substance you ever could experience. It is more real than a tree you touch with your hands, because it is not “created”, it is the very substance of existence itself.
When you experience it, pouring as current into your body, it might feel first like thick and strong electricity, without color, pressing down and filling your body. It might awaken your heart and your spiritual center at the base of your body and it might, when your body has accepted it, feel like wonderful, beautifully cooling liquid light. And you might begin to “see” it as Radiance in the room everywhere, as the only real substance that exists.

Dearest Ones, to be receptive to this Light is all there is. It carries you to the new consciousness that is the destiny of humanity. Do not be concerned. You only need to be ready to receive this Light, by releasing the density of negative thinking and emotion and by inviting this Divine Light into your being with the love of your heart. You have to give room and step aside, dear humans, in order to do so.  And there is much help given to you by visible and invisible servants of the  Divine.  It is all the Grace of God Who does the work, but you must be ready to allow it. “You” must get out of the way.

Each day there are more of your brothers and sisters who awaken to this simplicity of how the Divine transforms your world. More and more, we can see and feel, have themselves dedicated to participate in this most beautiful process of “enlightening”. It is your birth right, and this is the real reason why you are here.

There are no other reasons, although your society has told and your teachers have taught you otherwise.  This is part of the brainwashing programs, even good-hearted human beings believed in. 

Fulfilling your daily tasks and responsibilities, is an opportunity to allow this Divine Light more and more in every circumstance into your life. And so you become a Grace for the world, a precious gift, the most Sacred Gift you ever could be in your world amidst your human family.

We are already with you on this earth. We are not “far” away, as you might think, no, we are here, and the Divine Work is done from moment to moment, unfolding further in a most joyful way. This great joy is already amongst you. It is you who must discover this truth and let go of your old view, to pull down the heavy veil from your sight and allow to see what there is already emerging, perhaps still  hidden by the old nightmares of your past.

Your nightmares are but a deep illusion, they are not true, they are deceiving you. True is only What the Light of God Is, because it is the Source of all appearances and is eternal.
You can participate in this eternity too, if you accept your heritage as a being of Divinity. What you have been thinking all the while until this present moment, of what you are: a flesh body only, mortal, with some little pleasures and greater pains, with some flickering and ideas of love, but soon all dry In the hopelessness of a gray world; to you we say: Stop it Now! The dark dream is over. This dark dream is just draining down now like whirling water in your sink. Don’t watch it. Watch the Light of God and His most wonderful new Creations.

We are here, with every one of you, and at least in your dreams you notice us, until you fully awaken to your new and radiant day.

We Love.
We are Love.
And we love you.

Message received by Ute
©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


We are the Light Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah,
seeding earth and humanity with the light of ascension.

Dearest Ones,

It is a most auspicious time. The Divine  Universes are Celebrating and we are Celebrating with them.

What are we Celebrating? We are Celebrating the Magnificent Divinity, the Source of all worlds and universes and beings. That Delicious One, That Most Beautiful One, That All-That-Is, That Only Eternal One.

Even though we are beings of Divine Light from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah, who are the Fire and Flames of God, we are as such not eternal, as we are still, although we have no bodies as you have, being confined by the limitation of our Consciousness, and we will ultimately merge and melt again and dive into Infinity.

Nobody and no thing is eternal, although you can experience the Eternal One in your very heart, by letting go of the awareness of your confining bodies.  But also your soul will finally, as the timeless circle of creation has it, become One again with your Source, the All-That-Is.

Celebrating That One is the most joyful Dance  that we and all universes can enjoy, as it magnifies the Glory and Radiance in all hearts of conscious beings. That One is not only living in your hearts, but in the heart of those you love, and in the hearts of those you do not love, even in the shadows you are afraid of.

While we Celebrate That One we are pouring the Flames of God into Earth and your bodies. If you allow!
These flames are cooling and delicious, melting your casual thoughts into calm and illuminated  waters and shower your body with delight, so that Only Love remains.

Know, that Celebrating the Divinity, That All-That-Is, Vibrates as the highest possible Frequency of Light and Consciousness of each one,  and rises thereby Joy and Ecstasy to unspeakable heights of experience, allowing the Divinity to emerge even more Glorious as the  Truth of all Existence.

Dearest Ones, we invite you to Celebrate with us now, joining the round of Brilliance and Beauty.
We are here to shift you into participation in this round, as it is the Divine Decree that your time has come to rejoice, leaving behind and forgetting your thoughts and feelings and world of separation, and entering into a place of radiant unity.

Why would you not desire to Celebrate such Perfection?
Why would you not yearn for greatest Happiness, and not less, in the forms of lesser worlds, where there are still shadows, very subtle ones, very hidden ones, almost not to recognize and to be aware of?

Celebration of that Infinite Blissful One rises your vibration each time when you do. And it will rise it in no time  to where you long to be on your path to ascension, because ascension is the sign of your vibration.

We are One with you, dearest Ones, we have been One with you always, in the One Heart of God, overwhelmed with the Joy, the Ecstasy, the Bliss and the Love of That Only One.

We are witnessing that Living Truth, Living as Divine Flames which can also be yours.
We embrace you in your Celebration. There is nothing Greater than That.
Be illuminated!

Message received by Ute

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Friday, October 14, 2011


We are the Light Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah*,
Seeding earth and humanity with the light of Ascension

Dear Ones,
Have you been rejoicing in Light as the waves of new consciousness are being released on your earth? And they continue to flood your reality even more each day!

Beloveds, this light is not only for infilling your bodies, it is to expand with It, to be part of It as a greater Consciousness that expands now your world!
Light is radiating without limitation, connect your heart and higher intelligence with it, let It replace every little and greater imperfection or feeling of being not complete! Of course having created an image of confined personality of yourself, you always will feel incomplete and somehow troubled. This is the cause of suffering. But suffering is now coming to an end for all of you who are willing to surrender to the Light of God.

The confined personality can never be complete, even filled with light to the degree of a fullness which does not allow you to let in anything of more Divinity. The shell has to be transcended into the infinite Light of God. It is Consciousness beyond your little brain, it comprises all that you can be.

Everything is made from light, this is your true identity and sign. It is the signature of your creation, because from what you can create is what you are made of from the beginning!

However the density of your current existence has not allowed you to feel this fully, although you may have a vision of it, a feeling of it, and an intuition of it.

With the removal of your shell — of even the slightest thinness – your unrestrained happiness and satisfaction will be set free. Then there will be no more feeling of non-completion, of something missing. Surrendering to the light is the greatest fulfillment and joy, as it is your true Heart, which has no boundary.

Your true Heart is That, it is Bliss, it is Infinity, it has all characteristics and also none of them at all.

In this state your suffering ends and there is no separation, not the slightest, there is no pondering whether you are right or wrong. It is transcended, because you Are all of that.

In your new world you will find yourself in a dance of non-ending joy and love is your existence.

Whenever you read these words, we bless and embrace you, so that you may be widened to the vision and ultimately the realization of this Truth.

We are One, dearest Ones, always have been, do not separate yourself, open your heart and feel the joy from above and the Divine Presence Which has been always yours.

We love you!
Message received by Ute

*Tse-Bo-Rah is Hebrew, meaning "Flames of God"
Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


This is St. Germain, Beloved ones!

This is the time now for everybody to look at their lives thoroughly and to see what is really worth to  keep and to continue with and what you need to leave behind!

We are very serious with this suggestion because there is very little time left to make a clear decision. To let go unnecessary and burdening contents allows you also to be more transparent for your new life soon to emerge, to be able to receive what is truly yours.

Many of you are still lingering with the doubt of choice what in your present life situation to give preference now. But we want to advise you that all what is not any longer worth even a thought at this moment, will anyway disappear from you sight before you know it. But if you have not released it by then, you will struggle and this will cause you unnecessary pain and confusion. And therefore  it will not allow you to fully be receptive for the new, glorious and happy events in your future and so much blessed life.

Know that you are each and all blessed beyond imagination. Why would you not empty yourself of useless loads to receive what the Divine has in store for you.
If you do not know where to begin — begin with your personal belongings. Give away what you do not need, only keep the utmost necessary in  your possession. Measure your decision about what to let go with the feeling of relieve and happiness when you let go. Basically you do not need so very much, do you!

While you sort your belongings notice the lightening process in your energy system which will tell you what to release next from your possession of thoughts, emotions, behaviors, beliefs, etc. Empty your house to be refreshed and ready for the new light that is now to sweep your earth and your whole solar system.

Dear dear children of earth, it is so important to understand this present moment! To understand that the “world” will not follow its usual course much longer. That radical  changes are awaiting you.
Would you not want to be prepared for your own best advantage?

The Light of God is Showering now upon you. It is full of love to satiate your heart, body and every cell of your being. Be prepared, dear ones.
I am standing here and asking you to listen and take my advice seriously.
May my words reach your innermost heart, the happiness of what your are in Reality. May this happiness be the impulse to clear what needs to be released in your life now.

I Am with you, I bless you, and the Love of God is always, always where you are!

I Am Ascended Master St. Germain

Message received by Ute 

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect. When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.