Showing posts with label Ascension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ascension. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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The time goes by and yet there is no time as you know, My Beloveds! 

I AM Eternal and in My Company there is no change but only Truth. Earth and all Her Beings Are in My Heart, and so the Cosmos is.

Why are you concerned about rise and fall, about greatness and commonness, victory and defeat in the course of The Great Cycles of Happening.

If your soul is ready, there is no re-action to all these things, because you have realized that nothing of these is you. Whatever you identify with, small or big, wonderful or poor, fear or anger and guilt, is just like a short and fluid move in the Eternity of My Being.

However do not be concerned about what your responses are.  Step back and know that you have fallen for illusion in this great round of cosmic events, earthly events, collective events and personal events.

Yet, unavoidably your body-mind will respond like water responds to the stone thrown into a pond. It  creates waves because everything is frequency and energy. There is constant movement. But whatever moves, is experience only and not you. Pain and enjoyment of the body-mind are the experiences you are here to learn. Without the instrument of body-mind you cannot learn it.

However many of you have forgotten their Own Truth That I Am. I Am None of all of that. In the midst of happenings I Am always Myself, Eternal, Happy,  Blissful and I Express Myself through Love. I Am Light beyond the rays of  cosmic light. And even if your body-mind ascends, I Am still Untouched from all of this! And so You Are - as We Are One.

Did you ever feel that even the process of ascension does not touch your True Self?
And how will you ascend if you are still clinging to duality that shows itself in ‘yes’ or ‘no’, in light and dark, in up and down?

My Light is Invisible and never changes or takes form. Only light that is derived from It by First Creator becomes visible to your higher senses. 
But you ARE from the beginning What I Am, beyond and prior to creation. You Are  Consciousness, Divine, beyond the brain and what your lower and the higher senses can perceive.

Your Essence IS Source Itself, because from There You Came.

To mingle with the currents of creation, high or low, is to loose your True Identity. To become less than What Is Real. In due  course of your many lives in all the multitudes and levels and dimensions of existence, you have learned much and experienced much, in order to know what is possible, and you have learned thereby that EVERYTHING is possible, EVERYTHING!

Still, you are searching endlessly for fulfillment in the realms of change, of appearance and disappearance! Forgetful of your Truth that is even prior to your once created soul, a pattern of Beautiful Divine and Sacred Geometry. But it is still only a tool to experience the manyfold of the universes.

Did you not notice that whatever your experience is, brings either joy or pain, and looses your interest after a short while, as you hasten to experience more, in other realms and worlds to satisfy forever your always restless heart?

Are you aware What you are truly searching for? Are you aware that your search will forever be in vain, never truly, fully happy, as what you seek in Truth in the very Deep of your Heart Is Me? Your Ancient Oceanic Being, the Un-changing One, the Eternal Happiness, All- Love, Light of Lights, That One That Fulfills and Satisfies your Heart in Plentitude and Fullness?  There, where no search arises, knowing that no world, no experience can ever be compared with the Ultimate Full-Fillment Itself, That You Truly Are.

Be What I Am, Realize Me, and then go and enjoy whatever you want to enjoy!
It might even be that you then Know that there is no greater Enjoyment than Myself. No Greater Satisfaction than Myself. No Love Greater Than Myself.     

At that point you will discover Me in all Creation, that I Am Myself all Creation, that all Creation is Made from Me with My I Am. Even your duality is nothing but I AM. You Are I Am. All Is I Am, Earth Is, every animal Is. Every plant and mineral.

So do not go and look for separate beings. Look for Me Only, See and Feel Me in All-There-Is. Because There Is Only Me. My Divine Consciousness. My Love. My Embrace. Do not  go and look for less.

Enlightenment is NOW, even in this world of pain and scarcity. Fullness comes to you if you can realize this. Find Me in all things and you will awaken to Real Non-Separation and Unity, as you have found your True Identity, the Ocean in which all things arise.

I Am here and not there! Do not seek Me somewhere, but feel Me Now Where I Am. Because in you there is a door to Eternity, I Am In you. And I am As You. I Am not only a little spot in You, but What I Am As You, Transcends all forms and limitations.

I Have Been Always Present, but your are looking somewhere  else, in separate objects and events and experiences!

Open and Expand. Do not think but notice Me, the Mystery of Me, Everywhere Present As Is.   No time. No coming and going. Simply Me. Do not seek. Be. Now. Notice. Breathe. Allow. Love. Stay with It. Don’t move. And allow this Eternity to Become You.  Have the courage to Be It and not less.

This is how you ascend to What You Are.

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, September 7, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Message from our God-Self

I AM always Eternally your own deepest and purest  Self, always available to you. You always depend on Me, you always live in Me, I always live you. But your mind does not know Me. Your mind is not surrendered to Me and does not serve Me.

You are slave of your mind, and therefore you do not notice Me. And you even have forgotten Me. Although I Am the Substance of your existence.

But you live on the surface of your own Truth, and you are engaged in all kinds of businesses, nice and not so nice. It does not matter, but then you miss the mark.
You are always searching for THE thing, THAT “wow”!!!!, THAT final fulfillment, somewhere in your outer world. You are struggling, you are uneasy and not at ease, always. Why? You like complication, you like excitement, you like distraction, you always hope for a big bang, that finally ends all your searches, so phantastic and so unique and unsurpassed, so that you would be satisfied once and forever.

The illusion is that you seek for Me outside: in your world, in your relationships, in your ascension, in your skies and higher dimensions, in your space brothers and sisters.

But I am always Untouched and I Am Simplicity, and I AM always here. What you hope to get from higher dimensions and your space family is ultimate relieve, the escape not to have to pass the test you have been incarnating for on Earth: to transcend the lower vibrations so that you would be able to move on to higher dimensions.

Your space family cannot take this from you, this work, this conscious process of spiritual growth.

Your planet would have already ascended with you if you would truly vibrate with the Truth of your own Self, untouched from your world, as difficult as this world might be for you!

But this is your task: to be victorious in the midst of it! To vibrate with your heart’s Truth of Love and Simplicity and to not allow to step down into the lower spheres of egoic self-identification, which you are not.

Your only mission is to rise like the morning sun, untarnished by the clouds of self-doubt and reactivity to the currents of life, and exist as that light, that love in the midst of apparent darkness. This is the greatest service, the greatest help you can offer to yourself and to your human family, even to all your space families!

Because your rising sun enlightens all universes to awaken, as much as every star that brightens up with Divine Illumination, ignites your heart to recognize your  own Truth.

There is no separation, all beings and universes are One in Divine Consciousness, which Is your Own Self. I AM THAT.

You will not find  Me, your Glorious Self just because you ascend. It has nothing to do with it.  I AM  Untouched by all moves and changes, by all densities and dimensions, by your body and even by your spiritual searches  and  practices! These are all preliminaries, full of complications and errors and many illusions.

It is the endless repetition of your mind that leads you astray. While I AM always simply here and Aware, utterly Radiant, Light of Lights and Love-Bliss,  while all the dramas are played out, high or low.

You can develop your body-mind as much as you like, I AM still Untouched from all of that, from all your highest aspirations even, because I AM neither high nor low. I AM beyond opposites, and I cannot be worked out, mind cannot describe Me.

But you still seek somewhere else, constantly escaping Me. It is your mind that does and creates all these things, do you understand? It is wandering in illusion-land. It cannot be enjoyed without knowing Me. I AM the ultimate Enjoyer. Living truthfully in the higher dimensions without Me is not possible.

Dear Ones, never forget to keep your awareness in your heart, no matter what. Do not allow to descend to the lower vibrations below your heart, do not allow negative mind to prevail!

So you will more and more know Me. When you enter into the depth of your own heart and persist in locating Me, I will reveal Myself to you, because I AM no other, I AM the Real You and I AM always here.  Do not allow yourself to be content with substitutes of Me. I cannot be substituted, not even with your spiritual self that is fascinated by subtle and  out of body experiences, time traveling and the visits in other worlds!

Your enlightened space family is always  with you,  waiting for you to wake up to your own Truth.  This is what will change your world for real and will invite them to join you because you are truly aware of who they are. Know yourself and you know them.

Be that Light, that Love that Bliss That I AM.

I AM your God-Self

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Dear friends,
I have been meditating on the date of August 4, as there are several messages, claiming, that our Galactic family would disclose itself on that date.
There is also a channeling saying, that the Pleiadians would be directly landing in London at the Olympics on that day.

So I asked my Arcturian Guides, and they answered in  their function of being part of the Galactic Federation.

And here it is:

Message from the Arcturians:

Dear Ones!

No, we will not land! We will be landing, when you and your planet are ready,  when you have mastered your transition into the next higher dimension! The disclosure of our existence might happen at that time, but there are still some considerations going on about it, mainly whether this is the right time to do this, depending on several circumstances. "Deadlines" are "focus points" for us for possible but not binding actions. We are dealing with a complex circumstance where all parts have to be taken into account.

Please understand, as difficult as this might be for you, that we are not an armada of saviors!

Ascension is a spiritual process, in the first place. And at this special time, it is ultimately also a physical one.

You all have chosen, to incarnate at this time on Gaia, and thereby to have the great opportunity for a quantum leap in your evolutionary process in a short time.

This does not mean that your souls are not already Divine, but the process of experiencing the descend into the darkness, and to bring back that darkness to the Light, is the task you have agreed with.

Thereby you are supported with every help from us and many other Light Beings, energetically, purifying and healing you. But the work is yours, you yourself must walk the path, and that’s why you are here.

Please understand yourself better: Christianity, as it has been preaching since more than 1000 years, has talked you into the belief, that Jesus is your redeemer, by merely “believing” it. In other words, that you can achieve salvation by mere “belief”.

Dear brothers and sisters, if this would be possible according to cosmic and spiritual laws, all Christians, who believe this, would be already liberated! But they are still subject of the present situation and a church, which does not truly serve the Christ Consciousness. By this you recognize the signs of this heresy, which wants to keep you in the lower levels of consciousness!

This false belief in salvation is deeply seated  in many of you, without being conscious of it. And so you have taken this relic of Christian faith to use it in your new faith, the faith in salvation by your galactic families!

Spiritual growth is a process in Consciousness. Meaning, that all your unhappy patterns, belief systems, convictions, emotions, sufferings and limitations, must be recognized and transformed, until your body-mind is completely clarified, to the degree of literal “enlightenment”, by the Light of Divine Consciousness!

This is the process in its perfection. And there are many pathways and there are many intermediate stages. But there are also many of you in your world, who belong to us and other galactic families, and who already went through the ascension process in other dimensions. It is them, together with the ones, who seriously work with the enlightenment of their own body-mind, to create ultimately the necessary percentage of the world population, which shifts your planet into a higher dimension.

In this regard you have already achieved much. All given dates are guidelines. Your ascension process is a living, fluctuating process, and therefore the date of 21.12.12 is also a guideline. Because the result is depending on how many actually are able to use the energies of this date! And some might indeed ascend. 

In the true Divine Process there is no magic, but which many like to believe! There is Grace, yes. But this Process is subject to certain spiritual laws, which nobody can bypass, but which are serving your own, true mastery.

The growing revelation of the practices of your controllers in public and that you are becoming conscious of it, also serves your own growth process! As soon as you become conscious of this reality, your true spiritual path can begin, if you choose so! They show you the topics which you must transform in yourself: your reactions, your fears, your judgements, your belief in darkness, to go beyond it! This is it what it is about! Dates do not matter, but the degree, to which you achieve true Self-Mastery. This is about the Light-Process, and not about some moral self-improvements!  

The Light-Process includes the re-cognition of your true Divine Identity, not only in thoughts and ideas, but as the Realization of Divine Consciousness, which shows Itself also through tangible physical Transformation.

We are here, if you need our help, to strengthen your process, to encourage you, and to provide initiations, if necessary, to support your Evolution in Consciousness.  

You all know that the forces of light are constantly growing on your planet. They exactly serve your own progression, to overcome in yourself all that which is not of the Light and unifying Love.

It would not serve your spiritual growth, to take this learning process away from you. You would deprive yourself of important experiences and practices, which are necessary, so that you can truly learn mastery over duality and lower vibrations, the illusion of limited awareness, separation and suffering. If we would just take you back to your once ”undistinguished" state,  before you incarnated on earth, your whole enterprise with the intention to return from very low density to Divine Consciousness with the full harvest of your own dedicated work, would have failed.

Many misconceptions are spread! Your  controllers love it, to play with fairy tales and magic, to blind you!  It is essential, to see through this!  This is an important step of initiation into full Mastery.

Be Blessed!
We are the Arcturians! 

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012
Listen to this message on YouTube

Dear One, we are the Arcturians!

We have been waiting for you to be ready to take our communication. Please publish it for others to read. It is important! Important as all our communications are!

We thank you for the dedicated work you are doing by spreading the wonderful messages given to everyone by our galactic friends of  the higher dimensions!

It is very important at this time that the connection between beings of the higher dimensions and yourself whose main habitat is the 3th dimension, is alive!
It prepares everyone for their own ascended state once the main shift into the higher dimensions occurs.

Cultivating contact with us who are caring for earths’ and humanity’s evolution is essential also because it strengthens your own multidimensional self by exercising your opening into our higher dimensional vibration.

After the shift you will  therefore easily recognize your new home and us, your brothers and sisters from the higher realms, which will help you significantly to adapt to and function in your new higher dimensional body. This takes some initial irritation and insecurity in your new future environment out of the play.

More and more of you are  becoming able now to communicate themselves with us, but until you do it is very important to regularly connect with us via the messages from those who channel us and which are made available in public, mainly on the internet.
Thereby you can become more and more familiar with us, with our vibration, our civilization, and how we are living it,  and with our way of love and care for humanity and Gaia.  

Yes, each of you also is of  course intimately connected to your Higher Self, but you are not alone and the sole being in the universe. Also you, humanity, are in truth a collective being, and so far you haven't manage to live as such as highly evolved spiritual beings. And that is why we are emphasizing here the fact and value of the higher civilization to which you will soon develop, and in which you are to function collectively.

We help you to grow  quicker beyond your 3dimensional, limited and separate identity and we recommend that you consider us as beings who share basically your true identity which is not, as you know, your 3dimensional body, but your higher self and the vibration of your soul, and your collective Great Human Soul.

Through your communication with us you also make sure that your spirit stays high which draws you above your current still not solved problems on your planet, with your economy, energy resources, pollution, health and other issues. 

Your communication with us - and any other higher and Divinely oriented galactic civilization -  inspires you to trust more and more your own intuition about your higher identity, just by being together with us,  by reading our messages. 

You can be assured that we are present with our awareness with all those of you who are listening to our communications, simply because this is our intention. Your listening also helps us, to make contact with each of you, even if you are not aware of it, and to draw you to our vibration and light which opens you up and prepares you for the process of the shift.

In the same way we are also intentionally working on  your spiritual awakening, as your mentors and tutors. We, the Arcturians, have been involved in this tutorship of humanity since ancient times, making sure that your evolutionary process is guided and will reach fully its goal: a human civilization of highest spiritual accomplishment. Our highly evolved spiritual civilization is actually what humanity will realize in the future.

My dear ones, do not underestimate the importance of your contact with us, as we fuel constantly and directing higher energies and light to your planet and individuals, like yourself. We are constantly around you, it is our service, entrusted to us by the Christed High Council of the Heavens whose Divine Intention is your awakening as a fully Christed Race.

We are always easily to reach and to talk to, if this is your desire. We are here to heal and to inspire and to help your individual and collective spiritual growth. 

We are your friends and your guides.

We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright© 2012
My dear Ones, 
I AM St. Germain!

There are obviously several people who claim to channel my messages. This has also lead to the believe that some messages are not from me, because they differ in characteristic, color and emphasis.

However you all need to consider that each one of my channelers have themselves certain  characteristics, belief-systems and colors of feeling and understanding - a whole variety of individual expressions.
If there would be entities who would channel me exactly as to what my own personal characteristics are, these entities would have to let themselves completely  go and step aside, in order to let me in. It would require a full-trance medium to convey me exactly as I Am.

But this is not necessary. It is not necessary that each of those, who channel me, become such a full trance-medium, especially not at this time of planetary evolution, where it is about your own most profound characteristics and gifts to reveal themselves!

To act as a full-trance medium would mean for them to let go their own evolutionary process. And this is not something I wish to impose on you.

What I prefer is to collaborate with my channelers, whereby they fully participate in the process of channeling. All my channelers, I have chosen to speak for me, are expressing a part of my own Divine Consciousness and I choose accordingly a certain channeler to convey a message, they themselves vibrate harmoniously  with.

This channeling is the new form of transmission, as they participate with me on their own conscious level, you could say: in a form of partnership! The times of absolute “authority”, which is the sign of a 3dimensional consciousness, are over, as it is all about co-creational processes.

This must be so, as my channels are themselves conscious and mature spiritual beings, which enables them to convey my messages, wich express and make conscious sometimes to themselves what they already know in their deepest being, as they are awakening to their full nature.

Because of all these reasons I highly welcome the fact that there are souls who are willing to work with me. They, as I do, are expressions of many levels of consciousness in different dimensions and timelines, and when I meet with each of them, we, at that time, share the wisdom which is brought to the reader.

This is a form of new collaboration, a collaboration which is the sign of the new era of awakening and enlightenment.

All the channels, I have chosen, know me on a very intimate level, they know my energy and the service I Am here to provide for the sake of the awakening of humanity. In the same way I choose a channel according to their  own characteristics and preferences and I choose a channel for a certain message to reach a certain group of receivers  of the messages.

There is no message which is meant to serve all together, because everybody is on its personal journey on a different level of their evolutionary process.

And so I also choose my channels to reach a certain group of people, and they know, that we speak exactly to them because they simply resonate. And this is all what it is about.

We are all one great group-consciousness, in which each of us participates in their own characteristic way.

As long as the Source Consciousness is not realized, which is the Source of all arising characteristics of beings and things, we are to tolerate and celebrate the many varieties and differences and educate and support their growth and understanding who they really are: a Divine Creation and Multidimensional Beings. In that way the  Creator emerges as Himself in and as all beings.

I Am myself not an “Absolute” Entity, whose knowledge is likewise “absolute” and strictly to be followed. All what we, my channels and I convey, is an offering to those who resonate. It is always my intention and that of my channels (the reason why I chose them) to inspire you and lift you up, to support your ascension process.

The era of the new way of “channeling” has begun, my beloveds. This might be at first a challenge for some of you, as it provokes your own self-responsibility and the dawning of your own deepest self-understanding as a galactic being. And so it is also a sign of the growing spirit and maturity of humanity, at least of those who agreed in their life-contract to be part of the ascension process by supporting humanity’s ascension and that of your planetary Mother, Gaia.

This message is intended to awaken you, dearest ones, to your own inherent freedom of your Soul and to understand that humanity is - with all the varieties and differences -  One in the  Zero-Point Field of their Divine I AM Consciousness.

With love and high appreciation,

I AM St. Germain

Message conveyed by Ute 

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Listen to Gaia's message on YouTube

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011© copyright

It has been my desire since a while to directly speak with Gaia, the spirit of our planet earth, to hear from herself what had happened to her since the 11.11.11 event and what would be her present state and her future plans.

For some time now I have been noticing  that the atmosphere, or better: the quality of energy on earth had changed greatly - regarding its expansion and power. The sky seemed to be higher, and there was a feeling-power and a light that appeared to posses a new mighty Presence.

Until now my “conversations” with Gaia have been “limited” to a Heart-Contact. Whenever I thought about her and expressed my love for her, I felt her answer as a deep touch in my heart, with tears pouring from my eyes, while I felt the freshness, the pristine and untouched  nature and sweet love of her being. Then I knew, that she had heard me and directly answered me. Sometimes she sent me one of her messengers, e.g. a bird, whom I especially loved, and who suddenly appeared and landed close to me and kept me company.

In the late night of the December Solstice, I felt drawn outside, into my courtyard. There I had installed a powerful, even if small, medicine wheel, and I love to sit next to it. The night sky was clear and full of stars, and as soon as I sat down and connected with the vibrant night and Gaia, she started to speak. So I quickly fetched my notebook from inside the house, which I use for such kind of occasions.

 For me the following conversation with Gaia was not just a „conversation“ in the usual sense,  whereby thoughts are exchanged on the mental level. Rather I was involved with my whole being, having a wholistic experience, accompanied by the deep emotions of my wide and  expanded heart. The experience happened within Gaia’s Heart and Being, with which I felt deeply merged, while my vision and feeling embraced infinity.
And it is my desire that this report will be received by my reader not just on the intellectual level, but that it will draw you too into the Heart of Gaia.


I Am Gaia, your Mother, do you wish to speak with me?
It is easy for me to talk to you when the disturbances in the atmosphere are low, as they are tonight. (December Solstice)

It is good for you, to sit outside under the sky. Inside the house the reception is not as clear, because too many unnatural and disturbing frequencies can interfere with our conversation.

I would like to tell you, that I am well and that I am very happy that you desire to contact me.
I love all my children, but I am especially happy when they are aware  Who I really Am.

One reason why I am well is that ever more of my children understand who I am and include me in their lives as a Living Being.
The other reason is that I have completed my ascension to  higher Dimensions. You are asking which dimension, and I can tell you, that I am now in the 5th, at the threshold of the 6th dimension. You are asking what is happening to my 3dimensional body and why it still seems to be the old same one.

You see, this is similar as with your Spiritual Masters, whose Consciousness is extending  far above the 3th dimension, but who still have a 3dimensional body, which looks for all quite normal, even though this body is to a high degree transparent for the light and carries higher consciousness.

And so it is with my 3dimensional body too. In one way it is still very much polluted and out of balance. And this is like with your  Saints, whose spirit and realization has reached great heights, but whose body is nevertheless sick and toxic, because they have taken on the illnesses and karmas of their disciples.

When you go to my pure and untouched nature, it is easy to become aware of my heightened State, in places which are not alienated by your civilization. But also in a starry night, like now, you are able to be close to my heart, as soon as  usual daily businesses have come to rest.

I will move as soon as the time for it has arrived. And these movements will usher a New Era. These movements will  shake off what impedes the purity of my body. It will come suddenly, and it will be for all of you a joyful event, who love and who are united with me in their hearts.  I will protect you and take care that you are safe. Of this you can be assured!

Keep me in your hearts and you will always be united with my presence, which draws you already now to the 5th and 6th dimension. Your connection with me will  therefore transport you into a higher frequency and guarantee your ascension process.

This will occur as soon as my body moves and enters into the higher dimensions. When exactly this will be, cannot be told yet. There are too many details to take into account. They all depend on you, beloved mankind, and your basic readiness to ascend.

All my other kingdoms, the animals, the plants, the minerals and the elements are ready for ascension. We only wait for you, my beloveds. Many of you are ready too, but not yet the majority of your human family. There still have to happen things which trigger this readiness.

At this point, while she is talking to me, I ask  Gaia for a clear sign of confirmation from her, that I have written down the correct information, whereupon she pours directly into my heart the feeling of  her powerful greatness and sublimity! This is an absolutely awe-inspiring feeling!

You see, you all must change your relationship with me, you all must be aware of my true and now ascended Being and carry it in your heart. Thereby you are directly united with me and receive constantly my blessing.

My presence in your hearts will give you great joy, strength and satisfaction. To be united with the soul and spirit of ones planet, is a great event and implies in this case the elevation of each single human soul as it is also the connection with the Great Human Soul who builds the One Great Human Body.

When you are united in this way,  you will ascend physically as this One Humanity – together with my planetary body.
Everything is prepared for this moment, and for you, who are one with me now, the spiritual ascension has already happened. And therefore the physical ascension will occur without problems. It will be carried by your unity in your hearts with me, your planet, - the planet you have chosen as your present home.

As I already raised my consciousness, your own rising of consciousness will follow inevitably, because you are one with your planet. Therefore you all are already in the midst of the process of awakening.

The more of you are uniting with me in this manner, the quicker ascension for whole humanity can occur.
This is the service you can now give to me and your human family. And this service is the unity with me in your hearts.

Seek me and find out Who I Am now, of which State I Am. Let this relationship be real, by connecting yourself with my true state (energetically, with feeling and with your consciousness), and not merely in your imagination about it. This is crucial!

I care for you all, my children, and I love you!
You all should know that I have already become New Earth and that my state is sacred.

Yes, I am a holy planet, but most don’t know yet about it.
Tell everybody about it so that also they can be made holy.

I Am with Great Love,
Your Mother, Gaia

Is has been getting very late and it was early morning already, time for me to go to bed . When I looked through the material the next day, the urgent question arose about the meaning of Gaia's "movement". It was a beautiful morning with a clear blue sky. I sat down again next to my medicine wheel and connected with Gaia’s presence in my heart and all that what surrounded me. Again I felt this enormous vastness and power, in which I was sitting and which is her new consciousness, and I asked her about the exact meaning of what she had called her “movement".

This was her answer:

My child, when I move, my present bodily orientation and location change. You know from yourselves, that you tend to change your location when fundamental changes occur for you. My new domicile will be in the higher dimensions,  where I am moving with my body, and this of course has consequences for my presently 3dimensional body – like your own “ascension symptoms” can create problems and change your body.

I asked whether Gaia was planing a pole shift, and if yes, how it would show. I received her answer as both, images and “words” and my description must be understood as an attempt, to translate a 4th and 5th dimensional event into our 3dimensional language. Therefore the meaning has to be perceived intuitively and wholisticly, and cannot be analytically dissected with the means of the conceptual mind.  

Dear child,  many are asking this question in their hearts, and I would like to give a clear answer:

There will be a pole shift, but not as you imagine it. Within the higher-dimensional shifting of the presently still dense frequency, this pole shift is not a “material” event in which things are “destroyed”. There will be a unification of the Poles and because the substance becomes so to speak more “liquid”, my body starts to  make fluid changes. All energy is always on the move. And you, your new bodies will be flowing with it. In this flow there is no „breaking“  of things which you experience, when you observe so called “matter” as “solid”. Rather everything will become new forms in a harmonious way, according to my assignment. All you have to do in this process is to exercise your capability to let go of everything familiar to you, and to allow yourselves to be carried by this process of transformation, your heart firmly anchored in mine. When the process is complete, a new day will rise in which humanity will be in actuality One Being, united in perfect Harmony and Love with me.

To understand what I describe you must allow yourselves to perceive on a higher dimensional level, because this event happens, as soon as it occurs, already in the higher Dimension.

Will there be 3 days of darkness? This has to be understood rather symbolically, because in the higher dimensions the experience of time is different from yours  and obeys other parameters. Darkness might be experienced because your present sensual perception is in a process of transition and readjustment. At that time your usual perception will fade away and disappear. When the transformation is complete you will see with “new” eyes a New World.”

I asked for another sign of confirmation from Gaia. Especially as it was about an important message for which reason I felt great responsibility for the correctness  of my depiction.

For those of my children, who are not yet prepared to move with me into the new dimension, their experience will be different. They will perceive my movement in a “material” manner, and they will experience the destruction of the Old, because they perceive themselves and the world as separate and not as a unity. This is because they did not decide yet to live in unity consciousness in their hearts, but they consider themselves and myself as separate beings. And they will perceive my movement  accordingly.

While I wrote down the last sentences, a small white cloud appeared in the clear blue sky, at first somehow in the form of two parallel bars II, which transformed themselves quickly  in two circular overlapping shapes.
And then, as suddenly as the cloud had appeared, it dissolved completely into “nothingness” before my eyes. As long as the cloudy sign was visible, a group of to me invisible birds started to rant and rave. With the disappearance of this little cloud there was complete stillness.  This was the sign I had asked for! I’d like to explain it a bit more.

For me the significance of these 2 symbols was immediately obvious. The two bars stand for separation, duality, the linear, conceptual Mind, who thinks in opposites, instead of perceiving everything as an expression of the love-blissful Source. It is the Luciferian creation of the separation of our consciousness from the Divine, The-All-That-Is. This sign symbolizes  the consciousness, in which most human beings are still captured: they do not acknowledge their own spirituality, and therefore they do not recognize the unity with all beings, with the Divine Source, with all of humanity and with their own planet.  That and their own human family are considered merely as  objects which one can exploit, abuse and destroy. In this state of consciousness the power of love does not exist, because it is governed by abstract thinking.

The transition of the two bars to the two overlapping circular shapes shows a fundamental change of this old state of separate consciousness. It is the Vesica Piscis of the Sacred Geometry! The symbol of the apotheosis of creation, its return to the Light and Unity. It is Gaia’s beginning  return to her original 12dimensional Divine existence! And we are returning with her!

And this is how I understand the sign of the cloud as an answer Gaia's to my earlier request for confirmation: Basically it is all really about the confirmation of our planet’s and humanity’s Divine Transformation. How this is experienced individually, is not of real importance in this Great Event. But what has been shown to me are two possible ways of perception and experience, the most and the least optimal one, whereby there are many variants  in between, depending on the state of consciousness of the perceiver.

But there was still one question left for me. And I asked Gaia whether those who experience the Pole Shift as destruction, would follow her nevertheless into the higher dimensions.

And this was Gaia’s answer:  

They will experience much excitement and agitation.

And again, to me invisible birds start to rant and rave. I remember that I had heard the same when the cloud sign appeared! With this Gaia is saying that  this transition, this transformation will come with great agitation for the „old“ world.

But this agitation will be experienced only – so to speak - on the surface of their perception. The agitation scatters the dense shell of separation and uncovers their deepest heart and soul. This uncovering of the soul provides the opportunity for them to unite  with my heart, because they become now fully aware of the presence of my Spirit. This will draw them to me - into the higher dimension of my body. This for them cataclysmic event will also set free and dissolve the negative beliefs and behaviors, which have been stored underneath their dense shell of separation. This is like a deep purification process, whereby they become able to experience and live their own pure and higher spiritual nature again, without being involuntary pulled back later into a 3dimensional reality.
This powerful event of transformation is a gift to them by Divine Decree.

However those who still desire greatly to extend their experiences in the 3dimensional realm, will indeed for a short while live with me in the higher dimensions, just long enough, to imprint their soul with a new permanent remembrance of this state. But then they will be drawn back into one of the many 3dimensional realms which exist in the universe.

As you can see, everybody receives according to their heart’s desire. This is the law of creation: you receive what you believe in.

I embrace all my children with great love. But those, who wish to come with me, give me glorious enjoyment.
My Blessing is with all of you, without exception!

I Am your mother, Gaia

What remains is to remember or to become aware,  that we are already walking, breathing  and living within a great being of the 5th, and at the threshold of the 6th dimension. Inspite of all the ruins, the suffering and all the negativity of a gradually disappearing old world.

What great gift and opportunity is given to us all!

Love and Blessings, my friends!

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
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