Showing posts with label Awakening. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awakening. Show all posts

Thursday, December 6, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch the Video (recommended) 

My Beloved Ones, 
Like a Mighty Lion’s Head I Am Rising in these days suddenly from the hidden and unconscious Depth of Reality into the Light of your Awareness.

And yet, at the same time, with Infinite Gentleness and Tenderness I Embrace your feeling heart.
I Am Rising and Rising to take My rightful Seat in and as the Very Being of the Human Race.

It is My Inherent Seat, the Seat humanity has been denying Me for so long.

But now, as I AM Rising to Satisfy your whole Existence with My Presence, many of you are not yet even aware of this Glorious Event, although I Am your most intimate Beloved, your Very Home and you  tend to think that you  feel only a new warmness in your heart.

If you would knew Who I Am, you would open the floodgate of your heart to let Me Swell up and Fill your whole Being until even your Expanse by Me would Float thoroughly IN Me.

You all need to open the gates of your heart, the gates of each and all your body-cells, the gates of your very skin, the gate of your adoration and devotion for My Unfathomable Love, to overwhelm your up-to-now fences of separateness.

I Am Rising now with My Very Presence of Infinity to Embrace what Appears to be finite.

Is there – in this Fullness – anything else to report? Because all what you need is Myself, the very Source in Which you are arising.

From there – and Only from there, I Say – you may go after your daily business and enjoyment. Yes, enjoyment, because without Me there is no true Enjoyment in all your endeavors.

The Fullness of My Energy and Embrace makes your life worth, and then you may wander around, explore and  create with Me. But without Me all of your otherness-games are fruitless and in vain.

Therefore, notice how I Am Rising My Head now, how I STAND now As the Very Truth of humankind who all Inhere in Me.

My Oceanic Current of Bliss and Embrace Shows you Our Oneness, because I Am the Heart of every human being and of every kingdom on earth. I Am the heart of Gaia and your universe, and of All Universes. And I AM Rising, All-Encompassing Consciousness of All.

I have now started to break open all chains of separate illusions and their consequences, their willful doings, causing pain and suffering. This is going to come to an end now because I AM rising My Head.

Wholly embraced by Me and Acknowledging My Seniority, your body-mind may ascend, or resurrect or shed the vessel. Whatever visual illusion you prefer, it does not make any difference to Me, because Only I Am Real. There Is no death or change or resurrection in Reality, because There Is Only Me.

Let the play of the planets, let the play of the light and the celestial lights be glorious, they all still arise in Me, As My Light Is Above all lights.

Such is My Rising in you now, if you allow It, and the more you allow, the more you are acknowledging your True Home, your very Roots. Your holographic play as a body-mind may be ignited by the currents of evolution and deification, but it never fully expresses Me, although it makes a nice necklace around My Caring Shoulders.

Let Me Tell you, that all your play-grounds are not yours – although they seem to be – but only Mine. Your ownership is part of your illusion of separateness only. Once you are awake in Me, you see that you own nothing, but that I Own all, as I Am no other to you and your Native True Identity.

In the many dimensions and non-dimensions, there still prevails separateness to the one or other degree. Only when you fully awake in Me there is truly no otherness, no separateness, and you Realize that there is Merely One Being, One Consciousness, One Love that Is Playground and Player and Play all The Same.

I Am Rising My Head now, watch it! This is the time to drop your separate dreams and your insubstantial despairs, to expand into joyful Oneness.
Once you sense Me, once you feel Me, you understand that I AM the only Gospel to be told. The  Sprinkles of events in Me may be mentioned then As My Play, as the glorious Events of My Singleness.

I AM only You and all Happening. Wake up to Me.

I AM – Your God-Self! 

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube 

Dearest friends!

With the upcoming great event of the emergence of the 11.11.12 Portal, we are challenged to rise up to that new energy level that is bringing with it a new and higher  consciousness. And as we know, this breathtaking  ride will go on to the 12.12.12 Opening that will connect us with our Great Central Sun, the Galactic Center, in a way that we will be able to take the most beneficial advantage of the 21.12.12 alignment.

If you have been involved in the great 11.11.11 event which has been a jump start for us in joining in consciousness at the core-level with Gaia, and connecting with our own multidimensional existence on a collective level, you will have a kind of presentiment what will happen on 11.11.12 – as our experience then will be on a higher octave of it!

With the  daily increasing influx of light on our planet, to help us to keep pace with the rapid rising of light and information at the major turning points of our  evolutionary process, each one of us is experiencing changes in our own lives, that have an effect on physical, mental and spiritual levels, depending on where we need to let go, to change, to adapt and to grow.

This might not always be easy, but lets not forget that also great openings are happening for each one of us, that allow us to take a turn into an entire new direction, a direction we always have dreamt of!

If you think that you haven’t yet experienced such openings and turning points, you perhaps do not pay close enough attention! Just remember last year and how you are feeling today, and you know that MUCH has changed already for you! And what you ARE now, you would not have imagined 12 months ago to be possible!

If you still think that not much has changed for you, and that things only got worse, do not despair! While others went for many years through a (painful) purification process, to reap in these blessed times the liberating fruits of their efforts, you are perhaps now on that path for only a year or so. And you have been purified already to a degree in that short time, that will soon lead you to an unexpected release and new state of freedom that you never thought was possible. But it is!  The new energies and information bring the opportunity of such release and freedom with them.

Basically it is really about three things in this process:
To go with the flow of the incoming energies, to let go what they are taking with them (and perhaps from you) and to open your mind, your heart and your body for the New that wants to manifest in, as and for you.

You can participate most beneficially in this process, if you understand that everything that is being taken from you is not serving your highest good in your own evolutionary process and is blessed as such  by the Sacredness of your own Soul! Therefore in Reality nothing is being taken from you, but you are being Given the Gift of your own emerging Truth that you only can receive by letting go what is not supporting the vibration of It.

It is important to accept that the blessings of these times are only serving your evolution in consciousness. If you are still very much bound to patterns that tend to keep you imprisoned in the experience of the old world, and which are not in harmony with the new evolutionary information, you might perhaps  believe in a punishing authority or God because of the challenges you experience.

However the new energies are the carriers of a wisdom and love that convey the Knowing of Utter Divine Benevolence and Grace. Even more, that Grace is our Own  Source and True Native State.

It only takes from us what does not resonate with Love, Grace and Truth, - our own Truth.

Therefore it is most auspicious to educate first your mind with the presumption that you are a Divine and Unlimited Being of Light, that your existence inheres In Love and that this Truth must be reflected sooner or later in your own experience! Simply, because it IS your Inherent Truth!

This is the disposition we are called to cultivate, especially in these times of Great Divine Blessings, and most importantly at times of Great Impacts of Light and Consciousness that desires to awaken Itself in our vessels of body-mind.

Dearest brothers and sisters, all of you who desire with their heart to be part of this Divine Adventure, no matter which stage of life, resonate because your inherent Truth is resonating with the Great Process of Awakening. And so It must reveal Itself in your own Awareness in due  course of time.

Consider all your doubts regarding your own awakening as an egoic fossil, reflecting the old mass-consciousness of an illusionary world of seeming solidity and rigidity, with an external god who is separate from his creation.

Presuming your own Awakening is presuming your own Creative Power of Co-Creation, is presuming your own Divinity, is presuming the Unity of all Existence, is presuming that there is Only Light, is Presuming that there is Only Love and That All Is Consciousness.

With this Faith in your Heart you are very well equipped to receive to your fullest capacity the Blessings of the coming Great Events! 

Joy is the companion of this Faith, and it has nothing to do with conventional religiosity and "belief", but with the universal law of Divine Reality in which all beings and universes inhere and participate, consciously or unconsciously, because there Is Only One to Experience.

Love and Blessings,

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dearest friends,

Being in this Space of Grace, of Beauty, of Light and Bliss, all names for Love, there is no thing, that can touch me, because all of this is one single equilibrium. Everything in balance, while the room is radiant with invisible Light which is visible to and felt by the spirit.

With my eyes wide open, there is no above or below, there Only Is Presence and Radiance. While the world plays its music, and runs its course.

Peaceful my body, my mind, joy in my heart, there is only Heart and only one chacra, so to speak. That Heart contains all and is Living all, there is Only One Existence. There is no separation and no difference. Only One Radiance. In it the body is embraced and the mind’s vibration peacefully floats in It.

Nothing to seek, just everything to enjoy. A contentment, ah! A satisfaction. No effort!  And everything falls into place.

This Radiance is stainless, it is Purity, untouched. And it is Bright. It is sweet, It is soft, the body luxuriates in It. Every cell attuned in harmony.

Such is the Greatness of Divine Consciousness, It has no beginning and no end and That One merely Exists. Motionless. Although things move. Freshness pervades me, a cool breeze of eternity which is Now, timeless.

And It is so simple. Nothing "holy". One without another. Brain functions only to manage the simple things, no complex figuring out. The knowledge and the Knowing seem to come from another place, from the depths of Being, naturally without asking or “thinking”. It arrives from the reservoir of all knowledge. It has Its own Intelligence.

Such is the Greatness of our own Source. Ah, and this Clarity! Not of the mind, but of Being, Unspoken and Un-thought, Self-Existing. It washes the surface of the rough streets of worldly struggles and makes everything appear Divine and feel smooth. Even like silk, inhale and exhale. Breath an infinite Space. The movement an illusion.

Where is Ascension?
It does not exist, other than as a mighty shift in the appearances of things. But I am outside of it, there, where I am, I do not have to suffer it! It is the primary space which does not change, but in which changes happen.

I know that there is nothing beyond, the Beyond is already here, with us, if we are willing to feel It, to notice It, to appreciate It.

Is it spectacular? No it is not. It is most natural and appears quietly. Nothing happens. So many  will not like it, although it is primordial Happiness! There is no agitation and perhaps you think it is boredom. But only if you are seeking suffering it appears perhaps to be. Here is no suffering. None. And it is awake.

Here search ends, and enjoyment starts. Real enjoyment, without reason, just because of the IS that Radiates. It Is perfect Beauty and Freedom.The Substance of all makes us free! All things bear in their heart this Substance, or this Substance bears all things, and no thing encloses this freedom and beauty which cannot be contained.

Am I lost for the "New Age" adventure? I think somehow I am because this equanimity is beyond all strive and wait, upward move, wanting to gain, to make better, to accomplish, because there is nothing to accomplish. The Joy is already here, the Happiness.

It is Grace and it is Wonder.
I am deeply in gratitude. I enjoy as long as it lasts. When my last vasana (latent tendency) is transcended it will Be forever.

With love,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Image Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Dear friends,

Recent Waves of Light and Information created new awareness of how my body is changing. It feels like the space between the atoms is tangibly increasing, as if my physical body is expanding and becoming at the same time lighter and less dense.
I am wondering how the transition would occur, how the new reality of our world would appear compared with what we know now – the physical world, in which we still have to function,  and which appears still to be a world of contradictions and  unpleasant events.

I am typing with closed eyes now, some sentences perhaps make not complete sense at first, as I describe what happens directly, while I experience the download of an exquisite Light which appears as fullness of the heart and a widening of the head, but also now a fullness there, a growing all-consuming joy  in the heart, while the Light moves down – it is a cooling Light of a beauty that the heart awes in wonder and Bliss –  and my God-Self speaks:

“This is about the understanding that you will be lifted up from your old experience of world as it appears now to you.  While you are lifted up, your awareness changes, and while your awareness changes, you will see the new world in the same moment as you are creating it. There is no “ time” between awareness and creation, and what you create is already part and expression of your being, which has been informed in the past with these experiences and which are therefore remembrances, but at the same time there is new information coming through Me, as I Myself Am informed  by the Light and Information of the Great Central Sun, that is the Galactic Center.

This is brand new information which arrives now in your body (and in the body of many) which will completely outshine the world you are still seem to belong to.

This is the information of the higher worlds, which carry beauty and bliss. This light is to create and fill your new bodies and is the substance of your new consciousness.”

I feel how this light in its fullness is expanding in my body, informing my heart, which is not just a chakra, but an energy field of consciousness in which I exist.   

This  becomes my new existence, my new reality as this heart field becomes more and more substantial and full, appearing as a new consciousness reality, while the currents of  light saturate and inform more and more this space, running down the whole body , down the legs now, cool, refreshing, precious, transparent, eternally youth-full. There is no dilemma and no question, no objects and no other, just this being-ness and fullness, the heart satisfied, no desire, just IS.

My God-Self continues:

“This Light has consciousness and so you are ready to receive it and to recognize it,  to this degree it is the constituent of your new world. Perhaps call it simply existence, because what you now understand as worlds, looks like a conglomeration of collected things and objects, all separate from one another, opaque and all with the seeming quality of  “otherness”.

When you are ready, this new consciousness is going to establish Itself as you, no, not “in” you, but as you, therefore it will transform you utterly. What is “you” now, will be forgotten, this illusion, this erroneous dream, this falsehood. And all humanity will come to this point, all. All will be lifted up, taken out of this error of creation, which is not Divine.

You must come to fully realize, that what is awaiting you, this new world, is the REAL WORLD, whereas the world you now  still experience and which is coming to an end, is the unreal world. Utterly unreal.  It has been said many times, but to realize it is something else. For most this is very hard to believe or to understand, especially as you have been indoctrinated, in the last more than 20 years, that spirituality is non-sense and a sign of weakness! So many  even were ashamed at some point in your lives of any sort of spiritual sign that has been manifesting for you.

You cannot know what your new world will be and look like from your 3dimensional point of view, not even from your remembrance of other worlds, because you will be renewed radically, nothing will be left over from what you now know. 

The information from the Galactic Center is different from all  of it and all what you remember from your experiences of the past in higher dimensions. Many of these familiar dimensions will be dissolved in this new Consciousness and form a completely new Reality. Therefore you will enter  new territory. Allow yourself to be surprised.
What you experience now is only a taste of what is to come. Let yourself to be elevated and transformed into this new Divine Reality. Complicated, mind-structures of the ego-I will not exist anymore, because simplicity will prevail, One without another. 

No division, no separation, only Bliss, Happiness, Radiance, Joy, Fullness, Satisfaction. It can happen, when you are willing to let go all difference as a prior and fundamental description of Reality. Being mere Bliss will be your full-time occupation. It is a  condition  of Truth.”

Well, much of what has been said is now my direct experience, without seeking it. It is a complete new platform. It is a free Divine gift, but we must be willing to receive it. And more waves of this Light are coming in, while my writing with closed eyes is continuing in synchronicity with it. 

New tongues of light gliding down my body and carry with them the presence of mere joy and  stillness,  and I connect with Gaia, with Her Heart, to enter with this light and Consciousness into her Being. And Gaia resonates, it is One Single Celebration, we are giving back to her, what was taken from her in the past. She is enchanted. And we share this freshness in our heart. 

I guess that’s why we  are here, returning the gifts she once has given to us, eons ago. By returning them we are free to go to,  where the call comes from.  There it is planet-less, where I go there are no planets and no people, there is only consciousness, radiant. Joy, Bliss.

Must be somewhat patient still, this is a foretaste of what is to come. We don’t need worlds in that Bliss, the only necessary requirement is the fact that we exist. Existence itself justifies this Bliss, it is primordial. Worlds arise after we have left this Bliss.  It absorbs all our separateness and thinking mind, the waves of mind come to rest in the ocean of this radiant infinity. And no mind arises in it. 

And so it is.

Be in this Radiance, my dearest friends!
Much love,

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube

Dearest Ones,
We are the Arcturians!

Today we wish to present to you a point of view about the involvement in the evolutionary process of humanity on earth as a whole. There are several ways how to look at this matter. But we would like to show you this: Nobody, and we say: nobody! will be forgotten in this time of great changes and left behind. And how does this process work?

Even though it appears that there are Billions still ignorant of the actual happenings and soon to occur transformations on all levels, material, mental and spiritual, none of them will be left behind.

None of them will continue to be blinded by darkness and the obliviousness of Divine Truth and what their real own essence is.
This is so because being incarnated on your planet at this time with the desire to evolve, has a specific meaning for all those who chose to be here.

Many, many, although still deeply in forgetfulness about their true nature and the  destiny of your world, are going through experiences, sometimes of the lowest ones, because this is a way to fulfill karma, or because with this experience they are able to let go at once their desire for the lower worlds. They have chosen these levels to complete cycles of experiences in density while at the same time having been given the opportunity to leave this density and all involved karmas behind.

In order to be able to go through this unique combination of experiences, many beings from other worlds and dimensions lined up for incarnation at this time.

We are discussing this, so that you are not concerned or even judging those around you who are still denying  to look into the reality of how your world is being operated for Millenniums.

These brothers and sisters of yours have all contracts with everybody else, to make this transition possible.
You see, it is all one single ingenious plan. Do not forget, that you are One Humanity, one single Divine Consciousness incorporated as the One Single Body with Billions of cells, or individuals, such as yourself.

It is all one great orchestration of awakening, which stands  on the grounds of those who are still sleeping. As they do so, they provide a time of seeming delay and necessary obstacle which helps you to grow spiritually. Tangible changes can occur exactly at that moment when you, who are already on the awakening path, are spiritually ready for it. At the moment many of you may be impatient or frustrated that nothing really fundamentally has been altered in your daily world.

But exactly this slow movement provides the leverage effect, which moves you to grow, to develop self-transcendence and trust in your own Divinity, and which provides actually the frame to seek the place in your heart.

It gives you the opportunity to cultivate your heart, as the situation outwardly is not pleasing your old identity which tends to strive for outer changes first, instead for inner changes.

All is actually in place as it should be! As soon as your inner transformation comes to a certain completion, it is time for the transformation of your outer world. Because this is the law of creation, which always starts from inside first, to manifest outside.

And when your spiritual process has matured, the old keepers of power will be removed, and your world transitions. Many of the still sleeping souls will be rubbing their eyes and remember who they are and why they are here! The experience of the radical changes will be the great trigger for their awakening!
Then you will be able to fully support the spiritual growth of those who start to awaken by the power of these changes. 

Do you see the glory of this process, in which you all are helping one another?

Those of you who came at this time  from other star systems, from other realms and dimensions, and those who have been mainly inhabitants of your earth in the last many Thousands of years, you all have been uniting for this one and great purpose of fundamental spiritual transformation. Together with the help of your Galactic friends and human Masters, on and off your planet, with the help of cosmic powers and systems, far beyond your present ability to understand them, - all these powers and consciousnesses are bringing about the great changes of evolution on your planet, and thereby also evolution for many other worlds and beings, associated with your world.

Of course the completion of a Divine New World will not happen at once at a given date, but will be a gradual process which takes "time"! But this process has already begun! And this is the very good news, dear ones!

You can indeed happily relax and trust this process of unfolding, because the light is already anchored in your world and does its work with each being that arrived here for that reason.

So do not worry or doubt that humanity will not make it or more and more slide into darkness and misery.
No! These scenarios, a short while ago still possible, have now become impossible! You have already transcended the threshold to your New World, and there is no going back anymore. It is just not possible!

The Light has won, and so each heart of you! Now go and dream with a full and happy heart your new world! Unite with all your brothers and sisters and with Gaia, the wonderful Spirit of your planet Earth!
It is high time to leave behind all thoughts and feelings associated with your old world.

You will find a strength in your heart, all of you, you never have felt before, as you start to move and join together and unite as One. All of this will help you, to know the power of Love, indeed, you, humanity, will know that Love has always been your own Unique Divine Gift.

There is a new vibration in your air, listen to it with your inner ear, listen to its singing sound, it is a high vibration, and no darkness can penetrate or lower down this sound. Its vibration is enveloping your earth. This crystalline  sound is transforming everything!  And it makes your heart sing!

Open up to this frequency, open every cell of your body and let it resonate with it. This is how you rise your own light quotient.
As you know, vibration is everything on your path of evolution.

Together we vibrate with the new Song of the glorious Expansion of God, The-All-That-Is, to bring forth the Divinity into the last corner of your world and all surrounding worlds!

We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.