Showing posts with label Divine Creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divine Creation. Show all posts

Thursday, February 22, 2018


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Dearest friends!

This update is about purification of humanity´s history and of the unredeemed collective consciousness so that the universe can move on. Friend, you might discover also your own involvement in this process.

The question whether earth is a sphere or a flat something is not relevant here, rather the fact that earth is a realm of psycho-physical experience. With emphasis on "realm". Nothing is as it seems, we often have heared this and it is valid on many levels. In this context it means that our five senses seem to tell us that earth is made of matter, but in actuality it is a fluid realm. And it is multidimensional. To think that is is pure matter is due to the fall of consciousness of humanity who has forgotten that earth has been the womb of the galaxy and has therefore a predominant role in the unviverse.

This understanding might help many of us who are here to help this truth to emerge and to be understood at these times, to see their personal destiny reflected in the history and development of human consciousness.

I am experiencing exactly this in an exaggerated way in these endtimes where this realm is being more and more compressed, squeezing into the open all that has not yet been clarified and liberated from the dark hiding place of the subconsciousness of humanity. 

And of course my experience must happen deeply felt in the physical, my physical, that is my body. I am a mole who digs tunnels deep in the underground of collective consciousness to allow them to be filled with light.

It is extremely interesting to discover in ever deeper proceedings of impersonal experiences how my physical issues, which have been seeded anytime in human history in "me" as an apparent individual, - in this life-time or life-times long ago (wereby time-space is an illusion), - as  symptoms of human failure and distortion, separated from the original Divine Creation that has been meant to be perfect. 

As said earlier in one of my messages, I am belonging to a group of beings who incarnate in places that need to grow in consciousness. In order to be of service, physical incarnation is absolutely essential to fulfill that task. It is being done while choosing experiences that are switching points of archetypal epitomes of human aberrations from the perfect  Concept of Divine Creation.

Dealing right now with immense physical pains is like a cooking pot that pushes the bubbles of remembrance of human history in the form of precise images to the surface. And so my body is like an onion of humanity's memory, which is being peeled skin by skin, but it seems to go on forever. 

Main issues are the desecration, deformation and abuse of the womb of creation and birth itself, of the female power,  the destruction of women´s integrity and self-worth.  And the strategic secrecy of that.  All of this stands for the utter compression of light and energy to the point of almost still-stand, where the natural flow of life stops. We can see all of this in the present world condition. 

But where there would be movement and free flow of life and energy, the power of the female, there  would be light and joy, and Love is Present. And all is perfect.

Please understand these issues beyond the mere human scale as a cosmic archetypal happening,  as universal events that are the results of misused mindsets. As the experience  and demonstration of 'as above  so below'. 

The male mind froze while non-surrendered to the flowing light of the Goddess, the Divine Shakti or Spirit Power. And the children of the Goddess were born in darkness, forgetful of their Divinity. Nobody is guilty. It is just the result of implosion that occurred because in this experimental realm of duality the female and the male recognized themselves as separate. Experiencing seeming separation from the Primordial Unity of the Radiant Source Condition, everything must ultimately implode if this game goes on too long. And it has been going on too long already.

That's why many of us who came here to help this realm to re-orient itself to it's own Source-Condition, suffer now seeming unexplainable pains and set-backs in these end-times, to help to open the knot of darkness, to make room for the  Source-Light to Shine trough, to make Itself Known again. 

We carry the information of humanity's fall (and that of the universe)  in our very body cells and in our DNA together with the Supreme Light of Divine Consciousness. All of this is now activated in our body. It is as painful as the most difficult birth. And this Great Birth must happen now.
As a universal law, everything must become conscious, the whole bandwith of the frequency of light in this realm, which is compressed darkness on one end and expanding light on the other end, and everything in between, before fundamental change can occur. This is however still about the dimension of conditional light. 

We are here to allow the Revelation of Unconditional Light, That is above all conditional, but it cannot be recognized before we are willing to acknowledge the two sides of the coin of duality and go beyond both.
Humans are not entities, which are being identified as separate meat-bodies. We are beings in which the great universal happening is incarnated, finding its expression. We are consciousness and as said above, this is a realm of psycho-physical experience. But it must be liberated through understanding ourselves as the whole bandwith of  frequencies to ascend into and become one with the Supreme Source-Light. 

This is the great task of this moment. 
Please support this process by surrendering with love to the Ultimate Conscious Light which is beyond the dual apparence of conditional light and dark and all opposites and in Which all of this is arising.

With great love,

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Monday, July 13, 2015


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I Am Babaji, the savior of mankind inasmuch I am caring for your survival as a divine race.

I am  the Consciousness of Light that is directing the forces of good to inspire the hearts of men to choose the right path. And the right path for mankind is always the one of liberation.

Stasis is never leading to liberation. And every  movement forward is a choice that brings you to a heightened awareness, to an expansion of consciousness.

Stasis is dangerous because after a short while it tends to spiraling downwards into tamasic and  then self-destructive tendencies.

It makes you abandoning the path of raising your frequency into greater light, and sinking downwards into more and more darkness and unconsciousness, until you have forgotten the light.

So I am seeing to it that mankind is given constantly the opportunity to grow toward highest potential, which is your innate Divinity.

Without challenges there are no impulses to set one foot before the other to overcome them, when darkness has already set in. Similarly, without suffering of what you don´t want, you do not begin your journey to find out how you could achieve what you want.

As soon as you begin this journey, you have in fact entered the spiritual path. Because with that initial question you will discover that you cannot stop going forward until you are finding out who you are. And without knowing yourself you are not able to create your own destiny.

To create your own destiny you must know yourself. You must discover who you ARE, whereby you discover your divine creative powers. Creativity and Divinity are two sides of a coin, because divinity does not exist without creativity, and you cannot exercise your creative powers without knowing your divinity.

As you see, evolution occurs on the  pillars of duality: In your situation the light and the dark, as these forces are so dominant  in your present experience. The emergence of the dark at these times and the fight between the light and the dark forces is merely the trick of your own Divine Consciousness, to allow you to acknowledge that these dual forces are projections from your own inner state of human consciousness, fighting in reality within yourself – even if unconscious, - yet.

What  you perceive outside of yourself is the mirror that reminds you of what you have chosen at a time to play with and to experience in this incarnation. It is a mere exploration of those possibilities, because you  all know profoundly your  true state of mere bliss and mere light. But you asked yourself and wanted to experience: what if light would diminish, what if light would cease to exist and what would be the outcome of it.

Now, after so much suffering and having been fallen into the pit of darkness (darkness is always present as soon as only one iota of the Absolute Light is diminished) you remember the Infinite Light and its Source, pondering whether it is worth to continue further the down spiraling path. Now many of you are all at the very threshold where you must make an important decision:

Do you want to go further down into the forgetfulness of your Divinity, or do you wish to return to your true Divine Nature? This is the decision you must make NOW. Because the state of your world shows that you haven´t yet made a clear choice.

There is not much time left to delay your answer to this question. You had plenty of opportunities and experiences to come to your conclusion.

Perhaps you are a bit afraid to return to the mere ecstasy of light because you had explored it already so well and perhaps you are thinking you might be bored to return to this State (laughs), deprived of your many toys you have become addicted to meanwhile.

But in any case, you must make your decision now. If you decide for the light, please know that this decision comes with rules:

It requires to set the intent to exercise exclusion of darkness as a given reality in your mind from now on. Why? Because with every thought, that believes in darkness in any form, you are re-enforcing it. You are re-enforcing your self-identification with an imagined victimhood, instead of knowing that you have been always a creator god.

In any moment from now on, if you decide for the light, you must exercise your creative powers, not looking at what is, or seems to be, but looking in any moment at new, infinite Divine possibilities instead, - and choose accordingly.

This is your new irrevocable responsibility from now on in order to change your experience of this world and to change it into a new adventure. 

You see, boredom will not await you in the realms of light, as it might have hassled you before, but you will return to the light with new divine creator powers that are one with the depth of All-Embracing Divine Love, a power you never were able to accomplish before to such a degree!

You will be given the opportunity to participate from now on in the glory of Divine Evolution that serves the inspiration and exaltation and expansion of Divine Creation.

What an excitement is awaiting you! Wake up, my dears, and be aware of the Divine Gift that is now being given to you. Not only be aware of it, but use it. Use it for the sake of planetary awakening, freedom and happiness. Use it for the sake of brotherhood and a united humanity.

NOW is the time to decide where you want to go. Divine Creator Powers of Love are waiting for you, if you follow the Light. This is the moment where your evolution is truly beginning. And it has never been given to you in such a glory before.

So I am sure you will choose wisely.

My Blessings and my Love are with you!

I am Mahavatar Babaji!

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Sunday, May 26, 2013


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013

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Greetings Friends, We Are Your Lemurian Family!

Sweet Ones,
It is time now to renew our friendship and to come closer to you than ever before in the last Millenniums.

This is because you, beloved friends, are soon to join us again in consciousness, and with love and joy!

The signs are here, and they arrived heralding our soon to occur unification, as you are rising your vibration now to a degree you have not been able to for a very long time on earth.

Cosmic signs are favorable and it is due to the incoming new energies and light on the planet that you are capable to adapt your own frequency to ours, step by step and more and more, until yours are matching ours.  This will  be the moment when we meet, either physically or telepathically, or while you are aware of our subtle presence.

There are many of you on the planet who are awakening and start to remember their past on ancient Lemuria, a past that was full of the wonders of the 5th and in some cases the 6th dimension. At that time you had not developed your separation to understand yourself as an individual that was seemingly isolated from the rest of creation, an island of singleness, a being contracted on itself, that considered itself as “different” and “other” from everything else.  This experience of separation was the beginning of a strange and from your original Divinity alienated phenomenon: fear!

Fear can only arise if you believe that you are a separate being, singly, and ‘over against’ everybody and everything else. For those who have been part of our ancient Lemurian society, fear was unknown. Because we lived in the realization of unity and non-separation. You experienced yourself as One with our ancient civilization where you were  One at heart with all and All.

The Divine was Centered at your Heart, and your Heart was One with All Hearts. In your Heart there was no difference but Unity or Love. Each one of you has been dancing with all and All your unique dance, in service to the Divine. There was no dance you danced for “yourself”, but all you did was dancing in praise of the Divine Source. And your dance was a dance of Love in your service. Our whole culture was turned to Source and therefore there was no conflict between members of our civilization, because it was not about ‘them’, but about Source.

When you look now at your present society, it is really mainly about “you”, the individual and while you are spiritually awakening, how the Divine would express Itself through your individuality. And therefore there are all these conflicts among those who do not know how to cooperate with one another, as they serve themselves more than they are serving the Divine, self-forgotten, and fully One in their Heart with Source.

You see, this turn around, this upside-down movement, this twist in consciousness, is the reason  that brought about on the surface of earth the downfall of humanity. Remember that your ascension process will reverse this error and confusion, deeply rooted in the wrong perception of “self”.

By now most of you understand that this downfall had to do with the creation of the “Fallen Ones”, that separated you from Source and your once natural intimate Union with Source. Your fallen state turned this correlation around and creation became more “important” than Source Itself, and the consequence of this imbalance was separation from Source.

This separation is breathing now its last breath! It has for so long been maintained by what you call the “matrix”, a sub-creation by the Fallen Ones that held you tight in a spell of delusion. Suffering, darkness, scarcity, loneliness, error, confusion – all these experiences were the consequences for your choice to live in this illusion.

Yes, it was your choice, dear ones. You understood at the time of your fall that you needed to know separation from your Divine Source and its implications, in order to be reborn into your Union with Source, - after you came to the point where you had exhausted your experience of it. This process was serving to overcome the possibility for imbalance inherent in Divine Creation itself.

But when this process is fully and on all levels completed, you are Standing this time Unshakably in Truth, a Victory of the  Divine. What seemed to be an error of creation is now coming rapidly to an end, as you recognize, forgive and integrate what you have tucked away at the time of your fall into your subconscious, so that it became unconscious. This suppressed part of you then was allowed to appear “outside” of you in the form of “malevolent” invaders on your planet, to create for you the matrix of illusion.

We admire your spiritual strength, beloved human family, and how you, with your invocation of Unconditional Love, are re-invocing your Divine Source and thereby incarnating forgiveness, and the integration of the shadow of the unconscious!

Through your heroic act of this integration the ‘error’ in creation is being repaired to the point where a New Divine Creation can emerge, a Creation that is able to fully express, and without failure and flaw now, the Ultimate Glory of Divinity! In this New Divine Universe there will be no falling back ever into forgetfulness of the Radiant Divine Source.

What has been your weakness has become your greatest Strength. The Divine has – through your devotional endeavour – Realized a New Magnificent Universal Creation, that you soon will fully Realize yourself too.

When you do, you will Know that there is Truly Only One Source, forever Inseparable and One with all  Creation. And It Is This One You Will Glorify and Celebrate with all Your Heart, Hence Your Oneness with All, forgotten separateness, but still dancing your unique dance of Love for the Divine. All One Great and Single Happening and Consciousness. All Conscious, nothing unconscious. All Divine, All Light, All Love.

This New Creation is far more than what we lived together in ancient Lemuria, and it is you, who agreed to immerse into full darkness and forgetfulness, to  make this New Victorious Creation Happen.

It is time now for you to  remember and while you fully remember, to allow to be drawn into the Brightness of Source again to fulfill the promise of the New Cycle of Creation. There, there will be no separation, no other, no fear, but Union, Joy and only Love, a never-ending Celebration of the Divine.

We Love You and We Thank You!
We Are Your Lemurian Family!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
