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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013 |
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Sweet Ones,
It is time now to renew our
friendship and to come closer to you than ever before in the last Millenniums.
The signs are here, and they
arrived heralding our soon to occur unification, as you are rising your
vibration now to a degree you
have not been able to for a very long time on earth.
Cosmic signs are favorable
and it is due to the incoming new energies and light on the planet that you are
capable to adapt your own frequency to ours, step by step and more and more,
until yours are matching ours. This
will be the moment when we meet, either
physically or telepathically, or while you are aware of our subtle presence.
There are many of you on the
planet who are awakening and start to remember their past on ancient Lemuria, a
past that was full of the wonders of the 5th and in some cases the 6th
dimension. At that time you had not developed your separation to understand
yourself as an individual that was seemingly isolated from the rest of creation,
an island of singleness, a being contracted on itself, that considered itself as “different” and “other”
from everything else. This experience of
separation was the beginning of a strange and from your original Divinity
alienated phenomenon: fear!
Fear can only arise if you
believe that you are a separate being, singly, and ‘over against’ everybody and
everything else. For those who have been part of our ancient Lemurian society,
fear was unknown. Because we lived in the realization of unity and non-separation.
You experienced yourself as One with our ancient civilization where you
were One at heart with all and All.
The Divine was Centered at
your Heart, and your Heart was One with All Hearts. In your Heart there was no
difference but Unity or Love. Each one of you has been dancing with all and All
your unique dance, in service to the Divine. There was no dance you danced for “yourself”,
but all you did was dancing in praise of the Divine Source. And your dance was
a dance of Love in your service. Our whole culture was turned to Source and
therefore there was no conflict between members of our civilization, because it
was not about ‘them’, but about Source.
When you look now at your
present society, it is really mainly about “you”, the individual and while you are
spiritually awakening, how the Divine would express Itself through your
individuality. And therefore there are all these conflicts among those who do not know how to cooperate with one another, as they serve themselves
more than they are serving the Divine, self-forgotten, and fully One in their Heart with Source.
You see, this turn around,
this upside-down movement, this twist in consciousness, is the reason that brought about on the surface of earth the
downfall of humanity. Remember that your ascension process will reverse this
error and confusion, deeply rooted in the wrong perception of “self”.
By now most of you understand
that this downfall had to do with the creation of the “Fallen Ones”, that separated
you from Source and your once natural intimate Union
with Source. Your fallen
state turned this correlation around and creation became more “important” than
Source Itself, and the consequence of this imbalance was separation from Source.
This separation is breathing now its last breath! It has for so long
been maintained by what you call the “matrix”, a sub-creation by the Fallen Ones
that held you tight in a spell of delusion. Suffering, darkness, scarcity,
loneliness, error, confusion – all these experiences were the consequences for
your choice to live in this illusion.
Yes, it was your choice, dear
ones. You understood at the time of your fall that you needed to know
separation from your Divine Source and its implications, in order to be reborn
into your Union with Source, - after you came
to the point where you had exhausted your experience of it. This process was
serving to overcome the possibility for imbalance inherent in Divine Creation
But when this process is
fully and on all levels completed, you are Standing this time Unshakably in
Truth, a Victory of the Divine. What
seemed to be an error of creation is now coming rapidly to an end, as you
recognize, forgive and integrate what you have tucked away at the time of your
fall into your subconscious, so that it became unconscious. This suppressed
part of you then was allowed to appear “outside” of you in the form of “malevolent”
invaders on your planet, to create for you the matrix of illusion.
We admire your spiritual
strength, beloved human family, and how you, with your invocation of
Unconditional Love, are re-invocing your Divine Source and thereby incarnating
forgiveness, and the integration of the shadow of the unconscious!
Through your heroic act of
this integration the ‘error’ in creation is being repaired to the point where a
New Divine Creation can emerge, a Creation that is able to fully express, and without
failure and flaw now, the Ultimate Glory of Divinity! In this New Divine
Universe there will be no falling back ever
into forgetfulness of the Radiant Divine Source.
What has been your weakness
has become your greatest Strength. The Divine has – through your devotional endeavour
– Realized a New Magnificent Universal Creation, that you soon will fully Realize
yourself too.
When you do, you will Know
that there is Truly Only One Source, forever Inseparable and One with all Creation. And It Is This One You Will Glorify
and Celebrate with all Your Heart, Hence Your Oneness with All, forgotten
separateness, but still dancing your unique dance of Love for the Divine. All
One Great and Single Happening and Consciousness. All Conscious, nothing
unconscious. All Divine, All Light, All Love.
This New Creation is far more
than what we lived together in ancient Lemuria, and it is you, who agreed to
immerse into full darkness and forgetfulness, to make this New Victorious Creation Happen.
It is time now for you
to remember and while you fully
remember, to allow to be drawn into the Brightness of Source again to fulfill
the promise of the New Cycle of Creation. There, there will be no separation, no other, no fear, but Union, Joy and only Love, a never-ending Celebration of
the Divine.
We Love You and We Thank You!
We Are Your Lemurian Family!
Message conveyed by Ute
Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.
Poderiam nos passar mais detalhes sobre as civilizações dos últimos 50 mil anos,isto ajudaria muito no entendimento da civilização presente.
Um breve relato com datas e sobre as civilizações atuais da terra oca, de Agharta e outras cidades do centro da terra nos esclareceria muito e com certeza adiantaria o processo de consciência.
Could we get more details on the civilizations of the past 50 years, this would help greatly in the understanding of this civilization.
A brief report with dates and on the current hollow Earth civilizations, Agharta and other cities in the center of the Earth in very detail and certainly help the process of consciousness.
Dear Resgatex, thank you for asking. This message is about ancient Lemuria that existed even long before the civilization in Atlantis. So it is very ancient and it is not about the descendents of them who are now living in Telos, underneath Mt. Shasta. They have become a different "race" over time. If you want to know about Telos, I recommend to Google. But please be prepared that they are higher dimensional beings who don't have the same idea about time than we have in the 3th dimension.
If you want to understand more about the Ancient Ones, you might want to read the description given by Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn. Just now I have been guided to this message: http://www.spiritualu.eu/index.php/lemuria/656-the-lemurian-return-and-the-peridot-stargate
My own experience is that the Ancient Ones still exist, simultaneous with their descendants in Telos. They are very beautiful, luminous beings of light, very joyful and loving. This civilization exists in the domain of light in the higher dimensions.
Hope this helps! Blessings <3
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