Showing posts with label Separation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Separation. Show all posts

Thursday, February 22, 2018


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Dearest friends!

This update is about purification of humanity´s history and of the unredeemed collective consciousness so that the universe can move on. Friend, you might discover also your own involvement in this process.

The question whether earth is a sphere or a flat something is not relevant here, rather the fact that earth is a realm of psycho-physical experience. With emphasis on "realm". Nothing is as it seems, we often have heared this and it is valid on many levels. In this context it means that our five senses seem to tell us that earth is made of matter, but in actuality it is a fluid realm. And it is multidimensional. To think that is is pure matter is due to the fall of consciousness of humanity who has forgotten that earth has been the womb of the galaxy and has therefore a predominant role in the unviverse.

This understanding might help many of us who are here to help this truth to emerge and to be understood at these times, to see their personal destiny reflected in the history and development of human consciousness.

I am experiencing exactly this in an exaggerated way in these endtimes where this realm is being more and more compressed, squeezing into the open all that has not yet been clarified and liberated from the dark hiding place of the subconsciousness of humanity. 

And of course my experience must happen deeply felt in the physical, my physical, that is my body. I am a mole who digs tunnels deep in the underground of collective consciousness to allow them to be filled with light.

It is extremely interesting to discover in ever deeper proceedings of impersonal experiences how my physical issues, which have been seeded anytime in human history in "me" as an apparent individual, - in this life-time or life-times long ago (wereby time-space is an illusion), - as  symptoms of human failure and distortion, separated from the original Divine Creation that has been meant to be perfect. 

As said earlier in one of my messages, I am belonging to a group of beings who incarnate in places that need to grow in consciousness. In order to be of service, physical incarnation is absolutely essential to fulfill that task. It is being done while choosing experiences that are switching points of archetypal epitomes of human aberrations from the perfect  Concept of Divine Creation.

Dealing right now with immense physical pains is like a cooking pot that pushes the bubbles of remembrance of human history in the form of precise images to the surface. And so my body is like an onion of humanity's memory, which is being peeled skin by skin, but it seems to go on forever. 

Main issues are the desecration, deformation and abuse of the womb of creation and birth itself, of the female power,  the destruction of women´s integrity and self-worth.  And the strategic secrecy of that.  All of this stands for the utter compression of light and energy to the point of almost still-stand, where the natural flow of life stops. We can see all of this in the present world condition. 

But where there would be movement and free flow of life and energy, the power of the female, there  would be light and joy, and Love is Present. And all is perfect.

Please understand these issues beyond the mere human scale as a cosmic archetypal happening,  as universal events that are the results of misused mindsets. As the experience  and demonstration of 'as above  so below'. 

The male mind froze while non-surrendered to the flowing light of the Goddess, the Divine Shakti or Spirit Power. And the children of the Goddess were born in darkness, forgetful of their Divinity. Nobody is guilty. It is just the result of implosion that occurred because in this experimental realm of duality the female and the male recognized themselves as separate. Experiencing seeming separation from the Primordial Unity of the Radiant Source Condition, everything must ultimately implode if this game goes on too long. And it has been going on too long already.

That's why many of us who came here to help this realm to re-orient itself to it's own Source-Condition, suffer now seeming unexplainable pains and set-backs in these end-times, to help to open the knot of darkness, to make room for the  Source-Light to Shine trough, to make Itself Known again. 

We carry the information of humanity's fall (and that of the universe)  in our very body cells and in our DNA together with the Supreme Light of Divine Consciousness. All of this is now activated in our body. It is as painful as the most difficult birth. And this Great Birth must happen now.
As a universal law, everything must become conscious, the whole bandwith of the frequency of light in this realm, which is compressed darkness on one end and expanding light on the other end, and everything in between, before fundamental change can occur. This is however still about the dimension of conditional light. 

We are here to allow the Revelation of Unconditional Light, That is above all conditional, but it cannot be recognized before we are willing to acknowledge the two sides of the coin of duality and go beyond both.
Humans are not entities, which are being identified as separate meat-bodies. We are beings in which the great universal happening is incarnated, finding its expression. We are consciousness and as said above, this is a realm of psycho-physical experience. But it must be liberated through understanding ourselves as the whole bandwith of  frequencies to ascend into and become one with the Supreme Source-Light. 

This is the great task of this moment. 
Please support this process by surrendering with love to the Ultimate Conscious Light which is beyond the dual apparence of conditional light and dark and all opposites and in Which all of this is arising.

With great love,

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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for Healing, Protection, Manifestation 
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Thursday, June 1, 2017


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My Beloveds,
I AM the All and Everything of you.

Do not think you can exclude Me forever, because I will always Remind you of Me. You cannot escape Me.
Because I AM you.

When your life fails, when all hopes fulfilled turn out to
   be shallow,
- when you finally find out that life will never fulfill you,
- when you run in the circle, the proverbial carrot in
  front of your blind eyes, always running to catch it, but
   never ever grab it,
- when there is frustration because you feel empty with
  all the things you have accumulated for pleasure and
  satisfaction, even spiritual satisfaction,
- when all this fails, you realize:

Your world of thinking thought is not constructed to make things heart-sufficiently "better", hoping that you somehow will find there the Forever what your search was for: the final glorification of your from Me separate being, a separate crown on your separate head. However you are a prisoner in your little world with a little glow in your imagined personality, and yes, perhaps sometimes a shine that seems to expand and to console you, because you now feel special with that shine which might seem to be a kind of hopeful satisfaction, but soon gone again. Not REAL. 

Because it all happens in the chambers of separation, only a dim glimpse of oneness in your mind of hope to be able to fabricate somehow fulfillment on your own.

If you have forgotten Me you think that you - lonely - float somewhere with your body and mind in space, perhaps your feet on your planet earth, a being that imagines to independently wander around in cosmic domains, jealously defending the fence of your skin from all other appearances – seemingly all around you, otherness and others as your world forever.

But this is not true. You live in your self-created illusion of a false dream. Cut off from the Real World and thereby from Me.

Without Me, the Ultimate Reality of Existence, your energy is scattered, perhaps a bit bundled within the idea of what appears to you in finite time and space as a body, perhaps even a more subtle body, or let it be even a subtle body of light. It is the light of second choice.

Accept that what you do is happening in fantasy land, dreaming of yourself, as an entity in separation, perhaps even full of the marvel of transparent colours and fine smells, sometimes exciting experiences, sufficient, you THINK, because you do not yet know Me.

When your understanding starts to finally sense that is it not your fault that there is no true fulfillment in your worlds, neither gross nor subtle, because it cannot BE by default, then an opening occurs in your being, a crack that opens into My Infinite Radiant Union-Space beyond your usual condition of separation from Me, yourself, and from all worlds -- presuming they are other than you, like objects on the other side of you, something to grasp away from you.

What I then Reveal to you Is the Oneness of Me and With Me, the Beauty of Our Ecstasy, the Unspeakable Freedom and Eternity, the Breathing Breath of Clarity and Perfection.

If you Know Me you realize the short legged things you were hunting for, are a mirage only in the realms of changing features, disappearing again and again, you: unable to hold them forever. Because they are the products of flying mind and schemes, not real, but deceiving your Truth seeking heart.

With Me you awaken to the Real, the Mirror of all mirages, the Reality Ground your entire Being rests on and reaches into, in Truth.

If you choose Me you would be surrounded and nurtured by My Light That is Ultimate Light and not of the broken light in your worlds of mind.

I am prior to all of that.
I am True Happiness, I am Truth, you Original and Native State of Being is Me. Only Me.

Feel in your very heart What I Say to you and ponder Its Truth. You cannot think Me or imagine Me. You must Feel Me with heart and body. I Am here. And if you call Me with the desire of your heart, all the obstacles on the way to Me and in between will melt into My Radiant Sphere of Perfection That Is True Love and Happiness.

I AM The One God-Self of All and everything!

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, April 12, 2017


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My Beloveds!

Be assured that your ascension process is not really being delayed as so many of you believe.
This belief is based on the assumption that you are dependent on outer circumstances to evolve as a spiritual being and to become only thereby free of all entanglements in the lower worlds of appearances.

Even if there will be in the future a most intense and powerful infusion of light and love by which mankind on this earth is being transformed into a new species with only Divine Signs, alone who is prepared for the full reception of this infusion will benefit from this event!

What is this telling you? Each one of you is responsible for their own conscious process of awakening and transformation leading up to this incident.

But you don't even need to wait for it to happen. Your spiritual transformation and  liberation is free from any outer circumstance, because you will notice that I AM always Present, if you walk your path with Me.

You would not Be The Gods You Are if no conscious participation in your liberation process was required! It is not your destiny to be an unconscious thing to be at some time consumed by some universal forces in an overwhelming universal happening. Rather your True and Innate Nature Is Pure and Unlimited Consciousness, or Love or Bliss and Ecstasy or Eternal and Radiant Being-ness, in Which all universal processes are occurring.

You must consciously be willing to surrender to That and let go of your separation from Me and your separative activities. This surrender is like opening up your egoic egg-shell -  which separates you from Me - into My Inifinite Field of  Source-Consciousness, to forget yourself in Me, to merge with Me, to Unite with My Undying Happiness.

This process is possible with Your deep heart-felt Love of Me, desiring and recalling Perfect Greatness and True Divine Reality as Your Heritage.

Mankind entered this existence as a Perfect Divine Being of Radiant Consciousness, but in your increasingly yourself from Me separating activity, you started more and more to forget Me, to even believe that I do not Exist, or that you are just a from Me separate being with some subtle bodies at best, whose real home would be in some higher dimensions of existence, which some extraterrestrial races and other dimensional beings, seemingly closer to the light, would enjoy.

But know that you Are ALL of that! You Are beyond all dimensions if your soul merges into Me and you do not need to worship or put your hope on presumed higher evolved beings because the space they occupy, exists within yourself and in your brain-experience.

But I AM Expanded beyond all of that, these worlds are all in Me, as they are in You, once You Unite with Me to BE Who You Truly Are.

So do not become impatient with present circumstances and a world that does appear to be other than divine. Always understand yourself and to which extent you have created your own reality by recoiling from Me and reverse this activity by Loving Me Only, withdrawing your root-attention from the superficial appearances, Allowing Me to be the Substance of your new creations.

Therefore do not dwell on chaos or misfortune that appear now more and more to be the condition of your world. I AM Always Radiant Happiness prior to and beyond unhappiness. It is your Own Most Natural State. Find That. Unite with That. This is liberation, untouched by the chaos and uncertainty that nowadays is the sign of usual life.

Know that you are not a slave of planetary ascension or any other universal liberating processes, if you don't attach yourself to them. By Your Very Nature You Are beyond them, you are free and independent from them, only Dependent on Me, Your Source, Your True Home, Your Native State.

Turning your reality downside up into Me liberates you from your world of constant change that has only affinity with the tools of your bodily senses, to experience this world. You Are not your senses, and you don't need "a world", only if you think that you cannot exist without experience. But I AM ultimately beyond experience. I AM Pure Feeling-Bliss-Consciousness.

Therefore create with My Love-Happiness what Is Truly Divine and Which serves My Purpose of an Enlightened Humanity. Be the Servant always of That and You Are So Blessed!  

This Is Happiness! I AM the Eternal Current of Love-Light In Which your body and mind is appearing. And if you Allow I Am infilling your earthly vehicle with the Force of My Eternal Existence, Powerfully Radiating to Infinity.

It is your choice to enter this process now, and calling thereby down My Supreme Presence directly into your experience and into this world, infinitely more Sublime and Beautiful than any cosmic light.

My Love Is Everywhere, in deed, there Is Only My Love.

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.

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Friday, September 11, 2015


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Beloved Friends! 

There is nothing that can separate us.  
Us: the Heart that is Humanity. 

There is only One Heart, that is God, that is Humanity. That is Divine Consciousness. That is Self-Radiant and Love-Bliss.

I know this idea of non-separation is somewhat scary for many. You rather would prefer some distance. But that distance belongs only to a specific world in the mind, a creation of the brain-washed mind that never can tolerate Oneness and which does not belong to true humanity.   

We are One Single Humanity, and that One Single Humanity shares One Single Divine Heart. Additionally there are bodies, presumed separate identities and entities with different mind sets, actions, preferences, emotional states, differences in body shape, age, culture, abilities and believes, and more. Anything you could imagine. All the varieties of the universe. But we all still share One Single Divine Heart.

If we happen to touch It, simultaneously, you and I and you and you and you … we feel our Oneness, our Singleness, this Non-Separation, this Unity, beyond space and time and the little us. A feeling of Eternity because we touch the Eternal Divine Heart or God we all inhere in.

And still we fight forgetful with one another, we betray one another, we lie, we steal, we kill, we cause pain and sorrow and we suffer. Yes, we do it all, because I am you, and you are me, there is no separation. But mirror all around.

What others do, we do. We are responsible for one another. This is hard to grasp and more difficult to accept. But if we think of someone to be a good person, they will feel and be or become good, and if we consider somebody to be a bad person, they will feel bad and are or become bad. There might be exceptions though with those who have no feelings at all.

Remember that separation is an illusion and is created by the mind in the matrix, where we identify merely with a body. This mind possesses Mercury's quality, it is unsteady and uncertain about everything and anything. Shape-shifting, deceitful and never honest. Because only the Heart can be true. There is no true mind in the matrix, because this  short-waved mind is only trying to describe Reality and the Heart's knowing. It is only a copycat.
This depiction is creating an artificial reality, a mirror world, a poor copy of heart inspiring Truth and Happiness.

Sometimes we meet someone, and this Oneness arises, Now and Present and never perishes.
We fall in Love, but what really happens is the recognition of that Prior Oneness together, this Experience of Eternity beyond the matrix, in which all differences vanish, all time disappears and no thought ever existed.

We are in that space of Fullness, our energy expanded into vastness that can be radiant and silent and powerful.

Reality seems to crackle, very fine and delicious. Did you ever experience this subtle crackling? When there is no thought, but just the fullness of eternity, expanded Reality, Bright, without content and shape and form. Mere Existence, Self-Radiant, replacing the limitation of time and space, like solid Reality, more solid than mountains, with a stillness that is vibrating powerfully and you forget the worlds and you are One with that Being-ness, with the Existence that is the Divine Heart of all.

There is no fear. And so when you have been ever afraid of being close to somebody, find the Prior Oneness of all things. It is above the usual human business and personal preferences. It is the All and All. We live in It. Give it no name, it speaks by Itself without words.

But people feel ashamed to confess their desire for it, their desire for that Intimacy with no boundaries. They feel ashamed because they confuse this True Divine Intimacy with the intimacy on the chacra levels, with the sharing of certain conditional vibrations, lower or higher, disturbed or undisturbed.

But True Oneness is above the matrix, - beyond or prior exists that Radiance and Fullness. In It the human artificial hologram is forgotten, because it vibrates low. You want to exist forever in that Divine Reality, a Reality that is always Present even in this world of falseness, slavery,  humiliation and pain.

We do not need to go to other worlds. Perfect Happiness is already here and the greatest victory when attained here.

It is here and we can discover it, any moment, before the mind rises again. It is the Eternal Substance of all the absurdity and ridiculousness of this world, even now. It is true fulfillment, the search for more stops here.  And with it all desires, all suffering, all disappointments, all pain.

Because we enjoy non-separation for real. Our Own Divine Heart Only that Is. God we believed to be outside of us, has become our Native Inseparable Reality. Distance does not exist.  Because there is Truth beyond the limitations of the matrix. And in It nothing can separate Us from that Love.

With love,
In lak'ech


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2015


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We are now at the point where change becomes are real possibility - if not a must.

We: this is you, humanity, your friends from the realms of light and all those who are involved in this evolutionary process which is bringing about a major shift in consciousness for all beings of light.

Never forget that the light of your true Divinity is ALWAYS victorious.

Even though darkness seems to be moving forward, it is one of the great illusions that test your mind and strength to unite with the Divine Law under all circumstances, even when darkness prevails.

Truth cannot be avoided, whatever a fallen mind tries to create! Truth can never be destroyed, because even falsehood and error live like a mirage on the grounds of Eternal Divine Reality.

We are here to confirm our friendship and our love for you, always holding the splendor of the Realm of the Divine Love-Light for you open to invite you into your true Home.

In your True Home not only the illusions of the subtle realms, but all the delusions of the world of suffering are void, and they are recognized as mere fabrications of the senses of your subtle or your dense body-mind, if you are identified with it. 

The body-mind of the lower dimensions is created to host a low vibrating consciousness. It is naturally attracting  the characteristics of a lower mind. Therefore you experience separation and gross emotions that create the karmas of suffering.

Only when you are able to remember your Divine Heritage, these low vibrations don´t have exclusive power over you anymore.

It is you who remember, who communicate with us, the higher dimensional Light-Forces, and in the most fortunate occasions, with the Divine Source Itself. 

The communication with the Source is primarily not verbal, but is - via feeling-attention - the recognition of a transparent Purity and Freedom that is Absolute, and which is beyond all the appearances of the  conditional realms.

You are communicating with the Source beyond your body-mind, while no world exists in that moment of communication. This is so because mind does not exist when the Source-Condition is Revealing Itself to your awareness. 

It is the Eternal Divine Substance of Which all creation is made by creator beings with the means of the mind. Therefore all creation is mind.

When you communicate with us, know, that we are not Source and that we are not Ultimate Light. Both, your and our races, and every race,  are emerging from that Source. Therefore it is your right, as it is ours, to directly relate to the Source, without mediators in between. 

However the structure of your body-mind that you utilize, - if you are not used to go beyond the lower and subtle vibrations - is not allowing you to directly communicate with the Source, because the veil and limitation of your mind´s vibration is an almost  insurmountable obstacle. You can only go so far as listening to your intuition. 

The capacity of your direct communication with the Source has been taken from you many eons ago. However it is being returned to you in your lifetime by Divine Grace. That is why we remind you of this Great Event. 

Because it is this Great Event that has Enlightened the fallen worlds and opened the door for the Recognition of non-changing Truth That is not hidden by diversity, but is felt as the Source of all diversity.

It is the Root-Power That allows for recognition what darkness really is: a mortal phantom that now can be understood as a temporary error of the fallen or unenlightened mind, with only the power that you are willing to give it. 

And this growing clarity in the hearts of mankind makes possible the fundamental shift you all are waiting for. Because Real Shift needs the eternal and un-changing Divine Reality to depend on. Otherwise it would be just about another little moving of stones and dimensional point of views.

Dearest brothers and sisters, we are One in That One Eternity of Blissful Source! Lets embrace one another in the Radiance of That Source and let It Be your Inspiration! 

Let It Be your Certainty that you are always safe where your Home is, and that nothing can separate you from It, never ever. Even not in your temporary experience of seeming separation and therefore suffering!  

While you communicate with us, remember your Real Home and trust the Divine Truth of It. 

This will add momentum to the long awaited Great Shift!

We Are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
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