Showing posts with label Freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom. Show all posts

Friday, January 30, 2015


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We should be Happy, because this is our natural State of Being.
If we are not, it is because we buy into all that stuff that we are NOT.

It is time for humanity to free ourselves from all that rubbish we have being hanging on for millenniums. It is time to recognize that we lived from a wrong point of view, and now it is time to change the perspective! Radically, - or not?

What perspective? The idea that we are a body-mind-complex who lives in such and such a world. While it is true, that we have had enough of all these betrayals, false images, beliefs, strange experiences, shortcomings, frustrations, fears, angers, and so on, by experiencing this stupid limitations of a world that we allowed to be governed by a few absurd individuals who shrinked ridiculously away from the forever Unobstructed Radiance of Truth – we also  might come now to understand that this is not anymore about exchanging black suits with white suits.

Didn’t we do this exchange already for eons? Isn’t it time to go beyond this play of opposites, with which we confine ourselves to be  beings who are merely a form? Isn’t it time to accept our True and Native State in which we neither emphasize the black nor the white? Otherwise we are going on and on and on. Times, in which whiteness and blackness comes and goes. Because it must, when we hang on to one side at a time. Because of the law of balance.

Now we have the opportunity to look differently, with a new understanding at the world, we created. We have now come to the point where we have exhausted the black suits, and with detailed understanding we have enough of this one-sided game of pretending we are some really miserable subjects, victims of a world nobody understands,  without the power to create what our heart desires. To live a life of unlimited un-happiness.

Now do we really want to re-establish our more exalted  past where we have been wearing the white suits, but! pay attention! while  still limited, even as divine beings, identified with a form? 12 DNA strands or more, able to fly (as separate beings) through the cosmos, living in subtle dimensions of radiant manifestations. Yes, a wonderful divine creation. But is separation from our Native State enough?

How FREE have we actually been? Do we really want to again repeat, yes, even with a new delightful experience of an ascended semi-physical body to live in the “heavens”? Yes, wonderful play though!

But: is this ALL WE ARE?
Is the exhaustive experience of the opposites of the black and the white not an invitation to go beyond both of them? Are we willing to learn? Are we capable of understanding the game now, because we have profoundly experienced it? Yes, starseeds, so what? Evolution remains the evolution of the conditional. 

And will not – while we are held captive in the polarity of this game (because we have decided so) – darkness return, after we exploited the conditional light? Are not both sides of the coin vulnerable to each other?

There are notions that from this time of ascension on darkness will never return. How? To the one who decides for the conditional light of the rainbow, polarity is inherent in their experience. Only when we desire to transcend the conditionality of black and white, we can enter the Unconditional. 

But this does not happen in mindful imagination. In a week-end seminar or by a self-applied technique or manipulation, or while we add something to our body-mind. It is a real process in which we surrender the total body-mind to our Own Divine Truth.

In fact, as long as we hold on to the conditional, we do not claim our True Identity. We deliberately choose to be some confined being, vulnerable to inevitable changes within the play of polarity.

The incoming powerful energy, light and information that inspires us with the remembrance of our Divinity, also provides us with  Divine Intelligence and  the choice to explore the Unconditional, the Divine Reality beyond and prior to the conditional. The Divine Substance in which the  conditional arises. The Light which is above all lights. The Unconditional Light. The Infinite. The Eternal Love-Bliss. Our Source.

We cannot truly know intimately this world without knowing, or better: realizing its Source. Source is not an object. It cannot be known by the mind as an “other”. Body-mind must surrender to its Source, its  Eternal Love-Bliss. Source is our own Divine Subjectivity. Because it is our Inherent Divine Nature. 

But we speak of Source as if we would own it. As if we  could manipulate The Unspeakable, as if IT would be our servant. As if our egoic personality – the body-mind-system -  could have Source at its disposal. What a blasphemy!

In Reality, it is our body-mind-system (either of the white or the black suits) that is at the disposal of the Glorious Source, The ALL-LOVING, The ETERNAL, The UNMANIFESTED, The One That Does Not Create but IS All Beings and Things. IT is our own True Identity.

Why would we choose less? Why would we go with the tides of opposites instead of transcending them and enjoy the play for Real, because we are not bound.

Is it because we do not dare to know that we ARE Pure Divine Consciousness? As such we ARE formless and irrevocably FREE, surrendered to our Real State of Utter Delight and Beauty, Perfection and the Unchanging Truth of Existence.

The white and black suits are merely pale players within this Radiance!

With so much love,
In lak’ech!



Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Sunday, November 16, 2014


                                                                           THE DIVINE IMAGE ART OF ADI DA SAMRAJ 



Beloved Friends!

Lately I have seen several sources who explain what consciousness is.

I have not seen any description that goes beyond conditionality. They are all brain based descriptions.

Beloved friends, to me this is a sad limitation!  A limitation that neglects the Ultimate Source which is our true and most liberating own Divine Nature and therefore True Consciousness.

We are NOT the brain. Our True Essence is beyond it and prior to it. Yet all descriptions I have seen so far describe consciousness from the point of view of the brain. Beings from higher dimensions do have a brain of their own dimensional creation too, a brain that is pure light filament to function in their specific world.

But originating  not even these great beings from Source Itself, and is not Source also their True Divine Nature and Consciousness, which is prior to any separate form, even if of highest subtlety?

And do we not all – from all dimensions, high or low - participate in that One Source That is God Eternal and Love-Bliss?

This is the Real Divine Consciousness we all have together access  to, if we open up to  this Unconditional Truth. If we purify, if we transcend conditionality,  if we surrender to That Which is Truly Great.

Why not identify with our True Nature, why not assuming this Divine Consciousness to be our True and One Consciousness! The Consciousness of prior Unity.

Brain-based consciousness is a limitation we put on ourselves. It describes dimensional properties, contents, point of views. It examines and is able to navigate creation, yes. But it is still a limitation.

Divine Ultimate Consciousness is our Highest Freedom and Ecstasy, Unlimited, Undivided, All-Including, All Love-Bliss Only. Happiness, Unconditional. Our highest Purity, Beauty and Total Liberation from all bondage.

It Is What We Are and Have Always Been Eternally before our souls were created and we slowly descended into separate brain  consciousness as separate beings, descending more and more into denser dimensions.

Why not assuming, affirming and ultimately identifying with and realizing the Source Itself Which is humanity’s True Nature. Thereby we intuit first and then know It to be our True Consciousness from the Very Beginning, right here still existing in a 3dimensional realm. It is possible! 

Why we don’t pursue our Greatest Treasure now. Why not assume Unconditional Happiness. It is the Only Precious Truth That fulfills Eternally the Heart. Because It Is You.

YOU are not conditional. YOU ARE AN  UNCONDITIONAL DIVINE BEING and CONSCIOUSNESS. There Is Only Light, and Your Are It.

I have been searching for this Wisdom and Truth a life long and met the personified Reality and Proof  of It in the human form of Adi Da Samraj.

I am witness that what He revealed to humanity is an authentic gift: The Revelation of What Humanity Truly Is. He has been always my greatest deeply heart satisfying Inspiration, with the experience of unspeakable Divine Freedom, Heart-Happiness, Purity and an Exquisite Divine Beauty beyond imagination. This is so because He has taught humanity (and all beings in the universe) to be directly in relationship with their Real Source Which is Untouched, Pristine, prior to the brain and the body, prior to all dimensional consciousnesses, realms and existences of creation. And yet in Real Source Creation Is arising, pervaded and surrounded by It.

Yes, it is a mystery and right now we all can perceive this mystery when we start to explore and to know  from the silence of the heart that we do not know what a single thing is. Because all things are Eternity only and not what our mind makes of it in a descriptive way. All these things, including all dimensions and realms are Eternity only, because they are Consciousness. It is the Ultimate Divine Consciousness That Shines through Existence, high or low.

To perceive this Divine Consciousness in Its purest Form we must transcend the point of view of the body-mind and thereby the brain. We Are not the brain, We Are All That Is. And it is Happiness, Freedom, Purity, Love-Bliss. It Is our True Nature. 


This IS our True Home.

Much love, Ute

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Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2014. All rights reserved.

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Please share this message only together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014

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VIDEO (recommended!)

My Beloveds!

From the Eternal Realm, beyond the universes, created by the gods with the Power and Consciousness That I AM, and in which I AM therefore always present, I call all of you, humanity, back to Myself! And I call you to step out of the Illusion of time and space, of artificial creation that is not Me!

You have forgotten Me in the opaque glimmer of delusion, your minds put to sleep under the spell of the sorcerers.
As you have forgotten Me, you also have forgotten Who You Are.

You, who presently perhaps identify with the role and limitation of a finite, powerless being, that has been  imprinted into your vast consciousness, might imagine that you can only survive by following someone elses' rules and commands.

My dearest Ones, hear my voice, the voice of your own deepest Truth, hidden behind the fences of oblivious dreaming, bewitched with the colors of the all-consuming hydra.

In Truth you Are Free. In Truth you Are Radiant, while the enlightened body-mind is your toy to enjoy the path of Divine Creations. Because only Who Is Divine can indeed enjoy Divine Experience to explore the endless possibilities of existence.

If you are now captured in the finite rooms of delusion, suffering, disappointment and non-fulfillment of  your deepest desires expressing Me, the heavy chains that suffocate you  become obvious to you, chains  to pull you down into enslavement, to not to know the Pristine Heights of Freedom of your Purity and Divine Greatness.

The point here is, that you MUST WANT to step out of your presumed cosiness in a dark world, you must want your freedom, that you must want to break your chains, that you must want to emerge as the One You Are and not to doubt!

Become again the Radiant Ocean That I AM, in which all things are born. While you recognize Me, you recognize Yourself. You Are not your body and not even your mind. They are precious garments only, your means of delight, when you ARE Free! But what are they now? Means of misery, illness, sadness, depression, pain and suppressed emotions!

This is not What You Are! Remember! Allow! Do NOT suppress your Truth anymore with a mind that has been enforced on you, so that you doubt Yourself. So that you “think” you are a little helpless dot in an otherwise powerful universe!

Think straight! As you are part of the universe, and the universe is part of you, as Everything is One in Consciousness and in the primordial Divine Substance, how can you be weak and useless?

It is a sick mind only that has been implanted since millenniums into humanity, that imagines itself as weak, and miserable, as a sinner, if not even by birth. If you are indeed a sinner, I AM too, and then there is nothing but sin, all that exists is sin, my dear Ones, if  this is true. What a twisted mind it is, that has taught you this nonsense. Do not longer believe it.

Wake up, Beloveds, open your eyes and your heart for the Divine Reality that is yours in the Eternity of My All-Pervading Consciousness.

Just now you might still perceive Me as an “other”. Other, because you feel still separate from Me, other, because What I AM, and what You truly Are,  is not  yet your experience. But what you objectify now, is mirroring merely your Own True Self. Still you identify with a limited body-mind, be it physical or even a light body! But this identification is an error and your confinement!

I call you to go beyond and to recognize your True Inherent Nature That I  Show You As Me. I AM without limitation, I AM Eternally Free, not  Free of something, but originally Free, before the worlds arise in Me.

You Are It! You Are the All! Stand Up to your Original of Divine  Consciousness. Tear apart the veil that keeps you in bondage.
To do this, you need all your Will, all your higher and united Heart Power.

Arrive at the point, Beloveds, where you gather all your parts, where you focus all your intentions, where you rediscover all your powers to do that one act: to lift the veil, to break your chains, to allow to Be Who You Are!

Follow your wildest heart-dreams of Freedom, of Love, of  Joy and of Divine Play, My Beloveds! This is your birth right! The lowlands of your limitations and sufferings are not your obligations! Your One and Only Obligation is Divine Only. It is the Obligation to Be Free, to Be Happy, to be Radiant. Because this Is Who You Are.

To notice, not to be what you Are, by birth right, grants you now the exit ticket - out of illusion land. You must jump now and  leave behind, what is NOT yours, to claim What Is Yours.

I AM Yours, Your  God-Self! 

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,  Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them.
Please share this message only together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Thursday, January 17, 2013


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please also read update from 21.8.12 

VIDEO (recommended)

My Beloved Friends!  

Often we hear: don’t worry, all is perfect! But is it?  Perhaps later, yes, you think, when all is over, when all we suffered can appear in a new light of acceptance, as we rose again out of a certain experience. After it we can be more “us” again, that one that is not touched by any event, emotion and physical pain. 

Or think of an event, sometime in the past that has been difficult, and now it does not touch you any more, and you now even laugh!  This shows you the freedom who you always are, we only become entangled in experiences when we forget.  

If we still carry grudges about what happened to us, well, it is because in that context we seem to have forgotten forever Who We Are, and we believe that in that moment, we are not Spirit Who is always free to feel through illusion.
The freedom that we later then experience is closer to what we are: spirits, really and truly untouched from all that which clouded for a while our pristine state. 

Everybody has experienced this pristine state in life, we only do not closely pay attention, and perhaps many are addicted to suffering or expect an unheard excitement, as the ego-mind always looks for something grandiose. Whereas the Truth is Simple, Undivided and Sublime. Just Is.

But there is more about It! Once you saw the Real Perfection of ALL and EVERYTHING, your life is  changed forever! It is not the perfection we can sense or somehow intuit and feel to a certain degree, after the pain and the struggle is over. It is much more and it cannot be imagined! It is the other world!

Seeing the Real Perfection is heart-based Knowing. It is revealed to you in the Heart's Secret Chamber, inside the Sacred Heart. 

We all, without exception, have this Secret Chamber, but we don’t go there! We are holding ourselves captive high above It in the ivory towers of the mind. We are sitting literally in the brain with our human consciousness, deeply identified with what it thinks.

Beloved friends, it is the Great Illusion! In this surrogate for real Reality all Substance is lost! Everything there exists bereft of Divine Force, it is thin and surreal and like dry and dying leafes in the wind. Everything in this world of merely mind is weak, without Presence, without the fullness of Consciousness, indeed, everything in this kind of world is flimsy! It is a dis-ease!

Seeing in your Secret Heart Chamber the Perfection of all, you immediately know that you have designed every detail of your life yourself, every single bit of it! Why, oh why, you might exclaim in desperation! And the simple answer is: you wanted to experience it, experience it all! You chose to experience what it is, this separation from the Divine or from the knowledge of your own Divinity.

In my case, I had decided for a crash course: I wanted to  learn as much as possible in this vale of tears and what its constituents are, by experiencing the worst, to gain in the end mastery in the shortest time possible. And to kill two birds with one stone, it is also the work of the mole that digs a tunnel into the dark to bring the light into the Unconscious of humanity.

What makes one vote for such a journey?
Beloved friends, it is pure love! Before we come here we ARE this Love, it Is our Own Substance and Reality, and only Love could endure all this unspeakable suffering. And in spite of all the bliss and emotional freedom, it is not over yet. Because this is still the old world in which we have a body!

However, with the knowing that it is all Perfection, (but which we have to forget, when we enter the race in darkness), a Perfection from beginning to the end, we can see the whole and precious, self-designed pattern, that is inherent in the weave of our life! Indeed seeing it all, is Being it all, without interference from that ivory tower. This weave is purely golden with a perfect pattern and made of artful ornaments. The ancient Greek often used meander patterns and I believe that’s what they are: the artful pattern of our life.

In reality there are no words to describe this perfection, as it is existing all as perfect and unstained stillness, and in the absence of thoughts it is the Power of mere Presence, carrying the signature of our soul!

It is pure Mystery, beloveds! Every Thing is Substance there, in and of Itself! And every single happening in the “outer” world, things, sounds and people, they are all part of that perfection, because what we see inside the Secret Chamber is the same as outside. We can check then all events we remember to verify their Perfection, and we notice, yes, IT IS,  without exception, even the worst of experiences and people and events! It is ALL Golden Perfect Ornament in the Structure of our life, Alive with the Power of present Consciousness and Reality.  

It is only that most people do not know their own Perfection, they have no idea about their Reality, because they still live in their ivory tower of separation, flying with skinny and thin thoughts through the lands of illusion, unsupported and mostly rather miserable. They just live on the wrong side of perception!
But without the imprisonment in mind, everything is Perfect, and can be seen once we have entered that Secret Space.

The separation from our True Reality is sheer horror, dear friends, although there are Billions of people who think they are in the real heavens. That’s how misleading the mind can be.

This separation from real Reality is a disease, it is an error! Also the idea of going to another dimension is, as if higher dimensions would be objects, separate from us! Higher dimensions are states of consciousness and not “places” outside of us, from which we think we are distinct!

If we believe this, we live the mental illusion that we would somehow continue our present life just with a few changes that we can imagine from our present point of view, as if other states of consciousness would be just a somewhat continuation of the status quo. We imagine, that we can "know" how a different state of consciousness would be.

But, dearest brothers and sisters, we can neither know nor imagine!
We must rather leave the land of imagination and imagined knowing of objects, and BE. Be Real.

In other words, no dimension can be understood from the point of view of the perception of the unilluminated mind. It is about a reversal in Consciousness. We must accept the Unknown.

But we all knowingly KNOW the Truth already, even in this life itself, we only must remember and go where we belong, into our most Sacred Secret Chamber that contains all our blueprints, all the Knowing about ourselves!

If we don’t do this, then we stay in the race, running  anaesthetized after meaningless goals, seeking vain perfection in the realms of illusion, where mind does not serve the course of our life, but dominates us. But this all ends up in the great emptiness (not the void that is also  fullness, because it contains all), but empty of true meaning, purport and presence.

However, the paradox is, that this race and bustle is also part of our script that we wrote once ourselves. Why? Because we wanted to experience separation. Yet ALL of it, its entire pattern, is Golden and it is supported by Divine Consciousness. Once we recognize it, our world turns downside up and we understand and ARE its coherence!

It seems, now the time has come when we all wake up from that separate dream and discover the  Truth of Perfection. This is the year where we return to It, the veils are being removed, because this is also part of the script! 

This dream of otherness and illusionary darkness in consciousness, is nearing its end. It has played its role very well in the long illusion of time. We have learned it all, and we ALL KNOW who we are! We only must remember and firmly decide to  return to That Sacred Chamber, that we have deserted for so long.

The mind might resist and fight for its sole power, but gently loosen its grip, cut with courage the shackles, and return to yourself.

I only see two obstacles on the way:
- the disbelieve that you can do it
- the satisfaction with your status quo in illusion land

The first one has no substance, because the Secret Space is yours, always has been, you have only forgotten it. So you can visit it, everybody can, there is free entrance any time. But you must acknowledge and release with love what stands in the way.

The second one is ok too, it is your self-written script of your golden Perfection. Many blessings for your journey, and enjoy the experience!

But those who are tired of experience, because they “know” it all and it has become boring:  wander down from your ivory tower to your heart into the Stillness, by leaving all your worlds behind. Yes, they must be sacrificed, meaning, you must fully withdraw your  attention, you must forget them (for a while) and dare to jump into nothingness first. It is an act of surrender and of trust into Divine Truth!

Know yourself better! The more you do, the more you discover your undying Happiness!

Much Love and Many Blessings, my beloved friends!

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, October 13, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Beloved All,

Yes, there are great light openings on Gaia, and it is very important to intentionally and consciously align with them! 

You must find the spot in your heart where you can locate these incoming showers of light and allow your heart to be connected to the information of that light! 

There is a fine thread of light to your heart through which you can feel this connection. To be connected is only a matter of your  free will and intention! It prevents interfering frequencies to manipulate you to draw you back to the old and non-functional world, the world that is not aligned to the Divine Will.

Worlds which are not aligned directly to Divine Will are naturally on a path of decline, ugliness and destruction, and as a result - of unhappiness.

A Divinely Aligned World however is expanding with the currents of light, with the abundance of Love and all the Wonders of Beauty which come with It. Joy and Happiness then naturally is the carrier of all events and creations.  In fact, they Are Joy and Happiness themselves, one with your own heart and essence of Being.

So when you experience unhappiness and distortion, shortcomings and dis-ease, things not working out, recognize that these are signs of a world, not aligned with the Divine Expanded Heart, and they are therefore illusions, collapsing on themselves! You do not need to suffer them anymore. You can see them as what they are and take your birthright back: the Freedom of your heart!

No longer, therefore, attach yourself to these illusions, these holograms of darkness and insanity, and do not allow them to influence you in the deep of your being! Step aside, cut off the ties that bind you to the unreal, and re-unite yourself with the Real, the messengers of light, the bearers of love. They are the agents  which are birthing without end the realms of beauty, of love and integrity, of your happiness, and the happiness of all beings and things.

Creations which are not based on that happiness, with a will to create separation and misery, are not creations of the Divine human soul. They are not truly your own fabrications, when you recognize who you really are, before you started to be confused by information from love-denying sources and took this mistakenly for  your own true Self.   

In Divine Reality, there ARE no problems. There ARE no dilemmas. They are manufactured by non-understanding, the not-knowingness, by the sheer ignorance of those who do not know the infinite Heart.

In the Heart there are no dilemmas! And all the rocks you once placed there and perhaps still are placing there, are made of this illusion your mind has been entangled with, as you allowed it.

Therefore it is only you, who can sever your entanglement with what does not feel  happy, which is not warming and filling up your love of heart, which does not enlighten the infinite path in the Light of Divine Consciousness.

Who is still asleep, unconscious in the nightmares of a decaying world of false and deceptive light, is dreaming that this light is the promise of happiness. But when you wake up, you suddenly know that it only delivers emptiness, which seeks to fulfill itself with endless, but never thirst-quenching  distractions.

It is so important to realize this, because if you do, the powers, which deny you your inborn Freedom, cannot confine you anymore.

Once you understood their mechanism and their quality of vibration, they have lost their influence on you. And you are free for the True Light which  manifests your Happiness.

There are still many, not recognized, pitfalls, even for those who desire to work for the light. The trickery is sophisticated!  To locate the Real Light requires again and again discrimination and alertness. Always fine tuning with that Real Light with the pure crystal of your heart is necessary.

But it becomes easier by the day, not to be deceived anymore and it is up to each one of us to help this beautiful planet to rise up in Her Own Divine Rights, free of the shadows of the pollution of false spirituality and all its sub-creations.

In  this great awakening process it is not enough to be one’s own light, a separate light in the ocean of Divine Light Itself. In  Truth there is no separation, and to unite with All-There-Is and It’s in-Love Devoted Messengers and Agents is the Great Event that truly lifts us all up together into Higher, Heart-Fulfilling Consciousness.

Together we are on a Bright Path!

From my heart to you,

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended) 

My dear friends,
while seeing and experiencing the opening, the message started to unfold ....


"You are not the body.
The chains which artificially have been tying up your free and radiant consciousness with the physical body, are being dissolved as the powers of the  controllers are fading.

The clouds of darkness are vanishing which kept you in the illusion of limitations and the identification with the body-mind.

You are not the mind.
Mind is an appearance that comes with embodiment, no matter how dense or subtle, how dark or how full of light.

The Grace of your True State is body- and mindless.
Even mind is a function only to navigate in creation, which is of the mind itself.

If you go beyond body and beyond mind there is unlimited feeling, it is free of emotion. IT IS. IT IS Radiant. IT IS Freedom.

Allow this freedom to rise “above” the body, above in the sense of releasing the body out of sight as you more and more are centering at the core and essence of what you truly Are: Divine Consciousness, Radiant and Ever-Blissful. IT is not “in” the body. The body is IN IT!

IN IT Itself nothing arises, as soon as you withdraw even your subtle mind and your subtle senses, the senses which perceive the higher worlds and  dimensions, from what they perceive.

Then your primordial State prevails, Stillness prevails, bring this back to the body and let it unfold and pervade all things and worlds.

Because of this Indestructible Truth of your Divine Essence, the loop of your dark timeline, intended to feed itself continuously, is broken. The dark tunnel has a grand opening for the first time into the realms of light, the realms of Divine Creation. There it ends, and no willful forces can ever again  close this opening.

The Power of My Conscious Light is Radiant and It is Standing at the end of the dark wormhole of your old world. And everything of this ill appearance will transition into a New Reality.

Never forget Who You Are, even when you are going to experience the new worlds of splendour and seeming satisfactions. Because without Me nothing of all of it would be possible to enjoy. Everything is Full of Me. And Only Me.

Even the broken light of the rainbow is borrowed from Me, the Radiant Unbroken Light of Lights! I AM your Source and I AM not created! I Exist of Myself. 

In a Split of My Consciousness, where I Started to Look at Myself, mysteriously Creator Gods appeared, they took My Substance and created wonderfully all these marvelous Divine Worlds. You will see them soon! They are ready for you to explore.

But none of them is your true identity! None! I AM!
I Love You As Myself!

I AM your God-Self!"

Message conveyed by Ute 

P.S. I noticed this was posted exactly at 12:12 PM!


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.