By Ute Posegga-Rudel
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We are the Arcturians!
The present old world that is
fading away, but in which you still live, is the world that you have created
since Millenniums, by being identified with victim consciousness.
Your 3th density is basically
characterized by the feeling of being victimized. It is the separate identity that
is limiting itself by certain circumstances, presuming that this circumstance
is absolute and unchanging reality, whereby you neglect your own creative powers in any given moment of
dramatizing the victim.
And so the world is
experienced as a constant series, a constant process, that seems to occur TO an
individual, without the understanding that you all have God Given choices
in any moment. If there is not the choice to always change a situation, you at least have the
choice how to re-act to it in a way that you feel truly happy.
From our perspective, where
the freedom of love and the infinity of light is shining, which is the space in
which we are existing, the choice for victimhood appears to be a matter
of false identity. It is the identity with a thought pattern that has created a
seeming experience of dead-end and finite reality which seems to be solid and unchangeable
However it is your own mind
pattern, that in these moments has taken on the characteristic of a still image in the midst of a process of
constant flow of energy and consciousness.
It is the image of death,
hope- and helplessness, the image of stagnation and error. It is the false
image of a separate God who seems to be an object. See, there is only God, God
IS ALL and Everywhere. GOD is fluent and always moving, there is no standstill
in His Creation Which is Thoroughly
Divine and brings forth an ever unfolding current of innumerable possibilities.
YOU ARE an Image of this God,
and when you experience and express victim consciousness you have forgotten and betrayed your own
Divinity. Because you yourself own the undeniable and unlimited power of
creativity. But you have rather agreed to the false image of death that your churches
and your societies have preached to you over Millenniums to keep you afraid and
forgetful about your own God Given Creative Powers. But accept that even death is
in reality a Benign Divine Process.
Your old and deceitful society is based on victim
consciousness, denying you the right to understand and to use your own creative gifts from
moment to moment, and such be in the energetic flow of the power of love, and joy and light.
Victim consciousness happens, when you activate your separate ego in order to empower it, no matter whether you feel powerless or not. The power of the ego is always based on powerlessness.
Indeed the ego is itself the
victim of all circumstances. And every time you are tempted to engage the
victim, know that you are the ego in that
very moment. But when you allow yourself to expand your energy, your
consciousness, your light and your love and your joy, in that moment you are able to notice your absolute freedom
of choice, the endless possibilities to create a more glorious world than the one in which you
created as a victim and by which you felt victimized.
As everything is your creation, high or low, also your victim
consciousness and a world of victimization, is your own creation! It does not
happen to you, you created it! You attracted it, and you even interpreted it as
such, no matter whether there is a reality about a victimized world or not. You
just see the victim everywhere. This is because this is the image with which
you identify.
So when you want to see and
live in a world that is free of victimization, you first have to acknowledge
the infinite power of your own creativity.
You might say, yes, but it is
a fact that the world and most people are
victimized! I just can’t deny
And to you we say: Yes, you
are right! But is is not enough!
Such a world will only appear
to you if your attention rests on this subject, and thereby recreating it! To dare to step out of this world of victimization is the way
to create your own inner freedom in any
moment for yourself. And you are free if you do not allow yourself to be subject to the world of limitation and bondage to what seems to be unchangeable.
And while you create this free Divine World, you create a Space that radiates
from within endless love and unlimited energy and joy and light.
It is about your own experience that will help
others who still live enclosed in the
dream of victimization to awaken beyond this false identity, as their own
Divine Reality is being ignited by the Presence of Truth That you put out there,
right in front of them.
So again, it is always about
the creative process in any moment! It is about choosing the Divine Truth in
any moment, to create what YOU want to see in any moment by being in the joyful freedom-current of love and light.
As you certainly now
understand, it is all a matter of consciousness that creates your world. The
higher your own vibration the more Divine your world will be. The more United and One with All your life
will be. In such a world of Oneness victimhood does not exist, because the ego
is transcended.
To suffer with the ego’s deeds
is a matter that needs to be healed in these times, while you take advantage of
the higher frequencies on earth and the light and the love everywhere present
now and ever more increasing every day.
When mankind has understood
the ego’s victim consciousness, ascension truly can occur. Be assured that
everybody receives the help to realize this, because when you ask for it, it
will be always given immediately in a
way that is serving your own liberating conscious process in the most
auspicious way.
We Bless you, dear Ones, and
cannot wait to see everyone of you Awake in your Divinity, free of the ignorance
and errors of the old world.
We Are The Arcturians!
Message conveyed by Ute
Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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