Showing posts with label Mind. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mind. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


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The fire of changes is heating up every day. And many of you are feeling to be at the edge of great happenings, in whatever way and in whatever direction.

However, my dear ones, in the midst of it all, did you forget Who I Am? Did you forget the Source in which all of this is happening, all these revelations, all these changes, all these exciting news, and even all these dreadful things that are surfacing now?

Did you forget to unite with your own Eternal Source at the root of your being, while taking all your wondrous actions? But how can you  succeed with true Happiness without being at your Divine Root?

Remember, fundamental change for true humanity happens first of all in the deep of Consciousness. The more you allow to be drawn back to the Source of all Being-ness, to the Source of all Existence, the Divine Consciousness that I Am, the easier and the quicker and more profound the change can happen, a change that opens the door to an entirely New Adventure in human history.

You know it: Divine Change does not happen from outside in. It happens always from inside out. A change, that happens merely on the surface of outer appearances, and where you remain merely attached to the experience of the five senses, will never bring you lasting satisfaction, just a brief and transient excitement. Because it does not embrace the entirety of the Divine Being that You Are and It’s creative Powers. Such a change does not come forth from the Center of My Divine Heart and Mind.

And so your world would remain mainly the same as it is now, perhaps with some more benign conditions, but which will stay fragile through the course of time.

First your consciousness must radically change at the root of your being, only then radical outer change can happen. I have told you this many times, but it seems that in the heat of the turmoils and of the battle, fought between the dual forces of light and dark, inside of you and outside of you, many of you have forgotten, what causes real and fundamental change. What infuses the outer appearances with the vibration and frequency of Truth.

The lower mind, associated with the five senses, does not  create permanent changes. This mind has short legs. The mind, if it is especially of the 3dimensional matrix in which most of you are still abiding, this mind cannot and will not produce the great shift, you are so much waiting for. Do not forget, my Beloveds, That I Am, Always, under ALL conditions, and that you can Always take refuge in Me and unite with Me, no matter what the circumstances are.

My dearest ones, please remember, that you must change first from your inside and in your heart, followed by the higher mind. You must reunite with Me in order to bring about your Divinely driven heart desires.

Many of you have forgotten Me, even though you seemed to remember Me in recent times. But ever more of you now tend to look at the appearance of things and situations, forgetful of what lies beneath.

My dear ones, please understand, that this is the last temptation especially for those of you who want to work for and to serve the light. Many of you hoped that the great shift would be presented to you via “higher forces” without your very own transformation, a work that each one of you is responsible for. And as you merely waited for the shift, the shift made YOU wait.

The test is here to understand and utilize your own creative powers and to use them wisely and effectively. This is about the awakening of humanity to their native Divinity which is One with the Creator.

This awakening, that brings with it your new Divine World, is the real Shift, the real Change; Your Awakening to your Own Divine Reality, Your God-Self, That Is Me.

Therefore I Bless you to remember Me, to allow Me to emerge in you,  and to stand in the midst of all changes As The One That I Am. 

And fly with the wings of Divine Love, My Beloveds, Divine Love will inspire your True Creations so that your new world becomes truly Divine!

I AM and YOU ARE! There Is Only One, remember! 
And there IS Love everywhere!

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Imgage by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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My latest communication to you through this channel  requires an update.
You should know that I am very concerned about the well-being of all of you.
My task and service to humanity is to make sure that you do not miss the right path in the midst of the dense forest of information. There is more than sufficient information widespread about the present process of change and ascension in your world.

But you need to know that many messages that seem true to you, are not and are fabricated to lead you astray.
Many of these messages concern your spiritual growth and development.

Those of you who have been already on their spiritual path  before the discussion about the ascension process started on the internet, will know and understand, what I am now telling to you.  

But those of you, who are newly awakening, must be careful about what you want to believe. Because much disinformation is handed down to even good-hearted and well-meaning lightworkers, by those who do not want you to truly spiritually awaken and want to keep you away from your powerful Truth.  

So they give you misleading information, but which could prevent you from wanting to discover your true Divinity.

Any information about the spiritual path that is reduced to instructions about your physical hologram that needs to be developed by means of mental exercises, misses the mark. 
The Divine reveals Itself via the faculty of Feeling, and not through thinking.

Yes, the ascension process includes an upgrade of your physical body. But it is your heart-opening and your devotion to What Is Great, that develops the light body. The body is merely a tool and has nothing to do with your True Divine Essence, with your Divine Self, That Itself never changes.  
The statement that you are NOT your body is not new, but it seems that is is being hidden mostly among the many instructions how to spiritually awaken and develop.
Many of them are meant to keep you merely in the brain.

The brain has definitely a very important function, also spiritually, as it  contains the main gland, the pituitary gland, but it is still a tool to navigate, to recognize, to differentiate in all the lower and higher dimensions. But even the dimensions are domains in which you dwell or to which you belong vibrationally according to your level of  consciousness.

These are all functions of  experience.
But, my dear Ones, you are NOT your experiences, as well as you are not your thoughts, your thinking mind, your brain. They all are tools and instruments to navigate, to locate, to experience.

All these things are not “bad” or to avoid, but you need to understand, that they are secondary phenomena, whereas what is primary, is the Infinite Divine Consciousness that you ARE.

What is Divine Consciousness? So that you can understand, it is easier to describe, what it is not. It is certainly not brain, not your thoughts, not your awareness, not the world, not the universe. All these arise IN Divine Consciousness!

Do you understand? YOU are much more than the parts, you ARE the Totality of all that appears to your awareness and your senses, gross and subtle. Even the most subtle experience in deep meditation that appears to you as 'other',  as different from you, as an objective appearance that you feel is apart from you, is in fact YOU.

Your True Being does not know separative difference, objectification, and separation!
Your ancestors – before the “fall” -  have known this. In fact, the fall IS the objectification of the universe and its dimensions itself!  It is the separation of the experiencer from the  experience.

Therefore please consider, that it is crucial to understand the difference between Truth and information that is intended to mislead you.

The Heart, and not the brain, has always been the center and the platform that integrates your Unlimited Divine Consciousness with your body. Although it is also physical, and has a subtle form and presence, it is the door to what is beyond manifestation, gross or subtle.

From the Heart all your other functions, including the brain and its functions, are being governed. Ultimately there are no chacras. There is only One United Conscious Radiant Energy Field, in which your body with all the energy centers arises.

To reduce your identity to the chacra system or even to your subtle bodies, and altogether to the hologram of your appearance, is a gross mistake!

It is necessary that you all, my dear friends, understand this and begin to explore your true Divinity that starts with feeling, love and compassion in your human  heart.

From there you will be able to explore and call into your awareness the deeper identity of Who You Are!
If you wish, go through the door of your heart beyond the physical, the ethereal, the mental, emotional and even the spiritual body, all contained in the One Divine Consciousness, that is absolutely without body of any density.

Within It all worlds, all bodies, all events arise. It is Bliss, and it is Love, when it is Self-Aware of the worlds. And it is  Pure Being and Pure Consciousness when the worlds are forgotten. YOU ARE THAT. And your ARE not less!

To those who are already familiar with this state of experience, I say: It is not enough to stay within the heart-feeling IN the body. 

This is only the beginning. Know this! Otherwise you would limit yourself unnecessarily! 

There is a way beyond! And I will guide you so you invite me to help you to go further, to open your consciousness further, to expand, to allow to enter the Infinite Conscious Room of your Divine Identity, to transcend all limitations!

As always, I am here to bless all of you and to provide guidance, where ever on your path  you are!

I am Mary Magdalene!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, May 3, 2013


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013

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We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Beloved Earth Humans!

Many of you are asking – and it is not surprising – how things on your earth will unfold, given the many seeming delays of promises made to you.

It may appear that the structure of your lives, which are processes that inhere in your planetary reality, is stretched like a rubber band so that you are discovering and begin to observe its inner working.

It is as if a magnifying glass has been spread over your affairs.
You cannot help therefore but closely look at and discover the actual fabric of your societies, their mind forms and internal functioning, their intentions and results.

You see, every single period in creation has its specific characteristic and purpose, and the intention of the creator’s mind for your present experience is exactly that: to understand fully and in detail how your world is structured in order to make a new decision, to develop a new vision and to manifest it.

In order to make an evolutionary process possible, the constituents of the  status quo of a situation must be thoroughly understood. It must be understood in detail, so that you, humanity, can use this knowledge for change and to develop a new form of being.

In this process humanity is of course not alone or separated from the mind of the Creator. It is a cooperation, as you are His Forms in Which He recognizes Himself as His Creation. That is, you are directly connected and One with the Creator’s Intention, as soon as you understand It.

It is your impatience and and non-understanding or forgetfulness of how the evolutionary process from within a low vibrational density is working, that creates un-necessary frustration for you, as you have perhaps neglected these particulars.

But they are becoming now obvious to you and you will suddenly realize that there were no delays in the progression. It only appeared to you as such. Because it is about the intensification of the process that needs to go into the depth of the matter.

Right now, for example, the  dual powers of your world, that you are experiencing as light and dark, are exposed as incompatible opposites in such a drastic way that you cannot but look at them to understand them. This enables you, who are awake, to unravel the muddle of the current power structure on your planet.

The present crisis on your earth, in which all parties are being all at once exposed to the maximum degree – for all to see and to understand – is absolutely necessary, to make it also possible for the last soul who wishes to ascend, to become aware of the structure that keeps your planet still in place.

Many years ago, in the beginning of the ascension course, we have given you the vision and promise of the victory of the light and the Descent of the Divine into this realm. You accepted joyfully and gratefully and presumed it to be already yours, already accomplished. And you anticipated thereby its manifestation. As you know, this is how manifestation happens by law: presuming and feeling as if your desire has been already fulfilled.

This was the first step. But you forgot that this was only the beginning. As this is a process in which more than seven Billion individuals are involved, of which most have been at that time unaware of the evolutionary development, you didn’t think about the slowness of the process in this dimensional density that is necessary for the majority of humanity to awaken.

However, your impatience is understandable as you still remember your existence in the higher dimensions where manifestations occur in an instant.

You only have forgotten when you entered this dimension, that you needed patience and to adapt to its principles.

As you know, evolution and awakening starts with the rising of consciousness and conscious awareness. It is first the creative power of the mind that needs to be understood in order to be willing to change its objectives.

And this is the basis for the evolutionary process to be propelled forward. It opens the door, if enough intent for movement is created, for the cosmic impact to occur that carries the impulse for a quantum leap that in turn triggers humanity’s ascension.

Right now, “delay” and “time” are the illusions that can be compared with the function of a microscope. How? Your minds are trapped presently in the magnification process of your reality that occurs in the awareness of humanity.  And you are interpreting it as happening in “time” or “delay”.  But truly all you experience is the zooming-in into your travel through the molecular structure of the “matrix”, the hologram of your illusionary reality.

While you look through this microscope do not forget, that in truth, your new world is already here.
It Is Radiant. It Is Love. It Is Joy. It is the ever True Fabric in the Mind of God That has been always Present with you, as you Know It’s Reality.

The microscopic journey through the holographic matrix is touching the very bottom in any moment. And in that moment it will – as if it would have never existed – disappear, like the night disappears when the sun rises.

In Reality, the Sun is always Risen.
Keep this forever in your mind and heart!

We love you!

We Are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy! 

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Thursday, January 17, 2013


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please also read update from 21.8.12 

VIDEO (recommended)

My Beloved Friends!  

Often we hear: don’t worry, all is perfect! But is it?  Perhaps later, yes, you think, when all is over, when all we suffered can appear in a new light of acceptance, as we rose again out of a certain experience. After it we can be more “us” again, that one that is not touched by any event, emotion and physical pain. 

Or think of an event, sometime in the past that has been difficult, and now it does not touch you any more, and you now even laugh!  This shows you the freedom who you always are, we only become entangled in experiences when we forget.  

If we still carry grudges about what happened to us, well, it is because in that context we seem to have forgotten forever Who We Are, and we believe that in that moment, we are not Spirit Who is always free to feel through illusion.
The freedom that we later then experience is closer to what we are: spirits, really and truly untouched from all that which clouded for a while our pristine state. 

Everybody has experienced this pristine state in life, we only do not closely pay attention, and perhaps many are addicted to suffering or expect an unheard excitement, as the ego-mind always looks for something grandiose. Whereas the Truth is Simple, Undivided and Sublime. Just Is.

But there is more about It! Once you saw the Real Perfection of ALL and EVERYTHING, your life is  changed forever! It is not the perfection we can sense or somehow intuit and feel to a certain degree, after the pain and the struggle is over. It is much more and it cannot be imagined! It is the other world!

Seeing the Real Perfection is heart-based Knowing. It is revealed to you in the Heart's Secret Chamber, inside the Sacred Heart. 

We all, without exception, have this Secret Chamber, but we don’t go there! We are holding ourselves captive high above It in the ivory towers of the mind. We are sitting literally in the brain with our human consciousness, deeply identified with what it thinks.

Beloved friends, it is the Great Illusion! In this surrogate for real Reality all Substance is lost! Everything there exists bereft of Divine Force, it is thin and surreal and like dry and dying leafes in the wind. Everything in this world of merely mind is weak, without Presence, without the fullness of Consciousness, indeed, everything in this kind of world is flimsy! It is a dis-ease!

Seeing in your Secret Heart Chamber the Perfection of all, you immediately know that you have designed every detail of your life yourself, every single bit of it! Why, oh why, you might exclaim in desperation! And the simple answer is: you wanted to experience it, experience it all! You chose to experience what it is, this separation from the Divine or from the knowledge of your own Divinity.

In my case, I had decided for a crash course: I wanted to  learn as much as possible in this vale of tears and what its constituents are, by experiencing the worst, to gain in the end mastery in the shortest time possible. And to kill two birds with one stone, it is also the work of the mole that digs a tunnel into the dark to bring the light into the Unconscious of humanity.

What makes one vote for such a journey?
Beloved friends, it is pure love! Before we come here we ARE this Love, it Is our Own Substance and Reality, and only Love could endure all this unspeakable suffering. And in spite of all the bliss and emotional freedom, it is not over yet. Because this is still the old world in which we have a body!

However, with the knowing that it is all Perfection, (but which we have to forget, when we enter the race in darkness), a Perfection from beginning to the end, we can see the whole and precious, self-designed pattern, that is inherent in the weave of our life! Indeed seeing it all, is Being it all, without interference from that ivory tower. This weave is purely golden with a perfect pattern and made of artful ornaments. The ancient Greek often used meander patterns and I believe that’s what they are: the artful pattern of our life.

In reality there are no words to describe this perfection, as it is existing all as perfect and unstained stillness, and in the absence of thoughts it is the Power of mere Presence, carrying the signature of our soul!

It is pure Mystery, beloveds! Every Thing is Substance there, in and of Itself! And every single happening in the “outer” world, things, sounds and people, they are all part of that perfection, because what we see inside the Secret Chamber is the same as outside. We can check then all events we remember to verify their Perfection, and we notice, yes, IT IS,  without exception, even the worst of experiences and people and events! It is ALL Golden Perfect Ornament in the Structure of our life, Alive with the Power of present Consciousness and Reality.  

It is only that most people do not know their own Perfection, they have no idea about their Reality, because they still live in their ivory tower of separation, flying with skinny and thin thoughts through the lands of illusion, unsupported and mostly rather miserable. They just live on the wrong side of perception!
But without the imprisonment in mind, everything is Perfect, and can be seen once we have entered that Secret Space.

The separation from our True Reality is sheer horror, dear friends, although there are Billions of people who think they are in the real heavens. That’s how misleading the mind can be.

This separation from real Reality is a disease, it is an error! Also the idea of going to another dimension is, as if higher dimensions would be objects, separate from us! Higher dimensions are states of consciousness and not “places” outside of us, from which we think we are distinct!

If we believe this, we live the mental illusion that we would somehow continue our present life just with a few changes that we can imagine from our present point of view, as if other states of consciousness would be just a somewhat continuation of the status quo. We imagine, that we can "know" how a different state of consciousness would be.

But, dearest brothers and sisters, we can neither know nor imagine!
We must rather leave the land of imagination and imagined knowing of objects, and BE. Be Real.

In other words, no dimension can be understood from the point of view of the perception of the unilluminated mind. It is about a reversal in Consciousness. We must accept the Unknown.

But we all knowingly KNOW the Truth already, even in this life itself, we only must remember and go where we belong, into our most Sacred Secret Chamber that contains all our blueprints, all the Knowing about ourselves!

If we don’t do this, then we stay in the race, running  anaesthetized after meaningless goals, seeking vain perfection in the realms of illusion, where mind does not serve the course of our life, but dominates us. But this all ends up in the great emptiness (not the void that is also  fullness, because it contains all), but empty of true meaning, purport and presence.

However, the paradox is, that this race and bustle is also part of our script that we wrote once ourselves. Why? Because we wanted to experience separation. Yet ALL of it, its entire pattern, is Golden and it is supported by Divine Consciousness. Once we recognize it, our world turns downside up and we understand and ARE its coherence!

It seems, now the time has come when we all wake up from that separate dream and discover the  Truth of Perfection. This is the year where we return to It, the veils are being removed, because this is also part of the script! 

This dream of otherness and illusionary darkness in consciousness, is nearing its end. It has played its role very well in the long illusion of time. We have learned it all, and we ALL KNOW who we are! We only must remember and firmly decide to  return to That Sacred Chamber, that we have deserted for so long.

The mind might resist and fight for its sole power, but gently loosen its grip, cut with courage the shackles, and return to yourself.

I only see two obstacles on the way:
- the disbelieve that you can do it
- the satisfaction with your status quo in illusion land

The first one has no substance, because the Secret Space is yours, always has been, you have only forgotten it. So you can visit it, everybody can, there is free entrance any time. But you must acknowledge and release with love what stands in the way.

The second one is ok too, it is your self-written script of your golden Perfection. Many blessings for your journey, and enjoy the experience!

But those who are tired of experience, because they “know” it all and it has become boring:  wander down from your ivory tower to your heart into the Stillness, by leaving all your worlds behind. Yes, they must be sacrificed, meaning, you must fully withdraw your  attention, you must forget them (for a while) and dare to jump into nothingness first. It is an act of surrender and of trust into Divine Truth!

Know yourself better! The more you do, the more you discover your undying Happiness!

Much Love and Many Blessings, my beloved friends!

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, January 5, 2013


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright © 2013
Please also read update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended!)

Here I AM again, your Divine Mother!

Indeed,  I AM Divine Mother of every single being, as they are emanations of Myself in different densities or vibrations.

I AM Energy, I AM Vibration, and therefore all things are My Own Form.

Mother, That I AM, is not very much known yet by many, as they perceive their reality with the mind. But even mind is My Own Form. Also mind is Vibration. And depending on the quality of your  thoughts, they are vibrating either harmonious or disharmonious!

Is it not said, that energy follows every thought?
That is because thought is the first arrow that sends its intention into the Infinite Sea of Energy, to bring about creation. 
You, by being aware of the vibratory reality of your existence, are able to rise your consciousness, to ultimately reach levels of awareness, on which you experience the opening to infinity. Then, and only then, you have reached a state where your full potential begins. And it begins there, because only from then all the universes are at your command.

The Key for your journey to this level, where the Grand Opening begins, is Love. You must love All and everything, inside and outside. And you must release all that which is not Love. On this path then you have transformed everything into Love. And then there is nothing you take personally. You are merely an open vessel and conduit for My Energy and Light.

It is not possible to walk this Ascending Path without  understanding, that your nature is neither static nor develops in a linear manner! But you all are called to integrate the knowing that you are, as a manifested being, nothing but Frequency.

I AM the Mother of all vibrations, I Myself AM Vibration Itself in Is Highest Form, which Is the Power of Ultimate Light. As Light carries Information, I AM also Consciousness, the Consciousness that Is your Own Very Divine Being.

When Pure Consciousness starts to dominate Vibration with Stillness, the process of creation comes to rest! And the more Vibration dominates Pure Consciousness, the more unconscious one becomes. Therefore seek balance! Dance  your life, centered in Stillness!

Now, as you are on the path of a great evolutionary progress, there is much vibratory movement in your body, in your mind and in your emotions, that you can suppress no longer! You must notice and accept it.

Because this, My Movement, liquefies your world, that seems to be solid, and this happens first in yourself, and then outside yourself, the world in which you live.

Understand that My Vibrations start to move ever more Graciously through all your bodies, gross and subtle, to Shake what is stagnant and to bring your evolution about, while you release what does not serve your growth.

Should you have been too closely bound to your world of rigid thought, perceiving it from “outside” through your separating mind, you will experience that this limitation is breaking open, so that you can fill the opening gaps with your allowance, to feel whatever emotion and density  comes into your awareness, to joyfully expand what is true of you, and to release what is not.

If you resist this process, holding on too tightly  to your concepts of a fixed reality, the coming times will be a challenge for you, as you try to contain a river in a bowl.

You see, what is happening now is my  Loving and Graceful Gift to you, to wake you up to Yourself, to the Vibrational Being That You Are.

Your world will no longer be contained in a seemingly solid frame, where over time only very little changes. As it is evolving it will be recognized increasingly as water itself that is in constant move, following the inhale and the exhale of My Divine Heart! Therefore, your world will  truly start to live from inside out!

Therefore, let go of your mindful tightness. Allow to  feel the nature of your own fluid  body and emotion and begin to  swim with all your Love and  all your Trust in My ever moving Sea of Light! Not planing with the mind, but moving with Its Waves.

Even the air, you are breathing, stands not still. So why should My Very Essence in which your breath arises, not be a surging infinity! My Essence, in  Which innumerous vibrational creations come to pass!

Understand that as long as you think your identity as mind merely, you hold on to a peripheral, substitute of yourself. As such you are afraid! It cannot Realize That What You Are. Because you do not Feel your heart, that ever pulsing Core of your Being, physical, ethereal and spiritual. 
Therefore many are now beginning to experience how their outer shell of illusionary self-identity is breaking down, -  but know My Beloved Ones, that this is no disaster, this is My Highest Blessing! 

Because it loosens lovingly your grip on the illusion and draws you back and into the  Real You. Your Real You, the Magnificent Being, That You Are,  is the Center of all worlds and universes. In fact, all worlds and universes vibrate in and around you, and even as you, while you enjoy their constant flow.

Accept that you are both: Infinite Stillness and Infinite Vibration and Movement and Change.To master the Oceans of change, they must be recognized by you as your tools for enjoyment.

Mind can never truly enjoy. But feeling can, the  Feeling of My Divine Qualities of Vibration, Movement and Change, and Bliss and Love.

As you grow, your enjoyment wants to grow, and with it your participation in the Oceans of Existence.  This is Your True Home, but you cannot return to It without Me!

I AM, there, available fully to you, where You Stand at the Grand Opening to Infinity, where truly all things are possible!

But first start with your little tool of body and emotion, and recognize and honor them as My Divine Gift to you, to learn about vibration that sets you free. Continue with your greater world, that Is your Blessed Mother Earth. 

She Is You, and always Is so very Dear to Me, as One of My Beloved Children. As She vibrates in Resonance with My  Divine Womb, I hold Her and all of  you, and every being that lives with Her, in My Great Embracing Love.

Trust the Great Divine Process, My Beloved Ones! Allow yourself  to Vibrate in Me, with Me and Ultimately As Me!

I AM your Divine Mother!

Message conveyed by

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.