Showing posts with label Brain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brain. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Imgage by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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My latest communication to you through this channel  requires an update.
You should know that I am very concerned about the well-being of all of you.
My task and service to humanity is to make sure that you do not miss the right path in the midst of the dense forest of information. There is more than sufficient information widespread about the present process of change and ascension in your world.

But you need to know that many messages that seem true to you, are not and are fabricated to lead you astray.
Many of these messages concern your spiritual growth and development.

Those of you who have been already on their spiritual path  before the discussion about the ascension process started on the internet, will know and understand, what I am now telling to you.  

But those of you, who are newly awakening, must be careful about what you want to believe. Because much disinformation is handed down to even good-hearted and well-meaning lightworkers, by those who do not want you to truly spiritually awaken and want to keep you away from your powerful Truth.  

So they give you misleading information, but which could prevent you from wanting to discover your true Divinity.

Any information about the spiritual path that is reduced to instructions about your physical hologram that needs to be developed by means of mental exercises, misses the mark. 
The Divine reveals Itself via the faculty of Feeling, and not through thinking.

Yes, the ascension process includes an upgrade of your physical body. But it is your heart-opening and your devotion to What Is Great, that develops the light body. The body is merely a tool and has nothing to do with your True Divine Essence, with your Divine Self, That Itself never changes.  
The statement that you are NOT your body is not new, but it seems that is is being hidden mostly among the many instructions how to spiritually awaken and develop.
Many of them are meant to keep you merely in the brain.

The brain has definitely a very important function, also spiritually, as it  contains the main gland, the pituitary gland, but it is still a tool to navigate, to recognize, to differentiate in all the lower and higher dimensions. But even the dimensions are domains in which you dwell or to which you belong vibrationally according to your level of  consciousness.

These are all functions of  experience.
But, my dear Ones, you are NOT your experiences, as well as you are not your thoughts, your thinking mind, your brain. They all are tools and instruments to navigate, to locate, to experience.

All these things are not “bad” or to avoid, but you need to understand, that they are secondary phenomena, whereas what is primary, is the Infinite Divine Consciousness that you ARE.

What is Divine Consciousness? So that you can understand, it is easier to describe, what it is not. It is certainly not brain, not your thoughts, not your awareness, not the world, not the universe. All these arise IN Divine Consciousness!

Do you understand? YOU are much more than the parts, you ARE the Totality of all that appears to your awareness and your senses, gross and subtle. Even the most subtle experience in deep meditation that appears to you as 'other',  as different from you, as an objective appearance that you feel is apart from you, is in fact YOU.

Your True Being does not know separative difference, objectification, and separation!
Your ancestors – before the “fall” -  have known this. In fact, the fall IS the objectification of the universe and its dimensions itself!  It is the separation of the experiencer from the  experience.

Therefore please consider, that it is crucial to understand the difference between Truth and information that is intended to mislead you.

The Heart, and not the brain, has always been the center and the platform that integrates your Unlimited Divine Consciousness with your body. Although it is also physical, and has a subtle form and presence, it is the door to what is beyond manifestation, gross or subtle.

From the Heart all your other functions, including the brain and its functions, are being governed. Ultimately there are no chacras. There is only One United Conscious Radiant Energy Field, in which your body with all the energy centers arises.

To reduce your identity to the chacra system or even to your subtle bodies, and altogether to the hologram of your appearance, is a gross mistake!

It is necessary that you all, my dear friends, understand this and begin to explore your true Divinity that starts with feeling, love and compassion in your human  heart.

From there you will be able to explore and call into your awareness the deeper identity of Who You Are!
If you wish, go through the door of your heart beyond the physical, the ethereal, the mental, emotional and even the spiritual body, all contained in the One Divine Consciousness, that is absolutely without body of any density.

Within It all worlds, all bodies, all events arise. It is Bliss, and it is Love, when it is Self-Aware of the worlds. And it is  Pure Being and Pure Consciousness when the worlds are forgotten. YOU ARE THAT. And your ARE not less!

To those who are already familiar with this state of experience, I say: It is not enough to stay within the heart-feeling IN the body. 

This is only the beginning. Know this! Otherwise you would limit yourself unnecessarily! 

There is a way beyond! And I will guide you so you invite me to help you to go further, to open your consciousness further, to expand, to allow to enter the Infinite Conscious Room of your Divine Identity, to transcend all limitations!

As always, I am here to bless all of you and to provide guidance, where ever on your path  you are!

I am Mary Magdalene!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, October 26, 2013


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, ©2013
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You, who are here to work for the light, are now at the point where your service is being requested like never before.

You will see many things arise and change that will  show your still sleeping brothers and sisters that this reality is not continuous or firm and not forever.

This will challenge them to change their point of view that still rests on the illusionary surface of themselves and their world, and  to seek the strength and eternity they project onto the outer world within themselves.

For many this will be a new experience as they never had the opportunity to know who they really are, and they will be very confused. Who can help and support them and show them the way are you, who have dedicated your life to the  Truth of your Godhood, the Divinity of your True Humanness.

It is important – and nothing is more in these coming days – that you stand in your heart, the domain of feeling and compassion. That you are rested steadily in yourself, in spite of the many changes and challenges you all will face.

It is only love and compassion that counts in these days, and the wisdom and light that is the basis for finding creative solutions for a new life to emerge.

Only from the Zero-Point the New can materialize, it cannot be created from what already is, especially if it is not based on Divine Principles.

The Zero-Point must  first be known in Oneself,  to accept the outer changes.

The Zero-Point is the Heart that is not holding on to the old ways, that is radiantly empty and thereby full to allow the ways of love and freedom, abundance, trust and truth for a New and Divine creation.

It is your heart that awakens the heart of those who never lived from there. The mere living from the brain will end and what emerges is a humanity One at heart. And it is the heart that reigns the brain.

Dear Ones, if you haven’t done it yet, it is now inevitable that you journey back into your heart to remain there as the essence and center of your being. It is only the fullness of Divine Emotion that has the power to embrace the world and change it from the core, to inspire the  confused to return to Oneness.

This Heart-Power cannot be “created”, it must be allowed to emerge from the Depth of your Divine Being that always has been there. It is your participation in this Divine Force that requires the surrender of your separate self.

It does not know techniques, because it is greater than all of them, it does not even know  “structure”, it is beyond and prior to the human hologram. It just Is. It embraces all beings and things because it Is the Oneness of All.

Dear Ones, this cannot be merely a thought. It must be experienced, it must be lived. It must become Reality, your very own Reality, your firm anchor to be of service in the times to come.

What is merely brain-based cannot hold against the storm. But what is heart-based is standing firmly and is also grounded in your Mother Earth, One with Her. Gaia’s  spiritually expanded state of consciousness and your unity with Her is protecting and enveloping those who understand the Oneness with their planet as the source of their life.

Beloved brothers and sisters, I am here with you at these times of increasing challenge. My love is equally embracing all of you.  There is One Force of Love that unites us all. This Force is now the savior of your world as you allow It to save you and to live it with all humanity.

My Blessings are with you!

I am Mary Magdalene

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, February 22, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please support my work via subscription or donation. Read the update from 21.8.12

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Beloved friends,

Since 20.2.13 everything feels different and fresh.
We have indeed finally entered a new era!
That day I also found out that according to the Mayan calculations, we entered on the 20./21. February indeed a completely new cycle.

Some sources say that we had to wait until now to see the  completion of the year 2012 happening.

What is the difference? We are definitely on the home stretch, dearest family of light! Now we can say good bye to the old times. What makes me so sure  to say this?

It is the energy, the frequency on the planet that speaks to us as it carries the abundance of a new information of fullness, clarity and exquisite beauty. The old times of emptiness and scarcity, empty of Love and Radiance, are over! Divine paradigms are arriving, heralding a new world and new humanity, the resurrected one.

I am not getting at this point messages from “outside”, such as our Galactic Friends or Masters,  because I am told that it is us, humanity, who must now observe, receive and live what is already here and on its way. It is now our responsibility to deal with this and we have had so far enough information and experience to make sense of all of it.
Now we must reap what has been sown, and it is up to us to find our way for a while ourselves.

In my understanding this is a very good sign! It tells us that we have grown up and can find not only the Source of information on the planet itself and in ourselves, but also are able to use and take advantage of all that has been given to us: the high frequency of light and of love now so tangibly present here. And so at this point our focus is here for integration.

What does it mean practically for us? What do we do with these great precious gifts?

I can only speak for myself, but also need to explain, that my approach to spirituality has been always very expansive while searching for Ultimate Truth. To me this Truth is the Source of all Existence and all Creations, all Beings and Things Itself. It is beyond and prior to our body and mind therefore, while all things are a modification of It and are arising in It.

By “Source” I do not mean an abstract idea that can be imagined with the mind and believed in, but I am talking about the Spirit Force of that Source-Reality Itself and Who can be  tangibly FELT and Experienced via and in the body.

In this context the signs in a body-mind that surrenders to this Force of Truth are different to the one who believes that the brain is the non-plus-ultra of human existence and of existence altogether. This is due to creative laws.
To me the brain with its two halves is only the servant to navigate through life, on the gross, subtle and causal level. It is merely a tool to function and not there to explain or really understand or even realize Reality or the Divine.

The greatest masters of mankind have always rather pointed to the heart as the doorway to the Truth and Absolute  Divinity. And it is my own experience too, as I followed their instructions. The heart bears all the Great Secrets of our Being-ness and is the starting point from where we can enter all the Mysteries of Existence Itself.

This is so because there are hidden points of access in the heart, of which the "Secret or Tiny Space" and the so called “Right Side of the Heart” are the most important ones. Both locations have not really been discussed in public and they have been kept mainly secret and passed on from teacher to disciple via oral instructions or direct transmission.

While the Tiny Space is the access point to the Abode of Creation itself, the Right side is the access point to Source, Infinity and Pure Radiant Consciousness. This is only a hint and there is much more to it. Both locations are the doorway into a different dimensionality, a frequency  that we are not familiar with when we consider or know 3D as the only reality. Therefore we must be able to die to any familiarity to go utterly beyond it. This requires a practice that very few are willing to do.

How do we create a close relationship with our heart, to begin with?

Yes, of course, by feeling! In the beginning, depending on our upbringing and the frustrations that come with living in the confinement of this controlled world, we might feel a lot of lower emotions, such as fear, anger and sorrow and the like. But if we have been lucky, it is more conditional joy and happiness what we  feel. 

We must thoroughly feel all of it. This enables us to rise all these frequencies to an unconditional quality of Feeling that vibrates unlimitedly to infinity, unobstructed by the shorter waves of lower or higher conditional emotions. This feeling to infinity can also be associated with what is called the "Sacred Space of the Heart".

Unobstructed feeling to Infinity is also a vibration that opens our body-mind beyond the contracted activity of thinking and is experienced as mere thoughtless Feeling of Being. It is Love in its purest form. Therefore this quality of feeling can also be cultivated by the vibration of love. We can start with little things when practicing selfless love, but we will soon discover that without self-love, love cannot really expand to include all beings and things.

Without self-love and compassion for ourselves, we cannot truly grow spiritually. Therefore we must first understand and forgive ourselves. 
As this love vibration is now present on our planet and surrounding us, we can ask it to purify our heart, so that we can feel it in its purest frequency. As soon as we are able  to feel the fullness of unconditional love vibration in, around and from the heart, we can grow further.

When this happens, you will notice that the crown of your head opens up and that you can feel to infinitely above it,  while the hard skull becomes soft and like a feeling organ.

Then you are ready to receive like an open cup the Great Spirit Force from above. It will find its way down your body to your feet while purifying what is in the way, and this is a process. The less dense your energies become the more powerful is the descend of the Spirit Force. And at one point it will trigger the energy center at the base of your body, turn around and ascend to above. This can happen when you choose the channel in the  spine, bypassing the sexual channel. And then the spirit current moves in a  circle up and down the body.

This is only the beginning of our evolutionary development. And this description of the process, we are now called to go through and which transforms the body-mind, is very basic. But it is hereby never just the brain that can initiate this process, as it confines our consciousness in the thought field. Rather, as described here, the brain is secondary and the Heart is primary.

The heart is the main transformation and transfiguration station. It unblocks when fully active, all energy channels in the body, so that we can be a conduit for the incoming light and information that in turn transforms our body-mind, by rising it to a higher vibration and light quotient.

This is also the means for the creation of our new crystalline body, as the new light frequencies carry the information for change.

To summarize: Love is the key! But it has a much more profound meaning than one would think, as it does initiate a deeper process of Spirit Force. So this is not just a nice statement or a sentimental claiming, but it the secret for profound transformation of the whole being by means of the spirit force or shakti.

In the old world we have been kept in very low vibrational fields, imprisoned by the force of thoughts of merely linear, conceptual and polarity thinking, good and bad, light  and dark.

But now,  in the new era, with the intense Light and Love Vibration on Beloved Earth, we begin to feel and to experience the Truth of the Singleness of our true and undivided nature, beyond polarity in and via the heart

Therefore our true nature cannot be understood by the thinking process of the brain, but only by direct experience and feeling awareness, associated with the heart. And direct experience is possible when we unlock with the Power of the Awakened Heart the Spirit Force, the Current of Light and Frequency, in the instrument that is our body-mind.

Now is the time where this process is available for all of us if we understand and use the Power of the Heart! This is the blessing of the new era. 

With much love and many blessings!

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please support my work via subscription or donation. Read the update from 21.8.12


Beloved Friends,

I was hesitating to publish  this, because it is somehow very personal. And in my experience, going public  with these things is not always very beneficial for oneself. But then I decided to do it anyway, as I am a part of the whole, a piece of puzzle in the big picture of humanity, which can describe the human spiritual possibilities in the process of this huge upgrading of our total universe. So hopefully it inspires you.

Below I have added just short excerpts from my diary about my present process. It is one of the many physical (and spiritual) processes and transformations that I am experiencing since many years. The description is not complete, but gives you an idea what the body is going through at this time, who has to deal with the transformational energies of huge forces of light. 

At the moment I experience a kind of settling down, but my body is still on fire and I must be extremely careful and observing, because any little stress or strain, evoked through dealing with 3dimensional matters, puts my body immediately into disharmony and pain.

So I need to continue to be in a meditative state with as little as possible attention on the "outer world" and its necessities. In this process it remains important to focus on the spirit of light  and to surrender to it, which surrounds and pervades my body, and which can feel like white burning fire if I focus too much into the external world. This includes also typing for this blog using the computer. So I have to learn how to integrate these kind of activities. It is literally about learning a new existence.

I consider my experiences quite natural as they are the natural consequences when we open up to the light and new consciousness that is surrounding us. They are the tangible proof that indeed the situation here on earth has changed already profoundly and that this Place IS Sacred! It all depends on where we put our feeling attention.

"We become what we are meditating on" 

Much love and many blessings,

From my diary: 

About 3 weeks ago I had a major spiritual experience in my heart and brain. Since then my digestive system went through the roof. It went completely crazy and I couldn’t eat anymore. My body didn’t digest anything. I looked like pregnant in the 9th month and I had incredible pains in the chest. So I stopped eating altogether for 3 days. I took only water, distilled water! It removes the harmful minerals and many toxins from the body.

I knew I had to change my (already very healthy) diet radically! I considered even to only live from Prana from now on. But then, as I needed to interact with the low vibrational usual world, I started to feel physical weakness, and the urge to eat, at least a few spoonfuls. At the moment its only very little raw and steamed vegetables and some fruit.

What I notice is, that the heart region is the primary source of light, while the light in the brain is secondary and is enlightened by the heart. And there is a pillar of light in the body that connects the heart with the brain, while the light runs upwards from the heart to the brain. That’s how heart and brain are literally connected, while the  heart feeds the brain.

This is the sign that the heart is primary. The brain is secondary, although most believe it is the other way around.

A week later:

An incredible forceful light is in my heart and chest. It is huge, greater than my body, it just is. It is most radiant. The body seems to hang on It like an appendix. This light feels like a hole in the universe, shining through a huge hole in my body. This light is prior to everything and all consuming. It is brilliant. It is more than just an energy center, a chacra. It is the Force of the Reality of Light and Consciousness Itself.

Simultaneously an extremely strong and brilliant beam of light comes out of my third eye, about 8cm long, ending in the external chacra, that is brilliantly glowing, while my inner brain is glowing white too.

There seems to be basically nothing else to exist, than the light. The rest is illusion.

I must have my attention fully on it. The more I do it, the less pain I feel in my body. The pain is very strong and I have heart palpitations. The force of this light is almost too much for the heart. This is indeed a challenge for the physical heart and the physical body altogether. 

This light is formless and of unlimited power and energy. Whereas the physical heart is merely a dense part of the body  that cannot contain that force but must surrender to it. This requires a change in the physics of the body.

I am really afraid to have a heart attack, but in the hospital they couldn't find anything.

The days before this opening, my body felt like permeated by light. This is not the subtle body, that surrounds the physical body. But it is the change of the density of the physical body that itself seems to become lighter, less dense.

Now I experience with my inner eye the atomic structure of it, where there is no density. We all know these images of the circulating particles of an atom which are moving in huge distances from one another.

But when I look from outside at my body it looks of course like always: an opaque mass. However I feel that more light than before is now shining through it, visible for those who can see these things. Whereas the opaque mass appears due to the specific (illusionary) nature of our 3D senses.

Messages and entities, such as the Ascended Masters, appear inside this mass of light in the heart, and not outside of me. This also tells me that I AM part of them, and they are part of me. We are not separate.

What I describe here is humanity’s heritage not just a personal experience, and many have experienced this in the past and might now experience  the same.

I am told to listen to the light, as it is consciousness at the same time and follow It’s guidance. And indeed it speaks to me.

"This is the transition to the other side. It is the liberation from the bondage to the limited form and concept and program of the body-mind and the identification with it.

Now, as I take over, the body-mind is My mere instrument. It is a matter of your identification with Me, and not with the body."  

And there is more communication, but it is personal.


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
