Showing posts with label truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label truth. Show all posts

Sunday, November 11, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2011
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube

I AM your God-Self, speaking to  all! 

Beloved, in these times of high expectation for change, in these times of hope for a better world, and in these times of rising of conditional energy, most of you are lost in the search for a big event. 

This event, so you all hope, will bring the great relieve, you think, where you can relax and be happy forever.

Is this really what you are looking for? Never-ending Happiness?
Then you are indeed looking in the wrong place!

You are on the run and your race now is not much different to your race in your old world, as long as this old world  – even if not really loved, but mostly rather endured, - has not been questioned but was considered to be inevitable.

Please hold on for a moment and observe your running away from Me, your restless search for something better! Weren’t you looking all your life for something better?
Is this not a general, deep rooted human behavior, and do you think it will stop when you have ascended a bit more into a bit more loving world?

The one in the race however does not know Real Love. Real Love Is, and with True Love search ends. You are talking all the time about love, love this and love that. But as long as you are busy with your search it is a mere word, a phrase, a thought!

You are in your search not aware that your fullest satisfaction is already always present. I AM That.  But running towards future and this and that event, makes you blind for Divine Reality. For the Peace of It, the Beauty of It, the Perfection of It. Truth.

Did you not know, that while you are busy with your search that you cannot feel My Beauty and Perfection? That the Reality That I Am, is never absent but always Exists, now and now and now. But not as a number of events, one after the other,  but as one Great Event, beyond time and space.

Your little search of hoping for more information, for more light, for more love, for more satisfaction sometime in the future, or even “tomorrow”, does fully miss the mark! Because Fulfillment Is Already Here Before you.

Your adventure is all happening in your mind only and perhaps also a bit in your sensations, and – as you might have discovered already – in the mind many things, exiting things, awesome things, spectacular things and boring and ugly things can happen. They are all just reflections in your body-mind.

But My Divine Reality is never exciting, because It Is  Fullness already. IT IS, It never changes, because It is the Substance of all the little realities of your endless search, in the good faith, you would find Real Reality in the stream of events, on the surface of happenings, in the outskirts of your experiences, as if experiences could ever really satisfy you, as you are breathlessly rushing for your next adventure.

When I Absorb you, a Sun rises that is the Origin of all splendid suns you ever would dream of, It is Primordial Radiant Existence, It is Me. 

But as you are on the run, you are not aware of the heart-overwhelming Presence of Me, of Me-Reality that is Truly Divine and needs to be recognized rather than experienced.

When you recognize Me, your body might move, your mind might produce its content, but Me-Reality does not move and does not produce. It captures you in your heart first and then widens you beyond your body-mind in Love-Bliss, comprising All, past, present and future, Self-Satisfied, and you discover Me as Being the Ground on which all seeking occurs and all hopeful excitement for something better soon.

Observing this, you will understand the fruitless search and hopeful hopelessness as mere shadows, schemes, illusions, appearing here and then and always repetitive as patterns on My True Love.

With Me however you are exalted to the hight-less Presence of Radiant-Now-Reality that does not know depth. Because It is space- and timeless. It Is Infinity.

Beloved, even though there are these culmination points in your hoped for ascension process, they are still always like little sparks only on My Mere and Vast Being-ness. 

I do not Ascend, I AM, but not as mind, as you think your I Am.  I AM beyond mind, and I AM before mind arises. I cannot be thought, I can be felt, but I Myself are beyond feeling even. Senses ultimately do not comprise Me and even the ascended states of Masters do not contain Me, rather, I contain them.

They each to a degree have come to understand Me, but they are not Me, I Am them and I am you. But you are not Me, only if you truly heart-melt with Me and forget your name and form and all your separate belongings and thereby become One With Me. Your belongings might still exist afterwards but then you know they are Me.

The fulfillment you hope to find in  your great search, even if most honorable, you will never find, as you run always forward and there is no end to it! Only when you come to rest, when you are willing to give up reaching higher and higher – you start to understand, that there is nothing to achieve, nothing to ascend to, because Truth is Unchanging and always Present, here right Now, mindlessly. 

I Am found without search if you dare to simply accept Reality that does not Know excitement, but Absorbs you As Me to give Peace and Stillness and Utter Satisfaction to your finally tired heart.

My State of Being Is Wide Awake in the midst of eventful events and constant repetitions. I Am Pure, I Am Free and I Am Happiness without end. I Am Ultimate Consciousness.

If you would pause for a moment and breathe, letting go fully,-  at that moment, in the midst of your illusionary search, a glimpse of Who I Am, could suddenly rise in your being, an understanding about Real Reality, about the True Waking  in the midst of constant dream.

Then you might question your race for the first time! And you might desire to evoke once again that Glimpse of Me, because you start to understand.

It is this desire that will end your search, because you, for the first time, intuit True Happiness!
When you found True Happiness, everything is Happiness, trivial and more sublime things. But you are not searching them, they just arise while you Recognize Me in all of them.

Know that I Love you and Desire your True Happiness and that I AM You.

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 201
Please also read update from 21.8.12
Watch on YouTube (recommended)

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence 
in the Andromeda Galaxy.


With Joy we are observing the splendid progress on your earth. Gaia is in our heart and attention and we are bathing Her with our Love and the Divine Light of Highest Source!

Dear humanity, we embrace you and shower our deepest and widest Blessings on you as you are growing beyond your state and condition of unconscious sleep into the clear radiance of a new day!

In Reality your ascension is already accomplished in the Higher Realms, it is only that the lower fields of density must follow their liberation into the light.

We would like to remind you that this is being done by each and every one of you with your pure heart.  But if you still need purification to let it shine, all your lower vibrating emotions must find their way out of your system, you must release them into the utter radiance of love!

This requires you to perform a very simple, but perhaps for some of you, difficult action!

It is about releasing your victim consciousness! All your lower emotions, such as anger, fear, guilt, sorrow, are born from victim consciousness only! It is based on the false presumption that any outer circumstance could have a restricting influence on your Divinity, as you forgot the Divine Essence that you Are, or on the illusion that this Essence could even be diminished!

Beloved Ones, the great transformation is this: acknowledge Who You Are! Remember Yourself, remember Your Divine heritage and wake up from that illusionary dream of being an organism merely, that is subject to outer circumstances.

When you subdue yourself to a lower creation, you give your Highest Truth away! You give Divine Reality away, convinced by a lie that has been pervading your human consciousness for a while now, imagining separateness, as if you were separate from Divine Consciousness.

You forget Who You Are, instead to forget who you are NOT!
Therefore we remind you:  forget who you are NOT! This is how you transcend victim consciousness!

You Are not a separate body-mind that could be victimized! You Are that Forever Untouched, One Divine Consciousness, that Radiance, that Love Only. The body-mind is merely the tool to experience what you desire to experience.

How could Love feel guilty, and how could Light be inflicted by conditional circumstances! How could lower density have an impact on the Freedom of Divine Radiance.
It is the fabrication of your mind, so that you seem to be lost in the profound error of this illusion!

Merely your BELIEF creates the dark dream of defeat and unhappiness, the companions of victim consciousness.

Therefore, if you put your Belief right, Everything else becomes Rightful!

And it is not about becoming ‘better’, to ‘improve’ your limited personality, but it is about right understanding of Who You Are! Who You Are, is not afflicted in any way by that personality! To wake up to your true identity - this is the quantum leap to the other side, to your Own True Reality. We can see this Truth shining undiminished in everyone of you, but some of you are still looking into the wrong direction!

So when you purify your heart from all theses errors of what you are NOT, it starts to radiate. There is indeed nothing to achieve, but only to release!  Then Happiness pervades you. And the golden warmness of Love pours out of your heart and fills your whole being, so that you ARE It.

Beloved Ones, only understand your errors and do not feel guilty! There is None in the heavens that ever is condemning you, but you yourself are condemning yourself. And this holds you tight to your errors! Therefore, forgive yourself the error of ignorance and stand up to what you truly Are. Disregard, but do not suppress or deny, what stands against it, the suffering, the separateness, the re-action to a lower world and your mistaken identification with it.

The purity of your heart which is nothing else but allowing your own Truth to shine, is the miracle  that shifts you into the Higher Reality, unifies you with It, makes you One with It. And that is how you will experience your ascension, recognizing that Everything is Already Divine, no matter where you are in Space and Time.

We are admiring you who are the heroes of this grandiose shift! You are working on the Glorification and Deification of this universe, and thereby of all universes. This illumination of yours is spreading like bright flames through the galaxy, igniting the sparks of Divine Creation everywhere, so that they become fires of Adoration, Worship and Realization of Divinity!

We thank you! We love you! Our Love merges with your Love, and in It we are One.

Be Blessed!
We are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, August 31, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended) 

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence 
in the Andromeda Galaxy.

(A Message from my Andromeda Group-Self)

Dearest  Ones,

We  come again to confirm to you all, that the development in the heavenly realms is progressing!

We are more exited  every day, that the immensity of highly increased Light in the universe will soon affect your world in a way that all veils of separation from it will cease to exist!

This Light is Light from Source Itself which is Empowering all realms of creation, to call them back to their own Origin of Self-Existing Radiance.

It is no longer allowed in your universe that creations can continue which do not love and worship Source Itself and through this love allow Source to become fully Obvious and Acknowledged in the heart of Beings in whatever dimension or form they appear.

This IS the Return of Truth which grants happiness and fullness, as the heart, which is the core of every being, is used as an open corridor to its very Source Itself.

The veils of separation from  Source are fading, ignorance and false doctrines are disappearing from now on continuously, especially for those who are ready to accept  and are willing to discover that the door in their heart is open to Infinity.

That Infinity is Radiant, ever Blissful, it is Truth Itself that manifests Its Reality in creation more and more prevailing, so that all things and beings can be recognized as an emanation of this Truth.

We have come to plant this spark of Knowledge into your heart so that your joyful anticipation can be like an opening flower to receive the sunlight.

Dearest Ones, YOU yourself are a seed of this Blissful Truth, if your own flower of heart reaches out with desire to deep inside and out, to meet the Source, to find and locate It as the Infinite that Surrounds you and is therefore found in the deep of your own Radiance.

What we say, cannot be taken lightly or as a metaphor. You must come to the true Spiritual Understanding of It by going through a purification process , through which  in due course you start to understand the nature of your body-mind and its implications in your world, to transcend it.

Truth is absolute Simplicity and Beauty, however a Mystery too, and to recognize it, you cannot use your mind or imagination. Our speech is only an attempt to ignite your inspiration and set your intuition on fire.

Let it be so, so that your limitations of mind are blown open, and your remembrance dawns to rediscover where you are coming from!

There is only One Radiance, One Reality, One Love-Bliss that Pervades all Existence and holds the universes together.
Let That Be your Guidance and utter Joy! Step out of the old incarceration of what you think you are. Your Divinity is much more than that of a creator god. It is the Self-Existing Source-Field Which can be discovered at the core of all beings and with Which all beings are to re-unite.

By this inherence, you are, as humanity, not unique, this inherence is the birthright of all beings. This Radiance is Home for all existence, including you. You share it with all creation and all universes.

Praise to That One, That One Source at the Heart of all Beings and Things.

You are returning to That One. You have already returned, you never have been away. But the dreams you dreamed for so long, created the worlds of separation and bewilderment, lost in doubt and desperation. How could it be otherwise if one’s own Source is unknown and one’s existence is drawn along by false presumptions and illusions.

The Light of Origin now streaming out and reaching your very heart, will make Itself known to you as What It Is, if you recognize It.

We have brought you the message.
Now please use your heart-discrimination to discover that Source-Light is knocking Itself at your door of heart. It brings with Itself the Secret of It’s Unspeakable Qualities, not known in any universe.

Whatever seems to appear to you familiar, know that this is NOT what Source Is. Source is what is non-familiar! 

If you enter the domain of the Unknown because you let go of the known, then you Know that you are entering the Other World. 

This Other World is Untouched. It is Pure, senses cannot see it, imagination cannot create it. You must grow a new awareness to Understand and See. 

With Blessings!
We are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message  conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dear Brothers and Sisters!

This message has been sitting now for more than a week in the  draft folder. But now seems to be the right moment to publish it! 

There is always a perfect time for everything. And so this time of waiting, supported by the enormous showers of light, providing for us a high frequency environment, is the perfect moment for us to prepare ourselves in the best possible way to be able to participate in this glorious process of evolution. 

But to prepare individually to the optimum degree, I feel it is necessary that we know the options, we can choose from. Because we might have forgotten what we wanted to accomplish, before we arrived here. I have been offering options which are not very much known in the New Age movement, such as the discussion of Divine Consciousness, which transcends mere limited human consciousness. As humanity in general has been deprived from true spiritual knowledge for so long, Ultimate Wisdom Teachings are only known to a relatively few, because we are so brainwashed that we hardly imagine and reach out for them, convinced that they don't exist.

However I felt moved to give my readers at least a small glimpse of the Highest Wisdom Teachings, available to mankind in many of my publications, (, here, here, and here, and many more), because we all can accept that the solution for a problem (here: the present desolate state of our spaceship earth) is always found on a higher level than the problem itself.

In my humble understanding the ascension process is only part of humanity's total spiritual development and evolution. And the general New Age philosophy does mostly not include and invite our deepest Self into the picture, which is Pure Radiant Divine Consciousness. New Age philosophy only allows, with very few exceptions, a definition of the human being that is limited to a body-mind, let this body-mind be even more subtle in the higher dimensions! 

Dearest friends, this is a grave error, and this error, deeply rooted in the human mind, is a result of long-standing false indoctrinations from the 'controllers'. 
After liberation of humanity, the true and original spiritual teachings will surface. But we have actually not to wait for that time of liberation, because these teachings are already available to us, even now.

This True Teachings reveal to us also, what we are NOT: a form, a body, a mind, the waking, dreaming and sleeping state, our thinking and actions, our emotions. What remains Is The One Who is always Awake as Ultimate Love-Bliss-Consciousness and merely Is Aware of all the  qualities which we are NOT. This is the truth about us. This is our true State. 

Please don't understand me wrong, these Teachings are not merely verbal philosophy and book knowledge. They are alive and lived by Highly Evolved Beings in human form who have literally realized this Ultimate State themselves on earth. In my passionate search for Truth I am blessed having met such a Great Being Who is able to transmit His Own Perfect State to others. Therefore I am, in my own experience, graced to be a witness of the Truth of our own Ultimate State of Consciousness.

So why not (at least) consider it to be true! Is this not THE time to do it, while we are facing the most challenging, horrifying and also awesome revelations? They  literally provide a platform for us like never before, to seek the Truth beyond the duality of conditional reality -  because of the monstrosity of the crimes enacted against humanity on one side, and the experience of the most beautiful gifts of the incoming forces of light and the revelation of love on the other side.

Ascending into the dream-state of higher dimensions, even without participating in our own highest Truth, and being  content with a better life in a more refined body, is surely a merit. But we must not forget, that this is merely the continuation of the dream, distracted and far away from our actual Divine Reality! 

Although there are countless beings of light in the universe, to which many of us relate as their family, their state of spiritual development signifies not necessarily already the fulfillment of our True Spiritual Nature. In the higher dimensions the distractions from realizing Divine Reality are manifold because of the BONDAGE to the dreams of fun and creation (nothing against fun and creation itself!), and indeed many of us came here, to recognize this fact in the midst of this low density, because here is no REAL fun at all and to create what we really want is difficult. So we would be driven hopefully to the search of our True Divine Reality.

However, once here, we forgot, many of us simply forgot, and the attractive hope for relief in higher dimensional dream-worlds from our difficult struggles here, might make us so short sighted, that we just want to return to them, because we have become so impatient! 

I consider the fact that many follow their own imaginations today about spiritual life, not willing to learn from others, without being aware what kind of deceiver the mind can be, to be another obstacle! One can literally then live in a state of illusion, without knowing it. Teachers nowadays are for many not welcome anymore. But in my experience it is a mistake, because Truth can only be found beyond mind. But to go beyond mind requires the helping Grace of Somebody who exists already beyond that mind! 

Even all great spiritual Masters of humanity had teachers, including Jesus of Nazareth. So why not you and me too! If one wants to learn a skill, it is commonsense that one studies with a teacher. But in terms of a spiritual path, which is the most profound of all sciences, many believe they can find their way alone in the wilderness of the mind! And mind does not come to an end in the higher dimensions either. The wilderness is only more subtle.

This dense earthly experience has been by many  very wise souls described as the most auspicious form of incarnation, because of the inherent  possibility to Realize the Highest Truth. A Truth which is rarely achieved in the higher dimensions. 

And what is our True State about? It is a State of utter and pristine Freedom, a Clarity and Purity, a Beauty, beyond imagination, a Joy of Perfect Eternity, a Love-Bliss that never diminishes. It is bodyless and mindless  and beyond dimensions. A Fulfillment that ends the search. Such is what WE ARE, beyond the dream. 

In this Radiance controllers do not exist. They have no access to It! It is far beyond their perception and power of interference!

I thought, my readers appreciate this information.

With my prayers and much love!

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.