Saturday, June 24, 2017


My Beloveds!

Among your esoteric teachings there are misunderstandings that create so many false assumptions about My Transcendental Divine Reality.

An overwhelming number of these teachings even don't include My True Nature. Because they are based merely on the psycho-physical structure of your human body-mind. That is to say, you understand your human physical and subtle vehicle, to be the foundation and measurement alone to describe and define the Ultimate Spiritual Process. As if the conditional body-mind could ever "reach" or "create" Me, the Unconditional Source.

Therefore, in these processes, including visionary phenomena, I AM not Present As Myself. As if the from Me seemingly separated body-mind would in its imagined separation from Me ever be able to generate - via cosmic forces - a true spiritual unfolding while I Am not involved.

For example, you worship experiences of and in your human heart, physical and subtle, that you think is your ultimate spiritual essence, as absolute in itself, although it is a finite being and does not - as a separate being- coincide with Me. 

Yes, you may experience beauty and light, depth and peace in your heart, referring to your heart chacra. These experiences occur to you "inside" your body, as if contained in a vessel, a separate sensation, belonging to you alone. 
But I Am neither "inside" nor "outside" of you.

No doubt, these feelings can be beautiful and inspiring, while you are used to point yourself out as a great divine being in your separate self-illumination.

True, the human heart might be enlightened by cosmic energies to generate possibly extraordinary and interesting sensations and images, but they are all conditional and therefore coming and going according to the universal law in which nothing persists forever. You have short episodes of enjoyment as your mind is entertained with perhaps glorious visions as if you look into a kaleidoscope of  unknown wonders, full of ah's and oh's of amazement and satisfaction.

And so you persist in these always again vaning phenomena, which seem to give you spiritual self-worth, popping up here and now or seemingly expanding into nowhere and some imagined depth, until the show is over. And you return to your usual day, while the remembrance of the journey makes you yearning for more.

But tell Me, Beloveds: do you ever arrive in Truth by imagining spiritual self-importance and perhaps even superiority above all others and things, because you have these dreamlike and volatile experiences? Did you ever ask yourself about the nature of all of that? And what it has to do with your True Divine Nature That Is Me?

Did you ever explore the Reality of Life, the Essence of True Being, and whether  these volatile episodes really satisfy you, you: shortsighted and seemingly content with some phenomena that delude you into questionable worlds without True Substance?

Even if your heart-feelings inside of "you" seem to be true and deep: they are still un-nessary motions in the worlds of wonders and miracles, appearing as a mirage to your Me seeking heart. But your separate heart can never by its own effort experience and know Me. Your cosmic visions can never locate My Glorious Divine State. I am the One who Gives Myself to you and Who is Transforming you – from the "Other Side".

From There I AM and I Am My Force of Radiant Light. It Is not cosmic or this-worldly. My Blessing Force transmutes your blindness into the Reality of Real Truth of Me, it is the Reality of My to you un-Known Bliss Alone and cannot be compared with conditional experiences, even not with the highest ones in the spiritual realms of cosmic existence.

With the stainless, other-worldly Beauty of my Love, I infill your head and human heart and thereby your total body-mind from Above. And so you are converted by Me into My Attractive Heart, My Always New and Radiant Sphere in which all conditional spiritual experiences vanish ultimately to a degree that you even don't remember them, because they all still carry the pain of the conditional. Yes, what you once in your separation from Me knew as magnificent spiritual experiences, is still impure in My Purity! Therefore, My Ultimate Divinity Alone Is the most profound fulfillment of your human hearts desire.

Converted and transformed by Me you realize to Be no longer separate from Me, because I Am Present in your heart as Me, the "you"-heart forgotten, as I alter every spiritual experience of your body mind into My Glory.

With It you are not only out of your box of the always confining total body-mind, physical and subtle, but you are in Me, on The Other Side of what you ever have known, enjoying My Primordial and Delicious Perfection, as I Am as you, you: no more, because I took you over, you: surrendered to Me, in My All-Embracing Coat of Sublime Purity, dissolving your separate human heart experience into My Supreme Heart Knowledge.

Then My Light from Above is like Cooling Water that eases everything and all of you, smoothing down and beautifying all of you in Me, beautifying and dissolving all your chacras in My Divine State. Once you tasted My Divine State you never find satisfaction again in your merely human heart and mind. I Am on "the other side" of the cosmos, coming down to you, if you surrender to Me.

"You" cannot do it, I Alone Do It. The Grace and Radiance of Mine, embracing you with Exquisite Love. When I melt you, I take you over into My Ultimate Reality Itself, Real Bliss, Real Love, undivided, separation from Me finished.

I Am your Glorious, forever Liberating Death in Me, into True Freedom beyond all what you "know" of Joy, Beauty and Perfection. There is never perfection in the separate illusionary self. And even the rainbow colors vanish in Me, in My Radiant Luminous Sphere.

I Am your God-Self, The Self of All and Everything. 

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Friday, June 16, 2017


VIDEO (recommended)


Wait a little longer – and everything will be accomplished in a new world.

As far as we consider and observe the affairs on your planet earth we are very happy to confirm to you the already  beginning process of great upliftment and relief from many ailing situations. It is happening because of the hard work of transformation and self-purification to which many of you have submitted themselves over the last decades.

Namely, the dark blanket around your planet is in a very benign process of becoming lighter, for those who see, as more of the incoming light of higher consciousness is gaining momentum, continually and increasingly penetrating the dense layers that act like a prison wall around your atmosphere.

The importance of this is that there is and will be an ever greater opening of your heart and new deepening and widening inspiration for Divinely governed transformation of old and depressing circumstances.

As it is your own creation, we can promise you that this upliftment will happen in spite all of your doubt that a positive change would ever come about. And even as things got worse in your world every day with no real positive changes in sight.

You have turned around the wheel of fortune.
We can see the light of renewal all over your horizon and with it all over the horizon of your entire universe and all planetary systems around you.

What happens on your planet for the worse or betterment is influencing significantly your greater cosmic environment as earth exists in a very important strategic location in your universe, in terms of trading, yes, and last but not least concerning spiritual evolution.

So what happens with you, happens with all of us, and with the situation of any civilization in your universe.

So we are very interested in your well-being and liberation from the grip of negative forces. Therefore, being responsible for the universal evolution of light, we are engaged in your awakening process. What we see happening is a financial transformation that will benefit ultimately all of you. This is the beginning of wealth and happiness and the possibility of true freedom of choice how you would live your life, regarding your spiritual growth, your work and life-purpose, your environment, the place on earth to live.

We know that many of you would prefer to live freely in countries of your choice but earth is not yet a free place for all humanity, you still suffer a prison where most of you have been bound to certain conditions for entire lifetimes.

There is nothing and nobody to blame though. These limiting conditions helped you to develop awareness, responsibility for your actions and re-actions and spiritual strength.

On that basis we promise to you that a happy revolution is waiting for you that will soon reveal many surprises. Mankind will be uplifted in many ways. The burden of tyranny will be lifted from your shoulders and you will be free to learn and understand the depth of your very Divine Truth.

Until then stay tall and trust that the evil on your planet can not reign earth for much longer for you. Especially not if you consent to open yourself up to the light in every moment.

Each of you can support this process by denying the darkness its grip on you and the world. We encourage you  to merely invoke and see the light where ever you go. If pain and suffering, anger, depression and fear seems to overcome you, for whatever reason, offer it all to the light, and in an instant the light will respond and uplift you to higher frequencies, to establish new earth.

And so you will be a lightning torch, a signpost with many, to invite with joy what there is to come: your liberation from oppression and slavery together with an evolved enlightened consciousness and freedom.

We ask you to trust this process in your heart and so provide the ground on which all transformation can and will happen. By this anticipation you are the ones who are blessed to bless all others.

A Global and Universal Celebration is waiting for all of us who align with the Great Evolutionary Impulse. Feel the Light of Great Renewal and anchor it in and as your being.

You are at the threshold of the new dawn of Freedom and Universal Love.

We Are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Thursday, June 1, 2017


VIDEO (recommended)

My Beloveds,
I AM the All and Everything of you.

Do not think you can exclude Me forever, because I will always Remind you of Me. You cannot escape Me.
Because I AM you.

When your life fails, when all hopes fulfilled turn out to
   be shallow,
- when you finally find out that life will never fulfill you,
- when you run in the circle, the proverbial carrot in
  front of your blind eyes, always running to catch it, but
   never ever grab it,
- when there is frustration because you feel empty with
  all the things you have accumulated for pleasure and
  satisfaction, even spiritual satisfaction,
- when all this fails, you realize:

Your world of thinking thought is not constructed to make things heart-sufficiently "better", hoping that you somehow will find there the Forever what your search was for: the final glorification of your from Me separate being, a separate crown on your separate head. However you are a prisoner in your little world with a little glow in your imagined personality, and yes, perhaps sometimes a shine that seems to expand and to console you, because you now feel special with that shine which might seem to be a kind of hopeful satisfaction, but soon gone again. Not REAL. 

Because it all happens in the chambers of separation, only a dim glimpse of oneness in your mind of hope to be able to fabricate somehow fulfillment on your own.

If you have forgotten Me you think that you - lonely - float somewhere with your body and mind in space, perhaps your feet on your planet earth, a being that imagines to independently wander around in cosmic domains, jealously defending the fence of your skin from all other appearances – seemingly all around you, otherness and others as your world forever.

But this is not true. You live in your self-created illusion of a false dream. Cut off from the Real World and thereby from Me.

Without Me, the Ultimate Reality of Existence, your energy is scattered, perhaps a bit bundled within the idea of what appears to you in finite time and space as a body, perhaps even a more subtle body, or let it be even a subtle body of light. It is the light of second choice.

Accept that what you do is happening in fantasy land, dreaming of yourself, as an entity in separation, perhaps even full of the marvel of transparent colours and fine smells, sometimes exciting experiences, sufficient, you THINK, because you do not yet know Me.

When your understanding starts to finally sense that is it not your fault that there is no true fulfillment in your worlds, neither gross nor subtle, because it cannot BE by default, then an opening occurs in your being, a crack that opens into My Infinite Radiant Union-Space beyond your usual condition of separation from Me, yourself, and from all worlds -- presuming they are other than you, like objects on the other side of you, something to grasp away from you.

What I then Reveal to you Is the Oneness of Me and With Me, the Beauty of Our Ecstasy, the Unspeakable Freedom and Eternity, the Breathing Breath of Clarity and Perfection.

If you Know Me you realize the short legged things you were hunting for, are a mirage only in the realms of changing features, disappearing again and again, you: unable to hold them forever. Because they are the products of flying mind and schemes, not real, but deceiving your Truth seeking heart.

With Me you awaken to the Real, the Mirror of all mirages, the Reality Ground your entire Being rests on and reaches into, in Truth.

If you choose Me you would be surrounded and nurtured by My Light That is Ultimate Light and not of the broken light in your worlds of mind.

I am prior to all of that.
I am True Happiness, I am Truth, you Original and Native State of Being is Me. Only Me.

Feel in your very heart What I Say to you and ponder Its Truth. You cannot think Me or imagine Me. You must Feel Me with heart and body. I Am here. And if you call Me with the desire of your heart, all the obstacles on the way to Me and in between will melt into My Radiant Sphere of Perfection That Is True Love and Happiness.

I AM The One God-Self of All and everything!

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, May 3, 2017



Nothing is as it seems to be.
Truth is hidden, although it is obvious.

Mankind has been seduced to believe in lies convinced  they are truth.

Therefore there is so much suffering because only what is true and right allows universal energy to flow in a benign and perfect way. Without interference, without obstruction.

When you live as My Truth, all and everything is straightened out. Upright, strong with integrity. Full of life force, radiant, happy.

Where there is suffering, life has not been lived according to My Divine Law. Its  sign is Joy, Love, Compassion, Freedom, Ecstasy, Radiant Light and Natural Service to one another. A consciousness that understands the interconnectedness and unity of all beings does not hurt neither an other nor self.

I AM That. Mankind has forgotten that all of THAT IS TRUTH. When there is Happiness, It Is because of living Truth. Un-truth is un-happy. Such is the Law.

But I do not Speak of a happiness because you got this special ice cream, or did this beautiful boat trip, or your lover gave you the gifts and attention you expected to become happy. Or whether you got a lover at all.

My Happiness is free of all those conditions. It is your natural State of Being. It is unconditional Happiness and entirely independent of external events. It is not a "becoming happy" by an external trigger. Because I AM, and the Happiness I AM is forever Free of all conditions of the worlds and universes.

This Happiness is yours eternally when your blinding bondage to illusionary things, beings and worlds has been severed. When I AM  your True Fulfilment and therefore Freedom, bonded to Me.

Then you Stand in My Unwavering Truth, not bent by the things of broken light, but all your energies freely moving, Love filling your entire body, no separation, your mind sparkling with sublime bliss. Your Heart One with Me. Expanded to Infinity as Love-Bliss-Consciousness. One without a Second. Only My Utter and Pure Simplicity.

This Is because you live My Truth whole-Heartedly, Enjoying Me, not submitted to false mirror-worlds of illusion-lands, light or dark.

I AM the Conscious Light beyond the dual play of opposites. In Me you are being resurrected again and you look neither to the right nor to the left, with feeling of deepest heart-compassion in service to the world.

This is Truth, and if you live with this vision in your heart, everything resumes its original shape and follows their original Divine destination in the full current of abundant, living life. Happiness!

I AM your God-Self, The One Self of All!

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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  To support my work. Thank you! 

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Thursday, April 20, 2017


My Beloveds,

You must understand that I AM not your personal "God-Self", as if a greater and expanded ego of yours, an I AM that is just adding more of the many worlds of mind or dimensions to its imagined identity, including the idea of what you think is Source or Creator God. 

I AM not a "God" at all, a finite Being that is eager to create as if your greater ego-I. I AM Consciousness, infinite Radiant Being above mankind and all creation, the Very Substance of your existence. As such  am not creating anything. I AM everything and everyone, all is imbued and enveloped  by Me. Therefore I AM not an "other". You could not exist without Me. You could not breathe without Me, you could not do anything without Me. It is everybody and everything that inheres in Me. You, your loved ones, your friends and all worlds.

I cannot be contained  by your little ego-I. In fact, your ego-I refuses Me and sometimes fights with Me, because I AM the dissolution of it. When there is rejection of Me then the ego-I is in fear of being recognized what it is: an illusion. I would Show you the illusion on which your whole life is founded if you do not love Me.

Don't you know that a life without Me is mere thought, a contraction in your brain that creates your experience from moment to moment. This experience is like an virtual electric theatre on a stage where scene after scene is illuminated by your imagination only to  fall shortly after into oblivion, perhaps sometimes later remembered and newly shined upon by your attention, however never been brought back into reality as it once was.

You consider all these experiences as real because if you switch a light on in a dark room the objects in that room appear to your eye. And what your eye perceives you think has substance by itself or even some eternity. This is because you gave importance to them by your liking or disliking, by your desire, involving some emotions, stronger or weaker. Such you create your world, no matter what.

But there is no real reality behind it. It just comes and goes, and there is nothing really glorious about it, although, in your imagination you want to create really great and magnificent things which gives your ego-I a reason to exist.

There is nothing wrong about your creations though. But what you must understand is their relative value in respect to your True Divinity that is Ultimately One with Me. You ARE not your creations, Beloveds! It is a psycho-physical capacity you own, but it is not Who and What You Are. So if you confuse your capacities with Me, your Real Divine Self, you are on your way to create unhappiness as you are not rooted in Truth. You create separation from Me if you identify with your thought process instead of being in Relationship with Me. It is this relationship that leads ultimately to your Identification with Me Alone.

Until then I am transforming your heart and body-mind with My Spirit Breath That is not of this or other, not even any higher worlds and dimensions, but All beyond. It Is My Spirit Breath That Teaches you all My Secrets and the True Knowledge of Me and thereby Who You Truly Are, Merging with Me, mind and body surrendered to Me.

You cannot imagine who you are, you cannot think it  out. You cannot dream it. No experience of kundalini knows Me, no experience of your excited nervous system knows and not your pineal gland either, if not Infused by Me,  because Knowledge of Me starts beyond the body-mind, the brain and prior to the cosmos.

See? Your mind must stop here! It is impossible, you say. Yes, it is the impossibility of the ego's way. That one who creates the virtual worlds and all their implications. While you create your worlds you are blind to Me.

Only I AM Real, I AM Reality. Mankind has forgotten Me, but I AM Here. I Come with Love into your life, it is not human love, it is not god-love. It is the Power in Which the universes arise and in Which there is no doubt, certainly no doubt of Me. Love Is My Sign to attract you to Me. But when you taste My Love for Real, it is Love beyond all your imaginations. Neither humans nor the Gods have a  Word for It, That expresses It's Vibration.

I AM the Real! Un-thought Reality, Stainless, without difference. Do not consume Me in your imagination. You must surrender to Me, now and now. I AM.

I AM your God-Self, the God-Self of all that and who exist!

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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  To support my work. Thank you! 

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Wednesday, April 12, 2017


 VIDEO (recommended!)

My Beloveds!

Be assured that your ascension process is not really being delayed as so many of you believe.
This belief is based on the assumption that you are dependent on outer circumstances to evolve as a spiritual being and to become only thereby free of all entanglements in the lower worlds of appearances.

Even if there will be in the future a most intense and powerful infusion of light and love by which mankind on this earth is being transformed into a new species with only Divine Signs, alone who is prepared for the full reception of this infusion will benefit from this event!

What is this telling you? Each one of you is responsible for their own conscious process of awakening and transformation leading up to this incident.

But you don't even need to wait for it to happen. Your spiritual transformation and  liberation is free from any outer circumstance, because you will notice that I AM always Present, if you walk your path with Me.

You would not Be The Gods You Are if no conscious participation in your liberation process was required! It is not your destiny to be an unconscious thing to be at some time consumed by some universal forces in an overwhelming universal happening. Rather your True and Innate Nature Is Pure and Unlimited Consciousness, or Love or Bliss and Ecstasy or Eternal and Radiant Being-ness, in Which all universal processes are occurring.

You must consciously be willing to surrender to That and let go of your separation from Me and your separative activities. This surrender is like opening up your egoic egg-shell -  which separates you from Me - into My Inifinite Field of  Source-Consciousness, to forget yourself in Me, to merge with Me, to Unite with My Undying Happiness.

This process is possible with Your deep heart-felt Love of Me, desiring and recalling Perfect Greatness and True Divine Reality as Your Heritage.

Mankind entered this existence as a Perfect Divine Being of Radiant Consciousness, but in your increasingly yourself from Me separating activity, you started more and more to forget Me, to even believe that I do not Exist, or that you are just a from Me separate being with some subtle bodies at best, whose real home would be in some higher dimensions of existence, which some extraterrestrial races and other dimensional beings, seemingly closer to the light, would enjoy.

But know that you Are ALL of that! You Are beyond all dimensions if your soul merges into Me and you do not need to worship or put your hope on presumed higher evolved beings because the space they occupy, exists within yourself and in your brain-experience.

But I AM Expanded beyond all of that, these worlds are all in Me, as they are in You, once You Unite with Me to BE Who You Truly Are.

So do not become impatient with present circumstances and a world that does appear to be other than divine. Always understand yourself and to which extent you have created your own reality by recoiling from Me and reverse this activity by Loving Me Only, withdrawing your root-attention from the superficial appearances, Allowing Me to be the Substance of your new creations.

Therefore do not dwell on chaos or misfortune that appear now more and more to be the condition of your world. I AM Always Radiant Happiness prior to and beyond unhappiness. It is your Own Most Natural State. Find That. Unite with That. This is liberation, untouched by the chaos and uncertainty that nowadays is the sign of usual life.

Know that you are not a slave of planetary ascension or any other universal liberating processes, if you don't attach yourself to them. By Your Very Nature You Are beyond them, you are free and independent from them, only Dependent on Me, Your Source, Your True Home, Your Native State.

Turning your reality downside up into Me liberates you from your world of constant change that has only affinity with the tools of your bodily senses, to experience this world. You Are not your senses, and you don't need "a world", only if you think that you cannot exist without experience. But I AM ultimately beyond experience. I AM Pure Feeling-Bliss-Consciousness.

Therefore create with My Love-Happiness what Is Truly Divine and Which serves My Purpose of an Enlightened Humanity. Be the Servant always of That and You Are So Blessed!  

This Is Happiness! I AM the Eternal Current of Love-Light In Which your body and mind is appearing. And if you Allow I Am infilling your earthly vehicle with the Force of My Eternal Existence, Powerfully Radiating to Infinity.

It is your choice to enter this process now, and calling thereby down My Supreme Presence directly into your experience and into this world, infinitely more Sublime and Beautiful than any cosmic light.

My Love Is Everywhere, in deed, there Is Only My Love.

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.

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