Thursday, November 24, 2011


Dear friends and readers of my blog!

This is just a short notice to thank all you beautiful souls who have added so beautiful and often heart touching comments to my posts and have written to me such moving emails! I appreciate very much all of your participation in this multidimensional process we are all sharing right now in this important moment in history.

Please forgive me that at the moment I am not responding personally - but my experience is an empty brain which is radiant with silence and you could say: bliss. Although I feel this urge to respond personally to each one of you, I do not have the extended capacity for  concentration on details, it is just gone for the moment. I am sure this is only part of  a process of something greater which happens to the human species and of which I am a member or cell in this huge humanity body.

I hope you understand. I would be happy to hear from you further and believe that sooner or later my communication skills will return!

Much love and blessings, my friends!


 Listen to this message on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Dearest Ones,

it is assumed that there are no creations that would not follow the will of God or fulfill God’s desire to see Himself mirrored in what is created. However there are worlds, especially your world,  you do not favor, you do not like, as they do not respond to your true desires.

Therefore many are asking themselves what the real meaning of “God” is. It is difficult to imagine that He/She could be anything else but good and perfect (what you call perfect in your understanding) or spotless. So how could God create such a world in which you are not happy.

Dearest ones, there are so many god ideas and therefore gods, as there are souls in the universes. And each of these ideas have their roots in some cultural experiences and foundations and they are built according to what people or tribes and nations believe and which they consider to be their specific highest good or role model.

Even the ugly worlds are created in the image of their creators, they are mirrors to them, in the same way as the beautiful worlds are.  Know that all which is beautiful are creations of the God of Love. And there cannot be any discussions whether these beautiful creations are of the dark. We are speaking of true beauty, and not a seeming beauty of appearance which does not radiate truth and which does not touch your heart. We do not speak of cold beauty, which makes your feeling heart shudder and which evokes fear in your being. We speak of the beauty which opens your heart with joy beyond the form as which beauty appears.

But when you notice that such true beauty and its inherent joy is doubted and considered to be dark by those, who call themselves lightworkers, know that the capacity of higher discrimination fails and that jealous minds which carry darkness are at work. Don't allow yourselves to be drawn into their world of fear and pain, which mirrors  the face of their own loveless god.

Hereby you can understand  that these gods are images of the lower mind of man and they are therefore ego ideas and creations. And you attract to you the appearance of seemingly "outside" manifestations of your dreams, so that it appears that you are the creator of your own gods. They are not Divine although they may carry the name god.
Their heavens are limited and ephemeral, like the lower mind is and therefore they are not satisfying your heart. Whereas what satisfies your heart with joy is from the Heart of the Divinity. This is the sign you can trust.

There are greater gods of greater heavens, who might ignite your inspiration for higher levels of yourself and who correspond to your inner visions. But if they do not carry the heart of the Eternal, of the All-That-Is, even they are worthless for the true awakening of your soul and ultimately of your I AM consciousness.

It is your I AM consciousness only which carries you beyond "difference" and the dual pair of good and evil, but if you exclude one side or the other and attach yourself exclusively to only one you know that you, as a lightworker, have still to go a long way. The more you integrate your own hidden god of  darkness into your consciousness, the more you enter a place of peace and true love, a place of compassion. It is the heart where all opposites fall into one another and disappear. To create a world of either or, is the creation of imbalance and attracts necessarily the opposite.

The Ultimate Divine is beyond difference and good and  evil and comprises all, because it merely IS, it is the All-That-Is. It is the Source Light and Consciousness of all Universes and Beings. Where there is no mind but only Heart,  there is no God limited by form or idea, but only consciousness, undivided, radiant and love-blissful.

However if the lightworker does not follow the tool of  their heart for discrimination, they may have this idea and habit, to personify every form of light and of energy in a dualistic way, such as “good” or “bad” gods or beings of the higher worlds, and they may  have themselves accustomed to searching everywhere for the “devil” and the “evil”, even in the appearance of light. Some of them have been therefore collapsing in a disposition of negative critisism and being keen to find the next dark spot somewhere in the universe, to pronounce immediately what they think to see and spreading darkness. This is not the sign of a lightworker. Quite the opposite!

There are lightworkers who are so stuck in looking for the deceiver that their level of frequency has become very low and they are now carrying the energy of those they suspect, because of the law: you become what you meditate on.

Dearest ones, if you would fully understand this law you would understand what it takes to create your new world. Your new world cannot be created by looking sharply into the dark. Because there is no love found.

If you encounter the dark in your life with your reaction, know that it is a mirror of your own hidden beliefs and convictions, which you draw to you in a visible and tangible form because you are deeply afraid.

As you understood, that your world is changing dramatically and that there is enormous light entering, it is the responsibility of those who call themselves “Lightworkers” to fulfill the meaning of this word, literally. It is about disciplining your thoughts by closely observing yourself, to be awake in the first place about what YOU are thinking and feeling and doing and how it is reflected back to you from the “outer” world.

To anchor light on earth at this important time in your world  is necessary,  for the sake of balancing the darkness and rising the frequency. But it has to be done in the disposition of already being balanced in your heart. Without this you will be drawn ungrounded into a spacy awareness, target for anything that comes along. This is not the sign of a lightworker. It is the sign of ignorance, mere lip service, talking and self-glorification of those who have not done the work. So called  lightworkers have done more harm therefore than the ones who unconsciously continue to follow the old and darkened path of your illusionary world.

This is the time now, as the process of ascension is underway, to face all these hidden things in the  depth of your consciousness, but not hidden anymore as soon as you encounter these creations in your outer world AND observe your reaction to them. It is your reaction, your fear, your aversion which tells you that you need to purify yourself and replace this thought, this emotion with light, to replace this contraction with love.

To be a true lightworker, means both, working to transform first themselves and being able therefore to know and anchor the true light on earth.

To spread Light, it must be your focus and your goal to replace darkness with light, to seek the light and give all power to the light, and not a grain of your energy to the dark.  Many lightworkers, not doing so, seem not even to notice that they are in reality serving the forces who do not serve your happiness and awakening but want to keep you in deep sleep. Lightworkers who do not follow with their heart the path of light are still part of the unconscious masses, while claiming they are awake.

Dearest lightworkers, we have discussed this so that you become aware which of the many Gods you are serving and so that you can make a conscious choice. The world and humanity needs true servants at this time of great changes to make this transition as blessed as it can be.

We love you dearly and shower Divine Light upon you!

We are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy

Message received by Ute 

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011



Dear friends and readers of my blog,

I decided to continue with a follow up as to what has transpired to my observation so far after this grandiose meeting. I received emails from dear readers who confirmed this meeting because they felt that they have been involved too!

That I have been released from my participation in the GF council and from my responsibility for Gaia, is pointing to the fact, that firm decisions have been made and everything is running now its course. This means, that Gaia's destiny is confirmed and so our ascension. Now everything is only a matter of time, and the uncertainty and dragged feeling about missing direction and stuckness is over and everything is now on its way without delay.

That's how I feel at this moment.

Please remember, that we are dealing in this matter mainly beyond linear time, and we cannot measure such events with our 3D mind. And when we try to do this we are finding ourselves confused about the timeliness of events.

We best can find our way through this labyrinth by using the image of pieces of a puzzle which all have to be put together and fit. Sometimes a piece has to be removed or replaced because the reality grid has changed somewhere. And even if this change is only minimal in one sector of its vastness, it might create a very strong reaction in other parts and ends of its spread.
In the end all details must fit, at least for a time given, to design a new creation which blesses without failure all involved.

After reading Georgi Stankov’s  newest report, which comprises many contributions from members of the PAT (Planetary Ascension Team)  and allowing myself to sink into the essence, the core light of all that has been communicated, I feel the immensity of speed, which we all share, and in which now everything is unfolding. Until now we have been sitting in a slow suburb train, which stops every 5-10 minutes to allow people to come on board. And sometimes the train was stopped for good because it broke down and we had to board a new train. But now we are traveling in a high speed interstate train of the newest galactic technology which does not stop until it reaches its destination. There is nothing which on its course upholds the process which has been agreed upon - in this multidimensional and thundering gathering lately.

This feeling of speed does not mean necessarily a certain 3dimensional "time" in which things are to happen, it is more a higher dimensional "speed", above the 3D world in which things are now unfolding, since the green light is on. It is a glorious and most powerful energy and field of light, expanding  to new creations in the blink of an eye. We have already arrived, although at the same time we are dragging still  behind when looking into the old 3D world. The more we are participating collectively in this high dimensional speed with our heart's vision, the quicker the new reality will appear, even before our eyes, like silhouettes are appearing through the morning fog with the the first rays of the dawning sun at the horizon.

I found this confirmed yesterday, when I went into town and noticed that something had fundamentally changed.

Our desperate shout for the awakening of the masses has been heard!

It is as if now around everybody there is a new shine, a new freshness, something working on everybody! They still don't know it and they are sleeping in their cocoons, but there is a new power at work and it looks like as if the big awakening plan has been set in motion. I am just so surprised about what I see. This kind of earlier desperation, that nothing so far has been changing regarding the mass awakening, has just no foundation anymore.  Something major is in the making.

The veil has lifted and the Light is pouring in. That is what we need to look at. With that much bliss in the air we can only wait and see what's happening next.

With Love and Blessings, 


©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Saturday, November 19, 2011



Among light workers, star seeds and members of the Planetary Ascension Team the serious question has been arising how the Ascension process would proceed, after the 11.11.11 event. 
You might want to read my personal 11.11.11 ascension report here


I feel moved to contribute a further report of this process from the point of view of my own experience. We are all pieces of puzzles in this great play and I am adding here mine. If it inspires and helps you to get a clearer picture and clarification of your own experience and process, then the intention of this article has reached its target.

This is not a totally channeled message as it is mixed with information  based on my own insights and experiences, partially also triggered by my personal conversation with Georgi Stankov,

In addition, this article does not follow just the linear 3dimensional time line, but reflects the situation from the point of view of different time lines and higher dimensions and parallel universes as well.

This may help you to realize that the overall ascension process cannot be understood by our conceptual mind alone. There are too many different dimensional realities involved.

If you feel moved to dig deeper to find out more about your own participation on multi-layered levels, then you might understand, that ascension is an event which happens because of your inherent participation in it, which takes place on many levels of your existence, and the role you play in it, which is not limited to your 3dimensional identity. And therefore, the responsibility you have in this process, becomes obvious, meaning that ascension is not just something which will be imposed on you from "outside"!

I am pointing this out because I have come across quite a number of people who cherish the firm believe that ascension is a free gift without one's own participation in it and who are blaming the universe (or other greater authorities) for their failure of noticing that ascension is actually already happening.

Only at the beginning, I am quoting some short excerpts of Georgi's emails to me, and then I continue with quotes of what I have written to him, to convey the point I would like to make. You may want to read Georgi’s contributions in
detail on his website.


The trigger of my progressive understanding of how I participate in the ascension process on a deeper multidimensional level, of how it would be conducted and what the decisions are which have to be made and by whom, was due to  Georgi’s input. And I am very grateful for this! He mentioned that I have been a member of the council of the Galactic Federation (GF) when the decision  was made, back in Atlantis after the Fall, that we would  support the ascension of earth and humanity by incarnating here.

Georgi:… the masterplan for the End Times of earth and humanity was approved eons of time ago. You must remember this fact as we both were present at this council meetings at the highest levels.

Georgi asked me to inform him about any  insight which I might receive  to help all of us to better understand where we are at. This would support us in making our own personal decisions.

Georgi: ... I am happy that you decided to help me with the clarification of the alternative scenarios for the end- times. I told you from the beginning, that you have the rare gift, to combine highest mediumship with a clear mind or spirit. This combination is so rare on earth like a 100 carat diamond.


I responded, that I don’t remember anything of that kind, but it turned out that I started indeed to become aware, that I was right now a member of the GF council, participating in their meetings where they are deciding about the future ascension details of earth and humanity.

Me to Georgi: 

I don't know whether to talk about it, but I need to share it. I cannot keep it to myself. I have this strong sense that right now the Galactics and the Ones, known as our Ascended Masters, are in the decision making how effectively to awaken the sleeping masses.

The reason why there was no complete ascension of the ascension candidates on 11.11.11 is that the Darks have influenced with their mind control  and brainwash technology  the souls of the sleeping masses  in a way that they unconsciously agreed with their agenda. This means they can only be "awakened" by Divine Grace as their "soul-contract" has changed and they are now closely attached to the Dark.  Pretty weird, but I couldn't sleep last night and this scenario was so present in my awareness, that I could not deny it. And even today this story is still very present in my mind as a given fact. Before I had received this information, I had very seriously asked for understanding what's going on and what the  delay of the mass awakening was about and what the further plans were for them.

Also I feel that we are part of the decision making, I know that I am invited to their meetings. I have been last night, but the only thing I know is, that I feel overwhelmed with white fire filling my whole body, and knowing something is going on on another dimension with my higher self, but of which I am not directly conscious. But there is a strong "intuition" and feeling, even now, as I am sitting typing this on my computer,  like we are sitting together on this other dimension trying to make the right decision.

So what is going on is that they are trying now to "change" the Dark Ones by bombarding them with Light and Love, because we know that ultimately the light always wins. And we also know that a number of them has already changed sides and are now on the side of the Light. The idea is, that changing the Dark themselves means that the masses can be awakened. This sounds of course like a grandiose Divine Plan which considers all souls involved. To mind come now these magnificent stories written down in the Ancient Indian Wisdom Teachings, called the Puranas. They tell stories where horrible things are happening because of the mean actions of the demons, and ... well, it's always the Mephisto story at the end: "
I am a part of that power which always wants the evil and always creates the good." (“FAUST”, J.W. von Goethe)

This version however means that the general time of awakening and our physical presence on earth would be extended further to an unknown time  of waiting, until this effort of converting the dark powers to the light succeeds.

But last night also  the option of a pole shift was discussed. With such an event the energy fields of people are opening which provides the opportunity, because of their vulnerability, to intervene with light and thereby information directly pouring into their energetic structure, which can disconnect them from the Dark and enable them to make new decisions on their soul level.

In this case I proposed that we should  be lifted to be spared from this kind of even increased drama on earth. So I asked to give us the opportunity to ascend fully at that time. Some of us might return later to help humanity further in their awakening process. Others would work with them from our new dimensional place.

Now there is strong concern that with a pole shift too many would react with intense fear which could greatly turn a well intended action into a greater disaster and suffering of the masses, and so there is much uncertainty about the  outcome and how beneficial it would really be for them. A gun shoot backwards, so to speak.

So therefore I vote for us staying here longer and endure this drama here for the sake of everyone for an undefinite time ... so far.

I do not feel very comfortable to communicate this whole thing, but thought there are others who might be able to confirm all of this. This would tell me, that I am not crazy or invent things or being influenced by forces who want to manipulate me.

Georgi responded that my perception was what he himself was feeling. This encouraged me to allow to enter further into this other dimension where I was a member of the GF council.

Georgi :Thank you very much for your  extremely valuable information and contribution to our ongoing discussion on 11.11.11 and the aftermath.

When I made you aware of the fact that you participate in these council meetings at the highest levels, I was sure that you will be opened to this information and will contribute to our collective knowledge. When you read my latest report that will be published today, including our latest email exchange, you will find out that almost everything that you are telling me in this email has already been discussed or covered by this report.

I personally have absolutely the same intuitive information from my higher self as you and my evaluation of the current situation is identical to yours.

Me to Georgi:

Immediately after I had sent my last email to you, I had suddenly absolute certainty that everything I described was correct. It was a truth which filled my whole body, I WAS this information, so to speak from the heart. (This reminds me of the Pleiadians who say that humanity is a living library!) So I am glad that you confirm it.

Regarding my participation in these meetings, it happened today that I became more and more conscious of it in many ways. Even physically. This becomes more and more interesting. So, thank you for mentioning it to me. This was of great help.

The newest stand of the situation is that they are tending now more towards the pole shift, to end this loooong troublesome path and not to extend it much further. It could become otherwise an endless misery of forth and back and perhaps too much asked of us.  They want to find ways to prevent fear with their own light technology. Also, as most of the population would die, it would be easier to help them to ascend in an after-death body, where they would have a more direct insight into their past and future and soul evolution. In the after-death body they could be taught and develop to be fit for ascension, if they choose so, which would be easier for them than in the 3D body. There would be 3 groups of people: those who die, those who stay, but who are prepared for this on a soul level and ascend anyway, and the ones who directly ascend. This was the discussion of this afternoon, AEDT.

A day later my process of growing insight, through participation in the meetings with the GF continued. Georgi had meanwhile stated that for him the Pole Shift was the ideal solution to awaken the masses.

Me to Georgi:

The solution with the pole shift is clearly proposed from the PAT (Planetary Ascension Team)  and some star seeds, and is not favored by the GF council.

The Atlantean souls have a karmic pattern which is dominated by the idea that we need catastrophic events in order to "achieve" something. It is a heavy and unfortunate pattern and of a lower dimension. I have read this analysis a year or more ago, unfortunately I cannot recall the source but I remember it was angelic and on this website there was a kind of "healing ceremony" offered to overcome this deeply rooted pattern. It was not a real "ceremony", but I just wanted to make the point. 

What follows are my own reflections or better, describes my channeled insight and discussion of the GF. It is not content of that website. What I remember from that page was just the fact of this pattern and that it was time to heal it.

 This idea that catastrophes  are needed, is a 3dimensional and dualistic point of view and the GL is beyond that. I  presume that what you perceive as higher dimensional "clouds" as a fundament of our new world and how it should arise, is the Divine Space in the cave of the  heart which is Love and the knowledge that there is only the Divine, and therefore no need for any kind of upheaval. Impatience is the path of the ego who needs to make a "difference" in order to achieve.

I know, it is all a matter of dimensional point of view, or that of a parallel world how we look at things and how and why we make certain decisions. But when you describe the happiness when you came to your own conclusion and decision, I can only say that this place of the heart is where my happiness is and this relates to the trust and knowing that humanity's  unfortunate pattern will not be repeated as we are about to enter a Divine World where new and more auspicious rules exist. A new world, as a result of an unfortunate old pattern will never be a world of Grace but carries the seeds of duality, and exactly this has to be overcome, and exactly this is the Divine Gift we have been given, where the New Earth is emerging by Radiance of Divine Love and Light. That is her new pattern and that of  new humanity.

There are many ways how this can happen in a relatively short time, and I cannot see the "strategy", but only the Working of the Power of Divinity which is always benign and glorious. This is my vision and it is true to the reality of my feeling heart. And as it is, I cannot even consider what it might mean for my still 3dimensional existence. In other words: I cannot make up my mind or make a decision from the point of view of my 3D Ego, functioning in the perception of duality.

I consider rather the New Earth as already existent  and us with her. To vote from a 3dimensional point of view for a pole shift would mean personally to me to continue and thereby to enforce the old Atlantean pattern and to create further  a karma which would pull me back into this pattern, not to speak of the misery created for the masses, even if everything would be done to comfort them, and the karma we would load upon ourselves because of it.

So, my vote for or better focus on the  solution of an Apotheosis of all souls still stands, meaning the massive process of enlightening the Darks  and thereby the  masses. So that this can be successful we are still needed here to channel the light.

At this point I need to remind the reader that this article is written while I am simultaneously in different time lines. In other words, my 3dimensional identity did not vote for a pole shift. I transcended it as I existed already on a higher dimensional level, a Divine World appearing in the space of the heart, where those things do not exist.

Because this whole matter was not clearly discussed before there could not be a 11.11.11 full ascension. Too many of the ascension candidates  had this unresolved pattern in their soul structure and this has first to become conscious and to be healed, before we can move on. Because how can we ascend, carrying this burden?

And here is my next and to me most important step in my journey and experience. This relates to the effectiveness of the Divine Light in the ascension process.

Me to Georgi:

There are [of course!]  higher forces than the GF working on the awakening and renewal of earth and humanity.

They are the Elohim and they are the ones who design new creations of the light. They are creator gods and they are the real players in this game of evolution. And the most important thing is, that they are beyond politics. They are pure energy and light.

Already yesterday I experienced as if being released from the GF council, and I did not clearly understand why, but accepted, because following and "occupying" the forever expanded space in my own heart is the most important thing for me and my true "position" to be in. I  got confirmation and was told it was a test.

Just now I have been drawn into a communication with the Elohim, who welcomed me back. I know that - I do not know how long ago in my long soul history - I have once served with them. But time is only a perception of 3D reality. They said that there are many heavenly councils, depending on the density and dimension. The ones who are communicating with me right now are of the 7th dimension, they say, and I am invited to participate in their council, as a member of the ascension team on earth.

Although, as an observer only, the working of the Divine Forces in the ascension process has been already very clearly communicated in my channelings, it becomes ever more exciting for me, to see ever more clearly the work of the Divine Forces from the point of view of my participation in it.  And I am extremely happy, because that's the place for me to be.

Just at this moment, while I wrote this last sentence, my printer starts moving aloud, and adjusting itself with lots of noise, but without being plugged into the wall socket (!!!), meaning it is being moved by higher forces!

Thank you universe, for this confirmation, telling me that I am not making up this story with the Elohim :-)

And is it not a glorious message and inspiration for all those who consider the ascension process to be mere politics, to know that there are indeed  higher forces of accomplishment at work, beyond agendas who seek personal advantage or that of their group/civilization.

I just looked up the definition of the Elohim in "The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch", by J.J. Hurtak:

Elohim: The Creator God as pluralis excellentia, plural excellence. The Creator Gods/Divinities of YHWH who control the  calibrations of Light, necessary to evolve all the combinations of the Image and Similitude through the Eternal Eye of the Divine Father.

....The Elohim are the ones responsible for the Higher Creations....

(For those who do not know: Hebrew is THE  Galactic light language)


In my understanding it is the Elohim who are responsible for and oversee and design  the Ascension process. They are fine tuning the Light Of the Creator God, flowing ever more freely into our world. And not the GF and some separate plans. All the GF needs to do is to participate in handing  this light down to us. However the heavy catastrophic Atlantean karma of humanity, mixed with deep rooted guilt, must first be purified before the ascension canditates can truly receive this light of the Elohim and ascend according to their plan.

Whatever needs further to happen on the 3dimensional plane of earth to allow the Divine Light to make it fully It’s own, will be beneficial for all. This could also most likely mean a magnetic pole shift in the very near future. And I am aware that this decision has been made. So that both scenarios are supported: the massive increasing influx of light on our planet and the magnetic pole-shift at a time when it is right.
This might not be new for many, but the difference is for me that I am directly experiencing this information in my own body and that it is therefore not a mere verbal or mental "knowledge" to merely "believe" and which I read somewhere, but a personal knowing.

I noticed that with my “release” from the GF council there was also a release from my responsibility to Gaia. I felt that she had released me too at the very same moment, which means two different things to me: that she allows me to move on and that her old 3dimensional reality does not exist anymore and is only now a phantom in our minds eye.

This would match exactly what has been said in my "Message from the Andromedans (5): Your New World". Link

In reality, I have always served the Elohim. All the sources who contacted me to convey their messages to humanity, used me as a channel to declare, that all what is needed to ascend is surrender to the all-uniting light, and not to one's own separate ego-idea, meaning to let go what is in it’s way.

This letting go and self-transcendence  is our own conscious contribution to “earn” our Ascension. I personally don’t see how it could work otherwise. It is not about “personal” power but about surrender. This is the new Feminine entering our sphere and not the old masculine power of dominance.

Light is not an enforcer, it is love-bliss and allows us to consent to our own transformation. If we cannot feel this light we must go out of the way and remove the obstacles in our mental and emotional body.

All evolution is a conscious process, this is my very own experience. Ascension cannot be forced on us, there must be an ever greater opening from our side to the Light of God.

This light is not denied to us. That full ascension for the ascension candidates did not  happen on 11.11.11 is showing us, that perhaps it is us, who deny the light, whether consciously or unconsciously.

My present experience after 11.11.11 is that indeed Divine Light is flooding ever more increasingly our planet now. I hardly sleep as my body is, when I rest,  bombarded with energy to the extend of almost bursting.

Many Blessings and much Love to you all!
©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Dearest Ones,

After the 11.11.11 High Point, every one seems to withdraw into a space of dis-illusionment. Many hoped to forever escape the 3dimensional realm.
Many hoped that from now on and suddenly your earth and the fundament of human society would be changed, so that you all would wake up to a new world.

There have been channeled and other messages, proclaiming this!

Now, dear Ones, ask yourself, exactly at this very moment, what is the vision in your heart! Is it that peace and detachment from the 3dimensional world rests there? Is it that you see and feel a humanity which is Love and acts as one single body? Do you feel the sun of awakened Divine awareness  rising in your heart and in that of your fellow humans?

If you can answer with a clear “yes”, then your personal wold Is changed already and your experience, and you have been waking up to a world being of a Divine nature.

That you did not wake up to a new world and existence is showing you that you have  still to walk on a path of further awakening. There are so many illusions you still have to recognize and to transcend in order to enter your true path of ascension. You have to become serious in your aspiration and stop dreaming on the wrong path. Escape is not possible, only self-transcendence.

Ascension requires from you what has been taught to you from the ancient masters and teachings, and it has not been changed, just because the universe is evolving. The spiritual teachers of the past have done nothing else but helping their students to enter the path of evolution at a time where others didn’t even dream about it. 

The difference now is that this opportunity is not only offered to a few but to all humanity, because the darkness on your planet is vanishing. But only truly if you actively participate in it. The light that has been realized and demonstrated by the Masters of your past by showing and transmitting it to their disciples, this light is now pouring exponentionally increasing onto your earth. It is this light which works as your master, as it is conscious, but it must be your part in this process to consciously allow it  to transform you.

The path of the disciple has not changed, it is the path of  surrender, which is surrender to the light and it’s message which is ultimately Pure God Consciousness. The Light ignites your ancient inheritance and memory of who you are, and which is light itself, Light meeting and uniting with Light.
And this awakens your higher consciousness.

Densities and their levels are equivalent to levels of consciousness. If you enter the Divine Heart above density, even the highest and most subtle one, you are free forever.

There are then – as it is said “many mansions in My House”, and ascension is not just one single level of consciousness, all humanity would share from the beginning. There are levels of awakening, but the feeling heart, the center of your being, is the all-uniting abode which is the Gift of God to you to experience your Oneness.

Dear ones, it is not up to you, to judge and know where others in this process are. Each one follows their own path, but what is important is, that you understand, that the awakening of humanity does not happen in a blink of an eye while you are still sleeping deeply in your dreams of a world of bold illusions.

Without your self-responsibility to awaken to your next level in conscious awareness of yourself, which lifts you above mere thinking into your truly feeling heart and space of awareness, ascension is not a question.

Even if your planet shifts, only those can be aware of this, who have been lifted to higher awareness. Without it there is no ascension and no New World. Without it you continue in the world you know.

You have now been given the time, after much preparation and teachings from masters and more evolved friends from the universes, to take advantage of all of these given means, to change and allow yourself to be lifted up to what you originally are or have been. Without work this will not happen, however.
The  prove has been given to you, that mere hoping and dreaming does not  change your consciousness and the place of your level of evolution.

This is the teaching of this latest event of 11.11.11. Take  this to heart, dear ones, and learn from it!
We are always at your disposal, we are always there to help! Where there is the true disciple, the Master appears.

Love to you, dear ones, and be Blessed on your path!
I AM St. Germain

Message received by Ute

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Dearest Ones,
I AM Sananda!

I Am here today to embrace each single one of you! My love for you is overflowing and you should know!
With the opening of the 11.11.11 star gate we have reached a point in history where the doors are wide open, dearest ones, for each one of you to enter a new level of heart-opening and love!

Do you feel the new sweet and soft  love in your  air and atmosphere? Do you feel with your whole body what is now embracing you, as the Love of God has come so close, landing on your earth in her garment of trees, and bushes and grass, and most of all, of her blossoms and flours?
Dearest ones, Love cannot be described with words you use in your routine of daily life! Love can only be described with sounds that make your heart sing!

I desire to make your heart sing because you all have every reason for it! And because I desire  you to feel the new life coming that  is already underway on your Beloved Earth! She Herself is bathing in this sweetest elixir of Love and she is eager to share this with you, dearest ones!

I ask you to turn your eye, still closely attached to a life of mere joyless necessity and mostly missing heart-feelings, to your heart to flower. Do you know that now the time has come where all the requirements to realize this flowering of heart are already given? Do you realize that your heart to melt and to be happy is already given every nourishment you need to let it happen?

The nourishment is in the sun rays that enter your atmosphere and in the air you breathe and in the pure water you drink. Now that your sun light and all the elements  have already surrendered and are filled with the new light and love currents which are pouring down from your heavens, it is time for you to follow them! These elements are not just chemical substances but they are alive and full of consciousness as you all are, as there is no “dead” or life-less element. All is alive and all is an emanation and a form of the Divine, That All-That-Is. 

These elements do not hesitate to let Divinity enter, embrace and overwhelm them with Love. Therefore they are already full of overflowing joy and that is the Secret of what you are living and breathing and moving and resting in.
Why would you, dearest ones, who inherit all the Divine Gifts in your heart, not accept the endowments of your Creator, now as the doors of heaven are wide open?

Happiness is always yours, it is truly and always untouched from the course of life, as it is  the very essence of your being. Even if life circumstances appear to be difficult, this essence can never be disturbed, never!

Dearest Ones, accept the Love of God into your heart and into every cell of your body! This love is already embracing you, and this I say, it is literally so! Feel it with  your skin, dear ones, feel it when you inhale, feel it in the pure water you drink, it is filled and enriched with the power of the incoming currents of light, that is stored in it.

Leave the love-less thoughts behind which do not accept the love which is in the air and in every atom you breathe, and in every molecule of your air that touches your body. And it is the Spirit of these elements which nourish you and prove the Presence of Divine Love to you.  It cannot leave you anymore, it is Gaia’s new attainment, and what is Her’s, is also yours.
Do not separate yourself from Her. Her Consciousness is Divine and so is yours, once you have dropped your negative assumptions, fears and denial of the True Source of your own existence.

We notice that many still are blaming and complaining, while looking in the direction of lack and an unhappy world. Now is the time where all aof you need to rise and allow the true jewel in your heart to govern what your eyes want to see. Do not look at, what you do not want to see. Look at, what you want to see, and look with your eyes and heart that is Divine. Like blossoms open as beautiful flowers in the sudden of the  rising sun with overwhelming fragrance, so will your heart’s eye and mind build your new world of fulfillment and joy. Do not look back and live in this happy moment always now. The bursts of your love are the weapons which undo in a moment the godless creations which make you suffer.

Dearest ones, you are not created to suffer, you are created to express and  be witness of the fullness, joy and love of That All-Embracing All-That-Is, and That Is also You.

With my deepest love!
I AM Sananda at the Threshold of the Galactic Center

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Listen to this message on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Dearest earth humans,

A new beginning has dawned on your earth in a magnificent way!
Your galactic families can see what many of you on earth can see and what most of you earth human cannot yet see.

Not seeing it, does not mean it did not or is not happening right now or will not happen and grow exponentially in your future.
For us your future is already here and many of you on earth are already stepping in this awareness by transcending linear time.

Your earth servants, those who have been participating before, during and thereafter this most important 11.11.11 event, whose soul contract required to remain among you on earth, have been empowered greatly on that day. Many of them strenghtened their connections to their galactic homes and families and allowed their light and consciousness to incarnate deeper into their human bodies. These ones who have been so empowered would have been able to leave 3D Earth at this time for good because they were ready, but out of their love for Gaia and humanity they are continuing to stay with you.

With their greatly increased cosmic presence they will be able to magnify and speed up the ascension process for everybody as they anchor now tremendous light of the higher dimensions through the channel of their bodies.

Dearest ones, it is a magnificent cooperative work which is going on now in an intensified way, between your galactic friends and their representatives on your earth.

We can see, in interconnectedness with the crystalline earth grid, currents of Divine light and  flames running in ever more growing intensity between the mighty forces of light, - surrounding your planet, and from the deep of the universe - and Mother Earth and her servants, firing up the whole process of ascension for all involved in a glorious way. More and more of you are starting to participate in this magnificent progression of Divine Ignition and galactic connectedness of your planet. This is a spectacular Play of Joy and Love because the Divine Forces can now move freely into your sphere.

With joy we are describing to you what we see, so that you earth humans, even if you are not yet aware of what is now occurring on your world, can be assured and inspired to continue your life with a different perspective and increased and deeply magnified hope, to help you to already change the basic outlook on your life and daily experience. Even though you might mainly see the old shadows of a 3dimensional world, but which in reality are fading each day more away, you can be assured that the new world is already yours.

Do not hold on therefore to the shadows of the past, as they do not have any real fundament any more but are just relicts of a non-existing world. You must understand, that from the perspective of spirit your old world is already gone and what you still see are only phantoms and artificially created godless holograms of what you call your familiar world. Like when you lost a limb and it still seems to hurt!
And so your nervous systems are still programmed to accept your old world as to be true, but in reality it is gone already, dearest ones, this is the truth!

We are standing at the point of origin of this new creation where we can see and testify your new world. Therefore this new world has to be confirmed by you with faith, trust and joy in your heart, visions, thoughts and actions.

What your eyes seem still to see and your senses seem to feel, the shadows of the old, can be viewed now as an illusion. Remember that you see “outside”, what is inside of you. If you change your world inside with your higher will and love of your heart, you will see and feel sooner than later your new world reflected “outside” of you.
We recommend that you study the laws of creation to understand this. This will help you to enter fully into your God-given, creative potential and power.

When you do this you will attract the Divine Light and Fire into your own body and mind,  now running already through all beings and crystalline grids who are devoted to this glorious process of the creation of a new Divine World.

Gaia is joyful as never before and she asks all of you to be too! She needs you to join her in this, dearest humans, to lift her burden, as she feels what you feel. Only together you can complete this most wonderful adventure of your evolution in no time.

With deepest love!

The  Light Beings from the  Andromeda Galaxy

Message received by Ute

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


We are the Arcturians!
Dearest Ones,

Today is a great day, the greatest so far since a very long time in timelessness, since Earth has experienced such boundless Joy and Relieve! This will of course have  a great and unprecedented  impact on your life in a way you could not foresee!

More has happened than we and all your galactic supporters and lovers could have dreamed of!

Beloveds, if you could see the new and  splendid Radiance in which Mother Earth is shining now! It is the radiant light of joy, of a new freedom of a new accomplished victory as she shifted her body already into her higher dimension. There is now, with the nearly completed new crystalline grid around her a new template at work, a template which allows for the acceleration of spiritual growth and uplifting of all human beings. 

The concentration of light and energy, pouring down on earth and your participation in it today was so strong and powerful that it had great influence on the process of shifting earth into her new position, above the 3th dimension. 

Although Gaia's body is now lifted and purified from the heaviness of the darkness of the last thousands of years, she agreed to remain “with one foot and leg” still  in 3D, to grant  a “quickening” opportunity to  those of you, who need a bit longer because you still have to grow your consciousness and personal energy field or light quotient to follow her into the higher dimensional place . And so Gaia is enjoying her newly ascended state, while patiently remaining partially still in her old position, but which has not a great impact on her well-being anymore.  

For some of you this might be difficult to understand, but what is above 3dimensional reality cannot be described  and seen with a linear and "logical" left-brain disposition. You have to learn to use your right brain, or better your whole brain, and start to see with your intuition and inner eye and with your heart.

With the preparedness of the planetary servers great things could be accomplished at this moment of your time as they participated consciously in channeling this new frequency activation with their own energy bodies and as such being antennas and vessels for it in the energy body of Mother Earth.

She thanks all of you, dearly beloved planetary servers, for helping her shifting. And she knows in Her Heart that with your preparedness and firm intent to assist in the stepping up of the ascension process further, that this will greatly accelerate humanity's awakening and illumination process to finally allow her to move  fully  into her well earned new  4th and subsequently 5th dimension. This will be most likely, as planned, at the end of the year 2012.

We, the Arcturians, are observing, that you, dear humans, are already greatly responding to this very important shift today. Some of you might not be directly aware of it, but all of you will notice in the coming days and weeks that something significantly has changed in the way you feel about your life as there is now a new shining glow around everything  and a spiritual presence which will increase, so that it will become ever more noticeable if you observe with your heart.
With this comes your increasing happiness and the feeling of relieve in many ways and areas.

This growing light and consciousness in your life and in your hearts will soon become so powerful, that a fundamental change in your world situation will be inevitable.

Dear Ones, you have made, together with Mother Earth, a step into a thoroughly new direction with this day 11.11.11!
You cannot see yet all the auspicious results, but they will soon arrive. From now on, as the course of your destiny has changed it’s direction for good, you can only expect an ever more speeding current of new arriving events which you could not imagine until now.

We encourage you to use this highly blessed time to seriously dream and design your new world as one humanity as an expression of Divine Love, Abundance and Joy.

The heavens are dancing, dear ones, and their love and light is now pouring gloriously  and unimpeded upon your world.

We celebrate with them and desire to see you celebrating as well!
We say: Unite and Celebrate and invoke the Joy and the Love of the Eternal God.

We Bless you!
We are the Arcturians!

Message received by Ute on 11.11.11 late evening AEST

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Friday, November 11, 2011

My Personal 11.11.11 "Ascension" Report

Dear friends and readers of my blog,

I thought it would be encouraging for others to know that the magnificent 11.11.11 ascension activation - as foretold by many of our Galactic friends and channelers - is actually happening. Therefore I am reporting my own experience to give testimony of this event.
With no doubt- the energies today are extremely powerful. Living in Australia the 11.11 at 11:11 (o'clock) has already passed, and is wandering with the sun from my perspective towards the West so that we will have for another somewhat 20 hours a global 11.11 @ 11:11.

The process started for me actually already the day before yesterday. After I have been drawn to a so beautiful and brilliant Light far above my head, I felt, after my return, that I have been marked on my forehead, like: "she is ready to be a participant in the ascension process", of course meaning a growing responsibility for serving humanity thereafter. But, girls and boys, this is joy! And not a Reptilian kind of slavery!

Yesterday I felt like ‘sitting’ constantly  with my Arcturian family, with  signs in my body of being extremely brightened and expanded by light.

The process today began with a sensation of codes being downloaded into my body. I sat in mediation from very early in the morning  and experienced to be drawn into highest frequencies high above my head, appearing to me in brilliant white light. No colours or “places”. At the 11:11 mark I had a peak experience as if I have been drawn through a “hole”, not a black hole, but a white hole :) of extreme ecstasy and brilliance, but really not to describe. (I know it was at this time as I looked several minutes later at my watch, as I spontaneously opened my eyes.) There was also a unique and characteristic  smell which we do not have in the 3th dimension, and I remembered, ahh, that’s how high frequencies or higher dimensions can smell, because they were not just a vision but I felt them in and all over my body, so that that body was vibrating very high and felt flooded with light. This was very tangible.

At the same time I had several insights, such as: we create the dimensional “places”, because “mere” frequencies are not “enough” for us, we want something more to experience. I guess, in my case there were no “places” I went to, because I am a simple person, who is satisfied with the feeling of bliss and love, and don’t need “places”. 

Another experience was the work, together with Mother Earth. Since a while I had already felt the unity with her and literal non-separation from her, in my body. So the work “together” with her was to rise her energies, but better to say, not Her’s, but the frequencies She carries with her and which are those, humanity has created over the last Thousands of years (for whatever reason!). The work was to rise these rather heavy frequencies up to the heart. There they stood for a while, being stuck. And with the rays of Love and Compassion, suddenly emerging in the heart space, brilliant Light above the head ignited with Joy, and in the blink of an eye all heavy frequencies were raised up to above into the Light of the Heavens, to use this kind of image, to make it easier to understand.

So, this was great, as it means that Mother Earth has actually risen now forever above her former density and something has been taken from her.

Another experience was the meeting with other “co-workers” in this ascension process, with those who are here to assist Mother Earth and Humanity in their process. It was clear that we could not  share together a “certain place” were we would work together as a joined force.
Rather it seemed to be appropriate that each one of us would work from the “place” that was the one they have chosen to be, and that our joined force is the One of the Heart, that One Place of Unity, where we truly all melt, and melt with all humanity, regardless of the dimension in which they are existing.
From there it  was clearer than ever to me, that true ascension is Unity at the heart with all existence, and that 'dimensions’ are frequencies and ultimately illusions in that Truth of Unity.

While these experiences were all part of the “ascension” process, this changed in my case after 11:11 (o’clock). Because what came then was the "descension" process. In other words, to bring all that energy and all these frequencies down into the body. It started in my case with a very strange sensation of the head, as if it was not “my” head anymore, but was an “other worldy” head, which was sitting on my otherwise familiar human body.  This head – was it a new head? :) -  felt like being now of a different consistency and I have no idea what it means, and if it has perhaps something to do with the new crystalline structure.

While the Ascending process was in the first place definitely happening in the Arcturian Light-Energy, the descending process happened with the Andromedan Energy and Consciousness which pressed heavily down into my body and deep into Mother Earth. The Andromedan Energy is pretty much different to the Arcturian one, it is very much expanded and full and of highest vibration, so that the body needs some time of assimilation to recognize it as “light”. This was for me  a most profound grounding of my Andromedan family conscious light  into my body in an intensity which has not been possible for me before. During this descending process I also very shortly “visited” on my way my other cosmic homes, one on Sirius A with the beautiful and loving Lion Beings and the other with the Agarthans of Inner Earth.

Looking back it feels as if 'something’ of ‘me’ has left and stays there, high above in this light of brilliance at the peak of my ascension process, and I am wondering whether “I” am gone and somebody else is now sitting here. :). But who knows! This whole Divine Play is very astounding and there is definitely a joyful and humorous game going on, The Great One Amusing Him-Her-Self outrageously!

So far my 11.11 experience, and I encourage everyone, to report and share their own experience here with others.

Now, having written this down, I go back to meditation to see what’s next.
This is an exiting journey.

Much love to you all,

See also
"My personal update: Bardo or what?" from 3.12.11
"The Elohim and the Ascensionplan for Earth and Humanity" 
St.Germain: Learn from 11.11.11
After the Grand Decision of the GF council meeting
The Humming Sound of Transformation
My Conversation with Gaia
My Conversation with the Spirit of the Sun

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.