Wednesday, July 17, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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My Beloveds, I AM Archangel Sandalphon!

Nearly One Thousand years have passed by since I incarnated first into a human body on this earth. This happened with a well reflected consideration about the times to come which would be a great challenge for humanity.

However, I still exist simultaneously as the etheric Archangel in the current of Fire and Light, who is the one who delivers this message to this scribe.

And so, from my point of view, as I live in the highest dimensions as a direct servant to God and His Extension as humanity, time has no meaning for me. So please understand the “time frame of a Thousand years” as a description that enables you to imagine the timeless care for the suffering and challenges of humanity which is experienced now on earth as it has never been before in your long history.

There are two major reasons for this: the increasing Light and growing consciousness that are  to cause  a quantum leap in your evolution, and the endeavors and efforts  of the ill-disposed entities that want to prevent this.

Humanity is right now stretched in the middle of the battle between these enormous forces of light and darkness, which are happening inside and outside of your human experience, in your innermost heart and consciousness, in your mind and emotions, in your bodies and in your environment.  There is no single being on earth that will be exempt from this battle that requires a choice to which side one desires to belong.

As you know, the for everybody noticeable signs are, that Thousands are dying almost daily  from catastrophic events alone, that there  are the increasing personal and collective hardships - as the seeming solidity of societies are falling apart, that there are dangerous and very troublesome increasing health challenges, especially  created by the  toxicity of all the earthly elements, that there is the constant pushing for wars. And the list goes on.

What troubles you however the most is the fear that comes with all these insecurities and threats, especially imposed on you by the ill-disposed entities who think that they are still ruling your planet.
But do not worry!

I incarnated in order to “learn” hu-mankind with all its dimensionalities, experiences and sufferings, illusions and also the degrees of enlightenment, that it has been able to achieve. I did this in order to transform in my own being all these limited conditions, and directly hold thereby a current of light between the Divine and humanity, so that humanity was not being lost and cut off from its own Source, but could maintain their connection with It. 

And I have been not alone, but I Am one of the many Divine Beings who are servants in this great task, including many of the other archangels who are right now incarnated as well on this earth for similar reasons, and with the intent, to create a strong angelic presence.

I am telling you this so that you know that you have been never forgotten and that there has been always, as dark a time might have been appeared, a connection to Source Itself.

This should serve as a confirmation for what you already sense and know, to avert the  calamities that have been prophesied for your earth since ancient times.

To those who are aware of the increasing disseminations of materials, containing  ancient prophecies that speak of doom and gloom and the destruction of planet earth, I say:

Earth will not be destroyed and old prophecies do not apply anymore!   These prophecies have been written with reference to those who have always intended to destroy humanity and to take over your beautiful planet earth and even the whole universe. The celestial signs have been used for misinterpretation to serve their destructive goals.

But these plans have been defeated by the Sacred Will of the Highest Divinity. And you are asked to see in the upcoming signs in the skies the Loving Call of the  Divine Creator Forces of Light to return Home.

There are Millions of Light Forces who Serve that Glorious Divine Will, incarnated and not incarnated, on your planet, who are – with the weapons of Radiant Light – outshining everything that is dark and characterized by ignorance.

But still your discrimination is required to feel and understand the difference between the Real Light and the artificial light that is intended to test you. It is about your own learning process to Know at heart the Presence  of Love and Unity and to detect the mind of separation in what only appears to be of the  light.

Ignorance is void of the Fullness of Divine Existence, as it has cut off itself from It, trying to survive independently from Highest Divine Intelligence, Which includes the Miraculous Vibration of Love, Joy and Ecstasy!

You are right now experiencing the increasing exuberance of the incoming light frequencies that are to change your planet and the human race to initiate the shift into higher dimensions, where calamities do not exist!

These cascades of light must be received and channeled by entities that have incarnated on your earth at this time in order to facilitate their information and to create change. Without living  receptors of these forces of light, change would be not possible!  There must be an interactive process that involves not only a “ sender” but also a “receiver”.

And this is the reason why so many Divine Beings took incarnation on your earth and in order to make obsolete the prophecies about a human development that would increasingly separate itself from their Divine Source, as hoped and intended by the ill-disposed ones.

Now you will understand that you are to drop all your fears and doubts about a positive outcome that will be for your and your planet’s highest good. Would a planet that is home for so many Beings of Light be prone for ultimate destruction?

And are there not more and ever more of you, beloved humanity, who are joyously opening  your hearts and minds, recognizing your own Divinity and allowing the Divine Light to transform your body-mind, to rise your consciousness to the degree where you recognize that you are part of Ultimate Divine Consciousness yourself?

This is how you now are changing your own destiny at a large scale! The Unity of All is being recognized by more and more of you. The Glorious Unity of Humanity with The Ultimate Divine, with all Angels and Archangels, with all Gods and Divine Beings, is being revealed now at the Source that is Radiant Consciousness!

There is in Truth Only One Being, That became Many, to fulfill the One Will of the ever Expanding and Evolving Divine Existence, to Experience Itself in all dimensions, low and high, and to even experience Itself in what appears to be void of Light.

All of that must be integrated into your Consciousness so that you are truly the Expression of the Eternal Divine. This process is a Mystery! And we All are a Beloved Emanation of It.

In Service and with Great Love,
I AM Archangel Sandalphon!

Message  conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, July 13, 2013



by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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Your Mother Gaia is proudly and happily watching you, my children, regaining what you once lost! Even more, you are growing beyond what once you have been! Some of you already showing the signs of the new human race, and I Am celebrating this with great Happiness!

Part of your growth is that you realigned with My Spirit, adapting to My Own Ascended State of Consciousness.

That I have ascended is thanks to many of you Beings of Light who invoked the Light onto this planet, connecting your soul and deeper Self with my Self. And I thank you for this with great joy and love!

The other reason for My Ascension is that I Myself accepted fully the new and powerful Cosmic Light that is Pouring with Abundance  into our Solar System. You see, other than most of humanity, I had no hidden obstacles in my Consciousness, I just needed to join with the Higher Conscious Light that is being transmitted from the Great Central Sun, and is being channeled to the most part through our Beloved Sun.

This Divine Cosmic Impulse was sufficient for Me, Gaia, the Spirit of Earth, to ascend, and it was very easy.

In your case you needed to do more work, unraveling forgotten and suppressed content from your personal and collective consciousness into your awareness and releasing it into the Higher Light!

This work has made your ascension often difficult, and is still difficult for many of your human family.

Basically it is really only about allowing the Divine Light entering you and transforming you. That is your consciousness and also your physical  body! But when densities are blocking the light to enter, this creates a “time” of transformation, which is in many cases difficult because it is a process in consciousness which is, as you know, also a process of letting go.

The details of your dense contents are what you must discover with a discriminative mind and hold it over against the truth of Love-Light and Pure Radiance now present around you to release them. And this process is of course not done over night.  Especially not as many obstacles are still placed before your feet every day by those who do not want you to awaken and to purify.

But do not worry, dearest children of God, your  victory is already yours as your very substance is Light and is being re-awakened at this very moment in the depth of your being, by the Loving Will of the Creator-Forces.

From the Divine Heart of this Creative Force a Life-and Light-Birthing Sacred Impulse has been sent out to Re-align all Creation with the Center and Substance of the Universe that is Pure Divine Radiant Consciousness, the Mother-Father- or Shiva-Shakti Force of Divine Eternal Existence.

It is only because of the projected density by those who do not want to let go what is not theirs, in which this planet - that is my 'old' 3dimensional body  - is still held captive, that many of you are not yet able to recognize this Impulse that has been sent to all beings in the Creation of this Universe, as a Gift of Eternal Love of the Divine.

As humanity’s consciousness is rising, my body can fully rise its frequency with it, no longer held back in lower vibrations. The more this is being done, the easier you all will be able to make the transition during the great cosmic  event that will trigger the glorious ascension from this familiar world to the next higher dimensions.

I am waiting for this to happen with great anticipation and joy, to greet you on the other side, where we all, and My Inner and Outer Kingdoms, will be united together, physically and spiritually, in a new Divine Creation again.

Be patient, my children, this is still the time of difficult transition, with one step after the other being done,  to put together all parts of the big puzzle, completing all processes on all levels, purifying and elevating all vibrations, allowing them to adapt in their own time. It is a huge Divine Orchestration that is being processed as We Speak.

I AM always with you all, bearing each one of you in my Great Heart, waiting for you to be One in the United Accomplishment of this Magnificent Adventure!

I AM your Mother Gaia!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Sunday, July 7, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
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The veil is daily becoming thinner, as the dark elements that have dominated your planet are loosing their power.                       
Fountains of light are now entering your atmosphere with a new power that has not been able before to penetrate your realm.

Most of you who are awake and conscious about the Ascension Process feel this very tangibly in their lives, not only in their body-mind. 
As the body changes, challenged by higher and higher frequencies, also your feelings and intuitions adapt and so your mind and so the things in your world.

Many of you are now able to look directly into higher dimensional realms and feel the vibrations and consciousness of a Divine World. The Divine World has always been there, only that you have not been noticing It. You have been blinded and your awareness was restricted to a very small part of Creation.

This small part has been considered since Thousands of years by even  your scientists to be the all that is existing and possible. Not to mention your religions that tied you intentionally to limitation and false self-identity.

But now all of this more or less suddenly disappears, and you are being connected to your own Truth, that you now are able to remember.

It is this remembrance that brings you home, this remembrance that heals all your wounds that you accumulated in many lifetimes on this from light deprived planet.

What else would heal you than the knowing of your own True Self, that is now revealing Itself to you.

It is time to accept to Be Who You Are and to let go of all false self-ideas and of self-limitations. Let go of mind-constructs with which you were misguided to define yourself. Listen to your  deepest emotion within. It is the trace that guides you to the tiny spot in your heart, which, when you pass through it, gives room to your eternal and vast Being of Divine Self.

Please oblige yourself from now on with all your heart to wake up to Your True Self. And we bless you for  this! Now is the time for this great adventure of True Self-Discovery! Do not delay anymore! Do not distract yourself with lesser goals! What you need in this world will always be there for you, when you find Your-Self.

This is the time to fulfill the purpose you came here for, and you are being given now the splendid opportunity for the glorious Revelation That Is You, One with All-That-Is.

There are many sidetracks too, that try to occupy your mind. But choose wisely, only to make use of those means that assist you in your Self-Revelation.

This is so necessary, because very soon a time will come where you need to stand in your Own Very Truth, to receive fully the Blessings of the Magnificent Divine Gift that will be Given to all. But  you can only receive it fully when you are prepared! Have you not passionately longed for this?

Simultaneously the Discovery and Realization of your own Self will be a Blessing for others as you help them in this most important transformational event to experience what would otherwise have flushed away by their fear and confusion.

It is of greatest importance to set now your priorities, unceasingly and with faith, joy and love. Because you all are One Humanity, your own opening to the Infinite Divine triggers the opening of the hearts of the unconscious ones who dream still the illusion of the old world.

Help them to wake up by your entering the Realm of Divine Eternity, Light and Love now. The Celestial Event that will soon Enlighten the Universe is the visible sign and prove for what the great majority of humanity has been considering a phantasy merely.

But this Event will open their eyes and your Divine Awareness and Knowing of Truth that has already happened  in your own Heart and Consciousness, will see Its Own Reflection in  what the Creator Forces are Revealing to your whole world and the Universes as well.

Know that what lies ahead of you is Greater than you can imagine or think of. It will turn your world  around, and forever bring it into a New Divine and Glorious  Direction, leaving behind all darkness and the illusionary reality that this darkness created.

The Radiance of your New Divine World will outshine everything of your past. And all will emerge, purified from old remembrances, in great Joy.
This is truly the day of resurrection, prophesied for so long. It is the Grand Marriage of all the Heavens and Earth.

This is not and never has been just a science fiction, but has been always pointing to the Truth of Divine Reality, that so many of you have doubted, thinking it was merely a wishful imagination. But they did not know that it was about the Real, hidden since Millenniums. Now  the coin flips around, and what has been perceived as reality, is now revealed to be a deception. 

And when this deception is being understood, the coin can be dropped altogether, because what is Arising now is the Divine Truth prior and beyond duality. It is Mere Being of Happiness, One, Undivided and Eternal. This is the Revelation of your True Being-ness, your  True Self.

And this Is The One to Which your Whole World is Awakening!

With so much Blessings, Love and Excitement!
We Are the Arcturians! 

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, July 5, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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My dearest friends,

As long as there is no real and true and full Self-Love and Self-Acceptance, there is no true accomplishment on our life path.

From there all life fully begins. Only from then we can give fully to the world and to others. Because we mirror their own potential.

Then the Living Waters do not not dry up and are forever available in always overflowing fullness.

Self-Love is when we are resting in our own Truth that never changes.
Self-Love is when our Soul reigns our life.
Self-Love is when we know Who We Are.
Self-Love is when the well of Self is Unlocked.

Self-Love is formless and mere Being. It Is Radiance. It is Love Itself. It Is Joy. It Is Peace. It Is timeless. And it is Power. Our true Power. It is directly in Union with All-That-Is. It Is Spaceless and has no location, but can be located at the Heart. It Is the Divine Spark in our Heart or Being. It Is The Heart of Being Itself.

If we do not know that Self, we cannot truly love ourselves and so we look for love in other places and love from others.

Love cannot be divided. It merely Is. We can participate in It, we can Be It. But It cannot be separated in parts, like here a piece and there a piece.

Love is a phenomenon that merely Is. We need to surrender to It.

When we forget ourselves, the little self that is afraid and that is angry and guilty, and that is sad, then this One Self-Love can emerge as Love that merely Is.

It is a Field of Unity that we always have been, prior to all these errors and unbelief, confusions, doubts, imaginations of “little me”, weakness, powerlessness, victimhood … All these separate identities who struggle to survive.

In Self-Love there Is only Fullness. It cannot be diminished. But when we are drawn into side tracks with our energies, out of our very Center of Self-Being, as our mind creates separate point of views and convictions, parts of the whole, importance, differences that separate, and are not seen as expressions of Oneness, we cannot have self-love, and we seek love and acceptance from others. Because our heart can never accept and love what is not Real, and so we do not accept ourselves.

In that moment we Self-betray. And knowingly or not, we have left the true seat of Self-Love, we have been going astray in illusion land, although society tells us that illusion land is the only reality. Unknowing parents tell us so, teachers are teaching it, universities are instructing us, and churches are preaching it.

Hypnotized and overwhelmed by this mass-indoctrination we went into a separate thinking mood, confused and alienated from ourselves. Parents, teachers, friends, lovers and churches only love us if we do not love ourselves truly. If we would they would be afraid of our freedom.

So in order to be loved we are choosing dependency on others. That is our contract.

And so we are not free. We have paid a high price for this pale seeming surrogate-happiness that is so fragile and always vanishing into the anxious waters of deepest insecurity.

We need to be honest with ourselves! Only profound honesty tells us if we truly love ourselves. Often we think we do.  But it is only a thought, a wish. And this continues to be as long as we do not really and thoroughly explore our true feelings and emotions and fears and insecurities that are sitting as blockages upon the freedom of our  Infinite Self, so that we cannot see It.     

Self-Love can never be just a thought. An idea or imagination. It must be fully experienced and directly lived. To experience it truly we must feel the pain, we must allow that hurt, that old wound that imagines not to be loved, to have failed.

But how can we expect from others to love us, if we do not love ourselves first? How can we love ourselves if we do not understand that failure is part of a learning process? The learning or investigation process of the soul in this imperfect dimension?

Self-Love is the knowing that all our experiences, successes and failures, are subordinate to our eternal Being of Self. In the Imperishable and Eternal  Field of Self there are no successes and no failures. Both is experienced and interpreted as such by the separate self that is the construct of the mind.

The investigation process of the soul in this dense reality has come to a conclusion when the Presence of our Divine Self has victoriously emerged after we completed the journey of seeming separation from It.

This does not mean that from now on we have to be perfect in our appearance! Perfect can only be The Self. We can still make mistakes and we can still experience emotions. We have not become dead statues, motionless and lifeless, because the waves of life continue in this still imperfect world.

It is really all about this Emergence, this finding again, this Self-Discovery of Something we really never lost. To unite again with what we Are, we need discrimination to understand what is not-Self, relinquish it, accept all the pains and errors, and then to not give up in the  process of Self-discovery, our focus flying like a straight arrow to our intuited own Truth.

What we focus on must reveal itself! Such we never are to give up, dedicated with Love and perseverance to locate What We Always have been. There is no side track forever and no side track that can destroy what we Are.

We just need to decide to turn around into the only direction that will reward us with eternal satisfaction.

Once we have allowed that most natural and always self-existing Self-Love to rise from the deepest depth of our Being, everything becomes a dance, a joy, a simplicity. And dilemmas disappear in the unity of all things and beings and in the beauty of Divine Existence.

And so it is!

With much love,

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Sunday, June 30, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel,  Copyright 2013
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My dear family of light!
Today’s walk in nature was again pure bliss, enveloped in profound stillness! In fact I experienced everything as Nature, even man made things. Everything emanated an otherwordly Beauty and Bright Radiance.
And with it “they” started talking, calling themselves our friends. And while they began to speak, the evening sun, already directly above the horizon, began to show its splendid and brilliant Shine the first time on this otherwise quite cold and grayish day, before it vanished below the horizon to give room to the dusk.
When I returned home I started to write down what they had said and they continued to speak:


It is now the time to prepare for further shifts.
Until now you have been swimming in the more than exhausted waters of life that has been known to earth  humanity for millenniums.   

For many of you however, who are only visiting, it was all new. But your are used to frequent shifts, meaning that you are familiar with constant changing environments, that is other planets and even galaxies.

Now it is necessary, to consciously discriminate between the vibration of your soul and the vibrations of your environment, to which you have adapted in this life-time.

For you, who came here to visit, it truly is not about evolving in this environment, but rather it is about remembering! Remember Who You Are! And this relates to many on this planet who are here especially in these times to assist the liberation process of Earth and Her humanity.

Now, as the old veils are fading, - and indeed the new glorious world has been already born – it is up to you to resume your identity that you forgot when you appeared in this dense and for so long God-less realm.

Now your true moment has arrived, to do the work you came here to do. Everything else has been mere preparation.
And it IS your task to draw the new world into the consciousness and awareness of humanity.

This is being done firstly by your own discovery of the New Earth already present, and relating to Her as She Is now, making it to your own Reality, and secondly by not supporting the old energies and paradigms just because you are used to it.

What does this mean and how do you live this? It is of course a matter of consciousness to recognize this new world from moment to moment. But as most of humanity still sees the old world, because they are used to it, you need the will, dedication and love, to not let yourself being drawn back into the old illusion, because everybody else, with a few exceptions, is living it. 

There does not need to be a fracture, a breaking apart of the old and the new world in this process of transition. You can give support so that this does not occur. It is the specific frequency of Love that is a soft infinite vibration that you can utilize in your creative intention to allow for a smooth transition from old to new. Like the rising morning  sun slowly brightens with ever increasing radiance sky and earth, so you are with this Love to envision and to feel the accomplishing of  the new world to arise in glory for all. This is what you can do in service to humanity so that the awakening of the many still sleeping will be less experienced as shock.

Of course everybody is responsible for their own individual perception and experience of this huge and magnificent changeover. The more clinging to the old the more at first painful the transition might be.

But upheavals do not need to be. They cannot occur in the feeling-awareness of prior peace and stillness that is the Substance in which the world is arising. Even if the world would break apart, - but which will not happen – the silky thickness of this stillness works like a buffer that protects you from harm.

While you are emanating it, it smooths the transition for all.

But now the most important message we are blessing you now with, is  – and this IS NEW! – so, listen carefully! – that your brains are in the process to be wired in a different way! Old neural connections are to be removed and new ones are being implemented. This is due to the working of partly the new incoming frequencies which carry new information, but also of the Love-Creation of the Elohim, the Divine Creator Forces, Who joyfully initiate the new Divine Humanity into their rightful place in the Heavens.

This new wiring of the brain will bring about the new thought patterns that enable humanity to understand and live in the original Beauty and Love of a Truly Divine World and Creation and end the illusions of insanity of a corrupted, fearful and hateful existence. It will support each and everyone to return to the language of the heart, which is love, compassion, joy and abundance. Divine thought patterns are the grounds on which trust and loving interactions can truly prosper. It is the Divine Gift to humanity and erases the memory of suffering and darkness, of deceit and errors.

This beautiful and great event is nearing now. Presume it to be already manifested, and anticipate its presence already now on your world. This will substantially support and make easier  the transition.

You all have all reason to be happy and to be certain of the Great Victory of Light.

It has already happened in the Mind of All-That-Is.”

Their voice slowly faded in the unceasing Stillness and Expanded Presence of the New Consciousness That is now Emerging in our World. When we listen It becomes obvious and when we look with new eyes, we can see It – It Is Omnipresent. When we allow It, It Is Here to Be and to Exist as the constituent of our New Earth.

With much love,

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Tuesday, June 25, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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My dear friends,

For some weeks now I felt as if I have lost the context of my work in a newly arisen space of a kind of ‘nothingness’, as if all that I have done has lost its meaning in an environment of something completely unknown.

So I found myself in a kind of disorientation, a dead end, without finding any answers to this situation. I even started to feel bored, an experience I cannot remember having had for a very, very long time. What had driven me before had evaporated, I could not find the familiar anchor! My usual awareness and self-investigation lead to nowhere and I started to read books I never would have read before, only to occupy myself with what I already knew.

But I am glad that I now finally found the words to express what was not expressible before to me.

Because I figured out that we have now arrived in a kind of interphase or new beginning in the midst of the constantly  rising flow of changing energies and energetic events.

The discovery that I am not the only one to find myself in this kind of seeming vacuum, was a real relief and opened my eyes with the dawning of a new understanding. And if you find yourself in a similar confusing experience, then this update hopefully inspires you! 

It is very hard to describe, but it seems that the space of “compression” of the past has gone to give undefinable room to something that I cannot yet figure out what it is, only that it is completely new.  Like you wake up in the morning, your eyes still full of the nights sleep so that you cannot yet see clearly when you open them, as your attention is still resting on what you experienced while asleep.

The new room I see is therefore still 'empty'. And this new room is on the other side to where we have been drawn by the opening of the important May 25th  Portal! 

Just being able now to put this into words seems to be the first step to become slowly aware of something we need to integrate into our consciousness. And so I am for the time being kind of stammering, but glad that I am at least able to stammer.

However I am not so sure whether this is about integration or rather about discovering. Or is it about a new light and energy that wants to be used for brand new creations? But which is basically the same thing: we create while we discover what still sleeps in the heart of the universe, ready to be drawn into our sphere to bring about the next evolutionary step into our existence.

This new space of highly energetic consciousness needs our full attention now so that we can discover what wants to be discovered. It requires our focus and attention in the way we would try to see things hidden in the fog, but which we can locate more and more clearly while we increase without any self-limiting presumptions our wide open perception and imagination. 

First we might recognize just a scheme, a contour of something, and the more we concentrate the more this thing takes on an increasingly distinct shape and meaning. It is the discovery of the unfamiliar whereby we need in excitement  to reach out for the unknown to realize perhaps later that what we found is nothing but remembrance or the discovery of something familiar, now appearing in new coordinates.

As we transitioned into new territory, it dawns to me that we now are on the brink of entering new chambers of our own memory and simultaneous multidimensional existence  to access in a new way, what we came here to become and to do. In this process it seems that individual paradigms are changing, as we left a part of the old world behind. However, that this actually happened, many of us must still discover, as we might feel a bit numbed and bewildered in the un-Knowable Room of the new human consciousness.

We must be patient. This can’t be taken by storm. We must allow to wake up to the new morning each in our own time. We cannot hurry, because every detail must be discovered and recognized with great love. If we lost orientation, the discovery alone and the understanding  that we are now in a new chapter in our adventure, is already enough to equip us for the new journey.

There also seems to be a new experience of what we call time. There is so much “Now” and endless expansion present, where nothing seems to matter what mattered before, as all of this started to retreat more into the background. And in the foreground there is this infinity, this  space to which we need to adapt.

If we feel diligently into it we notice that this space is packed  with possibilities and  content. Is it the Zeropoint – Field in which our new co-creations with the Mind of God are happening, now very palpable brought into our Presence and feeling-awareness?

We are so blessed!  Dearest brothers and sisters, we are now as pioneers on the threshold to a completely new adventure in human consciousness!
How precious and exiting is this! We have traveled far and we are entering now a completely new chapter in our human history.

We need to enjoy and appreciate it every moment, savor joyfully every single step of discovery and learning in this new Divine Terrain of Consciousness. Great pleasurable responsibility is given to us, great satisfaction! Wholeness, and Wondrous Joy. It is the Realm of Love and Freedom to draw from the Fullness of the Infinite Invisible a New Creation.

I never thought that the end of my old creative impulses were just the beginning of something Unspeakable Great we all need to discover and to explore!

To do this we are to leave behind the familiar. No energies are feeding anymore the structures that were, before we went through that Portal on May 25! Now we are on the other side! And this is all about unheard-of discovery! A brand new adventure! We are now walking into an entirely New Direction!  

Presently many are experiencing the surfacing of old tendencies, believing they were gone! But they appear only like illusions before the stainless Mirror of this New Consciousness, to disappear if we let them truly go. All which does not reflect and express our true Fullness and Divine Being-ness, Free and Independent of outer appearances, must now dissolve, so that we can stand in our original Identity to become and Be the New World. 

This is a process in which the inseparable Unity of the Field of Consciousness, Being and Doing is revealed.  

In Lak'ech!

Much Love,

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