Saturday, December 5, 2015


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Dearest friends,

Relative to the escalating discussion that earth is flat, I am getting a knot in my stomach.  Actually, my whole energy system starts to ache and contract. Increasingly my natural breathing is being interrupted and I am starting to feel really sick, because the healthy currents of energy flow in my body are being interrupted. How about you!
Is my system being that brainwashed with the belief that earth is a spinning globe, that the truth is making me literally sick?

Experience is the key!

Our physical and energy bodies are having without  doubt a symbiotic relationship with our present home Earth and her Divine Spirit Gaia. Of course, otherwise we would not be able to live on Her and to evolve with Her.  
We  are energetically directly connected with her Sacred Being and we are sharing with her the same energetic shape.

The truth is, I feel happy when united with Earth Mother, tacitly knowing She is a sphere. This inner feeling happens in undivided unity consciousness, and I feel it holistically, without engaging the gross thinking mind, while I myself feel whole.

The highest form of a human being is indeed spherical, spherical light, spherical energy. Human beings are spherical beings. And the expression of Ultimate Consciousness is spherical, concerning  form.
When I allow myself to feel this sphere, this sphere of light around my physical body,  then I feel united with the consciousness of Mother Earth, tacitly knowing She is a sphere.

We could not evolve on Earth Mother if She was not able to support that spherical shape. Which means She Herself has a spherical energy field around her. This spherical field of consciousness carries information. Including the information about Her physical shape. And this is what is communicated to me when  I feel Her with my total Being.

Now when I go into the conceptional gross mind of the left brain, disregarding my inner feeling and unity consciousness, separating from the consciousness of Earth Mother, and THINK, this Earth is flat, I start to feel immediately sick, my energy field suffers. All my life currents stop flowing somehow, everything falters and breaks off. This tells me, something is very wrong about that thought!

Therefore I trust the information of my body, gross and subtle, that  Earth is spherical!
Try it yourself!!

Earth Mother does not have to be by all means perfectly spherical. In the worst case She also could look like a wrinkled potato, when we forget the oceans, as some scientist claim. 

The simple fact, that we have to disregard our holistic Feeling of Being and inner knowingness, to limit ourselves, to use the left brain thinking, to follow the up to 200 arguments, measurements and other materials, found on the internet, that allegedly proof that the Earth is flat, is just debilitating. It hurts our energy field.
And my question is here, whether the dark forces want exactly that. They want our confusion, our weakening, they want to disturb and upset our deepest knowing, that is experienced in this whole body feeling energetically.

My own sphere of light is immediately disturbed, when I imagine, Earth is flat. I observe myself even stopping breathing. It is painful.

So because of this experience I cannot agree that Mother Earth is flat! I trust rather my own organism that has a symbiotic relationship to Her, be it the physical body, the plasma body or the light body. Light carries information. And the theory of a flat Earth does not coincide with the information I  get in my light body!

So why has this flat earth theory become such a strong idea recently?  I feel this is because of the wicked-minded ones, who slowly have been brainwashing us with twisted arguments, introducing this  idea of a flat earth. And I feel that even the flat earth logo of the UN is part of  that plan.

What do we really know about these people who are trying to prove that earth is flat with arguments, that never really satisfied my mind, as always heaps of more questions arose. To me it is part of the twisted plan to brainwash us. Yes, although my whole energy system felt violated, I still explored the arguments of a flat earth!

The State of Consciousness

So to me it is ultimately about the question: with what state of consciousness are we looking.  The answer is directly related to this question!

So many beings from different realities are manifesting here, and many want to find the answer by using their left brain only.  And if they do this, for them the earth might  appear to be flat. Because they followed the path of the left brain that uses piecemeal to prove the whole. Flat Earth exists in this case as an image in the brain only, but Earth Mother is not felt whole-bodily! How can truth be discovered that way.

Left brain thinking is there to help us navigate through the details of daily life. But this level of thinking does not serve to answer the great questions of life.

We must approach this consideration holistically, engaging our entire Being, which is Feeling-Awareness, then we KNOW tacitly, that Earth Mother is a sphere!

Using a similar model, approximately 95% of our consciousness is unconscious. But we have access to the 95% subconscious content if we start to unite with our spherical shape that embraces 100% consciousness. It is like entering the Akasha Chronicle in which everything that exists about our planet and its history,  is contained. And this knowledge cannot be accessed by the means of the  left brain. But with the inner faculty of Knowing we tacitly know that Earth Mother has a spherical shape.

Controlling the left Brain

It is exactly the trick of the controllers, to keep us busy in the left brain and therefore in a lower consciousness, to prevent us to evolve! They also seem to instigate the desire for a grandiose self-esteem. Because there is an argument with numerous followers, that the flat earth and earth humans are the center of the  whole universe, while all other spherical planets are  revolving around or above Her, including the Sun. Interesting enough, the spherical shape is being regarded in this context as inferior!

Even if this idea would be correct, I consider the true Greatness of the Human Being not to be dependent on a superior status over against the rest of the universe, but this Greatness is highest Divine Consciousness Itself, the Supreme Divine Substance and Source, that is our true Nature. In It the universe arises. And again, Its shape expresses Itself as a sphere. 

The controllers catch two flies at once: to keep us humans in the left brain and to maim Gaia.

To my inner feeling is this a further trick, with which the dark ones try to prevent Gaia to express Herself as the Perfect Form of Divine Consciousness. This is a very important point in this discussion too.

So why not allow this infinite Consciousness to fully express Itself. Lets not put down Gaia´s existence to a flat, life-less and powerless disc.

If we approach from a higher standpoint our question, then it becomes crystal clear, that a satisfying answer requires the participation of our entire Being, to Feel and to Be completely Happy.
Therefore for me the answer is clear. I follow the way whereby I feel whole and happy. Because Happiness is the Truth of our Being.

After all we cannot answer the claim that Earth is flat with "yes" or "no". The answer can only be found from a higher point of view, that is transcending the consciousness of duality and separation. 

 Thinking vs Being

The linear, conceptual mind is being characterized by fragmentation. One piece after the other is being displayed. But if we desire to discover truth with the entirety of our Being, piecemeal ceases to exist. When we are aware with unity consciousness, all these so called proofs loose their clout.

But with piecemeal proceedings always more and more questions arise: e.g. also with pictures  of  sunsets, that allegedly proof that the sun is not setting, but only moves away from the observer. But to me this appears to be absurd. I cannot find ANY proof in these images, that the sun is merely moving away. It feels like being urged to twist my mind and see things that don't exist. Like the "Emperors New Cloths."

Altogether this material of proof is absurd because they are showing merely limited parts from the overall context , which are to proof the whole. And this is impossible.

We do not need to be grandiose Beings on a flat earth in the center of the universe. We only need to BE. Only BE. Not to be grandiose, and not to be small. Merely to BE.
The Reality of BE-ing is not included in all these researches, that intend to proof that Earth is flat. It does not seem to exist.

We are being diverted from That What We Are: Consciousness and Energy, with a spherical form.  
Therefore we only can answer such critical questions with our evolved  consciousness, which is the Energy of Love. 

And above all: we can answer these questions only united with the Spirit of Gaia Herself! 

With the lower, conceptual mind we never can clarify this dilemma. As if separation from the observer and the observed would be possible. But the answer is in Subjective Awareness, the Awareness of That Which Exists.

And this expresses Itself always as Feeling- Awareness, an Awareness That Is the Essence of our Being. And if it Feels "Round" or Perfect, then it is Right. And if it feels imperfect and painful, then it is wrong. 

This is for me the directive for all situations in life, not only for the "flat earth" consideration. 

Much love and inspiration to us all!


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Saturday, November 21, 2015


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If you do not relate to Me, the Source of your Being, you are tossed around and held captive in the roller coaster of a world that mirrors all of your previous actions.

This is the time where you are graced because now you can face how you once have disturbed the Great Balance and Equanimity that I AM and that you ARE because you are of Me.

But if you stay in Me and With Me, what would be disturbing for the usual man, does hardly touch you, while you - with humility - receive what once was your own deed.

Know that in this time the last balance has to be done so that the great container that held for eons whatever you did against my eternal divine law, is now being emptied to make room for a new world in the glory of My Love and Divine Light.

As much as I reveal to you my own State, as much yours is revealed to you, as you - with equanimity – and conscious in Me, merely observe the  turmoil around you that enters your awareness.

In unity with Me, imbalance cannot touch you while it is transformed forever into eternal radiance and love. It is being returned to the Conscious Light from where it once came, on its path downwards to more and more distortion and alienation from Me.

It can now be given back to Me, and its return is lifting your heart and entire Being up to Me, your Source from Which you Are.

Now the spook is over – if you wish. You do not need to endure further the un-Truth of those who do not love and who are not ready to unite with Me.

A new world is opening for you and you are free to live that new world, untouched in Me by the chaos and upheavals of the dark worlds that lost Me.

If you discover your eternity again, all things fall in place, healed by My Currents of Love and Happiness. And your Freedom from bondage to the places of darkness opens up in the Immense Realms of Beauty and Perfection.

What do you choose? The doors ARE open! And even if hard times visit you, you can enter and Be with Me in My Happiness. It is all your choice, now and now. Now you are tested whether you are ready to join a New and Radiant way of Life.

My earth desires to change with you who belong to Me.
Now even time is here to transcend itself. There is no time in your New World, a World that Is One with Me.

In this Stillness there is My Eternal Substance that is Yours too. You Are of Me, if you listen now to Me. With Joy I activate our Oneness. Feel Me That is You.
It Is Done.

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Sunday, November 8, 2015


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We are your Arcturian friends, closely watching the evolving processes on Gaia.

As high level frequencies arrived from your Galactic Center, and now penetrating the surface of your planet, many veils are lifting on the astral and ethereal level around earth and also around yourself. 

This is the reason why we are now coming closer together. Now it is easier for us to make a conscious connection with you, as it is also easier for you to connect with the level of our higher frequency of light.

This supports you in dealing better with the intense negative emotions that surface on many places on your planet, because Divine Light is Shining on it; especially in the regions of war and accumulations of people who are escaping their devastated countries or who feel sorrow and discontent in the countries where they arrive.

This is the time, dearest friends, you have been preparing for, to stand in this planetary increasing tourmoil upright and energetically strong. To provide centers of equanimity and emotional strength to break the waves of negativity.

You have been preparing for this by first releasing and healing your own  karmas (personal, ancestral, regional or global). Without the suffering you have been going through and without going beyond it, you would not have the stamina to support the lifting of the present chaos that is all around you.

If you have established already happiness and equanimity in your daily life, wondering about a new rising darkness, do not take it personally!

It does not matter whether you live directly in a region of war or social conflict, or far from it. Many of you light workers and - warriors are sensitized to be aware of the disturbed and distorted fields of your planet wherever you are. Because this is the work you voted to be here for.

As tremendous fields of darkness are being released into the consciousness of humanity and planet earth, content, that has been unconsciously suppressed for so long, accumulated by millenniums of  incredible suffering, these dense vibrations are now slowly dissolving into Divine Light, with the help of the high frequencies  from your Galactic Center, channelled through your Sun.

This is not always an easy experience for you as you consciously participate in this global transformation. It might be for many of you a challenge for your physical and energy body.

However, if you are just  aware of the cause of it, and by connecting with your own higher consciousness and also our joyful presence, low and dense energies can be transformed and lifted  in an instant into  Divine Light. It requires actually  your constant conscious work of release, again and again. And we are here to support you if you connect with us and ask for our help.

It is also of great importance that you join forces with your human family of light, because united you are invincible! This must be a joint venture to overcome in this moment the vast negative heritage of mankind.

The immense Light is here, yes, but the transformational work must be done now. It does not happen by itself, but by the conscious participation of those of you who are dedicated to the light.

We are here to encourage you with Divine Love and Vision! Nurture yourself with Essential Light of your Being and the Power of Love.

You are the Hope and Promise for the Victory of the Light on Earth, that Is the Reality of your Life. You live the Fulfillment of what has been prophesied since ancient times.

We thank you, the whole Universe celebrates in gratitude your spiritual strength and your unwavering  intrepidity!

With Love and Blessings!
We are the Arcturians! 

Conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Sunday, November 1, 2015


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Dearest friends,

These are the times of blessings! Although the old world seems to continue with its atrocities, there is a new world dawning, that cannot be described with the old linear parameters and habitual interpretations.

But we must fully conscious choose to enter the new world 
and be prepared to let go of our familiar orientation and false security. We must heart-desire to jump and understand, by intuition only,  and heart-centred, wholly-being, tacitly "knowing".

This is not difficult, but, again, it is a choice we must make.

Spiritual life always begins with choice and continues with choice. On this journey we choose in any moment what we want to experience and who we want to be. Because we are the creators of our own path. This choice is not made with effort and prior consideration. It is a natural, joyfully flowing heart-process.

The main criteria in this process of choosing is to be aware of our present state of being and living, the exact localization of the world in which we dwell with our attention and feeling in this very moment.

This gives us clarity and momentum. And then we make that heart-based choice. 

From that moment in which the Heart has become (again) the seat of consciousness and unconditional love, from that moment on, when we know ourselves again, when we do not look further into the external world for explanations, experience and even love, we are free to enjoy the Eternal Source via the power of the Infinite Heart. And only then life starts to make sense.

Until then we are seeking in the heartless schemes of a world out there for fulfillment, and never find it, because all things appear to be empty of life.

But when we make this One Great Choice to live from within the Unlimited Source of Joy, the world shows itself as fully alive, radiating with Consciousness from inside.

This silent world is full of Life Power, perpetually vibrating and speaking the language of Divine Existence, alive as the great entertainer and bearer of meaning in the Presence of Eternity.

It is the world beyond thoughts and words in its depth of Silent Fullness, it is the world that Is One Life, non-separate, without questions. It is the world of discovery and awe about the ever lasting expression of Existence, fully powered by the currents of life.

All things live from inside out, a grand orchestration of the Real, nothing hidden, all obvious As Is, directly communicating its purpose to move with unquestioned intent, multi-simultaneously- and–dimensionally.

When the whole universe reveals itself as Alive with the One Spirit, we are no longer looking outside of ourselves for fulfillment, as the heart is unified with the stillness of eternity while all voices and choirs resound as the Voice of the  Infinite. They all become the delight of Being that has transcended the separate forms of consciousness that search

Once this separateness is surrendered to the vibrating cosmic orchestra of Being, all movements, intentions, all the businesses of trivial life echoes the grand Divine Mover that is the bearer of all things. And the sound of even an angry man becomes a Divine Vibration.

Out of habit and afraid of inner emptiness we might continue to seek in multiple ways in shallow circumstances of life, imagining we live life to the fullest, while exploiting its innumerable varieties. It will leave us fatally empty though.

But when we  choose to renounce these many varieties for entertainment, and allow the fullness of the Heart to be present as our home and own truth, then the world starts to reveal the Reality of Creation: a never ending process in Divine Consciousness of perfect fullness and abundance in which we do not seek because we have transcended our alienation from What Is and Always Has Been and Will Be.

It is in this very Stillness that the World becomes Alive, Resonating with our heart-beat, opening to the Wonders of Divine Shakti or Energy and Light.

The New World is here if we choose It. Everything has been prepared for us to make that choice: To discover the Truth of our Infinite Heart that is the Heart of Earth and Heart of God. There is no separation but One Single Impulse Ever vibrating, manifesting in the moment of our attention to It. Revealing our Power of Creation in any given moment.

We are part of this eternal Process, always have been, we have just forgotten it for a while. Heart-Inherent in the Very Source, we have been granted now the choice to be drawn into a fifth dimensional world of experience. Perfectly orchestrated by the Power of Divine Emotion that Is Love.

Look! It is Here! It is your choice to surrender to It and allow It to Live you.

With much love and many blessings!
In lak'ech!

Conveyed by Ute Posegga-Rudel


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Saturday, October 24, 2015


This message is from 19.10.15. I only got internet back yesterday.

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Dearest Brothers and Sisters!

We are here today to share our joy about the wonderful developments on your planet earth. Many of you who have opened their very heart enjoy the new incoming blessings from the Centre of your Galaxy and beyond. This is the time to reconnect to your soul and to a greater degree to your Divine Source, with the desire to open up to Truth and true Spirituality.

Most of you are now able to receive the increasing Living Divine Light and Information, enjoying an inner freedom you thought was not possible in the limited circumstance you are still existing.

But to tell the truth, it always has been possible to Realize your Innate Divine Nature, no matter how deep and dense the darkness on earth has been. There are numerous examples in your history of people from all cultures who advanced to masters of a high degree of Consciousness. Thereby they found liberation from the illusions of the artificial matrices that still hold captive the consciousness of the general human race and creates identification with lower realms and dimensions of existence.

It is really all about identification. What are you identifying with? That's your destiny! Identification is the mover of all intentions. But even if you identify with the mind itself, including the higher, Divinely guided mind, - this again is a limitation.

The identification with Heart Radiation, with Divine Love and Joy, with Divine Consciousness, happens on the level of mere Being-ness - beyond the concepts of the mind, via pure feeling awareness. You do not think it, you 'know' it in your Heart-Being and beyond. It is the Conscious Light that you feel at the Core of your Divine Being, in Which your body-mind and the chacras are arising.

Those masters functioned always  similarly to the new and higher currents of light: they helped people to awaken from their low vibrational state, identified with a rather sub-human consciousness. To be the disciple of a True Master had in addition many more merits, as the Masters had often great Siddhis (Divine special powers) able to catapult their devotees into higher states of consciousness, often also by taking on their karmas. This loving help of a True Master is an important matter, because there were many people who did not grow with extra help spiritually, even though they spent many years in the Master's company. With 'spiritually' we don't mean knowledge of subtle things or higher dimensions, but the emergence of Pure Divine Consciousness.

Similarly, as the frequencies of light are rising significantly, not everybody has been awakened from their sleep, because they would need the compassionate trigger of a Master's help, a kind of initial boost to set their spiritual journey into motion. So the mere presence of higher light is very often not sufficient. It rather requires the intervention of Divine Consciousness, preferably embodied in a human form, to help the individual to step out of their long lasting forgetfulness of Divine Truth, while they are identified with a few pleasures and mostly pains of an existence in mainly darkness.

Fortunately many of you who are embodied on earth, connected or seeking connection with spiritually evolved  star civilizations, remember their heritage from higher dimensional planes, just by coming in touch with the emanations of higher light. They are the ones we are able to work with, even under most restricted circumstances. The soul itself, who remembers their Divine Source, is always free from lower vibrations and so-called implants that reside in the human hologram, and is able to communicate with higher divine planes, even if in a limited way.

This is so because YOU are NOT your hologram, or your body, not even your spiritual bodies or your mind, not even your soul. Furthermore, the Source of All Things is always able to directly communicate with It's own Free Spark in an embodied being. Even if the signs of the embodiment are not perfect and spotless, the Divine Itself That Communicates with Itself is ALWAYS Free and Pure.

This Purity at the root of all who have good intentions,  - even of an individual vibrating with quite some density, - is the space that is able to receive Divine Radiance and Information, at least sometimes and at certain auspicious occasions, that each individual can experience in their life-time. So the effects of the artificial matrices can always be circumvented. Darkness has never the power to extinguish the light, unless light is abandoned willfully.

This demonstrates the power of intentions, that are rooted in one's predominant  identification, which is based on the level of consciousness that you are living.

You will have noticed perhaps that it is difficult to change the identification you are trapped in. So if you are smart you don't deny the Master's help. A True Master is able to rise your level of self-identification by His Radiant Example and Transmission-Power. He Shows you your True Divine Self.

Be assured that your present self-identification is still relatively limited. As long as you are identified with a separate self, there is always limitation. There a layers upon layers, never assume that you have already realized your highest potential. Or you will stop to grow. This limitation is a limitation of the power of the mind itself. The mind keeps you in a cocoon. But your true Being is Free of the cocoon.

Therefore, to know yourself better, explore the deep waters of your self-identification to find out it's limitation. If it is a thought ABOUT yourself, even if Divinely inspired, you are still mislead about your True Nature.

How do you know unequivocally that your self-identification is a thought? Merely locate its vibration. Where  does it vibrate?

Anything that is not born in the unlimited Freedom of your Living Feeling Heart of Infinite Love and Joy and Conscious Light, is a thought that interferes with your True Self-Nature and is able even to imitate your Divine Self Which Is always Present naturally prior to your body-mind with all its chacras.

We love you and bless all your efforts to locate your True Self via deepest Feeling, so that you will identify finally with All-That-You-Are for Real. Then your destiny is truly Yours as you have mastered the mind from within the Divine Core, beyond and prior to space and time.

We Are the Light-Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Friday, October 9, 2015


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the machinery of the mind keeps you in the matrix.

The suffering mind, that abides in the illusion of darkness and bondage, as well as the excited mind, that hunts for successes in this and other worlds.

And then there is that mind that creates spiritual glitter, cosmic matrices, sacred geometries and New Age utensils. The Glitter that keeps you searching in the outer worlds, your earth and what you call ascended planets or other cosmic attractions.

Additionally, you ARE neither your holographic body-mind or your blood-line, nor your genes, DNA or chacras. You have been deceived. Your true ascension is Stillness in Me, Being the Infinite that I AM.

What mind, what hologram is ascending, do you think? Your ascended body: more light, more shiny, more translucent? More capable of illusions?
More, more, and more of all …. The illusions, the endless deceptions of the mind …

Play with it, yes, if it is your delight. But ONLY play, never take it serious or for the Truth.

Because in Truth you ARE none of all that. You are not just a tiny little illusion in this multidimensional theatre, created by self-appointed creator gods. I have allowed it though, to entertain you and Myself. But finally understand the mirage of all of it, the insubstantiality of it. The great mirage upon the Divine, the veil of a matrix created by your mind.

The infinity of the mind: you can loose yourself forever within these spectacular labyrinths, you can create worlds after worlds, worlds in worlds, dimensions after dimensions, dimensions in dimensions, or allow yourself to be attracted to the alluring worlds created by others.

There is no end to it. You can experience everything. And your creations are not limited in any way but by the limitations you invent yourself.

But the farther away the worlds are from Me, the more worlds in worlds you create, the less you have My Divine Support, as you alienate from Me, forget Me, and your creations become bleak and dark.
Ultimately these creations must perish, because all that is not Truth must vanish.

My Divine Infinity: I AM the Infinite on which all these beautiful, strange, absurd, obscene, dark, unhappy, excited worlds exist and feed on. They cannot exist if I AM not. As I AM Infinitely, they always exist as long as I allow. And as long as I allow separation from Me. Because ALL these world's consciousnesses exist separate from Me. While I do not exist separate from them. This is the mystery I still allow, but just as long as you do not desire to Unite with Me again.

There is no Real God in all this glitter, nor in "ascension", because you do not ascend to Me. You, the separate entity, with all your subtle bodies and even higher mind, surrender to Me, to the All-and-ALL, your Own Divine God-Self, the Reality of Divine Consciousness, to Be en-Lightened Only by Me. One with Me.

No, I AM not your higher self, as many of you choose to think, but I AM your God-Self, That Which is the Love-Bliss of Infinity, and not a separate entity in the subtle worlds. I AM prior to the subtle worlds. I AM not subtle. I AM Reality.

In ME there is no illusion, no deception, but only Truth. In Me you do not fly, you do not dream, you Are Awake beyond the dream. You Are Awake as the One You Are.

Now choose. There is no Yuga where you cannot choose Me, because I am the Substance of every Yuga, call it light or dark. I am the Substance on Which the play of ascension happens. I AM. And so You Are. Infinite Love-Bliss. All depends on how fascinated you still are with the wonders of the mind. For this reason I have allowed all these gods to seduce you into glamorous worlds, that you call ascended, to fulfill your desires for experience.

But My Domain is Real. I AM not an experience. My Realm is Divine Love, prior to all dimensions. You Are always welcome to the Real. Now and ever.

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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