Showing posts with label Andromeda Galaxy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andromeda Galaxy. Show all posts

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Dear Ones,
Today we come to you with an important mission. And we believe that this mission meets your needs, visions and deepest hopes, regarding the development of your planet and your own evolution.

We would like to state, that we are communicating with you to remove every fear and all doubts that you may carry, - and if you do, it is a very old fear and doubt – regarding our positive and benevolent participation and support in your ascension process.

We are indeed here to  give you the rescue and comfort of the light, if necessary, in case you feel violated or harmed by forces who do not support your evolutionary process.

We are here to make sure that you and all beings on earth and Gaia herself, are being flooded with Light, the Light of the Divine Creator, because it is your destiny to continue your path with Him. Or Her - as many consider the Creator to be one with the Goddess, the Creatrix.

Please consider the urgency and necessity, to understand rightly the meaning of ascension. Although many believe, that this is only about resuming a more galactic disposition, in a Star Trek like fashion, we feel urged to explain, that your ascension process is actually in the highest meaning a spiritual one. It is a process of spiritual growth, and spiritual growth is the gradual acceptance and integration of Divine Light-Consciousness, far beyond the shape of a vessel, referred to as body. Body is only a medium for expression  and it is a tool to make experiences. But in truth you are infinite Consciousness, and this Consciousness cannot be contained in a body.

In our perspective there is too much focus in your ascension scenario on the human galactic races as merely appearing as a such and such body. Of course, the body might be a necessary instrument in many dimensions, especially the lower ones, but it always remains an instrument. It can be refined according to the state of your consciousness so that it serves this state of consciousness appropriately, but even then, the body is still an instrument.

But when you recognize yourself as being infinite Consciousness you are truly on your way of evolution. Otherwise you would just repeat what you repeated since many Millenniums.

It is Consciousness, from where everything originates. So why would you then identify with the end-“product”, a body, and confine yourself with it.

Now we must clarify what Consciousness is. The Consciousness that we want to discuss, is not just a mental faculty, things you think and you are aware of. This would be merely a matter of the functioning brain. In this way you would understand Consciousness as a product of the brain, but which again would imply that you are your body and nothing more.

We understand that - because of the very long indoctrination which has been laid upon you - it is very difficult to think or envision and intuit an existence prior to the body-mind. But indeed, you ARE existing prior to it, always have, even if this knowing has been obscured for a long time, so that you hardly can remember it as an actual experience.

Rudiments of this knowing however are still laying dormant as, you could say, very small elements in your DNA, so small that it has been never discovered by your scientists. However a spark is a spark which can be easily ignited if you are inviting this process.

Each of these sparks is the remembrance of Divine Consciousness, that exists prior to your body-mind and in which your body-mind arises. Yes, your thoughts, your emotions, your body, including your brain are arising in this Divine Consciousness. It is the Source of all contents you ever can imagine or have experienced. Your heart is able to participate in It, if you have purified it from past memories and false presumptions about your own origin and and who you are. If you allow pure Source to inform your brain-based human consciousness, and if you align your heart with it, Source Light, pure and undivided, pristine and unbroken, can enter your being, and awaken the dormant sparks of Divine Consciousness in your DNA. 

It is as with water, when 2 drops touch one another: it becomes one greater unity. Divine Consciousness can abide your heart, while your heart will abide in It, as you are an emanation of that Divine Consciousness. You are not a lesser creation, although you have been told so and your present body is indeed. But this Divine Spark has never been completely destroyed.

Know that we are here to serve this ignition, the ignition of your Divine Consciousness, not just a widening and growing of your limited brain-consciousness. If you allow this process in the first place, your human brain will grow automatically too. But if you are focused merely on your human brain development, you will limit yourselves to something that you are not, because it is only a fraction of your true Origin and Nature.

However it is you who choose, which path you will walk, but in order to make a true choice you need to be informed about your possibilities.
To show them to you, is our mission.
Choose well! With the fires of ascension your opportunities are grand. What you choose now, will shape your immediate future and will have consequences. We ask you to be aware of them.

At your loving service!
We are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012
Listen to this message on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.  

Dearest ones,

We speak to those who were counting on being part of the “Voyage to the Stars” adventure. But we also embrace those who were merely observing, but participating with their heart and emotion as part of a to be  adventure in the collective consciousness of starseeds, lightworkers and all those who are on your earth to help with the ascension process.

We are with you and understand how testing it must be for all of you, to be so shaken by the yes-es and no’s (because of certain reasons), from your galactic friends, who have invited you to visit their star ship.

We know exactly how difficult it is for you, to open yourself up for an unprecedented adventure which would have asked of you to let go much of your familiar world and dare to enter new realities, knowing you would not be the same on return. And how demanding it would be for you to return and remain further in your old world. It is like dying, there is no doubt about it.

Now that you have stretched yourself beyond your familiar pattern and this new space has not been filled with new information and expected experience, it leaves you empty and doubtful, while you lost your usual point of self-identity. As you have been reaching out for a new identity, leaving behind the old one, many of you are now in a space of no-man’s-land, which is very difficult to bear. You wanted to jump forward, willing to die to your old self, but now you do not know how to find your new identity as the old one has died, indeed.

Dear ones, know, as difficult this might be, this is exactly a most fertile situation where your deeper truth can be born to build the new and purified foundation for your true and deeper Self to emerge.This, your true Self, is not dependent on any activity or identification with a “place” or even dimension.

But still, - while this adventure which did not turn out to be the way you hoped for, was able to shake so profoundly the self-identity with all your reference points of familiarity of so many of you, - you now try to go back to your old identity. But again, once you left intentionally your identity behind, you never will be able to resume that one.

So now, you are in a kind of a new “Bardo”. And this is exactly the state you start, and perhaps for the first time seriously, to ask yourself, Who you Are, do you not! Are you merely an earth-based being, a galactic or multidimensional being or are you more than that? You want to find That One desperately to occupy your grounds again, to go on with your life. 

And understand, that you are now exactly at the point of greatest creativity, where EVERYTHING can happen to you in the most auspicious way, as you can allow the True You to come in and take seat, That One which is Greater than the  you  which you left behind, and which is also greater than the one you aspired by traveling the space.

You can only leave behind an identity which is not true. And your new hoped for identity, the one who would visit the stars, is not  your true identity either! Neither of them really is or would ever be.

So do not be sorry about a perhaps lost opportunity, although this opportunity may be arising for some of you shortly indeed, but welcome the chance to let your true Self emerge, your true and only place to be in the illusions of appearances. Whether they are familiar or unfamiliar, planetary or galactic.

That much puzzled by a situation you never can sort out to the last detail, you will find that it is useless to exercise your mind, but rather choose to retreat and own your own heart of being, leaving the situation you cannot fully understand, behind.

You must know that you need to rest in your true identity, to leave your planet and visit the stars and your star family, so that you do not hurt yourself.  Even ascension requires of you this step, so that you ascend as a being that is grounded in your own Truth, independent from what is occurring outside and independent from any change of place and dimension, and even that of your physical body.

Yes, you can say, it is Love, which is your true place to be. But what is Love? You humans have so many interpretations of it in your world, and mostly you have greatly limited the true meaning and impact and presence of the Love-energy.

Love is not to be nice. But may include it. You can be nice, but it might not be Love. You might be angry, and it could be a sign of love. You could be even very angry, and it could be the greatest sign of Love. It is not the emotion you show which characterizes Love. It is the Being-ness you are, the One Who Cares, the openness and non-contraction all over your being, gross, subtle and causal, the openness to All-That-Is, that is the highest sign of Love. It is the non-reaction to things which arise. It is the resting in the Being-ness of All-That-Is which is True Love, beyond separation and division.

In this state you are truly free, otherwise you will be always like a dry leaf in the winds of change, taking on their colors, forgetful of your own.

This Love is the only steadiness in the cycles of change, loss, disappearance and the appearance of new things, situations and worlds.

So call your true identity Love, if you understand Love’s original sign.
Otherwise call it the I AM, the Presence, the Stillness, the Eye in the hurricane, your Being-ness which persists in the  carrousel of life. Find that One, dearest ones, as it is given to you at this very moment, and in every moment, and be grateful for the gift of this lesson. 

If you stop seeking, dearest ones, in places where you cannot find yourself, if you accept the worlds to disappear for a moment to be drawn into your own very Source, It will reveal Itself.

This is how you prepare for ascension, to allow yourself to fall into YOUR-Self alone,  and let it be your center, your motivator, your treasure never again to be lost, because it is yours forever, has always been.

We leave you with this and know that we are transmitting the golden light of healing to your souls, to relax to find that point of entry into the Eternity of your True Being.

With Blessings and Showers of Love.
We are the Beings of Light of the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012
Listen to this message on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.  

Dearest ones,

We are so pleased with the growing evolution of consciousness and heart-opening of your human civilization!
With great joy we are observing so many of you, and daily increasing, who are opening up to the awakening power of Divine Consciousness at the core of humanity which is is the United Human Heart of the human race.

Today we are here to bring the message of Joy, the Remembrance of Joy, the energy and consciousness of Joy in your very essence of being, which is an aspect of the Eternal God, of All-That-Is. There is no true experience of the Divine without Joy, without the involvement of feeling, because Joy can only be felt and is a superior vibration of your awareness of your core being.

Joy can only be felt when your heart opens, when you allow to let go all limitations of ideas and mental constructions.

When you let go of controlling yourself, when you surrender your separate identity into the overwhelming vibration of Joy, then Source Energy and Light can arise, can set be free, to replace as vibrant and ecstatic Presence that one, which you usually call “me”, but which is merely an idea of yourself. A persona, a limited identity, a role-player in your society, a tendency-bearer, a thinking mechanism, somebody who judges and experiences the coming and going of body-mind based pleasure and pain.

The Joy we are talking about is bursting open the totality of all these narrow self-identifications, and sets you free to experience unlimited light and energy, without shape and form, content or concept. It provokes an explosion of creation before things arise, but it is also the substance to create in the Infinite Mind of God.

It is this Eternal Joy which we are showering upon you all, emanating directly from our collective heart which is inherently participating in the Heart of God.

You will be aware of this Joy when you are willing to open your heart, because this Joy is your own deep Essence. And we can only awaken this your own Essence, as we are all participating equally and naturally in this ever existing Presence of Joy. Because there is only One God.

Did you ever consider about this truth? Did you ever consider that you are born of Joy, and that all creation is inherently founded in Joy?

When you turn to the Essence of All-That-Is, you will discover that this is so, and always has been.However it was the focus of your attention on limitation and holding on to your separate identity and all its confined experiences, that you forgot.

Joy is the foundation of your Divine Identity and of your new world which cannot be created by other means than that of Joy.

But it is your choice where you want to turn, what you want to see in the first place: your old world with  limited, restricted and mediocre experiences of ordinary pleasure and pain, or a radiant world of Divinely expanded feeling awareness, which is only Joy, and call it Love, and call it Sublimity and call it Fullness and Beauty.

Ask yourself where you want to focus on! Even in the midst of 3dimensional suffering there is this Joy, always, always, if you change your focus, if you allow your heart to open. This Joy always exists, it is Eternal and you are ALWAYS free to participate in It.

Tear your heart open, dear ones, now is the time! Walk tall, take back the Divinity you always have been. Bending down, compressing your space of chest and holding your breath, to avoid the Joy you are, is over. Too much Joy is already entering the spheres of your world, participate in It. And share this Joy with your Mother Earth! Be One with her in this Joy and be One in this joy with your human family and all wight  and creations.

Dance, humanity, dance and shake off the chains of lies and the illusions of the past.

We are here to remind you of this!

Our Joy is expanding and filling your whole universe.

We are the Beings of Light of the Andromeda Galaxy

Message conveyed by Ute 

See also my related Art Video: THE JOY OF BEING - A Dance in Eternity

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright© 2011
 Listen to this message on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Dearest Ones,

We are here today to transmit this important message to humanity. All should know the significance of this extremely special time.  You are all blessed beyond measure in your very soul. Never before have you been able to do such a big step forward in your evolutionary pathway. We would like to make you aware of this fact!

Therefore it is of uttermost importance that you consciously and diligently use this time and take advantage of it. Now you are able to grow significantly, using the wings of the current flow of incoming blessed divine energies which are supporting and carrying your planet into it’s new position in the higher dimensions. If you are able to flow with this current, you will receive a great push towards your own higher vibrational growth and accomplishment of a more advanced light body. This includes the development of the higher mind and the heart.

Please understand that ascension is not just an event in your thinking mind, as many believe, but in the first place an energetic process which will catapult your present frequency of body, mind and emotion into a higher level of intelligence, wisdom and heart-opening.
The higher your vibration, the higher your divine intelligence and the capacity to love.

In this process it is however necessary to understand your mind which operates on many levels, not just on the conceptual level, but gradually develops and exists on levels up to the most high and subtle form, which is ultimately called the mind of God. Higher mind is never disturbed or is missing tranquility or is wandering constantly around. Higher Mind is carrying wisdom and is able to use free awareness and is not interfered by lower emotions.

Therefore it is of advantage to exercise the higher mind as it utilizes the higher qualities of the human being. The higher mind transcends your everyday understanding of life. It is not linear and black-and-white thinking, it is rather circular and able to perceive realities on different levels simultaneously without interference of the lower personality. Of course you can exercise these higher capabilities with your will. But it is ultimately always the increase of your level of frequency required as a basis for the development of your higher human qualities.

How would you do this, to begin with? As we recommended, what you need to do is to rise your light quotient. And this can happen when you rise your feeling capacity for energy! If you do, if you are able to feel energy, to feel frequency, it is because you are consciously transmuting the density of your lower emotions into free feeling, which in turn allows you to receive more light into your system.

We cannot enough emphasize, that the ascension process is based on the rising of your level of frequency or your light quotient. Without it there is no true growth. All is energy, all is frequency. If you are not able to feel frequency it is because you have not dealt yet with your emotions, you have not cleared them yet, you have not dared yet to feel them exactly as they are. If you haven’t done it yet, it means, that all these emotional energies, which you have not allowed yourself to feel, are like deep blockages in  a streaming river. They are like accumulated pieces of debris piling up, while the water is streaming around them. But these blockages reduce greatly your capacity to feel. Energy can only be felt. 

Therefore you have work to do, dear ones! You cannot avoid it, you have to surrender to this process and allow yourselves to be purified. To do this, you first must be willing to feel, and even if your emotions are very painful. But know that even emotional pain is ultimately a form of energy, and that you are not it. You are merely the observer. You can look at it as something which has been stored in your system and which can be released now forever, just by allowing yourself to accept and fully feel it 

There is no other way, but know that the incoming energies are your great helpers, as they are pressing now on all your unresolved blockages, which can make feel you uneasy, nervous, upset or just very uncontent with yourself.

All these feelings must be accepted fully, exactly as they are. They are not to be avoided by any means. Take your time, dear ones, and do this most important and courageous work! Feel what you have accumulated in your system, stored in your energy field. And as you feel it all, one by one, a growing clarity and lightness will emerge in your being, freeing your body and  heart more and more and awakening your capacity to freely feel more and more everything, now even the more subtle and finer frequencies of light, and last not least: true Happiness!

Dear ones, there have been Millions before you, who have been going through these processes already. They have been courageous at a time where most of you were still deeply unaware of these necessary procedures of purification. They went already through great pain, and they did it, not only for themselves, but for all humanity, for all their brothers and sisters. As they worked so deep and thorough, they have made the way much easier for you now. While they, as single individuals,  needed often years to deal with certain very painful issues, you all can now go through your purification processes  in a few days or weeks already, if you are working seriously and if you do not let yourself off the hook! 

The incoming new energies help you greatly with this process so that it is now not difficult anymore for you. It has been difficult before, but it is not anymore. What many others have done already long before you, you can now do too! The path has been paved for you, dear ones, and you can now almost comfortably walk that path with much less pain, or at least an enormous shortening of the process.

We have encouraged you to walk that path of purification so that you will be able to rise your light quotient, together with many others. This is the great human awakening that has arrived! 

We are always with you, ready to support and help you. All what is needed, is your willingness and the desire of your heart to be free of your old baggage, which is only an unnecessary burden now. Have trust and faith in the process, in which you all are involved, by default! The process is happening anyway and your agreement and surrender to it makes it a blessed one.  Because if you collaborate, all will happen with much less pain and you will even experience happiness in the midst of difficulties, knowing that they are only very temporary and the sure indication, that you are about to be free of them.

Freedom from old baggage entails a natural increase of your vibration and permits higher light to enter your body and mind. This new freedom allows you to feel more, to start to feel frequencies and soon light itself, which is a higher vibration.
Think positiv and exercise positive feelings, whatever you do, because positive actions are rising your energy field as well. 

You see, it is all up to you, your sensitivity for your own energy field and of that around you is your own responsibility. Be patient with yourself and give yourself all the time you need. But do not delay and do not doubt. Follow your path of freeing yourself from old burdens steadily and with confidence. When you think that you made a mistake, don’t dwell on it, but  continue with faith on your path.

Remember, these are the most blessed times, humanity has experienced since Millenniums. Take advantage of it. Use this unique tailwind which makes your process so much easier than it would have been at other times. Go quickly through a process that took others years.

We bless and support you and embrace you with all our love!
We already can see you free of all your suffering and radiant in the New Light and the Love of the Divine!

We are the  Light Beings of the Andromeda Galaxy!

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


 Listen to this message on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Dearest Ones,

it is assumed that there are no creations that would not follow the will of God or fulfill God’s desire to see Himself mirrored in what is created. However there are worlds, especially your world,  you do not favor, you do not like, as they do not respond to your true desires.

Therefore many are asking themselves what the real meaning of “God” is. It is difficult to imagine that He/She could be anything else but good and perfect (what you call perfect in your understanding) or spotless. So how could God create such a world in which you are not happy.

Dearest ones, there are so many god ideas and therefore gods, as there are souls in the universes. And each of these ideas have their roots in some cultural experiences and foundations and they are built according to what people or tribes and nations believe and which they consider to be their specific highest good or role model.

Even the ugly worlds are created in the image of their creators, they are mirrors to them, in the same way as the beautiful worlds are.  Know that all which is beautiful are creations of the God of Love. And there cannot be any discussions whether these beautiful creations are of the dark. We are speaking of true beauty, and not a seeming beauty of appearance which does not radiate truth and which does not touch your heart. We do not speak of cold beauty, which makes your feeling heart shudder and which evokes fear in your being. We speak of the beauty which opens your heart with joy beyond the form as which beauty appears.

But when you notice that such true beauty and its inherent joy is doubted and considered to be dark by those, who call themselves lightworkers, know that the capacity of higher discrimination fails and that jealous minds which carry darkness are at work. Don't allow yourselves to be drawn into their world of fear and pain, which mirrors  the face of their own loveless god.

Hereby you can understand  that these gods are images of the lower mind of man and they are therefore ego ideas and creations. And you attract to you the appearance of seemingly "outside" manifestations of your dreams, so that it appears that you are the creator of your own gods. They are not Divine although they may carry the name god.
Their heavens are limited and ephemeral, like the lower mind is and therefore they are not satisfying your heart. Whereas what satisfies your heart with joy is from the Heart of the Divinity. This is the sign you can trust.

There are greater gods of greater heavens, who might ignite your inspiration for higher levels of yourself and who correspond to your inner visions. But if they do not carry the heart of the Eternal, of the All-That-Is, even they are worthless for the true awakening of your soul and ultimately of your I AM consciousness.

It is your I AM consciousness only which carries you beyond "difference" and the dual pair of good and evil, but if you exclude one side or the other and attach yourself exclusively to only one you know that you, as a lightworker, have still to go a long way. The more you integrate your own hidden god of  darkness into your consciousness, the more you enter a place of peace and true love, a place of compassion. It is the heart where all opposites fall into one another and disappear. To create a world of either or, is the creation of imbalance and attracts necessarily the opposite.

The Ultimate Divine is beyond difference and good and  evil and comprises all, because it merely IS, it is the All-That-Is. It is the Source Light and Consciousness of all Universes and Beings. Where there is no mind but only Heart,  there is no God limited by form or idea, but only consciousness, undivided, radiant and love-blissful.

However if the lightworker does not follow the tool of  their heart for discrimination, they may have this idea and habit, to personify every form of light and of energy in a dualistic way, such as “good” or “bad” gods or beings of the higher worlds, and they may  have themselves accustomed to searching everywhere for the “devil” and the “evil”, even in the appearance of light. Some of them have been therefore collapsing in a disposition of negative critisism and being keen to find the next dark spot somewhere in the universe, to pronounce immediately what they think to see and spreading darkness. This is not the sign of a lightworker. Quite the opposite!

There are lightworkers who are so stuck in looking for the deceiver that their level of frequency has become very low and they are now carrying the energy of those they suspect, because of the law: you become what you meditate on.

Dearest ones, if you would fully understand this law you would understand what it takes to create your new world. Your new world cannot be created by looking sharply into the dark. Because there is no love found.

If you encounter the dark in your life with your reaction, know that it is a mirror of your own hidden beliefs and convictions, which you draw to you in a visible and tangible form because you are deeply afraid.

As you understood, that your world is changing dramatically and that there is enormous light entering, it is the responsibility of those who call themselves “Lightworkers” to fulfill the meaning of this word, literally. It is about disciplining your thoughts by closely observing yourself, to be awake in the first place about what YOU are thinking and feeling and doing and how it is reflected back to you from the “outer” world.

To anchor light on earth at this important time in your world  is necessary,  for the sake of balancing the darkness and rising the frequency. But it has to be done in the disposition of already being balanced in your heart. Without this you will be drawn ungrounded into a spacy awareness, target for anything that comes along. This is not the sign of a lightworker. It is the sign of ignorance, mere lip service, talking and self-glorification of those who have not done the work. So called  lightworkers have done more harm therefore than the ones who unconsciously continue to follow the old and darkened path of your illusionary world.

This is the time now, as the process of ascension is underway, to face all these hidden things in the  depth of your consciousness, but not hidden anymore as soon as you encounter these creations in your outer world AND observe your reaction to them. It is your reaction, your fear, your aversion which tells you that you need to purify yourself and replace this thought, this emotion with light, to replace this contraction with love.

To be a true lightworker, means both, working to transform first themselves and being able therefore to know and anchor the true light on earth.

To spread Light, it must be your focus and your goal to replace darkness with light, to seek the light and give all power to the light, and not a grain of your energy to the dark.  Many lightworkers, not doing so, seem not even to notice that they are in reality serving the forces who do not serve your happiness and awakening but want to keep you in deep sleep. Lightworkers who do not follow with their heart the path of light are still part of the unconscious masses, while claiming they are awake.

Dearest lightworkers, we have discussed this so that you become aware which of the many Gods you are serving and so that you can make a conscious choice. The world and humanity needs true servants at this time of great changes to make this transition as blessed as it can be.

We love you dearly and shower Divine Light upon you!

We are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy

Message received by Ute 

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Listen to this message on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Dearest earth humans,

A new beginning has dawned on your earth in a magnificent way!
Your galactic families can see what many of you on earth can see and what most of you earth human cannot yet see.

Not seeing it, does not mean it did not or is not happening right now or will not happen and grow exponentially in your future.
For us your future is already here and many of you on earth are already stepping in this awareness by transcending linear time.

Your earth servants, those who have been participating before, during and thereafter this most important 11.11.11 event, whose soul contract required to remain among you on earth, have been empowered greatly on that day. Many of them strenghtened their connections to their galactic homes and families and allowed their light and consciousness to incarnate deeper into their human bodies. These ones who have been so empowered would have been able to leave 3D Earth at this time for good because they were ready, but out of their love for Gaia and humanity they are continuing to stay with you.

With their greatly increased cosmic presence they will be able to magnify and speed up the ascension process for everybody as they anchor now tremendous light of the higher dimensions through the channel of their bodies.

Dearest ones, it is a magnificent cooperative work which is going on now in an intensified way, between your galactic friends and their representatives on your earth.

We can see, in interconnectedness with the crystalline earth grid, currents of Divine light and  flames running in ever more growing intensity between the mighty forces of light, - surrounding your planet, and from the deep of the universe - and Mother Earth and her servants, firing up the whole process of ascension for all involved in a glorious way. More and more of you are starting to participate in this magnificent progression of Divine Ignition and galactic connectedness of your planet. This is a spectacular Play of Joy and Love because the Divine Forces can now move freely into your sphere.

With joy we are describing to you what we see, so that you earth humans, even if you are not yet aware of what is now occurring on your world, can be assured and inspired to continue your life with a different perspective and increased and deeply magnified hope, to help you to already change the basic outlook on your life and daily experience. Even though you might mainly see the old shadows of a 3dimensional world, but which in reality are fading each day more away, you can be assured that the new world is already yours.

Do not hold on therefore to the shadows of the past, as they do not have any real fundament any more but are just relicts of a non-existing world. You must understand, that from the perspective of spirit your old world is already gone and what you still see are only phantoms and artificially created godless holograms of what you call your familiar world. Like when you lost a limb and it still seems to hurt!
And so your nervous systems are still programmed to accept your old world as to be true, but in reality it is gone already, dearest ones, this is the truth!

We are standing at the point of origin of this new creation where we can see and testify your new world. Therefore this new world has to be confirmed by you with faith, trust and joy in your heart, visions, thoughts and actions.

What your eyes seem still to see and your senses seem to feel, the shadows of the old, can be viewed now as an illusion. Remember that you see “outside”, what is inside of you. If you change your world inside with your higher will and love of your heart, you will see and feel sooner than later your new world reflected “outside” of you.
We recommend that you study the laws of creation to understand this. This will help you to enter fully into your God-given, creative potential and power.

When you do this you will attract the Divine Light and Fire into your own body and mind,  now running already through all beings and crystalline grids who are devoted to this glorious process of the creation of a new Divine World.

Gaia is joyful as never before and she asks all of you to be too! She needs you to join her in this, dearest humans, to lift her burden, as she feels what you feel. Only together you can complete this most wonderful adventure of your evolution in no time.

With deepest love!

The  Light Beings from the  Andromeda Galaxy

Message received by Ute

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Friday, November 11, 2011

My Personal 11.11.11 "Ascension" Report

Dear friends and readers of my blog,

I thought it would be encouraging for others to know that the magnificent 11.11.11 ascension activation - as foretold by many of our Galactic friends and channelers - is actually happening. Therefore I am reporting my own experience to give testimony of this event.
With no doubt- the energies today are extremely powerful. Living in Australia the 11.11 at 11:11 (o'clock) has already passed, and is wandering with the sun from my perspective towards the West so that we will have for another somewhat 20 hours a global 11.11 @ 11:11.

The process started for me actually already the day before yesterday. After I have been drawn to a so beautiful and brilliant Light far above my head, I felt, after my return, that I have been marked on my forehead, like: "she is ready to be a participant in the ascension process", of course meaning a growing responsibility for serving humanity thereafter. But, girls and boys, this is joy! And not a Reptilian kind of slavery!

Yesterday I felt like ‘sitting’ constantly  with my Arcturian family, with  signs in my body of being extremely brightened and expanded by light.

The process today began with a sensation of codes being downloaded into my body. I sat in mediation from very early in the morning  and experienced to be drawn into highest frequencies high above my head, appearing to me in brilliant white light. No colours or “places”. At the 11:11 mark I had a peak experience as if I have been drawn through a “hole”, not a black hole, but a white hole :) of extreme ecstasy and brilliance, but really not to describe. (I know it was at this time as I looked several minutes later at my watch, as I spontaneously opened my eyes.) There was also a unique and characteristic  smell which we do not have in the 3th dimension, and I remembered, ahh, that’s how high frequencies or higher dimensions can smell, because they were not just a vision but I felt them in and all over my body, so that that body was vibrating very high and felt flooded with light. This was very tangible.

At the same time I had several insights, such as: we create the dimensional “places”, because “mere” frequencies are not “enough” for us, we want something more to experience. I guess, in my case there were no “places” I went to, because I am a simple person, who is satisfied with the feeling of bliss and love, and don’t need “places”. 

Another experience was the work, together with Mother Earth. Since a while I had already felt the unity with her and literal non-separation from her, in my body. So the work “together” with her was to rise her energies, but better to say, not Her’s, but the frequencies She carries with her and which are those, humanity has created over the last Thousands of years (for whatever reason!). The work was to rise these rather heavy frequencies up to the heart. There they stood for a while, being stuck. And with the rays of Love and Compassion, suddenly emerging in the heart space, brilliant Light above the head ignited with Joy, and in the blink of an eye all heavy frequencies were raised up to above into the Light of the Heavens, to use this kind of image, to make it easier to understand.

So, this was great, as it means that Mother Earth has actually risen now forever above her former density and something has been taken from her.

Another experience was the meeting with other “co-workers” in this ascension process, with those who are here to assist Mother Earth and Humanity in their process. It was clear that we could not  share together a “certain place” were we would work together as a joined force.
Rather it seemed to be appropriate that each one of us would work from the “place” that was the one they have chosen to be, and that our joined force is the One of the Heart, that One Place of Unity, where we truly all melt, and melt with all humanity, regardless of the dimension in which they are existing.
From there it  was clearer than ever to me, that true ascension is Unity at the heart with all existence, and that 'dimensions’ are frequencies and ultimately illusions in that Truth of Unity.

While these experiences were all part of the “ascension” process, this changed in my case after 11:11 (o’clock). Because what came then was the "descension" process. In other words, to bring all that energy and all these frequencies down into the body. It started in my case with a very strange sensation of the head, as if it was not “my” head anymore, but was an “other worldy” head, which was sitting on my otherwise familiar human body.  This head – was it a new head? :) -  felt like being now of a different consistency and I have no idea what it means, and if it has perhaps something to do with the new crystalline structure.

While the Ascending process was in the first place definitely happening in the Arcturian Light-Energy, the descending process happened with the Andromedan Energy and Consciousness which pressed heavily down into my body and deep into Mother Earth. The Andromedan Energy is pretty much different to the Arcturian one, it is very much expanded and full and of highest vibration, so that the body needs some time of assimilation to recognize it as “light”. This was for me  a most profound grounding of my Andromedan family conscious light  into my body in an intensity which has not been possible for me before. During this descending process I also very shortly “visited” on my way my other cosmic homes, one on Sirius A with the beautiful and loving Lion Beings and the other with the Agarthans of Inner Earth.

Looking back it feels as if 'something’ of ‘me’ has left and stays there, high above in this light of brilliance at the peak of my ascension process, and I am wondering whether “I” am gone and somebody else is now sitting here. :). But who knows! This whole Divine Play is very astounding and there is definitely a joyful and humorous game going on, The Great One Amusing Him-Her-Self outrageously!

So far my 11.11 experience, and I encourage everyone, to report and share their own experience here with others.

Now, having written this down, I go back to meditation to see what’s next.
This is an exiting journey.

Much love to you all,

See also
"My personal update: Bardo or what?" from 3.12.11
"The Elohim and the Ascensionplan for Earth and Humanity" 
St.Germain: Learn from 11.11.11
After the Grand Decision of the GF council meeting
The Humming Sound of Transformation
My Conversation with Gaia
My Conversation with the Spirit of the Sun

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


 Listen to this message on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Dearest earth humans,

We have a very important message for you at this special and outstanding time in your experience of your earth’s evolution and ascension process.
Today we can confirm that Gaia is indeed on her way to the fourth dimension, and this is happening to her very body!

Wondrous things are occurring on your world, but many of you are not aware of it. If so,  you are holding firmly onto your 3dimensional perception.

But in reality Gaia is now shifting and moving - slowly though - into her new freedom. She is on her way to fulfill ancient prophecies now, and heaven has given Her all the Blessings to experience this most joyful event, which also many of you are experiencing now in their own bodies.

Dear Ones, we recommend that you from now on avoid as much as you can the cities where harmful and toxic radiation is preventing your direct experience of higher  dimensional realities because of its very low frequencies, which can distort your ability to receive harmonious and Divine vibrations, and which are often mixed with messages with the intention to prevent your consciousness to awaken in light.

Seek as often as you can the undisturbed environment of Nature, to restore your energy system, and feel the actuality of your Mother Earth’s shifting.

We also recommend that you - if possible - stay on 11.11.11 in a natural environment, in a calm and secluded place, to take the greatest advantage of the magnificent and powerful waves of energy and light which are being activated on your planet on this day. We are sure that each one of you has chosen already such a place where you love to retreat, and find or restore your inner peace, disturbed by the hectic rush of your daily life.

To connect with a pure environment on your planet, allows you to connect easier with Gaia's Spirit, and while you connect with Her Spirit, you also will be able to connect with her shifting density.

Your Mother Earth knows each single one of you, but most have never noticed this, or have not connected themselves with Her or even built a relationship with Her. Dearest ones, in these times of great changes, it is important that you do this now! Your ascension occurs in union with Her, so how could you ascend if not closely connected with Her Spirit and Her body.
The evolutionary process is not only about the awakening of your consciousness, but also about a fundamental change of your physicality, which is one with your Earth Mother.

If you can overcome your doubt that you can communicate with Her, by firmly assuming the truth of it, by calling Her and expecting Her answer, - She WILL answer back to you! Connect with Her in your heart, connect with Her by allowing your body to be grounded deeply into Her. And She will respond and has many ways to do this. So let yourself be surprised as She knows what your heart loves! She is waiting so very much for each single one of you to make this connection!

Now you might be wondering why we, the Light Beings from your sister Galaxy, Andromeda, would remind you of these important things.

You must know that we maintain a very close relationship with Gaia, and therefore we see what She needs: the connection with Her humanity which She desires to be fully activated by your communion with Her. So that you can be  aware about Her movements, and thereby move together with Her. Not knowing Her movements and not being in synchronicity with them, is to a certain degree an impediment in the freely progressing ascension process, in which She, in Her unconditional love for you all, desires you to participate to the fullest. 

Furthermore, if you unite with Her, you will help to push for the shift in a more comprehensive way, whereby She is able to take from the beginning more members of the human family directly with Her, which allows to set free more and powerful energy, necessary for the ascension process.

If you cannot spend time in Nature, then wherever you are, you can still connect with Her, by grounding yourself and uniting with Her in your heart. But this requires that you have already developed your spiritual sensitivity. Whereas being in Her Nature you have enormous help from the Nature Spirits, to develop this sensitivity and your communion with Gaia.

When you are in Her beautiful Nature, always speak to Her and expect Her response, always assume that She Is Alive and Loves you, more than you can imagine!

This is the time now, where you all must work together, as one great Unity in consciousness, in love and in the greater reception of Divine Light into the Body of Humanity. We are certainly assisting you all in this process of awakening and the enfolding of your heart into the Greatness of Divinity.

Be Blessed, Beloveds! We shower from our Realms of Light eternal Love and Divine Light upon you and your Earth Mother!

Be at Peace, and Be Joy.
We Are the Beings of Light, from the Andromeda Galaxy.

Message received by Ute

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.