Showing posts with label Ascension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ascension. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


VIDEO (recommended) 

Nothing is wasted, no time, no action, 
when you see with your Heart That Is Me.

What does it mean to see with your Heart?
It is a state of all-embracing, non-strategic inclusion
and genesis of all that exists.
It is Compassion as your feeling Heart.

That Compassion is not superior and has no objective.
Compassion is a state in and through Itself.
It is an abundant state, untouched, that persists
whatever object is arising.
It is a state of being anchored in your heart,
at home there in your native state of being,
feeling to infinity and full.

Compassion is not of mind or thinking,
it is located in your Sacred Heart
 where all worlds, all things are one in Me.

Oneness is intuitive knowing-ness
that there is Me, the One single Divine Substance
that appears as all beings and things.

It is Known and felt at the Heart,
a Heart that is not confined,
not separate from other hearts,
because it is not created as otherness,
but it exists without beginning or end.

Seeing with your Heart is where humanity is heading to.
It is the primordial state
as which the divine cosmos happens effortlessly.

My Intrinsic "Creation" is not
an externally projected process,
but an unfolding of Me
as your very own being from within.
Your native Heart or Pure State of Consciousness,
expanding to new appearances. 

Whatever happens through you spontaneously
as such Consciousnes
Is Divine Creation Itself.
No difference between Cosmos and Consciousness.

Every other creation projected with effort from your
separate identity and awareness is not Divine.

Separate creation is never flawless.
It is empty of the Heart, it never truly satisfies.
And yet, this is what is being taught to everyone.
The markets are full of it and they are thriving on it.

It is the origin of unhappiness, insecurity,
separation, artificiality and the fear of death.

In your separate world you notice
that fullness created by your separate mind
is inevitably followed by emptiness,
as mind exists in the domain of duality.

It is but the sign of separation from Me that Is Living You.

You cannot think My True Cosmos.
Leave what is cold and separate,
 located in your separate iron-cold head,
 there, in the ivory tower of illusion, 
seeking in vain perfection
which remains always an idea. 

My True Cosmos can only be seen with the Heart. 

While feeling and seeing It with the great compassion of
 your Heart it flows naturally without planning, 
without goal setting, without struggle
 because it arises naturally and spontaneously in Me.
It happens as expression of 
My Pure Divine Impulse. 
Now and now as it emerges as innocent play,
always fresh and pristine.
Adorned with simplicity
that Is the radiant and untouched current of Beauty.

Seek this state in and as your Heart!

Trust is the motivator
If you loose trust you sit in the ivory tower
to control your world.
To control happiness.
To create illusionary happiness stressfully,
which never makes you happy.

Only in self-radiant Truth the glorious bubbles
of manifestation made of Love and Joy  
take effortlessly birth, embedded in the happiness of 
your conscious being that never dies.

This is ascension.
It is a state of consciousness.
You Are Consciousness as Me. 

This to realize is your birth-right and your Majesty. 
There is no other Majesty beyond or above.
Because that Majesty is My non-separate Unity
of all beings and things.

When you realize this
you are uncontrollable and non-programmable.
And you only obey the realization of Me.

Mankind  awake to your Native State!
This is the time of your trial!
And all the treasures are yours. 
There is only My everlasting fullness.
Nothing wasted, nothing lost with your Seeing Heart.


Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.

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  To support my work. Thank you! 

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Thursday, January 14, 2016


VIDEO (recommended!)


Naturally we don't speak the word but express through signs and sound.
But for those who don't have access to these we may speak through a human tongue.

We are from the highest realms of light and ecstasy, healing and upliftment for the human race and all  that is ready to walk the path of the new Divine Creation to expanded visions of realities of perfection.

Our existence has been newly created, as all beings and worlds are being uplifted to the Glory of the ever evolving ecstasies of the Eternal Divine Heart.

Nothing old will persist, but dissolve into the glorious currents of new creations that are happening now and continue unceasingly.

Our joy is beyond what a human heart might fully be able to experience and realize, because humanity's heart is still kept in prisons of confinement by those who created the lower worlds of limitation and darkness. This prison is a prison of frequency of the body's of man that does not vibrate yet on the new higher dimensional light.
In deed, vibrating in such height, would destroy the physical body.

Therefore we are the messengers for the New Earth and Newly Resurrecting and Ascending Humanity. However to connect with us now has the power to raise your light quotient step by step significantly.

In fact, we are not separate from New Humanity, we are your forerunners in the subtle realms of light who are slowly entering human consciousness, drawing it to higher and Divine Perception and Awareness. Surpassing all programmings of dead and self-perpetuating structures that do not allow the Divine to experience and express Itself as It Desires in new creations.

Our Songs can be heard by the heart that is surrendered to the Love that Shines forth from the highest heavens and that is Undivided and One beyond the dual and opposite creations of the lower mind.

We are now close to you if you wish. Allow the frequencies of our Divine Ecstasy vibrate your total being into new visions of Divine Exaltation, where you truly belong.
Do not doubt but allow to open your gates of body and heart and mind to resonate with the Luminous Currents of the New Creation that is manifesting by Divine Will and Order.

We are but servants to this process, to elevate - with the Grace and Blessings of the Infinite - what is decreed to enter new magnificently radiant realms of creation. Do not hold on to what you already know and think is new. Let it all go, receiving as co-creators the insemination from the Unheard and Unknown and make it your newborn experience.
That way you too serve the experience of Infinite Intend.

Dearest humanity, be inspired and never look back for not to hinder the glorious unfoldment of the conscious light on which all living beings, the universes, suns and planets thrive.

Rise like phoenix. And the already obsolete will dissolve in the ashes of forgetfulness. Participate with us, ignoring what you don't want, but live what your heart that rests in the Divine, truly desires.

We Are The Angel Gods!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.


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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
Heal & Transform.
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and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Sunday, April 26, 2015


VIDEO (recommended)

My dearest Ones!
First of all it is My Wish that you to feel My Love, My all-embracing Love, My sweet Love. But also feel My Love That desires to see you grow and That Is therefore demanding.

When you feel My nurturing Love, you are able to fulfill My demands for growth.

And what do I mean by growth?

Growth is your to Me responsive process that is "self"-forgetfully re-uniting with Me, your Very Source Condition, Me, the Brightness of Existence Itself, the Primordial Radiance of Love-Bliss, from Which you have separated yourself, by assuming to be a limited body-mind, gross, subtle and causal.

Just the fact that you identify with a confined entity, even if sublime, turns you into a separate being that is not surrendered to its Source. Please understand that True Divine Reality is neither merely inside nor merely outside of you!

Me, Divine Reality just IS, and It Is all beings and things, or rather all of that is arising in Me. You Are That. If you make statements as a separate body-mind, even if you are a saint, such as: 'God is in me', you make a mistake, because you are In Me. But My Divine Reality cannot be contained  or imprisoned in a finite body-mind, although your feeling heart is able to feel Me.

My Divine Reality is all-pervading and you might feel a spark of My All-Pervasiveness in your body-mind and separate heart, but I AM Consciousness, Infinite, Eternal, The Deep Space of Radiant Divine Consciousness, and I cannot be just compressed into a little heart of yours, so that your little separateness might appear to be Divinely all-powerful, complete and most perfect.

Rather, in order to relate to Me you must go beyond your upon itself contracted body-mind, to truly commune with Me and ultimately to Be One with Me again. The body-mind is just a shape to experience what you wish to experience in your un-enlightenment, which is rather always an experience of suffering.

I AM Infinitely Free of all your small businesses of separation and littlejoys and excitements, trying to make sense of a limited world. And do not think even, that living in a more subtle world later, where you assume to go when you ascend, that there is no suffering! There is, even if more subtle! Necessarily, because you presume separation and therefore you are seeking for fulfillment, - which always fails.

All who experience limitation and separation from Me by identifying with a separate body-mind, even in the  causal domain, are suffering in the one or other way. Only in Me exists Absolute and Indestructible Beauty of Vast Freedom of any kind of suffering, because I am the Source, the True Happiness of your Innate Divine State.

Everything else is a modification of Me and thereby a limitation, and is not living as My Fullest Source Energy and Light. My Divine Force cannot even exist fully in a separate body-mind. And so you tend to be content with some cosmic energies, which you imagine to be fully Divine and perfect as Me. This is an illusion, and you seem to prefer to delude yourself in order to glorify your separation from Me, not to have to give up what you cherish as little and precious "me".

Most of My children choose to walk this path of self-deception, far from knowing Me - not in your mind of course, but with your full-feeling surrender into My Source-Condition. Your heart fully open to Me, your very Source and own True Nature. 

My Divine Source Light and Energy is not what cosmic light and energy is, even if your brothers and sisters from the cosmic domain, that is surrounding your planet, are telling you so. Many of them are supposed to be advanced beings, yes, some might be advanced as separate body-minds, but they are not necessarily advanced in their surrender to Me.

Surrender to Me can happen in any domain of the universe, and it does not matter in which dimension you exist! You can always surrender to Me and Unite with Me, and Realize What I AM, wherever you happen to Be. Because I AM Radiant Source and ALL belong to Me. There is no exception. Only you, in your separateness, have invented the hierarchical orders of presuming closeness to Me. To be "ascended" does not necessarily mean that you are closer to Me! You are close to Me when you transcend separation from Me.

Even Love is widely misunderstood, because if it is understood as something you do - as a separate being - instead of something you ARE, you diminish Love to something conditional. Whereas in My Domain Love is always Unconditional and a Subjective Force that cannot be objectified or divided or given. Because IT IS. If you Are Love, then this Divine Power works in miraculous ways. There is no separate being that can contain love and as such distribute it to "others". Again, this is a gross error, because one must participate in Love, one must surrender to Love, BE Love, rather than perceiving love as an object. 

This is all about realizing the Unity and Oneness of My Existence. You, in your separateness live from a separate point of view that divides existence into separate units. And that's the way you understand 'yourself' and life. As such you can never know Me, even with your feeling-heart, but which I Myself Expand into My Infinity.

Living such divided, you necessarily live a life of darkness, although you might perceive it as light. But this light is cosmic light, it is the light of mind. 
It appears  from My "Sight" to be black, because I AM Source, One and Only, and what separates itself from Me is necessarily without My Light of Self-Radiant Origin.

I am Telling you all of this, so that you might choose to truly grow into Me, relieved of delusional perceptions which do not serve your understanding of Me.

You do not need first to "ascend", or to travel the universe and reside on an "advanced" planet, to grow towards Me, to open up towards Me, to let Me truly enter your being to expand your consciousness into My Divine Consciousness, so that you start to Know by direct Experience Who I Truly AM. To ascend means to refine solely your body-mind. But all that occurs still in the fields and dimensions that are arising in Me as separate domains. Although I Myself AM not separate from them.

To grow with Me is done naturally only with Me from the beginning, now and now and now, prior to time and space. I AM the One to grow your body-mind to open up to Me, so that you forget it in Me.

I AM not encapsulated in what you call "I". The "I" is the one that has separated itself from Me. The presumption of the small "I" is a point with a circle around it, that is all. This circle is the line of separation from Me. Your True "I" is Me. The Circle around your True "I" is a Circle of Infinity and transcends any form, shape and conceivable idea. It merely Is, beyond dimensions, form and thereby thought. It Is Sheer Divine Consciousness.

My Demand to grow into your True Divine Nature is compassionate as I See you suffer. And I must Demand in order to wake you up from your deep sleep! There is no entity that wants to suffer, but the mind holds you in a self-made prison that presumes safety and self-contained and therefore pale happiness.

My Happiness is Undisturbed, Free and Self-Radiant. No struggle, no pain, no error. It Is not small or big either. No darkness. No division, but I Live you in your unique expression of Me. Whole, Satisfied, Being Love and Eternity.

Will you choose Me?

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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  To support my work. Thank you!

With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
Heal & Transform.
Create the Life you Always Wanted!
Become the One You Truly Are!

"That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,
and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Monday, October 27, 2014



What are you waiting for? 
Don't you know that I AM always Present, Unchanging, in the midst of constant change?

Change is the inherent nature of duality and happens in your mind. It is you who wanted to experience change, to know both sides of the coin, light and dark, and - as you call it - good and bad. 

For Me Who Is Beyond of it all, it is a mere play. But for most of you who have chosen to live apart from Me, these opposites are experienced as serious realities, evoking pleasure and pain, happiness and misery.

I AM your God-Self, your True Nature and Reality. For Me ascension is just part of the endless happenings in My Domain, but which do not touch Me, which do not change Me, because I AM beyond change, and so your own True Nature is. 

Is it not, that you even do not need to wait for a new world or higher density, to be truly Happy? Because you can BE again the Consciousness you ARE, and always will BE, to observe the constant currents of the eons as Me, untouched forever in Your indestructible Bliss. 

Don't you know Me? When the worlds seem to stand still and are being Breathed by Me, when there Is no separation in your mind, when there is only Feeling to Infinity and Knowingness, don't you know that in that Very Moment there Is Only Me, your True Self, recognized?

But then you forget. And you cling deep to the ups and downs of happenings.  

Presently you all are waiting for the up, the event of ascension. But who is waiting? Will you in your experience of separateness hope for better times than they are now? 
Don't you know that I AM ALWAYS Perfect right now, when time is not, when mind ceases to be and I Arise as the One Whom you always have Known? 

While you allow Me to Be Who Is You, as Divine Consciousness, as the One Who Is Love and Who Is Bliss Always, you do not seek for betterment, you do not seek ascension. You do not seek for a "better" world or God, because then you know that there Is Only One God, One Divine Consciousness, One Light of lights, in Which the notion of light and dark arise, of "good and evil", of your personal "likes and dislikes". 

To be aware of Heaven on Earth is always possible when you remember Me, your True Nature and Identity. There Is Only Me when you remember Me, and when you release the dead end of your identification with the body-mind, Beloveds! 

Do not forget that you ARE not embodiment. You have chosen embodiment to experience duality. The body is not the experiencer, nor the senses are. I AM. Whether your experience is of this dimension or any other dimension. It Is Always Me Who Lives Alone and Single. I AM all of That. IS ME. 

When you dream the separate one, that one is not Me. But still I AM you even when you imagine a life apart from Me. 

When will you be wise, to live the world as My Fullness, now. It can be done whether ascension arrives or not. All is a matter of Divine Consciousness Only, prior to the perception of the brain. Live As Me and the world changes, right now, to balance and dignity. To Fullness and Truth in which all other dimensions and experiences appear.

Why do you still deny your Divine Throne? Why seek for the lesser things! Why not allow Me Alone to Guide your Happiness?
Why don't you desire to Be Who You Are in Reality!

I Bless all your adventures, because I AM You! You Are All Beloveds of Mine! Calling your Happiness Eternally!

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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  To support my work. Thank you!

With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
Heal & Transform.
Create the Life you Always Wanted!
Become the One You Truly Are!

"That was totally amazing! It was the most powerful healing,
and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Thursday, January 23, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
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VIDEO (recommended!)


There is, at this critical point in time of Great Change and Liberation - as I understand it, and always did -  one main responsibility we have: the responsibility to connect with the Heart of our True Being and to live from there. To live from the Depth of it, in the Beauty of It.
Because this Is What we really Are. 

This, in my best understanding, is Ascension.

Now there is much misunderstanding about what the Heart is. I use a capital 'H', and not a small 'h' to make the difference clear.

The Heart I am talking about is NOT our heart chacra! 
And I also do not talk about our physical heart. 

The heart chacra is merely a kind of superficial addition to what we originally and truly already Are. And in fact, we do not need the heart chacra at all to realize this! This is my own experience! 

All exercises based on chacra work end up to be shallow compared to exercising the natural Power of the Heart.
The Heart is our true hue-man Divine Essence, that has been always ours, the One that never  changes, and  always Exists beyond time and space. 

It survived unscathed all manipulations, all genetic changes, by those who interfered with hue-man’s true Divine Nature. 

The heart chacra is therefore of no real use! It is just a kind of toy, and superimposed on our Essence and Feeling of Being. Even more: the heart chacra  can become  a major obstacle for discovering and  Being Who We Are. 

If we are stuck in the heart chacra, we have no access to our Heart. We cannot find it, we cannot  feel it. This is so because  we are manipulating the heart chacra from our brain, in the same way we manipulate all our other chacras.  

To be fixed in the brain does not allow us to live from the Heart.

You will notice yourself, that when you are truly in your Eternal Heart that there are no chacras, because your Eternal Heart is outshining these artificial lights.

We are being manipulated into believing that working with the chacras is what spiritual enlightenment is about.  But not so. There is much disinformation around. 

There is no real power in our mortal chacras, as they do not express our own True Living Heart. They only distract you from going deeper to touch and re-cognize Who You really Are. 

It might be the methods of the worshiped “gods” or extraterrestrials, to hand “down” to us instructions how to develop our chacra system and to use sacred geometry to grow our consciousness, - and such to advance to a "higher" version of ourselves.

But this does not truly serve us: exercising only the chacra system, weakens and destabilizes us indeed, makes us vulnerable by generating dependency on the ever changing flux of the currents of life, whether in this dimensions or in other dimensions! 

In fact this method prevents us from taking back and regaining our true Inherent Divine Power, that only can be found in and As Our Heart.

The Power of the Heart is a Power that is greater than our galaxy, that is greater than the universe. In reality the Heart contains it all.  

We are not the small powerless beings, we are told to be by those who preach a developed chacra system as the non plus ultra of our spiritual achievements and ascension.
Our Heart Power is never “above”, and it is not “below”. It Is All. It cannot be categorized as “superior”, and it is not  a “ladder” to climb up to reach the cosmos above and to look from there down to here. Because it is not located in duality.

In fact, we do not need to be told or taught anything, but we are encouraged to rely on what we already Are and which does not need to be developed, but only to be remembered, re-discovered, re-cognized - when we are willing to heal our heart from painful and negative memories. 
And then we understand that we are more powerful than any artificial teachings and complicated, mind driven methods and exercises.

We do not need programs, we do not need beliefs when we rely on Reality. The Heart is beyond beliefs and dimensions, beyond the fragmented chacra system and it’s broken colors. 

It is the Continuum of our lives in all existences, realms, galaxies and dimensions.
It is the unlimited  Divine Power of the true human being, with all its humbleness, to merge with all life and all beings with great unconditional Love.

The Power of the Heart Is Us, it is Eternal and  is the very core of our Existence, it is our Existence Itself. And it is closely linked and already inherently united with the  Great Spirit of our Earth Mother Gaia. This we must re-discover! 
United with Her in our Heart, this leaves no room for  exercises and methods, but requires us to allow to merge with the Domain of Feeling.

In the centerless Depth of this Feeling to Infinity all Wisdom is revealed, all Powers of the hue-man become obvious.
It is a State of Fullness and of Knowingness, where nothing needs to be added or developed, We simply allow What We already Are! 

We always have been  already there and complete! And within this completeness the Universes and Galaxies are our playground!

This is also the Truth, our Real Friends that are of True Light and True Love are reminding us of. And it is up to you, my dear friends, to find out where your Inherent Divinity and actual Power resides. 

In Lak’ech -
Many Blessings to us!



Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,  Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them.
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