Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Creation. Show all posts

Saturday, September 5, 2015


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While the arrival of great cosmic Wave is occupying the lightworker and –warrior worlds, change is not new. There has been always change and transformation and growth. It is only that never that many people have been uniting their mind, especially since 2012 to create a new and ascended world.

Friends, what is remarkable in this time, is this ever more growing uniting force, creating with new inspiration, aspiration and certainty what has not been there before: the feeling-awareness of a much higher frequency and light, establishing here on Gaia (and in the universe) now really permanently.

This is different to what we experienced in the years leading up to 2012. At that time it was like spring time, like the first days of a romance engaging with enchanted delight with a new liberating consciousness and energy, allowing the Divinely inspired visions to attract what our hearts were yearning for: a fresh, new and happy world, free of domination and control, allowing us to resurrect to our true divine nature and creative power,  freely discovering our heart-based liking and native Happiness.

When we look back at the few years since then we noticed a kind of stand still or even regression of that first period where we have been so much in love  with what has been a new and deeply inspired opening to the new era of human evolution.

Now, as we are newly and more deeply united, we realize, that this has become possible because we learned more profoundly to turn to the deep horizons of the dawning Divine LoveLight, as we, the human family, had the opportunity to more consciously choose what we wanted, by clearly turning away from what we did not want. This happened on a level as never before, while we identified with great clarity the schemes that do not allow freedom of choice and happiness; be it the choice to Be or to Become who we are, or the choices in a more material world that we wanted to freely see manifested.

But in fact, it does not matter, whether we started inside or outside, because both are the two sides of one single phenomenon. Although the split mind experiences it as two separate realities. 

Now, after the pioneers have been doing the work of clarification, cleaning up what might have been shadows of unconscious content in their own unconsciousness or the collective unconscious mind, we stand together, not necessarily as individuals, but as a united mind and as One Heart in new realms of light and spiritual power, which allows the new wave to come in, because we are prepared.

This New incoming Wave is just the mirror of our newly won and now steady spiritual presence and clarity, helping or supporting us to do the next pioneering step. 

And it is being an evolutionary force for those who are just awakening to their spiritual presence or soon will. It will help them to awaken further and in shorter time than the pioneers were able to, because they entered and dealt with a new territory.

As the pioneers are now backed up by a new tangible radiant reality, which is the manifested demonstration of their aspiration and inspiration, and their divinely guided knowing-ness and presence, they will now in much shorter "time" open up to the vision and reality of a still deeper and even more powerful Divine LoveLight, drawing it to here, manifesting it here, to be present as a New Reality, a Reality in which the individual is feeling ever more the always existing Unity of Divine Consciousness, that is beyond or prior to the brain consciousness and an Undivided Power of Radiance in Which we and everything else is arising.

There is no accident, it is just that the Divine Eternal Heart has Opened Itself, infusing  creation, merging with it, to finally Recognize Itself in all things.

It is the eternal journey, beyond time and space, happening as synchronicity while separation from and merging with The-All-That-Is, is merely a dream and played out in the mind of creator gods in the multiverses and omniverses and beyond our imagination, where Source and Creation are One and The Same.

The Great Mystery is always Now and always Present. A Now That cannot be spoken or described or even mentioned. It Is not an object. It is the beyond of the beyond of our mere (and even evolved but still limited) human or even superhuman perception and ideas. We cannot reach it, even with our greatest efforts.

It needs to be Given as a Divine Gift, when we are ready. And we can be ready by just being an ordinary simple human being.

The beginning and the end are One. In It there is no movement, no evolution. And still the Mystery Exists, Always.

With love!
Written by Ute Posegga-Rudel


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Wednesday, June 17, 2015


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We are now at the point where change becomes are real possibility - if not a must.

We: this is you, humanity, your friends from the realms of light and all those who are involved in this evolutionary process which is bringing about a major shift in consciousness for all beings of light.

Never forget that the light of your true Divinity is ALWAYS victorious.

Even though darkness seems to be moving forward, it is one of the great illusions that test your mind and strength to unite with the Divine Law under all circumstances, even when darkness prevails.

Truth cannot be avoided, whatever a fallen mind tries to create! Truth can never be destroyed, because even falsehood and error live like a mirage on the grounds of Eternal Divine Reality.

We are here to confirm our friendship and our love for you, always holding the splendor of the Realm of the Divine Love-Light for you open to invite you into your true Home.

In your True Home not only the illusions of the subtle realms, but all the delusions of the world of suffering are void, and they are recognized as mere fabrications of the senses of your subtle or your dense body-mind, if you are identified with it. 

The body-mind of the lower dimensions is created to host a low vibrating consciousness. It is naturally attracting  the characteristics of a lower mind. Therefore you experience separation and gross emotions that create the karmas of suffering.

Only when you are able to remember your Divine Heritage, these low vibrations don´t have exclusive power over you anymore.

It is you who remember, who communicate with us, the higher dimensional Light-Forces, and in the most fortunate occasions, with the Divine Source Itself. 

The communication with the Source is primarily not verbal, but is - via feeling-attention - the recognition of a transparent Purity and Freedom that is Absolute, and which is beyond all the appearances of the  conditional realms.

You are communicating with the Source beyond your body-mind, while no world exists in that moment of communication. This is so because mind does not exist when the Source-Condition is Revealing Itself to your awareness. 

It is the Eternal Divine Substance of Which all creation is made by creator beings with the means of the mind. Therefore all creation is mind.

When you communicate with us, know, that we are not Source and that we are not Ultimate Light. Both, your and our races, and every race,  are emerging from that Source. Therefore it is your right, as it is ours, to directly relate to the Source, without mediators in between. 

However the structure of your body-mind that you utilize, - if you are not used to go beyond the lower and subtle vibrations - is not allowing you to directly communicate with the Source, because the veil and limitation of your mind´s vibration is an almost  insurmountable obstacle. You can only go so far as listening to your intuition. 

The capacity of your direct communication with the Source has been taken from you many eons ago. However it is being returned to you in your lifetime by Divine Grace. That is why we remind you of this Great Event. 

Because it is this Great Event that has Enlightened the fallen worlds and opened the door for the Recognition of non-changing Truth That is not hidden by diversity, but is felt as the Source of all diversity.

It is the Root-Power That allows for recognition what darkness really is: a mortal phantom that now can be understood as a temporary error of the fallen or unenlightened mind, with only the power that you are willing to give it. 

And this growing clarity in the hearts of mankind makes possible the fundamental shift you all are waiting for. Because Real Shift needs the eternal and un-changing Divine Reality to depend on. Otherwise it would be just about another little moving of stones and dimensional point of views.

Dearest brothers and sisters, we are One in That One Eternity of Blissful Source! Lets embrace one another in the Radiance of That Source and let It Be your Inspiration! 

Let It Be your Certainty that you are always safe where your Home is, and that nothing can separate you from It, never ever. Even not in your temporary experience of seeming separation and therefore suffering!  

While you communicate with us, remember your Real Home and trust the Divine Truth of It. 

This will add momentum to the long awaited Great Shift!

We Are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

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Wednesday, May 13, 2015


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Dearest Brothers and Sisters!

We come from far and yet we are so close to you. In Spirit there is no separation.

All That is Primordial Light exists as a united field of Consciousness, not diminished or endangered by lower frequencies that seek to destroy light.

But Primordial Light is indestructible and it is the illusion of the low minded to believe that light can ever be destroyed!

It Itself cannot, but you can choose whether to turn to Divine Light and let it govern your life or to unite your attention with lower frequencies that bring with them the illusion of separation and suffering.

Yes, suffering is an illusion from the point of view of Divine Light, because it does not exist within It. And we wish to make it clear to you that Light is Fundamental Reality. It seems to be absent if you decide to dissociate from It. If you shut down and  choose to look into darkness. In that darkness a different world arises, the world of suffering and limitation and all the associated emotions that are not Love.

When you are suffering, there is naturally no light. Yet please understand that Light still exists as the eternal underlying condition of your world and your experiences in your world. Self-Radiant Primordial Light cannot be destroyed because it cannot be divided, it cannot be diminished. It is your true Transcendental Spirituality.

There are subtle forms appearing in the Light, but which are always lower realities that take on form. They manifest as the higher realms that appear as colorful, beautiful worlds, swinging and moving and delightful. They are changing all the time, following the  currents of limited consciousness and higher will. But they are not eternal and not Truth.

They are forms of mind. They are not your true Spirituality. They are dreams you can dream to experience these worlds if you feel attracted to them. But they are not Truth, and they are definitely not your own Spiritual Truth.

But many of you tend to  identify with them by presuming to be a limited consciousness, even in the subtle worlds. And according to the law of creation, in the manifested worlds, you become where  your attention goes. This is how you start to believe in your limitation. It happens in all worlds, the higher and the lower worlds.

As  much as the subtle mind can take on subtle forms and worlds, also the gross and low vibrating mind can take on the forms of lower worlds in which separation and suffering seem to be real.  But they are in truth creations that are not necessary. And neither the subtle worlds are. They are just created for the sake of  experiences. But these are entirely up to the play and liking of their creators.

You all are creators too. Look at your world and you recognize your believes that created it. Yet you are free to transform them. As a consequence your world changes with the transformation.

This is not new to you, but you nevertheless live without truly integrating it. This is so because of your identification with a limited existence. As long as you presume to be a limited being you naturally experience the opposites inherent in the conditional worlds, high or low.

If you understand this, you wake up from your illusionary dream and open your mind in order to transcend it. With this we say that your mind is the key. You can only transcend the mind if you understand that it is itself the limitation to which you have submitted yourself.

Your True Spirituality and Native Root Condition is prior and beyond mind. To connect with It, to disregard your mind, to enter the Vast Stillness of Conscious Light, is the solution to all the problems in your world, including your own. As long as you play in the field of creation merely, being captured in the midst of it, appearing to be part of it, your dilemma persists.

But when the curtain is lifted, when the veil of ALL manifested worlds vanishes, your True Spirit Emerges as The One you ARE. Not as a separate individual, but as the Pure Consciousness of the Primordial Light.

It is your deepest Spirituality. It is your True Nature. Your dilemmas fade away in It and your world becomes Bright. And then you realize that there is only Brightness, Happiness, Love, Bliss. Then you discover that you could have always been There, always. But it was your choice to visit and experience the lower worlds.

You see it is not about who "wins" the battle: the lower or the higher worlds. It is about to accept the Truth of Existence, in which the battle occurs.  It is you yourself who instigates the battle again and again. Because you assumed a limited form. This is true also of the higher dimensional beings. "Choice of Limitation!" - is the answer to all questions.

Therefore if you desire to end this war with yourself and lower worlds, understand first your deepest Spirituality and reconnect with It. If you do, you will experience true freedom and you will recognize that you yourself are the very one that is inventing the world that you experience right now in this moment with all its contradictions.  

As long as you hope for betterment only, there will be short incidents in the context of the eons of creation, that relieve your experience a bit of the darkness. But it tends to come back and to fluctuate forth and back, it continues to oscillate until you choose to step out of the play, until you remember and connect to your True Spirituality.

Then you realize that betterment is not a solution but the transcendence of mind altogether.

How do you transcend the mind? Look for the Ones Who have Transcended it and learn from Them.

We are with you with all our Blessings!

We are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy! 

Message conveyed by Ute 


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Tuesday, December 16, 2014


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The fire of changes is heating up every day. And many of you are feeling to be at the edge of great happenings, in whatever way and in whatever direction.

However, my dear ones, in the midst of it all, did you forget Who I Am? Did you forget the Source in which all of this is happening, all these revelations, all these changes, all these exciting news, and even all these dreadful things that are surfacing now?

Did you forget to unite with your own Eternal Source at the root of your being, while taking all your wondrous actions? But how can you  succeed with true Happiness without being at your Divine Root?

Remember, fundamental change for true humanity happens first of all in the deep of Consciousness. The more you allow to be drawn back to the Source of all Being-ness, to the Source of all Existence, the Divine Consciousness that I Am, the easier and the quicker and more profound the change can happen, a change that opens the door to an entirely New Adventure in human history.

You know it: Divine Change does not happen from outside in. It happens always from inside out. A change, that happens merely on the surface of outer appearances, and where you remain merely attached to the experience of the five senses, will never bring you lasting satisfaction, just a brief and transient excitement. Because it does not embrace the entirety of the Divine Being that You Are and It’s creative Powers. Such a change does not come forth from the Center of My Divine Heart and Mind.

And so your world would remain mainly the same as it is now, perhaps with some more benign conditions, but which will stay fragile through the course of time.

First your consciousness must radically change at the root of your being, only then radical outer change can happen. I have told you this many times, but it seems that in the heat of the turmoils and of the battle, fought between the dual forces of light and dark, inside of you and outside of you, many of you have forgotten, what causes real and fundamental change. What infuses the outer appearances with the vibration and frequency of Truth.

The lower mind, associated with the five senses, does not  create permanent changes. This mind has short legs. The mind, if it is especially of the 3dimensional matrix in which most of you are still abiding, this mind cannot and will not produce the great shift, you are so much waiting for. Do not forget, my Beloveds, That I Am, Always, under ALL conditions, and that you can Always take refuge in Me and unite with Me, no matter what the circumstances are.

My dearest ones, please remember, that you must change first from your inside and in your heart, followed by the higher mind. You must reunite with Me in order to bring about your Divinely driven heart desires.

Many of you have forgotten Me, even though you seemed to remember Me in recent times. But ever more of you now tend to look at the appearance of things and situations, forgetful of what lies beneath.

My dear ones, please understand, that this is the last temptation especially for those of you who want to work for and to serve the light. Many of you hoped that the great shift would be presented to you via “higher forces” without your very own transformation, a work that each one of you is responsible for. And as you merely waited for the shift, the shift made YOU wait.

The test is here to understand and utilize your own creative powers and to use them wisely and effectively. This is about the awakening of humanity to their native Divinity which is One with the Creator.

This awakening, that brings with it your new Divine World, is the real Shift, the real Change; Your Awakening to your Own Divine Reality, Your God-Self, That Is Me.

Therefore I Bless you to remember Me, to allow Me to emerge in you,  and to stand in the midst of all changes As The One That I Am. 

And fly with the wings of Divine Love, My Beloveds, Divine Love will inspire your True Creations so that your new world becomes truly Divine!

I AM and YOU ARE! There Is Only One, remember! 
And there IS Love everywhere!

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

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Friday, October 31, 2014



 “I AM functioning now as an emormous transformation station. 

I have opened Myself immensely -  in agreement with the creator gods or Elohim of the Great Central Sun -  to the influx of major cosmic  currents of light and information. This powerful light is now pouring through Me to all the planets in My sphere.  

The time has come now where all beings in this solar system must make a decision whether to open up to the light and to be thereby transformed by it - or to remain in their familiar frequency.

The more resistance there is and the denser the vibration, the more difficult the process of transformation will be for the individual. This correlation is not new to your understanding, but this time it is  becoming a much more challenging process than ever before. 

Although many of you have worked already intensly on your spiritual transformation, this time you might be confronted increasingly with some unexpected problems. This will be even more felt by thosE  who entered the process of purification and transformation after you, especially when they don't fully understand the deeper cause yet. To a great degree it is their still  fully carbon based physical structure and the mind set that comes with it, which  is resisting the massive currents of light, flooding your planet now.

Even you, who's DNA have been awakened  and who's physical structure is already in the process of becoming  crystalline, may have to experience unpleasant physical symptoms depending on your state of developmental transmutation.

For all of you it is important to focus on the intent to keep your vibration as high as possible. So be very vigilant to use your mind wisely! Whatever density in your body-mind system is addressed by the influx of the high vibrations of the new  powerful light codes - acknowledge it, feel it thoroughly and let it be melted away by the currents of light.

Always, always be aware that you ARE a free spirit and by your Inherent Divine nature free of any limitations. In this understanding densities are just areas to work with, as you would work with earth in a garden that you want to prepare to grow food. You would not personally identify with stones you remove in this process or with chunks of  hard clay.

There is no way to prevent the ever more increasing frequencies of light and love to be anchored on your Beloved Earth Mother, because She is ready to ascend. Naturally these frequencies will break in due course all the hardened structures She carries patiently and that  have  not been able to open up to them and to flow with them.

This relates not only to living organisms but also to all manmade creations of the old world. All must be made new and allow joyfully to be transformed by the greater Light and Divine Information, to support a creation that is aligned to greater Divine Consciousness.

The time has arrived where I have made Myself available as never before to serve the Great Process of substantial transformation and Deification of this universe, to accelerate the return of all beings to their Divinity. Likewise each one of you must be prepared to surrender to this process to the fullest degree if you have chosen the Divine Path. It is a profound matter that requires the full participation of all your faculties, your conscious awareness and your soul.

Please understand that the signs of this transformation are not seen immediately in your external world. But they are felt individually first in your innermost heart and recognized in your consciousness that is  dedicated to the process. Hightened awareness leads to refined and intensified perception of new realms of consciousness which in turn enables you to perceive your world in a new light and motivates you to act in different ways than you have  done ever before. 

This new conscious awareness is the basis for the creation of your new world. It cannot happen otherwise. It is all interconnected and interwoven and inseparable from one another.

So it is a process from inside out. First your consciousness must change profoundly, or rather radically, which enables you to naturally change your outer world. The new creation is an emanation of the new frequencies which you first must have fully integrated, on the vibrational level and on the level of consciousness, as they are both complimentarities of  the new Divine State.
As you can comprehend now, the new creation does not happen without your direct and immediate participation. Because it is you, each single one of you, who is the creator of your own world and experience. The means of intensified light and vibration are Divinely given, yes, but it is you who must use them. If you do not use them there will be not a new creation. 

You are therefore called to use responsibly your Divinely given creative power! This is what it is about! It is YOUR new world, which mirrors your activity as Creators.

With it goes the indispensable necessity to unite with your fellow humans to bring forth your New World, to recognize the prior unity you all share. Only together, by uniting your ego-less light and energies, - and never as a single individual – you are able to create your New Divine World.

 Individually you are contributing to the whole, but as a  separate being you cannot create the whole, that is a fluent fabric, that must be created and supported by the unity of many, with a heart of love and appreciation for one another, in surrender to the Divine and in adoration of It.
To be able to participate as such in a Divinely collective creation, you as an individual must have overcome negative reactions to others and you must be able to always live with an open heart, connecting with all from the field of prior unity.  This allows for the high frequency  in which the New Creation can happen. It  can not happen while you still hold on to the old frequencies. You must be  completely free of them.

Therefore understand that the signs and appearance of your New World correlates exactly to your own state of purification, transformation and transcendence of the little “self”. 

You are One Humanity that at this point plays out and brings into  visibility  all the so far hidden contents of the collective subconsciousness, which you ALL share. Therefore all must come to the open to be purified, to be healed, and to be replaced with the love of your heart. With self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others. 

This is the glorious ordeal humanity is going through now, because YOU have decided to do so. You all have done so at your soul level  with great love and great surrender to the One Light and Consciousness Who Is God. 

Therefore do not struggle with the powers that bring you unhappiness, but understand that unconscious unhappiness is just made conscious so that you can let go of it to return to Prior Happiness. This is indeed a Great Divine Process. And if you surrendert to It, with joy in the depth of your heart, the Victory is yours.

Open your heart like I have opened Myself to be a conduit for the Great Forces of Light to pour onto your Earth Mother, and which now  surround and pervade you.

Each of My enormous eruptions and flares  are reaching out to embrace and to liberate you from the bondage of darker times, inasmuch as you allow it.
We are all one great orchestra to intonate the Glory of  Divine Love and Bliss. There is Only One Divine Consciousness That Encompasses All.

I AM the Sun of your Universe!”

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
Heal & Transform.
Create the Life you Always Wanted!
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and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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