Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Saturday, November 24, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12
Watch on YouTube

Beloved Friends!

We can do all kinds of spiritual practices. We can work with our body-mind to develop qualities, such as gratefulness, forgiveness, equanimity, kindness, and so on. We can mindfully build shields around our body-mind or open willfully our chacras, inside and below and above our body, we can use Sacred Geometry and construct the Merkabah. We  can just be very busy, stressing the mind and our visions. Or we can worship Gods, Angels, Higher Dimensional Beings, we can work with Breath and the energies of Planetary Beings.

But when we are using the quality of Love it seems that it is a Teacher we need ultimately to surrender to. We cannot construct Love with our mind, but we can ignite a spark in our heart, that is waiting in  every human heart to be awakened to become a flame.

This flame can burn when suddenly shared or united with another being, it does not need to be a human being, it can be an animal or a tree, a flower, anything that exists, even a stone, because EVERYTHING is alive, the  whole creation is alive, everything that exists is alive, walls and buildings, elements,  landscapes, mountains. It all is living and breathing consciousness.

When we share this special feeling of love with all creation, it is like two separate water drops, which, when they touch one another, become one.

This  quality of  love, contained in creation,  can fill our heart so that it  sometimes seems to burst, because it  can almost not contain it - so big the feeling of love can be.

Love as response to the in creation inherent love always swells our heart if we truly allow to feel the Divinity in all existence, in All That Is. It is our intimate connection to it that indicates our Oneness with All.

But when we want to touch with our heart’s love Source Itself, That Consciousness in Which all creation arises, that Love-Bliss, then Love becomes truly Sacred.

How do we find the Ultimate Beauty of that Source with our heart's love?
First we must love ourselves. There is no way around it.
We must find that spot, that spark in our own heart first, where we know that we are Divine Beings. We must allow and cherish the Joy of It, the Integrity of It, the Beauty of It.

This is still a self-contained, but important state, but then we feel the need to embrace that which is beyond ourselves.

And we start to share this beautiful flame with creation, but as described above, it will always still be contained in creation itself.

If we want to share this Love with the Divine Radiant Source-Consciousness, we must ask. Because everything we want to share with Source draws us fully beyond ourselves, beyond our boundaries of what we perceive as “I”, even the “I” that transcends the body.

Asking is a gesture of surrender to the understanding that the body-mind is finite and always subject to change. And while we acknowledge this,  our heart starts to surrender to That One Reality That Never Changes.

If we turn with our heart’s love to That One Reality, It is Grace that suddenly opens our heart to the Vast Heart that is Infinite. And then there is only Radiance, no body-mind, no heart that seems to burst, but Only Radiant Existence Itself, felt as Most Holy and Sacred Love-Treasure of Unspeakable Preciousness, really beyond words and description. …

In this Radiance there is no more Sacred  Geometry, no more effort to develop qualities, such as equanimity, kindness and many more, or even any other effort at all! Effortless That Which Contains us, That Which is Greater Than us, Opens the thin skin that separates us from Infinity and our little drop of water becomes One With the Ocean.

It is a great paradox, because we can be aware of this Blissful Oneness with the Ocean, and at the same time be a distinct body-mind!

But this Oneness seems to create another Entity, One that Experiences this Bliss, this Light, this Most Sacred Love, while our body-mind is attached to It like an appendix only, because this Sacred Love can never be contained IN a body-mind. With It a New Reality is dawning That Is of Spherical Shape  and that is appearing in front of our human heart.

This is the image of our own Truth dawning, from Which body-minds, which we  call “I” and “think” we are, are emanating to have a separate experience in the dimensional realms.

Therefore these limited body-minds  can never fully express our Divine Root-Existence Itself, and only a tiny reflection of It dwells in the human heart, that is to be Ignited to ultimately recognize Its Own Source through Love to be Absorbed into Infinity As Love.

Be In Bliss!
Much Love,

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Thursday, October 18, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

YouTube Video (recommended)

Dear Ones!
We would like to discuss some details about the criteria for ascension and what will happen with your close relationships.

Take into account that humanity has many helpers, and each human being is surrounded by many beings of light, especially at the time of transition!

It  depends on the soul development of the individual, to which degree they might suddenly become aware of their guides and angels at the time when the Huge Energy Portal is opening.  And this opening can have for many an immediate effect on their awareness and their increased capability to become  conscious about their own higher self.

So there are some surprises expected! You cannot tell who will shed unexpectedly their disguise, when at the time of the Galactic alignment their 3D karmas are dropped.

In any case you do not need to be concerned about your loved ones, because they are taken care of, according to their agreements and learning process. Each one will definitely turn to the path they have chosen, when the great moment of transformation arrives!

Many of you who are  lightworkers and starseeds, are already now working from the higher astral planes with your loved ones who  need help to grow spiritually. This is possible, as you have together soul contracts, and your work with these souls occurs often also at night in your sleep. And not all of you are aware of this nightly service.

When you ascend, the connection with your loved ones, for  whom you already are caring now, will not end, but you will from the higher dimensions connect with their third eye and their heart and give them guidance this way. This will even be more effective than when you would remain in the 3th dimension.

So do not worry about those you leave behind when you ascend! You will continue to be connected and you will never loose contact with them, whatever their fate will be, while you are of loving service to them.

For earth to transition into Her ascended state, things as they are now, cannot remain the same! Transformation IS at hand for everybody! And everybody must participate in it in the one or other way. Who desires to ascend and follow Gaia into her new form and consciousness, is required to transcend the  lower emotions and negative thoughts, so they can radiate Divine Light and Divine Love, and do not continue to create a world of suffering.

That is to say, there must be a transformation in consciousness and energy for those who are here to leave the 3th dimensional experience behind them.

They will receive every help from the beings of light to make that transition, but of course, they themselves are responsible for their  capability to remain there permanently.

As the situation in your world will undergo many  changes, people, until they ascend, must be prepared and equipped to deal with them! They will have the opportunity to jump on the train later, as the profound changes will serve as a major wake up call for those not yet prepared!

Also the highly increased light and energy on the planet is supportive for their awakening, not to speak of the impact of new realities on their consciousness. This all relates to those who, because of their soul contract, intend to ascend.

Who is not here to  follow this process, another experience, away from earth, is being prepared, where they can continue with their present consciousness and live a life that provides more experiences similar of the present ones.

But altogether, there are many different  solutions, according to each one’s needs. So everybody will “reap” their own actions, ~ the results of their intentions and desires. 

These laws of karma are not suspended and continue for them as in the past. And karma does also exist in the greater cosmos. It is the necessary law which is part of the evolutionary learning process.  

However, everybody will always be supported and Divinely guided, to draw them back to their true Divine Essence, and ultimately back to the Radiant Source, when their time of experiences in the lower and higher dimensions has come to an end.

So all is well, the Love of Source and of the Creator is Eternal and Embraces all! How could be neglected What Is Love's Own. How could the Divine Self be separated from Its own dreams! Therefore nobody is forgotten. All is developing according to the  Divine Plan. And this Plan is, that all souls and all creation will eventually recognize their own Divinity and Freedom from bondage and submission to Creation Itself, and achieve their freedom from it and their own inherent power of creation.

But in order to realize this, all must go first through a process of fire in the realms of great density to learn and understand on the level of the incarnated creature the laws and implications of creation.

This journey is due to their own free will, before they immerse into the Sea of Creation, reaching the bottom of that ocean, to emerge again, bringing the gifts of understanding and recognition of  the  Divine with them back to Source Itself.

The Mystery is unfathomable! Trust in that which cannot be controlled  is the greatest gift at this time!

We remain – as always – your very friends and loving helpers.

We Are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright © 2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dearest friends!

Portals for ascension are already open now. I feel their strong vortex, their suction. If things arrive, which we have created in the past, we might perhaps not be there anymore. 

Am I going nuts? What  do you think! Just reality changes!

Times are becoming ever more paradoxical and multidimensional. Truths in the familiar way are transformed into new riddles, answers are only found in the creation of things. And this is very subjective.

We already disappear into new realities. The old ones are dissolving. We all are going into these new realities, but each one will be drawn to where their own frequency vibrates.

Now it is time, not to cling to the linear mind. (And not to anything!) This would manifest a pull test, because if we do not swim with the flux, our sanity suffers.

Future does not exist any longer, only the moment of creation, which is ever new, because manifestation is always already now.

Questions can only relate to our integrity, but not to our understanding, because creations speak for themselves, unquestioned, as realities which explain themselves.

Old paradigms vanish, and new ones do not arise, because now only  Truth exists, simultaneously on all levels.

Can we live Unity nonetheless?
Yes, in the Heart of all things, in the Heart of the Self, where we experience that every composition is a formation of Unity, Is Love, Consciousness and Bliss.
We are One in this Consciousness, in this Love, and It can only be felt.  

Our individuality creates the Many, our Being participates non-divided in everything. Our Love embraces all Things, and we have been transformed into That, Which We Are: undying Beings, unformed, in free flow with the Energy and in the Light of Consciousness.

We have transgressed the threshold!  For the first time, since Millions of years (and not since 26.000 years, the cosmic tidal cycle) we have recognized who we are: Free Beings, unlimited by space and time.

We might live in the idea of time, but it is only the phantom of a measure tape, spread over the river’s rushing waters.
And so is space: it does not inclose us, but is forming, eternally moving, transparent bubbles in the illusion of entrapment, which we already recognize as a mere concept. It does not detain us any longer, the attempt to define us is being swept away by the tides of Bliss.  

Light is victorious, and with It Love. It has been returned to us, and if we allow to be fluid, and swim in Consciousness, Bright Rising in our heart, we have achieved everything, because we Are It already.

We realize that movement does not exist, but only Being, in Which things happen. We have arrived. Our always already Knowing has been Revealed to us.

With much love,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

YouTube Video (recommend)

Dearest Friends!

This morning I woke up, with Nova Terra in my vision and heart, and with a message from Her to you!
I realize that while I visited Her a few days ago, that I was One with Her in Divine Consciousness, meaning She had opened Herself to Me at the Core of Her HEART, so that I experienced Her not as "another" but as the One Subjective Consciousness we all Ultimately Are and therefore Share. I did not experience the creation on Nova Terra therefore as beautiful "objects" but simply as expressions of Herself, direct emanations of Divine Consciousness. I did not "see" Her, I was One with Her while Her creations where not different from me. 

I believe that this is difficult to understand with the linear or conceptual mind, but I must describe it, to convey the Truth of Nova Terra to you. She is not just a nice phantasy of hopeful wishes, but She Is primarily an Emanation of Divine Reality, Who is prior to all Creations. Please follow your heart's intuition when you read this, and allow the seeming impossible to be real. 

And here is Her Message:

I Am infinitely expanded, because my Consciousness is the Presence of all things, created with Me. All My Creations are  children of Myself and the Infinite Radiant Source. I have many beautiful midwives though, who make the difference! 

They are the Ones who are present now with Me, and those who visit Me.
To create with Me you must do so with a pure heart of Joy and Love.

All other creations cannot manifest and will vanish.
Living with Me means that no one can continue in the old ways, which would not survive. 

My new existence  does not allow it, I only allow Divine Qualities to Radiate.
My ascended "Matter" and Form is being endowed with a new law: the Law of My Own Ascended State. Therefore, what is not Divine cannot persist with Me and  can never have access to Me.

I Am a  Sphere of Divine Creation, that radiates only the deep Joy of existence, and in that Joy, neither sadness nor separation can be experienced.

It is this Joy which opens the depth of your heart to  experience The-All-That-Is-Love of God. When this happens you are One with Me in  Consciousness and with all Beings. 

I Am a doorway to your own liberation, that magnifies the Presence of Divine Reality, and therefore I Am a visible creation directly from the HEART of God. As such I Teach you the HEART of God Itself. 

I Am a great teacher therefore, able to educate humanity and to remind them who they are: children of the HEART of God. My Presence is the Grace, given from God to wash away all your misery, errors and short-comings, which are the results of a fallen creation. 

But I Am elevated Creation, a Creation Who Is here to be the great consolation for the long suffering of humanity and all my other kingdoms.

All My forms are only here to be enjoyed and to experience life. However the dominance of "matter" and form over Spirit and Divine Consciousness will never be allowed again!

All there is, Is Divine Consciousness, Who merely carries all forms. The kaleidoscope of forms and "objects" is only My Play and enjoyment, is it not Substantial.

My existence is no dream and among others! What I Am  is Divine Reality. You will not be merely in a dream state here. Your truly in Divine Consciousness awakened Heart will help you to be Awake in the dream. This has never happened before in creation as a given State from the beginning. It is inherent right and law for those who reside with Me. 

Therefore I Am unique among the realms of the dimensions. Through Me the Radiant Source, the Original Power of all existence, can be easily Realized by those who live with Me. Because the veils, usually present in other dimensions, even the highest, do not exist here.

Through Me there is no returning in steps to Source Itself. I have been granted the Gift to be in direct Communion with Radiant Source Consciousness Itself. Therefore, who seek Ultimate Self-Realization, will choose to live with Me. 

I Am the direct doorway to the Ultimate. This is My destiny, it always has been, and it is yours too.

The Divine Creator has bestowed this Gift in exchange for all your sufferings! They have not been in vane! Therefore I invite my dear children to come to Me now and to create with Me, in the Joy and Love of your pure and awakened Heart.

I Am your Ascended Earth-Mother, Nova Terra!

Beloved family, - yes, this means that the Soul of Nova Terra has spoken an invitation to you to visit Her and to create with Her!

If you feel the  call, we recommend, that you visit first during your dream state. 

Before you go to sleep, connect with Her and trust that She is feeling your intention, to be taught and healed by Her wisdom and love, and that She will respond to you!

Not for all the memory of the dream state will be accessible immediately. It might require some practice. But the more you do, the more you will become conscious of your experiences and remember them. 

You will know when your are ready to visit in your waking state. And then we are able to organize groups, to take you to Nova Terra. 

If you feel that you are ready, please contact me via this address.

With very much love and many blessings,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel 

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©-2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended) 

Message from our God-Self!

Dearest Ones,

Self-love is mostly not understood to its very core! Although it has been discussed often and you are familiar with the admonition: love yourself!

But what are the implications of Self-Love?
You might be convinced that you love yourself, that you did the work, that you love yourself now - much more than you did perhaps in your childhood, when your parents and society gave you seemingly all the reasons, not to love yourself.

Now, in these challenging and glorious times, when all unresolved issues, perhaps until now deeply hidden in your subconscious mind, are coming to the surface and irrevocably to your attention, you might be confronted with emotions you thought they were gone.

Fear is the root of all of them, even anger and sorrow, sadness and worry is based on it. Fear is the core and origin of all negative emotions, it is the root-contraction upon yourself. Therefore it is said, there are only two states, which are absolutely incompatible with one another: love or fear. Love is expansion, fear is contraction.

You are told: love! - and fear is gone! Love! - and anger is gone! Love! - and all kinds of other negative emotions are gone. And often your are nowadays judged by righteous people for not being loving.

So you try hard, to love! This can even show itself as the idea that you want to love,  so you engage all possible efforts, to love. However you feel that your heart is still empty! Although you are doing your best to love. You intuitively know that you cannot love from your head but that it must be felt in your heart, that Love must fill your whole space of heart, and thereby your whole body, so that you ARE LOVE.

With all this often helpless endeavor to truly love others, the insight that self-love must come first, has found now overwhelming support in the spiritual community. 

Finally, after centuries in which you have been taught self-denial, (which is in truth the denial of God) but with the  demand to love others at the same time, you have been given the permission to explore the legitimate right for self-appreciation. Because it is IMPOSSIBLE to love others in the state of self-denial. It is the most absurd and insane contradiction ever put into the mind of humanity!

However Self-Love is still widely not truly understood and realized! As this virtue is literally the core of all growth, not only on the human level, but also on the spiritual level.

For example, a righteous demand in the spiritual community to love, has not truly understood self-love! Because as soon as you truly love yourself, righteousness does not exist! 

And also putting others in relationships always first, does not exist in Self-Love! This is even the first cause that relationships break!

So how do you truly love yourself, in order to love others?

The crucial point is whether you write  "SELF" with a small or a capital "S". 
Of course, we are now talking about the Self, with a capital "S"! Because it is the One that includes everything else about you.

True Self-Love means that you recognize, acknowledge and honor your own SELF, that  One that participates in your own Source-Condition, that Unlimited One, that Unconditional One. 

You cannot love, neither yourself nor others nor anything else, if you do not give credit to That One!
So every time Love breaks through in your heart, know that it is the SELF, that Shines through and speaks! 

Your "Self" and "The SELF", proclaimed in the ancient traditions, are not really different from one another, the transition is fluid. Only if you - by tendency and habit - dramatize separation and "otherness",  you make this division!

And where do you start to love and cherish That Infinite Self, that God-Self, Me, your  Source-Condition? Yes, in your own heart! There it is where you start to truly Love Yourself! What you Love there, is not "an other", a deity, a God that is separate from you. There is the place and space and state where Love Is, to Love and to Be Love. And it is at the same time Your Own Self, Yourself, Whom you Love. 

This Love is not different from "Self". It is not different from Happiness. And none other than Joy and not separable from Stillness. It has many appearances and Self-expressions. And this Self is the Self of everybody else! 

So you start truly loving yourself by the Love that Exists and Appears as the Self in your own heart. When you worship That One, and while you worship It, you include intrinsically all beings and worlds and things, because it is this Self, That all beings and all existence share.

So if fear arises, know that you do not Love Yourself, if anger persists, you do not Love Yourself, if you worry, you have put yourself down and you do not trust God, Who Exists as Your Own Self in your infinite Space of Heart. 

If somebody cannot love others, if somebody must put down others to appear "better", that one cannot love him- or herself. Therefore be compassionate with those who do not love, because they do not love themselves. 

All of you have come here to demonstrate this Self-Love, which is the same as loving others, but it must start with yourself. Because it is Yourself where you discover God, and not in others. You only can see in others, what you see it in Your Self.

This Self-Love is the true healing of humanity, the resurrection from the false presumption of slavery and unworthiness, this lie upon your existence. If you truly Love Yourself, you are the Gift that restores the Divine Consciousness of Man. Loving yourself first, grants everybody else honor, appreciation and is Itself the Love you live to "others".

This Self-Love is a tangible touch in your Heart, an alignment there, a groundedness there, an illuminated space of certainty.
This certainty does not know fear, it includes and is One with all beings, and it creates the process of your life. 

Until then, while you do your very best, it is important that your start with yourself and not with others, that you dare to know your Self first, and that you admit that you do not love and not pretend otherwise. Because this the sign that you are truly on your way of seeking your own truth.

It is paradoxically however not proof that you do not love others, because you do, as much as you can, because all your efforts are driven, even unconsciously by your own Self. 

But until you start to Love Your Self, because you are willing to open up wide your heart, to discover Who You Really Are, it is also true that you share merely the IDEA of love, the intention for it, the good will. And many are not aware of the difference between the idea about and the actuality of Love. But these are the steps in the forecourt of Your Self, until the Radiant and Silent Door to your Divine Reality opens. 

Nourish That One, nourish That One always, nourish It at first, do not look outside, but discover Your Self in your own Heart and then in the hearts of All. That is how you truly Love Your Self. Love of Self is Love of God is Love of All.

I AM Your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dearest Sisters and Brothers!

It is necessary to speak about it, especially since yesterday morning, when I woke up, irradiated by very heavy and aggressive frequencies!
The proof was in a sensation as if heavy, cold "metal" was pressing against my forehead, meant to disturb my pineal gland.

The other sensation was a heavy radiation impact on my solar plexus, that could have been the vibration of fear, if I would have fallen for that deception. I had a very close look but couldn't find any signs of fear in my mind or emotion, and the feel of metal (which I have experienced many times in the past) told me without doubt: We are irradiated by some radionic devices, or HAARP, or whatever is left in the hands of the controllers. 

Regarding my own experience, I had the impression that they are  regionally using smaller radionic devices, those which are built to do harm, to affect selected people.

This is not the first time that I experience things like this, and there have been all kinds of variations, like being awakened in the middle of the night by strange, artificially produced voices, etc. 

I never talked about it, but I think it is necessary to speak up now because it could help others to be more aware of their own experiences and what they really are and where they are coming from! This awareness can also strengthen our capability to protect ourselves.

Fact is, while the light is constantly rising, that we are experiencing since at least 2 weeks ongoing major radiation attacks. They try to keep the light down by surrounding us with dense and low vibrations. 

The weather e.g. here in Australia was extremely strange, absolutely unusual for the season, very cold, like in coldest winter with dark clouds, icy storms and rain. It did not feel "normal", it felt artificial and was not a result of the earth changes, in my opinion. The formations of the clouds and the strange atmosphere tell the obvious. Nature feels by default always gentle and soft, even when there are storms!

Even today we have artificial clouds in the sky, trying to prevent sunshine. With these artificial clouds there is this harsh and unpleasant vibration in the air, and it is no fun to go outside. 

This morning I found all of this confirmed, when I read in Cobra's latest update, that those who desire to maintain the power over this planet, are trying their last tricks to keep us down. Allegedly this would go on until October 7.

Dearest friends, now is the time therefore to practice discrimination to understand, what's coming directly from yourself, what is intentionally directed towards you from outside, and what has really nothing  to do with you, but you would think it does!

However, ultimately it does not matter what it is. But what matters is, not to identify with anything that does not feel good!

Rather we must hold on to our highest vision of our own divinity and let it radiate! Now more than ever! Light always wins over darkness! Whatever we experience, we must not allow to be put down and don't give up! We owe it to ourselves and our well-being!

We must understand this time as a gift to grow! The greater the obstacle, the greater the victory! The stronger we become! What a glory!

Together we are Victorious, keeping the Light High up, in Joy, Love, yes: and Laughter!! Laugh as much as you can! Stay positive, turn all negativity into a celebration of Joy and Happiness!  Let your Heart Shine!

Much Love and May We All Be Blessed! Our Unity in Divine Love and Light is Our Protection and Our Blessing for the World!



Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.