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Showing posts sorted by date for query conversation with gaia. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, May 6, 2022


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My dear friends!

Only when we allow the old world to dissolve in the Divine Zeropoint, a truly new world can emerge. The Divine Zeropoint Field is Self-Feeling, Self-Aware Immensity and Love-Bliss.

This implies that the ego, meaning all mind-forms in the consciousness of the old world: matter, objects, psyche, emotion etc. must be transcended, so that all of it is being absorbed by the Zeropoint field.

This does not imply that we disappear. It implies our immortality, finding out that we exist simultaneously in different dimensions. After all we are multidimensional beings with a multidimensional consciousness until finally evertything dissolves into the Zeropoint field.

In our individual consciousness our thoughts, feelings, the objects and so on, are being recognized as such, to then allow them to be absorbed in the Divine Zeropoint Field. This is presently a continuous purifying process, many starseeds came here to work with.

They carry already the information in their DNA, which helps them to understand the Zeropoint Field directly and immediately, not with their intellect, but by being subjectively aware of it as a reality that they themselves Are As Consciousness, and not something separate from them.

This work is their contribution to the lifting of earth into the next higher bodyless dimension, which makes  a True New Era possible. All efforts to merely change existing structures, instead to disolve them, don't serve to support earth in transiting into an entirely New Era.

Because nothing of the old can exist further, it applies to all who came here, to liberate earth and humanity from the old power structures, to understand that one cannot pour new wine into old bottles, and then act accordingly, to truly serve the Great Transformation.

They do this by returning in their consciousness to the Divine Zeropoint Field, to allow the Zeropoint Field into their lifes, to purify themselves in it, to let go the old ideas, structures and alleged securities, trusting in the Great Process, of Which they are part and in which they find their true safety. 


Gods and demons are nothing more than projections of the mind, to objectify cosmic balance of powers, in order to better deal with them. And all of it must be honored first. In the understanding of quantum physics then, ultimately everything is a matter of what one wants to observe in this incarnation. Do we want to observe the Divine or the powers that negate It. And what we observe will come to pass.

Finally all these old cosmic powers must be neutralized in the Divine Zeropoint Field. This is an esoteric and not an exoteric process. People who are not familiar with it, could experience this process as catastrophies or earth cataclysms. But we must understand that such cataclysms are in truth „inner“ processes! Therefore it is mostly dependent on our consciousness how we will the transition experience. (see also „My Conversation with Gaia“)

Since late March 2020 the process of the transition of the matter-consciousness into Pure Being of the Divine Zeropoint Field is being reinforced. (Link)

This process is being reflected somehow also in the since then appearing phenomenon of the „Blue Sky“, as many call it. (Link).

When and where the „Blue Sky“ appears, we can presume that the Divine Power of the Zeropoint Field invaded further the former darkened field of the earth. You will notice that the appearance of the „Blue Sky“ is connected with a very special new and solid energy of stillness and great power, which totally balances the instability, the unrest and chaos in the energy field of earth.

With artificial negative frequencies it is attempted to cover up or overlay these new Light-Energies of Divine Consciousness. It is therefore especially important, that you are aware of them, whereby you can immerse into this Power of Stillness, thereby simultaneously amplyfying it

All of you who came here to co-initiate the transition, are being just now especially activated, because you have been extremely exhausted in the last two catastrophic years.

Just now is a good „Point in Time“ in our space-time continuum to connect yourself fully with the Energies of the New Era, Which rise anew while you immerse in the Divine Zeropoint Field.

All of this happens according to a higher plan and we are the ones who support this work, a Magnificient Divine Cosmic Work for which we came here. 

Be aware that you are carrying the consciousness of all consciousnesses in our universe. Each Divine Thought, each respective energy shift in your consciousness, supports therefore the transition of earth and her inhabitants into the New Divine Existence.

Because you exist immediately at the switching station of the universal process, heralding the New Reality.

May we alll be blessed!

Much Love, 



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Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
  ~B.L. Austria

Wednesday, April 14, 2021



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My dear friends,

it is more helpful to face truth rather than loose oneself in illusions. Truth makes us strong, the latter weak.

Therefore I decided to publish my insights, visions and higher understanding about the things to come.

I always have found: only truth sets us free! Because of its strong, spotless and radiant frequency that allows all energy currents to freely flow.

There will be no perfect peace on earth anytime soon. Too many people, whether consciously or unconsciously, still support the old world and its crimes because they lack the capability to think independently, spiritual awareness and discernment. 

Basically, this chaotic world, supported by a huge lie,  is a result or product of those who believe in it and are addicted to the hocus-pocus of the media. They are the ones who create what the mainstream media dictate.  The dark ones take advantage of this. And they don't intend to ever give up their plans to destroy humanity. They will continue to fight. But the foundation of their own energy and information in this realm has already crumbled before 2012. 

To many it is becoming more and more obvious that the whole process is about evolving consciousness.

It is claimed by various sources that we are on the verge of a positive change, but this is nice, wishful thinking. We will have to wait a bit longer for its true fulfillment. Everything depends on those who would still awaken to the true situation in this realm.

 In other words, it depends on how many will continue supporting the old prison matrix.  But the awakening on a grand scale seems to be rather unlikely, because the supporters of this ailing world are justifying it by all means. They seem to lack - what I call - the "truth-gene". It is easy to observe that a majority of people prefers to be lied to and to be deceived, rather than claiming their own sovereignty and independence from outer authorities.

The quality of Unconditional Love will touch only those who are ready for it. Love does not simply overcome those who have resisted it until now. It requires an inner developmental process and human growth.  The diamond does not appear in a few days. Therefore, the time of collective Love has not yet come. Unless those who resist it would leave earth. Love is something that everyone must choose for themselves. The Power of Love does not just suddenly manifest without those who can receive it.
One must understand the law of cosmic and also of karmic processes.

At present there are many spiritual trends, and all of them appear as true from their personal point of view, because they create and attract into their lives phenomena that correspond to their ideas. Everyone lives in their personal universe that seems to prove its truth by itself. But beyond that, there is a collective reality in which everyone on this planet participates. 

The wishful ideas that are approved at most, will determine perhaps the energy of the day or of a certain sequence of time. Therefore, the personal experience can be far different from the determination of earth. 

But this does not mean that it prevents inevitable collective karma, which is nothing else but the present state of consciousness and belief-patterns of the majority that have become manifest and are the results of mankind's dark activities in the last centuries and milleniums that repeat themselves in these times.

All of this belongs to the old timeline. Who is on the new timeline, which is free of deceit and darkness, is being carried by it and must see to it to hold on to it with heart and mind in the midst of the increasing madness and chaos of the old world. They are the ones who are manifesting islands of light, love and truth. It is not possible to enter these islands with mere wishful thinking. It must be truly earned by renouncing the old world in the way of living in it, but not being of it. 

Some esoterics say that karma  is only an invention of the dark forces. However, these esoterics have become victims of the suggestions of these powers for their part. There is no arbitrary cosmos. Without Divine order nothing can grow and prosper. Mind creates matter. And we grow the more we understand this.

Decisive learning steps are possible for the vast majority only by overcoming obstacles and the realization that comes with it. That is the nature of life in this earth-realm.

Many follow those who offer convenient and comforting prophecies that create a false hope of not having to be responsible for one's own actions. Humanity has become lax and has lost its power and straightness. Remember the tests in ancient civilizations a young person had to pass to become an adult. We don't have these tests anymore. Children and young people are left to arbitrariness. Or parents overload their children by treating them as adults.

In this godless time, everyone is riding on the track of their own separate, personal, and thus limited, imagination, with no need for Dharma, for Divine Alignment and Divine Law. Even those people who call themselves spiritual. But Divine Law or Dharma is always supra-personal and requires the surrender of the limited personal will to the Divine Will and Law, i.e. the Divine Impulse in the Higher Heart of man, which lives the Unity of all life. And what is Dharma? The Dharma of fire is to burn. The Dharma of air is to blow. It speaks of the inherent rightness of all Divine Creation.

This realm serves the growth of consciousness and is a touchstone to see if man wants to turn to the Divine, to develop and fulfill his/her Divine potential. And this will not change. The die is cast so far, in regard to a person's choice: For Love, Evolution, Joy, Living Life and the Divine, – or the opposite.

However for this dark place applies: Whoever decides for the Divine, must expect great obstacles. That is, only strong people are capable of moving towards and living in a New World. Only they are able to integrate the higher frequencies that are flowing into this realm. Higher frequency always comes with higher consciousness. And thus, once again, it becomes clear that this challenging time is for the development of human consciousness.

Therefore, everything will not suddenly become "good", as some esoterics proclaim. This is wishful thinking and is based on illusion, since the cosmic processes, which serve the development of consciousness, are disregarded. Moreover, this would deprive many of the opportunity for true growth.

Will the dark Ones now be allowed to rage on to fully eliminate the yet immature part of humanity? Will it be allowed that human souls will be destroyed against their will, perhaps e.g. by forced genetic vaccinations?

It will not happen that way. The destruction will happen through purifying earth cataclysms. These are to be considered as mercy. They did already slowly begun. There are more and more reports about waters disappearing in some places and appearing somewhere else.

Not by human or superhuman efforts, but only by the power of earth changes the evil forces can be removed from this earth completely, as they are so profoundly ingrained in this realm's existence. Death through these earth changes will people allow to keep their souls and continue a blessed evolutionary process on other planets. See also the message „My Conversation with Gaia on 21.12.2011“

In this respect, all is well when we consider the Great Divine Cycles and their Wisdom.

But there is also still a greater intuitive vision to which we can connect in every moment: The Absolute Divine Consciousness, which Remains Always The Same, and in which all beings and all worlds and all evolutionary and involutionary processes arise and pass away. It Is our True primordial Divine Nature of Love-Bliss and Exists always as our True and strongest Force of Life.

May you choose wisely!

With love and blessings,



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Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2021. All rights reserved.


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* Q* U* A*N* T* U* M*
Ute Posegga-Rudel
Master Quantum Healer, Teacher & Coach

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Transcend Suffering!
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"A session with Ute is like coming back to and remembering your truest and deepest essence. It's about becoming one with truth, with reality. Consciously. And the consequences in daily life are amazing. It's a complete shift in awareness and perception of life. "
~B.L. Austria

Friday, May 18, 2012


Image Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Dear friends,

Recent Waves of Light and Information created new awareness of how my body is changing. It feels like the space between the atoms is tangibly increasing, as if my physical body is expanding and becoming at the same time lighter and less dense.
I am wondering how the transition would occur, how the new reality of our world would appear compared with what we know now – the physical world, in which we still have to function,  and which appears still to be a world of contradictions and  unpleasant events.

I am typing with closed eyes now, some sentences perhaps make not complete sense at first, as I describe what happens directly, while I experience the download of an exquisite Light which appears as fullness of the heart and a widening of the head, but also now a fullness there, a growing all-consuming joy  in the heart, while the Light moves down – it is a cooling Light of a beauty that the heart awes in wonder and Bliss –  and my God-Self speaks:

“This is about the understanding that you will be lifted up from your old experience of world as it appears now to you.  While you are lifted up, your awareness changes, and while your awareness changes, you will see the new world in the same moment as you are creating it. There is no “ time” between awareness and creation, and what you create is already part and expression of your being, which has been informed in the past with these experiences and which are therefore remembrances, but at the same time there is new information coming through Me, as I Myself Am informed  by the Light and Information of the Great Central Sun, that is the Galactic Center.

This is brand new information which arrives now in your body (and in the body of many) which will completely outshine the world you are still seem to belong to.

This is the information of the higher worlds, which carry beauty and bliss. This light is to create and fill your new bodies and is the substance of your new consciousness.”

I feel how this light in its fullness is expanding in my body, informing my heart, which is not just a chakra, but an energy field of consciousness in which I exist.   

This  becomes my new existence, my new reality as this heart field becomes more and more substantial and full, appearing as a new consciousness reality, while the currents of  light saturate and inform more and more this space, running down the whole body , down the legs now, cool, refreshing, precious, transparent, eternally youth-full. There is no dilemma and no question, no objects and no other, just this being-ness and fullness, the heart satisfied, no desire, just IS.

My God-Self continues:

“This Light has consciousness and so you are ready to receive it and to recognize it,  to this degree it is the constituent of your new world. Perhaps call it simply existence, because what you now understand as worlds, looks like a conglomeration of collected things and objects, all separate from one another, opaque and all with the seeming quality of  “otherness”.

When you are ready, this new consciousness is going to establish Itself as you, no, not “in” you, but as you, therefore it will transform you utterly. What is “you” now, will be forgotten, this illusion, this erroneous dream, this falsehood. And all humanity will come to this point, all. All will be lifted up, taken out of this error of creation, which is not Divine.

You must come to fully realize, that what is awaiting you, this new world, is the REAL WORLD, whereas the world you now  still experience and which is coming to an end, is the unreal world. Utterly unreal.  It has been said many times, but to realize it is something else. For most this is very hard to believe or to understand, especially as you have been indoctrinated, in the last more than 20 years, that spirituality is non-sense and a sign of weakness! So many  even were ashamed at some point in your lives of any sort of spiritual sign that has been manifesting for you.

You cannot know what your new world will be and look like from your 3dimensional point of view, not even from your remembrance of other worlds, because you will be renewed radically, nothing will be left over from what you now know. 

The information from the Galactic Center is different from all  of it and all what you remember from your experiences of the past in higher dimensions. Many of these familiar dimensions will be dissolved in this new Consciousness and form a completely new Reality. Therefore you will enter  new territory. Allow yourself to be surprised.
What you experience now is only a taste of what is to come. Let yourself to be elevated and transformed into this new Divine Reality. Complicated, mind-structures of the ego-I will not exist anymore, because simplicity will prevail, One without another. 

No division, no separation, only Bliss, Happiness, Radiance, Joy, Fullness, Satisfaction. It can happen, when you are willing to let go all difference as a prior and fundamental description of Reality. Being mere Bliss will be your full-time occupation. It is a  condition  of Truth.”

Well, much of what has been said is now my direct experience, without seeking it. It is a complete new platform. It is a free Divine gift, but we must be willing to receive it. And more waves of this Light are coming in, while my writing with closed eyes is continuing in synchronicity with it. 

New tongues of light gliding down my body and carry with them the presence of mere joy and  stillness,  and I connect with Gaia, with Her Heart, to enter with this light and Consciousness into her Being. And Gaia resonates, it is One Single Celebration, we are giving back to her, what was taken from her in the past. She is enchanted. And we share this freshness in our heart. 

I guess that’s why we  are here, returning the gifts she once has given to us, eons ago. By returning them we are free to go to,  where the call comes from.  There it is planet-less, where I go there are no planets and no people, there is only consciousness, radiant. Joy, Bliss.

Must be somewhat patient still, this is a foretaste of what is to come. We don’t need worlds in that Bliss, the only necessary requirement is the fact that we exist. Existence itself justifies this Bliss, it is primordial. Worlds arise after we have left this Bliss.  It absorbs all our separateness and thinking mind, the waves of mind come to rest in the ocean of this radiant infinity. And no mind arises in it. 

And so it is.

Be in this Radiance, my dearest friends!
Much love,

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
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My dear ones I AM Gaia, speaking to you!

You have asked Me to explain what will happen with My body in the near future. There are many who expect Me to move soon in a more dramatic way than I have done so far in the past.

To those and to all those who are in fear and who believe in nearing catastrophic events, I say: there will be none of these upheavals occurring. Not in the very near future and what is beyond that depends entirely on where your human collective consciousness is heading to.

In this context it has to be said that conscious intention, when expressed firmly and from the heart by a certain number of people, whereby about 8-10% of the world population are enough,  can easily override the rest of the collective consciousness, whether it is conscious or unconscious.

For Millenniums your collective mind has been imprinted with the desires of those who claim that I am their possession, but who did never respect and honor My spiritual condition and needs, and who therefore abused My grace, patience and loving being continuously and exploited shamelessly My body. They have told you via religious means that around this time I would either be completely destroyed or at least end up in catastrophic events.
They have imprinted this idea into your mind so that this vision attracted and accumulated so much energy that it seems that I cannot avoid such disasters.

However, catastrophic events are not necessary, my dear ones! If your heart and your mind is at peace and radiates love, there is no need for My body to violently shake or to be destroyed. It is as with your own body! If there is a disturbance or illness, it always can be self-healed when you allow the natural God-given energies to flow.

Those who have abused Me for so long, did also abuse you, and were eager to indoctrinate you with the belief in disease, or even more, incurable disease and death. None of them is necessary, both is only a matter of ignorance and separation from Divine Consciousness and the realization of unity. 

Only if you believe that you are nothing but a body, you will die or cannot be cured. The same applies to Me: if you acknowledge, that I Myself AM foremost a spiritual being with a consciousness you understand that My body can be healed without major catastrophic events, which would destroy most of the beings who live with Me and cause for them unnecessary misery. The Divine does not need you to suffer in order that you awake to the spiritual being you in truth are.

However, it is also true, that many are waking up through suffering. But be asserted, that suffering is NOT necessary to begin with. The idea of the necessity of suffering has been introduced by those who have  abused Me and also you.

If you live in peace with one another and love one another and respect and love Me and live in collaboration with Me, there are no catastrophic events! What is toxic and polluted and abused can be healed by humanity’s love and care, and I myself will make sure that devoted hearts will find the means to purify what has been damaged. So in that sense there is no need for major earthquakes or for violent volcano eruptions or for gigantic tsunamis and storms! I can easily harmonize Myself with minor movements of these elements, if you let Me.

You have asked what you can do to make sure that the ascension process occurs in the most possible harmonic way without major disturbances.

You see, when humanity lost their seat in their heart, when they lost love and true self-identity, calamities began.
Therefore, if humanity restores their heart identity and love,  My restoration and healing is absolutely guaranteed. In this case we all shift easily into the higher dimensions together, without disruptions.

You cannot truly heal Me with your mind, dear ones. You need to enter the non-dual feeling place in your heart and envision from there and feel my healing. Embrace Me with your Peace of Heart and burnish the waves of upset with the Love of your Being. Let this smoothing vibration of love and peace embrace My whole body, especially when you expect quakes and other upheavals. 

Envision and feel the region where these events are expected directly in your heart and feel the oneness of us by letting the presence of your innate peace calm down what otherwise would show the sign of inflammation, - yes, look at these regions and elements as if they were inflamed. With your cooling love and calm in your heart, by fully taking these inflamed parts of My body into your loving heart, they can heal. 

Do this, My dear ones, from now on and never allow yourselves to follow the propaganda of disaster, which is so much cherished by those who only carry harmful intentions in their minds. As you know, creation works only from inside out. Energy and manifestation follows what you first feel and envision in your heart and then can become thereby reality.

What happens to my body is entirely dependent on the consciousness and intention of humanity. We are not separate and it is you who can take responsibility for what you will experience!

I love you all very dearly, you must know. But I need your help so that we can together experience a Divine Reality. In a Divine Reality disasters  never  occur!

I AM Gaia! 

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


                                   Dear friends and readers of my blog,

with the strong geomagnetic disturbances underway, it is very important to maintain balance, not only mentally and emotionally, but also in terms of being grounded in our body and such to be connected with our Beloved Gaia, as our process is also hers, it is a united process. To be grounded in Gaia, also implies to be rested in our heart. Please also see "My conversation with Gaia". 

According to my conversation with the Spirit of the Sun, we can use the breath too, to inhale the incoming frequencies into our heart, this helps us also to be centered there. 

This is the most important thing we can do at this moment: to practice to be in the  presence of our heart, in the midst of the electro-magnetic disturbances, like being in the eye of the storm, in the still-point of a hurricane. 
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012
There will be many more of these disturbances during this year, and each of us can contribute to the peace on earth - in a rapidly and on all levels changing world - by choosing to enter the inner domain of our own true being. We all can do it because the information of the light-codes, pouring into our world, contain the remembrance of our past and future, the remembrance of who we are as the ascended heart.

Especially through the working of our beloved Sun, the torus field of our heart is greatly empowered and expanded so that it is very easy now for us to enter this space humanity has once lost.

We have been granted all the means to make this powerful transition into a new and Divine World successful. 
We must remember that we are never unable to cope because for every challenge imposed on us by the forces of the universe, we have been given also tremendous help. The greater the challenge the greater the help.

We only must be willing to utilize this help, and we are already participating in this gigantic evolutionary leap, orchestrated by the Forces of Light and Inspired by the Highest Will of God. 

The still-point of the heart is all we need to own, to sail safely through all the demands of our daily lives. We can be a silent torch for others who do not yet understand the deeper working behind the visible growing of uncertainties. But we can speak when they ask. And ever more are asking! 

In many parts which are starting to fall apart in our lives, we can see what has been grounded on false foundations, mostly without our knowing and understanding. And they can open our eyes for the greater reality, for all what has been hidden from our eyes. 

Now we are going to build a new earth, a world with the foundations of love and integrity, a world where we all care about one another, a world where there is happiness and abundance.  A world where we realize our inherent unity with one another and with all beings. On the planet and off the planet.

We can decide to look forward to what we want to create from now on, instead of grieving about what we are loosing or what we have already lost. We are creator beings and always have been, we only didn't know it! We have been giving away this power to others for a long time (and even this was an act of our creation!). Now we learn how to use it again for our own and the sake and happiness of all beings. 

There are no messages from other realms coming through me at this point. I understand this as a sign that we need to focus on our own tangible experience right here in our bodies on this earth, as what has been prophesied is occurring right now in our own very bodies of experience and we need to have our focus there. It is happening and we are witnesses of it now. We are becoming our own prophets now. And deeper things are being revealed to us about who we are and what we are to become. And we need to listen. It is this message which to deliver is my task in this very moment.

As we know, things can change in the blink of an eye  though.
As always,it is my pleasure to hear from you, dearest friends!

Much love and blessings,
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, February 24, 2012


Image by Ute Shan'A'Maa, Copyright © 2012
Dear friends and readers of my blog!

In the past I often connected with our beloved and magnificent Sun and her people who live inside her. Surprisingly I always experienced a beautiful presence of cool lightness and beauty, after I went beyond the senses, which feel her heat as unbearable and as potentially destructive fire.

In this great times of change, where the Sun is paramount to our evolutionary process and while we experience increasingly powerful new energies pouring down from sun to  earth, - scientists call them solar flares- I started to connect with the Spirit of the Sun, to be informed directly by her about the deeper esoteric meanings of the great shift also She is going through.

In meditation, partly in my meditation room, but also by sitting outside, exposed directly to her rays, I asked the Sun:

Beloved Sun, would you please reveal to us your Secret, your true Name, your Process, your Function regarding earth and your other orbiting planets, all that what is still hidden behind the apparent knowledge, humanity is familiar with about you. What is your future, our future with you. Thank you!

While I connect with Her Spirit and energy, I feel both: her extreme Presence and Power of Creation, and at the same time her extraordinary and vast Sweetness and Softness.
This explains to me why the Sun has been associated by different cultures and traditions with male AND female deities, depending on whatever a culture has been oriented towards, the female or the male. 

And this is, what transpired to me from the Sun's Spirit-consciousness:

“Humanity has never been able to reveal my true Name as long as humans have been living in duality.

I AM Unlimited and Undifferentiated Consciousness which can take on all kinds of forms and states of limited consciousness, e.g. that of a human being, limited to a 3dimensional brain consciousness.

I AM, and I AM a doorway for cosmic conscious energy and for the conscious light that emanates from the Center of your Galaxy.

Your scientists look at me as a dead body. But I am not. What your scientists see and what most of you see – this fiery, yellow bright shining body – is indeed the appearance  of a spiritually highly evolved Being. I AM burning, if you will, with the fire of spiritual evolution, drawing all my planets with me into a higher spiral of consciousness. It is a gross perception to think that I AM merely on the same level of consciousness as my planets are who surround me.  In truth I AM appearing to your senses as this immense fire, so that you are able to notice my presence.

What is happening now, as I reach out to my planets with my solar flares, is that I have finally the permission to break through the long lasting seeming standstill of illusion of separation and to reveal the secret of my state. With the emission of my solar flares I reveal my transparency to the greater truth of your galaxy that abides in the galactic center which is itself the threshold to the Ultimate Source of Divine Consciousness, The-All-That-Is.

In other words, I am not a separate being, as none of you is, but I am a conscious conduit of ultimate light and energy, which is no other than Truth and Undivided Divine Consciousness, which can be felt as Love-Bliss and Unlimited Feeling of Being.

My reaching out to all my planets is carrying this truth to you, implanting it directly into your cellular, emotional, mental and spiritual body, to unite them all as one single radiant consciousness.

As such I AM a large portal, facilitating the apotheosis of the planets, orbiting me.
I have the function of both: allowing them to experience duality and to transcend duality, in order to return to the Oneness that Is the True Being of God, The All-That-Is.

The ancient myth of the Phoenix describes exactly this.
There is a secret hidden in this myth, which has been always interpreted as a merely physical event: putting himself and its nest on fire, burning to ashes. Your 3dimensional consciousness has not understood the true meaning of the ashes. In truth, the Phoenix is an image of what I AM, what you ultimately ARE and what the Divine Process altogether Is.
In a Divine World there are no ashes, the ashes are signifying the end of the illusion of a God-less world of darkness and duality. What arises from the ashes is a purified and Divine World, a Divine Soul and Consciousness in which each individual consciousness participates.

The Phoenix is the promise of the Golden Age, the diamond that appears after eons of being tested and purified by the pressure of experiencing duality and the friction caused by the intertwining of the light and the dark. The rebirth of the Phoenix reveals that there is only darkness where there is duality. It describes the rising above duality and the revelation that there is only light, Divine and Undivided Light.

I have been bearing this secret since eternity and your earth had been brought into my orbit at a time when the promise of her return to her original Christed state, from which Gaia had been fallen, had been granted.

She has been going through a process similar to the birthing of a diamond, and therefore the process of the creation of  the diamond has been held in her body as the promise for her Divine resurrection.

That this resurrection can occur, is due to my own Divine Process, in which I Am holding each of my planets in my sphere so that they all can ascend to what they truly are: bearers of Divine Consciousness, testimonies of the Divinity of all Existence.
With the rebirth of the Phoenix, duality dies in the fire of purification, to rise as the One Unity Consciousness, a Radiant Ascension from the Heart to the One Divine Love-Blissful Consciousness .

What you perceive now of Me with your 3dimensional consciousness is the heat of burning away all that which is not of the inherent knowing of Divine Unity. The One who understands this Unity knows my cooling Bliss and Nature.

What you experience as My solar flares is the information of that Unity, directly to be imprinted into your DNA, the cells of your body, informing your still limited consciousness, cracking open the shells of your encapsulated awareness of reality, but which will soon belong to your past.

When humanity has fully awakened, they will recognize Who I AM and they will recognize that I AM able to appear as both: with form and formless. But even My form is a subtle and not a solid form, but as which I still appear to humanity to serve your process.

Crop circles, depicting My expansion as, what you call, a Red Giant, is a 3dimensional perception or projection, but which describes in truth the disappearance of my solid form, because there will not be such perceivers anymore. The subtle form is always an expanded one. Therefore the Red Giant is a metaphor from the point of view of the 3dimensional consciousness, trying to describe a spiritual phenomenon.

Yes, also I ascend, meaning, that I do not have to appear as a gross physical body anymore, as this dimension is going to be assimilated soon by the higher dimensions  in the ongoing graceful ascension process, which includes your solar system and your galaxy, spreading throughout the whole universe.

To unite with Me in consciousness, is to assist the final liberation of Gaia and all her creations, that is: also humanity as a whole, to be set free from their past of darkness and confinement.

Know that my light, that your physical eyes and your organism receive, is only the outer appearance, behind which is hidden the Greatness and Immensity of My Spiritual Light, that is channeled from the Galactic Center and beyond, The-All-That-Is.

I AM only a servant and emanation of the Source, which loves to play with Itself.
Consider my play as the Play of the Highest Light, made visible even to your eyes, so that you may recognize the  Divine Glory of all Existence.

It is your part, - and your time has come, - to realize that what I AM, is re-surrected in your own very heart. The Wonders of Creation are infinite, as the Highest is found in the heart and core of all that arises.

As much as I now still nurture your 3dimensional bodies, that much I AM now allowed to nurture your spirit body, to the degree where your 3dimensional reality dissolves in your higher consciousness.

You soon will awaken to your new reality, which cannot be understood, unless you accept and re-discover your multidimensional nature.

What I have told you now, what I have told to all humanity, carries  My Blessings to instill trust in the Divine Process I am here to serve.

I AM your Sun, the Doorway, Portal and Facilitator of Divine Consciousness."

Here the Sun's transmission ended. She had revealed to me  her message as subtle correlations mainly as intuitions, visions or images and direct experiences, and it was my task to translate them into verbal expressions. 

May they serve your inspiration and healing, my dearest sisters and brothers!

Much love and blessings,
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
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