Sunday, October 9, 2011


My dearest,
Listening to my voice is a clear sign that you are ready to hear it.
To the many who believe that Ascension and a New World are attained while asleep, I say: you are on a deceitful path.

You, as self-responsible humans, should know this.
Self-Responsibility also means that you have to earn your Ascension. It does not come to you like a loving breeze of the Creator's Breath over you and then you are suddenly in the 5th dimension.

Remember, equal attracts equal. You must rise your own vibration to match the 5th Dimension.

And how do you do this?
By leaving behind all actions which generate low vibrations. Negativity of each and  any aspect of your experience  is one, having your mind occupied with negative events is another one. Yes, you can discuss negative events, but if you are not careful you start to vibrate with the vibration of that event.

Staying as an observer is therefore necessary. Can you do this?
This is a question you have to answer to yourself.
You need to develop great awareness and discrimination to rise your conscious participation in the Divine Reality to be able to bypass to be drawn into the twilight worlds which are still lived and exercised by most of humanity.
It is required therefore that you become a highly conscious being, a master of your frequency, a master of your radiance.
To not to engage voluntarily in negative situations until you are, only serves your own protection. First you have to become strong in preservation of your light before you can sail untouched the waters of darker vibrations.

Therefore, make a firm decision: to worship the Light, to become and be a vessel of light, a conduit of light, a lover under all circumstances. But, you see, when you are truly there you will not be attracted any longer to the lower worlds, because it fits no longer  your own vibration. You will not feel any longer comfortable, you will not feel happy,  and you WANT to vibrate in the field of light by all means.

My dear beloved ones, this is what needs to be understood.
Be the light and you will not be drawn into a world that deals with darkness.

All I say is for your own salvation, to help you to step out of what is not of the higher mind, and which is of the illusion of the 3th  dimension. All happenings there, all political and financial dramas, are the signs of a dualistic world, where there is the dichotomy of darkness and light.

In the higher realms there is no separation, there is Only One Light, One Love, Unity of All. To participate in it you have to be willing to live it, to demonstrate it. Now. This is the school of earth.

Behold this my word, dearest ones.
My Blessings to all of you. Know that I embrace you all so that you may learn and understand.

Ascended Master St. Germain

Message received by Ute 

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011 
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect. When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.


Dear Ones,
It is quite a task to communicate with you all from a place that is of pure light while you are still dwelling in much density in your daily life. Only in your meditation we are actually able to come a bit closer to you. We are from a 6-dimensional realm which has both, translucent form, but fluctuating, and formlessness. Our main awareness, experience and identification  is mere Being and Energy or Light. We experience also feelings which are of Divine Qualities: Joy, Love, feeling of Oneness, Beauty, Peace, Compassion. We never feel dissatisfied or have negative emotions. This is a sign of lower density and in your case of the experience of duality.

Some of you are worried and ask themselves whether Ascension is a possibility for them, not knowing whether they qualify and what to do about it. But we can assure you: you are absolutely able to participate in the Ascension process.
And so we emphasize that the best preparation you can do is to generate your daily experience while expanding in these feelings of Divine qualities, to practice them, and to replace consciously and willingly lower emotions, as soon they arise, with them.

Can you do this? Absolutely, dear friends! Each and all of you are able to feel and float  with these higher Divine qualities, as they are your original feelings. You do not even have to “generate” them, you only have to allow them to be while you let go of the lower density emotions. When they occur, expand yourself, understand that you have been dwelling for a moment in the illusion of duality, conceptual thinking and separation, darkness and pain.

It is your heart that always knows silently the truth of this. Now, as the worlds are separating already, as the New Earth is shifting into her higher vibration, in actuality,  it has become even easier for you to do so! It only requires of you to remember, to recognize the illusion and to allow yourself to collapse your contracted and negative feelings and thinking into the Oneness of Divine qualities. LET GO! Breathe! It is only a matter of allowing this awareness in you to unfold. And the old world is already disintegrating for you!

While doing so the Joy of Being will flood your heart with inherent ecstasy. It is all there, always has been, you do not need to “create” or to “develop” unconditional feeling, you have been it all the while, even in your darkest hour of suffering. THIS is the illusion you have been falling for. Wake up, dearest Ones, wake up! All signs are here for you to let this happen! 
Joy, Happiness Is your true nature, and this is what ascension is all about: the returning to your God-given own true nature, to your own God-Self.

We love you, we appreciate and welcome your awakening and we support it with our blessings, always drawing you towards your own Divine Self.

We are the Arcturians!

Message received by Ute 

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
his message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect. When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Beloved earth humans,
We are the Arcturians and we are here to embrace each of you with total love and deepest feeling of joy. We are coming to speak to you with the voice of truth. There are so many misleading messages from the spiritual realms  brought to you and often you do not know which one to follow or which one to believe.

Now we want to ask you to consider: there are different levels of vibrational light. Each message vibrates — and it is not the content on which you are able to recognize whether a message is coming from Divine and Christed Sources, but the frequency, the light quotient, if you like, is it which tells you whether you can trust the source.

Now how to find out about this level of frequency, which vibrates as a communication to you?
We suggest that you always first call upon the Christ, the Consciousness of Christ and the Love of Christ -- or the Divine Source you are trusting the most. Open up to this Light and Vibration. If you call upon it, there is no way that it would not come to you, embrace you, touch you, vibrate  around you,  infill you, if you allow so. And so, once you fully feel this light, it’s characteristic, it’s blessing, it’s love, then you can compare the vibration of a message you are reading. If you feel that this message is compatible with the Christ Energy you know that you can trust.
If a vibration is less, then be careful what you allow to influence you. Know that the lower the frequency the more manipulative the intention behind it, and the more misleading it can be, drawing you into levels of experience you don’t really want to be in, but have allowed to influence you.

Always also know in your heart the pathway you are desiring to walk. Consider deeply whether you are satisfied with astral levels and illusionary mental visions or whether your heart desires the highest light, which ultimately is free of form and content, but pure bliss, love and joy. The highest dimensions are always pure light, pure being and the full feeling of It. And it comes with the Peace and the Silence of Pure Being, so that you can bathe in It.

All worlds are mere transitory states and stages of experience. Full satisfaction of your heart is where the feeling of happiness resides. It is without form and specific content. It merely IS.
We love you so much!

We are the Arcturians

Message received by Ute 

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect. When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.


Dear Ones,
We are the Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah!
We are Seeding Divine Light on earth at this time to help with her ascension and with the ascension of mankind and all beings on her to follow her into the higher dimensions.
We are of the 7th Dimension and yet close to the Galactic Center. We are a United Force of Transmitters of Divine Light.   Our work is that of bliss, to instill the new bliss in the body and heart of Gaia and man.
(in this moment a bell bird starts to sing his mystical signals of bliss!)
If you are ready to receive our light you will notice how your bodies and your consciousness  is being uplifted while this cooling liquid light is flowing down into you.  And  you will notice that higher earth, always already whole and sacred, free of abuse and suffering, is already set free from her old distorted body and is shifting into her new and glorious true place in the heavens.
Beloved Ones, our aim is to show you and help you to make your transition into the New World as comfortable as possible, concerning bodily and emotional pains. We are here to ease and cool your wounds, to dissolve your energetic knots and to transmute your dense carbon based body into a crystalline one.
It has been said that this transformation process is bringing about great physical suffering, but, in truth, it does not have to be so. If you are able to receive our light it will help you to go through your transformational process with more joy, trust and high energy.
We also want to tell you how much we love you. We are directly connected to the Love of God, the Radiant Divine Source of all Beings. We are devoted to be the givers of that Radiance through our service to the Source. We constantly fueling down this light. It is around your earth and already in the body of New Earth. It is waiting to be received by each one of you too. Only in darkness there is pain. Open to the Light and pain will be dissolved. Our Light is cooling therefore to lighten your heart and to lighten your body.
Our Light is calming and sets you apart from the many troubles humanity is suffering at this time and is building a protection against darker vibrations -- if you allow us to protect you. Know it all requires your consent. It requires your openess and willingness to receive the light flowing through us to you.
Call upon us! And you will feel that what we have said is true. It is already happening!

You are always Blessed!

 Message received by Ute

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect. When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Art Video by Ute Posegga-Rudel

Great, invisible legions of Light are surrounding our planet.
They help Mother Earth and her humanity to ascend.


Now is the time.
We Are Here.
Surrounding and
Blessing your Earth.
We Are closer to you
than you can imagine.

We fuel your life, your spirit,
your enjoyment
with Divine Light,
with the Power of Love.

We have come so very close to you.
Do you remember us?
Your own Glory and
Truth of our Oneness?

To remember,
is to break your shell.
of your forgetfullness.
Remembrance is the Glory
of your past and future.

Open up and widen your Ecstasy
to the H orizon of Infinity.

We Are with you, you are with us.
It always has been so.
Now the time has come
to remember,
to realize the God, the Truth,
the Joy You Are.

On the Wings of Bliss we return
With the Revelation of Eternity

Your Skies Above are Gone Beyond
Time vanished in the Flower of your Hearts.

Your speech a Glorious Choir of Adoration,
The Brilliance of Divinity
Has once again become your Own. 

Lyric by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright©2011