Monday, October 29, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Dearest friends,
Please Be Inspired by this video!!
Below you find the terms explained which I used in the video. The meanings differ from conventional understanding.
The sequence of terms and images is being repeated three times.
Please use headphones for the 528 Hz frequency. 

Much Love,


DA: is an ancient Sanskrit name for God, “Who Is Giving All to All”

FEELING OF BEING: the unlimited faculty of feeling, situated at the heart

SELF-TRANSCENDENCE: the constant activity of transcendending the self-knot of the ego-I into the Transcendental Reality

TRUTH: Another name for Divine Reality 

HRIDAYA SHAKTI: is the Energy and Light of the Supreme Divine Consciousness, prior to Cosmic Consciousness, Energy and Light, That Liberates from self-contraction 

FREEDOM: Freedom from the knot of self-contraction (the ego-I) 

ENLIGHTENMENT: the body-mind becoming literally pure light by the Baptism (or the “Crashing Down” into the body-mind) of the Hridaya Shakti. 

LIBERATION: The capacity to transcend the self-knot of the ego-I from moment to moment. 

TRANSCENDENTAL DIVINE SELF-REALIZATION: The Sponteneous, Permanent Awakening to our True Divine Transcendental Nature by Grace.

RADIANCE: The Self-Condition of the Ultimate'


THE HIMALAYAS: 10 of the 12 pictures show the  Himalayas, where monks, sadhus, saints and Divine Realizers meditated for many Thousands of years. The atmosphere is of unprecedented purity, pristine beauty and Divine Inspiration. Just to view from a distance their highest peaks covered with snow, alters your consciousness and fills you with joy! Many of the mountains are the abodes of Magnificent Gods, and they are so holy, that unusual miracles and enlightening experiences occur.

WATERFALL: Iguacu-Falls, Brazil


Saturday, October 27, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 201
Please also read update from 21.8.12
Watch on YouTube (recommended)

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence 
in the Andromeda Galaxy.


With Joy we are observing the splendid progress on your earth. Gaia is in our heart and attention and we are bathing Her with our Love and the Divine Light of Highest Source!

Dear humanity, we embrace you and shower our deepest and widest Blessings on you as you are growing beyond your state and condition of unconscious sleep into the clear radiance of a new day!

In Reality your ascension is already accomplished in the Higher Realms, it is only that the lower fields of density must follow their liberation into the light.

We would like to remind you that this is being done by each and every one of you with your pure heart.  But if you still need purification to let it shine, all your lower vibrating emotions must find their way out of your system, you must release them into the utter radiance of love!

This requires you to perform a very simple, but perhaps for some of you, difficult action!

It is about releasing your victim consciousness! All your lower emotions, such as anger, fear, guilt, sorrow, are born from victim consciousness only! It is based on the false presumption that any outer circumstance could have a restricting influence on your Divinity, as you forgot the Divine Essence that you Are, or on the illusion that this Essence could even be diminished!

Beloved Ones, the great transformation is this: acknowledge Who You Are! Remember Yourself, remember Your Divine heritage and wake up from that illusionary dream of being an organism merely, that is subject to outer circumstances.

When you subdue yourself to a lower creation, you give your Highest Truth away! You give Divine Reality away, convinced by a lie that has been pervading your human consciousness for a while now, imagining separateness, as if you were separate from Divine Consciousness.

You forget Who You Are, instead to forget who you are NOT!
Therefore we remind you:  forget who you are NOT! This is how you transcend victim consciousness!

You Are not a separate body-mind that could be victimized! You Are that Forever Untouched, One Divine Consciousness, that Radiance, that Love Only. The body-mind is merely the tool to experience what you desire to experience.

How could Love feel guilty, and how could Light be inflicted by conditional circumstances! How could lower density have an impact on the Freedom of Divine Radiance.
It is the fabrication of your mind, so that you seem to be lost in the profound error of this illusion!

Merely your BELIEF creates the dark dream of defeat and unhappiness, the companions of victim consciousness.

Therefore, if you put your Belief right, Everything else becomes Rightful!

And it is not about becoming ‘better’, to ‘improve’ your limited personality, but it is about right understanding of Who You Are! Who You Are, is not afflicted in any way by that personality! To wake up to your true identity - this is the quantum leap to the other side, to your Own True Reality. We can see this Truth shining undiminished in everyone of you, but some of you are still looking into the wrong direction!

So when you purify your heart from all theses errors of what you are NOT, it starts to radiate. There is indeed nothing to achieve, but only to release!  Then Happiness pervades you. And the golden warmness of Love pours out of your heart and fills your whole being, so that you ARE It.

Beloved Ones, only understand your errors and do not feel guilty! There is None in the heavens that ever is condemning you, but you yourself are condemning yourself. And this holds you tight to your errors! Therefore, forgive yourself the error of ignorance and stand up to what you truly Are. Disregard, but do not suppress or deny, what stands against it, the suffering, the separateness, the re-action to a lower world and your mistaken identification with it.

The purity of your heart which is nothing else but allowing your own Truth to shine, is the miracle  that shifts you into the Higher Reality, unifies you with It, makes you One with It. And that is how you will experience your ascension, recognizing that Everything is Already Divine, no matter where you are in Space and Time.

We are admiring you who are the heroes of this grandiose shift! You are working on the Glorification and Deification of this universe, and thereby of all universes. This illumination of yours is spreading like bright flames through the galaxy, igniting the sparks of Divine Creation everywhere, so that they become fires of Adoration, Worship and Realization of Divinity!

We thank you! We love you! Our Love merges with your Love, and in It we are One.

Be Blessed!
We are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Thursday, October 25, 2012


Dear All!

This healing video is from my heart to you! 
It is based on Sacred Sounds, Imagery and Words.***)

Sacred Geometry, such as the Flower of Life and the Sri Yantra, used in most of the images, are building blocks of Divine Creation and heal the Spirit.

 Deutsches Video:

The Healing Words used in this video, when deeply felt, are scientifically proven to heal the mind.

The Sacred Solfeggio and Brain-Entrainment Frequencies  have a healing effect on the body.

These three elements, combined together, are working on the underlying  imbalances of body, mind & spirit, and can therefore have a strong healing effect, when this video is used regularly.


Please use stereo headphones! ***)

***) ATTENTION! The binaural sound could be harmful, if you have epilepsy, a pacemaker or another electronic implant! In this case simply do not use headphones!

I'd love to hear your feedback! Thank you!

Much love,


Monday, October 22, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended) 

My dear friends!

Out of the unmoved sea of radiance, in which I exist, I write this! Of course, the senses function and are still scanning this still old world
and doing their usual job. However the still old world only seemingly is, as it is in the big process of change already. With the overwhelming Light and Energy, with the Presence of Love here, which only has to be recognized so that it can Live It's natural course, Everything here has changed already!

How many of the human race are noticing this?

We are as cells of the great single body of humanity itself those, who participate in this Miracle, given to us by Divine Grace.  Our greatness is merely the greatness of this glorious Happening, when we recognize It. It is our Unity, and also Love cannot be divided, and neither can we.

Our Unity is our greatness, and not our singleness, although we have various gifts and talents each. But even they are an expression of the Greater Presence of Divine Consciousness. 

The more we allow the Divine Presence to prevail the more we merge with It and let It live us. 

Basically, this is Bliss. And in this Bliss there is no motion of the soul, the soul is taken over. And there is only one  single Happiness, this Joy. To surrender to this Joy makes the vibrant energy of light our home, our parent, as it is nurturing us. And we are only offsprings of that Light which embraces and pervades us as Love. 

What is then in this non-changing Reality of Consciousness the essence of events, of actions, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual?

It is this Immensity Itself, and they only occur, as movements in that Immensity. Are they really me? No they are not. Only if we identify with them. But it is clearly noticeable that we are none of all of that, only this Radiance, this Consciousness, we are. The body does function in It, as usual, and does its regular thing, but it seems the perspective has changed from where we act. 

It is all about finding the way back to the greater "I", and eventually the Ultimate "I". We have been busy for Millenniums to reduce our identity, bit by bit, until we thought we are only flesh and senses, and that's it.

But we are in Reality unlimited beings, we are pure Radiant Consciousness, in which the mind and the body and the world is arising. Therefore in Truth we are not dependent on all of that of world. Of course, if we think we are merely the body, then we are.

This crystalline happiness in the heart merely Is. The heart is the antenna and vessel to be aware of what is Real beyond the body-mind.

I am merely attempting to study the anatomy of our being, of what we humans really are. This moment is very inviting! Not to use the advantage and Grace of this time would be the waste of a precious gift. And we do not want to miss anything in this every moment new and unknown process.

To maintain the right perspective, never let us believe we are less than the Whole. We can Be what we perceive to Be. Such is the nature of Consciousness. 

Our potential however is always unfathomable. Unlimited. Beyond words and mind. To the extent that we are able to widen our awareness about our true nature, to the extent that we can embrace it, notice it, to that extent we have become conscious of our human content. 

But we are not the content. We Are that Substance that Is the assimilation of every and all contents. Ultimately our nature is beyond content. Content is the play of Consciousness but is not us, it is our  toy, in whatever dimension. 

Now we are going to change our toys a bit, they are becoming more sophisticated and refined, we are upgrading them. But they are not the limits of our Consciousness. Lets not make this mistake! 

The journey can be endless, but the journey leads to nowhere. The journey does not become Truth, it is just an experience in the endless happening of creation. 

In the end we must even let go of the illusion of the journey. This requires us to jump into the Unknown where we suddenly Become what we always have been.

In that moment we drop the importance of happenings, they remain accents merely on the surface of our being, but we are limitless, we are Consciousness. 

And all the events flow in a seamless current, they are a process, as our content is, our structure. They change constantly, and what was happy yesterday, does not touch us today. What we aspire for tomorrow looses it's attraction as soon as we achieve it. 

Oh, this goal of ascension to a higher world! And from there we will strive higher. What is new today is old tomorrow. What we hope for - as soon as achieved - looses our interest. It is all the same. What counts is That Which Exists, no matter the play. It is this Existence in which we participate. About This, nothing can be said. It merely Is. And it can be felt, and it brings tears to my eyes.

All plays and toys will one day merge with their own true Nature and reveal their non-substantiality.  Only Reality is Substance, and there is only Light or Energy as Blissful Consciousness. Even if we play the body and the mind. It's all a playing hide of the senses which produce the mirage of our solid world so that we cannot see. 

Please forgive my stuttering. My old habit of perception is being undermined
, the old clothes do not seem to fit anymore, at least as long as this situation lasts in which I am in. I cannot pretend being a child in the sandbox trying to build castles. Somehow the tools have vanished in this silence of non-differentiation. If this all makes sense to you, I am honored by your participation in That Which Is Unspeakable. 

What remains is childlike Joy, is Love, they are One and the  Only One that counts.  Things are kinda being undone. And I do not know whether this is permanent or only waits for a new adaptation, so that it will seem I would function in the future in the old and familiar manner again, perhaps just only on a different octave.

Are we meeting here? Are you the Ones who can make sense of this? All these words are really un-necessary, but they describe at least the process of movement, which the currents of life are presently producing as me.

All I know for real is the Presence of Everything. It is a second world, it seems, in which the body-mind does the familiar. As such I am not changed. But no, the mind of incoherent, three-dimensional experience does not belong to where we go. 

There the mind recognizes a singleness where the 3D dual pairs seem to end up
next and loose their grip - necessarily .  
What I want to express, cannot be described, new communication skills must be developed to continue a link to what is fading away. That strong and potent is the information of light and of love that changes presently everything.

In whatever way I try to describe with words of our familiar world That What is the Case, - the buzzing Presence of everything -, it all flows naturally back into that One and pretty quickly, as if things of the old world
disintegrate. They disintegrate because their foundation is fading away. Instead of it  their real Substance reveals Itself and becomes obvious. It is the Only One that truly can speak.

No, it is not a dilemma. It is all about Happiness. 

With very much Love,



Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, October 19, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright  2012

Dear All,
as October 21 is considered being the day when we all need to unite as One and create together the new world, I am re-posting here the link to the Arcturian Message from April 29, this year.
Much love, Ute 



Bill Ballard And Lucas – My Movie – Join Us All On The World Focus On 21 October 2012 To Unite 

Portal 2012


Thursday, October 18, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

YouTube Video (recommended)

Dear Ones!
We would like to discuss some details about the criteria for ascension and what will happen with your close relationships.

Take into account that humanity has many helpers, and each human being is surrounded by many beings of light, especially at the time of transition!

It  depends on the soul development of the individual, to which degree they might suddenly become aware of their guides and angels at the time when the Huge Energy Portal is opening.  And this opening can have for many an immediate effect on their awareness and their increased capability to become  conscious about their own higher self.

So there are some surprises expected! You cannot tell who will shed unexpectedly their disguise, when at the time of the Galactic alignment their 3D karmas are dropped.

In any case you do not need to be concerned about your loved ones, because they are taken care of, according to their agreements and learning process. Each one will definitely turn to the path they have chosen, when the great moment of transformation arrives!

Many of you who are  lightworkers and starseeds, are already now working from the higher astral planes with your loved ones who  need help to grow spiritually. This is possible, as you have together soul contracts, and your work with these souls occurs often also at night in your sleep. And not all of you are aware of this nightly service.

When you ascend, the connection with your loved ones, for  whom you already are caring now, will not end, but you will from the higher dimensions connect with their third eye and their heart and give them guidance this way. This will even be more effective than when you would remain in the 3th dimension.

So do not worry about those you leave behind when you ascend! You will continue to be connected and you will never loose contact with them, whatever their fate will be, while you are of loving service to them.

For earth to transition into Her ascended state, things as they are now, cannot remain the same! Transformation IS at hand for everybody! And everybody must participate in it in the one or other way. Who desires to ascend and follow Gaia into her new form and consciousness, is required to transcend the  lower emotions and negative thoughts, so they can radiate Divine Light and Divine Love, and do not continue to create a world of suffering.

That is to say, there must be a transformation in consciousness and energy for those who are here to leave the 3th dimensional experience behind them.

They will receive every help from the beings of light to make that transition, but of course, they themselves are responsible for their  capability to remain there permanently.

As the situation in your world will undergo many  changes, people, until they ascend, must be prepared and equipped to deal with them! They will have the opportunity to jump on the train later, as the profound changes will serve as a major wake up call for those not yet prepared!

Also the highly increased light and energy on the planet is supportive for their awakening, not to speak of the impact of new realities on their consciousness. This all relates to those who, because of their soul contract, intend to ascend.

Who is not here to  follow this process, another experience, away from earth, is being prepared, where they can continue with their present consciousness and live a life that provides more experiences similar of the present ones.

But altogether, there are many different  solutions, according to each one’s needs. So everybody will “reap” their own actions, ~ the results of their intentions and desires. 

These laws of karma are not suspended and continue for them as in the past. And karma does also exist in the greater cosmos. It is the necessary law which is part of the evolutionary learning process.  

However, everybody will always be supported and Divinely guided, to draw them back to their true Divine Essence, and ultimately back to the Radiant Source, when their time of experiences in the lower and higher dimensions has come to an end.

So all is well, the Love of Source and of the Creator is Eternal and Embraces all! How could be neglected What Is Love's Own. How could the Divine Self be separated from Its own dreams! Therefore nobody is forgotten. All is developing according to the  Divine Plan. And this Plan is, that all souls and all creation will eventually recognize their own Divinity and Freedom from bondage and submission to Creation Itself, and achieve their freedom from it and their own inherent power of creation.

But in order to realize this, all must go first through a process of fire in the realms of great density to learn and understand on the level of the incarnated creature the laws and implications of creation.

This journey is due to their own free will, before they immerse into the Sea of Creation, reaching the bottom of that ocean, to emerge again, bringing the gifts of understanding and recognition of  the  Divine with them back to Source Itself.

The Mystery is unfathomable! Trust in that which cannot be controlled  is the greatest gift at this time!

We remain – as always – your very friends and loving helpers.

We Are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.