Showing posts with label Divine Consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divine Consciousness. Show all posts

Monday, October 27, 2014



What are you waiting for? 
Don't you know that I AM always Present, Unchanging, in the midst of constant change?

Change is the inherent nature of duality and happens in your mind. It is you who wanted to experience change, to know both sides of the coin, light and dark, and - as you call it - good and bad. 

For Me Who Is Beyond of it all, it is a mere play. But for most of you who have chosen to live apart from Me, these opposites are experienced as serious realities, evoking pleasure and pain, happiness and misery.

I AM your God-Self, your True Nature and Reality. For Me ascension is just part of the endless happenings in My Domain, but which do not touch Me, which do not change Me, because I AM beyond change, and so your own True Nature is. 

Is it not, that you even do not need to wait for a new world or higher density, to be truly Happy? Because you can BE again the Consciousness you ARE, and always will BE, to observe the constant currents of the eons as Me, untouched forever in Your indestructible Bliss. 

Don't you know Me? When the worlds seem to stand still and are being Breathed by Me, when there Is no separation in your mind, when there is only Feeling to Infinity and Knowingness, don't you know that in that Very Moment there Is Only Me, your True Self, recognized?

But then you forget. And you cling deep to the ups and downs of happenings.  

Presently you all are waiting for the up, the event of ascension. But who is waiting? Will you in your experience of separateness hope for better times than they are now? 
Don't you know that I AM ALWAYS Perfect right now, when time is not, when mind ceases to be and I Arise as the One Whom you always have Known? 

While you allow Me to Be Who Is You, as Divine Consciousness, as the One Who Is Love and Who Is Bliss Always, you do not seek for betterment, you do not seek ascension. You do not seek for a "better" world or God, because then you know that there Is Only One God, One Divine Consciousness, One Light of lights, in Which the notion of light and dark arise, of "good and evil", of your personal "likes and dislikes". 

To be aware of Heaven on Earth is always possible when you remember Me, your True Nature and Identity. There Is Only Me when you remember Me, and when you release the dead end of your identification with the body-mind, Beloveds! 

Do not forget that you ARE not embodiment. You have chosen embodiment to experience duality. The body is not the experiencer, nor the senses are. I AM. Whether your experience is of this dimension or any other dimension. It Is Always Me Who Lives Alone and Single. I AM all of That. IS ME. 

When you dream the separate one, that one is not Me. But still I AM you even when you imagine a life apart from Me. 

When will you be wise, to live the world as My Fullness, now. It can be done whether ascension arrives or not. All is a matter of Divine Consciousness Only, prior to the perception of the brain. Live As Me and the world changes, right now, to balance and dignity. To Fullness and Truth in which all other dimensions and experiences appear.

Why do you still deny your Divine Throne? Why seek for the lesser things! Why not allow Me Alone to Guide your Happiness?
Why don't you desire to Be Who You Are in Reality!

I Bless all your adventures, because I AM You! You Are All Beloveds of Mine! Calling your Happiness Eternally!

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Imgage by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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My latest communication to you through this channel  requires an update.
You should know that I am very concerned about the well-being of all of you.
My task and service to humanity is to make sure that you do not miss the right path in the midst of the dense forest of information. There is more than sufficient information widespread about the present process of change and ascension in your world.

But you need to know that many messages that seem true to you, are not and are fabricated to lead you astray.
Many of these messages concern your spiritual growth and development.

Those of you who have been already on their spiritual path  before the discussion about the ascension process started on the internet, will know and understand, what I am now telling to you.  

But those of you, who are newly awakening, must be careful about what you want to believe. Because much disinformation is handed down to even good-hearted and well-meaning lightworkers, by those who do not want you to truly spiritually awaken and want to keep you away from your powerful Truth.  

So they give you misleading information, but which could prevent you from wanting to discover your true Divinity.

Any information about the spiritual path that is reduced to instructions about your physical hologram that needs to be developed by means of mental exercises, misses the mark. 
The Divine reveals Itself via the faculty of Feeling, and not through thinking.

Yes, the ascension process includes an upgrade of your physical body. But it is your heart-opening and your devotion to What Is Great, that develops the light body. The body is merely a tool and has nothing to do with your True Divine Essence, with your Divine Self, That Itself never changes.  
The statement that you are NOT your body is not new, but it seems that is is being hidden mostly among the many instructions how to spiritually awaken and develop.
Many of them are meant to keep you merely in the brain.

The brain has definitely a very important function, also spiritually, as it  contains the main gland, the pituitary gland, but it is still a tool to navigate, to recognize, to differentiate in all the lower and higher dimensions. But even the dimensions are domains in which you dwell or to which you belong vibrationally according to your level of  consciousness.

These are all functions of  experience.
But, my dear Ones, you are NOT your experiences, as well as you are not your thoughts, your thinking mind, your brain. They all are tools and instruments to navigate, to locate, to experience.

All these things are not “bad” or to avoid, but you need to understand, that they are secondary phenomena, whereas what is primary, is the Infinite Divine Consciousness that you ARE.

What is Divine Consciousness? So that you can understand, it is easier to describe, what it is not. It is certainly not brain, not your thoughts, not your awareness, not the world, not the universe. All these arise IN Divine Consciousness!

Do you understand? YOU are much more than the parts, you ARE the Totality of all that appears to your awareness and your senses, gross and subtle. Even the most subtle experience in deep meditation that appears to you as 'other',  as different from you, as an objective appearance that you feel is apart from you, is in fact YOU.

Your True Being does not know separative difference, objectification, and separation!
Your ancestors – before the “fall” -  have known this. In fact, the fall IS the objectification of the universe and its dimensions itself!  It is the separation of the experiencer from the  experience.

Therefore please consider, that it is crucial to understand the difference between Truth and information that is intended to mislead you.

The Heart, and not the brain, has always been the center and the platform that integrates your Unlimited Divine Consciousness with your body. Although it is also physical, and has a subtle form and presence, it is the door to what is beyond manifestation, gross or subtle.

From the Heart all your other functions, including the brain and its functions, are being governed. Ultimately there are no chacras. There is only One United Conscious Radiant Energy Field, in which your body with all the energy centers arises.

To reduce your identity to the chacra system or even to your subtle bodies, and altogether to the hologram of your appearance, is a gross mistake!

It is necessary that you all, my dear friends, understand this and begin to explore your true Divinity that starts with feeling, love and compassion in your human  heart.

From there you will be able to explore and call into your awareness the deeper identity of Who You Are!
If you wish, go through the door of your heart beyond the physical, the ethereal, the mental, emotional and even the spiritual body, all contained in the One Divine Consciousness, that is absolutely without body of any density.

Within It all worlds, all bodies, all events arise. It is Bliss, and it is Love, when it is Self-Aware of the worlds. And it is  Pure Being and Pure Consciousness when the worlds are forgotten. YOU ARE THAT. And your ARE not less!

To those who are already familiar with this state of experience, I say: It is not enough to stay within the heart-feeling IN the body. 

This is only the beginning. Know this! Otherwise you would limit yourself unnecessarily! 

There is a way beyond! And I will guide you so you invite me to help you to go further, to open your consciousness further, to expand, to allow to enter the Infinite Conscious Room of your Divine Identity, to transcend all limitations!

As always, I am here to bless all of you and to provide guidance, where ever on your path  you are!

I am Mary Magdalene!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Monday, April 8, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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After physically rough times, which triggered in turn emotions, from below the bubbles in the boiling water reached the surface above, a surface that  is untouched and pristine, like when you reach the peak of a mountain, after making your way through snow storms, blizzards, pouring rains, cold winds and the dangers of sudden crash.  

Paradoxically, this must however not be understood as a linear but rather a multidimensional process, in which all stages tend more or less simultaneously to occur.

The view there is unprecedented and unobstructed-eternal, a serenity that is stronger and more substantial and real than any appearance in the old world of illusions, that only seem to be real. There, the energy-vibration of real Reality reveals Itself, it is of a Presence that is not mild but of the force of Shakti (Divine Spiritual Energy) Itself at Infinity.

Hard work, but because we are One, perhaps supportive to help mass consciousness at least a bit more out of the obliviousness in the lower densities and heavily suppressed self-identity. 

Sometimes hard to not to forget: this is NOT "me" (never has been, nor is it "yours"), because WE are free since eternity and ever will be.

(A surprise how the weather, namely the appearance of the sun emerging from behind the clouds reflects from moment to moment my writing: at exactly this point his-her radiance touches my eyes.)

Our truth comes forward, to shine brightly, filling in all directions the circular horizon, embracing the crest on which we stand.

This is just one step out of our underground existence where we have been vegetating for Millenniums. But it is the step, where our real life and existence begins radiantly to emerge.

It is the stepping stone from where we jumped courageously, with the necessary blindfolds on our eyes  into the darkness of these deep waters to save ourselves and  the seeming lost into the light.

Please forgive the use of poetry in these solemn matters, I don’t know how else to express the indescribable. It is a mystery, always, whatever happens. When we touch the seeming reality of darkness, it is always to let it to become light, with the Revelation that there is Only Light.

It it the Self-Recognition of the Creator God-Godess in all Creations. This process requires the individual consciousness to assume separation, because only in this state the experience of deepest intensity and density can be gained. And like a rubberband stretched almost to the point of snapping, only to zip back to its original seize, Divine Consciousness assumes a point of view of limitation to bring this experience back to Itself to Radiate even more brightly.

In Reality there are no sleeping masses, it is the intended sleep of the Creator God-Goddess, Playing with themselves. In the immensity of the Consciousness of This Divine Presence however nothing seems to happen, like all things are nothing but a illusionary mirage, a Fata Morgana.

We, of course, with the other foot actually in the midst of experiencing, must still live for a while in both worlds. For me the physical is not yet back to comfort, it just has crossed the deepest rock bottom while the waves of opposites in this limited world are surging up at their highest at this point, but the light has already won.

As an empath, as many of us are, we can feel how we are inseparably connected with the collective consciousness. And specific planetary transits can palpably remind us of this truth.

The request of the hour for humanity is to return to our own sovereignity, to cut the strings of bondage, be it thoughts, emotions, peoples, beings, things, events, situations, to rise our consciousness and  frequency, to reunite again with the One and Undivided Radiant Divine Consciousness That is our True Identity.

The promise is high. It is only about this promise, about this liberation into what we always have been. We can use the incoming waves of light to purify our heart and to open ourselves for the omnipresent love. It is us who must come to understand. The struggle each one of us is going through is heralding the victory of love-light, that slowly will reflect in the events of the “outer” world. 

Therefore we do not look first outside for changes but within. When we are in that state of this unshakable peace with ourselves and everything else, where there exists only timeless Presence, regardless of experience, we have ceased even to ask for answers. Because: this IS the answer.

This is, how we prepare for the Light of the Great Cosmic Event, sooner or later illuminating our whole universe.

Effortless from here the new world emerges naturally from the stillness of our enlightened mind, first with fragrant blossoms, soon to flower with the fullness and abundance of Eternal Recognition of Divine Creation.

I love you!


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, March 23, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel

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The  crystallization of the Self That Is Mere and Pure Being  has been completed in the new light matrix of humanity that guarantees ascension.

What does this mean? The Feeling of Being, the sheer Presence of I AM, the Sacred Chamber of the Heart, is now a tangible Reality, implanted in the collective consciousness of mankind.

Concerning the individual (and the still sleeping masses) it is a matter of time now to allow this Divine Presence to come  forward,  becoming conscious in every single human being. It is there, tangibly waiting for each one of us, to tap into It’s Infinite Glory of Happiness, Untouched by events, havings and not-havings, and experiences, based on the body-mind.

It IS untouched because it is a state of mere Infinite Being that excels all transient and therefore limited and conditional phenomena. It is the Ocean of the Source Which we all share and which is inherently uniting us as inseparable Oneness and Radiant Love. Such Is the Origin from which each One of Us came, and our remembrance of It is dawning now in the One Body of mankind.

The Blessings of the Deep of Light and Divine Consciousness That is Descending from the Heart of Divine Existence, returned to us what we once lost, as it irrupted through the veil of forgetfullness, raised the frequency on our world and removed much of the layers of darkness on and around our Beloved Planet Earth. 

We can discover our Being-ness, That is now available to everyone, when we step out of our usual race of doing, wanting and striving and planing, and instead breathe and go on retreat, if only for a few hours. 

In many cases our pattern of doing is still bonded to the structure of the old world in which we imagine to be separate beings, following separate goals. Unconsciously with one foot in the past, we are still holding on to the old paradigm, while the other foot already stands victorious in the high vibration of the New World.

Also many are trying to enter the New World by continuing with the old ways and seeking to add some new bits and pieces to it. But we cannot take the illusions of a limited self-identity with us when we enter the Light. Because Light that shines into darkness dissolves the darkness.

To remove our foot from the old way we need first to transcend both worlds, the old AND the new, to remember Where we came from, to remember Who we are! To experience that One Being-ness which transcends both worlds!

It is the lever arm of Divine Consciousness that allows a clean slate while we withdraw fully from the old direction. It is the coordinating point from where we can choose any direction we desire. Because it is the Zero-Point, the Void that contains all possibilities, and the void that draws back to Itself and swallows the worlds that have become obsolete.

Emerging anew, after we accepted the Tabula Rasa and discovered our Own Truth by just allowing It to Emerge As It Already Is, our wantings and doings show an entirely new quality: they ride like waves upon the Infinite Stillness of our Being-ness, arising and dissolving in That Ocean as a dance of light and energy, our new and ascended body-mind a sacred vessel for the force of creation.

Beloved friends, we are on the edge of this Revelation, where humanity as a whole changes its direction, to start a wholly new Divine Adventure. Forgotten finally all illusions and separateness, that does not allow the Presence of Infinity.

From now on our real journey has started! It can begin for us, when we let go of our old and false identity, allowing to be drawn back into our Natural Divine State of Oneness and Being-ness, to be reborn as the One we truly Are.  

It does not require any effort, but simply the release of the stressful gesture that holds our artificial identity together.

Love and Joy naturally burst the shackles of imprisonment!

Much Love and Many Blessings!

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Sunday, March 10, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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Beloved Friends!

My heart-felt gratitude for your many loving responses I received to my last update: "Blessed, Strange Times"! It was another proof to me that we are all together in this, by going through a profound evolutionary process.

And your responses also confirmed to me that I function (as so many others at this important time)  as a catalyst. Because as soon as I had published this update, I noticed that suddenly all the “symptoms” were gone! And all the juiciness in my body-mind was back! While obviously a conscious process of recognition and transformation had started in others.

The process of writing is being initiated in my case from an All- Embracing Love-Light and Joy that is Pervading my being, with a  strong impulse to write, and it is as if this Energy is writing down what I need to say. It is not “me” that is writing, it is another Dimension that  speaks.  And another Dimension that is willing to feel personally things that are not owned and not so pleasant but which are holding at a certain time a more or less general level and quality of experience in the  collective consciousness of those who have agreed to enter the path of ascension.

This Dimension of Light, Love and Joy is the Native Truth of Humanity, which suggests, that the Divinity of Humanity is acting and speaking  through me at times, using this body-mind as an instrument. So it is like YOUR own Divine Truth is speaking through me, as we are One, to support your individual conscious process.

This seems to be very mysterious. But if we accept the Reality of seamless interconnectedness, it is a normal process. It is the united field of Divine Consciousness in which we all inhere, this  Consciousness that is paired with Light-Energy. As soon as we realize something consciously, an energetic process is set in motion. In that sense we catapult each other exponentionally toward ascension each time we go through a conscious process.

Because all and everything must be recognized in Consciousness to move, to change, to dissolve, to be transported, altered, transfigured, and to be ultimately liberated into the  Source-Consciousness of All-That-Is.

So the conscious process can move mountains. All that is recognized consciously moves energetically, gravitating toward a lighter state of frequency, until it dissolves or becomes One in and with the endless Radiant Ocean of the Divine Conscious Source Condition.

What a great adventure! What an awesome  confirmation that humanity’s Truth and True State and Nature behind all appearances is Pure and Mere Radiant Consciousness, even beyond or prior to brain-based consciousness and body-mind, a Consciousness that is Greater than the Creations That are appearing in It, Greater than all individual Beings and Entities, Who are appearing in It. And That at a time Expresses Itself As all Beings and Things.

What is actually happening now is that the Divine Source Consciousness of all Creations is emerging from the sleeping Unconscious of Humanity into the Awakened Conscious. And thereby It Is Liberating what was bound to the conditional worlds.

Thank you again for all your responses, in thoughts, feelings and awakenings! They are mile stones in our evolutionary process. Especially every written word creates a strong energetic pathway that serves the conscious awakening of all mankind.

Much Love and many Blessings,



Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Tuesday, October 9, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

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My dear friends,
while seeing and experiencing the opening, the message started to unfold ....


"You are not the body.
The chains which artificially have been tying up your free and radiant consciousness with the physical body, are being dissolved as the powers of the  controllers are fading.

The clouds of darkness are vanishing which kept you in the illusion of limitations and the identification with the body-mind.

You are not the mind.
Mind is an appearance that comes with embodiment, no matter how dense or subtle, how dark or how full of light.

The Grace of your True State is body- and mindless.
Even mind is a function only to navigate in creation, which is of the mind itself.

If you go beyond body and beyond mind there is unlimited feeling, it is free of emotion. IT IS. IT IS Radiant. IT IS Freedom.

Allow this freedom to rise “above” the body, above in the sense of releasing the body out of sight as you more and more are centering at the core and essence of what you truly Are: Divine Consciousness, Radiant and Ever-Blissful. IT is not “in” the body. The body is IN IT!

IN IT Itself nothing arises, as soon as you withdraw even your subtle mind and your subtle senses, the senses which perceive the higher worlds and  dimensions, from what they perceive.

Then your primordial State prevails, Stillness prevails, bring this back to the body and let it unfold and pervade all things and worlds.

Because of this Indestructible Truth of your Divine Essence, the loop of your dark timeline, intended to feed itself continuously, is broken. The dark tunnel has a grand opening for the first time into the realms of light, the realms of Divine Creation. There it ends, and no willful forces can ever again  close this opening.

The Power of My Conscious Light is Radiant and It is Standing at the end of the dark wormhole of your old world. And everything of this ill appearance will transition into a New Reality.

Never forget Who You Are, even when you are going to experience the new worlds of splendour and seeming satisfactions. Because without Me nothing of all of it would be possible to enjoy. Everything is Full of Me. And Only Me.

Even the broken light of the rainbow is borrowed from Me, the Radiant Unbroken Light of Lights! I AM your Source and I AM not created! I Exist of Myself. 

In a Split of My Consciousness, where I Started to Look at Myself, mysteriously Creator Gods appeared, they took My Substance and created wonderfully all these marvelous Divine Worlds. You will see them soon! They are ready for you to explore.

But none of them is your true identity! None! I AM!
I Love You As Myself!

I AM your God-Self!"

Message conveyed by Ute 

P.S. I noticed this was posted exactly at 12:12 PM!


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Friday, September 28, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Yes, it is time for those of you who feel attracted to Nova Terra, to start to carry the vision of Her and Her Glorious ascended New and Divine Light and Energy in your Heart, to welcome Her already now in the essence of  your own being!

When you do this with the Love of your Heart, you are preparing yourself in a perfect way for ascension. It will greatly make your transition easy and pleasant, as you connect yourself already now with Her vibrant new Creation.

Do not withdraw your energy  from the necessities of your daily life, but you can fulfill them by  joining your heart already now with Her highly ascended Consciousness.

You can do this, while you meditate and ask to be elevated up to her frequency which exists radiantly all over and as Nova Terra! As you allow yourself to connect with this higher dimensional field of love- and joy-radiance, you automatically rise your own vibration. Feeling the joy and happiness that pervades our New Earth, should make it easy for you to bring it to here, because Joy is contagious! It is this Joy which takes over then your daily life and which is the bridge to our new world soon to emerge!

Do not allow yourself to be drawn down with your emotions into the daily ups and downs of the fading state of our old world, but live with the certainty of a radiant Divine Reality  which will be soon ours. 

If difficult emotions persist, accept and feel them fully. And then release them into the light. If you do not release them, this might be a reason, why you cannot yet connect with Ascended Gaia.

Although there is a “distance”from here to there, in Reality this New World is right here, only vibrating in a Higher Consciousness, transcending the illusion of space and time.

Originally, Gaia existed many eons ago as a very High Being of Light, some say as an Archangel, in the highest dimensions, before She fell into the lower densities, not because of Her failures, but because of lower dimensional beings whom She allowed in Her Compassion to incarnate on Her.  

In our time She has been Blessed by the Incarnation of Radiant Source Consciousness Itself, to Which She  surrendered by Her own great Spiritual Practice. Divine Source Consciousness  can only be Realized by transcending mind and creation. It required Her to let go of all other identifications and personal states. Therefore Source Consciousness is so present on New Earth. And this is the reason why She Is Unique among other planets and in the many dimensional realms and has Great attractive Power.

Ascended Gaia also wants you to know that She is deeply connected to all of us, and that we only need to allow this connection and feel it! And so She is asking you to open your heart toward Her and let go all presumptions of difference and separation, so that you can become in your feeling Heart One with Her Radiant State!

What an unspeakable blessing it is, to ascend with a Great Divine Being and to live directly in Her Divine Company! There is no greater Blessing, I believe! Because our beautiful New Home is Spiritually Alive and not a insentient body, like the planets of many of the ascended Galactic civilizations are! To me the Joy and Blessings of this Divine Gift is beyond words! And it is important, that ever more of us can wake up to this unspeakable Miracle.

I remember the stories of ancient Indian Wisdom Teachings, the Puranas, in which even the most unfortunate events always turned out to be in the end unexpected and Greatest Divine Blessings, in ways which did not exist in creation before! 

Our days of limitations are numbered! The Great Waves of Joy are already arriving to here, and all that light and all that love that is One with that Joy! 

We all can take advantage of this!
We are all so much Blessed!

With love,

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.