Showing posts with label Happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happiness. Show all posts

Monday, February 6, 2012

ART VIDEO: THE JOY OF BEING - a Dance in Eternity

Dear friends,
please enjoy my new Art Video. It expresses not only where we need to be,  and where we WILL be together in the New World, but also where we can be right now if we allow to be our own true Essence.  It relates to the Message from the Andromeda Galaxy: Your Essence is Joy.

Be happy and inspired!
Much love and blessings,
Please watch in HD quality!

Video with image art by Ute Posegga-Rudel


Wednesday, December 28, 2011


 Listen to this message on YouTube

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright ©2011
Dear Ones, I Am St. Germain! 

At this time, where most of you are celebrating or taking a holiday in the midst of your usual busy lives, you might find a special time and sacred space to take my message to your heart. 

We are happy that many of you now are starting to more and more wake up, wanting to know the truth behind the politics of your governments, your history. But most of all, ever more of you start to question who you really are and where you came from. 

Dear humans, in this context I am referring to the fact that the paradigm your race has been living with and believing in for thousands of years, convinced that it was solid truth, is not what you think it is. 

There is no truth about it, never has been, as many of you already know, but to face this fact, is more disturbing for many of you than you are aware of. Because, if you managed to establish yourselves well, it questions all your beliefs, the quality of your social structure, your safety and the roles you are playing in this structure and your identification with it. 

What you are now experiencing is the breaking down of your identity and this is perhaps the most difficult thing you must face on your way to a new era of your world, which is already on its way and will in due course of time change profoundly its appearance, functioning and frequency.

Loosing your identity with which you have been familiar all your lifetime, even in most cases innumerable life times before, is the most difficult and challenging task you could ever encounter. Loosing your possessions is something else, because you can survive it, by holding on to the same identity. 

Not so, when your idea about what you think you are, is falling apart. However, this old and familiar identity so far has limited you profoundly to a being which is supposed to be just a body-mind, separate even from your family and the ones you most love and the rest of humanity and the world. 

You have been well adapting to this limitation for centuries and millenniums and only very few of the human race dared to question this limited identity and searched for a more expanded meaning of their lives and themselves. They have been heroes because they had the courage to step out of their familiar environment, to leave behind a feeling of belonging which might have led them to the experience of isolation from the rest of you. 

This is also the reason why you did never start to question yourselves whether your limited state was your true identity, because you were driven by fear to end up in such an isolation from the rest of your human family, that you  would experience when you would decide to step out of a normal social group consciousness. You have been just too afraid to allow the urge of your inherent heart-desire to investigate your deeper nature, but rather suppressed it to the point where you did not feel it anymore. 
And because of this fear you often preferred to ridicule and put down those with courage to find their true self. 

The other reason why you have kept yourselves locked up in your limited identity, have been your governments who understood to educate you in a way that kept you in your belief of what you thought your were. They gave you intentionally wrong information about your true identity in schools, universities, their media and by spreading falsified scientific knowledge by people who have been bribed by them, to make wrong statements. 

In this way they managed to manipulate your inherent understanding about yourself and your world, so that you ceased to trust your own intuition and your heart. Deeply confused by this conflict you started to take refuge to your perceptual thinking mind, and from then on you walked a path of arbitrariness, where you blindly followed a world of mind where everything could be proven and disproved simultaneously. While some of you followed theories which seemed to be proven, others swore that the opposite was true, however your conviction was not one of your heart where truth can be found, but was based on mere mental findings and arbitrary personal likes and dislikes. 

In this way you have become extremely vulnerable to outside forces and increasing manipulation, while you divided in groups of different believes and convictions. From then on it was very easy for your manipulators to gain increasing power over you. I do not need to continue to explain this further, as I know that most of you understand today exactly this dilemma humanity is suffering. 

But if you now consciously, by following my explanation, recognize and understand the history and reason why you perhaps have been one of those who are still hesitating to let go of your old identity, by understanding that it is a false identity, you will be able to easier let it go and give room to your true identity to emerge. 

What is your true identity? Dear Ones, your true identity is Divine and is not limited to a role in a social group, like a family, your working situation, a church or a nation. It is not limited to any doctrine or your thinking capability and how you use it, it is not limited to your physical body and your senses, it is not limited to your experience of birth and death, short and superficial joys and long-lasting and deep suffering. 

Your true identity is your inherent and forever free and eternal soul, whose nature is undying and unlimited joy, happiness and pure love. In all your endeavors, to accumulate possessions and power and to experience sophisticated enjoyments you have been searching always exactly for this happiness only.  But you have indeed limited yourselves to your finite body, lifetime, role-play, possessions or the lack of them, while you have been searching for something you have been already all the time. 

Therefore your true nature’s freedom is the freedom from all these limiting identifications with things, which originally have been created to allow you to experience creation as a Divine Being, but not as a being in slavery, with suffering, separation and deadly endings. This has never been the Divine Plan. 

But things happened that way, superimposed on you by forces who had not your very best in their hearts. However it was you who allowed this to happen, this limitation, this deprivation of your true Divine Nature. In due course of this process you developed this false identity and what is now given to you, in this glorious era of awakening, is the opportunity and the Divine Gift and Compassion that allows you to take back what you lost: your true Divine Identity. 

By opening your heart where you have stored all your pain since Millenniums, your own truth can be experienced again. But you must acknowledge all the pain as the doorway to your true and always inherent happiness. All your pain in your heart are events where you have betrayed  your own truth so many times, and where you are still betraying yourselves, where you haven’t been true to yourself, where you followed false doctrines and where you allowed yourselves to be manipulated by others, who played the separate game with you, and you agreed. 

By taking back what you Are, you will free the Love, the Happiness, the unlimited Light and energy that you are because you are remembering that you are a free being, participating directly and immediately in the force of Divine Light, Energy and Love, even with your physical body. All of which sustains your existence boundlessly. 

This non-separate participation in the All-That-Is is your true identity, my dear Ones, it is limitless and your constant experience of all the Happiness and Love, as which you dance the experience of your life. 

Be Blessed, dear Ones, let yourselves fall into the Source of your own Being-ness to Be the Fullness of Who You Are! 

I AM St. Germain!

Message received by Ute 

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Listen to this message on YouTube

Dearest Ones, Lovers of the Divine,
This is Sananda.

I Am here with you today to help you to understand that there is a difference between thinking and being - which many of you are not clearly aware of.

You can think light, but it does not necessarily mean that you ARE Light.
You can think love, but it does not necessarily mean that you ARE Love.

Mankind has been trapped so much in the mind - that earth humans have forgotten the true space in the heart where there is mere Being. It is the undivided place of eternity where the Divinity, the Source of Existence can Shine trough so that you ultimately can become One with It.

As you have forgotten this place, you have separated yourself from your origin over the course of millenniums by thinking. Thinking is the great separator from Source. Thinking is a process that can only occur when you allow the idea of duality to emerge. With thinking you create a copy of Reality, of All-That-Is.  With thinking you put a veil upon what is alive, what is Sacred, and it flattens the force and dynamic of true feeling into something artificial, a surrogate of living life as an expression of the Divine Itself.

It is not that you should not use the faculty of thinking, dear Ones, but in the true Divine spiritual process it is necessary to understand it’s rightful place and  where it has to surrender to what is Greater.

Dearest Ones, having yourself forgotten so much, forgetful of your true nature which is living in the All-That-Is, many of you cannot any more feel the difference between thinking and feeling, because you cannot truly feel. You cannot feel the Divine. You might “think” that you feel IT, but you do not feel it.
The nature of the mind is that it can deceive you, as it can operate as many frequencies and densities and can appear in many shapes and many forms. You know this from your experience, when you “think” something wonderful and when you “think” something which does not make you happy which tells you that thought waves can be light or heavy.

When you have understood this, then you are perhaps able to  understand that you can create very “light” thought waves, very subtle and transparent ones, and you think with your head that it is feeling. You think with your head that your “Are” Light, that you “Are” Love. But still, it is a thought and not a Being Light, a Being Love.

Being Light and Being Love is only your experience when you truly rest in the space of your heart, ultimately unified with the space above your head. Once there, you will not talk anymore light, you will not talk anymore love. Because you ARE IT.
There is a proverb, saying that one only speaks of things which one does not have. And there is great truth about it.

Dearest Ones, I desire you to understand the difference. Because if not, you continue to dwell in illusions about yourself and what you think you have become spiritually.
To truly Become Light and Love requires the process of consciously facing everything which is not of this nature and which therefore does not allow you to Become. As long as you think to be light and love, you separate yourself from that very Light and that very Love.

It is important that you recognize the difference between the thin veil of subtle thought waves which can appear very light though and can appear to be Light, and Divine Light itself.

The real light process  — and the real love process too, is a very very tangible one and is experienced in your whole body, and not just in your thinking. When this happens you allow the Living Force of Divine Light and the Force of Love to enter you and replace what is in their way of Becoming your body AND your mind.

When this happens you don’t think enlightenment, you don’t congratulate yourself, thinking who you are and what you have “achieved”. And neither is there wishful thinking. You just Are. And you Know It. You don’t think it.  

Take this as a sign and honest measure of where you stand. Thinking Light and avoiding to go through the true process of facing your subconsciousness, where you have put all the things you did not love, is the path of the hypocrite. It requires courage and the force of your higher will and the love of the Deep of your heart to shine through and to let yourself be guided on the true journey, dear Ones.

This true journey is the most heroic one which cannot be thought or imagined, you have to do the real thing. To go to the other shore you must welcome, bless and release all that which you are not, including your thought waves. Your true humanness is that of the heart and there is a space in your heart in which Divine Creation occurs and One through which you unite with All-That-Is. It is Conscious - not not just a field of energy.

It is not in the head, it is  beyond the brain. All your thinking with doubt about being worth of the Divine, all your fears you would not be able to “make” it as Being Love, Being Light, all fears of being overwhelmed perhaps in the face of what it takes to merely BE, it is all but a creation in your head, another thought about what “you” are, what "you" are not, and what “you” can achieve. All of this let go .

Your true nature does not think these thoughts, it does not achieve, it merely Is and participates simply in the Divine Process of Being.  It does not take a thought to “invent” a secondary world of enlightenment. It is Enlightenment Itself, It is Love Itself. What is impatient, is your thinking about it. To step into your true nature is nothing superior either. Because it is a state of greatest  inherent simplicity, before you create duality.

Would you accept this? The ego never accepts this, so if you have problems with this simplicity, you have problems with your ego. And you cannot “think” to be of simplicity either. This is another trick of your ego, that wants to be special. You have to get down and  do the work. No honors. And you cannot even think that you do not want honors!

I, Sananda, Am pointing this out to you so that you can recognize the many traps on your way to true happiness. True Happiness arises when you no longer confuse thinking with feeling. Because your true nature is feeling and not thinking. Love is there to feel, God is there to feel, Light is there to feel, even beauty can truly only be felt.

Dearest Ones, be well and be happy!
I Am Sananda at the treshold of the Galactic Center

Message received by Ute

©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Listen to this Message on YouTube

Dearest Ones, We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Beloved humans from planet earth,

Peace be with you! Peace is the most crucial quality you MUST live and exercise in your very heart, starting from NOW, if you haven’t done so already. A short moment in eternity is given to you to prepare.

Please, dearest Ones, take notice, there is no sudden awakening and your are all Light in the blink of an eye. Awakening and enlightenment must be practiced and exercised as a conscious process. For some it is a long process still ahead.

How do you practice this peace? Did you try?
If you can’t do it, what does it tell you?

We have spoken in our last communication about the Glory of the Divine, the Truth of Happiness and Love which are qualities of the Living Divinity. We have spoken to you from the white fires that travel along the grids of consciousness to enlighten the worlds and all beings.

So – how do you bring together this message of joy, love and ecstasy with your own receptivity and realization of it to the degree that you truly are LIVING it?

When Divine peace and joy is not yours in your heart yet, know that It still exists and is very real, but obviously there is something in your being, in your feeling, in your thinking, in your heart and energy field which resists Divinity as such. It does not allow It to enter and to inform your life so that it IS a Divine Event, yes, YOUR life: a DIVINE event.

The reason for it not to be so, the reason, that there is not yet peace in your heart and life then, is, that you, as a self-responsible being, are not aware of what darkens your heart, your emotions and your thinking as it is hidden to your consciousness.

If you cannot find peace, and we mean a peace which exists as your whole being,  know that you have work to do!
The coming events require from you this peace, this equanimity, this calmness, which allows you to  Be Love.

Dearest ones, we urge you to enter the process of your own clean up! Without it ascension is only a future event for you and earth will ascend without you. She will not wait much longer as she has decided to move on in the near future.

Dearest Ones, there are legions of forces of light, waiting to help you in this process! But you must be the one, who recognizes the sparks of darkness you have been allowed to govern you, and it must be you, who asks the Divine Light for help! Darkness cannot exist where Light is!

Your conscious willingness and explicit desire to replace ANY dark corner in your being with Divine Light, is required, to allow your clean up process to be successful! This process of calling upon the Divine Light to abide you, is an ongoing requirement without taking a vacation in between! There is not much time left, dear ones, to stretch this process any longer into some vague future.

You might be one of those who think that they have done it all already, considering themselves to be already of pure light.
Do not deceive your self, dear ones! As long as you still live in the density of this 3dimensional realm, still governed by darker forces,  there are always plenty of occasions where secretly impure impulses can nest themselves into your consciousness without your awareness. Sleeping means that you are not aware of it because you think you have “made it” already. This is however the most dangerous disposition. You must under all circumstances ALWAYS be aware and alert to make sure that your house is always radiant with light and without interference. You must clean yourself from moment to moment. This is the greatest service you can do for your planet, for humanity and also for your own ascension.

All this work is necessary without doubt to make sure that the Divine Light can take hold of you and of every single person in your world that desires ascension.
Dear ones, please consider this your responsibility that you have! Because it is you who has chosen this path yourself, but who might still not remember it or is not aware of it in it’s fullest meaning and requirements.

All we want is, to inspire you to be alert, take full responsibility for yourself, dedicate yourself fullest to this service of your own choice and be one with the great universal process of shifting your beloved planet Earth and yourself as humanity into Divine Realms, where only Light Is.

The totality of Divine Light and Help, Joy and Love Is always present and available to you, even now!

Be at peace! 
Can you BE it – in ANY moment? Choose well!

Our Blessings are with you!
Know, that you are so much loved!

Message received by Ute

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


It is our joy to communicate with you again. By the Grace of Divinity your time has come where you are being given the gift  to return to your true Self which has been laying dormant in most of you, dear  souls, for thousands of years.

You have no perception – and you cannot have it, we tell you! – how much your returning to your own truth spreads as deepest and enlivening joy through the ethers and the whole universe!

Your awakening removes many densities in your galaxy laid upon countless civilizations and forms of existence! Each one of you who is willing to take the leap to your own awakening is therefore supported in many ways by those who are already awakened and who are able to guide you because they have been already going through what you are now experiencing.

Having said this, we want you to understand that your awakening, personally and collectively, is not an isolated  event. As we have been telling you so many times, everything affects everything else and there is no awakening on the slightest level that is happening on the basis of just your own personal merits! “You” is only “separate” in your imagination, in your mindful thinking. “You” is a process in the totality of existence, and your awakening is due to the “merit” of the whole.

I am telling you this so that you may better understand and come to the realization of oneness which is in truth always already a reality, but which you haven’t seen  as such.

Awakening to this oneness is therefore not an act which requires your effort and a kind of “spiritual labor to achieve”, it only requires of you to let go of false presumptions, which has had for so long a grip on you who has being identified with as a personality with a flesh body, a name and a role.

It is our intention to educate you in this matter so that you, inspired by rightful feeling and  imagination, may open up to the consciousness of moving energy as your very being. Everything is energy, frequency. When you have truly understood this, when you experience yourself as a process of  pure energy, you understand fully what we are saying.

Your melting of your existence as energy with the new incoming light frequencies then illuminates the knowledge of what we have said in the beginning of this communication: that there is no merely personal merit of your awakening, as there is no “independent” being. There is only One Great Current as the many currents of light and different densities who together and as One are the Experience of the One Heart of God or The Reality of All That Is.

Be Blessed and Be in Joy!
I Am St. Germain

Message received by Ute

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Dearest Ones, we are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls, and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Our Happiness is yours also. And every happiness you allow in your incarnated body and mind to exist, and to spray like sparks of white fire, ignites a soul in the universe as everything is one single network of communion.

The fire of Divine Enjoyment burns and walks along the  "electric” threads of the grid, and each new ignition of the grid carries and disseminates the light in your and all universes. We are all together One Great Process, aroused by the Will and Joy and the Love of Ecstatic Impulse of the Divine Radiance.

This process is also fueling your evolution, your ascension, that of earth, of your solar system and your universe, and all universes and galaxies.
There is only One Great Enjoyment, One Bliss, One Joy of Creation as the Expression and Movement of the Only Being that Is, GOD.

God is mere Light,  but actually it is all beings and things. There is no difference. Where then is there to go? To where do you want to ascend, if not to the discovery that all of this is already perfect and complete, and that in this completion there is this dream happening: the dream of ascension, of beautiful achievements, of mind-dazzling transformation of awareness, experience and new comprehension and appreciation of new worlds of creation and what you are.

We tell you that the time is ahead where all of this will be fully obvious to the observer, where the truth about existence is revealed, where the illusiveness and the veil of deception will be removed.

Beloved Ones, you soon will be embraced and participate in the round of those who never cease to rejoice because they have come to understand.  They no longer live the dream, they have dared to wake up.

The time have come for all of you, to make this conscious choice. It is you alone who creates your own destiny. You become who ever you want to become, you are the creator of yourself.

What is it that makes you to feel happy beyond your imagination? Can Being Happy be beyond your wildest dreams? And ascension is only a step in this immensity and totality of what you ARE.

It is said that the human being is the bearer of all possibilities of the total universe. To which degree have you decided to limit yourself?

Choose well, Beloved Ones! Now is the time to become aware of your freedom of choice. All will be supported now! Ponder the limitlessness of Unqualified Being of Light  that you can choose from to become everything. May you always choose with the wisdom of your Holy Heart!

We are Divine Light and Fire from the Andromeda Galaxy

Message received by Ute

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect. When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


My Beloved all,
this is Sananda.

My Radiance is embracing you. My Divine Love is Shining in your heart as I speak to you and commune with each of you. We are of One Heart, there are not many hearts but just One in Which we all participate.
It is so important that you know this and not continue in false believes you have been taught by false teachers in the past and still even now. 

This One Heart we are participating in is the Core of the Universe and will be the Center of New Earth and New Humanity. Please understand that this is a very esoteric matter and has nothing to do with personalities, names, hierarchies, spiritual achievements and the like, but is simply the foundation of all creation of all that is, as Divinity is the Basis of All.

This basis is also a manifestation of Divine Love which is a state of being to which I desire to draw you. It has been said by so many different sources in these days that spiritual completion is based on ascending a ladder, step by step, until you reach the top. But there is in reality much more simplicity about it, as the Ocean of Divinity does not know beginning or end, low or high, bottom or top, as it merely IS. If you still your mind, if you begin to feel that bliss of stillness which then pervades every cell of your body with light, then you have forgotten about ranking and name, meaning and superiority or inferiority. This is all still an appearance in duality.

I want you to understand this because true growth for a human being does not require great elaboration in spirit but humbleness, simplicity.
All true Divine powers are truly yours, given by grace, if you let go striving and struggling for spiritual achievement and merely allow yourself to Be.

There are many simple people among you who are deeply concerned whether they can make it to ascension.
To those I say: it is the language and wisdom of the heart that truly knows. It is a Knowing greater than  sophisticated understanding. And so many of you have  chosen this path of simplicity and the heart.

It is a path of joy from the beginning, of great happiness, of great accomplishment and fulfillment! It is the path of the singularity of  feeling  and it is not less than the path of complexity of mind. 

Nowadays it seems that the path of the mind is supposed to be superior to that of the heart. This is because mankind has lost its connection to its position in the heart, but which governs the being in the first place.
It is not that you should not exercise your mind and especially your higher mind, but the jewel of your heart, your sacred very space of Divinity is the Space which guides you directly to your path to ascension. Radiating from the heart elevates your frequency, and it Is Love and it Is Beauty and it Is Peace and Compassion. It embraces all.

As you always have noticed, I speak from the heart and always have and that is the domain where we always have met. This is not merely a matter of religion or Christianity.
It is the very core of the true human Divinity. Of this I wanted you to remind you.

My Love is always with you!

I Am Sananda

Message received by Ute

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Dear Ones,
It is quite a task to communicate with you all from a place that is of pure light while you are still dwelling in much density in your daily life. Only in your meditation we are actually able to come a bit closer to you. We are from a 6-dimensional realm which has both, translucent form, but fluctuating, and formlessness. Our main awareness, experience and identification  is mere Being and Energy or Light. We experience also feelings which are of Divine Qualities: Joy, Love, feeling of Oneness, Beauty, Peace, Compassion. We never feel dissatisfied or have negative emotions. This is a sign of lower density and in your case of the experience of duality.

Some of you are worried and ask themselves whether Ascension is a possibility for them, not knowing whether they qualify and what to do about it. But we can assure you: you are absolutely able to participate in the Ascension process.
And so we emphasize that the best preparation you can do is to generate your daily experience while expanding in these feelings of Divine qualities, to practice them, and to replace consciously and willingly lower emotions, as soon they arise, with them.

Can you do this? Absolutely, dear friends! Each and all of you are able to feel and float  with these higher Divine qualities, as they are your original feelings. You do not even have to “generate” them, you only have to allow them to be while you let go of the lower density emotions. When they occur, expand yourself, understand that you have been dwelling for a moment in the illusion of duality, conceptual thinking and separation, darkness and pain.

It is your heart that always knows silently the truth of this. Now, as the worlds are separating already, as the New Earth is shifting into her higher vibration, in actuality,  it has become even easier for you to do so! It only requires of you to remember, to recognize the illusion and to allow yourself to collapse your contracted and negative feelings and thinking into the Oneness of Divine qualities. LET GO! Breathe! It is only a matter of allowing this awareness in you to unfold. And the old world is already disintegrating for you!

While doing so the Joy of Being will flood your heart with inherent ecstasy. It is all there, always has been, you do not need to “create” or to “develop” unconditional feeling, you have been it all the while, even in your darkest hour of suffering. THIS is the illusion you have been falling for. Wake up, dearest Ones, wake up! All signs are here for you to let this happen! 
Joy, Happiness Is your true nature, and this is what ascension is all about: the returning to your God-given own true nature, to your own God-Self.

We love you, we appreciate and welcome your awakening and we support it with our blessings, always drawing you towards your own Divine Self.

We are the Arcturians!

Message received by Ute 

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
his message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect. When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.