Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts

Friday, February 1, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Please support my work via subscription or donation. Read the update from 21.8.12 

VIDEO (recommended)


The wisdom of the ages is now arising in the heart of mankind. I AM Arising! Every heart is being now ignited by Me, but it takes time for many to recognize Me in their awareness!

My Divine Love is now fully present on Earth and can be received by everybody that desires so. 

Those who turn their attention to the old times of separation and suffering will continue to experience this instead of My Bliss and the Light that is now given to all. Therefore be aware of your creator power!

You who are already in tune with this great  Divine Change are now given the task (if you wish), to help humanity to  SEE and FEEL what is in fact happening!

Those who desire to be happy,  must learn to receive in their hearts  My  Light and My Love  that is already here. They must be educated that they are the masters of their own Happiness in any moment. As soon as they merge with My Presence and the new Consciousness on Earth, their life will change dramatically, first inside and than outside.

They are asked to perceive (or at least to presume) the Divine in all things, to allow all things and situations and beings  to be illuminated from within, as they themselves recognize It in everything and everybody.

If you do not do this you just continue the old ways of separation and of judgement! This is the time to recognize where you judge and where you have judged! But by all means not in a manner to judge yourself because of it, but only to notice, to love and accept yourself and let go, and allow your heart of love to shine forward instead!

Beloveds, it IS a process in Consciousness and old habits must be given up consciously and be gone beyond! Do this in every moment! This is  your service of Love, your service to the Light! It is all a matter of being aware of patterns that do not serve Me, your Own Divine Self. What counts are not the failures in this process but the Happiness in your Heart that wants to serve.

Whatever happens in the near future, even if dramatic, can only be understood rightly beyond your point of view of duality and the conceptualizing mind. Because all that happens has been designed in your own Heart and follows your Soul's plan to experience. You are not victim, but your Reality is Radiance! 

There is no good or bad, it is mere experience. A Soul’s development depends on those experiences and what counts is the prior invulnerability of the Soul, as the Soul is always happy as It always inheres in Me. It is the Soul that desires to experience and to know that there is nothing that can harm or even destroy It!

And even what the mind perceives as misfortune is only a way of experience from the Soul’s perspective!

This is the time where your Soul's victory prevails, because all the means are given to you and all mankind! The forward-coming of your Soul is ending the illusionary dream of separation from your own Divinity. The old dark dreams of the lower mind are vanishing, and the Light of your Heart is  shining forth! That is what you have been yearning for! And this is the time where your desire manifests! 

Beloveds, this is a process from inside out!  If your perception inside changes, the experience of your outer world changes respectively!

The state of the world that you see outside, is only a reflection of yourself. Even if you don't yet understand! There is no coherent world in the realm of duality! This kind of coherence is illusion! Coherence only exists beyond or prior to duality at the Divine Heart!  When your vibration rises,  there is light everywhere. If not, then the lower mind is interfering!  It is your greatest teacher and tells you where you still need to shift. It teaches you where you need to see the world with your Divine Heart. That’s how you prepare for the New World That Is Me.

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Add captionImage by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please also read update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended) 

My dear Ones!

I have a message for My children. I AM your Mother in many ways. Certainly, without Me, the experience of your precious human body would not be possible.
I AM also One with your Heart and the electromagnetic field around you, that is not only your heart-torus.

Any kind of stillness you experience in the  Center of your Heart, is directly connected to Me and My Heart, planetary and spiritually, as I AM Gaia, the Soul of Earth.

What I AM telling you now, is for the sake of your  well-being, My children, whom I all love so dearly and about whom I deeply care.

Let Me tell you this! Now is the time to be strong. There is much light pouring in, but it also stirs up turmoil in the still dense and stagnant layers of my ethereal field, as they resist the light. It is important for you to understand this, because not all imbalances that you experience are your own.

Be prepared  for the times now and to come! My planetary body experiences more often a disturbance of its electro-magnetic field. The reasons are manyfold, and require your special caution.

I ask you to see to it that you maintain extra balance of your emotional, mental and physical body. Avoid  stress and exaggeration of any kind in any area of your life, if possible. BREATHE! Breathe profoundly! Keep everything simple, be moderate in all you do and preserve energy and balance.

Only do, what is necessary, wholesome and supportive for you.

This is required,  because my electro-magnetic field is also shifting. Still in a relatively slow pace though, but it has understandably  an impact on your own energy field.

Important is, that you manage your thoughts, which may become at times accelerated, by practicing heart-feeling. Seek more to rest in your heart in the place of stillness. Thereby you not only manage your thought-field, but you also balance your auric field. This has also a calming effect on your brothers and sisters who may not know and understand what is going on with them.

It is necessary in these times to build conduits for energetic stability in an environment that becomes increasingly unstable.

You enter the stillness of your heart by first grounding yourself deeply into the crystal core of My planetary body.

Do this daily, in the morning, after getting up, repeat during the day, and more often, if you feel, it is necessary, and in the evening. Build a strong energetic connection with the Center of My Body, which nurtures and balances you.

Centeredness and Stillness is now becoming the most important condition for you human beings! Because this is the means to stabilize your own energy field and the one that surrounds you.

Each one of you, who is hearing this message and is feeling the call, please understand your responsibility in this regard, not only for yourself, but for your human family that has lost their greater perspective. That is why you are here and what you have agreed to.

Now the time is here, to transcend the busy mind and to live from the Center of your Heart, not only for the sake of your own spiritual development, but for your service to this planet.

The Stillness of your Hearts generates fields of balance and equilibrium, so that in the midst of necessary shifts and unavoidable turmoils, it is guaranteed that life can go on for everybody in an acceptable manner.

Do not worry about a possible impact of planetary electro-magnetic and other imbalances on your own energy body. And do not observe it with your thought-field, but stay centered  in the Stillness of your Heart. This will balance everything out.

How can you find that place of stillness?
Practice gratitude, love and compassion. Create joy in your life! See the beauty in all things.These are all attitudes that magnify that place in your heart. Feel the Stillness that dwells at the core of Gratitude, Love and Compassion and Joy.

All these qualities are Divine and  show you the way.

Humanity now must learn to cooperate with Me and their planet. Live by example and others will follow you.

Thank you, My Beloveds!
I AM GAIA, your loving Earth Mother! 

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Thursday, December 27, 2012


 By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Please also read update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended)

My Beloved Ones,

now as the race for the Grand Galactic Alignment is over, what remains in your heart?

I AM your Truth in whatever ways you  search for IT. All that you can think and feel is only the beginning of what I AM as your own Divine Self.

Human beings have been limiting themselves for eons, forgetful and not knowing the Very Source of their existence.
You have been therefore searching in the limitations of your narrowed down illusionary appearances, that what you call “world” or even “cosmos”.

You have put on blinders on your inner eye of inspiration, you have put on the dullness of an incarcerated mind, incarcerated by the  restriction of imagination.
In deed you seriously belief that you just only need the imagination of your mind in order to reach the very outskirts of existence.

In this endeavor you have been lost though many times, some became literally “in-sane”, by their attempt to find truth with the mind. The mind only measures within the limitations of conceived finitudes.

Please understand. As such the mind is ever evolving the spirals of creations in its search for betterment, and there is no end to it. In that regard evolution has no end in itself. It has no goal in itself, it IS the infinite move of unfolding realities in the womb of existence, to become better and better.

Each of these unfolding realities is bound to certain intrinsic laws of doctrine and understanding.  There are untold limitless possibilities how these realities, or call them worlds, can manifest. And each one of them establishes itself according to their own set of laws and regulations, so that each being who participates within this world must obey these rules to be congruent and successful in their endeavor. They then are the so-called co-creators of that specific reality or world, who can create according to that specific set of parameters.

In that way there have been created, and there is being created and there will be created innumerable more worlds and realities, each one with their own rules and laws.

I AM explaining this to you, so that you even dare to expand your mind further to understand that in your specific reality or world the rules and laws are just that: specific laws with their own boundaries. What you can think and create is only what is within these laws and boundaries of your own world.

This then should make clear to you the polar nature of the mind, that thinks it is infinite, but  is on the other hand  limited to the rules of a specific  reality, and must be therefore  humble in the recognition that it only can function within its own boundaries, knowing that there are endless more realities with completely different laws and parameters, but each with their own limitations, according to the unique creation of such a reality or world.

Do you now start to grasp the nature of the mind and its imprisoning nature?

But I tell you now: you are NOT the mind. You are not the vastness of creations with all their respective chambers of  evolving realities.

You are not it, because it is within you! But you have mistakenly identified for eons with that which is in you, rather to Know That Which IS You.

It will now dawn on you, that there must be Something that cannot be thought, but WHICH only IS. Which size does it have and which form?

Can you think IT?  Now take as measure all what I have explained above! And again, I AM asking you: can you think IT?

Now stress your mind to the farest and widest, think beyond what you can imagine.  Stretch your mind like a rubber band ad infinitum! Will it tear apart?

And if it tears apart: What now suddenly  flashes and  swells up now in an explosion of NOW and EVERYWHERE and IS and ALL-AT-ONCE and CLARITY and ONE WITHOUT ANOTHER in your feeling Heart without noise of thought and world and creation and with STILLNESS?

You see: this Stillness comprises ALL the worlds and concepts and creations. It reveals the illusion of time and space, the illusion of finiteness, the illusion of movement, as all IS the Play of ME, of ME-CONSCIOUSNESS, ME-MERELY-BEING, ME-PRESENT, ME-AWARE, ME-WITNESS, -  where the idea of betterment does not even exist. 

And still: I AM ONE with all the worlds, with all the space and time and movements. I AM ONE with mind, but without ME you are lost in the infinite gardens of vastness of creations.

I AM THE ONE, found in the HEART. If you want to know Me, My Heart: from your side My Heart starts with your heart and expands beyond your personal limitation of body-mind. Therefore What I AM, My Heart, Is surrounding and yet pervading your body-mind. But I cannot be contained in it, as your body-mind is one of the infinite creations, surrendered to your specific set of laws, regulations and paradigms, which are the constituents of your reality of world. 

I AM beyond your reality of world and every stretch of mind you desire to endeavor.

I can only be Felt. In the Domain of Feeling there are no boundaries. Therefore I have Given you the tool of feeling. It coincides, if pure and undisturbed, with the surrender to What cannot be expressed with mind and language, surrendered to What is beyond all worlds and creations, to That Which is even beyond Bliss, but  Which is One with Bliss at the same time, and One With Love, and Which is Beyond Love and yet at the same time IS LOVE,  completely and fully and exclusively.

Enter the domain of Feeling. It Is Unity with the Divine and only Feeling can understand. On your plane it is the female doorway to the Infinite. Female not to be understood as the opposite of male but as a Quality. Surrender of mind and Receptivity to the Infinite is its characteristic.

Without Me your little play of mind does lead you nowhere, My Beloveds. It has to be all played on MY own Playground, without Me you are a lost dancing leaf in the spiraling winds of endless creation. But with Me the spiraling winds of creation appear as the dreams they are, because you have woken up from the dream, merely enjoying them as wonderful appearances of sparkling joy, while you ARE the Sovereign  Enjoyer, rather than the in creation encapsulated experiencer of countless plays in the womb of existence.

One day when I Myself AM tired and Desire to Take Rest from the spiraling course of evolving creations, I will draw them all into Myself. Then there will be only the vastness of Stillness and Being. There will be Only the Source-Ground of all you have enjoyed (and experienced). And you will thoroughly BE JUST ME ONLY, until I Start again to dream for Your sake and for My Own.

I AM always You, even if you do not notice. But for you to become Me, to transcend your limitation of body-mind, you must cease for a moment to think, to let Me draw you out of the encapsulating membrane of your finite nature and allow the Divine Force of My Infinity to baptize and penetrate you, to  transform you, to liberate you to Myself.

This must be so because you cannot think Me. I Begin where there IS Feeling of ME. And Feeling in due course, when truly ALL is felt and transcended, all limitations and densities,  opens your vehicle to ME, to enter you so that  YOU Become ME.

While I Love You, It is You that Is Love.

I AM your  God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Monday, December 17, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended)

My Beloved Friends, 
while dreaming in the heart, I fell asleep under the sky. Beautiful luminous landscapes were rising there, radiating from inside. The Source of Light not contained in them but radiating from an Infinite Source-Light  through them. 
A world upside down, from the point of view of our, from truth alienated, artificial world. But in fact this is the Original Upright World, while the artificial worlds could only be kept going by holding them secretly, and without our knowing, upside down.

In the artificial world, light from outside shines upon things, which appear dull and dense, sometimes though with the shine of a reflective surface.
But in the Real World “surface” is not a question, all is Essence, considered to be emanation and expression of One, Radiant Source, and Consciousness.

It Is Love That Shines through everything, indeed nothing else exists and what seems to exist is transparent to that Truth Which is the natural Carrier of all things and beings that float in It.  Such is our New World.

I ask for signs, but it seems I cannot do anything but deliver Her joyful and lovingly given sneak peek to you.

Because I have been awakened from a bird’s sharp cry, flying closely over my head, splaying for me extra wide its wings, so I could see all his single beautiful feathers, 
to pretend to be a condor. As we have here only the small sorts of birds, Earth Mother sent me what She had, with loving  Smile.

It seems right now I must live again my Shaman past, She often loves reminding me. And the more, the closer She approaches Her Great Shift. But it is so beautiful because this is the life inside the womb of creation. It is the feeling-vibration from inside the Living Unity of all things, directly at the breathing and beating Heart of Life.

Inside there is only Unity, but not as we understand it in our crazy world as opposite of separateness. Inside here there are no opposites and not even the idea of separation exists! Separation is an artificial addition, created by an insane mind that measures from outside.

In what strange adventure humanity has been lead astray – fully convinced about its undeniable reality! Yes, it has been madness since millenniums! Time to retire back to Truth.

We all live in this Truth but do not know. It is only that a certain switch must be turned around. Only a switch, so that we suddenly can see what is Real and Truly Beautiful, just IS.

With much love my sisters and brothers, this is the female world, even lived as such by souls with male appearance. (By the way: before Spirit all souls are female, the Ancient know.)

Be happy!

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Thursday, December 13, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

UPDATED VIDEO (recommended)

Beloved friends,

I am publishing my experience because it is one of the many testimonies of the human evolution, that can confirm your own experience, or inspire those who seek inspiration. I do not "own" the process, experiences and insights described, rather it belongs to us all and is nothing but one of the points of ignition in the one huge human grid of ascension, that are rapidly multiplying themselves, because this is the destiny of humanity.

12.12.12 has been for me a very peaceful day of meditation and writing. The air enjoyably saturated with the vibration of most Exquisite Love. A Majestic, Powerful Light Pouring directly into our Earth's Atmosphere bringing with It the Presence of I AM.

This message is mainly concentrating on the culmination point of this day, around 12:12 PM. In the beginning I received  direct verbal information in the context of what I experienced at that time, but as I continued with writing, only images were shown to me which I translated into language.

Around the 12:12 PM mark my consciousness shifted in meditation to a new ‘location', so to speak, although not really totally new, but it was rather a deepening of something already to me familiar. Just as PachaMama had predicted the other day.

It began with a deep, peacefully expansive subtle vibration of the heart, felt as profound Sacred and Eternal Stillness, a state I always have access to.
PachaMama was with me and had told me that she would guide me to the Place in my heart from where creation begins.

First NovaTerra  (which I had visited last September and where I had discovered that She was pure Consciousness)  appeared in the deep Space of my heart. And while She did so, I was immediately aware of the fact that I have not been going "anywhere" from here to visit Her earlier, - although it appeared to be - but that all I did was being in my heart! This was to me a stunning revelation and a great teaching I can never forget, as it is now imprinted deeply in my consciousness!

Then other versions of earth appeared, deserted landscapes, and other darker ones, inhabited by robot-like slaves. I was not immediately aware, that what I have been shown was a possible future version of humanity on an earth, that did not ascend. I saw masses of human-like bodies, all of the same shape and moving in complete synchronicity, like clock work.

I asked what could be done about this, how we could help, and the answer was: Forget about it, and it will cease to exist! This answer puzzled me at first because we always want to fix things on the surface instead of changing the root of their existence!  

Keep in mind, all of this happened as a tangible reality in the heart, it was not merely a vision, but a deeply felt experience.

There was nothing to help in fact but it was about not to re-enforce an illusionary reality! 
Remember, that’s how we change what our true heart does not want.

So what we need to do is to allow the complete erasing of this image paired with emotion, from the human collective consciousness, that has been projected into our reality by our controllers since Millenniums.  Now is the time to do this, we only have to ask the Creator-Forces of Light for it! 

I then was drawn far above the body into light and traces of blissful states, while at the same time remaining in the cave of the heart. And with it the question arose: what is then the function of the brain in all of that?

What followed is hard to describe because it cannot be understood with the 3D mind.
We have to change our perception of reality to understand with the higher, senior mind and to feel at the same time a different reality.

The brain, I experienced, is the one that creates the virtual reality. The reality most of us are aware of, is not real, it is unreal and a projection from inside out. Meaning, the outer world is not real, it is an illusion.

This understanding is not new of course, even science is discussing this. But I am describing a direct experience which tells me that we can discover with our own consciousness the truth, without using complicated machines, physics, mathematical formula and  thinking-processes.

Again, also this concept is not new, highly spiritually advanced galactic civilizations tell us, that they do not need artificial technologies, such as spaceships. They have all necessary technologies naturally within their own consciousness.

Recently I have become even more aware about the nature of our body-mind that is holographic by default.

I am seeing from the Heart the holographic grid from which our body is made, based on Sacred Geometry, and how it is kept alive as such by the brain via projection. This holographic body is so to speak outside of, or surrounding the “Heart”, the space where true creation arises, or is rather an appendix of It.

I remembered my experience last year on 11.11.11 when I have been drawn far above my body into a space of  Radiant White Light and Eternal Bliss. At that time I have been guided by our star families. But now, at this point in time, I have been guided by the ancient wisdom of the indigenous people and shown from the position in the heart, the possibility that what I experienced, was an illusion projected by the brain!

I say 'possibility' because this is a question, I could not yet figure out fully, but getting close to it. Illusion relates also to the experience of bliss when projected by the brain. Please come to your own conclusions!

But in this context I also remember the statement ( I believe from the Mayas or the Pleiadians, which does not make a big difference) that we create the whole universe in our heart. And this is not so much different from my own experience described above.  

They say that the universe only exists because it arises in our heart, whether we know it or not. Insofar it is thoroughly dependent on us. And this is the reason, why earth-humanity is so important for our galactic family. Their existence depends on us!
Please come to your own conclusions!

According to the Maya prophecy, as reported by Drunvalo Melchizedek, but also according to Edgar Cayce and scientists, there will be a physical pole shift during the window of the “end of time” (2007 – 2014/15) for several reasons, I won’t discuss here. This shift could happen now any time or later, and also scientists say this.

Contemplating this possibility and how humanity would deal with it, PachaMama said, that there is only one place to go: into the heart. Not into the “sky” above, but to Where and What We Already Are: the Heart.

The Heart is a portal, and each human being has one, independent from outer space, spaceships and “help” from outer Forces, such as our Galactic Family! We have it all “within” us, that is  to say, the Heart is the Center of Reality around Which this illusionary body- and world-projection rotates.

By using this portal, we are able to transition into the higher dimensional new earth, when cataclysmic events occur. Because in the higher dimensions cataclysms don’t exist. This statement is not new either, but has been just again directly experienced (and not just thought) by another member of this human family. The morphic field is working!

Cataclysms or not, by using the portal of the Heart we do not need to “create” or search for portals outside of It, as the Heart is the Zero-Point of creation Itself, and using the portal of the Heart is the most natural way to change dimensions.

This was shown to me in a way that I did internalize it by direct knowingness.

What then about other pathways, not everybody chooses the portal of the heart, my question was.

Well, PachaMama said, everybody is free to choose their means. Everybody is free to choose the worlds of illusion. But who becomes tired of all of that, chooses the Real, the Zero-Point, the interface with the Void in which worlds arise as a direct Expression of the Self.

I was wondering about the possibility of a marriage between both, the world created in the heart, and the world projected by the brain, the marriage of the Ancient and the New.

PachaMama said: it requires artful intelligent play to harmonize both worlds AS OneSelf.
All are possibilities that have been developed by Divine Consciousness. But the Main Foundation is the Zero-Point in the heart, from where all possibilities can be integrated and orchestrated. Without this Foundation humanity is not Who They Really Are.

This time – as humanity ascends with the body – we obviously need this marriage! I understand that it occurs by standing firmly in the heart while rising above the head, connecting with the higher, spiritual energy centers, or chacras or points of consciousness, according to my experience. There might be also other ways to do this.

This is just the beginning of the Real Human Adventure! It is now given to all, but we must be willing to allow and to receive. The informational codings for the new human being are being downloaded now to everybody who wishes this download! There are no chosen ones, we are the ones who have chosen ourselves!

We are the ones we have been waiting for!

With much love,

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.