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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012 |
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We are the Light Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah, Seeding earth and humanity with the light of Ascension
Dearest Ones,
We have been communicating with you a while ago and have been inspiring you to participate in the more and more increasing light that is reaching your planet, filling your atmosphere and is entering all beings who invite this light.
Yes, there is a growing number of members of your human family that is indeed opening up to this new frequency that is able to grow your light quotient. This is a beautiful response as you are supporting with this work the awakening of the whole planet.
This alone is
already a service which is sufficient to participate actively in the ascension
process, as everything is frequency, everything is energy. And evolution IS
about rising your level of frequency.
As your light
quotient is growing, naturally the power of love is awakened as the expression
of your inherent being.
Yet also the
desire that this power of love may become your direct and own experience, opens
you up to receive the increasing light and higher frequencies.
We notice that
it is necessary to consider the term “Love” from our perspective, a term that
has been used in so many ways by you.
We do not
consider “Love” as a personal, self-created feeling towards something or a person, although
it can appear as such. Love is from our perspective a power that is much
greater than a personal, individualized experience, it is the power that keeps
all the universes together. And why? Because there is no repulsion “against”
anything but a free and radical opening and openness toward all and everything
that is arising. This openness is based on the deeply felt recognition of the Source of all
creation, a creation of which you are a part.
When you allow
Source, which is Ultimate Conscious Light, to enter your being, or when you
open up to Source to freely communicate with It, by allowing It’s Ultimate
Conscious Light into your existence, it will touch your heart-torus and
generate a very specific feeling-perception. This is what you call “love”.
this energy of love is a quality of the Conscious Source Light, when it expresses Itself through creation.
Therefore if
you open yourself up to the Divine Source Light you invite what you call Love into your
experience to the point where you become It. And you become It by fully
open yourself to The-All-That-Is, so that you are conducting Source
Energy through the vehicle of your body. In this way you have called down
Highest Wisdom and Truth into your being while living on your Earth Mother Gaia.
This is to be a living torch of light on Mother Earth, helping Her and your human family to purify what has
made your living space dense to the degree that this density rejected the light.
But now as ever
more of you are accepting this Light and invoking It consciously into your
being, the old density cannot take hold anymore on your world.
If you have not done so yet, we are encouraging
each one of you who is studying this message, to consider to invoke the Supreme
Light of the Source of All-That-Is. By your conscious invocation you will draw
this Light to yourself. And while you do this, it will purify you and allow
your God-Self ultimately to enter your incarnation to fulfill your true purpose here.
Dearest ones,
do not think that you cannot do this! Free yourself from any dis-beliefs which
have been planted deeply into your unconscious mind by your controllers. You
must know that it is not the truth, but that the inherent heritage of each one
of you is the Source Itself, Which Is Conscious Love-Bliss, Radiating as the
Supreme Source Light.
Calling upon
your own and true heritage and claiming it as your Own is the necessity of this
time and the reason why you are here.
And even if
there are emotions and thoughts arising which you have allowed to arise, those
of unworthiness, guilt, desperation, hate and lovelessness, you must know that these
are all attributes which you have artificially attached to yourself. A magnet can attract a lot of
debris, but it still remains to be always a magnet. Release, dear ones, release
it all! YOU are not any of it, you are merely That Which Inheres in the Divine
Source. This is literally so, only that this Truth is lying hidden in your
Make it
conscious, by invoking It, call into your consciousness now what you have
forgotten: your true Home and Divine Heritage. Shake off the illusion of
what you are not, shake off the illusion of dense vibration, in which you
hurt with painful thinking and emotions. In the Light of Truth of All-That-Is, this all is untrue. And now you have
been given every opportunity to prove this to yourself!
Divine Light is
waiting to be invited to enter you, if you only wish to make room for it!
Your deepest heart will be satisfied if you do so, and you will experience the unity of All
because it is the Power of Love that recognizes the non-separation from your
own Source.
Glory to That
One Radiant Source, in Which we all participate!
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012 http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.