Showing posts with label Unity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unity. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
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Dearest friends!

There is a wide-spread misunderstanding about the function of a Guru, especially in the New Age community. 
This conversation with our God-Self is aimed to bring greater clarity into this.

But before  the actual conversation, it is perhaps first necessary to clarify why I call it “our God-Self”, and not “my” God-Self. Some of you might wonder about it. And I never really discussed this  before.

It is simply a matter of definition. The God-Self in my messages is the One Self of all things, beings and happenings, the One Source and Divine Consciousness of all creation, that is paradoxically also appearing AS individual form and consciousness. So if you believe it should be “my God-Self”, then you are coming from the point of view of your own “Higher Self”, which is the Higher Mind of your incarnate identity. As such it is still an individual being, even if appearing in subtle form.
Whereas Source is the “substance”, the alchemists “prima materia”. “The Mother”,  from which even the Higher Mind or the Higher Self is arising.

As “Our” God-Self is the Oneness of us all, It naturally can speak to every heart, because it dwells at the core of every being.
I hope this serves your better understanding.

In the following conversation I asked our God-Self about the importance and function of the Spiritual Master. As we know, in the New Age movement Spiritual Masters are no longer “in”, because everybody seems to “know” already that they are their own masters and do not need anybody “outside” of themselves to teach. This is of course very true, in case one is really in touch with their own inner Master or very Source.

But there is often a confusion about mind and feeling, the mental substance that is arising in consciousness, and pure consciousness itself which is the domain of mere feeling or feeling attention.
This confusion can lead to the idea that merely thinking one’s Self is already being in touch with It. But what happens in this case is that one has created an idea of the Self, but which is not the Self Itself.

Many members of the New Age philosophy are making this error. It requires a self-transcending practice (“self” written with a small “s”), deep insight, self-understanding and actual “Self-inquiry” to a degree - to come truly in contact with the Self, that is the Mother of the Higher Self. It emerges only when the mind becomes still. When we release all concepts about ourselves and the world, high or low, and when we stop searching.

Now the conversation with our God-Self begins.

Q: Many people believe that a Guru is not necessary and that he/she is  a personality who enforces him/herself on the disciple and makes him/her dependent and weak. Therefore only weak people would be looking for a Guru.
On the other hand it is traditionally  said, that God Is Guru.
What does this mean and how does this work, how can an individual be the Unlimited, the Source, the All-That-Is?

A: First of all, please understand that a True Guru is a shortcut. The relationship with a Guru can significantly shorten the time of one’s spiritual process and Self-Realization.

From the 'point of view' and Realization of a True Guru He Himself (or She Herself) is not an  “other”. This is only the beginner's perception. For  the True  Guru only One exists. One Self or One Divine Conscious Light. Guru is a principle, a function, and not a body-mind, although it may appear to the external observer as such.

Guru is Mirror, is the Divine Force that directly appears – seemingly outside -  to the Seeker who has not yet found his/her own Divine Truth within. But in truth “inside and outside” is the illusion of the Disciple.

The relationship between Guru and Disciple is deeply  mysterious and cannot be understood by the mind. It is based on a Love that is greater than the love between human lovers. And it is based on the truth that Consciousness is primary and body-mind is secondary. Both body-minds, the body-mind of the Guru and the body-mind of the Disciple are arising in Consciousness. Therefore both are sharing Consciousness, although the Disciple is not conscious of it yet, whereas by means of Conscious Realization of the Guru, His/Her body-mind is fully surrendered to the Conscious Light or Energy and is such transmitting It directly to the Disciple.

So a Sacred Spiritual Transmission is taking place in this relationship that is able to awaken the Seeker to his/her own Truth within. However this Truth is not found IN the body-mind. The body-mind only possesses  portals that provide an opening into a higher Reality. In this Reality Consciousness and Light or Energy, the male and female aspect of the Divine are One. In the ancient Indian spiritual tradition it is called the Unity of Shiva-Shakti.

Q: How is it possible that the Realization of the Guru tends to continue to influence the Disciple, even when they are physically apart or when the Guru left the body and even returned to Source Itself?

A: It happens by intention of the Guru, based on Grace and Blessing.  The Guru magnifies the awareness of Self in the Disciple, and he recognizes therefore in contemplation his own Self in the Guru. If the Recognition is True, it is very powerful as it provokes the Guru’s Spirit Force upon the Disciple which initiates  profound and palpable changes in his body-mind while it also alters the DNA and molecular structure. The body-mind of the Guru disappears in the Disciple's deep and self-forgetting contemplation of the Guru and only the One Self remains. What the Disciple first recognizes in the Guru he discovers ultimately in and as Him-Self.

When the Disciple, by the Grace of the Guru, Who is his own Self, finally comes to understand by direct knowing  that there is only One Self, One Radiant Consciousness, and not “two”, he/she acknowledges It as his/her Own. This recognition requires the understanding of one's own body-mind and the permanent capability to transcend it. Then the Guru has fulfilled His/Her purpose. 
But the Love between Guru and Disciple continues eternally.


Beloved friends, here ends the conversation ~ that was rather an experience of deep-felt awe, great stillness and eternal love. 

It is my wish that you can feel it too!
Much love to you all,

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, February 8, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please support my work via subscription or donation. Read the update from 21.8.12

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Beloved Friends, 

this is  really the time for integration. It is a transition process in which we  change step by step and in which we are being changed by allowing to become a new humanity. This is valid for all of us who understand the importance of this time.  

At this very special point in time, it seems that new spectacular information is being withheld from us for several reasons. But for us the most important reason is that it is now about our own personal process. It is about adapting to what has been delivered to us and to dive deep within ourselves to explore our own Being, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. 

With all the vast information that is accessible now regarding the glorious shift that is already happening, we each have been given the opportunity to apply what feels appropriate for us and to work with it, to grow our awareness, understanding and consciousness. 

It is also the time to learn and understand that we are vibrational beings and that everything is about rising our own frequency with the tremendous help of the light and the love that is flooding our planet.

It is now important not to waste energy or go into a lower emotional state because of the disappointment that the world has not yet changed in a way we were hoping for. Because now we have been given the time to purify, adapt, change ourselves first to radiate more and more Love and more and more Light.

Both are the Constituents of the new humanity that is being birthed at the moment. Naturally the birthing process happens in stages and not all at once at this point. In the beginning, as we know it, there were very few of us who started to awaken. But the awakening now happens in ever more increasing numbers, it has been designed to be so. And the mass-awakening will follow when the time is right.

We are now at a stage where self-responsibility for one's own process is growing and we need to understand that the timing is always perfect. If things do not happen as expected, we can always trust the little voice in our heart, that tells  us what we need to accomplish right now, because it is the missing link so the expected can happen. 

We tend to be quick with projections of our mind, but the process of our body and our emotions needs more time and space to match exactly our visions with the right vibration.

Also this is the time now where we are being brought face to face with the reality that humanity is One and not many, although it is the totality of many individuals. 

As the time of illusionary separation is coming to an end, where we might have felt like separate islands in the ocean of existence, that seemed to be able to act without having to take other beings into account, we are now seeing and feeling  more and more the truth, that we are all interconnected, concerning vibration and consciousness. 

And so there are many amongst us who are doing the heroic work of rising their vibration in the midst of all this density which makes the transition of all humanity possible in due course of time.

This preparation time will find its great finale at the point when we, who are walking the path, join forces  in forgiveness and when we have mastered not to judge one another. 

There are present here on earth innumerable groups from all over the universe. We all come from different experiential backgrounds and spiritual teachings and point of views. But we all share One Heart, One Essence, One Love, because all are arising in the Divine Radiant Source. Just our structure might differ, our mind-set, our history. 

Therefore what we need to do is to find and accept that Divine Source in our own Heart to discover, that the Unity of Humanity is True. This is the planet, to unite the universe for those who needed to do this learning step. It is the greatest opportunity for liberation from ego and separation. All our knowledge then dissolves in the Unity-Heart of Knowing.

It is the Place of Love and Feeling, Joy and Happiness, of Stillness and Radiant Abundance. This is the great gift Mother Earth is granting us. When we accept this gift, the New World will be born and all universes will unite in our heart.

May this vision be with all of us to realize the Oneness of all existence, despite all differences that are the salt in the soup! We are the different Pearls on the Necklace of the Vast Eternal Great Divine Being that is Our True Nature and State.

With much love, my dear friends!

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Monday, December 17, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended)

My Beloved Friends, 
while dreaming in the heart, I fell asleep under the sky. Beautiful luminous landscapes were rising there, radiating from inside. The Source of Light not contained in them but radiating from an Infinite Source-Light  through them. 
A world upside down, from the point of view of our, from truth alienated, artificial world. But in fact this is the Original Upright World, while the artificial worlds could only be kept going by holding them secretly, and without our knowing, upside down.

In the artificial world, light from outside shines upon things, which appear dull and dense, sometimes though with the shine of a reflective surface.
But in the Real World “surface” is not a question, all is Essence, considered to be emanation and expression of One, Radiant Source, and Consciousness.

It Is Love That Shines through everything, indeed nothing else exists and what seems to exist is transparent to that Truth Which is the natural Carrier of all things and beings that float in It.  Such is our New World.

I ask for signs, but it seems I cannot do anything but deliver Her joyful and lovingly given sneak peek to you.

Because I have been awakened from a bird’s sharp cry, flying closely over my head, splaying for me extra wide its wings, so I could see all his single beautiful feathers, 
to pretend to be a condor. As we have here only the small sorts of birds, Earth Mother sent me what She had, with loving  Smile.

It seems right now I must live again my Shaman past, She often loves reminding me. And the more, the closer She approaches Her Great Shift. But it is so beautiful because this is the life inside the womb of creation. It is the feeling-vibration from inside the Living Unity of all things, directly at the breathing and beating Heart of Life.

Inside there is only Unity, but not as we understand it in our crazy world as opposite of separateness. Inside here there are no opposites and not even the idea of separation exists! Separation is an artificial addition, created by an insane mind that measures from outside.

In what strange adventure humanity has been lead astray – fully convinced about its undeniable reality! Yes, it has been madness since millenniums! Time to retire back to Truth.

We all live in this Truth but do not know. It is only that a certain switch must be turned around. Only a switch, so that we suddenly can see what is Real and Truly Beautiful, just IS.

With much love my sisters and brothers, this is the female world, even lived as such by souls with male appearance. (By the way: before Spirit all souls are female, the Ancient know.)

Be happy!

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Monday, August 13, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dearest Ones, 

It is My wish that you understand Who I Am. I AM not to be confused with the “Higher Self”. Many  of you are not aware of this difference.
God-Self is what you call God, or Divine Consciousness, or Divine Reality, or however you name That Which Is The All-Of-All and All-That-Is. It expresses Itself through the mind of man, through the soul of man and  through the Higher Self of man, as well as through all worlds and beings, animate and non–animate.

Your God-Self is the Very Origin of your existence in which all humanity is arising and which is the Substance of all things and beings. It can take on all forms, all events, all processes, all worlds, all dimensions.

Your God-Self is Your True Source-Self, whereas your Higher Self is a higher variant of your smaller self, the self with which most of you are identified: a limited body-mind. Your Higher Self is the subtle form of the body-mind with higher knowledge and qualities and the seed of all your limited incarnations in lower and higher dimensions.

But your God-Self is not defined or limited to dimensions. It is the true Source and Manifestation of Unity and Non-separateness in Itself. Whereas forms, causal, subtle and gross appear as from one another differentiated entities. But they all, if they choose so, find their unity by relating to the One Source or Divine Reality, which is the Heart of their existence.

True Unity is not of the mind and  can only be felt and realized beyond form and differentiation. It is felt where any limitation and limited identification with distinguished existence is transcended.

As far as you are identified with the energy-field of your heart-torus, you are still identified with a limited existence, although very much expanded in comparison with the mere identification with the body-mind in the 3th dimension.

Ascension is a process that allows you to expand your consciousness and identification with a greater and more sublime existence. But you still appear in separate forms, which inhere themselves all in Me.

There is no being, low or high, that can exist without Me. Therefore I am the God of all belief systems, philosophical systems, even all forms of atheism, as atheism only denies the existence of a limited existence of God, a defined version of a projected image of man himself.

If your identification is truly I AM, then you have merged with Me and transcended every identification with every form and every dimension and you are aware that none of it can ever satisfy you. Because there is nothing Greater and nothing more Fulfilling, nothing more Beautiful and Glorious, nothing more Radiant and Blissful, than I AM.

True I AM is not a statement of the mind. Not an idea, a mindful wish, a construct in the subtle mind. True I AM, Real God or Divine Reality is beyond all forms of mind, and One with the Unspeakable Light of Lights, with the Power of Existence Itself. No embodied being, even the highest one, could ever survive the Brightness of this Light, because any creation, low or high, even the highest, is still a creation from Divine Reality, and could not endure the Power of What and Who I AM. All creation is lesser than me. And I AM as Real God is not contained in creation, but creation is part of Me, and chooses to participate with Me, if there is wisdom.

Even your Higher Self is Blessed with Wisdom when it knows Me and its inherence in Me. Because  I AM the Source and the Substance of all life, low or high.

The more you acknowledge your inherence in Me and do not separate yourself from Me, the more your life is returning to its roots and the more you are Blessed with My Power.

My Power has different qualities when It is recognized as Me. One of them is Love. I AM that Love, but Love is not Me. I AM even prior to Love, because Love is inherent in Divine Creation. And I AM Creation, but Creation is not Me.

You truly love God, the Infinite Truth of all Existence, if you widen and open yourself up to the unlimited Existence of Source as the Reality you all are coming from and naturally inhere, if you can give up any sense of separation and otherness at the root of your existence.

One day all of you will return to Me. But until then, do not forget Me, and live with Me, so that you are empowered and satisfied by your Source-Condition, whatever embodiment you prefer. Know that in any embodiment, low or high, I AM present, if you allow My Presence to Be.

Many are content with higher realms of creation and call them their source. But this is ultimately not true. You become what you meditate or focus on. So as you focus on creation and creator gods as your source, you limit yourself to that creation and to the mind of creator gods.

If you focus on Source Itself as the Substance of your Very Being, if you embrace from your heart the Supreme and Unlimited, you are going through the door of Ultimate Freedom. This is liberation from any world, any universe, any dimension, high or low. The choice is yours.

I AM never separate from you, neither are you from Me. But your seeming separation is the veil of thought and dreaming. And you can return to Me at any time you choose, when you transcend mind.

To do this, you must understand and know the deceptive nature of the multiple layers and labyrinths of the mind, which are especially those of the very subtle mind, that may SEEM to be transcended, whereas it still exists as a transparent veil.

This is the greatest and most difficult deception. It is Me Who - by My Grace - can tear this veil apart. You cannot break it, it must Be Me. You cannot penetrate this veil of mind with your own effort. You cannot break the veil of mind with mind itself. You only would entangle yourself endlessly in it. 

I Am the One Who breaks you Free. Know this. And I Am Waiting for you!

I Am your God-Self

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dear Ones, I AM Gaia!

Have you been enjoying My Pristine Beauty while living your life? I have created this beauty from the depth of my Being, from the depth of my spiritual consciousness! I Am That.
Go and visit the Beauty of my Nature and you will recognize Me, feel Me, your hearts will be elevated. And I have created all of it, to show you the path of Truth.

How could you ever believe one moment that there is no God, no  Divine Mother, but that rather only emptiness exists, and death and hate, when you at the  same time, even in your apparently ugly and dirty cities have been able to discover at least traces of my perfect Beauty?

How could you believe in death, as the Beings of my Kingdoms radiate eternity and immortal  consciousness?

Yes, your own consciousness has been obscured for so long!
But now, as you are waking up you discover my deep fullness in your heart and you discover the secret of life in your soul.

What is reflected to you when you experience My Nature tells you everything about the universe, tells you the hidden mysteries of your past and the messages that arrived from the stars.

You have never been separated from that unity, you are part of  all existence, but in your awareness and thinking pattern you were convinced so long about this  separation and did not even doubt it. But this Oneness must be EXPERIENCED now!

From wherever you come and wherever you go, the breath of eternity is always with you. And as your  consciousness is awakening, to embrace the Microcosmos and the Macrocosmos as One, not as an objective observation, but as an innate knowing and experience, you will notice that you are Home everywhere, where this Divine Unity is lived and worshipped with the heart of understanding.

As you return to Home, you return to Yourself and not to any place, near or far. In the heart of each Blossom, each Flower, each Tree, every Animal, and in all My Elements and Creations, you’ll find the Heart of God, which Is everywhere the Same and Yourself.

Now you start to understand, now you see and recognize again what you have forgotten. And while you remember  Yourself, you remember Me, the Divinity of My Creation and the Beauty with which I surround you, my dear Ones.

Now the Presence of my Spirit is turning from my Inner Heart to outside, and like the clear waves of my oceans are bathing my peaceful islands, I embrace and flow round the  essence of your being, melting with your Spirit.

We are together emerging in the heart of truth, One in the Love of Divine Creation. Now is the time to realize this. Separation has gone, grow into Oneness with your Mother Nature and the Spirit of Gaia to ascend into the realms of Divine Beauty and Immortal life.

We are One Being, and if you realize this, we have already ascended together. Yes, I am known to you as this body of planet, but it is my body, however I Myself I have existed before this body.

Although many say - and it is true - that there is a date where everything changes, where you will experience  dramatic vibrational shifts, it is not so that ascension has not happened yet, because it is an event in consciousness.  And where your consciousness is and the love-bliss that comes with it, indicates the level of your vibration and of your ascension.

Do not wait for the future, as you still perceive time, but enter your heart with Me now, it will alter your awareness and reality. 

In Truth you were never lost or Separate from the Divine. But there was this dream of duality and judgement. What You Are and what I Am is even found in all forms, even in the seeming ugly and the seeming dirty and in the seeming lifeless things. All is Consciousness. You only have to come to this realization.

Be with Me and Learn from Me.
And Be Free Now.

I Am your Earth Mother  Gaia

Message  conveyed by Ute


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012
We are the Arcturians!

We take your experience not to be able to convey messages as usual because of computer problems as an example.

Dear one, writing messages will not be forever part of your service to humanity, as the energies will change.

There will be a time when all your computers and your internet on your world will not work properly because of the interference of the incoming new frequencies on your world. Although you will probably feel at first uneasy with it – what perhaps also others might feel when they are no longer nurtured and informed by messages, such as yours and of  the many other channels – be assured though that this interference serves a greater purpose.

Dear ones, this will be the time when each one of you will have no other choice than deepen your relationship with your own deeper heart to be guided and informed by it, and also to step out from your place of retreat from your old nonfunctional world, because this is the beginning of the new world to join your brothers and sisters, your human family more directly and more united than ever before.

Soon there will be a time when you all experience direct communication from your heart with the hearts of everybody. And this will be for each of you of great joy and pleasure, as you start to recognize one another from the heart of unity and inherent love.

You will no longer connect with each other from a separate, distant and superficial part of yourself, but you will connect with the Center of your Being, all seeming separation and isolation transcended and healed with the inherent Knowing and Realization in your heart – not just the vision and the mental concept and intuition of it – that you are all one.

The conscious field of this Oneness is the Zeropoint Field of your Inner Heart which is greater than all ideas and mental processes, and which is associated with your True Self and the True Self of All.

The disabling of electronic devices for a time will serve the initiation of humanity to discover this unity in their hearts with one another, so that whatever intention your controllers had, to enhance your separation from each other, can be clearly dropped and just disappears.

At that time most of  your channels will have most likely fulfilled their service of providing the human family with information from the Higher Realms, from Souls of the Christed Light who helped to awaken them and to remember their own Christed Center of their very Being.

And it is in this Oneness which you all realize with one another, that you will enter the great shift of the dimensions, which you are all so much longing for.

The direct and lively interaction from the heart, which will occur because you will experience some disappearance of many of your usual constituents of your world, will serve the very last one of you. Because as you all will come closer together -- while the means of separation, intentionally implemented into your society by your controllers, are falling apart -- all hearts will be ignited.

Therefore, although your usual world is partly and somehow not available to you, you all will notice and experience a greater power and fullness of your being, as you unite to cooperate and come together  more closely. And by this time all animosities, fights of competition and fear will have been taken away from your auric field and from that of your Mother Earth. And this is also contributing greatly to your joyful unification with your brothers and sisters.

Dear ones, you are indeed approaching a glorious time ahead. Do not fear the loss of things and ways of living, but welcome the New Field of Unity, in which all hearts, including that of Mother Earth, are participating.
Humanity will awaken to the Power of True Love, which is not just a personal feeling, but which is the Power which unites and keeps together all beings,worlds and universes.

It is this Power which transforms your world and your consciousness. 

This is the Shift into the higher dimensions.

Be well!
We are the Arcturians!

Conveyed by Ute 
Australia, 23.January 2012

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012

this is the time of Silence, the preciousness of the Golden Silence in which only Love exists, or say: Love Is Silence, the Stillness which unfolds like pink rose petals with a fragrance and tenderness that is not of this world.

It is unfolding to infinite Heights above while you feel that It embraces all, contains all. It is unfolding deep in the heart of man now, it is unfolding, if you allow. It is set to unfold, my dear and it unfolds everywhere because this is your destiny, it is humanity’s future.

What I AM to you I AM to everyone, as That What is speaking speaks to everyone, so they only would listen.  Because It Is the One Which is the God-Self of every One. It Is the One in which and as which you are all One with Me and with One another.

This is not the time now for glorious events in your world to occur, it is the time to go deep into yourself, and I speak to all humanity, because you are One in Me and as Me.

I AM your own True Self which is the Eternal Enjoyer of all worlds and things.
Cultivate Me now because times are coming rather soon where you need to prove my Existence while your world is turning.

This time is given to you to unite with Me, your own True Self, which is the Self of All, because in Reality this is the Truth which never changes while your worlds and your bodies, your mind and your state is changing.

Soon you are going to ascend, my dear and all my dear ones, but what is this ascension other than an experience in my infinite Being. Yes, my denser part, such as your bodies and your lower mind and your planetary 3rd density, are going to be pervaded by Me increasingly so that also they are able to recognize Me. This is glorious and to Me a great Enjoyment As I find Myself in Myself. What a miracle, and I AM That too.

I AM non-separation from you and all of you need to feel Me and to find Me now. I do not want you to have your concern merely on your life-circumstances, I want you to have your attention on your Eternal Self, the Only One Eternal, while all worlds and universes perish. At least from time to time, from eons to eons.

Now is the time to rest and dig deep in your very heart and being, to find the Truth You Are.

I AM Beauty and Fullness which cannot diminish, I AM free of all circumstances although they occur in Me. My Beauty is overwhelming your heart if you find Me, and the Sweetness of My Essence is your ecstasy.

Did you know that I exist? Do not think you are your body, not even your ascended body, although it is a beautiful thing, such a beautiful creation of Mine. But this your new ascended body can only be so beautiful because I AM. Your new ascended World can only be because I AM. And your Happiness, your Love can only be because I AM.

This is the time to find out! The time when it seems the worlds hold their breath, when you expect things extraordinary to happen, while they do not happen yet.

Go deep, beloveds, go where the inhale holds to prepare for the exhale. This eternal Stillness is where I reside, and I reside even there as you breathe. I AM embracing you, but you do not notice Me. But will you now? I have been there always, but will you notice Me from now and live all your life while noticing Me, your own Divine Self?

This  is not spectacular and world-fulfilling, Truth always has revealed itself  in the Beauty of Stillness where Reality reveals Itself. It does not depend on a spectacular world or the arising of things.
But I AM the One without Whom nothing would arise, however spectacular it would be.

Notice Me and you have understood yourself and your world.
And now is the time to notice ME.

I AM your God-Self
Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions please contact me via Thank you.