Friday, June 1, 2018


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You ask for guidance from your highest Divine Identity when your lesser identities do not solve your sufferings. The root of your suffering is always the idea of separation, the conviction that you are separate from the world and all beings and separate from your Ultimate Divine Source. When you identify with a form, whether it is subtle or physical, it is a sign of separation when you have forgotten Me, the One and Single Divine Substance of creation and the universes. The One Force of Existence Who Is Pure and Mere Happiness.

Oneness is felt and perhaps intuited as My Happiness, when you transcend the body-mind. True Oneness is not found in the realms of thought. Not even in the higher mind or in the higher dimensions. Because thought cannot feel, it can only imagine. Therefore Mind cannot „understand“ and describe Who and What I Am. I Am Above it, not locally but in My Divine Consciousness. Description is nothing but an idea about something. It is not subject of My Very Essence. Mind projects always separately away from Me, although it is arising within Me.

So you must directly transcend mind in Me. You must go beyond your world, the totality of the cosmos. Only there, there is no dilemma and suffering, only there, there is absolute Freedom and Perfection, - whatever the world plays out.

When you see Beauty and Perfection in beings and things, it is not the things themselves in which you are aware of these qualities. It Is Me. Because I Am the Substance of all things, and I am the Real and True Substance of you. Even of your soul and higher self. Only I Am eternal. I am not created, but your soul is.

So when you want to be free of suffering in the dual worlds you must relate to Me, by feeling Me and not by thinking Me. 

How do you feel Me? It is your willingness to let go of everything you have and think to be. You must be willing to free-fall into the Infinite, into a yet to you hidden space in your heart, something your mind considers to be nothingness, but Which is Everything. It is Primordial Radiant Energy, not cosmic energy, but My Energy, My Light. Bliss. Self-luminous Divine Substance. 

It Is Your Ultimate Identity and truly even beyond identity.

However if you believe your deceptive mind, you cannot discover Me and will not appreciate Me, love Me, the uttermost satisfaction and ultimate solace, when you are of the Heart. Because Who and What I Am, appears to the heartless mind as nothingness, as emptiness, as faint illusion. And so mind never can find Me, know Me.

But if you dare to let go of your constantly mind-projected world and your limited self-identification, you will Know That I am True Fullness. You will discover that mere and as separate appearing things and your limited self-identification are empty, as you look falsely at a shell, away and "outside" of your Ultimate Being.

It is an error, the error of your false existence where God or Reality or True Happiness does not exist, as you have removed Me from your life, as you have been living so long without Me. As you forgot Me. As I have not been part of your life, as you tried to survive just as a separate being, empty of My Pure and Primordial Power of Existence, empty of My Force Who has been always hidden in all your experiences, excluded for so long, your Heart of Being not surrendered to Me. 

I Am the Ultimate Mystery. Find Me, wake up to Me. And your life changes into the Heart-Fullness of Ecstasy, in Which a New Divine World arises, meaningful with My Divine Satisfaction, My Self-Luminous Essence and Conscious-Light-Energy, the Substance of Everything That I Am.

Come To Me!

I Am Your God-Self, The Love and Divine Self of All Beings, Worlds and Things.

Message conveyed by Ute

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Monday, May 7, 2018


VIDEO (recommended) 

Beloved Friends,

there is more to what I said in my last update from 30. April 2018. It is about the awakening process of humanity and a changing disposition of earth.

A newly activated radiant ray of consciousness and light is penetrating and sourrounding earth now, helping her to take on a new position within the universe. This new position is not to be understood locally but dimensionally in terms of a higher vibration and with it a higher consciousness.

It is up to each one of us to participate in it consciously. It might be your experience that in this new emerging light old patterns you thought have been long overcome, appear again, but only to be eradicated with their roots!

It is absolutely crucial now to make clear choices what and where we want to be! First of all we must locate this new light. It is pure and limitless, directly shining from the Divine Source Condition, pristine and self-radiant, as I perceive it. It is just there, surrounding us, filling the space within we live, and all we need to do is to allow ourselves to become aware of it.

To do so we must go beyond our old self-image, beyond old ideas about spirituality, beyond the body-mind, because it is greater than any quality of light we have known so far and anything we have been identifying with. Being willing to let go of the familiar, opening to the yet unknown with intuition and also with knowingness of the heart, will suddenly reveal what you are looking for – as you use your higher will and mind to discover and communicate with this new conscious light.

It must be so because it is here to be discovered to be utilized by you as it is Divine Intention that those who are ready and willing, receive the gift of this higher consciousness.

With it the frequency of humanity will rise, together with the already risen frequency of earth. It is the means to go beyond the present man-made calamities on earth. Bad intentions cannot be realized in the higher vibrational light of this new reality if enough of us connect with it. They would just fall apart without vibrational foundation and the dissolution of a lower mind.

In addition it is important to understand that 7 years ago (I believe it started in 2011) the images of the old world as they have been held in the universal mind of the world population and thereby kept in a seemingly fixed form, started to crumble exponentially away by Divine Intervention, to make room again for a truthful Divine creation.

However since then, desperate to loose their tyrannical grip on earth and humanity, the old images have been drasticly reinforced by the negative ruling forces. To bind humanity within the old patterns, the life situation on earth has been made worse and worse, people being forced into increasing suffering.

Unfortunately the major part of humanity has lost in the course of this darkening their light and natural intelligence by giving up their own self-determinating power, integrity and self-authority, so that it seems that humanity would not survive.

But we all know that even a tiny ray of light can lighten up a dark room. And so it is given back to us what humanity seems to have lost – for a while.

The new undeniable Radiance is here and it is stronger than just a beam of light! It is a powerful radial light, and at the same time a light without center point, spreading and radiating to infinity in all directions. It Is. And it is Source Light, in Which we must participate, because it is us who allow it to manifest its Divine Power.

And we participate by recognition of It. By acknowleging It, by being touched and penetrated by It, so that our body-mind takes on new patterns of Divinity and the consciousness and frequency of It.

It is a process and we are given the chance to divert the otherwise rather catastrophic events which are the results of a humanity who has allowed themselves to be mislead to take more and more negative and life– and love-denying actions.

This new radiant light Is a higher Love-Frequency, a vibration that is free of the suffering of the dual mind because it is an emanation of the Oneness in which the pairs of opposites are contained. It comes with the Vision of Wholeness of undivided Joy and the actual experience of It, even in the body when It enters from above throught the  crown chacra.

My beloved friends, we have reason to celebrate! It is up to us to surrender to Happiness, especially in each moment in which old, undesirable patterns might appear, to honor the Divine and to prepare for a new earth.

May You Be Happy! 

With Love and Blessings,


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Wednesday, May 2, 2018

PERSONAL UPDATE, 30. 4. 2018

Dearest friends,

my journey is not yet at the point of arrival at a final destination - if such a thing should exist for me at this time. And perhaps destination is not the point anymore on the evolutionary course of earth and her changing place in the universe.  

From an ordinary point of view, I am still living in a transitory circumstance without any privacy. Still testing the waters to find somehow the rightful impulse where I will be heading. But perhaps heading toward something is now out of the equation as everything seems to be expanded dissolution,  mere Being-ness is required! Quite on the contrary to the people around me who are one-pointedly following intentions, plans, goals, directions. 

For me the Universe seems still to hide evidence of my future putting me into a kind of Bardo - an in-between condition. But perhaps also "future" is not a necessary term or experience anymore, because we go beyond time and space. Being extra sensitive to the turbulent waves of my immediate environment, it is an interesting situation to practice the stillness within the eye of the storm.
For those who are familiar with astrology: I have strong Neptune transits to all but one of my personal planets, including AC and MC, which speaks of dissolution of all aspects of my life, not to mention powerful Uranus influences that crash my life apart.

Well, I am tested on all ends to prove the presence and peace of my heart and the trust in the Radiant Infinite Divine. And even though sadness comes and goes, it is like a dream upon the luminous Jewel of Truth. What a time! 

It seems that it is exactly what the deep of humanity is to be going through at this time, whether conscious or unconscious. All are tested. And I am holding it in my very Heart. That's what their dreams show to me. This is not just MY life, it is not meant to be personal. And I must not forget it.

I wonder whether you UNDERSTAND? Perhaps you have similar experiences? 

This is the time of big transitions for an awakening humanity, on the verge to new Openings, new Revelations, the Radiant Eternal Truth shining through all appearances of this world. 

According to the great Hopi Prophecy, don't take anything personal, dearest Ones. I quote it here for you, to remind you of it, in case it is helpful for you: 

 "At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves.  For the moment that we do,  our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt."  

So just feel what there is and do not identify! Be Love and it transforms into what Is Great and Immortal.
Much love and many Blessings to you all, my friends!

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Saturday, March 24, 2018


My Dear Friends,
again I will be on the road - quite suddenly, leaving the Canary Islands. What could be done here has been done, although I would rather like to stay here, but the situation is not right.

There is not much time left, before I leave. So I am very busy with organizing, packing, and finding out where my next place will be. I don't know yet for sure, waiting for the  signs to appear.

And so a major life-change is again before me, although I am yearning for a peaceful place to come to rest and to  stay permanently.

But it seems that a prophecy that spoke once loud and suddenly from my heart, comes true now: that I would not have a home on this earth anymore. Fortunately, I have always myself, the Divine peace and inspiration in my heart - the only real home there is :) And the only constancy in permanent change and loss.

Please bear with me, my friends, I don't know when I will be able to publish the next message. It looks like that some more uneasy weeks are ahead of me. 

Lets be the silent eye in the storm. The world situation demands this from us. 

I love you all lots!
With blessings,

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Monday, March 5, 2018



From The High Dimension Of All Possibilities The Angels Speak:

We are the Angels of Transformation. We bring the secrets of radical Transformation to you who is ready to enter the arena of fire with courage and surrender, seeking real Truth.

How to access real Truth, Beloveds!? How to become aware of It to begin with?

Know that you are helped by the ones who are living key points on your planet to redeem the lowest and most dark frequencies which are unfortunately still stored not only in the past earth processes, but also in the collective consciousness of humanity.

These servants are performing therfore planetary – and humanity work. What they have done and still do now is a kind of icing on the cake, before the great shift can occur and be fruitful.

For some of them it is more difficult than for others as they are not fully conscious about the magnitude of their work by not being aware that they function as mere instruments and have basically no karma on their own. They must forget the remembrance of who they really are, so that the work can be authentic at the level of lower frequencies. 

To the extend to which all of them have managed this transformative work, mirrors the powerful upswing of human consciousness. Whereby they are the required channels for the increasingly incoming higher frequencies of love-light in your realm. They have accomplished a great task, a work about which most people who are interested in ascension don't want to know about.

They are rather drawn to hearing only about the pleasant stories, but they don't know that the process of ascension is inseparably connected to the path of descension, being both sides of one coin in your world. 

This deep-rooted service in the womb of darkness has been necessary so that the part of humanity which is ready for it, but is still too much tied to unresolved patterns of humanity's past, is able to ascend.

It is this work which sets the evolutionary and liberating course within the consciousness and in the structure of the body of humanity, so that the necessary process of ascension of consciousness can be put in motion. Without setting this course, a fundamental expansion of consciousness is not possible in such a short time. The intense energy boost would destroy a human being who is still in deep sleep. 

The deeper the descend the higher the ascend. The new Light that you are experiencing now is born from the immensity of the darkness into which they have been descending so that this new conscious light could be born for humanity. Now the path has become relatively easy, but it must become conscious and so you still have to duplicate the process. 

Although these processes can be also looked at from a superordinate point of view as a cosmic joke, as a merely detached play, the physical and individual experience is always painful. But there is consciousness and awareness in pain, that can be set free, and that's what it is about.

There are so to speak shallow, light, conscientious, deep and ultra-deep players. They all belong to the great play, and they all are valid. The depth of the immersion defines the level of ascension. This depends on the level of experience you seek.

But you need to know that ultimately all experiences, and we say ALL experiences, keep you captured in the prison of limitation and separation. Only if you wish to explore the total bandwith of experience, you can achieve absolute freedom from all worlds. And only when you are ready, to even transcend all these levels of experience you will be completely free.

This Freedom is your very and supreme nature. But usually only those begin to ask for this absolute freedom who have taken on the ultra-deep path.

Freedom is therefore relative. As long as you speak of freedom FROM something it is in actuality freedom within the room of limitations.

But when you cry out from the depth of all your heart for absolute Freedom, a process is being initiated which catapults you there where you begin to intuit for the first time the Magnificience of It as It Truly Is. To realize this Freedom as Is, you must enter the true path of radical metamorphosis, without „knowing“ where you will end up. It is the path of trust in the Existence of Ultimate Divine Consciousness.

With blindfolded eyes you will be guided through all levels of existence in a process of utter self-transcendence, which is many times unbearably painful until the bandage is being taken from your eyes. Only then you will understand. And only then, and not prior to it, the true path begins. To walk the path you must be of a pure heart and radically comprehend the total play of the matrix of creation. You must leave behind the world that hangs upside down and which is the all and ENTIRETY you have known so far, to intuit the world of Divine Existence That Truly erected IS.

When you such enter the Great Path the Angels of Liberation and Freedom will show you the way, Illuminated by their Divine Wisdom-Light of Unspeakable Beauty and Freedom.They are the messengers of Your Own Ultimate Divine Nature, until you Realize the Mystery of Oneness where there is no process, not path, where there are no angels, no heavens, no skies and no separate worlds. Only this ONE Radiant Happiness, Joy, Love and Undying Bliss, One with all worlds, and in Which all worlds are being finally consumed. 


From the High Dimension of Eternity the Angels speak:

We are the Angels of Liberation and Freedom. We bring the Light of purest Enlightenment to you, who is longing with great thirst for Truth.

Know that above all your experiences there is the Free Divine Realm, empty of objects, above the senses, gross and subtle, above all dimensions. It is the radiant realm of Pure Being, of Eternal Existence that cannot be experienced but you must Be It, because it is your very own Single and One Truth.

It is not the truth of you as an individual, separate being, but the inherent Truth of Existence Itself, the Divine Well as Which your Primordial Being is resting always, always Living as never-ending Enjoyment. It is the Reality of Being-ness, not experienced, not thought, not hoped for, but lived in any moment as unquestionable Truth of your Divine Being, when it is Realized.

We Are here to remind you of This, as you have forgotten It in the midst of all your experiences, let them be worldly or spiritually. What you Are is beyond spiritual, because your True and Ultimate Home is Divine Reality. Spirituality is the bridge to there, which must be left behind, it is merely the pathway to that Truth, to that Divine Reality that Shines forever as the One Who you Are.

Please open your heart and your mind to be inspired by that Truth into your Ultimate Space of Radiance, forever free, blessed and glorious. There is nothing above or below It and It is untouched by the worlds, high and low, Pervading and Containing them. It is forever Free and Pure Beauty, boundless Clarity and Happiness, the stainless Infinite Being that you Are.


Messages conveyed

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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Thursday, February 22, 2018


 VIDEO (recommended)

Dearest friends!

This update is about purification of humanity´s history and of the unredeemed collective consciousness so that the universe can move on. Friend, you might discover also your own involvement in this process.

The question whether earth is a sphere or a flat something is not relevant here, rather the fact that earth is a realm of psycho-physical experience. With emphasis on "realm". Nothing is as it seems, we often have heared this and it is valid on many levels. In this context it means that our five senses seem to tell us that earth is made of matter, but in actuality it is a fluid realm. And it is multidimensional. To think that is is pure matter is due to the fall of consciousness of humanity who has forgotten that earth has been the womb of the galaxy and has therefore a predominant role in the unviverse.

This understanding might help many of us who are here to help this truth to emerge and to be understood at these times, to see their personal destiny reflected in the history and development of human consciousness.

I am experiencing exactly this in an exaggerated way in these endtimes where this realm is being more and more compressed, squeezing into the open all that has not yet been clarified and liberated from the dark hiding place of the subconsciousness of humanity. 

And of course my experience must happen deeply felt in the physical, my physical, that is my body. I am a mole who digs tunnels deep in the underground of collective consciousness to allow them to be filled with light.

It is extremely interesting to discover in ever deeper proceedings of impersonal experiences how my physical issues, which have been seeded anytime in human history in "me" as an apparent individual, - in this life-time or life-times long ago (wereby time-space is an illusion), - as  symptoms of human failure and distortion, separated from the original Divine Creation that has been meant to be perfect. 

As said earlier in one of my messages, I am belonging to a group of beings who incarnate in places that need to grow in consciousness. In order to be of service, physical incarnation is absolutely essential to fulfill that task. It is being done while choosing experiences that are switching points of archetypal epitomes of human aberrations from the perfect  Concept of Divine Creation.

Dealing right now with immense physical pains is like a cooking pot that pushes the bubbles of remembrance of human history in the form of precise images to the surface. And so my body is like an onion of humanity's memory, which is being peeled skin by skin, but it seems to go on forever. 

Main issues are the desecration, deformation and abuse of the womb of creation and birth itself, of the female power,  the destruction of women´s integrity and self-worth.  And the strategic secrecy of that.  All of this stands for the utter compression of light and energy to the point of almost still-stand, where the natural flow of life stops. We can see all of this in the present world condition. 

But where there would be movement and free flow of life and energy, the power of the female, there  would be light and joy, and Love is Present. And all is perfect.

Please understand these issues beyond the mere human scale as a cosmic archetypal happening,  as universal events that are the results of misused mindsets. As the experience  and demonstration of 'as above  so below'. 

The male mind froze while non-surrendered to the flowing light of the Goddess, the Divine Shakti or Spirit Power. And the children of the Goddess were born in darkness, forgetful of their Divinity. Nobody is guilty. It is just the result of implosion that occurred because in this experimental realm of duality the female and the male recognized themselves as separate. Experiencing seeming separation from the Primordial Unity of the Radiant Source Condition, everything must ultimately implode if this game goes on too long. And it has been going on too long already.

That's why many of us who came here to help this realm to re-orient itself to it's own Source-Condition, suffer now seeming unexplainable pains and set-backs in these end-times, to help to open the knot of darkness, to make room for the  Source-Light to Shine trough, to make Itself Known again. 

We carry the information of humanity's fall (and that of the universe)  in our very body cells and in our DNA together with the Supreme Light of Divine Consciousness. All of this is now activated in our body. It is as painful as the most difficult birth. And this Great Birth must happen now.
As a universal law, everything must become conscious, the whole bandwith of the frequency of light in this realm, which is compressed darkness on one end and expanding light on the other end, and everything in between, before fundamental change can occur. This is however still about the dimension of conditional light. 

We are here to allow the Revelation of Unconditional Light, That is above all conditional, but it cannot be recognized before we are willing to acknowledge the two sides of the coin of duality and go beyond both.
Humans are not entities, which are being identified as separate meat-bodies. We are beings in which the great universal happening is incarnated, finding its expression. We are consciousness and as said above, this is a realm of psycho-physical experience. But it must be liberated through understanding ourselves as the whole bandwith of  frequencies to ascend into and become one with the Supreme Source-Light. 

This is the great task of this moment. 
Please support this process by surrendering with love to the Ultimate Conscious Light which is beyond the dual apparence of conditional light and dark and all opposites and in Which all of this is arising.

With great love,

Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2017. All rights reserved.
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