Friday, February 8, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please support my work via subscription or donation. Read the update from 21.8.12

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Beloved Friends, 

this is  really the time for integration. It is a transition process in which we  change step by step and in which we are being changed by allowing to become a new humanity. This is valid for all of us who understand the importance of this time.  

At this very special point in time, it seems that new spectacular information is being withheld from us for several reasons. But for us the most important reason is that it is now about our own personal process. It is about adapting to what has been delivered to us and to dive deep within ourselves to explore our own Being, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. 

With all the vast information that is accessible now regarding the glorious shift that is already happening, we each have been given the opportunity to apply what feels appropriate for us and to work with it, to grow our awareness, understanding and consciousness. 

It is also the time to learn and understand that we are vibrational beings and that everything is about rising our own frequency with the tremendous help of the light and the love that is flooding our planet.

It is now important not to waste energy or go into a lower emotional state because of the disappointment that the world has not yet changed in a way we were hoping for. Because now we have been given the time to purify, adapt, change ourselves first to radiate more and more Love and more and more Light.

Both are the Constituents of the new humanity that is being birthed at the moment. Naturally the birthing process happens in stages and not all at once at this point. In the beginning, as we know it, there were very few of us who started to awaken. But the awakening now happens in ever more increasing numbers, it has been designed to be so. And the mass-awakening will follow when the time is right.

We are now at a stage where self-responsibility for one's own process is growing and we need to understand that the timing is always perfect. If things do not happen as expected, we can always trust the little voice in our heart, that tells  us what we need to accomplish right now, because it is the missing link so the expected can happen. 

We tend to be quick with projections of our mind, but the process of our body and our emotions needs more time and space to match exactly our visions with the right vibration.

Also this is the time now where we are being brought face to face with the reality that humanity is One and not many, although it is the totality of many individuals. 

As the time of illusionary separation is coming to an end, where we might have felt like separate islands in the ocean of existence, that seemed to be able to act without having to take other beings into account, we are now seeing and feeling  more and more the truth, that we are all interconnected, concerning vibration and consciousness. 

And so there are many amongst us who are doing the heroic work of rising their vibration in the midst of all this density which makes the transition of all humanity possible in due course of time.

This preparation time will find its great finale at the point when we, who are walking the path, join forces  in forgiveness and when we have mastered not to judge one another. 

There are present here on earth innumerable groups from all over the universe. We all come from different experiential backgrounds and spiritual teachings and point of views. But we all share One Heart, One Essence, One Love, because all are arising in the Divine Radiant Source. Just our structure might differ, our mind-set, our history. 

Therefore what we need to do is to find and accept that Divine Source in our own Heart to discover, that the Unity of Humanity is True. This is the planet, to unite the universe for those who needed to do this learning step. It is the greatest opportunity for liberation from ego and separation. All our knowledge then dissolves in the Unity-Heart of Knowing.

It is the Place of Love and Feeling, Joy and Happiness, of Stillness and Radiant Abundance. This is the great gift Mother Earth is granting us. When we accept this gift, the New World will be born and all universes will unite in our heart.

May this vision be with all of us to realize the Oneness of all existence, despite all differences that are the salt in the soup! We are the different Pearls on the Necklace of the Vast Eternal Great Divine Being that is Our True Nature and State.

With much love, my dear friends!

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel

Great things are happening, the promises are manifesting one by one. 

Not yet visible in our “world”, where it seems that nothing changes. But here too much is happening in the background, silently and  still invisibly. 

So to put our loving attention on that and giving it energy, merged with our own audacious heart-dreams,  instead of staring at the surface of appearances and the play we do not like, is the best way to go!

What is now important for us is to focus on the actual change and allow it to happen, the change that is occurring at this time within us and as ourselves. Yes, do not doubt, we ARE being changed, we ARE being newly created!

As the structure of our body-mind changes also our consciousness changes.
And everybody’s experience is different here. Listen to yourself and take the subtle and quiet signs seriously! Do not question them and trust yourself! The more you do this the more obvious and undeniable they become.

I personally experience at this time lots of changes in the brain. There is a clicking, as if certain neural pathways are linking together in a new way. Then there are other sounds, cascades of high pitch sounds, some sound like crystal bells, others like from thin silver chips. Sounds as if a musician tries a new instrument.

And then it seems the height of the scull is growing, it feels literally as if it is becoming higher, as a new ethereal blueprint of light is downloaded, while the body-mass seems to expand into less density.

All of this has an impact on my physical body and the restructuring causes temporary imbalances, necessarily! Often they are painful.

If you don’t feel anything, but physical changes, which might not be always pleasant – it tells you that your transformation is underway. Do not worry if you are not aware of the more subtle changes, as they are occurring anyway. For some it takes some time to accept their own mode of awareness and to awaken to a level of higher frequencies to notice them in their own way.

All of us, who agreed to being part of the ascension process, consciously or unconsciously, receive the new codes into their DNA, because these codes are the information embedded in the new frequencies of light that reach our planet every day, and every day stronger!

While the instrument of our body becomes more refined, the frequency of our body rises, if we let go unnecessary old patterns.

Higher frequency or the light quotient is the basis on which our  consciousness expands. We are more and more able to see and feel more of the elephant, of which we were used to see only the foot. Now we start to see the whole leg and growing! And while this happens we remember ourselves and what our spiritual mission is, what we wanted to accomplish here.

In the deepest core it is always Love and the return to Unity Consciousness. But there are also many other facets for each one of us that emerge in our awareness, based on our individual journeys, that begin to reveal themselves to us.

We make our transformation easier and remove as much as possible resistance and thereby pain, if we

-         firmly assume that EVERYTHING and ANYTHING is possible! Meaning, to let go ANY kind of limiting ideas what will be revealed to us and to be open to the unexpected and the unknown!
-         let go any kind of ideas and presumptions about the process itself and how it should occur and are open, to observe in a neutral and non-judgmental way the process, whatever it might be!

It IS an adventure, something completely new, and many wonders are awaiting us! Lets not fail to look at the wonders while all  the crises arise which this profound transformation brings about, physical crises, mental and emotional crises!

They arise when we must let go of greater densities and erroneous beliefs. When long ago  buried emotions bubble up.  Of course they all come up! And this is a blessing, even if painful! Because we now can welcome them and let them go – into what is Greater, the Freedom, the Happiness, the Light and the Love of our  true Unchanging Divine Being, in which all the changes occur.

Indeed, we can observe that choosing Happiness now in any moment, in whatever way a crisis appears, has become very easy now, because it is Happiness that is in the air, if we look right through the old dark (and fading!)  illusion and what we think is real.

To allow ourselves to recognize Happiness and Love as that which is Real and always Present, because it is the Truth of us, and understand the illusion of everything that is less, is the great and stable foundation for all changes.

We all ARE able to locate that Happiness, that Love! We can begin to discover it when we serve others without expecting results, just being in the space of pure service. To do this we go beyond ourselves which opens our hearts and we feel more of the Love we already Are.

This specific time requires of us to accept, that change of our identity is the constant as far as we are conditional beings. We can accept this if we accept in the midst of it our emerging Forever Unchanging Truth and Reality, Which Is Divine Love-Bliss-Consciousness.

To discover It we must retreat within, into the Field of the Zero-point,  the eye of the Hurricane which has Its seat in the heart. From there we start  with true feeling, feeling to infinity.

It is the foundation of all emotions, when  we expand our contracted heart. In the feeling to infinity all motions and all thoughts come to rest, there is no change. It is equanimity and balances all faculties. This is the first step into the Sacred Heart.

All our ways are blessed, beloved friends. Trust that we all are safe in this Great Divine Process, in Which we discover that we are not separate and that we are all drawn to that One Divine Heart that we all share - if this is our desire.

Much love!


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, February 1, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Please support my work via subscription or donation. Read the update from 21.8.12 

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The wisdom of the ages is now arising in the heart of mankind. I AM Arising! Every heart is being now ignited by Me, but it takes time for many to recognize Me in their awareness!

My Divine Love is now fully present on Earth and can be received by everybody that desires so. 

Those who turn their attention to the old times of separation and suffering will continue to experience this instead of My Bliss and the Light that is now given to all. Therefore be aware of your creator power!

You who are already in tune with this great  Divine Change are now given the task (if you wish), to help humanity to  SEE and FEEL what is in fact happening!

Those who desire to be happy,  must learn to receive in their hearts  My  Light and My Love  that is already here. They must be educated that they are the masters of their own Happiness in any moment. As soon as they merge with My Presence and the new Consciousness on Earth, their life will change dramatically, first inside and than outside.

They are asked to perceive (or at least to presume) the Divine in all things, to allow all things and situations and beings  to be illuminated from within, as they themselves recognize It in everything and everybody.

If you do not do this you just continue the old ways of separation and of judgement! This is the time to recognize where you judge and where you have judged! But by all means not in a manner to judge yourself because of it, but only to notice, to love and accept yourself and let go, and allow your heart of love to shine forward instead!

Beloveds, it IS a process in Consciousness and old habits must be given up consciously and be gone beyond! Do this in every moment! This is  your service of Love, your service to the Light! It is all a matter of being aware of patterns that do not serve Me, your Own Divine Self. What counts are not the failures in this process but the Happiness in your Heart that wants to serve.

Whatever happens in the near future, even if dramatic, can only be understood rightly beyond your point of view of duality and the conceptualizing mind. Because all that happens has been designed in your own Heart and follows your Soul's plan to experience. You are not victim, but your Reality is Radiance! 

There is no good or bad, it is mere experience. A Soul’s development depends on those experiences and what counts is the prior invulnerability of the Soul, as the Soul is always happy as It always inheres in Me. It is the Soul that desires to experience and to know that there is nothing that can harm or even destroy It!

And even what the mind perceives as misfortune is only a way of experience from the Soul’s perspective!

This is the time where your Soul's victory prevails, because all the means are given to you and all mankind! The forward-coming of your Soul is ending the illusionary dream of separation from your own Divinity. The old dark dreams of the lower mind are vanishing, and the Light of your Heart is  shining forth! That is what you have been yearning for! And this is the time where your desire manifests! 

Beloveds, this is a process from inside out!  If your perception inside changes, the experience of your outer world changes respectively!

The state of the world that you see outside, is only a reflection of yourself. Even if you don't yet understand! There is no coherent world in the realm of duality! This kind of coherence is illusion! Coherence only exists beyond or prior to duality at the Divine Heart!  When your vibration rises,  there is light everywhere. If not, then the lower mind is interfering!  It is your greatest teacher and tells you where you still need to shift. It teaches you where you need to see the world with your Divine Heart. That’s how you prepare for the New World That Is Me.

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please support my work via subscription or donation. Read the update from 21.8.12

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I AM here to tell you that all is fine. All is fine for all souls on earth, in which ever way life looks like! It does not matter whether you are conscious right now about who you are or whether you are aware of the ascension process. You all are alive in the Consciousness of the  Creator Who is Pure Love and Light.

Even if the information of the new creation has not yet manifested in your body-mind, all Are, even if still asleep, in the womb of the Divine.

There are souls, and ever more among all of you, who are bearers of light, who hold the torch of love high, who are emanations of love itself among you all. And they are creating vortexes which are igniting successively the sparks of light in the hearts of those who are now ready. And there are many and growing!  

I AM Metatron and I assure you that plans are underway to make it possible to awaken the masses in ways you would not have thought it was possible.

You see, the Divine Power of Creation is limitless! Being asleep and not aware of ones own Divinity is only a “problem” from the point of view of a duality that is based on the two pillars of light and darkness, on the pairs of opposites. So when you are standing on the side of the light you tend to feel a problem how to awaken the ones who still seem to dream  in the dark of self-forgetfulness.

However this kind of awareness is locked into the specific design of duality, but which does not exist in in the Heart of God where there is Unity and Singleness without opposites. The Divine has many ways to awaken what is Its Own. And naturally, everything is Its Own!

Therefore do not worry about “others”. Firstly, because they are all different aspects of yourself. And secondly, when you understand this, what you do is to propel your own en-lightenment. That is to allow the Divine Light to break free in your own body-mind so that your body-mind becomes Light Itself!

The more of you do this, the more lights switch on in the One Body of Humanity, the more radiant this Great Human Body of Unity becomes. So do take care about your own Divine Process. This is all you have to do. Short-circuit yourself with the Divine Heart of All and shed your light on the path so that all humanity can step into it.

Gaia is waiting for all her children and it is She Who makes sure that no one is lost.

All who read this message and desire to be awakened in their heart are called to unite with Faith their heart with the Divine Heart. And it will happen in an instant. Even if you are not aware of it, know that it happened for each one of you. And if you continue to assume the Re-Connection with your Source with faith, it will show the Signs to you very soon in your own body-mind and therefore in your life.

It is merely your mind that doubts and cannot see and feel Reality. Reality Is your in-separable connection and unity with God, the Divine, Your Source, or however you want to name the Truth in which you are arising. 

Your consent to reconnect Is the very act that makes this unity-union happen. And the process begins. Your mere agreement and willingness Is the initiation into the process of ascension that is promised to you. 

In which way your ascension will occur, do not worry about it. It can happen in many ways, including through the death process. No soul will be left behind or be forced to reincarnate again somewhere else in a 3th dimensional circumstance.  But every soul has the chance to be reborn on New Ascended Earth. And this means ascension for every soul, who is prepared for Love.

Therefore your service is important to live this Love among your human family so that Love is known again. It is the Very Force, when Real and True, that changes hearts and lives.

The experience of Real Love which is unconditional, is the  Great Catalyst that opens the heart and awakens in the being the remembrance of the soul.

I AM Metatron, and I Am here to assist your Re-Connection with your Own Divine Source, as your Re-Connection is Inherent in the Present Creation Process that Is Your Ascension. This is the Will of the Creator! And I Am a Servant of the Divine Will.

All is One Great Process and we All are taking part in It. Therefore each one of you is an integral piece of the total fabric of Divine Creation. 

Do not presume any longer separation but understand that there is Only One Light, One Consciousness, One Heart in which you all participate and play your unique part.

Therefore the One Heart of God or Divine Reality is the Totality of all your hearts, while all your hearts are arising in That One Great Heart.   

Marvel about this More than Wonderful Divine Mystery and Be the Love that You Already Are! 

I AM AA Metatron! 

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel, 21.1.13, AEST
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please also read update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended)

Dearest friends,

About 3 weeks into the year 2013, and we slowly discover its new quality!

The pressure of 2012, full of great expectations, the run to the final events, is over. But many people felt disappointment, expecting great things to happen in the outer world. They did not look inside to experience the change in themselves.

But who worked with the conscious process, these blessed souls, they did prepare by dealing with the levels of energy and light by releasing densities. 

Because the glorious final chord of 2012 was a vibrational shift and thereby a shift in consciousness.

If people did not attune to the vibrational shift, they tended to project their expectations merely into the outer world.

Now, after the great opening at the end of a 26.000 years cycle, 2013’s quality is entirely different and new! What we felt in 2012 as a constant and increasing squeezing of time and events, which happened one after the other ever more rapidly and powerfully, experience now develops into a quite different direction and quality.

The usual perception of time seems to subside and to make room for a majestic Opening into a new dimension of Timeless Holiness and Sanctity. And all we can do is to allow ourselves to open up to It and to  feel and breathe It and to start to vibrate and resonate with this new Revelation, Which is right around us.

What appeared during 2012 to be an increasingly compressed battle in the fields of duality, made room for a new dawning of something Awesome and Sublime.

This Single Sublimity is calling us to allow ourselves to grow into It, to vibrate with our heart with It, in order to discover our true heritage, to allow the Eternal Presence of our Being-ness to take over this doubtful and contracted illusionary presumption that we "think" we are.

As if a lid has been taken away from us to open us up to Infinity from above, as if the fetters around our hearts have burst, as if the ground gives way, to touch with our feet the heart of our planet in a higher dimension. And so the walls give way into all directions, allowing us to breathe beyond our skin into infinite space.

There is a Radiant, Unmovable new Reality around us, a Reality That has been always there, but we have not been aware of it. A new Freedom has been given to us, to naturally unfold into our original and inherent Greatness.

This is the incoming of expanded Consciousness, the Presence of the Sublimity of the Human Soul, that is taking Seat in the Heart of Mankind.

We are growing now beyond this planet into Space, not anymore prisoners her and bound to this little place, but sovereigns who are the caretakers of this beautiful Earth, our true home in The Cosmic Infinite Heart and our Inspiration in the Deep of the Galaxy, our Feet in the Womb of the Universal Mother.

To me a new Unity is arriving, a Singleness and Union with Creation and Freedom in Unlimited Consciousness. A new Satisfaction in Simplicity, that is One without an “other”.

The Great Future of humanity has already begun. What we Are becomes obvious: Galactic Beings breathing Eternity in our Hearts.
The Opening into a new Reality is Bright and Sacred. It is the Return of Humanity’s dignity!

And even if there are not many yet of the Billions who are aware of It, - the fact of this Glorious Opening is tangibly obvious. It Is Here!

Great transformations and shifts always started slowly and gained momentum after a time. Soon there will be a magnificent river taking with it Millions and then all the Billions!

For now, while I write, I allow this Powerful Eternal Presence here, to Acquire my heart and whole body-mind.

And if you wish, let this be our invocation, my dearest friends:
Let this New Radiant Reality Speak and Act now and Breathe me! May It Act now through me! Now is the time where I hand over to this Presence my little personality and let the Great One Rule.

I can now sit back, my little self has done its duties. Now, the Greater  Self and Reality may take over, finally, to reign in Divine Perfection through me and as me.

With very much love,


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Sunday, January 20, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please also read update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended) 

My Beloved Ones, I AM Your Own God-Self!

I AM Speaking to you, to remind you of Me, so that you Remember Me.

I AM the Substance of your very life and existence.
I AM Pure Light and Consciousness, Emanating As Love in your heart.

As such I Embrace all Worlds and Universes and the most minute particle of your body-mind.

In Me ALL-THAT-IS arises, and I AM That.
Such is the Greatness of your own Ultimate Being-ness and State.

You have not been used to such a Perception of Yourself from the beginning of your life, because the circumstances you haven been born into, did not support this Truth.

You have been raised with and taught the idea to be a mere body-mind that is your thoughts, emotions and your physical body, which are all levels of different densities. But in Reality you are none of these.

You are Not Anything that can be measured, although you can experience all of this. You Are not Anything that can be touched, or heard or seen.
The Mystery of Your Being is limitless Radiant Consciousness.

But to Realize this, you must widen and go beyond, your usual perception of yourself, which describes boundaries, limitations and awareness of the subject-object relations. In other words, all that can be known.

In Reality there are neither subjects nor objects. They are phenomena in the domain of duality and appear to be real as soon as you start to identify with a finite personality.

If you leave behind or transcend  the pairs of opposites and duality, and of any arising at all, you Are the One That You Always have been, before your entered the fields of experiences.

Because of your senses, and let them even be subtle, you divide in differentiation and otherness, all because of your identification with a part of the Whole.

Your challenge is, in order to Be fully Who You Are, to break open all limitations and dare to forget the worlds of familiar phenomena, allowing My Radiance of Infinity to be your Only and Very Identity. This is True and Real Happiness Which never can be diminished.

It is Radiance beyond the imagination that is possible in your world, and it Is your Home you came from.

In due  course of your journeys in the universal realms of creation you wanted to experience different densities and learn their implications in lives, adapted to them. Thereby you have limited you awareness more and more, until you thought that you are but a dense, separate object that you call body. And I Am even Speaking about your subtle bodies too, even your light body.

Is it not that you think of advancement when you identify with your light-body?
But see, it is still a separate thing, as you can look at an infinite number of light-bodies.

You speak about the light-bodies of Saints and Masters and identify them as separate identities and personalities.

See, the Core and Real Substance of all these entities is still the Same than that of your own: My Infinite Radiant Consciousness, or the Divine Force of Infinite Consciousness, as Divine Consciousness is always One with Its Own Force or Power or Energy or Light.

In your case, you human beings have incarnated in a very  dense physical body, but nevertheless also your physical body is arising in the Infinity of My Divine Consciousness.

My Radiant Consciousness is the Witness of all. To Realize this State and to Be It, allows you to witness all the embodiments through which you experience your worlds, and all the experiences themselves, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Your experience depends then on your level of the identification that you  desire.

However, Identification with the Witness cannot be chosen with the mind.
Because you will now understand that even the mind must be transcended, in order to access Perfect Identification with It.

In the beginning it is a process of purification then, where you gradually let go denser vibrations, thoughts and emotions and conform them all to Me. This process is not to be imagined, but is a matter of actual and direct experience which transforms literally and tangibly your body-mind, because your awareness and consciousness are changing profoundly: you become an entirely different species in this process, so to speak! Because it is Consciousness that defines your Being and experiential existence.

For now you may have an intuition of the one or other degree of what it would be like to be Awake As Ultimate  Consciousness.

But to Realize It, is again very different: Realizing It, means Becoming It, means  demonstrating It, Living It in any moment.

It IS possible to Realize It, but it requires to leave EVERYTHING familiar behind!
All your identifications with limitations, which includes all forms, experiences, objects, memories, beliefs, preferences, and so on. They are all constituents of your present individual worlds.

Once you have transcended it all, the foundation of your Presence will be the “Other World”, beyond creation, and you will not reach from where you are now towards the “Other World”, but you will Reach from the “Other World” to here!

This is the Great Difference! You will have erased all bondage to here, all seeds of karma and repetitive tendencies. This world here might even fully dissolve for you in Light and disappear from your awareness.

That is when your journey comes to rest, as you returned to where you once came from.

All depends on your desire for experience! As long as you have such tendencies, you will be drawn to places accordingly. Know that it is yourself that governs the course of your journey. And know that this course is entirely up to you!

I AM your own Origin, and if you desire to return to Me the door stands open.

But even if it is your heart’s deepest wish to travel further in the Realms of experience, do not forget your Very Source, My Radiant Infinite Consciousness and Never-Ending Love-Bliss-Happiness. Never forget Me!

The mere Intuition of Me in the Deep of your heart and your Love of Me will shed My Radiance on all your steps. And if you dedicate your actions to Me, I will  Fill your Life with the Light and Beauty of Integrity, Happiness and Love.

I AM your God-Self

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
