Showing posts with label Happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Happiness. Show all posts

Monday, October 27, 2014



What are you waiting for? 
Don't you know that I AM always Present, Unchanging, in the midst of constant change?

Change is the inherent nature of duality and happens in your mind. It is you who wanted to experience change, to know both sides of the coin, light and dark, and - as you call it - good and bad. 

For Me Who Is Beyond of it all, it is a mere play. But for most of you who have chosen to live apart from Me, these opposites are experienced as serious realities, evoking pleasure and pain, happiness and misery.

I AM your God-Self, your True Nature and Reality. For Me ascension is just part of the endless happenings in My Domain, but which do not touch Me, which do not change Me, because I AM beyond change, and so your own True Nature is. 

Is it not, that you even do not need to wait for a new world or higher density, to be truly Happy? Because you can BE again the Consciousness you ARE, and always will BE, to observe the constant currents of the eons as Me, untouched forever in Your indestructible Bliss. 

Don't you know Me? When the worlds seem to stand still and are being Breathed by Me, when there Is no separation in your mind, when there is only Feeling to Infinity and Knowingness, don't you know that in that Very Moment there Is Only Me, your True Self, recognized?

But then you forget. And you cling deep to the ups and downs of happenings.  

Presently you all are waiting for the up, the event of ascension. But who is waiting? Will you in your experience of separateness hope for better times than they are now? 
Don't you know that I AM ALWAYS Perfect right now, when time is not, when mind ceases to be and I Arise as the One Whom you always have Known? 

While you allow Me to Be Who Is You, as Divine Consciousness, as the One Who Is Love and Who Is Bliss Always, you do not seek for betterment, you do not seek ascension. You do not seek for a "better" world or God, because then you know that there Is Only One God, One Divine Consciousness, One Light of lights, in Which the notion of light and dark arise, of "good and evil", of your personal "likes and dislikes". 

To be aware of Heaven on Earth is always possible when you remember Me, your True Nature and Identity. There Is Only Me when you remember Me, and when you release the dead end of your identification with the body-mind, Beloveds! 

Do not forget that you ARE not embodiment. You have chosen embodiment to experience duality. The body is not the experiencer, nor the senses are. I AM. Whether your experience is of this dimension or any other dimension. It Is Always Me Who Lives Alone and Single. I AM all of That. IS ME. 

When you dream the separate one, that one is not Me. But still I AM you even when you imagine a life apart from Me. 

When will you be wise, to live the world as My Fullness, now. It can be done whether ascension arrives or not. All is a matter of Divine Consciousness Only, prior to the perception of the brain. Live As Me and the world changes, right now, to balance and dignity. To Fullness and Truth in which all other dimensions and experiences appear.

Why do you still deny your Divine Throne? Why seek for the lesser things! Why not allow Me Alone to Guide your Happiness?
Why don't you desire to Be Who You Are in Reality!

I Bless all your adventures, because I AM You! You Are All Beloveds of Mine! Calling your Happiness Eternally!

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright  2014

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This is the time for you to rejoice and not to complain!
This is the time to see the New, Refreshing Light, and to feel the Stillness of the Conscious Expanded Divine Heart.

By seeing and feeling That Which Is Divine, and Which is the Sign of My Own Divine Presence you make it manifest also for others to recognize!

My Divine Emanations in form - of which you are an  important part - ARE renewing themselves right now, showered by Cascades of Light, for  those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Do not make the mistake to expect first changes in the outer world before your inside changes. YOU are the co-creators in your world. And your creations are happening from inside out. Don’t you remember?

Although I AM Beyond the worlds, I Am giving you this example! Higher dimensions are arising in Me as they indeed are arising in You. Can you imagine the Angelic Beings or your radiant Sisters and Brothers of the Stars  waiting for the cosmos to change  by itself?  You know very well, that they are the ones who consciously create their worlds in  your universe with the wings of love-light from within their Divinity. How could creation happen otherwise, even in your still dense and unhappy world.

Therefore I AM reminding you to  remember to create the world you want to see from your heart and never allow your mind to fall for the illusion of  the Matrix that reflects back  to you a false image of reality.

But even if you do not engage yourself in creative processes, you still can contemplate Me, Your Own God-Self, and enjoy the Source of all Creation, before creator gods arise. Enjoy My Abundance That is also Yours, enjoy My Beauty That is also Yours, enjoy My Love That Is You. And You even can enjoy the Aspect of Mine That You experience as Light.

Happiness Is All That I AM in all My Aspects. Why then fall into unhappiness of an imperfect world, to strengthen its illusion?

Is not Ascension another word for En-Lightenment? And Is Enlightenment not a phenomenon that is independent of outer appearances? Your true Masters have proven this to you many times.

Your Inner Independence in My Radiance of Stillness is the very Source of your pure creations, because My Being of Indifference instigates your purity of mind and feeling, to evoke the Divine World for which you are longing so very much.

As you see your broken world and still invest your feelings in them, you give them power to persist, even if only in your imagination by re-creating them. Because in My Reality they do not possess foundation anymore. That has been washed away in a no-time but which you remember as time.

The great lack many of you are experiencing in this moment is a hard but quick lesson to re-awaken to your true Divinity within; to recognize the illusion of a world that is not Divine and let it go so that you do not give it sustainability.

The return to your own Divine Truth that Is Me, can change  your outer world in an instant, if enough of you follow this path of letting go in a moment, to invest yourself beyond your suffering in My Happiness that is also Your Divine True State.

How can you work the miracles of a Divine World if you do not use Me to create it, but instead continue the dream of falsehood? If you are betraying  your own precious Heart-Jewel, by neglecting it, trying to find it somewhere outside yourself first?

Therefore I ask you to listen and to understand: dare to forget the outer world only for a moment to turn to Me, to Merge with Me, with My Fullness, My Abundance, My Beauty, My Joy within. And from the place of completion dream your new world and see it from now on everywhere you want to turn your attention to. 

Notice that all things appear as my Own Disguise. Awaken with your heart of love and bring light to what you ‘don’t like’. Uplift the darkness to light, rise the frequency while you walk through darkness as a radiant torch, to awaken the new world from the ashes of falsehood.

This is the gift that is given to humanity: to co-create the Radiant New from what is already dead, without looking back. With every looking back you neglect your Divine Powers, to give them away to those still trying to control you.

The more of you understand this Wisdom the quicker the Fata Morgana vanishes to give room to the Reality of a Bright and Clear Day. It is already Present, if you only dare to see it and even dare to create it thereby.

This is the test humanity is required in this moment to pass, because they have understood in their heart. Each heart that truly understands awakens Thousands of others.

So – where are My Beloveds who dare to understand? Are YOU one of them?
I AM here and always have been. Your True Divinity was never taken from you, you only did not recognize It for a while, busy with your 3D affairs. The dream of forgetfulness seems to be an eternity, but lasted only a moment. Therefore you are Blessed to wake up in this instant and remember.

I AM closer to you than even your breath.
I AM waiting for you NOW and NOW and NOW!

I AM Your God-Self

Message conveyed by Ute 

Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,  Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them.
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, February 1, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Please support my work via subscription or donation. Read the update from 21.8.12 

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The wisdom of the ages is now arising in the heart of mankind. I AM Arising! Every heart is being now ignited by Me, but it takes time for many to recognize Me in their awareness!

My Divine Love is now fully present on Earth and can be received by everybody that desires so. 

Those who turn their attention to the old times of separation and suffering will continue to experience this instead of My Bliss and the Light that is now given to all. Therefore be aware of your creator power!

You who are already in tune with this great  Divine Change are now given the task (if you wish), to help humanity to  SEE and FEEL what is in fact happening!

Those who desire to be happy,  must learn to receive in their hearts  My  Light and My Love  that is already here. They must be educated that they are the masters of their own Happiness in any moment. As soon as they merge with My Presence and the new Consciousness on Earth, their life will change dramatically, first inside and than outside.

They are asked to perceive (or at least to presume) the Divine in all things, to allow all things and situations and beings  to be illuminated from within, as they themselves recognize It in everything and everybody.

If you do not do this you just continue the old ways of separation and of judgement! This is the time to recognize where you judge and where you have judged! But by all means not in a manner to judge yourself because of it, but only to notice, to love and accept yourself and let go, and allow your heart of love to shine forward instead!

Beloveds, it IS a process in Consciousness and old habits must be given up consciously and be gone beyond! Do this in every moment! This is  your service of Love, your service to the Light! It is all a matter of being aware of patterns that do not serve Me, your Own Divine Self. What counts are not the failures in this process but the Happiness in your Heart that wants to serve.

Whatever happens in the near future, even if dramatic, can only be understood rightly beyond your point of view of duality and the conceptualizing mind. Because all that happens has been designed in your own Heart and follows your Soul's plan to experience. You are not victim, but your Reality is Radiance! 

There is no good or bad, it is mere experience. A Soul’s development depends on those experiences and what counts is the prior invulnerability of the Soul, as the Soul is always happy as It always inheres in Me. It is the Soul that desires to experience and to know that there is nothing that can harm or even destroy It!

And even what the mind perceives as misfortune is only a way of experience from the Soul’s perspective!

This is the time where your Soul's victory prevails, because all the means are given to you and all mankind! The forward-coming of your Soul is ending the illusionary dream of separation from your own Divinity. The old dark dreams of the lower mind are vanishing, and the Light of your Heart is  shining forth! That is what you have been yearning for! And this is the time where your desire manifests! 

Beloveds, this is a process from inside out!  If your perception inside changes, the experience of your outer world changes respectively!

The state of the world that you see outside, is only a reflection of yourself. Even if you don't yet understand! There is no coherent world in the realm of duality! This kind of coherence is illusion! Coherence only exists beyond or prior to duality at the Divine Heart!  When your vibration rises,  there is light everywhere. If not, then the lower mind is interfering!  It is your greatest teacher and tells you where you still need to shift. It teaches you where you need to see the world with your Divine Heart. That’s how you prepare for the New World That Is Me.

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Sunday, November 11, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2011
Please also read update from 21.8.12

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I AM your God-Self, speaking to  all! 

Beloved, in these times of high expectation for change, in these times of hope for a better world, and in these times of rising of conditional energy, most of you are lost in the search for a big event. 

This event, so you all hope, will bring the great relieve, you think, where you can relax and be happy forever.

Is this really what you are looking for? Never-ending Happiness?
Then you are indeed looking in the wrong place!

You are on the run and your race now is not much different to your race in your old world, as long as this old world  – even if not really loved, but mostly rather endured, - has not been questioned but was considered to be inevitable.

Please hold on for a moment and observe your running away from Me, your restless search for something better! Weren’t you looking all your life for something better?
Is this not a general, deep rooted human behavior, and do you think it will stop when you have ascended a bit more into a bit more loving world?

The one in the race however does not know Real Love. Real Love Is, and with True Love search ends. You are talking all the time about love, love this and love that. But as long as you are busy with your search it is a mere word, a phrase, a thought!

You are in your search not aware that your fullest satisfaction is already always present. I AM That.  But running towards future and this and that event, makes you blind for Divine Reality. For the Peace of It, the Beauty of It, the Perfection of It. Truth.

Did you not know, that while you are busy with your search that you cannot feel My Beauty and Perfection? That the Reality That I Am, is never absent but always Exists, now and now and now. But not as a number of events, one after the other,  but as one Great Event, beyond time and space.

Your little search of hoping for more information, for more light, for more love, for more satisfaction sometime in the future, or even “tomorrow”, does fully miss the mark! Because Fulfillment Is Already Here Before you.

Your adventure is all happening in your mind only and perhaps also a bit in your sensations, and – as you might have discovered already – in the mind many things, exiting things, awesome things, spectacular things and boring and ugly things can happen. They are all just reflections in your body-mind.

But My Divine Reality is never exciting, because It Is  Fullness already. IT IS, It never changes, because It is the Substance of all the little realities of your endless search, in the good faith, you would find Real Reality in the stream of events, on the surface of happenings, in the outskirts of your experiences, as if experiences could ever really satisfy you, as you are breathlessly rushing for your next adventure.

When I Absorb you, a Sun rises that is the Origin of all splendid suns you ever would dream of, It is Primordial Radiant Existence, It is Me. 

But as you are on the run, you are not aware of the heart-overwhelming Presence of Me, of Me-Reality that is Truly Divine and needs to be recognized rather than experienced.

When you recognize Me, your body might move, your mind might produce its content, but Me-Reality does not move and does not produce. It captures you in your heart first and then widens you beyond your body-mind in Love-Bliss, comprising All, past, present and future, Self-Satisfied, and you discover Me as Being the Ground on which all seeking occurs and all hopeful excitement for something better soon.

Observing this, you will understand the fruitless search and hopeful hopelessness as mere shadows, schemes, illusions, appearing here and then and always repetitive as patterns on My True Love.

With Me however you are exalted to the hight-less Presence of Radiant-Now-Reality that does not know depth. Because It is space- and timeless. It Is Infinity.

Beloved, even though there are these culmination points in your hoped for ascension process, they are still always like little sparks only on My Mere and Vast Being-ness. 

I do not Ascend, I AM, but not as mind, as you think your I Am.  I AM beyond mind, and I AM before mind arises. I cannot be thought, I can be felt, but I Myself are beyond feeling even. Senses ultimately do not comprise Me and even the ascended states of Masters do not contain Me, rather, I contain them.

They each to a degree have come to understand Me, but they are not Me, I Am them and I am you. But you are not Me, only if you truly heart-melt with Me and forget your name and form and all your separate belongings and thereby become One With Me. Your belongings might still exist afterwards but then you know they are Me.

The fulfillment you hope to find in  your great search, even if most honorable, you will never find, as you run always forward and there is no end to it! Only when you come to rest, when you are willing to give up reaching higher and higher – you start to understand, that there is nothing to achieve, nothing to ascend to, because Truth is Unchanging and always Present, here right Now, mindlessly. 

I Am found without search if you dare to simply accept Reality that does not Know excitement, but Absorbs you As Me to give Peace and Stillness and Utter Satisfaction to your finally tired heart.

My State of Being Is Wide Awake in the midst of eventful events and constant repetitions. I Am Pure, I Am Free and I Am Happiness without end. I Am Ultimate Consciousness.

If you would pause for a moment and breathe, letting go fully,-  at that moment, in the midst of your illusionary search, a glimpse of Who I Am, could suddenly rise in your being, an understanding about Real Reality, about the True Waking  in the midst of constant dream.

Then you might question your race for the first time! And you might desire to evoke once again that Glimpse of Me, because you start to understand.

It is this desire that will end your search, because you, for the first time, intuit True Happiness!
When you found True Happiness, everything is Happiness, trivial and more sublime things. But you are not searching them, they just arise while you Recognize Me in all of them.

Know that I Love you and Desire your True Happiness and that I AM You.

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Beloved All,

Yes, there are great light openings on Gaia, and it is very important to intentionally and consciously align with them! 

You must find the spot in your heart where you can locate these incoming showers of light and allow your heart to be connected to the information of that light! 

There is a fine thread of light to your heart through which you can feel this connection. To be connected is only a matter of your  free will and intention! It prevents interfering frequencies to manipulate you to draw you back to the old and non-functional world, the world that is not aligned to the Divine Will.

Worlds which are not aligned directly to Divine Will are naturally on a path of decline, ugliness and destruction, and as a result - of unhappiness.

A Divinely Aligned World however is expanding with the currents of light, with the abundance of Love and all the Wonders of Beauty which come with It. Joy and Happiness then naturally is the carrier of all events and creations.  In fact, they Are Joy and Happiness themselves, one with your own heart and essence of Being.

So when you experience unhappiness and distortion, shortcomings and dis-ease, things not working out, recognize that these are signs of a world, not aligned with the Divine Expanded Heart, and they are therefore illusions, collapsing on themselves! You do not need to suffer them anymore. You can see them as what they are and take your birthright back: the Freedom of your heart!

No longer, therefore, attach yourself to these illusions, these holograms of darkness and insanity, and do not allow them to influence you in the deep of your being! Step aside, cut off the ties that bind you to the unreal, and re-unite yourself with the Real, the messengers of light, the bearers of love. They are the agents  which are birthing without end the realms of beauty, of love and integrity, of your happiness, and the happiness of all beings and things.

Creations which are not based on that happiness, with a will to create separation and misery, are not creations of the Divine human soul. They are not truly your own fabrications, when you recognize who you really are, before you started to be confused by information from love-denying sources and took this mistakenly for  your own true Self.   

In Divine Reality, there ARE no problems. There ARE no dilemmas. They are manufactured by non-understanding, the not-knowingness, by the sheer ignorance of those who do not know the infinite Heart.

In the Heart there are no dilemmas! And all the rocks you once placed there and perhaps still are placing there, are made of this illusion your mind has been entangled with, as you allowed it.

Therefore it is only you, who can sever your entanglement with what does not feel  happy, which is not warming and filling up your love of heart, which does not enlighten the infinite path in the Light of Divine Consciousness.

Who is still asleep, unconscious in the nightmares of a decaying world of false and deceptive light, is dreaming that this light is the promise of happiness. But when you wake up, you suddenly know that it only delivers emptiness, which seeks to fulfill itself with endless, but never thirst-quenching  distractions.

It is so important to realize this, because if you do, the powers, which deny you your inborn Freedom, cannot confine you anymore.

Once you understood their mechanism and their quality of vibration, they have lost their influence on you. And you are free for the True Light which  manifests your Happiness.

There are still many, not recognized, pitfalls, even for those who desire to work for the light. The trickery is sophisticated!  To locate the Real Light requires again and again discrimination and alertness. Always fine tuning with that Real Light with the pure crystal of your heart is necessary.

But it becomes easier by the day, not to be deceived anymore and it is up to each one of us to help this beautiful planet to rise up in Her Own Divine Rights, free of the shadows of the pollution of false spirituality and all its sub-creations.

In  this great awakening process it is not enough to be one’s own light, a separate light in the ocean of Divine Light Itself. In  Truth there is no separation, and to unite with All-There-Is and It’s in-Love Devoted Messengers and Agents is the Great Event that truly lifts us all up together into Higher, Heart-Fulfilling Consciousness.

Together we are on a Bright Path!

From my heart to you,

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dearest Sisters and Brothers!

It is necessary to speak about it, especially since yesterday morning, when I woke up, irradiated by very heavy and aggressive frequencies!
The proof was in a sensation as if heavy, cold "metal" was pressing against my forehead, meant to disturb my pineal gland.

The other sensation was a heavy radiation impact on my solar plexus, that could have been the vibration of fear, if I would have fallen for that deception. I had a very close look but couldn't find any signs of fear in my mind or emotion, and the feel of metal (which I have experienced many times in the past) told me without doubt: We are irradiated by some radionic devices, or HAARP, or whatever is left in the hands of the controllers. 

Regarding my own experience, I had the impression that they are  regionally using smaller radionic devices, those which are built to do harm, to affect selected people.

This is not the first time that I experience things like this, and there have been all kinds of variations, like being awakened in the middle of the night by strange, artificially produced voices, etc. 

I never talked about it, but I think it is necessary to speak up now because it could help others to be more aware of their own experiences and what they really are and where they are coming from! This awareness can also strengthen our capability to protect ourselves.

Fact is, while the light is constantly rising, that we are experiencing since at least 2 weeks ongoing major radiation attacks. They try to keep the light down by surrounding us with dense and low vibrations. 

The weather e.g. here in Australia was extremely strange, absolutely unusual for the season, very cold, like in coldest winter with dark clouds, icy storms and rain. It did not feel "normal", it felt artificial and was not a result of the earth changes, in my opinion. The formations of the clouds and the strange atmosphere tell the obvious. Nature feels by default always gentle and soft, even when there are storms!

Even today we have artificial clouds in the sky, trying to prevent sunshine. With these artificial clouds there is this harsh and unpleasant vibration in the air, and it is no fun to go outside. 

This morning I found all of this confirmed, when I read in Cobra's latest update, that those who desire to maintain the power over this planet, are trying their last tricks to keep us down. Allegedly this would go on until October 7.

Dearest friends, now is the time therefore to practice discrimination to understand, what's coming directly from yourself, what is intentionally directed towards you from outside, and what has really nothing  to do with you, but you would think it does!

However, ultimately it does not matter what it is. But what matters is, not to identify with anything that does not feel good!

Rather we must hold on to our highest vision of our own divinity and let it radiate! Now more than ever! Light always wins over darkness! Whatever we experience, we must not allow to be put down and don't give up! We owe it to ourselves and our well-being!

We must understand this time as a gift to grow! The greater the obstacle, the greater the victory! The stronger we become! What a glory!

Together we are Victorious, keeping the Light High up, in Joy, Love, yes: and Laughter!! Laugh as much as you can! Stay positive, turn all negativity into a celebration of Joy and Happiness!  Let your Heart Shine!

Much Love and May We All Be Blessed! Our Unity in Divine Love and Light is Our Protection and Our Blessing for the World!



Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, ©Copyright 2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dear friends!

The Divine Mother has asked me  to write this, and this message has been “cooking” for a while now, while holding its creation gently in my heart. It needed some time to be born like a child –  although it is about the Goddess, the Great Divine Mother.

She has many aspects and is recognized on many levels.

You might have already observed that I always like to go to the bottom and heart of things and never can just remain on the surface of them. I need to understand the totality of everything that touches my life.

This has brought me often in even dangerous situations, even life-threatening.

But here  still  I am, as from every depths into which  I have been diving  down, I have returned stronger.

And so regarding the Divine Mother, I also needed to understand and know her – as much as I am able to. However I am convinced that She is absolutely unfathomable.

For me knowing is not just a looking at something, to fabricate my own picture of it,  but it is rather an assimilation with my whole being of a something that I want to understand – again, as much as I am able to. To do this I must become in a way what I want to understand. This requires passion, great love, devotion and worship. I must be willing to expand and to go beyond myself, or better: the part of myself I am already familiar with. Only then one can grasp the deeper nature of things.

But in reality, we ARE all these things ourselves, because we can only become aware of what is  already part of our consciousness. It only remains in the subconscious, until it becomes conscious.

And so we are touching the real subject: everything is consciousness, WE ARE  CONSCIOUSNESS!

How then could the Great Goddess, the Divine Mother, only be a female figure with gentle features and always nice and sweet? Always giving and nurturing? I understand that this quality is the one, sorely needed in our world of a short waved, judgmental, non-caring and solely demanding patriarchal system. And that these female  qualities are the ones mankind must cultivate, to survive.

However perceiving the Goddess as a mere “other” in female form is the surface the Mother wanted me to scratch on, because my experience of Her is much much more expansive and all-encompassing.

That sweet form is embodying only one quality of her, whereas she has many of them. Yes, the Mother is always embracing, but her arms are much more powerful and deep than the arms of the graciously depicted one.
These powerful arms are not suffocating, as those who fear the Great Female might believe. They are powerful because they widen your being into infinity and unspeakable heights.

They free your soul and open the horizons to That Which Lies Beyond the soul: the Infinite Itself.

The experience of the Mother is therefore Infinite Consciousness, equally paired with Shakti, Divine Energy, some might call it kundalini. But it truly is beyond this, kundalini is personal nervous energy, but Her Kundalini is universal Kundalini, the Shakti of the worlds and universes Itself, not rising from below but crashing down from infinitely above.

This Shakti cannot be contained in  a mere gentle form. It is formless and takes on all forms. It is the consciousness of all forms, and the consciousness in which all forms arise. It is the mover of the microcosmos and the macrocosmos. It is intrinsic Life-Force, and the more we separate ourselves the more we perceive this Universal Life-Force as something outside of us, whereas this Conscious Life-Force manifests as everything, including us.

So in that sense the Mother is us, She contains our body-mind and the in it encapsulated, brain-based individual consciousness. And She contains our Higher Self as well!

Some declare that Consciousness is male, but when we  come from the understanding of Unity of all things and beings, worlds and universes, then the  Great Consciousness and the Great Shakti are One, they are the two sides of a coin, when we still think in terms of duality. But prior to that dividing thinking, there is no difference between Consciousness and Energy. Energy is Conscious, Consciousness is Energy.

Brain-consciousness merely describes and dissociates from the described object. It is about separation and fabricates something over against something else. Divine Consciousness/Energy IS the thing Itself, appears AS It.

And this is, what I call the Divine Mother, the Great Goddess! We must not reduce Her to our counterpart from the point of  view of a limited self-concept.

She is always benign, it is the heart that can see this quality behind all facades which might appear to tell us otherwise, because She Is the substance of all.

She only is fiery if this truth is denied, as she fights for Divine Truth to be lived in all Manifestations.

If we reduce the Goddess to a mere icon of gentle and beautiful femininity we bereave Her of Her Gifts She wants to grant us:
To transcend the idea of separate greatness. Without recognizing the very Source of that greatness, which is Infinite, and which cannot be contained in separate appearances, our greatness is never truly great.

Again we are being lead back to the self-existence of Divine  Consciousness or Energy  Which Shines in the heart of all beings, humans, animals, gods and goddesses; in plants and spirits, even in daemons, -  if they are devoted to the truth of this Reality. It is all a matter of devotion or resistance. And so in this Divine Reality the form of the graceful, gentle, charming, beautiful goddess arises - as the most attractive form of Herself for incarnated beings.

But She desires that we even in this most feminine form recognize Her True Heart and Power of Divinity. She wants to be seen as The One She Truly Is. She wants all beings to rise up to Her Conscious Radiance and to be Happy! 

She does not want us to restrict ourselves to certain merely feminine qualities and behaviors. She wants women to participate fully in  Her Powers and men to be free of fear of Her and to recognize Her Powers in their own hearts.

She Is no sex object in Her Feminine Form, but She is the Conscious Force of non-separateness in the heart of male and female to be united. It is the united, infinite heart that  celebrates Divine Communion with Her. And She wishes that all actions are ascribed to Her, because She desires our happiness.

In Her Presence all left-brain separateness is melting and males become females, because in this process they start to receive Her Shakti  from above. It is therefore said in the ancient sacred scriptures, that before the Great Goddess all men are female, even the Gods!

Again we are laid back to the mysteries of Divine  Consciousness, which we ultimately all are, women and men. But not by thinking and imagining It, but by literally realizing It, becoming It, becoming One with It. Our bodies are a mere play in this Vast Consciousness and Radiant Energy, which we are called to go beyond.

I am aware that we all need our “toys” we came here to play with. And if one of them is the domesticated charming goddess, that’s wonderful too.

But lets not forget What she stands for in her attractiveness: She is a call to reach out for the Great Divine Mother and Source, in Which we all, she and us, inhere. Her Attractiveness transcends all and is Pure Radiance Itself.

With great love,


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