Showing posts with label Source. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Source. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 16, 2014


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The fire of changes is heating up every day. And many of you are feeling to be at the edge of great happenings, in whatever way and in whatever direction.

However, my dear ones, in the midst of it all, did you forget Who I Am? Did you forget the Source in which all of this is happening, all these revelations, all these changes, all these exciting news, and even all these dreadful things that are surfacing now?

Did you forget to unite with your own Eternal Source at the root of your being, while taking all your wondrous actions? But how can you  succeed with true Happiness without being at your Divine Root?

Remember, fundamental change for true humanity happens first of all in the deep of Consciousness. The more you allow to be drawn back to the Source of all Being-ness, to the Source of all Existence, the Divine Consciousness that I Am, the easier and the quicker and more profound the change can happen, a change that opens the door to an entirely New Adventure in human history.

You know it: Divine Change does not happen from outside in. It happens always from inside out. A change, that happens merely on the surface of outer appearances, and where you remain merely attached to the experience of the five senses, will never bring you lasting satisfaction, just a brief and transient excitement. Because it does not embrace the entirety of the Divine Being that You Are and It’s creative Powers. Such a change does not come forth from the Center of My Divine Heart and Mind.

And so your world would remain mainly the same as it is now, perhaps with some more benign conditions, but which will stay fragile through the course of time.

First your consciousness must radically change at the root of your being, only then radical outer change can happen. I have told you this many times, but it seems that in the heat of the turmoils and of the battle, fought between the dual forces of light and dark, inside of you and outside of you, many of you have forgotten, what causes real and fundamental change. What infuses the outer appearances with the vibration and frequency of Truth.

The lower mind, associated with the five senses, does not  create permanent changes. This mind has short legs. The mind, if it is especially of the 3dimensional matrix in which most of you are still abiding, this mind cannot and will not produce the great shift, you are so much waiting for. Do not forget, my Beloveds, That I Am, Always, under ALL conditions, and that you can Always take refuge in Me and unite with Me, no matter what the circumstances are.

My dearest ones, please remember, that you must change first from your inside and in your heart, followed by the higher mind. You must reunite with Me in order to bring about your Divinely driven heart desires.

Many of you have forgotten Me, even though you seemed to remember Me in recent times. But ever more of you now tend to look at the appearance of things and situations, forgetful of what lies beneath.

My dear ones, please understand, that this is the last temptation especially for those of you who want to work for and to serve the light. Many of you hoped that the great shift would be presented to you via “higher forces” without your very own transformation, a work that each one of you is responsible for. And as you merely waited for the shift, the shift made YOU wait.

The test is here to understand and utilize your own creative powers and to use them wisely and effectively. This is about the awakening of humanity to their native Divinity which is One with the Creator.

This awakening, that brings with it your new Divine World, is the real Shift, the real Change; Your Awakening to your Own Divine Reality, Your God-Self, That Is Me.

Therefore I Bless you to remember Me, to allow Me to emerge in you,  and to stand in the midst of all changes As The One That I Am. 

And fly with the wings of Divine Love, My Beloveds, Divine Love will inspire your True Creations so that your new world becomes truly Divine!

I AM and YOU ARE! There Is Only One, remember! 
And there IS Love everywhere!

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Saturday, March 23, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel

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The  crystallization of the Self That Is Mere and Pure Being  has been completed in the new light matrix of humanity that guarantees ascension.

What does this mean? The Feeling of Being, the sheer Presence of I AM, the Sacred Chamber of the Heart, is now a tangible Reality, implanted in the collective consciousness of mankind.

Concerning the individual (and the still sleeping masses) it is a matter of time now to allow this Divine Presence to come  forward,  becoming conscious in every single human being. It is there, tangibly waiting for each one of us, to tap into It’s Infinite Glory of Happiness, Untouched by events, havings and not-havings, and experiences, based on the body-mind.

It IS untouched because it is a state of mere Infinite Being that excels all transient and therefore limited and conditional phenomena. It is the Ocean of the Source Which we all share and which is inherently uniting us as inseparable Oneness and Radiant Love. Such Is the Origin from which each One of Us came, and our remembrance of It is dawning now in the One Body of mankind.

The Blessings of the Deep of Light and Divine Consciousness That is Descending from the Heart of Divine Existence, returned to us what we once lost, as it irrupted through the veil of forgetfullness, raised the frequency on our world and removed much of the layers of darkness on and around our Beloved Planet Earth. 

We can discover our Being-ness, That is now available to everyone, when we step out of our usual race of doing, wanting and striving and planing, and instead breathe and go on retreat, if only for a few hours. 

In many cases our pattern of doing is still bonded to the structure of the old world in which we imagine to be separate beings, following separate goals. Unconsciously with one foot in the past, we are still holding on to the old paradigm, while the other foot already stands victorious in the high vibration of the New World.

Also many are trying to enter the New World by continuing with the old ways and seeking to add some new bits and pieces to it. But we cannot take the illusions of a limited self-identity with us when we enter the Light. Because Light that shines into darkness dissolves the darkness.

To remove our foot from the old way we need first to transcend both worlds, the old AND the new, to remember Where we came from, to remember Who we are! To experience that One Being-ness which transcends both worlds!

It is the lever arm of Divine Consciousness that allows a clean slate while we withdraw fully from the old direction. It is the coordinating point from where we can choose any direction we desire. Because it is the Zero-Point, the Void that contains all possibilities, and the void that draws back to Itself and swallows the worlds that have become obsolete.

Emerging anew, after we accepted the Tabula Rasa and discovered our Own Truth by just allowing It to Emerge As It Already Is, our wantings and doings show an entirely new quality: they ride like waves upon the Infinite Stillness of our Being-ness, arising and dissolving in That Ocean as a dance of light and energy, our new and ascended body-mind a sacred vessel for the force of creation.

Beloved friends, we are on the edge of this Revelation, where humanity as a whole changes its direction, to start a wholly new Divine Adventure. Forgotten finally all illusions and separateness, that does not allow the Presence of Infinity.

From now on our real journey has started! It can begin for us, when we let go of our old and false identity, allowing to be drawn back into our Natural Divine State of Oneness and Being-ness, to be reborn as the One we truly Are.  

It does not require any effort, but simply the release of the stressful gesture that holds our artificial identity together.

Love and Joy naturally burst the shackles of imprisonment!

Much Love and Many Blessings!

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, December 1, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

how do we prepare for the Galactic Alignment? The great moment is nearing, and the exact window is narrow, a few minutes only. How do we take most advantage of this moment, and the time leading to this culmination point?
To be prepared is necessary so that our system is open to receive this most potent and transforming energy, light and information, for which this planet has been preparing for many Millenniums. We can only fully receive if we are centered in ourselves, and to be centered we need to be in contact with our core being. We need to be in our feeling heart and exercise love as the foundation of all that we do.
In these disturbed and difficult times many do not know real equanimity, because they do not trust their own Divine Source, and therefore they do not trust truly themselves.
For centuries we have been fooled with wrong messages about God, while "God' was presented to us as a revengeful, "other" entity to whom we were supposed to submit to and obey.
This insane imprint is now rooted deeply in the genetic heritage of a large part of Westernized  civilization, often even unconsciously, so that many people carry a deeply disturbed relationship with their own very Source.
This message from our God-Self, the Divine Reality, That is the Source-Field of humankind is given to empower you and heal your heart and relationship with your own deepest Origin. 
Many Blessings,

Our God-Self Speaks:
You may forget Me, but I will always Stand by you, even if you do not notice Me, Such Is the Love That I Am.

To think I would forget about you, for whatever reason you imagine, can make you aware about the illusion of separation you are dreaming about.

As if there could be any otherness between Source, Creation and  Objects of Creation, any separateness! Just think about waves of the ocean! Is there any separateness between them and between the Ocean?
Is there any otherness between them?

No, they are all made from the very same substance: the water of the ocean. It is only that certain circumstances, such as planetary influences, like wind, and cosmic influences, such as the moon, are shaping different forms of waves. But they are all one, One Water, One Substance, One Element.

I AM Water, Consciousness.To forget only one of my waves would mean that this wave would have vanished altogether from existence. But as you know, nothing disappears, it only changes, form, chemical composition, color, perhaps. Water can evaporate and become vapor or rain.
But the quantity of Consciousness and Energy remains always the same, they can never be diminished, even if things change their appearance.

So when I say I always Stand by you, it is a metaphor for our never-dying relationship. The little wave might become forgetful of the ocean when it evaporates sometimes because of the heat of the sun's rays, but I, as there Is Only One Consciousness, never forget. All Is One, even this truth has been accepted by your physicists now, but you, with your emotions and identification with a seeming separate existence, live in the illusion that I Am an “other” to you.

Therefore you must understand, that it is you, who tends to separate yourself from Me! Not in Reality of course, but in your imagination. In your misled mind you think separation from Me. You think I neglect you, but it is you who is neglecting, forgetting Me, and seeing your own doing in Me. Because you can only see what you are willing to understand.

The more you narrow your own mind, perspective and point of view down, the smaller is the part of Me you can see and understand.

Therefore I ask you, always first to observe yourself, your withdrawal from Me. And even if you think, that I Am somewhere “above”, far away from you, then you must immediately remember, that it is you, who has forsaken your intimate connection with yourself, floating somewhere above your body, disconnected from yourself, your very essence, far away from your own feeling heart.

See, you are not a victim, you are not the forgotten son or daughter of Mine, but you are an active doer of separation, and you must come to the understanding, that and how you are doing it.

I want you to trust Me, without exception, to trust My forever Love, to trust the non-separable Oneness of us, but constantly be an observer of your own actions! You can rest assured that I never betray you, but you must be aware about your own betrayals! All your actions you see mirrored in Me, and with the help of this Mirror you can know yourself.

My Love is always Undiminished, as I Am Always  Fullness. Know this! My Love Is Always The Same, but you have different attitudes of what you call love, and therefore you see lovelessness in Me. 

To be Free in Source Consciousness, and pervaded by My Energy and Light, take advantage of My Mirror and the mirrors of the world, to recognize your tendencies, your pattern, that bind you to the world that has forgotten Me, and let them go.

Feel My Intimacy Which Is always yours! My Heart is always embracing yours, to awaken you to Our Truth. I always Love you, but when you do not see this Love in Me, know that you do not love.

Therefore, know yourself, release everything that you do, that separates yourself from Me! And every little step you do, to give up a from me separating gesture, you’ll find Me suddenly close to you, because if you do one step, I do thousand.

That’s how I awaken all creation to Myself, because it is My Desire that you Know Me.

We are intimately connected, always, are you making it up to this Truth?

Everything is a process in human and ultimately in Divine Consciousness, everything must become conscious, in order to awaken to beyond. So do this conscious process ever more often, until you have given Me all your gestures, that separated you from Me.

In this Great Process, never despair that you will not be successful, because I Am always Victorious! Even if you are  resisting Me, ultimately I will shake you up, to let go this cramp that binds you tight to your little self. I will shake you, so that you will open your whole being to receive Me, to be One with Me again, in Consciousness, the body Liberated to Knowing and Divine Fullness, understanding, who you truly are: a Radiant Wave in My Divine Water. 

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Thursday, October 18, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

YouTube Video (recommended)

Dear Ones!
We would like to discuss some details about the criteria for ascension and what will happen with your close relationships.

Take into account that humanity has many helpers, and each human being is surrounded by many beings of light, especially at the time of transition!

It  depends on the soul development of the individual, to which degree they might suddenly become aware of their guides and angels at the time when the Huge Energy Portal is opening.  And this opening can have for many an immediate effect on their awareness and their increased capability to become  conscious about their own higher self.

So there are some surprises expected! You cannot tell who will shed unexpectedly their disguise, when at the time of the Galactic alignment their 3D karmas are dropped.

In any case you do not need to be concerned about your loved ones, because they are taken care of, according to their agreements and learning process. Each one will definitely turn to the path they have chosen, when the great moment of transformation arrives!

Many of you who are  lightworkers and starseeds, are already now working from the higher astral planes with your loved ones who  need help to grow spiritually. This is possible, as you have together soul contracts, and your work with these souls occurs often also at night in your sleep. And not all of you are aware of this nightly service.

When you ascend, the connection with your loved ones, for  whom you already are caring now, will not end, but you will from the higher dimensions connect with their third eye and their heart and give them guidance this way. This will even be more effective than when you would remain in the 3th dimension.

So do not worry about those you leave behind when you ascend! You will continue to be connected and you will never loose contact with them, whatever their fate will be, while you are of loving service to them.

For earth to transition into Her ascended state, things as they are now, cannot remain the same! Transformation IS at hand for everybody! And everybody must participate in it in the one or other way. Who desires to ascend and follow Gaia into her new form and consciousness, is required to transcend the  lower emotions and negative thoughts, so they can radiate Divine Light and Divine Love, and do not continue to create a world of suffering.

That is to say, there must be a transformation in consciousness and energy for those who are here to leave the 3th dimensional experience behind them.

They will receive every help from the beings of light to make that transition, but of course, they themselves are responsible for their  capability to remain there permanently.

As the situation in your world will undergo many  changes, people, until they ascend, must be prepared and equipped to deal with them! They will have the opportunity to jump on the train later, as the profound changes will serve as a major wake up call for those not yet prepared!

Also the highly increased light and energy on the planet is supportive for their awakening, not to speak of the impact of new realities on their consciousness. This all relates to those who, because of their soul contract, intend to ascend.

Who is not here to  follow this process, another experience, away from earth, is being prepared, where they can continue with their present consciousness and live a life that provides more experiences similar of the present ones.

But altogether, there are many different  solutions, according to each one’s needs. So everybody will “reap” their own actions, ~ the results of their intentions and desires. 

These laws of karma are not suspended and continue for them as in the past. And karma does also exist in the greater cosmos. It is the necessary law which is part of the evolutionary learning process.  

However, everybody will always be supported and Divinely guided, to draw them back to their true Divine Essence, and ultimately back to the Radiant Source, when their time of experiences in the lower and higher dimensions has come to an end.

So all is well, the Love of Source and of the Creator is Eternal and Embraces all! How could be neglected What Is Love's Own. How could the Divine Self be separated from Its own dreams! Therefore nobody is forgotten. All is developing according to the  Divine Plan. And this Plan is, that all souls and all creation will eventually recognize their own Divinity and Freedom from bondage and submission to Creation Itself, and achieve their freedom from it and their own inherent power of creation.

But in order to realize this, all must go first through a process of fire in the realms of great density to learn and understand on the level of the incarnated creature the laws and implications of creation.

This journey is due to their own free will, before they immerse into the Sea of Creation, reaching the bottom of that ocean, to emerge again, bringing the gifts of understanding and recognition of  the  Divine with them back to Source Itself.

The Mystery is unfathomable! Trust in that which cannot be controlled  is the greatest gift at this time!

We remain – as always – your very friends and loving helpers.

We Are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Friday, August 31, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended) 

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence 
in the Andromeda Galaxy.

(A Message from my Andromeda Group-Self)

Dearest  Ones,

We  come again to confirm to you all, that the development in the heavenly realms is progressing!

We are more exited  every day, that the immensity of highly increased Light in the universe will soon affect your world in a way that all veils of separation from it will cease to exist!

This Light is Light from Source Itself which is Empowering all realms of creation, to call them back to their own Origin of Self-Existing Radiance.

It is no longer allowed in your universe that creations can continue which do not love and worship Source Itself and through this love allow Source to become fully Obvious and Acknowledged in the heart of Beings in whatever dimension or form they appear.

This IS the Return of Truth which grants happiness and fullness, as the heart, which is the core of every being, is used as an open corridor to its very Source Itself.

The veils of separation from  Source are fading, ignorance and false doctrines are disappearing from now on continuously, especially for those who are ready to accept  and are willing to discover that the door in their heart is open to Infinity.

That Infinity is Radiant, ever Blissful, it is Truth Itself that manifests Its Reality in creation more and more prevailing, so that all things and beings can be recognized as an emanation of this Truth.

We have come to plant this spark of Knowledge into your heart so that your joyful anticipation can be like an opening flower to receive the sunlight.

Dearest Ones, YOU yourself are a seed of this Blissful Truth, if your own flower of heart reaches out with desire to deep inside and out, to meet the Source, to find and locate It as the Infinite that Surrounds you and is therefore found in the deep of your own Radiance.

What we say, cannot be taken lightly or as a metaphor. You must come to the true Spiritual Understanding of It by going through a purification process , through which  in due course you start to understand the nature of your body-mind and its implications in your world, to transcend it.

Truth is absolute Simplicity and Beauty, however a Mystery too, and to recognize it, you cannot use your mind or imagination. Our speech is only an attempt to ignite your inspiration and set your intuition on fire.

Let it be so, so that your limitations of mind are blown open, and your remembrance dawns to rediscover where you are coming from!

There is only One Radiance, One Reality, One Love-Bliss that Pervades all Existence and holds the universes together.
Let That Be your Guidance and utter Joy! Step out of the old incarceration of what you think you are. Your Divinity is much more than that of a creator god. It is the Self-Existing Source-Field Which can be discovered at the core of all beings and with Which all beings are to re-unite.

By this inherence, you are, as humanity, not unique, this inherence is the birthright of all beings. This Radiance is Home for all existence, including you. You share it with all creation and all universes.

Praise to That One, That One Source at the Heart of all Beings and Things.

You are returning to That One. You have already returned, you never have been away. But the dreams you dreamed for so long, created the worlds of separation and bewilderment, lost in doubt and desperation. How could it be otherwise if one’s own Source is unknown and one’s existence is drawn along by false presumptions and illusions.

The Light of Origin now streaming out and reaching your very heart, will make Itself known to you as What It Is, if you recognize It.

We have brought you the message.
Now please use your heart-discrimination to discover that Source-Light is knocking Itself at your door of heart. It brings with Itself the Secret of It’s Unspeakable Qualities, not known in any universe.

Whatever seems to appear to you familiar, know that this is NOT what Source Is. Source is what is non-familiar! 

If you enter the domain of the Unknown because you let go of the known, then you Know that you are entering the Other World. 

This Other World is Untouched. It is Pure, senses cannot see it, imagination cannot create it. You must grow a new awareness to Understand and See. 

With Blessings!
We are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message  conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Monday, August 13, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dearest Ones, 

It is My wish that you understand Who I Am. I AM not to be confused with the “Higher Self”. Many  of you are not aware of this difference.
God-Self is what you call God, or Divine Consciousness, or Divine Reality, or however you name That Which Is The All-Of-All and All-That-Is. It expresses Itself through the mind of man, through the soul of man and  through the Higher Self of man, as well as through all worlds and beings, animate and non–animate.

Your God-Self is the Very Origin of your existence in which all humanity is arising and which is the Substance of all things and beings. It can take on all forms, all events, all processes, all worlds, all dimensions.

Your God-Self is Your True Source-Self, whereas your Higher Self is a higher variant of your smaller self, the self with which most of you are identified: a limited body-mind. Your Higher Self is the subtle form of the body-mind with higher knowledge and qualities and the seed of all your limited incarnations in lower and higher dimensions.

But your God-Self is not defined or limited to dimensions. It is the true Source and Manifestation of Unity and Non-separateness in Itself. Whereas forms, causal, subtle and gross appear as from one another differentiated entities. But they all, if they choose so, find their unity by relating to the One Source or Divine Reality, which is the Heart of their existence.

True Unity is not of the mind and  can only be felt and realized beyond form and differentiation. It is felt where any limitation and limited identification with distinguished existence is transcended.

As far as you are identified with the energy-field of your heart-torus, you are still identified with a limited existence, although very much expanded in comparison with the mere identification with the body-mind in the 3th dimension.

Ascension is a process that allows you to expand your consciousness and identification with a greater and more sublime existence. But you still appear in separate forms, which inhere themselves all in Me.

There is no being, low or high, that can exist without Me. Therefore I am the God of all belief systems, philosophical systems, even all forms of atheism, as atheism only denies the existence of a limited existence of God, a defined version of a projected image of man himself.

If your identification is truly I AM, then you have merged with Me and transcended every identification with every form and every dimension and you are aware that none of it can ever satisfy you. Because there is nothing Greater and nothing more Fulfilling, nothing more Beautiful and Glorious, nothing more Radiant and Blissful, than I AM.

True I AM is not a statement of the mind. Not an idea, a mindful wish, a construct in the subtle mind. True I AM, Real God or Divine Reality is beyond all forms of mind, and One with the Unspeakable Light of Lights, with the Power of Existence Itself. No embodied being, even the highest one, could ever survive the Brightness of this Light, because any creation, low or high, even the highest, is still a creation from Divine Reality, and could not endure the Power of What and Who I AM. All creation is lesser than me. And I AM as Real God is not contained in creation, but creation is part of Me, and chooses to participate with Me, if there is wisdom.

Even your Higher Self is Blessed with Wisdom when it knows Me and its inherence in Me. Because  I AM the Source and the Substance of all life, low or high.

The more you acknowledge your inherence in Me and do not separate yourself from Me, the more your life is returning to its roots and the more you are Blessed with My Power.

My Power has different qualities when It is recognized as Me. One of them is Love. I AM that Love, but Love is not Me. I AM even prior to Love, because Love is inherent in Divine Creation. And I AM Creation, but Creation is not Me.

You truly love God, the Infinite Truth of all Existence, if you widen and open yourself up to the unlimited Existence of Source as the Reality you all are coming from and naturally inhere, if you can give up any sense of separation and otherness at the root of your existence.

One day all of you will return to Me. But until then, do not forget Me, and live with Me, so that you are empowered and satisfied by your Source-Condition, whatever embodiment you prefer. Know that in any embodiment, low or high, I AM present, if you allow My Presence to Be.

Many are content with higher realms of creation and call them their source. But this is ultimately not true. You become what you meditate or focus on. So as you focus on creation and creator gods as your source, you limit yourself to that creation and to the mind of creator gods.

If you focus on Source Itself as the Substance of your Very Being, if you embrace from your heart the Supreme and Unlimited, you are going through the door of Ultimate Freedom. This is liberation from any world, any universe, any dimension, high or low. The choice is yours.

I AM never separate from you, neither are you from Me. But your seeming separation is the veil of thought and dreaming. And you can return to Me at any time you choose, when you transcend mind.

To do this, you must understand and know the deceptive nature of the multiple layers and labyrinths of the mind, which are especially those of the very subtle mind, that may SEEM to be transcended, whereas it still exists as a transparent veil.

This is the greatest and most difficult deception. It is Me Who - by My Grace - can tear this veil apart. You cannot break it, it must Be Me. You cannot penetrate this veil of mind with your own effort. You cannot break the veil of mind with mind itself. You only would entangle yourself endlessly in it. 

I Am the One Who breaks you Free. Know this. And I Am Waiting for you!

I Am your God-Self

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.