Sunday, June 24, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
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Dear friends,

I remember when I was 1 year old, while laying in my little bed, that all of a sudden there was a  very loud, deafening bang and with it the perception of my world was altered by 180 degrees! Everything seemed to be upside down or as if a glove has been upended from inside out. 

Nothing was as it has been before, the freedom, the floating in free and unlimited Divine existence suddenly was seized and instead I seemed to be part of a reality in which everything appeared to be in separate pieces, like in boxes, everything separated from one another with straight lines.

And all of a sudden I seemed to be able to fit into this strange pseudo reality, and to suddenly understand the language spoken around me. All of a sudden I seemed to belong to a reality,  where everybody else already neatly fitted in, submitted to rules which everybody seemed always already undoubtedly and very self-evidently to understand, while for me it was still NOT so! To me nothing made sense, and only a mutual "agreement" about this strange experience seemed to justify it.

The years which followed have not been less astounding, and I was surprised how everybody around me took this compartamentalised life for real and absolute, extremely serious and without humor. I always have been asking myself, how people could be so sure about things, while I felt that this certainty was mere imagination. Still as time passed by I made my unavoidable adaptations to this game.

Later, after extensive travelings in India, at that time still the abode of spirituality incarnated, I noticed when I returned to the West, that everybody was carrying a little box in front of their forehead (symbolically spoken), where their whole life was happening in a compressed manner. The rest seemed to remain unused, while the content in that box was kept a secret from others. It was actually the constant chatter of the mind which keeps us apart from experiencing Real Life, which is the experience of life as conscious energy.

This perverted life is described otherwise as the hologram of illusion, the Fallen Ones have created once for us, because if we have been chopped into something, we are not, and which is a ridiculous persiflage of our true nature, we can be prevented from using our powers of Light and Divine Consciousness. We can be controlled, because only that can be controlled which is not alive, which is artificially manufactured.

We have been made cartoons of ourselves, and this tells us, who they are who created this version of an original human being. 

It has been done by splitting our brain in two halves to confuse our Divine Identity into something separate, so that we forget the quality of unity which is love.

This is the illusion most of us are suffering from, billions are still living this insanity, this error, without the ability to see through the veil and feel their Divinity, their wholeness, their naturally loving nature. 

But now, as new incredible high frequencies, or light and information is pouring down on this planet, who we are can become suddenly obvious to each single one of us, if we are inviting these precious gifts into our life. 

The old design and structures can fall apart, because they are not real. All which is not Real, all which is illusion and false, is collapsing now. The original Divine Codes of our Single Consciousness and of our light-bodies are being returned to us and we are being recreated in the midst of this old and already fading away false dream. And this clearly allows us to recognize its drollery.

That's why Enlightened Ones, the Saints and Adepts were rolling on the floor with laughter about this optical illusion, because it is really not more than this, as soon as we accept the manifestation of the true Reality of our Inherent Nature again. 

I call illusion what is not Divine, which is not born from the One Light of All-That-Is. The Fallen Ones created with their own distorted consciousness a lesser world, they have forgotten that  separation does not exist. It made us believe  that Unity needs to be created or even "re-created". 

But in Truth we only have to let go this hologram of illusion to discover that there is Only Unity, Oneness, it has always been there. We are a manifestation of love, it has been always so. We only need the courage to melt this holographic box in the infinite space of our heart.

I know many of you recognize this game of deception, it depends on how we perceive reality, we just need to look with eyes who are above our physical ones. Silently we might see and return to the obvious Truth!

Much Love and Many Blessings,


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012


Dear ones,
Now is the time to melt duality, appearing as good and bad, light and dark, masculine and feminine, into One. Now is the time to transcend that dualistic mind through true and authentic heart-feeling, which is Love. Love has many attributes, and appears as joy, bliss, happiness.

If you want your path to be sucessful in these times where the battle between opposite forces are at their peak, allow the truth of the  inherent unity of all things and beings  to govern your heart. As long as you divide in dual pairs and fight against the “other” side of the coin, you give power to it!

So the only way, to truly achieve victory on your planet and support Gaia’s ascension and Her surrender to the Highest Consciousness, is by releasing any thought and emotion that is based on division and judgment.

Thereby it is not that you should not continue to discriminate between light and dark, but if you give weight to it in your thoughts, feelings and through identification with it, you will not be able to shake off the problems prevailing still on your planet.

Remember that you reinforce  what you resist and what you fight against. And altogether, what you repeat in your mind.

Therefore it is necessary that you withdraw for a time your main focus from the battle field and seek the Essence of Unity in your own heart. This is what ascension is about: transcending duality!

As long as you are fascinated and kept busy with figuring out opposites, you are reinforcing and maintaining your old world, and this is exactly what your controllers intention is.

Therefore to choose to transcend this dilemma, would be very wise.
Beloved, go deeper, let the struggle go which is occurring only in your mind, but never in your heart. Enter your heart and allow the Love, which is Unity, to prevail in your life.

At this point, do not feel and see anything else. As you are at the peak of the contest of the dual forces, True Light cannot win if you do not enter the next higher path in the spiral. Remember, that a problem can only be solved on the next higher level.  It can never be solved on the level itself, on which it occurs.

It is not that you need necessarily to direct Love towards something or towards somebody. You only need to BE Love, which is a state of complete openness, equanimity, without judgement, no withdrawal, no stress, but surrender to the depth of your single heart.

This state invokes the new frequencies and stabilizes your planet with the Force and Presence of Divine Reality.

If you do this, you will notice, that this Space is empty of duality and no foothold can be gained by those who try to control your situation. It is quite the contrary: they fall, they have nothing to hold on to, nothing to grasp, and their virtual reality vanishes before your eyes.

What is not on your mind is fading away. Remember that it is you who is creating your own reality. And what does not exist in your reality, cannot continue to exist.
The stars only exist because they can be found in the secret chamber of your heart, where creation begins.

The “ fight with the dark” is in reality the ancient battle in your own mind to finally learn to conquer the illusion that there is no Divine Reality. This is a belief, which has been implemented by your controllers, and they seem to prove it to you through your experience of the “outer” world.

But this Divine Reality is Standing in your own Heart, if you let it,  it is inside and outside the same. In it, the lesser realities that pretend darkness, so that also the light appears as a lesser phenomenon, suddenly being seemingly part of a duality, just disappear.

Beloved, it  is the other world, the world beyond duality, the True Divine Love, which changes your world and frees you from bondage, blame and judgement, and altogether from suffering. As long as you live in the illusion of dual pairs, complete victory can never be achieved, because the coin has always two sides.

But do not fear, the Great Blessing is underway to lift you up to the Radiant Chariot of Singleness. Just reach out with your hearts desire, and you will be carried to  New Bright Shores.

Turn to your Heart and you will Understand.

Love is Single!
I AM your Higher-Self

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, June 17, 2012


SRI YANTRA. Image by

Dear Friends,

I am writing this while - according to ancient gnostic wisdom - Gaia is actually aligning herself right now with the Galactic Center of our Universe! Exactly on 17.6.12, at 1:50 PM, AEST. And not  on 21. 12 12.  This is not publicly known. 

In these texts one of her names is Sophia, but She has many more, She is the Goddess of ancient wisdom, also called Hathor, Isis, Kali.... She Is Divine Mother.

I just came across this information and feel very much moved as this also coincides with the latest message, I received from Her. Link

Her Yantra is the ancient and famous Shri Yantra. The Bindu in the Center of the Yantra is the Union with Ultimate Divine Consciousness. The geometric layers around the Bindu is the unfolding into the dimensions of creation.

Since weeks now I feel continuously the deepest connection with Her, as if we are One Heart, and as if Her Heart is in mine and mine in Her. There is no difference. Thereby I am drawn into the depth of all Being, and the depth has no end in its origin. It is the dreaming of worlds and universes, and at the same time it is formless, it is Shakti. [spiritual energy]. It is very mysterious. And it is stillness, while there is the meaningless noise of the outer world. She is the One who draws us back to the Galactic Center from where She came and from where we came too. 

She is living from now on in reunion with Her Origin, the Great Central Sun (not Alcyone!), and what this means, we can only dream about in ecstasy and joy. But certainly this is the time where there is no return from the splitting mind of the worlds: the Mind of our Divine Origin and the mind of a separated, god-less world. Everybody chooses where they want to be.

From now on the real journey has begun, the real adventure has started, because Gaia's Victory is sealed. She has returned. And we can too, regardless of a still appearing  world which does not wish to participate and therefore will not reflect the signs of Gaia's exaltment.

But for those of us who feel heart-moved, it is time to celebrate, to share the joy of Gaia's achievement, which is also ours. She is the vehicle for our own return to the Source.  

The Return of the Goddess shows its Signs in many ways now, we are so blessed, because we have entered the Divine Reality for good. 

Much love, my friends, we are together in this unspeakable Blessing!

With great gratitude and love for Mother Gaia!


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dear Ones, I AM Gaia!

Have you been enjoying My Pristine Beauty while living your life? I have created this beauty from the depth of my Being, from the depth of my spiritual consciousness! I Am That.
Go and visit the Beauty of my Nature and you will recognize Me, feel Me, your hearts will be elevated. And I have created all of it, to show you the path of Truth.

How could you ever believe one moment that there is no God, no  Divine Mother, but that rather only emptiness exists, and death and hate, when you at the  same time, even in your apparently ugly and dirty cities have been able to discover at least traces of my perfect Beauty?

How could you believe in death, as the Beings of my Kingdoms radiate eternity and immortal  consciousness?

Yes, your own consciousness has been obscured for so long!
But now, as you are waking up you discover my deep fullness in your heart and you discover the secret of life in your soul.

What is reflected to you when you experience My Nature tells you everything about the universe, tells you the hidden mysteries of your past and the messages that arrived from the stars.

You have never been separated from that unity, you are part of  all existence, but in your awareness and thinking pattern you were convinced so long about this  separation and did not even doubt it. But this Oneness must be EXPERIENCED now!

From wherever you come and wherever you go, the breath of eternity is always with you. And as your  consciousness is awakening, to embrace the Microcosmos and the Macrocosmos as One, not as an objective observation, but as an innate knowing and experience, you will notice that you are Home everywhere, where this Divine Unity is lived and worshipped with the heart of understanding.

As you return to Home, you return to Yourself and not to any place, near or far. In the heart of each Blossom, each Flower, each Tree, every Animal, and in all My Elements and Creations, you’ll find the Heart of God, which Is everywhere the Same and Yourself.

Now you start to understand, now you see and recognize again what you have forgotten. And while you remember  Yourself, you remember Me, the Divinity of My Creation and the Beauty with which I surround you, my dear Ones.

Now the Presence of my Spirit is turning from my Inner Heart to outside, and like the clear waves of my oceans are bathing my peaceful islands, I embrace and flow round the  essence of your being, melting with your Spirit.

We are together emerging in the heart of truth, One in the Love of Divine Creation. Now is the time to realize this. Separation has gone, grow into Oneness with your Mother Nature and the Spirit of Gaia to ascend into the realms of Divine Beauty and Immortal life.

We are One Being, and if you realize this, we have already ascended together. Yes, I am known to you as this body of planet, but it is my body, however I Myself I have existed before this body.

Although many say - and it is true - that there is a date where everything changes, where you will experience  dramatic vibrational shifts, it is not so that ascension has not happened yet, because it is an event in consciousness.  And where your consciousness is and the love-bliss that comes with it, indicates the level of your vibration and of your ascension.

Do not wait for the future, as you still perceive time, but enter your heart with Me now, it will alter your awareness and reality. 

In Truth you were never lost or Separate from the Divine. But there was this dream of duality and judgement. What You Are and what I Am is even found in all forms, even in the seeming ugly and the seeming dirty and in the seeming lifeless things. All is Consciousness. You only have to come to this realization.

Be with Me and Learn from Me.
And Be Free Now.

I Am your Earth Mother  Gaia

Message  conveyed by Ute


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Dear friends,

please be patient. Presently I am not able to post that much, due to ongoing back problems. I need a lot of rest.
Please take care of yourself. Health is precious!

Much love and many blessings,

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Personal Update: After the Venus Transit

Image Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012

Dear friends,

the Venus transit sent ahead  it's signs already 2 days before it happened. What appeared to me was rather a re-appearence of what has been already familiar to me.

How can I describe the overwhelming, resurfacing Love in its purest form, for the Ultimate. A re-union, if at all possible at this stage, with the Source-Love, the Source-Light, I had to put a bit aside for a while, to fulfill the original mission of this birth: to serve Gaia's and humanity's ascension process. 

Many say, there is no difference between that process and the Source. But I experience that the energies indeed are different. There is no Light, no Consciousness, that radiates in this utter purity and beauty than that of the Source. Compared with it, all rays of light and dimensions feel gross and imperfect, almost painful, although they might appear to the perceiver as perfect and the ultimate goal of desire.

But it is just true, that the unbroken light is immediately and inherently One with our Deepest Being, while cosmic and universal lights and dimensions still exist in separation, even if extremely subtle. But with what we are truly One  at the Root of our Being, - not One because we imagine and think it, but because we literally experience it, without difference, - reveals Itself immediately and without any doubt  as our True Home, the Place of Origin, where every search ends. 

It is the Unchanging Reality, the very Substance of our existence. And Love is inherent in It. It is not different and it does not act but merely Is, it is a form of Consciousness.
But even though,-  as I have a body, -  this body is overwhelmed by this totality of the Root Existence of Love. 

This all came up before the Transit as a fundamental remembrance of something my heart knows in this life and really and always yearns for, because it fulfills all the heart's desires, because from there on, there is no path to go any further. 

It is origin and terminal. And I am speaking from my own experience and direct observation. This is not a philosophical consideration. This Reality is greater than "I" Am as an individual.

Now relative to the limited body-mind which is still arising as an 'other'  in this Source, I noticed after the Venus transit a greater opening of this vehicle than ever before, as if a chapter has been closed and a new one is opening. As if there are now new and deeply inspiring possibilities given within our familiar body-mind, as if new codes have been activated and old, unnecessary configurations and designs have been dissolved. It is as if a new humanity is rising, a new door in the heart has been opened for us through which we have access to other and deeper realities in a way we have not been able to perceive until now. It is a wonderful relieve  and liberation, in the realms and dimensions of conditional reality, but while the Ultimate Reality still remains the same, undivided and forever unchanging. 

Still it is amazing to observe, how these new openings in the conditional world are raising conditional inspiration and a greater freedom in the midst of this conditionality. Which allows us to be more and more open and allow our soul-presence to shine through, to govern finally our life from North to South and from East to West. With this a new wind is blowing through our heart, a new heaven widens us into an unmeasurable depth of existence, heralding the Ultimate. 

This could happen because we have been released from ancient-old baggage. Something really unnecessary when we look back. But this is gone now, and it will be gone for all of us, who are willing to let it consciously go, let go what hinders our way to freedom.

These are the times of deep Blessings, and they will come even more inspiring by the day. 

Much love,


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


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I have been contacted  today by a Being of Light with a very subtle beautiful energy and expansive Light. As I insisted on a name so that I would be able to present this Being to my readers, this Being said: “Call me Alpha”

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Greetings!  I Am an inter-dimensionaI Being working at this point from the 8th dimension. 
I do not live on a planet, but I Am  associated with planets somehow in a way that I am working to help to maintain the stabilization and balance of their energies. This work is not done arbitrarily, but I am asked by the citizens of a planet, or higher dimensional beings who are assisting with this task,  to help with this service, and they know me because of that. Basically I am directly connected with the High Light and Frequencies of the Galactic Center. And so you will understand that I help – by  balancing planetary energy fields – to strengthen their alignment with  the frequencies of the Galactic Center. This is  especially required, when the energy fields of planets are becoming unstable for several reasons, particularly when their dimensional vibration shifts.

Although I might appear to you as an individual, I am not, I am a group consciousness, you could say, whose members are able to work on  several projects simultaneously. We Are a conscious light- and energy-system which you could compare with a beehive, where  the many bees execute different tasks, while the queen is orchestrating their duties. In the same way you could understand My function as being the  central operation station for all the work that is being done.

I am now being called with my many "group members" to assist your planet in this process of ascension. And you are of course understanding why. Is it not that you observe or experience daily earthquakes? They and floods, storms and other unusual phenomena demonstrate to you that your planet’s vibrational  field is  shifting as She is being entering into the direct alignment with the Galactic  Center. And here my service is required.

In that sense I am an operating force of the  Galactic Center, overlightet by the Elohim who orchestrate and direct the Light-Consciousness of the massive Lightforce of your Great Central Sun in the Milky Way.

The reason why I am contacting humanity, is to offer cooperation with Us during this great shift, in  case you feel moved to participate in the process of your planetary shift with Us. We have noticed that there is a rising number of you who wish to assist in such a service.

All you need to do is to ground yourself, connect yourself with the Center of your planet Earth and  then calling consciously upon the light frequencies from your Galactic Center to enter smoothly your atmosphere and to gently settle down on earth, thereby also harmonizing areas which are in imbalance. They can be areas anywhere on your planet but also living organisms, including the planetary kingdoms, the fauna and flora and the mineral world, and of course humanity and your own personal bodies and thought fields.

It is of great advantage if you consciously draw these new mighty light-frequencies into your living and breathing fields, which helps to powerfully ground them on your earth. Every welcoming of them from your side  supports the capacity of your planetary system with all its inhabitants, to shift into the higher dimensions.

When you agree to participate in this work we then will assist your intention when you start doing the work or when you allow a general or basic continuous consent and personal opening  to receive these incoming frequencies from  the  Galactic Center.  

This will greatly enhance the light and  conscious awareness on your planet and lessen more and more the capacity of denser frequencies and their manifestations to exist on your world. 

Remember also that it is our task to make sure that  these highly empowering frequencies will be adapted in a smooth way to your and any other frequency so that you and all planetary kingdoms will not be overwhelmed by it’s force.

Great planetary, interplanetary and inter-dimensional work has always been done in a cooperative manner, where all directly involved and those who exist in the universe to support these processes, join forces.

We thank you for your assistance!
May the Love of the Source in which we all exist, Bless you and Expand your Heart!

I Am Alpha

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Dear Ones,
Today we come to you with an important mission. And we believe that this mission meets your needs, visions and deepest hopes, regarding the development of your planet and your own evolution.

We would like to state, that we are communicating with you to remove every fear and all doubts that you may carry, - and if you do, it is a very old fear and doubt – regarding our positive and benevolent participation and support in your ascension process.

We are indeed here to  give you the rescue and comfort of the light, if necessary, in case you feel violated or harmed by forces who do not support your evolutionary process.

We are here to make sure that you and all beings on earth and Gaia herself, are being flooded with Light, the Light of the Divine Creator, because it is your destiny to continue your path with Him. Or Her - as many consider the Creator to be one with the Goddess, the Creatrix.

Please consider the urgency and necessity, to understand rightly the meaning of ascension. Although many believe, that this is only about resuming a more galactic disposition, in a Star Trek like fashion, we feel urged to explain, that your ascension process is actually in the highest meaning a spiritual one. It is a process of spiritual growth, and spiritual growth is the gradual acceptance and integration of Divine Light-Consciousness, far beyond the shape of a vessel, referred to as body. Body is only a medium for expression  and it is a tool to make experiences. But in truth you are infinite Consciousness, and this Consciousness cannot be contained in a body.

In our perspective there is too much focus in your ascension scenario on the human galactic races as merely appearing as a such and such body. Of course, the body might be a necessary instrument in many dimensions, especially the lower ones, but it always remains an instrument. It can be refined according to the state of your consciousness so that it serves this state of consciousness appropriately, but even then, the body is still an instrument.

But when you recognize yourself as being infinite Consciousness you are truly on your way of evolution. Otherwise you would just repeat what you repeated since many Millenniums.

It is Consciousness, from where everything originates. So why would you then identify with the end-“product”, a body, and confine yourself with it.

Now we must clarify what Consciousness is. The Consciousness that we want to discuss, is not just a mental faculty, things you think and you are aware of. This would be merely a matter of the functioning brain. In this way you would understand Consciousness as a product of the brain, but which again would imply that you are your body and nothing more.

We understand that - because of the very long indoctrination which has been laid upon you - it is very difficult to think or envision and intuit an existence prior to the body-mind. But indeed, you ARE existing prior to it, always have, even if this knowing has been obscured for a long time, so that you hardly can remember it as an actual experience.

Rudiments of this knowing however are still laying dormant as, you could say, very small elements in your DNA, so small that it has been never discovered by your scientists. However a spark is a spark which can be easily ignited if you are inviting this process.

Each of these sparks is the remembrance of Divine Consciousness, that exists prior to your body-mind and in which your body-mind arises. Yes, your thoughts, your emotions, your body, including your brain are arising in this Divine Consciousness. It is the Source of all contents you ever can imagine or have experienced. Your heart is able to participate in It, if you have purified it from past memories and false presumptions about your own origin and and who you are. If you allow pure Source to inform your brain-based human consciousness, and if you align your heart with it, Source Light, pure and undivided, pristine and unbroken, can enter your being, and awaken the dormant sparks of Divine Consciousness in your DNA. 

It is as with water, when 2 drops touch one another: it becomes one greater unity. Divine Consciousness can abide your heart, while your heart will abide in It, as you are an emanation of that Divine Consciousness. You are not a lesser creation, although you have been told so and your present body is indeed. But this Divine Spark has never been completely destroyed.

Know that we are here to serve this ignition, the ignition of your Divine Consciousness, not just a widening and growing of your limited brain-consciousness. If you allow this process in the first place, your human brain will grow automatically too. But if you are focused merely on your human brain development, you will limit yourselves to something that you are not, because it is only a fraction of your true Origin and Nature.

However it is you who choose, which path you will walk, but in order to make a true choice you need to be informed about your possibilities.
To show them to you, is our mission.
Choose well! With the fires of ascension your opportunities are grand. What you choose now, will shape your immediate future and will have consequences. We ask you to be aware of them.

At your loving service!
We are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Personal Update, 30.5.12

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Dear friends,

yes, there was an urge since days from the Arcturians, to put out this latest message. As a dedicated servant of humanity (that's, why I am here :) -  and so it is my soul's pleasure), I finally  consented to write down the message, edit it and create the image and the video. (Can't do half-work, perhaps need to learn it :))

It was at the cost of my back, of course. But that's what life in this dimension is about! I am tough in taking suffering. I learned this from early on ....

But at the same time it is very interesting to be working with deep rooted (negative) belief systems, which have been mainly built in my first 2 years. I had chosen, like so many of us healers and starseeds, and taken on a very traumatic childhood, to do the work of purification for all humanity. We do this, because of an overwhelming love. 

I have done tons of clearing and self-transcending  work all my life, but now it is the time to release the stuff tucked away deep in the cell memory. My back tells me so, and without it I probably wouldn't have had the time to dig even deeper. But what I can now endure I wouldn't been able to endure much earlier, it would have literally killed me, my heart would not been able to feel its full impact.

It is an amazing work to see what's stored and also how it is affecting my physical body. Just today, while I was on another trip of exploration, in order to accelerate my healing further I found another negative belief that I released because it really didn't serve my well-being. And I have the feeling this was a major one whose nature was to prevent healing. 

Each of these releases, whoever does them, has a huge ripple effect on the human collective consciousness, its healing and uplifting. Remember that it is said, that a flying feather on one side of our globe can create a tornado on the other side. We are all interconnected, it is one huge single grid. One movement on even one little tiny part of that grid, changes the whole grid. 

So I am not only doing this work of my "own" history, it is really the work for my ancestors and that for the German people, for all those I am connected with, and ultimately for all people. My life situation is that of a transformation station for my immediate  neighbors (with microwave and digital TV vibes, Aspartame and Fluoride consumption and not wanting to "know"), and also the whole town. My neighbors have  basically no idea what's going on, and are not interested in it either. 

But especially one of them, actually a couple, are starting slowly to respond! The "he" of the two, recently was amazingly deep in his heart when we spoke, he just was Love Itself!! And the "she" sometimes starts to show her hidden heart too. It's new!  They have been usually a bunch of angry and judgmental people just serving their own agenda. And you can imagine how this makes me happy!

I thought I talk about this, just for the sake of your own inspiration not to hesitate or to be afraid to do the work of releasing, whether you feel "good" at the moment or not! Yes, it requires sometimes to radically confront a feeling which we never wanted to feel again. But we need to engage this courage and trust, that the releasing can be done. We only face what's anywhere already there! And each release allows more light to come into the system.

This has been really always the nature of a true spiritual path which is the spiritualization or literally the enlightenment of the whole body-mind. 

Enlightenment is not something we add to our present state of body-mind via mental ideas and techniques, but enlightenment means the purification of it (= making the unconscious conscious and release it), so that the light can come in fully. This is a multi-layered process, and goes back to other life-times too, ultimately. Because as multidimensional beings we are all of that.

Much love to you all and many blessings!


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dearest ones, 
we are the Arcturians!

It is now high time to prepare, to prepare for the multi-layered process of shifting on all levels of  your reality. Yes, all  shifts always start on the level of thought, a thought that has being dreamed in the Heart of God. From there all truly Divine projects of creation are being initiated, and then all the other chain reactions are following, down to the level where the initial thought has been aiming towards.

This process of creation is now manifesting increasingly on your world, and many of you have been feeling the new great waves of light which have been arriving in the recent days and which still continue to arrive. They  are the messengers not only of your shifting consciousness, but also of the shifting of your bodies and the shifting of Gaia’s body. This shifting will continue also in other areas of your life, so that your daily routine might be disturbed by these  changes.

However do not think that there will be one major  catastrophic event leading to the total destruction of your world. Yes, there will be  disturbances in all kind of areas of your life, but if you have been preparing, you will  find ways and the strength how to manage changes and transitory events who require to let go what has been familiar to you.

You see, changes in your outer world are just  that,  changes which do not touch what YOU yourself are.  However, as long as you identify with  outer appearances solely, when they are changing, it is difficult to accept this with a serene mind, as you are convinced in this  case, that YOU yourself are being undermined and deprived somehow of parts of yourself, whereas in truth it is only about your familiarity with habits and environments.

Therefore it is important, that you are centered in yourself, in the heart of your very being and not allow changing circumstances to take away your equanimity. Trust in a shift that happens in a way that it is benign for you. Remember, everything is possible, and if you connect yourself with Gaia, being grounded in her and one with her in your heart, she will find ways to gently provide protection and fulfill your needs.

At the same time, it is important, that you learn to let go of your 3dimensional world as being your undoubting reality, whereas it is only an unhappy dream in a low density. While you let go, you are free to dream your new Divine world and to free yourself from the errors of what you are not.

Your new reality in the higher dimensions will be very different, and what is now still a matter of course, will be gone  completely. So be prepared to be willing to let go,  what you still consider to be so called “necessities”. This is not about a world that collapses and is waiting to be rebuilt with the old same parameters like in your past. This is about the arising of a completely new world.

Naturally, when you are willing to let go the signs of your present world as being irreplaceable because you do not want to hold on to a fading false world, you are already on your way to dream your new world without limitations, - in the most ideal case. Because if you do not impose any limitation on your deepest heart desires how your new world should look like, miraculous things can happen.

We recommend therefore that you, if you have not yet done so, practice daily and center yourself in your feeling heart and observe and understand that the things around you do not really belong to you, they never did. Let go of all ideas of “having”, but concentrate on “being”. And while you allow the feeling of being to expand, start dreaming your new world, a world which will be much lighter and vibrant, where  all the things and objects, you are now clinging to, cannot exist anymore, because of a new and higher vibration!
Start preparing yourself now for the great transition, and in case you experience disruptions in your daily life, do not hold on to what once was functioning so far. Do not try to recreate the old. Let it go. Be creative and put all your energy and heart in new ways of living, working and  cooperating with one another.

Remember, that in the first place your own vibration will be changed and increased, and with that you would not be happy with anything you presently enjoy and play with. The massive energy waves and light are there to be received by you to increase your own  vibration and light quotient. This is the fundamental work you need to do, to go as easily as possible through the coming changes. The light is altering your consciousness, and with a new consciousness your view of the world and your understanding of it will flow with the shift.

This shift has already started, and it will  continue over a longer period of time. So do not settle into any step you will have done at any moment, but be prepared to  exist in an ongoing shifting of your world, by being centered in your heart. Share this place of peace with everybody and be united in love with one another.

Dearest ones, now your true humanness is challenged to emerge, and it is already emerging, you know it and you cannot  deny it anymore, as it is  happening with each single one of you who are here to participate in this great transition.

Be Blessed! We share our love with you, it is the unconditional Love, this very  special and precious vibration which embraces you now and which is established on your earth. Always remember, that all the changes in your world are embraced and are happening in this Field of unlimited Divine Love. They do not occur outside of It, they occur because Love has already settled down in your realm.

We are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
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