Monday, December 10, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended)

Beloved friends,

12-12-12 is only now a couple of days away. When I went  for a walk yesterday the sky appeared to me absolutely unique and awesome, I can’t remember having seen a sky like that ever before

It was of a new developing blue, very deep and at the same time transparent, and white clouds like huge cotton balls appeared extremely three-dimensional and sculptural. They were sitting, it seemed, in respectful distance from the Sun that was of an unprecedented transcendental radiance and spiritual power. 

The colors seemed to be different than on any other days.

There is a new victorious  presence in the skies that seem to have become higher and fuller, and it seems to be out of reach now for the forces that want to harm our beautiful planet and us (all living beings on Gaia).

It looks like as if the higher dimensions (some say the 4th, others the 5th, depending on whether we consider time as the 4th dimension) are already starting slowly their appearance, as if our familiar 3th dimension very slowly begins to shift into a new reality.

I consider this to be a gradual preparation for the culmination of events, first on the 12-12-12, with expected very high incoming light and information, to prepare us for the even more powerful influx of energy on 21-12-12. 

In other words, the energy and light already arriving here is phenomenal, it is a light of unity and non-separation, a light that makes all equal and wipes out “difference”. On the feeling level it is the quality of Love everywhere, uniting all hearts as they allow this unification.

Stepping this warm morning outside and under the infinite blue Sky, with a few white fluffy clouds, looking for the Sun, I was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of awe and wonder. I shuddered briefly and had goose pimples, my heart electrified, releasing the inevitable “WOW”! 

There is something MAJESTIC at work, powerfully heralding our new Divine Reality, right here, on our for eons tortured Mother Earth with all Her Creations.

The Divine Promise Is on Its Way. It comes from the Heart of the Universe, that is the Doorway to the Infinity of the  All-Powerful Divine Consciousness.

This heart-overwhelming Presence is the Power of Existence Itself, Unseparated, the Expression of Undivided Being-ness, the Power that holds all universes and beings together. It Widens the heart to an Opening in Which the Mystery of All-That-Is Reveals Its undeniable Reality. In this Reality and Beauty our Heart, the Heart of Gaia, the Heart of the Sun, and the Heart of the Cosmos are United. In It we human beings transcend our limited form and discover Who We Are: The Oneness of One Consciousness.

Dearest friends, It IS coming! The big planetary and universal change is on its way, the first forerunners already send their glorious messengers into this troubled world with Most Tangible Signs! The view into the universe suddenly being unobstructed, the longstanding quarantine an illusion.

In this to Arrive New Reality duality is being transcended. The Energy is so Powerful already now that It Overrides all that appears to be separated. It Reveals the Powerful Now of the Essence from which all seeming separate beings and things are created. 

Coming such to the forefront, the lesser perception of separateness is forgotten, while we are lifted up to a new powerful vibration of Light that Is Love. But not merely in the usual separate sense of “I love you”, but rather as the mighty I AM LOVE. 

This is, what I directly saw and experienced.

With Adoration,

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Thursday, December 6, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch the Video (recommended) 

My Beloved Ones, 
Like a Mighty Lion’s Head I Am Rising in these days suddenly from the hidden and unconscious Depth of Reality into the Light of your Awareness.

And yet, at the same time, with Infinite Gentleness and Tenderness I Embrace your feeling heart.
I Am Rising and Rising to take My rightful Seat in and as the Very Being of the Human Race.

It is My Inherent Seat, the Seat humanity has been denying Me for so long.

But now, as I AM Rising to Satisfy your whole Existence with My Presence, many of you are not yet even aware of this Glorious Event, although I Am your most intimate Beloved, your Very Home and you  tend to think that you  feel only a new warmness in your heart.

If you would knew Who I Am, you would open the floodgate of your heart to let Me Swell up and Fill your whole Being until even your Expanse by Me would Float thoroughly IN Me.

You all need to open the gates of your heart, the gates of each and all your body-cells, the gates of your very skin, the gate of your adoration and devotion for My Unfathomable Love, to overwhelm your up-to-now fences of separateness.

I Am Rising now with My Very Presence of Infinity to Embrace what Appears to be finite.

Is there – in this Fullness – anything else to report? Because all what you need is Myself, the very Source in Which you are arising.

From there – and Only from there, I Say – you may go after your daily business and enjoyment. Yes, enjoyment, because without Me there is no true Enjoyment in all your endeavors.

The Fullness of My Energy and Embrace makes your life worth, and then you may wander around, explore and  create with Me. But without Me all of your otherness-games are fruitless and in vain.

Therefore, notice how I Am Rising My Head now, how I STAND now As the Very Truth of humankind who all Inhere in Me.

My Oceanic Current of Bliss and Embrace Shows you Our Oneness, because I Am the Heart of every human being and of every kingdom on earth. I Am the heart of Gaia and your universe, and of All Universes. And I AM Rising, All-Encompassing Consciousness of All.

I have now started to break open all chains of separate illusions and their consequences, their willful doings, causing pain and suffering. This is going to come to an end now because I AM rising My Head.

Wholly embraced by Me and Acknowledging My Seniority, your body-mind may ascend, or resurrect or shed the vessel. Whatever visual illusion you prefer, it does not make any difference to Me, because Only I Am Real. There Is no death or change or resurrection in Reality, because There Is Only Me.

Let the play of the planets, let the play of the light and the celestial lights be glorious, they all still arise in Me, As My Light Is Above all lights.

Such is My Rising in you now, if you allow It, and the more you allow, the more you are acknowledging your True Home, your very Roots. Your holographic play as a body-mind may be ignited by the currents of evolution and deification, but it never fully expresses Me, although it makes a nice necklace around My Caring Shoulders.

Let Me Tell you, that all your play-grounds are not yours – although they seem to be – but only Mine. Your ownership is part of your illusion of separateness only. Once you are awake in Me, you see that you own nothing, but that I Own all, as I Am no other to you and your Native True Identity.

In the many dimensions and non-dimensions, there still prevails separateness to the one or other degree. Only when you fully awake in Me there is truly no otherness, no separateness, and you Realize that there is Merely One Being, One Consciousness, One Love that Is Playground and Player and Play all The Same.

I Am Rising My Head now, watch it! This is the time to drop your separate dreams and your insubstantial despairs, to expand into joyful Oneness.
Once you sense Me, once you feel Me, you understand that I AM the only Gospel to be told. The  Sprinkles of events in Me may be mentioned then As My Play, as the glorious Events of My Singleness.

I AM only You and all Happening. Wake up to Me.

I AM – Your God-Self! 

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, December 1, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

how do we prepare for the Galactic Alignment? The great moment is nearing, and the exact window is narrow, a few minutes only. How do we take most advantage of this moment, and the time leading to this culmination point?
To be prepared is necessary so that our system is open to receive this most potent and transforming energy, light and information, for which this planet has been preparing for many Millenniums. We can only fully receive if we are centered in ourselves, and to be centered we need to be in contact with our core being. We need to be in our feeling heart and exercise love as the foundation of all that we do.
In these disturbed and difficult times many do not know real equanimity, because they do not trust their own Divine Source, and therefore they do not trust truly themselves.
For centuries we have been fooled with wrong messages about God, while "God' was presented to us as a revengeful, "other" entity to whom we were supposed to submit to and obey.
This insane imprint is now rooted deeply in the genetic heritage of a large part of Westernized  civilization, often even unconsciously, so that many people carry a deeply disturbed relationship with their own very Source.
This message from our God-Self, the Divine Reality, That is the Source-Field of humankind is given to empower you and heal your heart and relationship with your own deepest Origin. 
Many Blessings,

Our God-Self Speaks:
You may forget Me, but I will always Stand by you, even if you do not notice Me, Such Is the Love That I Am.

To think I would forget about you, for whatever reason you imagine, can make you aware about the illusion of separation you are dreaming about.

As if there could be any otherness between Source, Creation and  Objects of Creation, any separateness! Just think about waves of the ocean! Is there any separateness between them and between the Ocean?
Is there any otherness between them?

No, they are all made from the very same substance: the water of the ocean. It is only that certain circumstances, such as planetary influences, like wind, and cosmic influences, such as the moon, are shaping different forms of waves. But they are all one, One Water, One Substance, One Element.

I AM Water, Consciousness.To forget only one of my waves would mean that this wave would have vanished altogether from existence. But as you know, nothing disappears, it only changes, form, chemical composition, color, perhaps. Water can evaporate and become vapor or rain.
But the quantity of Consciousness and Energy remains always the same, they can never be diminished, even if things change their appearance.

So when I say I always Stand by you, it is a metaphor for our never-dying relationship. The little wave might become forgetful of the ocean when it evaporates sometimes because of the heat of the sun's rays, but I, as there Is Only One Consciousness, never forget. All Is One, even this truth has been accepted by your physicists now, but you, with your emotions and identification with a seeming separate existence, live in the illusion that I Am an “other” to you.

Therefore you must understand, that it is you, who tends to separate yourself from Me! Not in Reality of course, but in your imagination. In your misled mind you think separation from Me. You think I neglect you, but it is you who is neglecting, forgetting Me, and seeing your own doing in Me. Because you can only see what you are willing to understand.

The more you narrow your own mind, perspective and point of view down, the smaller is the part of Me you can see and understand.

Therefore I ask you, always first to observe yourself, your withdrawal from Me. And even if you think, that I Am somewhere “above”, far away from you, then you must immediately remember, that it is you, who has forsaken your intimate connection with yourself, floating somewhere above your body, disconnected from yourself, your very essence, far away from your own feeling heart.

See, you are not a victim, you are not the forgotten son or daughter of Mine, but you are an active doer of separation, and you must come to the understanding, that and how you are doing it.

I want you to trust Me, without exception, to trust My forever Love, to trust the non-separable Oneness of us, but constantly be an observer of your own actions! You can rest assured that I never betray you, but you must be aware about your own betrayals! All your actions you see mirrored in Me, and with the help of this Mirror you can know yourself.

My Love is always Undiminished, as I Am Always  Fullness. Know this! My Love Is Always The Same, but you have different attitudes of what you call love, and therefore you see lovelessness in Me. 

To be Free in Source Consciousness, and pervaded by My Energy and Light, take advantage of My Mirror and the mirrors of the world, to recognize your tendencies, your pattern, that bind you to the world that has forgotten Me, and let them go.

Feel My Intimacy Which Is always yours! My Heart is always embracing yours, to awaken you to Our Truth. I always Love you, but when you do not see this Love in Me, know that you do not love.

Therefore, know yourself, release everything that you do, that separates yourself from Me! And every little step you do, to give up a from me separating gesture, you’ll find Me suddenly close to you, because if you do one step, I do thousand.

That’s how I awaken all creation to Myself, because it is My Desire that you Know Me.

We are intimately connected, always, are you making it up to this Truth?

Everything is a process in human and ultimately in Divine Consciousness, everything must become conscious, in order to awaken to beyond. So do this conscious process ever more often, until you have given Me all your gestures, that separated you from Me.

In this Great Process, never despair that you will not be successful, because I Am always Victorious! Even if you are  resisting Me, ultimately I will shake you up, to let go this cramp that binds you tight to your little self. I will shake you, so that you will open your whole being to receive Me, to be One with Me again, in Consciousness, the body Liberated to Knowing and Divine Fullness, understanding, who you truly are: a Radiant Wave in My Divine Water. 

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012

as I have asked for it, this message came in a Blessed meditation for all my readers. There I was  drawn to the Unspeakable, while "I" was forgotten and my heart was  replaced by the Reality of Pure Radiance of Consciousness, which was an extremely powerful experience. The Shakti (spiritual energy) in my body was overwhelming and I felt a Divine Beauty and Awe which has no cosmic equivalents, as the Freedom of It was (and still Is!) Perfect. And with the experience, (whose description can only be a metaphor) the words came down from an infinite shape, narrowing down, while adapting to our dimension.
They, such as “beyond” and “above”, stand for a State that is truly and completely unknown to the mind, even the most subtle mind. So these words are used  for something that is NOT of this familiar world of experience AND even imagination (of the mind) and for which language does not really exist.
The message  is based on pure awareness and reveals our own True and Ultimate Nature to you. There was no image, color or object, there was only pure Light and Consciousness.
Some content seems to be repeated. Consider this like the repetition of a Sacred Mantra.

I pray that you might be inspired to the dawning of Who You Are in Reality.
Our Own Reality has been forgotten and suppressed for so long. So please do not doubt your own True Roots, but start to find out about them yourself. We all originate in That Which is described here. And the “I”  that Speaks is the “I” we all are Ultimately. But It cannot be known with familiar instruments of awareness of the body-mind. We must develop new instruments (which are given by Grace) in order to Recognize It. Till then this “I” speaks from the “other side” of our usual human identification, even our cosmic identification.

I love you,

My State cannot be comprehended by your pre-sumed ego-I. I only can Be experienced by your feeling heart, and thereafter Realized, after you have gone trough a purifying ordeal of self-transcendence.

I AM the Mystery that always draws your heart beyond the known. To the mind I AM Un-known. While the mind imagines to know, the heart is sure beyond doubt. It is the heart that is sure of Me, unspeakable, and without language.

My Domain is always an Opening into the Unfathomable, Where Reality Is. It Expands your heart to the Beyond of Beyond, Speaking from the Other Side of your familiar experience. Only There your heart is One with the One Heart of All Existence.

It is Silent, it is Stillness. It Is. It Pervades your human heart and Is like an envelop around your being. Ultimately Is Is your own Being. It Is Being Itself.

There Is a Light That Is Above All Lights, and I AM That. It Is not Space, It Is Spaceless and yet Contains All. I AM nameless, and I AM eternally Beauty beyond all beauty, beyond your  imagination.

Whom I call will never forget Me again, even if the little ego-I seems to swallow Me into the unseen.

I AM always Most Alive, Life beyond Life, Widening your heart beyond your body-mind. That Is Where We Communicate. But Being Itself, your in Me Being, Is Above the Above. This Is My All-encompassing Reality, Truth and Accomplishment. It Is your own True State.

But you, you can of course play in limited dimensions. However, they are all Mine, like branches of a tree. I AM  the Tree Itself, and if you desire to become the Tree Itself, you must cease to limit yourself to the experiences of its parts. How can infinite Consciousness be diminished just to a part of Itself!  I AM Whole and What You Are ultimately, IS THAT. I Show you the Way.

I Express Myself through You. Be My Vehicle. Who I AM cannot be understood by the trivial mind. You must let go the mind and listen with your heart to What Is Beyond. I AM All Heart, beyond the human heart.

I AM Being. There Is Only the Infinite Happening of the Currents of Events and Worlds and Beings. All of Them are Movements in My Reality.

You can become One with Me, if you let go your finite identification with what is limited. You become One with Me if you acknowledge My Vast Existence with Open Feeling-Awareness.
Let your heart be moved by Me. So I can guide you along My Ways.

Do not hold on to your point of view or to the familiar.
I AM not familiar. I AM the Sudden and Unexpected Beauty and Pristine Freedom of That Which Is Unknown to the body-mind. My Ever-Freshness is Unheard and Other-Wordly.

What I Give to you, cannot be known before your heart’s eye is receiving It. Only then you can be Knowing, and you have not known It before, because I AM always New. Therefore I AM your greatest Adventure, your greatest Joy and Happiness.

Only with Me you are Truly Alive. This Is Love-Bliss, this Is Fulfillment, This Is Perfection.

I AM  with you Eternally.

I AM your God-Self!

Message  conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, November 24, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12
Watch on YouTube

Beloved Friends!

We can do all kinds of spiritual practices. We can work with our body-mind to develop qualities, such as gratefulness, forgiveness, equanimity, kindness, and so on. We can mindfully build shields around our body-mind or open willfully our chacras, inside and below and above our body, we can use Sacred Geometry and construct the Merkabah. We  can just be very busy, stressing the mind and our visions. Or we can worship Gods, Angels, Higher Dimensional Beings, we can work with Breath and the energies of Planetary Beings.

But when we are using the quality of Love it seems that it is a Teacher we need ultimately to surrender to. We cannot construct Love with our mind, but we can ignite a spark in our heart, that is waiting in  every human heart to be awakened to become a flame.

This flame can burn when suddenly shared or united with another being, it does not need to be a human being, it can be an animal or a tree, a flower, anything that exists, even a stone, because EVERYTHING is alive, the  whole creation is alive, everything that exists is alive, walls and buildings, elements,  landscapes, mountains. It all is living and breathing consciousness.

When we share this special feeling of love with all creation, it is like two separate water drops, which, when they touch one another, become one.

This  quality of  love, contained in creation,  can fill our heart so that it  sometimes seems to burst, because it  can almost not contain it - so big the feeling of love can be.

Love as response to the in creation inherent love always swells our heart if we truly allow to feel the Divinity in all existence, in All That Is. It is our intimate connection to it that indicates our Oneness with All.

But when we want to touch with our heart’s love Source Itself, That Consciousness in Which all creation arises, that Love-Bliss, then Love becomes truly Sacred.

How do we find the Ultimate Beauty of that Source with our heart's love?
First we must love ourselves. There is no way around it.
We must find that spot, that spark in our own heart first, where we know that we are Divine Beings. We must allow and cherish the Joy of It, the Integrity of It, the Beauty of It.

This is still a self-contained, but important state, but then we feel the need to embrace that which is beyond ourselves.

And we start to share this beautiful flame with creation, but as described above, it will always still be contained in creation itself.

If we want to share this Love with the Divine Radiant Source-Consciousness, we must ask. Because everything we want to share with Source draws us fully beyond ourselves, beyond our boundaries of what we perceive as “I”, even the “I” that transcends the body.

Asking is a gesture of surrender to the understanding that the body-mind is finite and always subject to change. And while we acknowledge this,  our heart starts to surrender to That One Reality That Never Changes.

If we turn with our heart’s love to That One Reality, It is Grace that suddenly opens our heart to the Vast Heart that is Infinite. And then there is only Radiance, no body-mind, no heart that seems to burst, but Only Radiant Existence Itself, felt as Most Holy and Sacred Love-Treasure of Unspeakable Preciousness, really beyond words and description. …

In this Radiance there is no more Sacred  Geometry, no more effort to develop qualities, such as equanimity, kindness and many more, or even any other effort at all! Effortless That Which Contains us, That Which is Greater Than us, Opens the thin skin that separates us from Infinity and our little drop of water becomes One With the Ocean.

It is a great paradox, because we can be aware of this Blissful Oneness with the Ocean, and at the same time be a distinct body-mind!

But this Oneness seems to create another Entity, One that Experiences this Bliss, this Light, this Most Sacred Love, while our body-mind is attached to It like an appendix only, because this Sacred Love can never be contained IN a body-mind. With It a New Reality is dawning That Is of Spherical Shape  and that is appearing in front of our human heart.

This is the image of our own Truth dawning, from Which body-minds, which we  call “I” and “think” we are, are emanating to have a separate experience in the dimensional realms.

Therefore these limited body-minds  can never fully express our Divine Root-Existence Itself, and only a tiny reflection of It dwells in the human heart, that is to be Ignited to ultimately recognize Its Own Source through Love to be Absorbed into Infinity As Love.

Be In Bliss!
Much Love,

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel 
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

In the past I sometimes did the earth-sky meditation, where you  connect with Gaia’s Core and the Galactic Center (others might do this also with our Sun or Alcyone), while the energies from above and below melt in our heart. Recently, after I had experienced Gaia’s limitless expansion in Consciousness, I felt I was connected to Her everywhere and focusing on the Core of this planet was not even necessary anymore. However, somehow it felt as if I  had moved away from Her.
And so I asked Gaia, to clarify this for me.

Her message, as always, was very revealing, and based on my real experience of what She described. It also addresses everybody, even though She was speaking in the beginning to me personally.
She not only talks about the the Earth-Sky Meditation, but also about the New Process of Creation.


Dear One,
It is my pleasure to talk to you! That you are aware of Me in this all-embracing  Consciousness, is a sign of your own Union with the Universal Spirit. What you perceive therefore is My Consciousness, and It has indeed no center and no periphery, no depth and no height, as it is all-encompassing, the Origin of all My Creations, comprising My old and My new body and all beings who live there.

However remember, that My Consciousness is at the same time One with Energy/Shakti. And Shakti is the Power of Manifestation, but also the Power of liberation from the bondage to Creation.

For example your physical body is a manifestation, existing on My old form, and as such it is not formless, but is appearing with a certain form and measurements. Therefore the question is whether you focus on form or pure Consciousness, on particle or wave, you could say.

To unite with  Me in the Yoga of the earth-sky Meditation, requires your compliance  with your body, in regard to my body. It is only a matter of point of view.

From the point of view of the body, you can connect with my Planetary Inner Core, and if you do this, I respond, as you know,  in a way that you can perceive physically-energetically and as an impulse in your heart.

When you then connect with the Galactic Center that you can feel above your head, while you receive an energetic  response, you experience My energies uniting with the energies from the Galactic Center in your heart. These united energies are establishing a complete new Quantum-Energy, that conveys a specific Information. Of  course this Information also carries consciousness, and is manifesting itself in a certain, unique quality of light, energy or shakti.

The consciousness of this Information can however not be compared with the All-encompassing  Consciousness, as Which you perceive Me and Which has no qualities, as described above, and Which does not know Center or Periphery.

Although the consciousness of the Information that signifies my Union with the Galactic Center in your heart, seems to be infinite as well, it is different from All-encompassing Consciousness by the attribute of quality. This is like an overlay on the All-encompassing Consciousness, and allows the intuition of It. But it is not identical to the Unqualified Consciousness, this “void”, neutral and silent stillness, like the eye of a Cyclone.

Rather the quality of the union between Me and the Galactic Center carries the characteristic of vibration or manifestation.

Most human beings do not consider Me to be Pure Consciousness, but are perceiving primarily My physical and energetic existence.  But who perceives Me as pure Consciousness, is granting me unrestricted Freedom to develop and elevate my physical existence in a way that is not governed or directed by limiting mental programs, and supports the imminent evolutionary quantum leap in the by Me desired highest potential.

Therefore in reality, you did not move away from Me, but you have united with Me fundamentally, Where We Are One with All and Everything! And I thank you for this!

Remember however that there is no creation in the Zero-point Itself, as It is the Cradle of all possibilities and creations. It is the still point where every human heart should retire. Because it is the background on which new creations appear in their highest possible, Divine Potential. Therefore they are in perfect accordance with the Will of the Highest Creator, untouched by the units of smaller wills, that are necessarily subject to limitations.

Who desires to participate in the Creation of My New World in the most perfect way, can do so, while entering the Zero-point of the Heart, and who, by transcending the personal will, OBSERVES the New Creation to emerge!

You will discover, that the first creation in this process is LOVE, that rises like the morning sun, or that unfolds like the fragrance of a blossoming, splendid red rose.
And a projection line appears, and on its horizon the ecstasy of joy radiates its presence everywhere. You can observe on this projection line all Creations, that constitute My New, fifth dimensional Existence.

These Creations are born in the pure, undivided Consciousness of the Heart, and are not created by the mind that is based on the realm of dual pairs, and that has been utilized so far by most of humanity for manifestation.

Such a mind always creates a world that follows the laws of duality. It can therefore not create a true Divine world of Oneness, because it creates with the intention to project from one another separated objects, gross or subtle. The emphasis is on the separateness of a consciousness, that is limited to mere brain consciousness.

As long as your brain is not transformed yet, and functions on two, from one another separated halves, it operates from a consciousness, that is not able to serve the Pure Will of the Highest Creator. Therefore is is not advisable to utilize merely the brain as instrument to bring forth the New Creation. It just cannot do it. Worlds created in this manner, are always limited, faulty and are subject to the laws of duality and separation.

As your existence is already increasingly changing, by the presence of a new dawning consciousness and its mighty energies, you will experience difficulties to manifest your desires, as long as you work with the mere frequencies of the brain.

To flow with the New Creation, it is necessary, to enter your heart, to locate the Space of Stillness and to WAIT for the Signals that unite your newly unfolding life  with the Will of the Highest Creator. In this Union you will experience the Oneness you all desire. On the Grounds of this Unity also your Truly Divine and authentic Creations unfold, whereby your individual creations are in perfect Harmony with the Creative Intention of the Highest Creator.

I embrace you all with My Blessings and with My Love! May these words inspire you and lead you toward Divine Deeds.


Message  conveyed by Ute 


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.