Showing posts with label Liberation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberation. Show all posts

Friday, May 16, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
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This is a serious time - if we take our path and service to the light serious! Welcome humor! I have  been going all my life through profound clearings. But I also had the most profound spiritual revelations, realizations and insights. 

I know that fellow friends who are also profoundly involved in their spiritual purification process and whom I  consider spiritually quite ahead of me, are still going through sometimes extremely painful periods of clearing, involving not only personal past lives and existences, but also family karma, ancestor karma, planetary karma, and so on. 

The  sacred peeling of the spiritual onion skins seems to go on forever. Doesn't sound much Newage'ish, doesn't it.

These kinds of karma clearings are part of my daily life for many years. So, nothing gleeful about life then altogether? Yes, deep blisses, peace, serenity, happiness and an inner experience of profound and pristine freedom has been greatly accompanying the process. 

Now, at the time of the Grand Cross on April 21, my natal moon had an exact aspect to one of the involved planets. Astrologers talked about the immense pressure the Cross would create on Mother Earth and on Humanity. 

I didn't believe it, but I can tell, I can feel it. 
It feels like as if the last corner of my cellular memory is being merciless squeezed out! 

How to deal with it? First of all: It is about not taking it personally! And therefore, in my own truth, it can only be dealt with by ultimate surrender to the process - and to my own Heart.

Meaning, no indulging, solace or avoidance of any kind! I am just - like a raw and open vessel - allowing (painful) stuff to come up that wants to come up, and release it into the Light. This is an ongoing, inconsolable  process, from moment to moment.

But make no mistake, dear friends! Do not pity me! I am not in the space of self-pity. Self-pity only stops the process, and we become middle-class consumer ego's, who are consoling themselves with chocolate. (Nothing against chocolate though.:))

This would break the necessary depth and flow of the process that happens within the holographic texture of our being. We would separate ourselves from the process and emerge on the surface of life, speak in mind-land, from which we observe life from outside. There we tend to be victims to blame "others" and the "world", instead of - according to the law of resonance - assuming as the Heart the full responsibility for everything we experience.

Such surrendered, I am not without happiness, and each victory (and there are many small ones and some bigger ones) opens and reveals a new and brighter horizon of freedom and ecstasy, as memories of whole generations (and populations?) are being released in my own system to make room for new light and consciousness. 

It is work in detail, my friends, sometimes minute work. And it is the work we have agreed to do here: to be the "moles" that burrow specific corridors - according to our agreement -  in the depth of human collective consciousness to let the light in.

I thought I share this with you, to inspire your own process, especially if you are a fairly new member of the awakening community. And so that you do not blame yourself, if you do not feel gleeful and think it's all just black and white and linear, or that it would happen overnight. 

It is an ongoing multidimensional process in reality. The deeper purification process of humanity has just only begun.  

And the spiritual path is really simple: it is not about mindful techniques, affirmations or adding something, or doing a Triangular Sacred Geometry thing. 

We are energy beings, and it is about an energy-feeling process in consciousness. It is done with awareness, feeling-attention and the willingness to let go, to open and surrender to the Greater Light, so that the body is involved in the Light Process. 

In this process we do not receive special rewards or honors. This belongs to the ego worlds that look for outer experiences. Actually, we become nothing. We rather are becoming servants of light and of love, and self-forgetful we discover that we Are growing into the Heart of Pure Being and Infinite Divine Consciousness.

To be FREE, everything, every detail of our human consciousness must become conscious, to be released into the Infinite. Liberation (or ascension) is a conscious process, liberation is about allowing the Conscious Light to prevail.

And while we accept with courage this process as the most important gift in our lives, because it transcends all limitations, rather than having a "good life", we allow the Highest Good (The HEART or GOD) to come forth over time: Our True Divine Essence.

In Lak'ech! 
Be inspired, dearest friends,


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
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Saturday, February 8, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
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Have you noticed how these universal cosmic currents are our liberation machine! And they are not always pleasant!

Humanity is being presented with their hidden content, now displayed in the open, so enlarged and magnified that finally nobody can ignore it anymore.
This happens on a global and on a personal level.

It is the enormous purification process, the Bulgarian Saint Peter Deunov has spoken of in his “Last Prophecy”. It is the great fire nobody  can escape, and it is dimensionally expanding every day. And only when the fire had its way the truly new world can arise.

All contents ever stored over life times in our subconscious, whether with active or passive participation, whether on the doing end or on the receiving end, and even if we only have been observers, all that content is part of our personal and collective consciousness  and urges now to the surface. And the lines are often very fine between all these levels of participation.

It should tell us that it is not about “guilt”. We all need to go beyond this level of personal emotional involvement. But it is about impersonal recognizing the content of the world consciousness that is now coming forward to be acknowledged and released, by letting go personal and collective identification with it altogether.

Forgiveness, whether for oneself or others, it does not matter, is the requirement. It is nothing but the emerging understanding that No-Thing of all the dramas, hidden or openly known belief systems, emotions, by our  society designated sins, failures and shortcomings, are us. But that we need to let it all go, because of our True Nature that is always Pure, Radiant and Stainless.

It is about the acknowledgment of our Divinity, which is now given the opportunity to emerge and become conscious to those who are willing to truly examine their lives and tendencies. Who are willing to understand that even things that happen “outside” of us, whether to those close to us, or globally, are somehow themes that each one of us is participating in, because we are part of the whole. We are all interconnected.

While the Radiant Giant of the Human Essence that we all share, is rising its head, humanity, i.e. each individual  cell of the human body, each personality, can now participate in this glorious Divine Revelation, to dive into deeper and detached understanding of all the imperfections that are inherent  constituents of this dense reality of separation.

However, the Being who has forgotten their Divine Roots, necessarily must experience everything thinkable in this dense reality, whether “good” or “bad”, "light" or "dark" as unshakable reality. But in the face of the Truth That We Are and that Is beyond duality, it makes ultimately no difference.
It only appears to be tragic when we are captured by the veil of otherness and being lost in a suffering where love is unknown. When we ARE Undivided Love, then everything finds balance.

So, to forgive ourselves and others, is another description for the discovery of our Human Divinity That awakens to the fact that the illusion of failure and artificial darkness  is not part of our Identity.

When we are emerging from the notion of separateness and experience the Oneness of  Consciousness in our heart, the shadows may remain perhaps in our fading memory, but they do not touch us anymore, they do not hurt. Because the heart unifies the broken light of our illusory, artificially manufactured being in the Radiance of Only One Light.

This is the healing of humanity, and each one of us is now being given the chance to accept this transformational fire  for the sake what has been called since ancient times “enlightenment”.

Who is further choosing blindness and separation, they are not yet ready to go through the ordeal of self-and Self-discovery. They prefer to be bound to the masquerade, the mere surface of themselves, because they are afraid to  face their own shadows as they believe in them by condemnation.
But the more they insist on this path the more difficult the coming times will be for them.

We are all together in this, dearest friends, so we cannot judge. We only can live compassion and love. We are not different to them, we only have reached the equilibrium of the tipping of the  scale by already cleansing  “Hercules’ famous cowsheds”.

But this is the time where the light needs  to balance the weight of the unconscious, the denial, the refusal to grow in consciousness.

If you are a carrier of light, you need to nurture that strength in your heart that is both, compassionate and detached, to not to be drawn into the depths of their unfolding abyss.

It does not mean that their suffering does not touch us, but we must not forget ours and their Divinity.

This are the wings that bring us all to the other side.

In Lak’esh!
With love,

Copyright© 2014. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,  Please post your comments on my blog so that I can be aware of them.
Please share this message only together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Sunday, December 22, 2013


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel. Copyright 2013
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From my heart I am wishing you all PEACE, HAPPINESS and the REALIZATION OF LOVE in the coming days of Celebrations!

May your heart be inspired with Beauty and Inner Fulfillment!
And may the  coming year see the liberation of humanity on a deeper level of consciousness. May there be abundance for everybody, joy, love and the freedom of choice.

My journey of passionate search for accomplishment of the “outer worlds” started to come to a halt  lately. I just stopped waiting for changes to occur. Because in any moment of waiting, in the search for betterment, we do not fully enter our own eternal Divine Depth. 

This halting is not new to me, but this time I released substantially more of the layers of illusion. Realizing also how much the search hurts, because it is based on contraction.

This Depth is the Ocean of Expanded Stillness, that is Fullness Itself, that is Unspeakable Beauty, Joy and Freedom beyond imagination. It is Bliss. It is heart-breaking Love. It Just Is. And  I am deeply in love with It.

In this Stillness there is no movement, no ascension, no world, no otherness, no difference. And there is no search, no waiting and no hope.

Hope is empty of the Fullness that we in Truth already Are. With Hope we look into the future, into the illusion of time, hoping that something occurs that is better than that what is now.

But in the ever present moment,  in the vast Fullness, underneath  the moving world of hope, there  is this hole in the universe. It is the fullness of the Zero-point in Which everything exists.

The currents and streams of change are exciting events in the Eternal Play. However this play arises in That What we already Are Eternally.

Why then interfere and jump into this current, instead of remaining the non-separate and joyful heart-observer of it, standing back and seeing the happenings unfold.

In fact doing so, the long awaited Event can happen finally, because we are not standing it its way by hoping and waiting and  desiring.    

So the more of us are stepping back and diving into the  Fullness and Vastness of the Heart, into the Gentleness, the Softness that is Strength, by just Being What cannot be described, the sooner our destiny will change.

The mighty trees, contemplating the Divine, are not standing in the way for the Event to happen.  They are  conduits for the Eternity and the Divine Current to manifest the  Divine Will.  
The animals, contemplating the Divine, if we let them, are not standing in the way for the Event to happen. They are surrendered to the Joy of the Radiant Reality.
But we humans have a problem. We stand in the way. We create the obstacles with too much thinking and wanting of the little “I”.

It is the Divine Plan to liberate this Sacred Planet with all Its Kingdoms. So may we all allow the Divine to Emerge and Stand Firm in the midst of the present chaos in all Its Glory, Power and Graceful Presence, and to Liberate all our hearts from doubt, error and misunderstanding.

The human mind can only do that much, and mostly stands in the way. But the Divine Heart, if we let It, can Do Everything in any moment. Because: It Is Divine, It Is Pure and Its Will to BE and Emerge in Creation as Itself is Mysterious. It Is the Power of Manifestation behind every little thought and anxious wanting.

When we take the back seat in our vehicle, and make the Divine Presence our driver, Happiness and Liberation is already now. And the walls of the illusions will fall like phantom dominoes and disappear into nothingness, where the Brilliance of a New Day Rises.

May there be Peace! From inside out! May there be Freedom, from inside out! May all be liberated! May Every Heart Be Love. And may we see the Reflection of It as the New World.

In Lak'ech, dearest family!

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, December 1, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

how do we prepare for the Galactic Alignment? The great moment is nearing, and the exact window is narrow, a few minutes only. How do we take most advantage of this moment, and the time leading to this culmination point?
To be prepared is necessary so that our system is open to receive this most potent and transforming energy, light and information, for which this planet has been preparing for many Millenniums. We can only fully receive if we are centered in ourselves, and to be centered we need to be in contact with our core being. We need to be in our feeling heart and exercise love as the foundation of all that we do.
In these disturbed and difficult times many do not know real equanimity, because they do not trust their own Divine Source, and therefore they do not trust truly themselves.
For centuries we have been fooled with wrong messages about God, while "God' was presented to us as a revengeful, "other" entity to whom we were supposed to submit to and obey.
This insane imprint is now rooted deeply in the genetic heritage of a large part of Westernized  civilization, often even unconsciously, so that many people carry a deeply disturbed relationship with their own very Source.
This message from our God-Self, the Divine Reality, That is the Source-Field of humankind is given to empower you and heal your heart and relationship with your own deepest Origin. 
Many Blessings,

Our God-Self Speaks:
You may forget Me, but I will always Stand by you, even if you do not notice Me, Such Is the Love That I Am.

To think I would forget about you, for whatever reason you imagine, can make you aware about the illusion of separation you are dreaming about.

As if there could be any otherness between Source, Creation and  Objects of Creation, any separateness! Just think about waves of the ocean! Is there any separateness between them and between the Ocean?
Is there any otherness between them?

No, they are all made from the very same substance: the water of the ocean. It is only that certain circumstances, such as planetary influences, like wind, and cosmic influences, such as the moon, are shaping different forms of waves. But they are all one, One Water, One Substance, One Element.

I AM Water, Consciousness.To forget only one of my waves would mean that this wave would have vanished altogether from existence. But as you know, nothing disappears, it only changes, form, chemical composition, color, perhaps. Water can evaporate and become vapor or rain.
But the quantity of Consciousness and Energy remains always the same, they can never be diminished, even if things change their appearance.

So when I say I always Stand by you, it is a metaphor for our never-dying relationship. The little wave might become forgetful of the ocean when it evaporates sometimes because of the heat of the sun's rays, but I, as there Is Only One Consciousness, never forget. All Is One, even this truth has been accepted by your physicists now, but you, with your emotions and identification with a seeming separate existence, live in the illusion that I Am an “other” to you.

Therefore you must understand, that it is you, who tends to separate yourself from Me! Not in Reality of course, but in your imagination. In your misled mind you think separation from Me. You think I neglect you, but it is you who is neglecting, forgetting Me, and seeing your own doing in Me. Because you can only see what you are willing to understand.

The more you narrow your own mind, perspective and point of view down, the smaller is the part of Me you can see and understand.

Therefore I ask you, always first to observe yourself, your withdrawal from Me. And even if you think, that I Am somewhere “above”, far away from you, then you must immediately remember, that it is you, who has forsaken your intimate connection with yourself, floating somewhere above your body, disconnected from yourself, your very essence, far away from your own feeling heart.

See, you are not a victim, you are not the forgotten son or daughter of Mine, but you are an active doer of separation, and you must come to the understanding, that and how you are doing it.

I want you to trust Me, without exception, to trust My forever Love, to trust the non-separable Oneness of us, but constantly be an observer of your own actions! You can rest assured that I never betray you, but you must be aware about your own betrayals! All your actions you see mirrored in Me, and with the help of this Mirror you can know yourself.

My Love is always Undiminished, as I Am Always  Fullness. Know this! My Love Is Always The Same, but you have different attitudes of what you call love, and therefore you see lovelessness in Me. 

To be Free in Source Consciousness, and pervaded by My Energy and Light, take advantage of My Mirror and the mirrors of the world, to recognize your tendencies, your pattern, that bind you to the world that has forgotten Me, and let them go.

Feel My Intimacy Which Is always yours! My Heart is always embracing yours, to awaken you to Our Truth. I always Love you, but when you do not see this Love in Me, know that you do not love.

Therefore, know yourself, release everything that you do, that separates yourself from Me! And every little step you do, to give up a from me separating gesture, you’ll find Me suddenly close to you, because if you do one step, I do thousand.

That’s how I awaken all creation to Myself, because it is My Desire that you Know Me.

We are intimately connected, always, are you making it up to this Truth?

Everything is a process in human and ultimately in Divine Consciousness, everything must become conscious, in order to awaken to beyond. So do this conscious process ever more often, until you have given Me all your gestures, that separated you from Me.

In this Great Process, never despair that you will not be successful, because I Am always Victorious! Even if you are  resisting Me, ultimately I will shake you up, to let go this cramp that binds you tight to your little self. I will shake you, so that you will open your whole being to receive Me, to be One with Me again, in Consciousness, the body Liberated to Knowing and Divine Fullness, understanding, who you truly are: a Radiant Wave in My Divine Water. 

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

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My Dear Friends,

The 11.11.12 – how was that? Did you feel the new extreme high energies? This Bright Light? Well it was kind of heaven here on Gaia and it continues to be – frequency-wise. We have been saturated with great gifts and our cosmic  heritage and multidimensionality has been confirmed for many or remembered by many.
Our adventures continue and while I visited this time the Galactic Center (no, not the middle of it :)) but coming so close to It that I could feel a kind of absorption by it, I have been given some revelations and instructions.

One of them I feel moved to share with you all as it might benefit you.

We are together involved more or less with the subject of  ascension into the light on the background of a world that many call a dark prison planet.
What I have been shown relates somehow to this and  provided me with the full picture of something I have been already partially aware of before, and not just in the form of mental knowledge but in form of direct experience.

But here is the entire story:

Having been such immersed in the splendid radiant and indescribable bright light of our Great Central Sun, Thick with Bliss, most Awe-Inspiring, utterly Peaceful and Sublimely Silent and Heart-Deep, but somehow also very familiar, I suddenly saw myself with – yes, believe it or not – two bold horns on my forehead!

Having grown up in a Christian environment, as most of us have who have been born in the  West, - I felt somewhat uneasy, with a trace of shame and guilt, and yes I was a bit shocked too! In the midst of this Bliss. A very strange experience, but even the shock was only an appearance of bliss Itself, it was made of the material of bliss, it was all thick bright light,  if this makes sense at all.

Am I the direct descendant of the devil?, I asked myself startled.
So the first thing then was, if so, that I needed to accept this fully! Oh, my God!!

Whereupon I was shown the entire cycle of the great cosmic round in which the horned one was an episode. What was shown to me appeared partly as an comprehensive holographic image, but also in words.

“It does not matter, how much or how little light a soul  holds, but WHERE in the Great Cycle they are! Who is on the descending path (into density or darkness) can still hold much light, but also who is on the ascending path (returning to the light) can hold much light. Whether one is on the descending or ascending path signifies the degree of development of the soul! Those on the descending path just started their great adventure.

The Ascended Masters belong to the souls who left the path of descension for good. Whereas the Archangels never “descended” into darkness. All depends on intention and purpose.

Judgement, where one on the wheel or cycle exists, is complete nonsense. And because many at this time present on earth are on their way back to the light, there is a common-sense prevalent, that this is “good”. But this scene is only a fraction of the whole grand cycle of Divine Play.

By far not all are on their way back to the light. Many are here, to learn special lessons at this time, while they are on their spiral of descension. So their time has not yet come to ascend. Nevertheless they are great souls as they committed themselves to complete the Great Cycle. As time is illusion, many timelines can coincide. Learning processes are not really linear, they are rather multidimensional.

However there is always a main trend that each soul is following, descending or ascending, in the Great Wheel of their  Evolution.

Regarding the dark beings on your earth, there are those who are on their way to the upwards path, while others have not yet reached the rock bottom of their descending path.

It is depending on the main trend of their soul, whether they are going to turn to the light at these times, or cling to the path of darkness.

Therefore it is a sign of great immaturity and ignorance, to destroy the dark beings, who have committed  the biggest crimes, by dissolving them in the Galactic Center. Rather they have to be given the opportunity to continue to make experiences somewhere else, until they are ready to turn to the spiral of ascension.

All those who are now truly on the ascending path are those who have completed their descending experiences.  

It is not possible to enjoy the Grace of Ultimate Divine Liberation from the otherwise endless cycles of birth and death in the dimensions, high or low, without the whole range of experience of all possibilities of creation - and ultimately transcending them all.

One can travel forth and back, up and down,  here and there in the vast universes, but this will not end in Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization.

Those who dare to descend into the deepest Abyss to offer this experience to the Unbroken Divine Light, are the heroes, they are the most blessed ones, as they have made the greatest sacrifice to glorify the Divine.

This knowledge might teach everyone to respect the “dark” souls as beings who  desire  to realize the Ultimate. It takes much strength and courage to submit to the horrors of separation from the Divine. When a soul commences this terrible journey it does so because it loves the Divine at most.

It requires much self-and ego-transcending practice and understanding, to accept this truth, as the ego, and also the spiritual ego, likes to appear superior or better than others. But the Divine Recognizes Itself in All Creation.”

While I was writing this down I also remembered the teachings of some mystery schools which consider the “devil” to be the Forth Face of God. And even the bible tells the story of the “Lost Son”. The Great ancient Indian Wisdom Teachings emphasize that all Gods are at their core Demons, and all Demons are at their core Gods. And only Divine Self-Realization transcends both. In this State of Realization ALL actions are the same and so called "morality" does not exist, as they are all performed from that Highest, Most Enlightened Understanding.

We might feel uneasy with these stories, as long as we  don’t understand their full meaning. But by Divine Grace,  the form of a devil appeared as Bright Light, as a modification of that Light! 

Although this story is full of paradoxes if we try to understand it with our 3D conceptual mind, this is not anymore the era of the journey of single individuals but that of collective evolution!

And therefore this experience stands for the Healing of the path of descent and the Coincidence of Opposites in the heart of humanity, through the Recognition of the One and Only Divine Existence.  

And exactly this appears to be one of the Gifts of the 11.11.12 event, that is already part of the process of our alignment with the Galactic Center: the Unification of duality with its inherent suffering because of the presumed separation from the Divine.

Humanity is Only One Body, and each one of us is a cell in this Great Body. Each cell communicates with all other  cells.Therefore, after much suffering and experience the dark night of the soul, as a collective we are Given this Graceful Gift of Recognition of Oneness in All Appearances, although some of us might not yet be consciously aware of It. But It signifies the return of the suffering humanity to Truth and the Deification of Creation.

Yes, there is Only The Divine!
And it is our Love That Understands this Truth.

Much love and many blessings,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.