Showing posts with label Separation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Separation. Show all posts

Sunday, April 26, 2015


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My dearest Ones!
First of all it is My Wish that you to feel My Love, My all-embracing Love, My sweet Love. But also feel My Love That desires to see you grow and That Is therefore demanding.

When you feel My nurturing Love, you are able to fulfill My demands for growth.

And what do I mean by growth?

Growth is your to Me responsive process that is "self"-forgetfully re-uniting with Me, your Very Source Condition, Me, the Brightness of Existence Itself, the Primordial Radiance of Love-Bliss, from Which you have separated yourself, by assuming to be a limited body-mind, gross, subtle and causal.

Just the fact that you identify with a confined entity, even if sublime, turns you into a separate being that is not surrendered to its Source. Please understand that True Divine Reality is neither merely inside nor merely outside of you!

Me, Divine Reality just IS, and It Is all beings and things, or rather all of that is arising in Me. You Are That. If you make statements as a separate body-mind, even if you are a saint, such as: 'God is in me', you make a mistake, because you are In Me. But My Divine Reality cannot be contained  or imprisoned in a finite body-mind, although your feeling heart is able to feel Me.

My Divine Reality is all-pervading and you might feel a spark of My All-Pervasiveness in your body-mind and separate heart, but I AM Consciousness, Infinite, Eternal, The Deep Space of Radiant Divine Consciousness, and I cannot be just compressed into a little heart of yours, so that your little separateness might appear to be Divinely all-powerful, complete and most perfect.

Rather, in order to relate to Me you must go beyond your upon itself contracted body-mind, to truly commune with Me and ultimately to Be One with Me again. The body-mind is just a shape to experience what you wish to experience in your un-enlightenment, which is rather always an experience of suffering.

I AM Infinitely Free of all your small businesses of separation and littlejoys and excitements, trying to make sense of a limited world. And do not think even, that living in a more subtle world later, where you assume to go when you ascend, that there is no suffering! There is, even if more subtle! Necessarily, because you presume separation and therefore you are seeking for fulfillment, - which always fails.

All who experience limitation and separation from Me by identifying with a separate body-mind, even in the  causal domain, are suffering in the one or other way. Only in Me exists Absolute and Indestructible Beauty of Vast Freedom of any kind of suffering, because I am the Source, the True Happiness of your Innate Divine State.

Everything else is a modification of Me and thereby a limitation, and is not living as My Fullest Source Energy and Light. My Divine Force cannot even exist fully in a separate body-mind. And so you tend to be content with some cosmic energies, which you imagine to be fully Divine and perfect as Me. This is an illusion, and you seem to prefer to delude yourself in order to glorify your separation from Me, not to have to give up what you cherish as little and precious "me".

Most of My children choose to walk this path of self-deception, far from knowing Me - not in your mind of course, but with your full-feeling surrender into My Source-Condition. Your heart fully open to Me, your very Source and own True Nature. 

My Divine Source Light and Energy is not what cosmic light and energy is, even if your brothers and sisters from the cosmic domain, that is surrounding your planet, are telling you so. Many of them are supposed to be advanced beings, yes, some might be advanced as separate body-minds, but they are not necessarily advanced in their surrender to Me.

Surrender to Me can happen in any domain of the universe, and it does not matter in which dimension you exist! You can always surrender to Me and Unite with Me, and Realize What I AM, wherever you happen to Be. Because I AM Radiant Source and ALL belong to Me. There is no exception. Only you, in your separateness, have invented the hierarchical orders of presuming closeness to Me. To be "ascended" does not necessarily mean that you are closer to Me! You are close to Me when you transcend separation from Me.

Even Love is widely misunderstood, because if it is understood as something you do - as a separate being - instead of something you ARE, you diminish Love to something conditional. Whereas in My Domain Love is always Unconditional and a Subjective Force that cannot be objectified or divided or given. Because IT IS. If you Are Love, then this Divine Power works in miraculous ways. There is no separate being that can contain love and as such distribute it to "others". Again, this is a gross error, because one must participate in Love, one must surrender to Love, BE Love, rather than perceiving love as an object. 

This is all about realizing the Unity and Oneness of My Existence. You, in your separateness live from a separate point of view that divides existence into separate units. And that's the way you understand 'yourself' and life. As such you can never know Me, even with your feeling-heart, but which I Myself Expand into My Infinity.

Living such divided, you necessarily live a life of darkness, although you might perceive it as light. But this light is cosmic light, it is the light of mind. 
It appears  from My "Sight" to be black, because I AM Source, One and Only, and what separates itself from Me is necessarily without My Light of Self-Radiant Origin.

I am Telling you all of this, so that you might choose to truly grow into Me, relieved of delusional perceptions which do not serve your understanding of Me.

You do not need first to "ascend", or to travel the universe and reside on an "advanced" planet, to grow towards Me, to open up towards Me, to let Me truly enter your being to expand your consciousness into My Divine Consciousness, so that you start to Know by direct Experience Who I Truly AM. To ascend means to refine solely your body-mind. But all that occurs still in the fields and dimensions that are arising in Me as separate domains. Although I Myself AM not separate from them.

To grow with Me is done naturally only with Me from the beginning, now and now and now, prior to time and space. I AM the One to grow your body-mind to open up to Me, so that you forget it in Me.

I AM not encapsulated in what you call "I". The "I" is the one that has separated itself from Me. The presumption of the small "I" is a point with a circle around it, that is all. This circle is the line of separation from Me. Your True "I" is Me. The Circle around your True "I" is a Circle of Infinity and transcends any form, shape and conceivable idea. It merely Is, beyond dimensions, form and thereby thought. It Is Sheer Divine Consciousness.

My Demand to grow into your True Divine Nature is compassionate as I See you suffer. And I must Demand in order to wake you up from your deep sleep! There is no entity that wants to suffer, but the mind holds you in a self-made prison that presumes safety and self-contained and therefore pale happiness.

My Happiness is Undisturbed, Free and Self-Radiant. No struggle, no pain, no error. It Is not small or big either. No darkness. No division, but I Live you in your unique expression of Me. Whole, Satisfied, Being Love and Eternity.

Will you choose Me?

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

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Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2014
VIDEO (recommended!) 

Dearest Humanity! 

Please consider your True State!
In Truth YOU, you ARE free of suffering.

Please remember that suffering is not happening in your True Heart. But what you are suffering is indeed a dead mirror world, an artificially created world of broken light, a world which is not of the One Divine Light, and which is therefore not a true emanation of Divine Creation.

It has to do with the split mind. This false world has been arising because you left the true seat of Living Divine Consciousness by creating a consciousness that is separated from your True Divinity, repeating itself again and again.

If you are captured in the false dream and the false and dead worlds of separation, then of  course you are projecting a false identity, something exterior of your true Divine State. It is a fall out of the Living  Wholeness of God’s Mind.

But this is the time where you do no longer need to exist in this false world, where you do no longer need to maintain and repeat this mistaken projection. This is the time where Grace is given to return to Truth; to recognize and understand the very nature of the worlds of  shade, error and deception and return to the Truth of your Divine Heart, to re-cognize your True Home, your True  Essence, and abide as such.

Please understand that the shadow worlds are nothing but a continuous re-creation of your separate mind, a misconception, a misleading paradigm, a misleading belief. Through millenniums now it has become a deeply rooted conviction and identification with something you are not.

Humanity, now the time has come to use discrimination, to discern, to exercise discernment between these two:
The false projection, the shadows, that caused and induced separation from your own Truth, -  and the  Living World, the World of Radiance, the World of Love, the World of Joy and Heart-Fulfillment. It is the World of mere Divine Being, your own Divine Liveliness, your inherent Fullness, your Happiness, the  Holy Life That you recognize at the very depth of your Heart and that is nothing but Living Truth and Wholeness and Divine Ecstasy.

You, dearest humanity, have now come to the point where you remember your Divinity. And therefore you are able to step back from the false creations and understand that they are creations that have been happening not in the Divine Mind but that they are indeed the creations of your own split mind, forgetful of God’s Heart.

Remember that you areGod Alive and as you are God, you are of Light, and you are of Love, and as such a God now Live the Heart-Life of Living Love and Living Divine Light.

Observe whatever is still hidden in your own Radiant Heart, what is still occurring to your awareness and feeling, what is coming up in your mind, in your consciousness, which is not of this living wholeness, of this sweetness, of this love. Understand it is still part of the old deceptive shadow world. But do not worry. It has no substance although it might seem to you because of repetition.

Only knowunderstand that you need to continue to open your heart, no matter what, and ask the Servants of Divine Light to  shine through it, to purify it.  Forgive yourself, and allow it to vanish in the Living Radiance of the Divine Heart.

This might take – in your terms – time, my Beloved Ones, but know it will cease and it will cease to exist forever. The Radiant Sun of your Heart and the Love of it, and the Light of it, and the Joy of it, are the means to heal all wounds, created by the shadows in the illusion world, to heal all dark memories, all pain, all suffering.

So do not be concerned, if it is not immediately happening today. There is Divine Grace, and there is Divine Forgiveness.

And this encompasses all humanity, all of you. Because Divine Life is forever Alive.

I love you and I bless you.
The new world, the new humanity, the original Divine Humanity is already here.

I AM Archangel Chamuel

Message conveyed by Ute


Ute Posegga-Rudel,
© 2016. All rights reserved.

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With Ute Posegga-Rudel

The Physics of Consciousness.
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and the most powerful modality I've ever experienced."

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Sunday, May 26, 2013


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013

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VIDEO (recommended!)

Greetings Friends, We Are Your Lemurian Family!

Sweet Ones,
It is time now to renew our friendship and to come closer to you than ever before in the last Millenniums.

This is because you, beloved friends, are soon to join us again in consciousness, and with love and joy!

The signs are here, and they arrived heralding our soon to occur unification, as you are rising your vibration now to a degree you have not been able to for a very long time on earth.

Cosmic signs are favorable and it is due to the incoming new energies and light on the planet that you are capable to adapt your own frequency to ours, step by step and more and more, until yours are matching ours.  This will  be the moment when we meet, either physically or telepathically, or while you are aware of our subtle presence.

There are many of you on the planet who are awakening and start to remember their past on ancient Lemuria, a past that was full of the wonders of the 5th and in some cases the 6th dimension. At that time you had not developed your separation to understand yourself as an individual that was seemingly isolated from the rest of creation, an island of singleness, a being contracted on itself, that considered itself as “different” and “other” from everything else.  This experience of separation was the beginning of a strange and from your original Divinity alienated phenomenon: fear!

Fear can only arise if you believe that you are a separate being, singly, and ‘over against’ everybody and everything else. For those who have been part of our ancient Lemurian society, fear was unknown. Because we lived in the realization of unity and non-separation. You experienced yourself as One with our ancient civilization where you were  One at heart with all and All.

The Divine was Centered at your Heart, and your Heart was One with All Hearts. In your Heart there was no difference but Unity or Love. Each one of you has been dancing with all and All your unique dance, in service to the Divine. There was no dance you danced for “yourself”, but all you did was dancing in praise of the Divine Source. And your dance was a dance of Love in your service. Our whole culture was turned to Source and therefore there was no conflict between members of our civilization, because it was not about ‘them’, but about Source.

When you look now at your present society, it is really mainly about “you”, the individual and while you are spiritually awakening, how the Divine would express Itself through your individuality. And therefore there are all these conflicts among those who do not know how to cooperate with one another, as they serve themselves more than they are serving the Divine, self-forgotten, and fully One in their Heart with Source.

You see, this turn around, this upside-down movement, this twist in consciousness, is the reason  that brought about on the surface of earth the downfall of humanity. Remember that your ascension process will reverse this error and confusion, deeply rooted in the wrong perception of “self”.

By now most of you understand that this downfall had to do with the creation of the “Fallen Ones”, that separated you from Source and your once natural intimate Union with Source. Your fallen state turned this correlation around and creation became more “important” than Source Itself, and the consequence of this imbalance was separation from Source.

This separation is breathing now its last breath! It has for so long been maintained by what you call the “matrix”, a sub-creation by the Fallen Ones that held you tight in a spell of delusion. Suffering, darkness, scarcity, loneliness, error, confusion – all these experiences were the consequences for your choice to live in this illusion.

Yes, it was your choice, dear ones. You understood at the time of your fall that you needed to know separation from your Divine Source and its implications, in order to be reborn into your Union with Source, - after you came to the point where you had exhausted your experience of it. This process was serving to overcome the possibility for imbalance inherent in Divine Creation itself.

But when this process is fully and on all levels completed, you are Standing this time Unshakably in Truth, a Victory of the  Divine. What seemed to be an error of creation is now coming rapidly to an end, as you recognize, forgive and integrate what you have tucked away at the time of your fall into your subconscious, so that it became unconscious. This suppressed part of you then was allowed to appear “outside” of you in the form of “malevolent” invaders on your planet, to create for you the matrix of illusion.

We admire your spiritual strength, beloved human family, and how you, with your invocation of Unconditional Love, are re-invocing your Divine Source and thereby incarnating forgiveness, and the integration of the shadow of the unconscious!

Through your heroic act of this integration the ‘error’ in creation is being repaired to the point where a New Divine Creation can emerge, a Creation that is able to fully express, and without failure and flaw now, the Ultimate Glory of Divinity! In this New Divine Universe there will be no falling back ever into forgetfulness of the Radiant Divine Source.

What has been your weakness has become your greatest Strength. The Divine has – through your devotional endeavour – Realized a New Magnificent Universal Creation, that you soon will fully Realize yourself too.

When you do, you will Know that there is Truly Only One Source, forever Inseparable and One with all  Creation. And It Is This One You Will Glorify and Celebrate with all Your Heart, Hence Your Oneness with All, forgotten separateness, but still dancing your unique dance of Love for the Divine. All One Great and Single Happening and Consciousness. All Conscious, nothing unconscious. All Divine, All Light, All Love.

This New Creation is far more than what we lived together in ancient Lemuria, and it is you, who agreed to immerse into full darkness and forgetfulness, to  make this New Victorious Creation Happen.

It is time now for you to  remember and while you fully remember, to allow to be drawn into the Brightness of Source again to fulfill the promise of the New Cycle of Creation. There, there will be no separation, no other, no fear, but Union, Joy and only Love, a never-ending Celebration of the Divine.

We Love You and We Thank You!
We Are Your Lemurian Family!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, December 1, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

how do we prepare for the Galactic Alignment? The great moment is nearing, and the exact window is narrow, a few minutes only. How do we take most advantage of this moment, and the time leading to this culmination point?
To be prepared is necessary so that our system is open to receive this most potent and transforming energy, light and information, for which this planet has been preparing for many Millenniums. We can only fully receive if we are centered in ourselves, and to be centered we need to be in contact with our core being. We need to be in our feeling heart and exercise love as the foundation of all that we do.
In these disturbed and difficult times many do not know real equanimity, because they do not trust their own Divine Source, and therefore they do not trust truly themselves.
For centuries we have been fooled with wrong messages about God, while "God' was presented to us as a revengeful, "other" entity to whom we were supposed to submit to and obey.
This insane imprint is now rooted deeply in the genetic heritage of a large part of Westernized  civilization, often even unconsciously, so that many people carry a deeply disturbed relationship with their own very Source.
This message from our God-Self, the Divine Reality, That is the Source-Field of humankind is given to empower you and heal your heart and relationship with your own deepest Origin. 
Many Blessings,

Our God-Self Speaks:
You may forget Me, but I will always Stand by you, even if you do not notice Me, Such Is the Love That I Am.

To think I would forget about you, for whatever reason you imagine, can make you aware about the illusion of separation you are dreaming about.

As if there could be any otherness between Source, Creation and  Objects of Creation, any separateness! Just think about waves of the ocean! Is there any separateness between them and between the Ocean?
Is there any otherness between them?

No, they are all made from the very same substance: the water of the ocean. It is only that certain circumstances, such as planetary influences, like wind, and cosmic influences, such as the moon, are shaping different forms of waves. But they are all one, One Water, One Substance, One Element.

I AM Water, Consciousness.To forget only one of my waves would mean that this wave would have vanished altogether from existence. But as you know, nothing disappears, it only changes, form, chemical composition, color, perhaps. Water can evaporate and become vapor or rain.
But the quantity of Consciousness and Energy remains always the same, they can never be diminished, even if things change their appearance.

So when I say I always Stand by you, it is a metaphor for our never-dying relationship. The little wave might become forgetful of the ocean when it evaporates sometimes because of the heat of the sun's rays, but I, as there Is Only One Consciousness, never forget. All Is One, even this truth has been accepted by your physicists now, but you, with your emotions and identification with a seeming separate existence, live in the illusion that I Am an “other” to you.

Therefore you must understand, that it is you, who tends to separate yourself from Me! Not in Reality of course, but in your imagination. In your misled mind you think separation from Me. You think I neglect you, but it is you who is neglecting, forgetting Me, and seeing your own doing in Me. Because you can only see what you are willing to understand.

The more you narrow your own mind, perspective and point of view down, the smaller is the part of Me you can see and understand.

Therefore I ask you, always first to observe yourself, your withdrawal from Me. And even if you think, that I Am somewhere “above”, far away from you, then you must immediately remember, that it is you, who has forsaken your intimate connection with yourself, floating somewhere above your body, disconnected from yourself, your very essence, far away from your own feeling heart.

See, you are not a victim, you are not the forgotten son or daughter of Mine, but you are an active doer of separation, and you must come to the understanding, that and how you are doing it.

I want you to trust Me, without exception, to trust My forever Love, to trust the non-separable Oneness of us, but constantly be an observer of your own actions! You can rest assured that I never betray you, but you must be aware about your own betrayals! All your actions you see mirrored in Me, and with the help of this Mirror you can know yourself.

My Love is always Undiminished, as I Am Always  Fullness. Know this! My Love Is Always The Same, but you have different attitudes of what you call love, and therefore you see lovelessness in Me. 

To be Free in Source Consciousness, and pervaded by My Energy and Light, take advantage of My Mirror and the mirrors of the world, to recognize your tendencies, your pattern, that bind you to the world that has forgotten Me, and let them go.

Feel My Intimacy Which Is always yours! My Heart is always embracing yours, to awaken you to Our Truth. I always Love you, but when you do not see this Love in Me, know that you do not love.

Therefore, know yourself, release everything that you do, that separates yourself from Me! And every little step you do, to give up a from me separating gesture, you’ll find Me suddenly close to you, because if you do one step, I do thousand.

That’s how I awaken all creation to Myself, because it is My Desire that you Know Me.

We are intimately connected, always, are you making it up to this Truth?

Everything is a process in human and ultimately in Divine Consciousness, everything must become conscious, in order to awaken to beyond. So do this conscious process ever more often, until you have given Me all your gestures, that separated you from Me.

In this Great Process, never despair that you will not be successful, because I Am always Victorious! Even if you are  resisting Me, ultimately I will shake you up, to let go this cramp that binds you tight to your little self. I will shake you, so that you will open your whole being to receive Me, to be One with Me again, in Consciousness, the body Liberated to Knowing and Divine Fullness, understanding, who you truly are: a Radiant Wave in My Divine Water. 

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.