Monday, September 17, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended) 

Dear Family of Light,

These are the last throes to birth the  New World. In the purifying process, preceding this birth, now the last remains, the worst residues are coming to the surface. And many are  suffering with the world.

They are drawn to deep down, so that the  swing upward for them can be enormous.
Nothing will remain the same, the swing will this time  - after it  reached the deepest, the rock bottom, - be  catapulted in a completely new direction, it will leave the usual path und initiate a new beginning.

For those of you who have chosen to experience this development directly via the instrument of their own body, to learn, how innovations are initiated, now an especially difficult time lies ahead. This is experienced primarily on the energy level and you will undergo greater ups and downs, from low to very high levels.

Witnessing  this time as part of your consciousness, you  are also given the capability, not to get entrapped in this ride. You are granted a state of great peace and inner unimpeachability. Thereby you help the souls, who did not yet establish inner balance, but are seeking it, to go through this great convulsion and fluctuation safely.

This also relates to those, who experience this period not only on the physical, but especially on the emotional level. Now they have the opportunity to purify themselves, und to become free of old, and not conducive attitudes, which are not of love, forgiveness and compassion. It is about accepting them first and then let them go, as they are being dissolved by the forces of light.

In the midst of it is important always to understand and  never to forget, that this is only a time of transition, for the sake of transformation of things, which still obstruct the emergence of a New and Purified World.

Who is not yet ready to use this opportunity for their own purification, will set the course for a future, which will not allow to transition into the next higher dimension.

They have chosen, to continue their present experience without great changes. Und this request will be granted. Everybody is here to make their own experiences. And this is fully acceptable.

These souls are being now identified as the ones, who will be relocated to other places, where they can continue to experience their karmas.

The great peace, which surrounds those, who consciously choose to study the mechanics of large shifts, is already leading to the New World, in which also embodiment itself  will be experienced very soon as deep peace and unobstructed well-being.

Humanity as a whole is in the midst of intense exertion. The planetary and cosmic energies are exposed to a breaking test, a state, which always arises, when very dark and high light frequencies collide. It is like in a thunder storm, when cold and warm fronts meet. The electricity tension then saturates the atmosphere.

It is important, to avoid as much as possible stress, to get enough sleep and also to rest during the day, if possible. Or at least take a break, in what ever way it is possible for you.

Also your diet is of importance now. Choose something light and avoid heavy food. Eat little and do not overload your digestive system. Drink, if possible, purified and energized water.

Stay awake and alert, and do not allow to become entangled in anything, keep inner distance from disturbing energies and events. Maintain peace and equanimity. Trust your own heart.

Be who you are: Beings of Light and of Love!

With much love,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dearest friends,

Being in this Space of Grace, of Beauty, of Light and Bliss, all names for Love, there is no thing, that can touch me, because all of this is one single equilibrium. Everything in balance, while the room is radiant with invisible Light which is visible to and felt by the spirit.

With my eyes wide open, there is no above or below, there Only Is Presence and Radiance. While the world plays its music, and runs its course.

Peaceful my body, my mind, joy in my heart, there is only Heart and only one chacra, so to speak. That Heart contains all and is Living all, there is Only One Existence. There is no separation and no difference. Only One Radiance. In it the body is embraced and the mind’s vibration peacefully floats in It.

Nothing to seek, just everything to enjoy. A contentment, ah! A satisfaction. No effort!  And everything falls into place.

This Radiance is stainless, it is Purity, untouched. And it is Bright. It is sweet, It is soft, the body luxuriates in It. Every cell attuned in harmony.

Such is the Greatness of Divine Consciousness, It has no beginning and no end and That One merely Exists. Motionless. Although things move. Freshness pervades me, a cool breeze of eternity which is Now, timeless.

And It is so simple. Nothing "holy". One without another. Brain functions only to manage the simple things, no complex figuring out. The knowledge and the Knowing seem to come from another place, from the depths of Being, naturally without asking or “thinking”. It arrives from the reservoir of all knowledge. It has Its own Intelligence.

Such is the Greatness of our own Source. Ah, and this Clarity! Not of the mind, but of Being, Unspoken and Un-thought, Self-Existing. It washes the surface of the rough streets of worldly struggles and makes everything appear Divine and feel smooth. Even like silk, inhale and exhale. Breath an infinite Space. The movement an illusion.

Where is Ascension?
It does not exist, other than as a mighty shift in the appearances of things. But I am outside of it, there, where I am, I do not have to suffer it! It is the primary space which does not change, but in which changes happen.

I know that there is nothing beyond, the Beyond is already here, with us, if we are willing to feel It, to notice It, to appreciate It.

Is it spectacular? No it is not. It is most natural and appears quietly. Nothing happens. So many  will not like it, although it is primordial Happiness! There is no agitation and perhaps you think it is boredom. But only if you are seeking suffering it appears perhaps to be. Here is no suffering. None. And it is awake.

Here search ends, and enjoyment starts. Real enjoyment, without reason, just because of the IS that Radiates. It Is perfect Beauty and Freedom.The Substance of all makes us free! All things bear in their heart this Substance, or this Substance bears all things, and no thing encloses this freedom and beauty which cannot be contained.

Am I lost for the "New Age" adventure? I think somehow I am because this equanimity is beyond all strive and wait, upward move, wanting to gain, to make better, to accomplish, because there is nothing to accomplish. The Joy is already here, the Happiness.

It is Grace and it is Wonder.
I am deeply in gratitude. I enjoy as long as it lasts. When my last vasana (latent tendency) is transcended it will Be forever.

With love,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel 

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©-2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended) 

Message from our God-Self!

Dearest Ones,

Self-love is mostly not understood to its very core! Although it has been discussed often and you are familiar with the admonition: love yourself!

But what are the implications of Self-Love?
You might be convinced that you love yourself, that you did the work, that you love yourself now - much more than you did perhaps in your childhood, when your parents and society gave you seemingly all the reasons, not to love yourself.

Now, in these challenging and glorious times, when all unresolved issues, perhaps until now deeply hidden in your subconscious mind, are coming to the surface and irrevocably to your attention, you might be confronted with emotions you thought they were gone.

Fear is the root of all of them, even anger and sorrow, sadness and worry is based on it. Fear is the core and origin of all negative emotions, it is the root-contraction upon yourself. Therefore it is said, there are only two states, which are absolutely incompatible with one another: love or fear. Love is expansion, fear is contraction.

You are told: love! - and fear is gone! Love! - and anger is gone! Love! - and all kinds of other negative emotions are gone. And often your are nowadays judged by righteous people for not being loving.

So you try hard, to love! This can even show itself as the idea that you want to love,  so you engage all possible efforts, to love. However you feel that your heart is still empty! Although you are doing your best to love. You intuitively know that you cannot love from your head but that it must be felt in your heart, that Love must fill your whole space of heart, and thereby your whole body, so that you ARE LOVE.

With all this often helpless endeavor to truly love others, the insight that self-love must come first, has found now overwhelming support in the spiritual community. 

Finally, after centuries in which you have been taught self-denial, (which is in truth the denial of God) but with the  demand to love others at the same time, you have been given the permission to explore the legitimate right for self-appreciation. Because it is IMPOSSIBLE to love others in the state of self-denial. It is the most absurd and insane contradiction ever put into the mind of humanity!

However Self-Love is still widely not truly understood and realized! As this virtue is literally the core of all growth, not only on the human level, but also on the spiritual level.

For example, a righteous demand in the spiritual community to love, has not truly understood self-love! Because as soon as you truly love yourself, righteousness does not exist! 

And also putting others in relationships always first, does not exist in Self-Love! This is even the first cause that relationships break!

So how do you truly love yourself, in order to love others?

The crucial point is whether you write  "SELF" with a small or a capital "S". 
Of course, we are now talking about the Self, with a capital "S"! Because it is the One that includes everything else about you.

True Self-Love means that you recognize, acknowledge and honor your own SELF, that  One that participates in your own Source-Condition, that Unlimited One, that Unconditional One. 

You cannot love, neither yourself nor others nor anything else, if you do not give credit to That One!
So every time Love breaks through in your heart, know that it is the SELF, that Shines through and speaks! 

Your "Self" and "The SELF", proclaimed in the ancient traditions, are not really different from one another, the transition is fluid. Only if you - by tendency and habit - dramatize separation and "otherness",  you make this division!

And where do you start to love and cherish That Infinite Self, that God-Self, Me, your  Source-Condition? Yes, in your own heart! There it is where you start to truly Love Yourself! What you Love there, is not "an other", a deity, a God that is separate from you. There is the place and space and state where Love Is, to Love and to Be Love. And it is at the same time Your Own Self, Yourself, Whom you Love. 

This Love is not different from "Self". It is not different from Happiness. And none other than Joy and not separable from Stillness. It has many appearances and Self-expressions. And this Self is the Self of everybody else! 

So you start truly loving yourself by the Love that Exists and Appears as the Self in your own heart. When you worship That One, and while you worship It, you include intrinsically all beings and worlds and things, because it is this Self, That all beings and all existence share.

So if fear arises, know that you do not Love Yourself, if anger persists, you do not Love Yourself, if you worry, you have put yourself down and you do not trust God, Who Exists as Your Own Self in your infinite Space of Heart. 

If somebody cannot love others, if somebody must put down others to appear "better", that one cannot love him- or herself. Therefore be compassionate with those who do not love, because they do not love themselves. 

All of you have come here to demonstrate this Self-Love, which is the same as loving others, but it must start with yourself. Because it is Yourself where you discover God, and not in others. You only can see in others, what you see it in Your Self.

This Self-Love is the true healing of humanity, the resurrection from the false presumption of slavery and unworthiness, this lie upon your existence. If you truly Love Yourself, you are the Gift that restores the Divine Consciousness of Man. Loving yourself first, grants everybody else honor, appreciation and is Itself the Love you live to "others".

This Self-Love is a tangible touch in your Heart, an alignment there, a groundedness there, an illuminated space of certainty.
This certainty does not know fear, it includes and is One with all beings, and it creates the process of your life. 

Until then, while you do your very best, it is important that your start with yourself and not with others, that you dare to know your Self first, and that you admit that you do not love and not pretend otherwise. Because this the sign that you are truly on your way of seeking your own truth.

It is paradoxically however not proof that you do not love others, because you do, as much as you can, because all your efforts are driven, even unconsciously by your own Self. 

But until you start to Love Your Self, because you are willing to open up wide your heart, to discover Who You Really Are, it is also true that you share merely the IDEA of love, the intention for it, the good will. And many are not aware of the difference between the idea about and the actuality of Love. But these are the steps in the forecourt of Your Self, until the Radiant and Silent Door to your Divine Reality opens. 

Nourish That One, nourish That One always, nourish It at first, do not look outside, but discover Your Self in your own Heart and then in the hearts of All. That is how you truly Love Your Self. Love of Self is Love of God is Love of All.

I AM Your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Monday, September 10, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended)

Dearest Sisters and Brothers!

It is necessary to speak about it, especially since yesterday morning, when I woke up, irradiated by very heavy and aggressive frequencies!
The proof was in a sensation as if heavy, cold "metal" was pressing against my forehead, meant to disturb my pineal gland.

The other sensation was a heavy radiation impact on my solar plexus, that could have been the vibration of fear, if I would have fallen for that deception. I had a very close look but couldn't find any signs of fear in my mind or emotion, and the feel of metal (which I have experienced many times in the past) told me without doubt: We are irradiated by some radionic devices, or HAARP, or whatever is left in the hands of the controllers. 

Regarding my own experience, I had the impression that they are  regionally using smaller radionic devices, those which are built to do harm, to affect selected people.

This is not the first time that I experience things like this, and there have been all kinds of variations, like being awakened in the middle of the night by strange, artificially produced voices, etc. 

I never talked about it, but I think it is necessary to speak up now because it could help others to be more aware of their own experiences and what they really are and where they are coming from! This awareness can also strengthen our capability to protect ourselves.

Fact is, while the light is constantly rising, that we are experiencing since at least 2 weeks ongoing major radiation attacks. They try to keep the light down by surrounding us with dense and low vibrations. 

The weather e.g. here in Australia was extremely strange, absolutely unusual for the season, very cold, like in coldest winter with dark clouds, icy storms and rain. It did not feel "normal", it felt artificial and was not a result of the earth changes, in my opinion. The formations of the clouds and the strange atmosphere tell the obvious. Nature feels by default always gentle and soft, even when there are storms!

Even today we have artificial clouds in the sky, trying to prevent sunshine. With these artificial clouds there is this harsh and unpleasant vibration in the air, and it is no fun to go outside. 

This morning I found all of this confirmed, when I read in Cobra's latest update, that those who desire to maintain the power over this planet, are trying their last tricks to keep us down. Allegedly this would go on until October 7.

Dearest friends, now is the time therefore to practice discrimination to understand, what's coming directly from yourself, what is intentionally directed towards you from outside, and what has really nothing  to do with you, but you would think it does!

However, ultimately it does not matter what it is. But what matters is, not to identify with anything that does not feel good!

Rather we must hold on to our highest vision of our own divinity and let it radiate! Now more than ever! Light always wins over darkness! Whatever we experience, we must not allow to be put down and don't give up! We owe it to ourselves and our well-being!

We must understand this time as a gift to grow! The greater the obstacle, the greater the victory! The stronger we become! What a glory!

Together we are Victorious, keeping the Light High up, in Joy, Love, yes: and Laughter!! Laugh as much as you can! Stay positive, turn all negativity into a celebration of Joy and Happiness!  Let your Heart Shine!

Much Love and May We All Be Blessed! Our Unity in Divine Love and Light is Our Protection and Our Blessing for the World!



Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Friday, September 7, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Message from our God-Self

I AM always Eternally your own deepest and purest  Self, always available to you. You always depend on Me, you always live in Me, I always live you. But your mind does not know Me. Your mind is not surrendered to Me and does not serve Me.

You are slave of your mind, and therefore you do not notice Me. And you even have forgotten Me. Although I Am the Substance of your existence.

But you live on the surface of your own Truth, and you are engaged in all kinds of businesses, nice and not so nice. It does not matter, but then you miss the mark.
You are always searching for THE thing, THAT “wow”!!!!, THAT final fulfillment, somewhere in your outer world. You are struggling, you are uneasy and not at ease, always. Why? You like complication, you like excitement, you like distraction, you always hope for a big bang, that finally ends all your searches, so phantastic and so unique and unsurpassed, so that you would be satisfied once and forever.

The illusion is that you seek for Me outside: in your world, in your relationships, in your ascension, in your skies and higher dimensions, in your space brothers and sisters.

But I am always Untouched and I Am Simplicity, and I AM always here. What you hope to get from higher dimensions and your space family is ultimate relieve, the escape not to have to pass the test you have been incarnating for on Earth: to transcend the lower vibrations so that you would be able to move on to higher dimensions.

Your space family cannot take this from you, this work, this conscious process of spiritual growth.

Your planet would have already ascended with you if you would truly vibrate with the Truth of your own Self, untouched from your world, as difficult as this world might be for you!

But this is your task: to be victorious in the midst of it! To vibrate with your heart’s Truth of Love and Simplicity and to not allow to step down into the lower spheres of egoic self-identification, which you are not.

Your only mission is to rise like the morning sun, untarnished by the clouds of self-doubt and reactivity to the currents of life, and exist as that light, that love in the midst of apparent darkness. This is the greatest service, the greatest help you can offer to yourself and to your human family, even to all your space families!

Because your rising sun enlightens all universes to awaken, as much as every star that brightens up with Divine Illumination, ignites your heart to recognize your  own Truth.

There is no separation, all beings and universes are One in Divine Consciousness, which Is your Own Self. I AM THAT.

You will not find  Me, your Glorious Self just because you ascend. It has nothing to do with it.  I AM  Untouched by all moves and changes, by all densities and dimensions, by your body and even by your spiritual searches  and  practices! These are all preliminaries, full of complications and errors and many illusions.

It is the endless repetition of your mind that leads you astray. While I AM always simply here and Aware, utterly Radiant, Light of Lights and Love-Bliss,  while all the dramas are played out, high or low.

You can develop your body-mind as much as you like, I AM still Untouched from all of that, from all your highest aspirations even, because I AM neither high nor low. I AM beyond opposites, and I cannot be worked out, mind cannot describe Me.

But you still seek somewhere else, constantly escaping Me. It is your mind that does and creates all these things, do you understand? It is wandering in illusion-land. It cannot be enjoyed without knowing Me. I AM the ultimate Enjoyer. Living truthfully in the higher dimensions without Me is not possible.

Dear Ones, never forget to keep your awareness in your heart, no matter what. Do not allow to descend to the lower vibrations below your heart, do not allow negative mind to prevail!

So you will more and more know Me. When you enter into the depth of your own heart and persist in locating Me, I will reveal Myself to you, because I AM no other, I AM the Real You and I AM always here.  Do not allow yourself to be content with substitutes of Me. I cannot be substituted, not even with your spiritual self that is fascinated by subtle and  out of body experiences, time traveling and the visits in other worlds!

Your enlightened space family is always  with you,  waiting for you to wake up to your own Truth.  This is what will change your world for real and will invite them to join you because you are truly aware of who they are. Know yourself and you know them.

Be that Light, that Love that Bliss That I AM.

I AM your God-Self

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Monday, September 3, 2012


Ute Posegga-Rudel 

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended) 

Dear Ones, we are the Arcturians!

It is good that you rest more! Everybody should! The incoming energies are very high and your bodies are not used to it!
There has not been such a high frequency on earth, and your collective physical consciousness is not familiar with such strong currents of electromagnetic waves.

They enter deep into your physical vehicle and are changing the biology of your cells and the structure of your body.
Many of you are already familiar with this fact, but most of you do not really  deal with this profound change or unknown process that is altering your body.

You all must make sure to give your physical body enough space and quiet to adapt. Stress and a life that continues to be very busy is what does not serve your well-being. And if you have stress you do not allow the evolutionary process to take place as it should.

This change on all levels requires basically a contemplative life at best.
But your life is mainly just busy, and the controllers are actually keeping you busy by non stop blasting useless information and the compulsive requirements of a controlled society at you.

If you are still in the midst of this world that is a creation of the controllers, we ask you to look for options and to see how you can step out of this machine of life, that keeps you busy for the sake of being busy. This is of course intended. Because busy people cannot really become conscious in a way that is natural to them by birthright.

There are many things that are unnecessary, but of which you think they are “normal” and  cannot be released, because you are used to it and everybody does it, but which are just part of a non-sense life-style, which has nothing to do with being simply human.

Human beings are naturally contemplative beings, and if they are not, something has happened that disturbed this capability. Most of humanity in the Westernized countries are so overwhelmed with constant activities, that they have forgotten what true life is, and what they themselves are: spiritual beings who would under normal circumstances create their life from the point of  stillness within. Instead everybody is driven by external signals of a society that lost its center of Being and that pursues hectically a life to fulfill unnatural consumer dreams and its compulsive activities. And these dreams are becoming more and more bizarre!

It is important, that you pause and overcome the urge to being busy. If you look closely at your daily program you will discover that there are things, which you can just drop as not necessary requisites of your life.

As soon as you start to become quiet from deep within you will be able to participate consciously in the change of your whole being, physically and spiritually. Even if you are already participating in spiritual activities your life might be even then too busy! The mind is it which keeps you busy, activities included! It is understandable but it is also important to step back and merely to Be. Take every day at least 30 Minutes in the morning and evening for yourself, contemplating and meditating, better 1 hour.

Dear ones, it is so necessary, because in these quiet times you are opening yourself up fully for the process of change and true growth. If you do this, you allow your consciousness being  changed to become profound, which in return serves the ascension process of earth and all humanity, as you consciously open up for the light to enter you.

The Ascension process is not only a process that is accelerated by certain appropriate thinking patterns, but also a process that goes much deeper and wider, namely when the brain is relaxed and thereby your  physical and subtle bodies too. The more they are relaxed and open the more they are able to receive the light, which blesses you with deeper revelations of what you truly are.

This process is ultimately about you and your true identity, which is Divine. This Divinity can only be fully embraced and recognized in its depths when you become still. It is not understood with the mind, but in your unlimited  feeling, which pervades and surrounds  your body-mind. If you allow this space to unfold and become conscious, you allow unconditional Consciousness to arise.

This is the evolution of humanity, and the more you unite with unconditional Consciousness, the more the total body of humanity will awaken to it, igniting like wildfire every soul of your human family.

The vast and unlimited field of consciousness is humanity’s heritage and sign. In it love flowers boundlessly and abundance is natural.

This state of Being is where you are drawn to and which is your destiny. Envision it and ask yourself whether your present life style is already moving into this direction. It will help you to recognize the necessary changes you need to make to invite New Earth and New Humanity into your life.

With Blessings!
We Are the Arcturians!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Friday, August 31, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Watch on YouTube (recommended) 

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence 
in the Andromeda Galaxy.

(A Message from my Andromeda Group-Self)

Dearest  Ones,

We  come again to confirm to you all, that the development in the heavenly realms is progressing!

We are more exited  every day, that the immensity of highly increased Light in the universe will soon affect your world in a way that all veils of separation from it will cease to exist!

This Light is Light from Source Itself which is Empowering all realms of creation, to call them back to their own Origin of Self-Existing Radiance.

It is no longer allowed in your universe that creations can continue which do not love and worship Source Itself and through this love allow Source to become fully Obvious and Acknowledged in the heart of Beings in whatever dimension or form they appear.

This IS the Return of Truth which grants happiness and fullness, as the heart, which is the core of every being, is used as an open corridor to its very Source Itself.

The veils of separation from  Source are fading, ignorance and false doctrines are disappearing from now on continuously, especially for those who are ready to accept  and are willing to discover that the door in their heart is open to Infinity.

That Infinity is Radiant, ever Blissful, it is Truth Itself that manifests Its Reality in creation more and more prevailing, so that all things and beings can be recognized as an emanation of this Truth.

We have come to plant this spark of Knowledge into your heart so that your joyful anticipation can be like an opening flower to receive the sunlight.

Dearest Ones, YOU yourself are a seed of this Blissful Truth, if your own flower of heart reaches out with desire to deep inside and out, to meet the Source, to find and locate It as the Infinite that Surrounds you and is therefore found in the deep of your own Radiance.

What we say, cannot be taken lightly or as a metaphor. You must come to the true Spiritual Understanding of It by going through a purification process , through which  in due course you start to understand the nature of your body-mind and its implications in your world, to transcend it.

Truth is absolute Simplicity and Beauty, however a Mystery too, and to recognize it, you cannot use your mind or imagination. Our speech is only an attempt to ignite your inspiration and set your intuition on fire.

Let it be so, so that your limitations of mind are blown open, and your remembrance dawns to rediscover where you are coming from!

There is only One Radiance, One Reality, One Love-Bliss that Pervades all Existence and holds the universes together.
Let That Be your Guidance and utter Joy! Step out of the old incarceration of what you think you are. Your Divinity is much more than that of a creator god. It is the Self-Existing Source-Field Which can be discovered at the core of all beings and with Which all beings are to re-unite.

By this inherence, you are, as humanity, not unique, this inherence is the birthright of all beings. This Radiance is Home for all existence, including you. You share it with all creation and all universes.

Praise to That One, That One Source at the Heart of all Beings and Things.

You are returning to That One. You have already returned, you never have been away. But the dreams you dreamed for so long, created the worlds of separation and bewilderment, lost in doubt and desperation. How could it be otherwise if one’s own Source is unknown and one’s existence is drawn along by false presumptions and illusions.

The Light of Origin now streaming out and reaching your very heart, will make Itself known to you as What It Is, if you recognize It.

We have brought you the message.
Now please use your heart-discrimination to discover that Source-Light is knocking Itself at your door of heart. It brings with Itself the Secret of It’s Unspeakable Qualities, not known in any universe.

Whatever seems to appear to you familiar, know that this is NOT what Source Is. Source is what is non-familiar! 

If you enter the domain of the Unknown because you let go of the known, then you Know that you are entering the Other World. 

This Other World is Untouched. It is Pure, senses cannot see it, imagination cannot create it. You must grow a new awareness to Understand and See. 

With Blessings!
We are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message  conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.