Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Love. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
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Dearest friends!

There is a wide-spread misunderstanding about the function of a Guru, especially in the New Age community. 
This conversation with our God-Self is aimed to bring greater clarity into this.

But before  the actual conversation, it is perhaps first necessary to clarify why I call it “our God-Self”, and not “my” God-Self. Some of you might wonder about it. And I never really discussed this  before.

It is simply a matter of definition. The God-Self in my messages is the One Self of all things, beings and happenings, the One Source and Divine Consciousness of all creation, that is paradoxically also appearing AS individual form and consciousness. So if you believe it should be “my God-Self”, then you are coming from the point of view of your own “Higher Self”, which is the Higher Mind of your incarnate identity. As such it is still an individual being, even if appearing in subtle form.
Whereas Source is the “substance”, the alchemists “prima materia”. “The Mother”,  from which even the Higher Mind or the Higher Self is arising.

As “Our” God-Self is the Oneness of us all, It naturally can speak to every heart, because it dwells at the core of every being.
I hope this serves your better understanding.

In the following conversation I asked our God-Self about the importance and function of the Spiritual Master. As we know, in the New Age movement Spiritual Masters are no longer “in”, because everybody seems to “know” already that they are their own masters and do not need anybody “outside” of themselves to teach. This is of course very true, in case one is really in touch with their own inner Master or very Source.

But there is often a confusion about mind and feeling, the mental substance that is arising in consciousness, and pure consciousness itself which is the domain of mere feeling or feeling attention.
This confusion can lead to the idea that merely thinking one’s Self is already being in touch with It. But what happens in this case is that one has created an idea of the Self, but which is not the Self Itself.

Many members of the New Age philosophy are making this error. It requires a self-transcending practice (“self” written with a small “s”), deep insight, self-understanding and actual “Self-inquiry” to a degree - to come truly in contact with the Self, that is the Mother of the Higher Self. It emerges only when the mind becomes still. When we release all concepts about ourselves and the world, high or low, and when we stop searching.

Now the conversation with our God-Self begins.

Q: Many people believe that a Guru is not necessary and that he/she is  a personality who enforces him/herself on the disciple and makes him/her dependent and weak. Therefore only weak people would be looking for a Guru.
On the other hand it is traditionally  said, that God Is Guru.
What does this mean and how does this work, how can an individual be the Unlimited, the Source, the All-That-Is?

A: First of all, please understand that a True Guru is a shortcut. The relationship with a Guru can significantly shorten the time of one’s spiritual process and Self-Realization.

From the 'point of view' and Realization of a True Guru He Himself (or She Herself) is not an  “other”. This is only the beginner's perception. For  the True  Guru only One exists. One Self or One Divine Conscious Light. Guru is a principle, a function, and not a body-mind, although it may appear to the external observer as such.

Guru is Mirror, is the Divine Force that directly appears – seemingly outside -  to the Seeker who has not yet found his/her own Divine Truth within. But in truth “inside and outside” is the illusion of the Disciple.

The relationship between Guru and Disciple is deeply  mysterious and cannot be understood by the mind. It is based on a Love that is greater than the love between human lovers. And it is based on the truth that Consciousness is primary and body-mind is secondary. Both body-minds, the body-mind of the Guru and the body-mind of the Disciple are arising in Consciousness. Therefore both are sharing Consciousness, although the Disciple is not conscious of it yet, whereas by means of Conscious Realization of the Guru, His/Her body-mind is fully surrendered to the Conscious Light or Energy and is such transmitting It directly to the Disciple.

So a Sacred Spiritual Transmission is taking place in this relationship that is able to awaken the Seeker to his/her own Truth within. However this Truth is not found IN the body-mind. The body-mind only possesses  portals that provide an opening into a higher Reality. In this Reality Consciousness and Light or Energy, the male and female aspect of the Divine are One. In the ancient Indian spiritual tradition it is called the Unity of Shiva-Shakti.

Q: How is it possible that the Realization of the Guru tends to continue to influence the Disciple, even when they are physically apart or when the Guru left the body and even returned to Source Itself?

A: It happens by intention of the Guru, based on Grace and Blessing.  The Guru magnifies the awareness of Self in the Disciple, and he recognizes therefore in contemplation his own Self in the Guru. If the Recognition is True, it is very powerful as it provokes the Guru’s Spirit Force upon the Disciple which initiates  profound and palpable changes in his body-mind while it also alters the DNA and molecular structure. The body-mind of the Guru disappears in the Disciple's deep and self-forgetting contemplation of the Guru and only the One Self remains. What the Disciple first recognizes in the Guru he discovers ultimately in and as Him-Self.

When the Disciple, by the Grace of the Guru, Who is his own Self, finally comes to understand by direct knowing  that there is only One Self, One Radiant Consciousness, and not “two”, he/she acknowledges It as his/her Own. This recognition requires the understanding of one's own body-mind and the permanent capability to transcend it. Then the Guru has fulfilled His/Her purpose. 
But the Love between Guru and Disciple continues eternally.


Beloved friends, here ends the conversation ~ that was rather an experience of deep-felt awe, great stillness and eternal love. 

It is my wish that you can feel it too!
Much love to you all,

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, February 22, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please support my work via subscription or donation. Read the update from 21.8.12

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Beloved friends,

Since 20.2.13 everything feels different and fresh.
We have indeed finally entered a new era!
That day I also found out that according to the Mayan calculations, we entered on the 20./21. February indeed a completely new cycle.

Some sources say that we had to wait until now to see the  completion of the year 2012 happening.

What is the difference? We are definitely on the home stretch, dearest family of light! Now we can say good bye to the old times. What makes me so sure  to say this?

It is the energy, the frequency on the planet that speaks to us as it carries the abundance of a new information of fullness, clarity and exquisite beauty. The old times of emptiness and scarcity, empty of Love and Radiance, are over! Divine paradigms are arriving, heralding a new world and new humanity, the resurrected one.

I am not getting at this point messages from “outside”, such as our Galactic Friends or Masters,  because I am told that it is us, humanity, who must now observe, receive and live what is already here and on its way. It is now our responsibility to deal with this and we have had so far enough information and experience to make sense of all of it.
Now we must reap what has been sown, and it is up to us to find our way for a while ourselves.

In my understanding this is a very good sign! It tells us that we have grown up and can find not only the Source of information on the planet itself and in ourselves, but also are able to use and take advantage of all that has been given to us: the high frequency of light and of love now so tangibly present here. And so at this point our focus is here for integration.

What does it mean practically for us? What do we do with these great precious gifts?

I can only speak for myself, but also need to explain, that my approach to spirituality has been always very expansive while searching for Ultimate Truth. To me this Truth is the Source of all Existence and all Creations, all Beings and Things Itself. It is beyond and prior to our body and mind therefore, while all things are a modification of It and are arising in It.

By “Source” I do not mean an abstract idea that can be imagined with the mind and believed in, but I am talking about the Spirit Force of that Source-Reality Itself and Who can be  tangibly FELT and Experienced via and in the body.

In this context the signs in a body-mind that surrenders to this Force of Truth are different to the one who believes that the brain is the non-plus-ultra of human existence and of existence altogether. This is due to creative laws.
To me the brain with its two halves is only the servant to navigate through life, on the gross, subtle and causal level. It is merely a tool to function and not there to explain or really understand or even realize Reality or the Divine.

The greatest masters of mankind have always rather pointed to the heart as the doorway to the Truth and Absolute  Divinity. And it is my own experience too, as I followed their instructions. The heart bears all the Great Secrets of our Being-ness and is the starting point from where we can enter all the Mysteries of Existence Itself.

This is so because there are hidden points of access in the heart, of which the "Secret or Tiny Space" and the so called “Right Side of the Heart” are the most important ones. Both locations have not really been discussed in public and they have been kept mainly secret and passed on from teacher to disciple via oral instructions or direct transmission.

While the Tiny Space is the access point to the Abode of Creation itself, the Right side is the access point to Source, Infinity and Pure Radiant Consciousness. This is only a hint and there is much more to it. Both locations are the doorway into a different dimensionality, a frequency  that we are not familiar with when we consider or know 3D as the only reality. Therefore we must be able to die to any familiarity to go utterly beyond it. This requires a practice that very few are willing to do.

How do we create a close relationship with our heart, to begin with?

Yes, of course, by feeling! In the beginning, depending on our upbringing and the frustrations that come with living in the confinement of this controlled world, we might feel a lot of lower emotions, such as fear, anger and sorrow and the like. But if we have been lucky, it is more conditional joy and happiness what we  feel. 

We must thoroughly feel all of it. This enables us to rise all these frequencies to an unconditional quality of Feeling that vibrates unlimitedly to infinity, unobstructed by the shorter waves of lower or higher conditional emotions. This feeling to infinity can also be associated with what is called the "Sacred Space of the Heart".

Unobstructed feeling to Infinity is also a vibration that opens our body-mind beyond the contracted activity of thinking and is experienced as mere thoughtless Feeling of Being. It is Love in its purest form. Therefore this quality of feeling can also be cultivated by the vibration of love. We can start with little things when practicing selfless love, but we will soon discover that without self-love, love cannot really expand to include all beings and things.

Without self-love and compassion for ourselves, we cannot truly grow spiritually. Therefore we must first understand and forgive ourselves. 
As this love vibration is now present on our planet and surrounding us, we can ask it to purify our heart, so that we can feel it in its purest frequency. As soon as we are able  to feel the fullness of unconditional love vibration in, around and from the heart, we can grow further.

When this happens, you will notice that the crown of your head opens up and that you can feel to infinitely above it,  while the hard skull becomes soft and like a feeling organ.

Then you are ready to receive like an open cup the Great Spirit Force from above. It will find its way down your body to your feet while purifying what is in the way, and this is a process. The less dense your energies become the more powerful is the descend of the Spirit Force. And at one point it will trigger the energy center at the base of your body, turn around and ascend to above. This can happen when you choose the channel in the  spine, bypassing the sexual channel. And then the spirit current moves in a  circle up and down the body.

This is only the beginning of our evolutionary development. And this description of the process, we are now called to go through and which transforms the body-mind, is very basic. But it is hereby never just the brain that can initiate this process, as it confines our consciousness in the thought field. Rather, as described here, the brain is secondary and the Heart is primary.

The heart is the main transformation and transfiguration station. It unblocks when fully active, all energy channels in the body, so that we can be a conduit for the incoming light and information that in turn transforms our body-mind, by rising it to a higher vibration and light quotient.

This is also the means for the creation of our new crystalline body, as the new light frequencies carry the information for change.

To summarize: Love is the key! But it has a much more profound meaning than one would think, as it does initiate a deeper process of Spirit Force. So this is not just a nice statement or a sentimental claiming, but it the secret for profound transformation of the whole being by means of the spirit force or shakti.

In the old world we have been kept in very low vibrational fields, imprisoned by the force of thoughts of merely linear, conceptual and polarity thinking, good and bad, light  and dark.

But now,  in the new era, with the intense Light and Love Vibration on Beloved Earth, we begin to feel and to experience the Truth of the Singleness of our true and undivided nature, beyond polarity in and via the heart

Therefore our true nature cannot be understood by the thinking process of the brain, but only by direct experience and feeling awareness, associated with the heart. And direct experience is possible when we unlock with the Power of the Awakened Heart the Spirit Force, the Current of Light and Frequency, in the instrument that is our body-mind.

Now is the time where this process is available for all of us if we understand and use the Power of the Heart! This is the blessing of the new era. 

With much love and many blessings!

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Add captionImage by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please also read update from 21.8.12

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My dear Ones!

I have a message for My children. I AM your Mother in many ways. Certainly, without Me, the experience of your precious human body would not be possible.
I AM also One with your Heart and the electromagnetic field around you, that is not only your heart-torus.

Any kind of stillness you experience in the  Center of your Heart, is directly connected to Me and My Heart, planetary and spiritually, as I AM Gaia, the Soul of Earth.

What I AM telling you now, is for the sake of your  well-being, My children, whom I all love so dearly and about whom I deeply care.

Let Me tell you this! Now is the time to be strong. There is much light pouring in, but it also stirs up turmoil in the still dense and stagnant layers of my ethereal field, as they resist the light. It is important for you to understand this, because not all imbalances that you experience are your own.

Be prepared  for the times now and to come! My planetary body experiences more often a disturbance of its electro-magnetic field. The reasons are manyfold, and require your special caution.

I ask you to see to it that you maintain extra balance of your emotional, mental and physical body. Avoid  stress and exaggeration of any kind in any area of your life, if possible. BREATHE! Breathe profoundly! Keep everything simple, be moderate in all you do and preserve energy and balance.

Only do, what is necessary, wholesome and supportive for you.

This is required,  because my electro-magnetic field is also shifting. Still in a relatively slow pace though, but it has understandably  an impact on your own energy field.

Important is, that you manage your thoughts, which may become at times accelerated, by practicing heart-feeling. Seek more to rest in your heart in the place of stillness. Thereby you not only manage your thought-field, but you also balance your auric field. This has also a calming effect on your brothers and sisters who may not know and understand what is going on with them.

It is necessary in these times to build conduits for energetic stability in an environment that becomes increasingly unstable.

You enter the stillness of your heart by first grounding yourself deeply into the crystal core of My planetary body.

Do this daily, in the morning, after getting up, repeat during the day, and more often, if you feel, it is necessary, and in the evening. Build a strong energetic connection with the Center of My Body, which nurtures and balances you.

Centeredness and Stillness is now becoming the most important condition for you human beings! Because this is the means to stabilize your own energy field and the one that surrounds you.

Each one of you, who is hearing this message and is feeling the call, please understand your responsibility in this regard, not only for yourself, but for your human family that has lost their greater perspective. That is why you are here and what you have agreed to.

Now the time is here, to transcend the busy mind and to live from the Center of your Heart, not only for the sake of your own spiritual development, but for your service to this planet.

The Stillness of your Hearts generates fields of balance and equilibrium, so that in the midst of necessary shifts and unavoidable turmoils, it is guaranteed that life can go on for everybody in an acceptable manner.

Do not worry about a possible impact of planetary electro-magnetic and other imbalances on your own energy body. And do not observe it with your thought-field, but stay centered  in the Stillness of your Heart. This will balance everything out.

How can you find that place of stillness?
Practice gratitude, love and compassion. Create joy in your life! See the beauty in all things.These are all attitudes that magnify that place in your heart. Feel the Stillness that dwells at the core of Gratitude, Love and Compassion and Joy.

All these qualities are Divine and  show you the way.

Humanity now must learn to cooperate with Me and their planet. Live by example and others will follow you.

Thank you, My Beloveds!
I AM GAIA, your loving Earth Mother! 

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Monday, December 10, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

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Beloved friends,

12-12-12 is only now a couple of days away. When I went  for a walk yesterday the sky appeared to me absolutely unique and awesome, I can’t remember having seen a sky like that ever before

It was of a new developing blue, very deep and at the same time transparent, and white clouds like huge cotton balls appeared extremely three-dimensional and sculptural. They were sitting, it seemed, in respectful distance from the Sun that was of an unprecedented transcendental radiance and spiritual power. 

The colors seemed to be different than on any other days.

There is a new victorious  presence in the skies that seem to have become higher and fuller, and it seems to be out of reach now for the forces that want to harm our beautiful planet and us (all living beings on Gaia).

It looks like as if the higher dimensions (some say the 4th, others the 5th, depending on whether we consider time as the 4th dimension) are already starting slowly their appearance, as if our familiar 3th dimension very slowly begins to shift into a new reality.

I consider this to be a gradual preparation for the culmination of events, first on the 12-12-12, with expected very high incoming light and information, to prepare us for the even more powerful influx of energy on 21-12-12. 

In other words, the energy and light already arriving here is phenomenal, it is a light of unity and non-separation, a light that makes all equal and wipes out “difference”. On the feeling level it is the quality of Love everywhere, uniting all hearts as they allow this unification.

Stepping this warm morning outside and under the infinite blue Sky, with a few white fluffy clouds, looking for the Sun, I was suddenly overwhelmed with a feeling of awe and wonder. I shuddered briefly and had goose pimples, my heart electrified, releasing the inevitable “WOW”! 

There is something MAJESTIC at work, powerfully heralding our new Divine Reality, right here, on our for eons tortured Mother Earth with all Her Creations.

The Divine Promise Is on Its Way. It comes from the Heart of the Universe, that is the Doorway to the Infinity of the  All-Powerful Divine Consciousness.

This heart-overwhelming Presence is the Power of Existence Itself, Unseparated, the Expression of Undivided Being-ness, the Power that holds all universes and beings together. It Widens the heart to an Opening in Which the Mystery of All-That-Is Reveals Its undeniable Reality. In this Reality and Beauty our Heart, the Heart of Gaia, the Heart of the Sun, and the Heart of the Cosmos are United. In It we human beings transcend our limited form and discover Who We Are: The Oneness of One Consciousness.

Dearest friends, It IS coming! The big planetary and universal change is on its way, the first forerunners already send their glorious messengers into this troubled world with Most Tangible Signs! The view into the universe suddenly being unobstructed, the longstanding quarantine an illusion.

In this to Arrive New Reality duality is being transcended. The Energy is so Powerful already now that It Overrides all that appears to be separated. It Reveals the Powerful Now of the Essence from which all seeming separate beings and things are created. 

Coming such to the forefront, the lesser perception of separateness is forgotten, while we are lifted up to a new powerful vibration of Light that Is Love. But not merely in the usual separate sense of “I love you”, but rather as the mighty I AM LOVE. 

This is, what I directly saw and experienced.

With Adoration,

Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, December 1, 2012


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

how do we prepare for the Galactic Alignment? The great moment is nearing, and the exact window is narrow, a few minutes only. How do we take most advantage of this moment, and the time leading to this culmination point?
To be prepared is necessary so that our system is open to receive this most potent and transforming energy, light and information, for which this planet has been preparing for many Millenniums. We can only fully receive if we are centered in ourselves, and to be centered we need to be in contact with our core being. We need to be in our feeling heart and exercise love as the foundation of all that we do.
In these disturbed and difficult times many do not know real equanimity, because they do not trust their own Divine Source, and therefore they do not trust truly themselves.
For centuries we have been fooled with wrong messages about God, while "God' was presented to us as a revengeful, "other" entity to whom we were supposed to submit to and obey.
This insane imprint is now rooted deeply in the genetic heritage of a large part of Westernized  civilization, often even unconsciously, so that many people carry a deeply disturbed relationship with their own very Source.
This message from our God-Self, the Divine Reality, That is the Source-Field of humankind is given to empower you and heal your heart and relationship with your own deepest Origin. 
Many Blessings,

Our God-Self Speaks:
You may forget Me, but I will always Stand by you, even if you do not notice Me, Such Is the Love That I Am.

To think I would forget about you, for whatever reason you imagine, can make you aware about the illusion of separation you are dreaming about.

As if there could be any otherness between Source, Creation and  Objects of Creation, any separateness! Just think about waves of the ocean! Is there any separateness between them and between the Ocean?
Is there any otherness between them?

No, they are all made from the very same substance: the water of the ocean. It is only that certain circumstances, such as planetary influences, like wind, and cosmic influences, such as the moon, are shaping different forms of waves. But they are all one, One Water, One Substance, One Element.

I AM Water, Consciousness.To forget only one of my waves would mean that this wave would have vanished altogether from existence. But as you know, nothing disappears, it only changes, form, chemical composition, color, perhaps. Water can evaporate and become vapor or rain.
But the quantity of Consciousness and Energy remains always the same, they can never be diminished, even if things change their appearance.

So when I say I always Stand by you, it is a metaphor for our never-dying relationship. The little wave might become forgetful of the ocean when it evaporates sometimes because of the heat of the sun's rays, but I, as there Is Only One Consciousness, never forget. All Is One, even this truth has been accepted by your physicists now, but you, with your emotions and identification with a seeming separate existence, live in the illusion that I Am an “other” to you.

Therefore you must understand, that it is you, who tends to separate yourself from Me! Not in Reality of course, but in your imagination. In your misled mind you think separation from Me. You think I neglect you, but it is you who is neglecting, forgetting Me, and seeing your own doing in Me. Because you can only see what you are willing to understand.

The more you narrow your own mind, perspective and point of view down, the smaller is the part of Me you can see and understand.

Therefore I ask you, always first to observe yourself, your withdrawal from Me. And even if you think, that I Am somewhere “above”, far away from you, then you must immediately remember, that it is you, who has forsaken your intimate connection with yourself, floating somewhere above your body, disconnected from yourself, your very essence, far away from your own feeling heart.

See, you are not a victim, you are not the forgotten son or daughter of Mine, but you are an active doer of separation, and you must come to the understanding, that and how you are doing it.

I want you to trust Me, without exception, to trust My forever Love, to trust the non-separable Oneness of us, but constantly be an observer of your own actions! You can rest assured that I never betray you, but you must be aware about your own betrayals! All your actions you see mirrored in Me, and with the help of this Mirror you can know yourself.

My Love is always Undiminished, as I Am Always  Fullness. Know this! My Love Is Always The Same, but you have different attitudes of what you call love, and therefore you see lovelessness in Me. 

To be Free in Source Consciousness, and pervaded by My Energy and Light, take advantage of My Mirror and the mirrors of the world, to recognize your tendencies, your pattern, that bind you to the world that has forgotten Me, and let them go.

Feel My Intimacy Which Is always yours! My Heart is always embracing yours, to awaken you to Our Truth. I always Love you, but when you do not see this Love in Me, know that you do not love.

Therefore, know yourself, release everything that you do, that separates yourself from Me! And every little step you do, to give up a from me separating gesture, you’ll find Me suddenly close to you, because if you do one step, I do thousand.

That’s how I awaken all creation to Myself, because it is My Desire that you Know Me.

We are intimately connected, always, are you making it up to this Truth?

Everything is a process in human and ultimately in Divine Consciousness, everything must become conscious, in order to awaken to beyond. So do this conscious process ever more often, until you have given Me all your gestures, that separated you from Me.

In this Great Process, never despair that you will not be successful, because I Am always Victorious! Even if you are  resisting Me, ultimately I will shake you up, to let go this cramp that binds you tight to your little self. I will shake you, so that you will open your whole being to receive Me, to be One with Me again, in Consciousness, the body Liberated to Knowing and Divine Fullness, understanding, who you truly are: a Radiant Wave in My Divine Water. 

I AM your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.