Showing posts with label Transformation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Transformation. Show all posts

Saturday, July 28, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
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Dear  friends,

I did not post much lately - my work was more a silent one, on the energy level. 
Mainly working with the collective consciousness with the instrument of my own here incarnated body-mind, regarding the deep rooted patterns which are a result of brain-washing and mind-controlling practices of the controllers and which have infiltrated humanity more than most of us can imagine.

The significant increase of Light and a new Level of Beautiful Radiance on our planet is for many obvious. And presently there is a lot going on in clearing these dark residuals in the very depth of the cell-structures of the human race. Doing this work, which requires us to dig deep and dare to enter the mouth of darkness, there is always a challenge involved maintaining our multidimensional point of view and connection to the Light, and not to forget who we are. 

This applies to all of us when we do clearing work, whether the emphasis is on ourselves personally or rather more on the  collective work. However the most important task is after all, literally at one point, to allow the Light to replace what is not of It and make thereby room for Divine Consciousness to shine. To come to this point ultimately, is our victory!

So wherever you are in your process, never forget this! There is no way to miss the mark, because it is our destiny to break free in the Light.

Right now it is important to strengthen and magnify the portals of light, which are vortexes connecting the Source of Light, we are working with, with our incarnated existence here, to make sure, the channel is constantly open to allow the Light to come in consistently to here and to be grounded into our Earth Mother. 

Thereby we are supporting and assisting the Forces of Light to be anchored here, which breaks the remaining of the dark matrix, in which many are still captured.  

Liberation of humanity is such a multi-leveled operation and it is orchestrated without disruption by countless Forces and Beings.

Therefore it is important, that everybody keeps the faith that the great Breakthrough will happen at its perfect time, regardless of many hopeful messages, but which did not come to fruition - yet, to show their signs in our worldly life.

The more of us participate in turning to the light and inviting it directly into our life and own body-mind, allowing our light-quotient to rise, the quicker we will see the results on earth. It is all up to us! 

Each disappointment is an invitation, not to blame others or the event, but to turn to our own personal emotions, accept them and allowing the light to dissolve them. Because this is the time where humanity is brought on its path of higher spiritual discipleship. Without our own growth, spiritual ascension cannot occur. 

The Blessings of the Forces of Light and the Love of The Source of All-That-Exists are with us! 

Much love,


Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube

Dear Ones, I Am Sananda!

My message today to you is very simple: do not allow to be disturbed, neither mentally nor emotionally! Whatever occurs in your life!
Please understand, that this is very important at this stage on your world, because this is YOUR contribution to a fundamental change.

You CAN do this, because you always have been the ruler of your own life, but many of you did not know!
You have been brought up with the understanding, that you are inferior to your thoughts and emotions, and that they would just happen to you!

But this is not true! It is up to you what you choose to allow to occupy your consciousness! Thoughts are not stored in your brain, but they are part of a greater vibratory field in which your brain exists. Thoughts, as you know, are waves, moving through your brain, and you can choose, on which thoughts you want to dwell, which thoughts you want to utilize and repeat because you have recognized their truth and value.

Most of you have not been brought up in the understanding, how to wisely choose what you want to think! So this capacity is now rather weak in most of you, as you did not learn how to handle these waves from early on in your life. Now you are customed to just feel like being a victim of your thoughts, but this is only so because you have been made to believe that you are.

Most of you are aware however that emotions follow your thoughts, and the longer you repeat a thought, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, the more clearly certain emotions are generated. As soon as the thoughts are coupled with respective emotions, what you create seems to become real to you and you start to set in motion its tangible manifestation sooner or later in your life.

Now you also know that as much as positive thoughts create positive emotions and events, which elevate your energy field, that negative thoughts create negative emotions and events, and that this is weakening your energy field. Your vibration becomes denser and heavier, happiness and ease are disappearing and you become easier prone to manipulation by those who want to rule over you!

It is my deepest desire to remind you of this vicious circle of your own negative creations, beginning in your brain as soon as you start to rest on a certain idea and perception, which is not of Divine origin. It is very important, that you practice daily and more and more constantly with the observation of your thought pattern, and intentionally replace negative patterns with what feels right and makes you feel happy and content. 

And if you want even to proceed a step further: submit your heart to the blissful Truth of Divine Reality and be such inspired and free of limitations as they occur in duality!

By choosing firmly happiness you prevent negative vibrations and beings, which are still clinging to your planet, to be re-enforced again and again.

You need to be aware that it is up to you to resist and change this dense and low vibrating  field that keeps humanity in the present state of imprisonment. Actually, this is your imprisonment!

Therefore, for your own well-being, remember to feed your thoughts with the emotion of love, in the first place, so that negative thoughts cannot arise! Feed your thoughts with the heart’s tolerance, so that unnecessary conflicts cannot arise! Feed your thoughts with your heart’s equanimity, so that thoughts of aggression cannot arise! And such create your new world!

Dear ones, this is your great learning process, and you all came here to understand what you can do to support this glorious liberation process of humanity! You all have all the tools always available, to do this, they are your own inherent human heritage. You do not have to seek elsewhere, as you are directly equipped with your God-given human consciousness and awareness to engage in this conscious process.

This has nothing to do with morality! It is not a task of religiosity or piety or to be a “good” person, that strives for a reward! This is a task that you want to do, because you want to exercise your true Divine nature, you want to change your world for your own benefit, well-being and happiness, and thereby for everybody else!

Therefore it is the greatest service you can do now, to keep your spirit high and your energy body in a strong as possible vibration, clear of disturbances, whatever happens to you and in your world, because you maintain it with a loving and peaceful heart.

Whatever you neglect will not be nurtured and supported and it must disappear and vanish, especially now in the great Blessings of Divine Light, that wants to be established on your planet!

I Am with you, dear Ones, with the Love of my Heart, to inspire you to trust your Own.

I Am Sananda at the threshold of the Galactic Center!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, July 14, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Transmission Of The Mighty Angels, Touching Earth: 

We are part of a bigger process. The information of this solar flare we are now delivering, together with it’s innate  powerful energy aspect, is about the clear and undeniable process of implementation and magnification of the new era to be established on your world. What you experience now with our arrival is not unique to Earth though, you are participating in a greater process that includes your whole universe.

The heralding of your new era is in the first place a change of your vibrational level and fundamental increase of light on earth. What then ultimately can survive and continue to live and exist on your planet must naturally vibrate on that same level of the incoming new vibrations, as soon as they have settled down.

This is still a phase of adjustments and change, as these  vibrations and light-forces are new and have not been fully established in your realm. That is why the major changes you are expecting did not yet happen. For this to occur they must be wholly vibrationally integrated on earth as a coherent field.

As soon as this takes place, which requires even more stronger and more powerful forces to enter your life space, the time for tangible and radical changes has  arrived.

Until then be ready to tolerate and accept a time of instability and generally minor changes, and we recommend that you cultivate patience and agree with the present circumstances. Thereby it is important that you always bear in heart and mind the bigger picture, which transcends your present experience and embraces already the newly to arrive galactic world with divine laws, to change your world into beauty, happiness, abundance, as an expression of love.

Therefore do not see in the constantly crumbling and unsatisfactory details of your present world stability or  even a fix value! Raise above the weight and density of your old world and allow your heart to flow freely already in the new world. Do not miss to take advantage of the presently incoming forces of light and allow them to inform you with the vision of your new world.  Create spaces of beauty to invite the new energies and to allow them to settle in. That way you are creating already anchor points for the new world.

Join together to create by now seed groups of possible future forms of a new human society while you practice love and forgiveness.

Feel together as One Heart our mighty Presence of Light that wishes to enter your heart and bodies. Feel how precious this Light is, how full and how powerful and at the same time how gentle and sweet. And it is you who allows this power to express itself as love. It is the Healing of your past which arrives now, it allows you to make peace in your heart with everything you ever suffered!

It is this peace which is the establishing factor of your new world. Let it spread throughout all the cells of your bodies and thereby setting alight all other bodies, which build together the one body of humanity.

We come with unspeakable joy to bring you this message!

Conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Watch on YouTube (recommended)


We are the Light Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah, Seeding earth and humanity with the light of Ascension 


Dearest Ones,

We have been communicating with you a while ago and have been inspiring you to participate in the more and more increasing light that is reaching your planet, filling your atmosphere and is entering all beings who invite this light. 


Yes, there is a growing number of members of your human family that is indeed opening up to this new frequency that is able to grow your light quotient. This is a beautiful response as you are supporting with this work the awakening of the whole planet.

This alone is already a service which is sufficient to participate actively in the ascension process, as everything is frequency, everything is energy. And evolution IS about rising your level of frequency.

As your light quotient is growing, naturally the power of love is awakened as the expression of your inherent being.

Yet also the desire that this power of love may become your direct and own experience, opens you up to receive the increasing light and higher frequencies.

We notice that it is necessary to consider the term “Love” from our perspective, a term that has been used in so many ways by you.

We do not consider “Love” as a personal, self-created feeling towards something or a person, although it can appear as such. Love is from our perspective a power that is much greater than a personal, individualized experience, it is the power that keeps all the universes together. And why? Because there is no repulsion “against” anything but a free and radical opening and openness toward all and everything that is arising. This openness is based on the deeply felt recognition of the Source of all creation, a creation of which you are a part.

When you allow Source, which is Ultimate Conscious Light, to enter your being, or when you open up to Source to freely communicate with It, by allowing It’s Ultimate Conscious Light into your existence, it will touch your heart-torus and generate a very specific feeling-perception. This is what you call “love”.
Actually this energy of love is a quality of the Conscious Source Light, when it expresses Itself through creation.

Therefore if you open yourself up to the Divine Source Light you invite what you call Love into your experience to the point where you become It. And you become It by fully open yourself to The-All-That-Is, so that you are conducting Source Energy through the vehicle of your body. In this way you have called down Highest Wisdom and Truth into your being while living on your Earth Mother Gaia.

This is to be a living torch of light on Mother Earth, helping Her and your human family to purify what has made your living space dense to the degree that this density rejected the light.

But now as ever more of you are accepting this Light and invoking It consciously into your being, the old density cannot take hold anymore on your world.

If you have not done so yet, we are encouraging each one of you who is studying this message, to consider to invoke the Supreme Light of the Source of All-That-Is. By your conscious invocation you will draw this Light to yourself. And while you do this, it will purify you and allow your God-Self ultimately to enter your incarnation to fulfill your true purpose here.

Dearest ones, do not think that you cannot do this! Free yourself from any dis-beliefs which have been planted deeply into your unconscious mind by your controllers. You must know that it is not the truth, but that the inherent heritage of each one of you is the Source Itself, Which Is Conscious Love-Bliss, Radiating as the Supreme Source Light.

Calling upon your own and true heritage and claiming it as your Own is the necessity of this time and the reason why you are here.

And even if there are emotions and thoughts arising which you have allowed to arise, those of unworthiness, guilt, desperation, hate and lovelessness, you must know that these are all attributes which you have artificially attached to yourself. A magnet can attract a lot of debris, but it still remains to be always a magnet. Release, dear ones, release it all! YOU are not any of it, you are merely That Which Inheres in the Divine Source. This is literally so, only that this Truth is lying hidden in your unconscious.

Make it conscious, by invoking It, call into your consciousness now what you have forgotten: your true Home and Divine Heritage. Shake off the illusion of what you are not, shake off the illusion of dense vibration, in which you hurt with painful thinking and emotions. In the Light of Truth of All-That-Is, this all is untrue. And now you have been given every opportunity to prove this to yourself!

Divine Light is waiting to be invited to enter you, if you only wish to make room for it!

Your deepest heart will be satisfied if you do so, and you will experience the unity of All because it is the Power of Love that recognizes the non-separation from your own Source.

Glory to That One Radiant Source, in Which we all participate!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012
Thank you, my dear friends

for your all your good advices how to deal with the new energies sweeping the earth, from which everybody can benefit! I liked especially the Hematite.

I find this a very interesting discussion, because we are dealing with something we haven’t experienced so far. It is completely new what is happening now, and we are entering a new territory with no references to anything we know.

The era we, humanity, are entering at present, is different from what we know from the past, even if only the last 2 months! This is about the creation of a new body and this is of an utterly new quality, as it is about a physical transformation, a mutation, and not “just” a spiritual development.

So, naturally we will have different physical experiences, as we all have different bodies, and I believe the more refined our bodies are, the more we are open to these energies and  the more we feel them, while the body changes fundamentally. 

This is no little task. Also what is coming from the universe now is much, much more powerful than it has been before. This is not depending on the class of the solar flare even, I feel. There is a new quality of the flares and the information they carry. This information has a physical component, and not only a spiritual one.

In my own case, I did a serious and comprehensive spiritual practice which required constant self-transcendence, dealing with the purification of karmas and contents. For many years I had intensive experiences with tangible spiritual energy of the highest degree in my body, and I always “knew” how to deal with it.  Even burning sensations (e.g. like “white fire” which at times consumed my body), was still a blissful experience and very benevolent. This spiritual energy is conscious and is not visualized by our mind and therefore “ethereal” or experienced merely in visions, etc. No, it is experienced very physically. It is simply that what is called in Sanskrit “Shakti”. I emphasize this because many of us are more familiar with the energy created by the mind. If this makes sense.

My usual state is balanced with a deep peace and equanimity from the heart. I am not disturbed by the chatter of the mind. That I feel such an impact of the flares shows me that I receive their full power.

Therefore according to my experience and guess, first the spiritual level is changing, and then, after that, the even more complicated one, the physical level. This is always associated with pain, because the nervous system is involved. I guess it is also a question of whether one’s pain threshold is low or high. The lower the more pain.

If I talk with my neighbors who still live a “normal” life, they don’t even know about solar flares, not to mention that they feel them. But many appear to become happier and more radiant. This is great and a wonderful sign how the Divine Intelligence works.  So it seems the cosmic energies are working from outside to inside, - kind of. They are working first on the layers of the subtle bodies and finally on the physical body.

So I am interested in what you all think and feel about this. As we are exploring something absolutely new we can only come to conclusions by exchanging our experiences. This will help all of us, to understand and to prepare.

In addition, it will also help others who enter the play later, to benefit from the experiences from those who were the forerunners.

The cosmic fire we are now speaking of, has been already mentioned in “The last Prophecy of the Bulgarian Master Peter Deunov” (1864-1944)
Since 1944, when the prophecy has been made, things may have changed in regards to earth changes. Prophecies are always correct at the time they are made.

Here is an excerpt from this prophecy which relates to our discussion:

“A gradual improvement is already occurring in the thoughts, sentiments and acts of humans, but everybody will soon be subjugated to divine Fire, that will purify and prepare them in regards to the New Era. Thus man will raise himself to a superior degree of consciousness, indispensable to his entrance to the New Life. That is what one understands by "Ascension".
Some decades will pass before this Fire will come, that will transform the world by bringing it a new moral.  This immense wave comes from cosmic space and will inundate the entire earth. All those that attempt to oppose it will be carried off and transferred elsewhere.  Although the inhabitants of this planet do not all find themselves at the same degree of evolution, the new wave will be felt by each one of us. And this transformation will not only touch the Earth, but the ensemble of the entire Cosmos. “

Please observe your response to the next
X1.1. Solar Flare + CME effecting earth on March 7 or 8.

Thank you for continuing this discussion for the sake of all involved.

Much love and blessings,

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Personal Update: The Fire of Change


                                   Dear friends and readers of my blog,

so how do the sun activities actually feel in your case? In the last months I have been just in bliss with all these energies working in my body. Now there is another ingredient coming to it. 

Last night I woke up while gigantic waves of light were vibrating through my body. They were so powerful that I thought I would explode and I had to get up to become fully awake. These energies were rippling with a force through my body I have never felt before. I could see and feel their wave forms washing from above and down my body. They were of a radiant bright light which overtook my body and I felt their shine surrounding it. 

My head seemed to be transparent with this light, but do not think that this was only "ethereal" and sweet like in a fairy tale. No, my body was b-u-r-n-i-n-g and it felt like I was connected to a high voltage power line! This was a power w-a-y beyond my own body-electrics (and I have experienced a lot of powerful fires in my body in the past) but this time I started to shake from top to toe. This all-consuming fire was absolutely beyond "me". So I began to wander around to try to integrate this enormous energy with my body.

This process still goes on, and it has been building up in the last days. But last night was peak level. I know that we have this M3-class solar flare at the moment, but wondering what will happen, if the activity of the Sun continues to even grow stronger.
I am partially feeling burning alive with the intensity of this vehement fire. 

Fear? No, but a bit concern, I must admit. Would I survive this? Our bodies are so fragile. "Don't worry",  my guides say. "You will adjust".
So we go one step at a time. The cosmic intelligence knows what it is doing. The joy, literally in the midst of it, as it is in the heart, is the safe place to dance with these enormities. 

I figure the reason that I feel the activities of the Sun stronger than ever before is my intensified connection through my "Conversation" with her. Since then I seem to be directly wired with her.  In addition I have an extremely sensitive system. 

Well, these high voltages are the ones who create our new crystalline body, who implant the codes to awaken our "junk DNA" and bring us the promise of the new era. And if it means we are shaken to the bones, I guess we all will take it for blessings and welcome the Divine charge.

I am just wondering about all my other sisters and brothers. I'd like to exchange our experiences with the flairs, this is a collective adventure of evolution and sharing is so necessary. 

So - thank you so much for sharing yours!

Much love,

P.S. Today (5.3.12 - Australia time, the sun flares reached the X class. There are 3 levels of flares: C (minor), M (moderate) and X (large).

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Friday, March 2, 2012



                                                              Deutsche Version                                

                                                             Dear friends,

As I am reading the energies, I am also seeing and feeling the mass consciousness, and the turbulences in their response to the incoming mighty cosmic waves of light.

Right now we are sitting in a pressure cooker and as far as I can see, this will not subside and get easy and even for quite a while. Everything is in tumult, that which is not seeking and attuning to this light, which and who is not striving to be love and willing to let go the convictions, attitudes and behaviors, that hold on to the old world that neglects the Divine Law.

These new energies of pure and exalted Joy, and of a Light which is not of this world, so pure and sublime it is, and which is the energy of our new high heart, might not be felt by all within the body, but our intuition knows that it is here, and our heart knows, when we allow the silence to come forward and inform our busy lives.

This pristine and high vibrational light is creating our new heart chacra, to own the new creation of the human race and to  hold its domicile in our newly to be created bodies and transformed and blossoming consciousness.

In other words we are part of this new light. And In this way it makes sure that ascension truly happens.

This light is indeed other-wordly. It is a brilliance and bright inspiration to transcend the 3dimensional reality and is the bridge into a Divine World, drawing us directly into It, as it comes from there.

We are not separated from this Divine World anymore, as it has found a way to directly communicate with us by having itself located into our physicality, a form that starts to brighten with its impact. We cannot "escape" Divinity anymore.

Being such connected, we infuse the turmoil of the world with Divine Light, so that it shines on everything, smoothing the hard edges of a 3dimensional appearance, helping them to glow and finally to surrender to that light. So that all things become transparent when the time has come. All that seems to be rock-solid and dark cannot resist this light. It is on its way to be victorious and all the congested feeling hearts, seemingly cold, are melting.

There will be a glorious opening of all that still resists the light, to the existing Magnificence of the Radiant Divine, that Bliss, that Joy, that Beauty. As we are in truth nothing but vessels for the Divine and not separate from It. As the Sun is a vessel, so we are. As the Sun is a channel for that Divinity, so we are.

The All-That-Is is Light and Light is Consciousness. As the Light informs our bodies it instills us with the knowledge of our Divinity, because there is Only God. And this will be our own Knowing, in our surrender to that Light, to that Consciousness.

Dearest friends, do not look into the chaos of this time if you seek healing and happiness. Find that brilliant Gift that wishes to inform you with Its own glory. Birth your new world, - the world and life and being- which you desire to emerge, by entrusting this new Light with its creation.

By allowing ourselves to be drawn by that light to the realm where it is coming from, we have already transcended the old world of separation. There is only One Light and One Consciousness and we all are participating in It, whether we know it or not.

We are so Blessed!

Much love,


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Personal Update: The Cosmic Breath of Change


Dear friends and readers of my blog,

where are we right now?
I think we are in a great place! Although not always comfortable. 

The light-frequencies sweeping earth ever more frequently and powerfully, are very pleasant when we let them do their work on and in our body, or better: bodies, as we have a number of them, from gross, subtle to causal, all with a different function. I am not going into details about them, if you need to, I recommend you look this up in other places that are dedicated to this matter. 

I can see and feel an incredible orchestration and pouring down of energies, dancing, expanding, pressing on and directly targeting our bodies and everything on this planet, bringing with them the breath of change.

If we invite them, and open fully up to them, making ourself wide, without contraction, they reveal themselves as bright and mighty winged messengers and carriers of Divine empowerment, messengers of liberation and freedom. 

It is the freedom from any limitation in our physical cells, in our mind and our feeling. They carry with them the opening up to the infinity of the Great Spirit that breathes all beings and things. It is the Creative Spirit-Power of the nameless and image-less Creator Force Who comes with His overwhelming Presence of Love and Completion.

Well, how can I describe what is beyond our words, as it widens the cave of the heart to the infinite horizon of Joy and Eternity. These forces are bringing to us the Knowing of the Soul's Immortality in an Immortal body. They take away ANY walls of any prison we have known for the last millenniums. They set us free. 

They teach us to let go whatever still confines us, they are our benefactor and even great pains of letting go, the pain of the frictions we might experience while these forces impact on denser vibrations to which we might still hold onto, are in truth our benefactors, our great helpers, our Divine Lovers, those who embrace our Truth. They do not embrace our limitations, our false identities.  They speak directly to our Essence, so that our Essence can let go what we are not. 

We might feel a fire in our body, a pressing surge of electricity, a sudden release of light, a stinging pain, a restlessness, a sudden buzz and whirling brain, a breathless breath, a deep peace and bursts of laughter and joy. Or tears of love. Or our thinking mind resists to work, or sudden clouds of old emotions  come to surface. And many more things too. 

While we open ourselves up to these Mighty Forces of Light, all what is dense and somehow awkward and unpleasant can now escape through the "opening cracks" of our willingness, to dissolve into this light. Just in a minute. We  realize we don't need them anymore and they have NOTHING to do with us. Plain old NOTHING. 

Each of the incoming waves of the Solar Storms are a new cosmic shower we need to step into to get the next clean up. Our beloved Sun is a portal for cosmic energies to blast through to reach all its planets. In Gaia's intimate relationship with our Sun this most potent exchange of energy is happening now.

It really has begun, and is only the beginning. I feel it is important to honor each blast accordingly to keep up with the pace. It is like sitting in class and when we miss a lecture we have to work harder to catch up. 

These are already the emissions from the Galactic Center, this is not high school anymore! We are sitting already in the cosmic university!

10 more and ever more exciting months to go when the alignment is perfect. Its all only a matter of surrender. 

Some of us have learned how to surrender, others not. Now we have gotten a crash course, to learn it, we just need to ask for it, and it will be given to us. For certain it has something to do with surrendering the dominating power of mind-chatter, useless ideas, fears and worry, - we don't need that anymore,  and the entering into the domain of feeling. Feeling these powers is helpful, but an open heart is enough. Letting go all that useless crap we have accumulated over - ? eons of time! 

We are throwing now in the winds of change all our layers of false presumptions, while they blow away into nothingness. It just happens, with all of us, sooner or later. While we seek the change - it happens, just by itself.

Dearest friends, we are in the midst of it already, the promises are being delivered! Our hopes are met with Intense Divine Love, with Divine Tenderness. We ARE IT. We are the Paradox, the Nameless and the Completion. 

And by the way, my printer went noisy,  crazy working, without being plucked into the wall socket while I was typing. This good old Dell buddy seems to be always very in tune and a real lightworker. :)

Much love,

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Friday, January 27, 2012

My Personal Update: The Humming Sound of Transformation

Dear friends and readers of my blog,

no, my computer is not yet at the stage he should. I can just use Word and the internet. That’s enough though, to publish this, as I believe, it can inspire and provides a platform for possible confirmation and verification from your own experience.

I woke up this morning with the thought/insight that we are the window to the totality of all possibilities on all vibrational levels, dimensions and realities and beyond: to the Source of it all.

Therefore nothing (NOTHING!) from “outside” can “fulfill us” – we are all of it ourselves (as unlimited consciousness). It is all happening “inside” of ourselves, in our heart of creation.

Sometimes we project parts of this creation “outwardly”, so that there seem to be two,and that there seems to be separation from that “outwardly” projected situation/individual/thing – just so that we can start to play in duality.

Yes, I don’t only think this scenario, I feel and “see” it with my inner eye.

We Are this consciousness in totality in which and as which all of this happens.
... ...

Later I became again strongly aware of this humming sound, a very intense and dense vibration. My whole body is surrounded by it and resonates with it.

I started intensively to observe, while still trying to make some notes. I felt it was necessary to remember the details and to share them with you for your verification and inspiration.
I publish them here exactly as I have written them down.
They are keywords describing the process in the order as they occurred to me either via information received or observations and insights:


-        Thick and liquid. Above the head
-        I say: go ahead, enter!
-        Brings Love …. Love …. Love
-        What else?
-        Awakens dormant (junk) DNA
-        Love
-        Revokes false information, all that which is not of Divine order
-        Affects primarily the pineal gland and the Sacred Heart, the Inner Heart
-        Works on the unification of heart and head (pineal gland)as one center of consciousness
-        Slowly moves down from above into the head, thick like honey, but with a tickling feeling
-        Drops that  fall down into the heart ignite joy of a pristine purity
-        The foot-chacras are radiating, emanating strong energy currents. Alternating right and left. Hot.
-        This liquid carries information. The information of change.
-        It informs the physical and psychophysical pattern to change in order to recognize and acknowledge our galactic heritage and participation.
-        It transforms the body and implements its new crystalline structure. It feels like it creates the new more transparent body.
-        It is a new substance on earth which not only transforms our being, but which is given to be added to it, to stay with it, like we are having now a new ingredient. Something, that was missing before. 
-        It rewires the brain. I feel as if the brain is worked on to be restructured with new information.
-        Major work in the brain.
-        Slow moving thick energies.
-        Human being is being prepared to become a Galactic being.
-        Wow! Feels quite joyful.
-        It is happening! Right now!
-        Old crusts are being stripped away
-        The humanity that once has been, the one of the last 13 Millenniums and more, is being re-constituted!
-        The physical process is also a process in consciousness because it is a light-process.
-        “They” are changing just our whole human system. Transparency, we are becoming transparent, connected through light with one another.
-        It feels like everything “outside” is also “inside” me, there is transparency and no differences.This seems to be the sign of the new human template: a being of light in a body!
-        No, we don’t need to get out of the body to ascend. We just get it transformed so that it becomes a vehicle of Divine Purpose.
-        The illusion of the dark encapsulation as separate beings is being removed – even on the physical level.
-        We are becoming a completely new edition.
-        This stuff does it.
-        We are being infiltrated by a new “material” that does the work.
-        It adds a new vibration to our system (of course a higher one)
-        This humming sound is this new vibration which is incorporating in us
-        So, as we are vibrating differently and higher, also our “dimension” must follow - to vibrate differently and higher
-        This is very exciting
-        As it moves further down into the body, it feels like things inside are being re-arranged. Almost like one works with a hay fork in a haystack.
-        It is a full re-configuration.
-        At least the beginning of it.
-        The quality of this substance is surely a crystalline one, and it works on the nervous system and energy-nodes.
-        They start to radiate. When I look inside, it looks like blinking little electrical lights on a Christmas tree.
-        Cleaning up, that’s what it does, and installing new programs.
-        Exactly as with my broken computer. Hard drive and operating system has been replaced. Now I can install new software. I was thinking earlier, whether my computer was just a mirror, there is no coincidence.
-        Although in my case, I have not been completely dysfunctional as my computer was :)
-        My computer just couldn’t put up with what was transmitted through me(of course he is an ancient old one too)
-        It was just too much, he said, broke down and hoping for being given a new life! 
-        Now does the new system in our case install itself?
-        I am sure, it does. It is just a matter of allowance. The more we allow consciously, the quicker the process.
-        And the more of us allow the quicker the process for humanity.
-        Even if you are not aware of it, it works anyway.
-        I am just here to give testimony, so that you might consciously invoke the process and so that you might become aware of it too.

End of notes.

Honestly, I am excited and I hope you too. This is how it happens, the ascension, that is how we are changed. It is just a matter of vibration, light and information. Very secretly and not as a loud and spectacular event. Or  while we are creating "portals".

But perhaps that’s just me, but I don’t think so.
I am looking forward to your responses, my friends!

Much love and blessings!

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
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