Saturday, May 11, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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Dearest friends!

We can observe a phenomenon in the New Age community that wants to draw us into a chasing for things, thoughts, energies, portals, a hunting for perfection and personal ‘greatness’. 

But is it just me, feeling that all of this is missing the mark?
 As if things could be added to what we ARE since Eternity.

Techniques here, and techniques there are offered to us all over the place. They are all additions to Something That Is already Full. If we Are in this Fullness, techniques are not required to live the life that reflects what we Are. 

Then why not feel into this Fullness first and let It Be the solid Ground to stand on from where all things unfold!

Just the opposite is the case: the more we deal with techniques, the more we lose our Being-ness, our Real Substance.
It means putting the cart before the horse!

That’s why the proverbial “mark” that we are missing here is the Being-ness, the “To-Be”, in the midst of all of it. Not a Being-ness as a phrase, an idea, but as the felt and lived Substance of our Being. The Primal Ground in which all the phenomena come and go.

There is an attempt  to seduce us into a hype, a hysteria, a rushing, a feverish hoping and looking for signs of an altered world. Is It?  Or is it not? And then all the frustrations.

To me it is exactly where the controllers want us to be. It is all mind, all being in the head, all separative and separating activities, offered in the New Age marketplace. After all: is the New Age movement not an invention by the controllers, to distract us from the Real?

What the Ancient have taught us, is still True and Real, this ancient and eternal wisdom of  Human Divinity. But the controllers have dropped the notion into our awareness that these teachings, these demonstrations of True Enlightenment and how to Realize It, are now not up to date anymore. We don’t need it anymore. 

Very clever manipulation. Because it holds us captive in our egoity.

Yet when we only look with all our senses open at these Ancient Ones, we are changed forever in an instant by the Recognition and Knowing the Truth they have lived and Which they are still emanating with a Heart-Power, that is far, far beyond and above ALL the New Age market tries to sell us. Should this not open our eyes?

Because what the controllers are doing is to control the mind of Millions of seekers with a pseudo-spiritual indoctrination, and the many who are newly awakening are falling for it, in their naivety and being cut off from eternal wisdom, because it is allegedly  “outdated”.

But what is Eternal, what Is Truth cannot be “outdated”, what is Substance of the world and our Being-ness, cannot change. Just the outer ingredients can change, be it new energies, expanding awareness, new technologies, dimensional shifts, our bodies, nature. All of that.

This whole business is about avoiding Eternal Truth. Essence is not all of a sudden “different”, because time is changing, taste and sympathy are changing.

But the controllers are trying to keep us in the mind, even if it is a so called esoteric mind. They themselves know a lot of esotericism and are masters in abusing and perverting truth.

It is important not to give permission to being fooled, but to be in our Heart for Real. To Be Aware Heart-Deep, instead of being captured by this noisiness, these tons of separate knowledge-units, packed into programs and techniques, the controllers would  love us to move forth and back in our brains, to keep us distracted.

It is another form of insanity. It is clever to feed our brains now with “New Age” phantasy, so that we remain there and do not access or Realize the Real Love-Power that we Are, but rather use esoteric content to fantasize about what we are. It is meant to keep us busy with an even greater activity of separation from our Wholeness, it even separates us more from our Essence.

There is NO technique, no mind-form, no program, no exercise whatsoever that can reveal our Divinity, that can trigger the Revelation of the Heart. One can ‘think’ or imagine love, one can ‘think’ or imagine unity, one can ‘think’ or imagine oneness, but it is not It. These thoughts keep us away from Real Love, from Real Unity, from Real Oneness! It is the most astute way to make sure, humanity does not return to Real Truth.

But words like “Truth” are only helpless attempts to describe what is beyond words and what can be only felt, or better, to what we only can surrender, because it is Greater than us. This is our True Greatness, this surrendered State. It is the Nameless, the Unfathomable, That, by Which our heart is touched to fall into Divine Infinity.

Who is observing the search on the New Age marketplace realizes that this is just a search with different parameters than the “ordinary” world is busy with. It is still the same search for things. But these things might be more attractive, because they promise more ‘importance’ for oneself, more glamour, more sparkle. 

I don’t’ know about you. But to me it is not about “more”. To me it feels like consumerism. What can be more is never IT: the Simplicity of Essence, of Truth, and the surrender to IT.

The Eternal Flower of the Heart opens only if we are willing to surrender our search for details, for success, for importance, for more, for being better, for greatness, for excitement and even for enlightenment.

This is the Other World. This Love Is the Other World, and It cannot be achieved or talked about. It can only Be Allowed. It dawns when all “content” of the matrix and all “techniques”, all “programs” are forgotten.

Look at the Lion Beings, they don’t know about esoteric “knowledge” or programs and techniques. They just Are. Surrendered. They Are Love. 

Everything else are toys. But to truly enjoy the toys the player must first know their Real Identity.

Be Awake!
I love you,

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Thursday, May 9, 2013


These touching pictures were posted on another forum in response to SEKHMET's messages:
 "I Offer You My Assistance
"Restore the Power of Your Heart"
THANK YOU FOR SHARING !! They are so beautiful and express so perfectly the Greatness of Feeling  and Love the Lions-Beings are capable of. This I wanted to share  with you!

Much love,

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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Beloveds, This Is Sekhmet again!

After  My last message through this channel many responded from their heart to My outreaching to humanity.
I again wish to speak to you now, to clarify and deepen your understanding about Who I Am and the process that occurs through My assistance, to rise your frequency to enter higher dimensional consciousness.

First of all know that what you are used to call “Mother Sekhmet” is in reality a Group Consciousness of the sixth dimension on Sirius A, the Group Consciousness of beings with a lion-like energy signature. 

As you are about to wake up, or remember or develop your multidimensional consciousness, it is now time to understand this. 

From the point of view of the third dimension you need a familiar three-dimensional  depiction to relate to when you  communicate with Us. Therefore in some cases We have appeared to you in this way. 

But when your awareness grows, you start to understand that in the higher dimensions there is no individual consciousness but a group consciousness with a society of seemingly different entities, but who all identify with the central Consciousness of this One Being.

Our energy signature is similar to the energy of lions who are familiar to you on your earth and whose shape and appearance has taken a dense form of this energy signature. Please contemplate this!   

You  call Me “Mother” because of My or better: Our motherly, nurturing and powerful energy pattern, which you feel also as an emanation of Love. We are able to touch with our Energy-field directly your heart-torus - what you feel as being touched at heart, because the human heart energy is very similar to our lion energy signature. This is why you feel attracted to Us.

Usually we do not talk and do not communicate verbally. This is not what we do. But for the sake of communicating with you we use our communication skills in your way, but it is not really very typical and desired by us.

We rather communicate via our mere Presence and Being-ness, our I AM As We Are. We Are just a way of Being – and this is what you can learn from us. This is what you can magnify in yourself and which empowers you as humanity on your return to a life from your very Heart.

So if you desire to communicate with Us, do not expect verbal communication. But be prepared to feel our Presence, the Presence many of you know and love as “Mother Sekhmet”. 

Locate with the depth of your feeling-heart Who and What We Are which reminds you of Where You once came from. We are here to assist You to restore the Power of Your Heart. When this happens, humanity will rediscover their Single Unity with one another, with Us and all Beings and with Source Consciousness.

We Love to assist You in this process!
It is the place of Your heart and beyond where lower dimensional beings cannot reach You! In that space You are Sacrosanct, Whole and Divine.

With Our Loving Unified Presence, We, the Lion-Beings are mainly a creation of a specific energy current, which has a strong feeling quality. That is why you experience Us as a Female Quality. As such we are able to help humanity to restore their original spirituality which is based on feeling. Your Divinity is being felt by you and as such integrated and realized, and not being thought about. When the Heart is awakened Your whole Being is immersed in a greater Reality that surrounds and pervades Your total body-mind.

This is the Divine State of which We Lion-Beings remind humanity.

We Are Here!
We, Sekhmet, Salute you!

Message conveyed by Ute


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, May 4, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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Dearest friends, 

as long as I can remember Lion Beings have been very dear to my heart. And my relationship with Sekhmet is ancient. 

If you don't know who She is: She is a most beautiful Lion Being Goddess from Sirius A. Her Love is extraordinary, incredible warm and full. I always have tears in my eyes when I feel Her presence. Her Wisdom is Cosmic and absolutely other-dimensional. Her Consciousness all-embracing.

Today She asked me whether I would convey Her message to humanity. And of course, I agreed! And this is Sekhmet’s message: 

I Am The Protecting Goddess-Force For Those Who Call  Upon Me. 

I belong to the Mighty Lion Beings and at this special time I Am at service to humanity to assist with your adaptation to the new incoming frequencies your planet is presently receiving. It is Light from the fifth dimension which is now available for all those who can locate these frequencies with their conscious feeling awareness.

I Am here to offer you My Loving assistance with the vastness of my Consciousness to let go of all density in your thoughts and feelings and physical bodies.

Merging with My Loving Consciousness, while allowing me to merge with your heart, draws you into the light of the fifth dimension and out of the lower vibrations that the controllers of your world now are feverishly trying to intensify in order to keep you there and to prevent ascension.

But if you choose so, with My help these lower energies can no longer hold their grip on you as I offer you to draw you beyond them.

Please accept My help if you feel you need it. Many of you  lightworkers are at this point targeted by the negative forces who don’t want to give up their power over your planet.

Who is asking for My protection in this intense battle occurring now on earth will immediately given support. 

The remaining forces of the old world are now increasingly reaching out for your unresolved content. It might be content which you have not yet surrendered to the light. This could be childhood memories, old traumas or shocks which are still sitting unconsciously in your cellular memories,  or it could be issues from former life times and any weakness you have not yet overcome.

The controllers are trying to regain influence over you by using their technology to magnify these energies. They hope this would save them their vanishing empire.

But do not be afraid! Know that they actually are really serving you, because you can release what becomes conscious to you! 

With My loving help you can let go of these dense energies, not only in an instant, but also withdraw fully from their domain of influence: you become invisible for them as you leave fully the vibrational dimension of their reality.

So I offer you help to rise your vibration forever, to release what belongs to the frequency of your old world.

When you allow this you are doing a great service, not only to yourself and humanity itself, but also for your Sacred Beloved Planet Earth and ultimately, the whole universe!

We are here in this all together! The power of the past is no longer meant to hold territory in your realm.

What is necessary now is your full agreement to merge entirely and without restriction with the new higher dimensional light that is pouring into your reality.

If you can do this on your own, I salute you for your accomplishment! But if you need assistance, ask for it! We Are One at Heart and what I Am, is just a still unconscious aspect of Your Divine Self. 

Therefore, by calling upon Me as your Ally you are calling upon a mighty Part of Yourself that you have forgotten. To remember It, is the Power that you now require for your victory in this battle.

I Am Here!

Your Loving Lion Being Sekhmet! 

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, May 3, 2013


By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013

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We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Beloved Earth Humans!

Many of you are asking – and it is not surprising – how things on your earth will unfold, given the many seeming delays of promises made to you.

It may appear that the structure of your lives, which are processes that inhere in your planetary reality, is stretched like a rubber band so that you are discovering and begin to observe its inner working.

It is as if a magnifying glass has been spread over your affairs.
You cannot help therefore but closely look at and discover the actual fabric of your societies, their mind forms and internal functioning, their intentions and results.

You see, every single period in creation has its specific characteristic and purpose, and the intention of the creator’s mind for your present experience is exactly that: to understand fully and in detail how your world is structured in order to make a new decision, to develop a new vision and to manifest it.

In order to make an evolutionary process possible, the constituents of the  status quo of a situation must be thoroughly understood. It must be understood in detail, so that you, humanity, can use this knowledge for change and to develop a new form of being.

In this process humanity is of course not alone or separated from the mind of the Creator. It is a cooperation, as you are His Forms in Which He recognizes Himself as His Creation. That is, you are directly connected and One with the Creator’s Intention, as soon as you understand It.

It is your impatience and and non-understanding or forgetfulness of how the evolutionary process from within a low vibrational density is working, that creates un-necessary frustration for you, as you have perhaps neglected these particulars.

But they are becoming now obvious to you and you will suddenly realize that there were no delays in the progression. It only appeared to you as such. Because it is about the intensification of the process that needs to go into the depth of the matter.

Right now, for example, the  dual powers of your world, that you are experiencing as light and dark, are exposed as incompatible opposites in such a drastic way that you cannot but look at them to understand them. This enables you, who are awake, to unravel the muddle of the current power structure on your planet.

The present crisis on your earth, in which all parties are being all at once exposed to the maximum degree – for all to see and to understand – is absolutely necessary, to make it also possible for the last soul who wishes to ascend, to become aware of the structure that keeps your planet still in place.

Many years ago, in the beginning of the ascension course, we have given you the vision and promise of the victory of the light and the Descent of the Divine into this realm. You accepted joyfully and gratefully and presumed it to be already yours, already accomplished. And you anticipated thereby its manifestation. As you know, this is how manifestation happens by law: presuming and feeling as if your desire has been already fulfilled.

This was the first step. But you forgot that this was only the beginning. As this is a process in which more than seven Billion individuals are involved, of which most have been at that time unaware of the evolutionary development, you didn’t think about the slowness of the process in this dimensional density that is necessary for the majority of humanity to awaken.

However, your impatience is understandable as you still remember your existence in the higher dimensions where manifestations occur in an instant.

You only have forgotten when you entered this dimension, that you needed patience and to adapt to its principles.

As you know, evolution and awakening starts with the rising of consciousness and conscious awareness. It is first the creative power of the mind that needs to be understood in order to be willing to change its objectives.

And this is the basis for the evolutionary process to be propelled forward. It opens the door, if enough intent for movement is created, for the cosmic impact to occur that carries the impulse for a quantum leap that in turn triggers humanity’s ascension.

Right now, “delay” and “time” are the illusions that can be compared with the function of a microscope. How? Your minds are trapped presently in the magnification process of your reality that occurs in the awareness of humanity.  And you are interpreting it as happening in “time” or “delay”.  But truly all you experience is the zooming-in into your travel through the molecular structure of the “matrix”, the hologram of your illusionary reality.

While you look through this microscope do not forget, that in truth, your new world is already here.
It Is Radiant. It Is Love. It Is Joy. It is the ever True Fabric in the Mind of God That has been always Present with you, as you Know It’s Reality.

The microscopic journey through the holographic matrix is touching the very bottom in any moment. And in that moment it will – as if it would have never existed – disappear, like the night disappears when the sun rises.

In Reality, the Sun is always Risen.
Keep this forever in your mind and heart!

We love you!

We Are the Light Beings from the Andromeda Galaxy! 

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Monday, April 29, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2012
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Dearest friends!

There is a wide-spread misunderstanding about the function of a Guru, especially in the New Age community. 
This conversation with our God-Self is aimed to bring greater clarity into this.

But before  the actual conversation, it is perhaps first necessary to clarify why I call it “our God-Self”, and not “my” God-Self. Some of you might wonder about it. And I never really discussed this  before.

It is simply a matter of definition. The God-Self in my messages is the One Self of all things, beings and happenings, the One Source and Divine Consciousness of all creation, that is paradoxically also appearing AS individual form and consciousness. So if you believe it should be “my God-Self”, then you are coming from the point of view of your own “Higher Self”, which is the Higher Mind of your incarnate identity. As such it is still an individual being, even if appearing in subtle form.
Whereas Source is the “substance”, the alchemists “prima materia”. “The Mother”,  from which even the Higher Mind or the Higher Self is arising.

As “Our” God-Self is the Oneness of us all, It naturally can speak to every heart, because it dwells at the core of every being.
I hope this serves your better understanding.

In the following conversation I asked our God-Self about the importance and function of the Spiritual Master. As we know, in the New Age movement Spiritual Masters are no longer “in”, because everybody seems to “know” already that they are their own masters and do not need anybody “outside” of themselves to teach. This is of course very true, in case one is really in touch with their own inner Master or very Source.

But there is often a confusion about mind and feeling, the mental substance that is arising in consciousness, and pure consciousness itself which is the domain of mere feeling or feeling attention.
This confusion can lead to the idea that merely thinking one’s Self is already being in touch with It. But what happens in this case is that one has created an idea of the Self, but which is not the Self Itself.

Many members of the New Age philosophy are making this error. It requires a self-transcending practice (“self” written with a small “s”), deep insight, self-understanding and actual “Self-inquiry” to a degree - to come truly in contact with the Self, that is the Mother of the Higher Self. It emerges only when the mind becomes still. When we release all concepts about ourselves and the world, high or low, and when we stop searching.

Now the conversation with our God-Self begins.

Q: Many people believe that a Guru is not necessary and that he/she is  a personality who enforces him/herself on the disciple and makes him/her dependent and weak. Therefore only weak people would be looking for a Guru.
On the other hand it is traditionally  said, that God Is Guru.
What does this mean and how does this work, how can an individual be the Unlimited, the Source, the All-That-Is?

A: First of all, please understand that a True Guru is a shortcut. The relationship with a Guru can significantly shorten the time of one’s spiritual process and Self-Realization.

From the 'point of view' and Realization of a True Guru He Himself (or She Herself) is not an  “other”. This is only the beginner's perception. For  the True  Guru only One exists. One Self or One Divine Conscious Light. Guru is a principle, a function, and not a body-mind, although it may appear to the external observer as such.

Guru is Mirror, is the Divine Force that directly appears – seemingly outside -  to the Seeker who has not yet found his/her own Divine Truth within. But in truth “inside and outside” is the illusion of the Disciple.

The relationship between Guru and Disciple is deeply  mysterious and cannot be understood by the mind. It is based on a Love that is greater than the love between human lovers. And it is based on the truth that Consciousness is primary and body-mind is secondary. Both body-minds, the body-mind of the Guru and the body-mind of the Disciple are arising in Consciousness. Therefore both are sharing Consciousness, although the Disciple is not conscious of it yet, whereas by means of Conscious Realization of the Guru, His/Her body-mind is fully surrendered to the Conscious Light or Energy and is such transmitting It directly to the Disciple.

So a Sacred Spiritual Transmission is taking place in this relationship that is able to awaken the Seeker to his/her own Truth within. However this Truth is not found IN the body-mind. The body-mind only possesses  portals that provide an opening into a higher Reality. In this Reality Consciousness and Light or Energy, the male and female aspect of the Divine are One. In the ancient Indian spiritual tradition it is called the Unity of Shiva-Shakti.

Q: How is it possible that the Realization of the Guru tends to continue to influence the Disciple, even when they are physically apart or when the Guru left the body and even returned to Source Itself?

A: It happens by intention of the Guru, based on Grace and Blessing.  The Guru magnifies the awareness of Self in the Disciple, and he recognizes therefore in contemplation his own Self in the Guru. If the Recognition is True, it is very powerful as it provokes the Guru’s Spirit Force upon the Disciple which initiates  profound and palpable changes in his body-mind while it also alters the DNA and molecular structure. The body-mind of the Guru disappears in the Disciple's deep and self-forgetting contemplation of the Guru and only the One Self remains. What the Disciple first recognizes in the Guru he discovers ultimately in and as Him-Self.

When the Disciple, by the Grace of the Guru, Who is his own Self, finally comes to understand by direct knowing  that there is only One Self, One Radiant Consciousness, and not “two”, he/she acknowledges It as his/her Own. This recognition requires the understanding of one's own body-mind and the permanent capability to transcend it. Then the Guru has fulfilled His/Her purpose. 
But the Love between Guru and Disciple continues eternally.


Beloved friends, here ends the conversation ~ that was rather an experience of deep-felt awe, great stillness and eternal love. 

It is my wish that you can feel it too!
Much love to you all,

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Sunday, April 21, 2013


By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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Dearest friends,

One thing is very obvious: humanity is on the path of discipleship! Hurray!

However, discipleship has never been easy, especially in the beginning. There are no honors given, no extraordinary gifts, no awards, but rather hardships, difficulties, sufferings, due to confrontations with one’s own subconscious contents, those we didn’t want to face.

The light of love that is entering our sphere is the illuminated force that uncovers now in an exaggerated manner all that has been kept in the dark so far. But without all of this ugly stuff being purified and removed, humanity cannot really ascend.

Presently we are in a phase of this process where we are tested whether we can stay in the Radiance, even though the carpet is pulled away underneath the feet of many. We are forced therefore to put our attention elsewhere, away from the 3D scenario and strive for answers in a new way, for higher dimensional answers and solutions humanity has not yet familiar with so far.

So what is the proverbial carpet, pulled away? We know it already.

The declining values, increasing financial problems and chaos, the bombings and at the same time, the frustrated hopes for betterment, mainly through the frequently extended and prolonged  waiting periods for major changes in the world. 

No promise and no prophecy has been fulfilled so far in the outer world. Yes, there are changes happening in the background, but they are all preparations for what still has to be seen and tangibly experienced, so that one could really state that the world has transitioned into a new era.

It is therefore becoming slowly clear for many that the big  expected change is meant to happen and IS happening on the spiritual level of the individual, to bring a change of consciousness, the expansion of awareness first, the rising of individual frequency, the awakening to a new level of perception.

Humanity is at this time forced into a situation where there is no escape into any direction other than going within and beyond the body-mind to Source Itself. And so we are compelled to begin our inner journey, and if it is only by starting to ask the deeper questions - perhaps for many of us the first time in our life: who am I, where am I going? 

In this quest more and more discover the inner joy, peace and a greater capacity to love, after we courageously accepted and transcended our once buried inner demons.

This is the time of ordinariness, after we have been nurtured with the vision and taste of our Divinity and the promise of enlightenment. We now are tested whether we are able to be happy just by "chopping wood and carrying water". 

Comes to mind the ancient scriptures. They are full with stories of aspirants who seek instructions by a spiritual master to achieve enlightenment. In the beginning they mostly didn’t see the master ( = the light) at all. Rather they were asked to clean the cowshed for the next twelve years first, before they would receive spiritual initiation of any kind. 

These twelve years symbolise a time of preparation of the aspirant’s body-mind, where they learned to transcend him/herself, to achieve equanimity, purification of gross worldly desires, attachment, pride and egoism. It is a time where the aspirant must learn humility, trust and faith, all qualities which purify them from negative personal karmas. 

When then the time was right, the master would transfer his teaching to the disciple, either verbally, but more often by shaktipat, the traditional transmission of the master’s own spiritual energy to the disciple. In case of oral initiation, for example such as a mantra, blessed by the master, the sound would awaken the aspirant’s shakti.

So that the disciple could be awakened, the symbolic twelve years of preparation was necessary, to receive - like an empty vessel - fully the master’s blessings.

This is what is occurring presently to humanity. We are now in the stage of cleaning the cowsheds, so that we will be able to receive the Glorious Cosmic Light, soon to illuminate our entire cosmos.

What happened in the past in a traditional way in the individual circumstance of initiation, will occur sooner or later as a global, and even cosmic event that will initiate humanity into higher consciousness – if desired by the individual.

We must understand, that hardships in these times are a blessing and not a punishment, because they give us the opportunity to purify ourselves by transcending 3dimensional issues to open up to receive our own higher Truth of Divinity, simply because we don’t want to suffer any longer.

What has been practiced in the Great Spiritual Tradition to achieve enlightenment, has been just a preparation, a premonition of the great global quantum leap in consciousness, when humanity as a whole would enter the path of discipleship.

Thousands of aspirants went in the past through most difficult periods in their lives because of their desire for enlightenment. They paved the path for mankind altogether, who is now walking in their steps on their path to ascension.

We must also understand that the more difficult our situation is, the brighter our light will shine later when the tests have been passed.

The fairy tales of “easy” enlightenment at this time, where one just wakes up one nice morning and is enlightened without trial, is just a myth, at least for most human beings. There are exceptions of course, but they occur in the case of extraordinary beings only.

Remember, even Jesus had to go through  difficult trials, before he achieved enlightenment. And so did  the Gautama Buddha. Perhaps you are familiar with the  famous story of Milarepa, one of the greatest masters and yogis in Tibetan history. To purify his karmas, his master Marpa had to give him – with an aching heart - terrible tasks to fulfill, where he had to suffer illness, pain, loneliness and other horrors for many years, before he received spiritual instructions from Marpa.

Many people today are going through these kinds of trials. The pleasures of the heavens obviously are never to be gained without tasting the challenges of duality to the core.

I am writing this to inspire those of you, who are desperately -  and seemingly in vain -, waiting  for graceful signs in their lives to appear. You should know that nothing is in vain. We must look at every detail in life from a  broader perspective, from the flying bird’s view, to see the whole working of Divine Grace. 

All our experiences are testing our Divinity to come forward, to be victorious, by transcending the illusions of the dark side of the world and to discover the Presence of Light already here.

After all, the visible signs of improvement that show in our world are not the most important mile stones on our path of ascension, but the victories in our hearts, that allow the Radiant, Undivided Divinity of our Being to shine forth. Because It is the very Substance of all road signs in the phenomenal world, which are the visible and materialized stepping stones that mirror our inner state of thought and Consciousness. 

In truth there is no “outer” world or reality, this hologram is a projected illusion. It is all happening inside. But the outer world reflects to us what we believe in our hearts.

Dearest friends, therefore at this time consoling events are not as important as the birth of Love-Bliss-Consciousness in the tested heart of humanity. This might be hard to swallow. But we are being given now the space for the emergence of our Essence from within.

When  the time is right, things will be subject to change by itself, mirroring the Divine Victory of humankind!

This could be any moment or later, but it will happen.  

Each one of us is important in this process!
To our victory, to the victory of light!

Much much love,


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
