Showing posts with label Consciousness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Consciousness. Show all posts

Saturday, September 21, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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Beloved Friends,
Peace to us all!

As long as there are unrecognized pieces of ourselves scattered here and everywhere – on Beloved Earth Mother Gaia, in  the Universe, the Multiverse, any Dimension, and Space and Time, - as long as we identify beings as "others" from us – those of the light and those of the dark, and those who appear to be beyond, but are seemingly a distinct identity, - we are separating ourselves from our Inherent and Native Truth of Mere Being.

Let me explain: we are NOT any defined being, any human being, any extraterrestrial being, animal, plant, mineral, planet, god, goddess, saint, master appearing in a finite form.

But we ARE formless Being! Formless Being encompasses EVERYTHING. Every dimension and all beings here and there. How can we “know” this, how can we be in the “Knowing” of It?
By  feeling, mere and unobstructed feeling to infinity. No boundaries. No entities, no worlds, no universes, - although all of these can be sensed and perceived with our subtle faculty of perception, when we leave the place of mere and pure feeling to involve the instrument of the mind.

Where does this unobstructed feeling emerge? Where is its seat? Yes, it emerges in the heart space, but exceeds this space to infinity. There are no boundaries. There is only Fullness. Happiness. No-body is arising, not even our own body, if we allow this feeling to infinity. I AM THAT. YOU ARE THAT.

It occurs to me that this can - to a degree – also be approached via the notion of  quantum physics. Depending on the point of view of the observer, we are mere waves, or we are particles. That is when we become aware of things, objects, worlds, peoples, beings, entities, events.

But as we are these waves at infinity in which  countless beings, objects and events are arising, we are none of all these things.

Using a microscope or choosing a segment of the totality of being, - an activity most of us are addicted to,  while zooming into a certain reality, we then perceive e.g. what we call our “present” identity or body-mind. But which one is our real and present identity? Because we have altogether nine of them at a time, which one them is the one we usually identify with, as we in reality identify with all of them?

These are all questions of the mind and they are very confusing, aren’t they! But all the Real Masters are the ones who are pointing to our True Identity as Mere Being which is the only way to be at peace for Real, as it is the  Source and Substance of all the worlds, all the identities that arise in our consciousness.

But peace is not really the nature of  any of these separate entities, identities, worlds and events, if this very peace is not recognized as the foundation and basis on which All-That-Is-Arising exists.

It is my experience that, as soon as one of these identities or entities is recognized AS the very substance of being and is  met  in the mode of feeling to infinity, it dissolves for good. But there are forms we are holding onto for what ever reason, mostly for the sake of experience, that will not lose their specific identity. In that case remember, that this is YOUR own choice, and  that YOU  yourself have chosen a certain experience to arise, whether pleasant or  unpleasant, painful or joyful.

But any time we are choosing to let go of any phenomenon, it WILL dissolve into the endless and eternal field of mere being. Things that continue to arise (and they arise merely to our own  consciousness) are the ones we have been focusing on while making them our reality.

At this time of evolution of the universes many, many phenomena are being dissolved in and returned to  the Sea of Mere Being forever  -  to never to return. Because at the time of December  2012, a New Reality has been born on Earth. 

For a new reality to emerge fully, it always takes “time” as we perceive it, although there is also occurring  a  simultaneity of all things and happenings. What has been set in motion at that time is now more and more rapidly ripping apart the old parameters, as all of that which does not resonate with the New Era is ever more quickly crumbling away.

Of course all of that is occurring in our consciousness. Ascension occurs in consciousness only.  And there is only consciousness, even the “outer worlds” are, we must remember, as they are a reflection of our very own consciousness. In this understanding, the current process of Ascension is a stepping stone that releases a certain content in the  reality-consciousness of the universe and subsequently of our Earth Mother to dissolve into the Field of Divine Mere Radiant Being. Ultimately only Divine Mere Radiant Being will Remain, after all Ascension Processes in the so called future have been accomplished.

However we have been given the Blessing-Gift to already now commune with this Field of Ultimate Divine Radiant Consciousness, in the midst of all the universes and worlds and their limited consciousness, that still arise and will arise in the times to come.

Those who do the conscious work of releasing what can be released now into the Field of Mere Being, that can be accessed via the heart, are contributing to the acceleration of fundamental change in  the Collective Consciousness of humanity. 

The still sleeping masses will therefore soon discover – or are already slowly discovering – that certain patterns just don’t work anymore, such as wars, racism, hostility, and much more to come.

And so  we are all successively moving toward happiness and unity,  instead of separation and conflict, if we are willing to notice the auspicious signs  and stepping out of what “the heads of the hydra” still try to spout at us.

The word “love” has been used and misused significantly, especially in these times of confusion and ascension chatter. 

But if we join in our hearts with the  mere feeling of being, that just IS, and if we are using the intelligence of the heart, which is a thousand times more real and powerful  than the intelligence of the brain, we find a way to establish inner peace and  acknowledge our True Being that does not “need” any world or universe, but loves to play with experiences that are joyful and inspiring and liberating.

In lak’ech!
~ Ute ~

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Monday, May 20, 2013


by Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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Dearest friends,

First I need to explain: I only know that I am going to write something about this title. It popped into my mind, with a single and unified vision of this subject in my heart. HOW I am going to do this, I have no idea.  I FEEL it at the moment as a kind of Zeropoint Field, out of which the writing will flow to my own surprise.  As always, I do not “think”, what I write, it comes to me “un-thought”. It flows from somewhere, the part of me which is Higher Intelligence or Mind or Self.

I thought I should clarify this. Because there are people who “think” that I am writing from my little ego, if I don’t label it “channeling”. So in that sense, everything is “channeled” what I am writing. Because I never write from the point of view of the conceptual mind, but rather from a higher perspective. Otherwise I would need to “think” in advance what I would write and how. Then I would set a goal, do a research and collect content. Next I would make a concept and  write an outline, and so on.
But not so, as already described above.

Besides of that, I came to the conclusion that even every other channeling I ever wrote, is being transmitted from an aspect of my own Self, God-Self, Higher Self, etc., that at the moment of writing is connected or rather is One with the respective Source of channeling. While writing, there has never been separation between “me” and the Masters, Archangels, God-Self, Divine Mother, Gaia and so on.  What “they” did was giving the content a specific colour, according to their own personality and characteristic. After a channeling I always was asking myself: WHO really has written this? And it always felt it was an aspect of Myself, not myself as the separate ego, but of the Greater One, the One in Which we all participate.

Recently I read somewhere somebody expressing the same thought. And I thought, oh, great, so I am not alone with this understanding. It is all about our multidimensionality, and the more we realize this we understand, that there is only One Consciousness that we all share, which has many aspects. Ultimately we ARE indeed EVERYTHING that arises and of What we become aware of.

Why is this so? It is because all what we can think of, perceive, experience, see and feel arises in the All-That-Is-One-Divine-Consciousness That We Are. There is NOTHING that exists outside of It. All arises within It. And the more we open our awareness and grow our consciousness we experience this Inseparable Oneness with all Beings Who are an Aspect of Ourselves.
Equally well they always indeed tell us: We Are One with You.

In other words, we can only become aware of what is ALREADY present in this Consciousness That We Are. Division and the notion of separation and separateness is only a phenomenon of  the lower mind, that divides, makes distinctions  and categorizes. And such is the “thinking”, that the Masters, the Archangels and all the beautiful Beings Who are speaking are ‘others’ to us. But in Reality we are participating and sharing in moments of specific attention a common vibration and content. To illustrate this: it is the image of the vesica piscis, two circles of the same size which overlap each other equally, and the intersection is the mutual share.

Now, could the little ego understand these things and write an article about this, without studying  more enlightened content about what others said and wrote somewhere else?

The little ego can only copy. It has no creative powers and has no insight and capacity to understand the great coherency of all things and to look from the perspective of the already existing Unity, instead  to try to glue parts together to make them appear as one.

It is The One, That Unity, That Source, That Absolute That must become our own deeply felt Identity if we are to change our world and our humanity and human society. From the Depth of this Oneness only we can act and thrive and create something that is Divine, and full of joy and happiness.

But how to come to truly know this Oneness? It seems to be obvious that It can only to be known by transcending our duality, while we profoundly understand and integrate both sides of the coin: the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’.

We can observe stages in the process of this revelation in the consciousness of humanity. A humanity who is still asleep, mostly recognizes the ‘bad’ as an external insult. In the course of awakening the circle of awareness and self-understanding expands and the ‘bad’ starts to be seen and recognized also as part of our own separate self. Thus we start to struggle within ourselves more than with others. Next step then becomes the social and political awareness where the ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ is seen and recognized in the structure of society itself: the ‘good people’ versus  the ‘bad government’, the ‘bad bankers’ and the ‘bad companies’, and so on. Here we have a very strong tendency of polarization. And the powers of awareness are presently growing strongly in this direction.

However as long as this polarization holds a powerful place in our consciousness we also magnify our own sense of duality. While we oppose the ‘other’ side of polarity, the ‘bad’ side, we strengthen automatically our own side, which we consider in this battle to be the ‘good’ side, so that at the same time the force of the battle is significantly magnified. This is just another state of the time where human beings noticed the enemy only outside of themselves.

But now we are dealing with a global affair. This makes the difference, because we are developing with it a sense of greater togetherness which strengthens the intuition of Oneness, - thanks to the Blessings of the New Energies of Love and Light, so present now on Mother Gaia.

The Divine Is Working without fail, as always. Because the intuition of Oneness triggers the desire in us to Live It, to Know It, to truly Identify with It and to Be It.  

But there seems to be a huge gap – how to come to this desired Realization? Because we know in our own innermost Being, that Oneness and Unity cannot exclude ANYTHING that exists.

The gap is indeed the ‘problem’ itself, that we are having with the notion, that there is an ‘evil’, a ‘bad’ presence here on earth, and not knowing, what to do with it. Not knowing how we can create our new and Divine World as there are still these dark forces, preventing our happiness.

But lets quote in this context, what has been stated abvove: “There is only One Consciousness that we all share, which has many aspects. Ultimately we ARE indeed EVERYTHING that arises and of What we become aware of.”

Does this imply that the ‘evil’ IS part of our own Consciousness, that we ARE It ourselves? Yes, it Is! Of course! Otherwise if we deny this we never could understand and realize Unity and the Absolute!

Now you might feel resistance  and refuse to continue reading.
At this point I encourage you to nevertheless continue. Because a problem can be solved on a higher level than on the one on which it exists. Resistance comes naturally if we cannot imagine the solution to a problem. But the solution indeed exists on another, higher level of our own psycho-spiritual nature of which we are perhaps not yet aware.

What if we take Mephisto in Goethe’s Faust serious, who proclaims: “I AM a part of that Force that desires only Evil, but only creates the Good.” What, if we understand, that confronting the evil is the Divine Agency that forces our consciousness to awaken beyond duality, while recognizing even in Evil a Presence That Is of Divine Origin. An energetic frequency, which when understood, moves us to reach to the Highest Height of our own Divinity, as we begin to integrate and recognize all contents in Consciousness, all appearances, all beings, those of the Light, and those of the Dark, as One Single Existence, just with different vibrations and therefore intentions.

When we realize that there is nobody to fight with, no "other" to be afraid of, but only Divine Consciousness, we let the Divine enter from above and become One with It. There is Peace only, Radiance, Love. In It the illusion disappears.

What if we recognize this whole gigantic Happening as the One Divine Orchestration of Creation, That, when realized As That, opens the door to the Recognition and Realization of Oneness and Reality-Unity.

What this is really about, is not that we go and identify with all that we consider to be ‘dark’. But it is about acknowledging the dark as is, as a phenomenon, without identification with it and emotional re-action to it, as part of the Divine Drama that is here for our own grand-scale Liberation and Awakening as and Return to Divine Radiant Consciousness that has been always our True Nature! 

I remember that the Pleiadians, who are spiritually more evolved than present time humanity, are calling the dark ones “the dark shirts”*, which clearly bears no judgement or emotional involvement with them, and even evokes some humor about them. I am sure they evolved as soon as they were able to assume this disposition and jumped to a higher spiritual realization.

It is this disposition the Divine Realm of Unity and Oneness opens for us, when we realize the Being-ness that has been always Our Own, as soon as we dare to awaken from the dream of duality. It is like being saved on a higher platform above, from where we still can watch the struggle between the light and the dark forces. But the struggle is really only happening in the body-mind, which is involved in this dense dimension. And when we recognize this by going beyond it and assume our higher identity, we are already at peace with the dark, not only because they cannot reach us anymore, but because we have understood the relative illusion of their existence. In the higher frequency of light and love, there exist no dark forces, because they are vibrating in a different, lower reality.

The frequencies of love-light are the ones that carried us to this platform of Unity Consciousness, where there is no disturbance, no duality, a place from where we can observe the cosmic drama and – if it is our wish – even enjoy it with humor and love and happiness in our heart. It is the Recognition of the Grandiose Cosmic Joke.

The dark empire must fall when we, humanity, or at least enough of us, truly recognize the dark as part of our own consciousness. From that moment in which we take the projection back to Ourselves, not to the little ego-I, but to the Greater Divine Self, their power is lost, because they lost their function. They have done their service. And they have served us well!

We have seen them and understood them, and we can let them go, we have integrated them into our Divine Consciousness in Which All Is One.

The Divine Blessings Are with Us All!
With love,
* Barbara Marciniak: "Bringers of the Dawn"

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, March 2, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel

It is not in the outer world and not in the doings that is now our first focus. First focus and awareness is now necessary in pure feeling awareness, meaning widening and expanding our feeling awareness like subtle antennas around our body-mind  to infinity in a state of innocence and non-knowledge, and in a mood of free exploration.

It is just about this feeling and noticing and being aware of the new light around and pervading us, which is also information.

We need to relax the tension of the brain, relax our forehead and  consent not to figure anything out at the point where we start to practice pure feeling awareness, allowing to Be in Which we arise, allowing to Be What We Are.

And we will discover, we are Consciousness and Light and when we go deeper into the heart region, the feeling becomes more concentrated and intense perhaps, a sensation that is the frequency of Love. In this case we seem to be back in the core of the seemingly separate being. But ultimately this core again feels to be an infinite  thing!

So wherever we go, we discover the same, just in different layers and exposures: what is outside is inside, and even the inside is not confined to a center really and appears perhaps to be without circumference. It is the holographic design of a fractal that repeats itself to infinity!

This whole structural holographic design is the fingerprint of creation and how creation works. There is no end to it, continuing inside and outside. And after all, “inside and outside” is a pretty limited point of view, perceived from the illusion of being a separate being. As if our True Nature of Being would be confined to a point in existence, whereas in Truth, as we Are Consciousness,  we are All and Everywhere.

It is just that the body-mind is a focus point through which we make experiences, to look at the detailed process of creation, by creating them.

So being in a state of feeling-awareness allows the present intense light and information, that is dramatically right now changing our DNA and the very core of our body cells, to become our guide and pointer to the Truth of what we Are.

It is certainly not a “busy” state, but a place of great stillness and infinite space, from which we then might be guided to move into action, whatever it is.

This tells us that we need to unlearn to operate from the point of view of a limited and separated entity, the body-mind, and to allow to be gently and naturally drawn and moved by the wisdom of our Divine Being.

Not doings and actions then are any longer our main identity, but Knowing without center, is our operating system, in  and from which everything is possible.

Depending on our soul contract which bears the reason why we are here, actions and doings will evolve naturally.

So if we are at present in a crisis, not knowing where to go or what to do, because everything has been pulled away underneath our feet, we must remember to surrender our willful and familiar stress-bound search for fulfillment through actions.

We must drop everything to be turned around and to be guided not from a contracted assumed illusionary center, but by the Infinity of light and consciousness that is our Divine Nature.

In the beginning, if we haven’t done such a thing before, we might think that we fall into nothingness and emptiness, and this might feel scary.

But here the fear is the gate-keeper to the domain of  Truth, because once we accept, embrace, understand and go beyond this fear, we will recognize the seeming emptiness as mere and heart-fulfilling fullness!

When we come to this recognition, we understand that we have interpreted “emptiness” from the point of view of a separated ego-personality. And indeed, our Divine Truth IS empty of it! But in the transcendence of the ego or identification with the mind, our infinite Being of Fullness can Emerge and become obvious.

It is the Blessing Grace of this time that we are given the opportunity to be reborn as the Ones We Truly Are, and we surrender, just because the old patterns are not working anymore. And so we are Gently and Divinely brought to the point where we are willing to change our perspective, One with the Higher Will of the Divine!

Therefore, Beloved Friends, do not consider difficulties at this time as personal failures, while you are waiting for the world to change, but as the call to change your point of view, your awareness, and to expand your understanding to grow into a new Consciousness that expresses your Divine Nature.

This will not be difficult, because it is given to you when you ask, when you listen into the un-Known, without prejudice and expectation. Then you will Know and then you will Remember. Because you have known it since Eternity.

I love you!


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please support my work via subscription or donation. Read the update from 21.8.12


Beloved Friends,

I was hesitating to publish  this, because it is somehow very personal. And in my experience, going public  with these things is not always very beneficial for oneself. But then I decided to do it anyway, as I am a part of the whole, a piece of puzzle in the big picture of humanity, which can describe the human spiritual possibilities in the process of this huge upgrading of our total universe. So hopefully it inspires you.

Below I have added just short excerpts from my diary about my present process. It is one of the many physical (and spiritual) processes and transformations that I am experiencing since many years. The description is not complete, but gives you an idea what the body is going through at this time, who has to deal with the transformational energies of huge forces of light. 

At the moment I experience a kind of settling down, but my body is still on fire and I must be extremely careful and observing, because any little stress or strain, evoked through dealing with 3dimensional matters, puts my body immediately into disharmony and pain.

So I need to continue to be in a meditative state with as little as possible attention on the "outer world" and its necessities. In this process it remains important to focus on the spirit of light  and to surrender to it, which surrounds and pervades my body, and which can feel like white burning fire if I focus too much into the external world. This includes also typing for this blog using the computer. So I have to learn how to integrate these kind of activities. It is literally about learning a new existence.

I consider my experiences quite natural as they are the natural consequences when we open up to the light and new consciousness that is surrounding us. They are the tangible proof that indeed the situation here on earth has changed already profoundly and that this Place IS Sacred! It all depends on where we put our feeling attention.

"We become what we are meditating on" 

Much love and many blessings,

From my diary: 

About 3 weeks ago I had a major spiritual experience in my heart and brain. Since then my digestive system went through the roof. It went completely crazy and I couldn’t eat anymore. My body didn’t digest anything. I looked like pregnant in the 9th month and I had incredible pains in the chest. So I stopped eating altogether for 3 days. I took only water, distilled water! It removes the harmful minerals and many toxins from the body.

I knew I had to change my (already very healthy) diet radically! I considered even to only live from Prana from now on. But then, as I needed to interact with the low vibrational usual world, I started to feel physical weakness, and the urge to eat, at least a few spoonfuls. At the moment its only very little raw and steamed vegetables and some fruit.

What I notice is, that the heart region is the primary source of light, while the light in the brain is secondary and is enlightened by the heart. And there is a pillar of light in the body that connects the heart with the brain, while the light runs upwards from the heart to the brain. That’s how heart and brain are literally connected, while the  heart feeds the brain.

This is the sign that the heart is primary. The brain is secondary, although most believe it is the other way around.

A week later:

An incredible forceful light is in my heart and chest. It is huge, greater than my body, it just is. It is most radiant. The body seems to hang on It like an appendix. This light feels like a hole in the universe, shining through a huge hole in my body. This light is prior to everything and all consuming. It is brilliant. It is more than just an energy center, a chacra. It is the Force of the Reality of Light and Consciousness Itself.

Simultaneously an extremely strong and brilliant beam of light comes out of my third eye, about 8cm long, ending in the external chacra, that is brilliantly glowing, while my inner brain is glowing white too.

There seems to be basically nothing else to exist, than the light. The rest is illusion.

I must have my attention fully on it. The more I do it, the less pain I feel in my body. The pain is very strong and I have heart palpitations. The force of this light is almost too much for the heart. This is indeed a challenge for the physical heart and the physical body altogether. 

This light is formless and of unlimited power and energy. Whereas the physical heart is merely a dense part of the body  that cannot contain that force but must surrender to it. This requires a change in the physics of the body.

I am really afraid to have a heart attack, but in the hospital they couldn't find anything.

The days before this opening, my body felt like permeated by light. This is not the subtle body, that surrounds the physical body. But it is the change of the density of the physical body that itself seems to become lighter, less dense.

Now I experience with my inner eye the atomic structure of it, where there is no density. We all know these images of the circulating particles of an atom which are moving in huge distances from one another.

But when I look from outside at my body it looks of course like always: an opaque mass. However I feel that more light than before is now shining through it, visible for those who can see these things. Whereas the opaque mass appears due to the specific (illusionary) nature of our 3D senses.

Messages and entities, such as the Ascended Masters, appear inside this mass of light in the heart, and not outside of me. This also tells me that I AM part of them, and they are part of me. We are not separate.

What I describe here is humanity’s heritage not just a personal experience, and many have experienced this in the past and might now experience  the same.

I am told to listen to the light, as it is consciousness at the same time and follow It’s guidance. And indeed it speaks to me.

"This is the transition to the other side. It is the liberation from the bondage to the limited form and concept and program of the body-mind and the identification with it.

Now, as I take over, the body-mind is My mere instrument. It is a matter of your identification with Me, and not with the body."  

And there is more communication, but it is personal.


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel, 21.1.13, AEST
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please also read update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended)

Dearest friends,

About 3 weeks into the year 2013, and we slowly discover its new quality!

The pressure of 2012, full of great expectations, the run to the final events, is over. But many people felt disappointment, expecting great things to happen in the outer world. They did not look inside to experience the change in themselves.

But who worked with the conscious process, these blessed souls, they did prepare by dealing with the levels of energy and light by releasing densities. 

Because the glorious final chord of 2012 was a vibrational shift and thereby a shift in consciousness.

If people did not attune to the vibrational shift, they tended to project their expectations merely into the outer world.

Now, after the great opening at the end of a 26.000 years cycle, 2013’s quality is entirely different and new! What we felt in 2012 as a constant and increasing squeezing of time and events, which happened one after the other ever more rapidly and powerfully, experience now develops into a quite different direction and quality.

The usual perception of time seems to subside and to make room for a majestic Opening into a new dimension of Timeless Holiness and Sanctity. And all we can do is to allow ourselves to open up to It and to  feel and breathe It and to start to vibrate and resonate with this new Revelation, Which is right around us.

What appeared during 2012 to be an increasingly compressed battle in the fields of duality, made room for a new dawning of something Awesome and Sublime.

This Single Sublimity is calling us to allow ourselves to grow into It, to vibrate with our heart with It, in order to discover our true heritage, to allow the Eternal Presence of our Being-ness to take over this doubtful and contracted illusionary presumption that we "think" we are.

As if a lid has been taken away from us to open us up to Infinity from above, as if the fetters around our hearts have burst, as if the ground gives way, to touch with our feet the heart of our planet in a higher dimension. And so the walls give way into all directions, allowing us to breathe beyond our skin into infinite space.

There is a Radiant, Unmovable new Reality around us, a Reality That has been always there, but we have not been aware of it. A new Freedom has been given to us, to naturally unfold into our original and inherent Greatness.

This is the incoming of expanded Consciousness, the Presence of the Sublimity of the Human Soul, that is taking Seat in the Heart of Mankind.

We are growing now beyond this planet into Space, not anymore prisoners her and bound to this little place, but sovereigns who are the caretakers of this beautiful Earth, our true home in The Cosmic Infinite Heart and our Inspiration in the Deep of the Galaxy, our Feet in the Womb of the Universal Mother.

To me a new Unity is arriving, a Singleness and Union with Creation and Freedom in Unlimited Consciousness. A new Satisfaction in Simplicity, that is One without an “other”.

The Great Future of humanity has already begun. What we Are becomes obvious: Galactic Beings breathing Eternity in our Hearts.
The Opening into a new Reality is Bright and Sacred. It is the Return of Humanity’s dignity!

And even if there are not many yet of the Billions who are aware of It, - the fact of this Glorious Opening is tangibly obvious. It Is Here!

Great transformations and shifts always started slowly and gained momentum after a time. Soon there will be a magnificent river taking with it Millions and then all the Billions!

For now, while I write, I allow this Powerful Eternal Presence here, to Acquire my heart and whole body-mind.

And if you wish, let this be our invocation, my dearest friends:
Let this New Radiant Reality Speak and Act now and Breathe me! May It Act now through me! Now is the time where I hand over to this Presence my little personality and let the Great One Rule.

I can now sit back, my little self has done its duties. Now, the Greater  Self and Reality may take over, finally, to reign in Divine Perfection through me and as me.

With very much love,


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
