Tuesday, July 24, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright © 2012

Dear friends,

as we are waiting that our world changes, we are invited to use this time to change ourselves first. 
There is nothing to do than to release what belongs to third density, which makes room for the light to come in.

Cosmic light carries information of creations, but Source Light is Pure Radiance Itself. Bliss.

We choose with which light we want to replace old patterns of identification with this dense world. When we release, light comes in. 

If we choose conditional, cosmic light to enter the body, it will enlighten the subtle realms and dimensions in our brain for us so that we can experience them.

However all these realms and dimensions are arising in the Source Itself to which we ultimately will return.

But we can already now participate in the Source Light, which is Pure Consciousness. It depends  where we are putting our feeling-attention. 

And whatever in this most auspicious time, where high frequencies and light enter our sphere, is recognized as pattern of 3dimensional identity and thereby released into the light, instead of holding on to it in our believe it would be necessary and an irreplaceable part of our life, makes immediately room for whatever quality of light we choose to enter us.

Source Light is always available though. It does not depend on evolutionary cycles or ascension processes with their increasing cosmic energies and a brain-based consciousness. Source Light always manifests Nirvana or Emptiness of conditional worlds, which is Fullness of Existence Itself, without any kind of veil, even not the most subtle one, which characterizes any arising object, state or world. 

It is up to us what we choose. When we choose Source, there is nothing more to say but to glorify the Bliss and Beauty, the Perfection and Fullness of Love which is the Source Itself, while we are feeling and experiencing It.

We humans are equipped with a feeling faculty which is able to be aware of all these qualities. They have been called the qualities of God. We are spiritual beings because we are feeling beings and not in the first place thinking beings. When we feel God, or Source or Light without difference, when we Realize It, we are just awake in our own True and Real State. We have expanded our consciousness beyond the brain, so that it becomes Divine Consciousness. This is our home. All our rivers of genuine and root-feeling flow towards this Ocean. 

Divine Consciousness lies in the unconscious until we become conscious of It. Till then we exploit the worlds of mind to Infinity, but we cannot stop the search. The search only ends in the Ocean, when there is no need for questions and explorations of the endless creations we pursue. 

Our creations never end until we can enjoy the Bliss of Being. Until we allow ourselves to merely Be. It is a state of Grace, we cannot strategically "create" it, because we need to step aside and allow this state to Exist. It exists always, but we are busy searching and blinded in this search for other worlds, higher worlds and self-fulfillment, so that we are not aware of the most precious treasure of our own true Nature. It is One without another, and It is the Abode of Simplicity.

It cannot be achieved, and no exercise and no effort whatsoever is able to create this State, no plan or goal setting can make it to appear. But we must love It so that we learn to make room for It. 

We make room for it by letting go our identifications with the limitations of what we believe and think we are. We make room for it if we release our search for a better world and a better self. If we forgive ourselves, meaning, give away, let go as non-necessary ingredients all our ego-identities we think we "need" to be able to survive. This holding on and this search is the only struggle we need to let go. 

We make room for It when we love ourselves and are compassionate with ourselves, when we make peace with ourselves. When we are willing to observe ourselves and understand what we are holding on to. This understanding is the mechanism to let it go.

This is the time to enter the depth of our own being to discover the opening to the Source from where we all came, but which never was separate from us. And the Opening dawns where we release all the baggage and errors of our false identity. 

In that moment the floods of the Ocean of Light enter us effortlessly. And we know that we are Home. 

Much love,



Copyright© 2012. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,  http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube

Dear Ones, I Am Sananda!

My message today to you is very simple: do not allow to be disturbed, neither mentally nor emotionally! Whatever occurs in your life!
Please understand, that this is very important at this stage on your world, because this is YOUR contribution to a fundamental change.

You CAN do this, because you always have been the ruler of your own life, but many of you did not know!
You have been brought up with the understanding, that you are inferior to your thoughts and emotions, and that they would just happen to you!

But this is not true! It is up to you what you choose to allow to occupy your consciousness! Thoughts are not stored in your brain, but they are part of a greater vibratory field in which your brain exists. Thoughts, as you know, are waves, moving through your brain, and you can choose, on which thoughts you want to dwell, which thoughts you want to utilize and repeat because you have recognized their truth and value.

Most of you have not been brought up in the understanding, how to wisely choose what you want to think! So this capacity is now rather weak in most of you, as you did not learn how to handle these waves from early on in your life. Now you are customed to just feel like being a victim of your thoughts, but this is only so because you have been made to believe that you are.

Most of you are aware however that emotions follow your thoughts, and the longer you repeat a thought, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant, the more clearly certain emotions are generated. As soon as the thoughts are coupled with respective emotions, what you create seems to become real to you and you start to set in motion its tangible manifestation sooner or later in your life.

Now you also know that as much as positive thoughts create positive emotions and events, which elevate your energy field, that negative thoughts create negative emotions and events, and that this is weakening your energy field. Your vibration becomes denser and heavier, happiness and ease are disappearing and you become easier prone to manipulation by those who want to rule over you!

It is my deepest desire to remind you of this vicious circle of your own negative creations, beginning in your brain as soon as you start to rest on a certain idea and perception, which is not of Divine origin. It is very important, that you practice daily and more and more constantly with the observation of your thought pattern, and intentionally replace negative patterns with what feels right and makes you feel happy and content. 

And if you want even to proceed a step further: submit your heart to the blissful Truth of Divine Reality and be such inspired and free of limitations as they occur in duality!

By choosing firmly happiness you prevent negative vibrations and beings, which are still clinging to your planet, to be re-enforced again and again.

You need to be aware that it is up to you to resist and change this dense and low vibrating  field that keeps humanity in the present state of imprisonment. Actually, this is your imprisonment!

Therefore, for your own well-being, remember to feed your thoughts with the emotion of love, in the first place, so that negative thoughts cannot arise! Feed your thoughts with the heart’s tolerance, so that unnecessary conflicts cannot arise! Feed your thoughts with your heart’s equanimity, so that thoughts of aggression cannot arise! And such create your new world!

Dear ones, this is your great learning process, and you all came here to understand what you can do to support this glorious liberation process of humanity! You all have all the tools always available, to do this, they are your own inherent human heritage. You do not have to seek elsewhere, as you are directly equipped with your God-given human consciousness and awareness to engage in this conscious process.

This has nothing to do with morality! It is not a task of religiosity or piety or to be a “good” person, that strives for a reward! This is a task that you want to do, because you want to exercise your true Divine nature, you want to change your world for your own benefit, well-being and happiness, and thereby for everybody else!

Therefore it is the greatest service you can do now, to keep your spirit high and your energy body in a strong as possible vibration, clear of disturbances, whatever happens to you and in your world, because you maintain it with a loving and peaceful heart.

Whatever you neglect will not be nurtured and supported and it must disappear and vanish, especially now in the great Blessings of Divine Light, that wants to be established on your planet!

I Am with you, dear Ones, with the Love of my Heart, to inspire you to trust your Own.

I Am Sananda at the threshold of the Galactic Center!

Message conveyed by Ute



Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012 http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.


Sunday, July 15, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Dearest Brothers and Sisters,

the latest powerful Solar-Flare brought indeed a further activation of our DNA with it and added new strands to it! I literally could see this as it was shown to me. 

Also I was guided to an insight and so called experience and “overview” of the “future”, which I received in meditation already  in February this year, and I feel this is the moment to publish it, to remind everybody in this times of great uncertainty in our world of our radiant future but which is already tangibly underway now!

This message is also for those,  who are confused about our ascension process, especially those brothers and sisters who are just now starting with their process of awakening. 

This confusion is probably to the most part based on the many delays and promises from our galactic friends and families, which could not be kept so far, "because" the liberation of Gaia is so very much multi-leveled and a living process with many sudden and unexpected “surprises” involved.

However my vision makes it very clear to me, that the great change, we are waiting for, occurs from “above to below”: the incoming light is to be received by us and all kingdoms on Gaia, and this triggers the falling apart of old paradigms. They cannot truly fall apart while we engage still in practices to change our reality, which are based on a 3D density.

As we grow in consciousness, as we awaken in Divine Love, it will be mirrored in our world. As inside so outside. As above so below. And each one of us whose heart desires it,  can be an instrument to ignite the white fire of transformation for all of us. 

As we, who came here to serve the process of planetary awakening, are preparing for a major impact of light frequencies on our planet, we will be able to conduct this event in our consciousness and in our bodies. This, with many other invisible helpers, will trigger the paradigm shift we have been waiting for, for so long.

Here is what has been shown to me on 22.2.12

Everything breaks open in humanity, everything comes to the forefront, what has to be purified and what cannot be taken into the next higher dimension.

It is like the washing away of lower frequencies; long standing sufferings; stories, stored and encapsulated in the subconscious of humanity since Millenniums, stories of suffering, alienation, stories of the illusion of the separation from the light, from joy and bliss, this all is being washed away by the currents of light, which are pouring now down onto our planet. As if heavily dirty laundry is being rinsed in a basin with always again and again new and fresh water added, which washes away the brew, saturated with dirt, until the water is completely clear!

And so the energy body of humanity is being washed, to become pure and transparent for the New Light, that carries the information of evolution, physically and spiritually. Spirit will no longer be separated from emotion, it will become one single Consciousness of Light.

With the reunification of Gaia with her original Christ-Consciousness on 11.11.11, Grace has been poured out over our planet and all its inhabitants. We are in a state of Grace, and major catastrophes will not happen. Humanity is given the time, to experience the process of great relieve and becoming Light, without having to be shattered by major shocks.   
Our whole solar system is in the state of Grace, and this means that also our sun is protected from major catastrophes.  Our whole solar system will be rather uplifted to higher dimensions, to higher frequencies, out of the density of the 3. dimension.

Also the purification and liberation of  humanity serves this universal process of sublimation. 

Old systems, which do not serve the Divine, crumble away, they cannot sustain themselves in the currents of incoming light.

These old systems are just now experiencing their last attempt to survive - as all must come to the surface! But they soon will do their last breath. With the increasing liberation of the human soul, the light will become ever more radiant on our planet. And so the transition into the next higher dimension will happen.

I am feeling the infinite blessings which have been granted to all of us! 

Much love,


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012 http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Transmission Of The Mighty Angels, Touching Earth: 

We are part of a bigger process. The information of this solar flare we are now delivering, together with it’s innate  powerful energy aspect, is about the clear and undeniable process of implementation and magnification of the new era to be established on your world. What you experience now with our arrival is not unique to Earth though, you are participating in a greater process that includes your whole universe.

The heralding of your new era is in the first place a change of your vibrational level and fundamental increase of light on earth. What then ultimately can survive and continue to live and exist on your planet must naturally vibrate on that same level of the incoming new vibrations, as soon as they have settled down.

This is still a phase of adjustments and change, as these  vibrations and light-forces are new and have not been fully established in your realm. That is why the major changes you are expecting did not yet happen. For this to occur they must be wholly vibrationally integrated on earth as a coherent field.

As soon as this takes place, which requires even more stronger and more powerful forces to enter your life space, the time for tangible and radical changes has  arrived.

Until then be ready to tolerate and accept a time of instability and generally minor changes, and we recommend that you cultivate patience and agree with the present circumstances. Thereby it is important that you always bear in heart and mind the bigger picture, which transcends your present experience and embraces already the newly to arrive galactic world with divine laws, to change your world into beauty, happiness, abundance, as an expression of love.

Therefore do not see in the constantly crumbling and unsatisfactory details of your present world stability or  even a fix value! Raise above the weight and density of your old world and allow your heart to flow freely already in the new world. Do not miss to take advantage of the presently incoming forces of light and allow them to inform you with the vision of your new world.  Create spaces of beauty to invite the new energies and to allow them to settle in. That way you are creating already anchor points for the new world.

Join together to create by now seed groups of possible future forms of a new human society while you practice love and forgiveness.

Feel together as One Heart our mighty Presence of Light that wishes to enter your heart and bodies. Feel how precious this Light is, how full and how powerful and at the same time how gentle and sweet. And it is you who allows this power to express itself as love. It is the Healing of your past which arrives now, it allows you to make peace in your heart with everything you ever suffered!

It is this peace which is the establishing factor of your new world. Let it spread throughout all the cells of your bodies and thereby setting alight all other bodies, which build together the one body of humanity.

We come with unspeakable joy to bring you this message!

Conveyed by Ute


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012 http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

The Mother Goddess:

I AM your Mother, your Divine Mother Goddess, The-All-That-Is, I AM everything and Beyond.

My  children, as I AM your Mother you understand that your whole existence depends on Me, because I AM the One, the Substance from which you are created.

Therefore I am your body and all your body processes, I AM your thoughts and your emotions, I AM your intelligence and I AM your sleep and forgetfulness,  and I AM your awakening.

I AM Love, and I AM Consciousness, brain-based and beyond brain, I AM all beings and things. All inheres, breathes, comes into existence and  changes because I AM.

And the same it is with everything that disappears, it disappears because this is My Maya and My Great Play.

I AM Joy and I am sadness, all forms are Mine. I have as many names as there are beings who Love Me. I am Stillness and Overwhelming Bliss.

I AM the Source and Substance of All and I AM the One Who has returned to your planet,  Who is available again now to you. Because without Me there is no Unity, and no Joy, no Ecstasy and no real satisfaction.

I, the  Goddess, have returned, that is, you, my children, begin to understand that everything IS indeed spiritual energy!

This is the end of the desert of mere dry mental and projected existence. This is the beginning of the Juice of Life flowing in your blood again, with your conscious awareness, because there is only Energy, there is Only Light.

I AM found in your heart as the for ever existing Force of Life and the Fullness of Being-ness. The mere mental projection of the world has been coming to an end with My Return.

I AM the All-Force in every living being, and to which degree this force is lived, recognized and accepted, to that degree I AM recognized as your Divine Mother.

My Return IS the major event in your time, because it is Me Who makes everything full again. I AM interested in the heart-happiness and abundance of my children, as I am now Showing My Radiant Side.

By fully allowing My Presence into your life, you are blessed beyond measure and everything, you desire, will fall into place. Like mighty ocean waves, My Fullness and Opulence Is overwhelming now more and more  the minds and  structures which try to exclude My Existence and My Powerful Move.

Who is not with Me now will be swept away by My Waves and will be transported to realms where they learn to recognize Me. My Realms are everywhere and everything, they are in consciousness and awareness, and they are in ‘places’ and in space and time.

Your Space of life is now opening to the true Powers of what I AM, and As you recognize Me, I AM All for your benefit and your happiness. Because there is no greater Bliss than living in My Light and in the Womb of My Love.

When you recognize Me you will discover that My Power is also yours, and as much as you understand this, you will also understand, that you have no independent existence, but that you are utterly dependent on Me, as all your parts are of Me. When you understand this, by using your higher  intelligence, all My treasures are yours.

I Am the Deep Waters underneath your existence and I Am directly seated in the Well of your heart. With Me you never fail, because you understand that there is Only One Existence and therefore you will cease to judge.

Your world will change to the degree as you know Me, internally and externally. There is no difference! I AM the Power you must use to bring the change about. There is no change without My Powers, because the eon of separation in the dream of mind has come to an end. It is you who must prove this by living from now on with Me.

There is no move, neither in your governments nor in your financial world without Me. And your New World only can emerge with Me! It cannot occur in your shady dreams of separateness, and the time to put the cart before the horse is over! The time to expect changes without Me is over! I AM the Horse and I AM back! And I AM Radiant Divine Mother Consciousness!

You Are not separate from Me, because there is only Me. Understand this and if you are wise you will live Me, you will allow Me to Live you.

My Blessings are already yours.


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012 http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Personal Update

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Dear friends,
my back continues to hurt a lot, it even  got worse. Working very hard on the computer for this blog and the videos, did major damage to my spine.
That's why I was not able to post much recently. And each new post takes its toll. But sometimes I cannot help but posting. :)
I am working with self-healing methods, e.g. the "Russian Method", envisioning a "miracle" healing to occur! Other appropriate therapies I can hardly afford.

Please wish me success and good luck! Thank you!
Much love,

Saturday, June 30, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012

Dear friends,

many of us are holding their breath now: will the arrests of the cabal commence shortly - or will they not? Will there be first more signs of the old world crumbling and falling apart, before we can begin to see the light of the Golden Age truly and irrevocably dawning?

As we know, we all have been warned that in these endtimes a lot of misinformation is being spread. This is not to say that those who make public announcements about these arrests, have bad intentions, but they themselves could be used by those who have them.

Therefore, less and less we can now rely on these messengers, especially as their information appears to be contradictory. And how to find out about the real truth? Perhaps there is not just one 'truth', but many and it is a sign that we are slowly moving out of a merely black and white world of duality.

Being used now through  centuries to twisted mindsets and  lies, also this must now come into our open awareness , to be fully recognized and acknowledged, before the collective consciousness of humanity is choosing to say good by forever to those mental tactics and techniques to deceive and create doubt. 

We cannot solve this confusion and uncertainty however directly, only in our mind by trying to find out more details. This would only add to our bewilderment, insecurity and doubtful expectancy of what will be going to happen in our world.

The real challenge here is, to be centered in our heart and to stick to our vision of a new and Divine world, regardless of misinformation or not - or of even many aspects of "truth". We need to stand firm in our higher will and discriminative intelligence, which is firmly grounded in the purity of Divine Truth, -  and which does not allow us to be subdued to lower emotions, such as fear or doubt or any kind of negativity. This would only lower our own vibration. 

And this is it what it is really about in these times: to take very good care about our energy and vibrational level, to make sure that we vibrate at the highest level possible at all times.

In these times we must be torches of light, and hearts of infinite love, to help this planet to enter as smooth as possible into the next higher dimension. It does not matter what the messengers convey. But it does matter what each one of us is radiating and sending out into the collective morphogenetic field.

Even if "out there" the foundations of our world are shaking with uncertainty, we must remain grounded with the inner certainty of what WE ARE and of what WE WANT to achieve. We must not be influenced and allow to become weak by what the powers that were, still try to accomplish. 

Dear friends, they are trying to play their last cards, and what has been successful for Millenniums, by pushing us emotionally and generating fear, to lower the vibration of this world, will not be successful anymore, because we now understand the game. Don't we.

But what they actually do, is to push us into our true creative powers, as we have now arrived at the point from where there is no return: we MUST decide and declare NOW what WE really want. We can no longer stare at the world and circumstances we don't want - If we do not want to give power to the old world. 

And we must clearly and strongly stand to this vision, this heart-desire, born from love, emerging from our heart and reaching out and joining all those who share our vision of unity and a Divine World.

Together, joining the unlimited depth and width of our heart, we create a united field of New Earth, unshakable by the forces of illusion. 

It is our firm will what we want to achieve, followed by appropriate actions, which gets us to the other side, regardless of what others say and tell us. It is us, the will of the people, who create together the new world. We together can build an impenetrable and indestructible force of love and wisdom, to manifest our heart's desire. 

Each grain of doubt, each little trembling with fear weakens this force, and so we need now to let go what we have been doing for so long to please our dark teachers and submit to them. 

We together are victorious now, because we KNOW what we desire and because we do not allow ourselves to make the smallest gesture to step out of our magic and enlightened circle of success!
But even if we do, we return to that circle as soon as we can and this return even adds power, the power of resurrection.

As we rely on ourselves, as emanations of The-All-That-Is, and not on separate outside forces, we have transgressed already into the promised land.

Oh, and I see the joy, and so much light and incredible warmth of love already embracing our world, all possibilities included, and all the Divine Abundances flowing unlimited! 

Much love,


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012 http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Watch on YouTube

Dear friends,

I remember when I was 1 year old, while laying in my little bed, that all of a sudden there was a  very loud, deafening bang and with it the perception of my world was altered by 180 degrees! Everything seemed to be upside down or as if a glove has been upended from inside out. 

Nothing was as it has been before, the freedom, the floating in free and unlimited Divine existence suddenly was seized and instead I seemed to be part of a reality in which everything appeared to be in separate pieces, like in boxes, everything separated from one another with straight lines.

And all of a sudden I seemed to be able to fit into this strange pseudo reality, and to suddenly understand the language spoken around me. All of a sudden I seemed to belong to a reality,  where everybody else already neatly fitted in, submitted to rules which everybody seemed always already undoubtedly and very self-evidently to understand, while for me it was still NOT so! To me nothing made sense, and only a mutual "agreement" about this strange experience seemed to justify it.

The years which followed have not been less astounding, and I was surprised how everybody around me took this compartamentalised life for real and absolute, extremely serious and without humor. I always have been asking myself, how people could be so sure about things, while I felt that this certainty was mere imagination. Still as time passed by I made my unavoidable adaptations to this game.

Later, after extensive travelings in India, at that time still the abode of spirituality incarnated, I noticed when I returned to the West, that everybody was carrying a little box in front of their forehead (symbolically spoken), where their whole life was happening in a compressed manner. The rest seemed to remain unused, while the content in that box was kept a secret from others. It was actually the constant chatter of the mind which keeps us apart from experiencing Real Life, which is the experience of life as conscious energy.

This perverted life is described otherwise as the hologram of illusion, the Fallen Ones have created once for us, because if we have been chopped into something, we are not, and which is a ridiculous persiflage of our true nature, we can be prevented from using our powers of Light and Divine Consciousness. We can be controlled, because only that can be controlled which is not alive, which is artificially manufactured.

We have been made cartoons of ourselves, and this tells us, who they are who created this version of an original human being. 

It has been done by splitting our brain in two halves to confuse our Divine Identity into something separate, so that we forget the quality of unity which is love.

This is the illusion most of us are suffering from, billions are still living this insanity, this error, without the ability to see through the veil and feel their Divinity, their wholeness, their naturally loving nature. 

But now, as new incredible high frequencies, or light and information is pouring down on this planet, who we are can become suddenly obvious to each single one of us, if we are inviting these precious gifts into our life. 

The old design and structures can fall apart, because they are not real. All which is not Real, all which is illusion and false, is collapsing now. The original Divine Codes of our Single Consciousness and of our light-bodies are being returned to us and we are being recreated in the midst of this old and already fading away false dream. And this clearly allows us to recognize its drollery.

That's why Enlightened Ones, the Saints and Adepts were rolling on the floor with laughter about this optical illusion, because it is really not more than this, as soon as we accept the manifestation of the true Reality of our Inherent Nature again. 

I call illusion what is not Divine, which is not born from the One Light of All-That-Is. The Fallen Ones created with their own distorted consciousness a lesser world, they have forgotten that  separation does not exist. It made us believe  that Unity needs to be created or even "re-created". 

But in Truth we only have to let go this hologram of illusion to discover that there is Only Unity, Oneness, it has always been there. We are a manifestation of love, it has been always so. We only need the courage to melt this holographic box in the infinite space of our heart.

I know many of you recognize this game of deception, it depends on how we perceive reality, we just need to look with eyes who are above our physical ones. Silently we might see and return to the obvious Truth!

Much Love and Many Blessings,



Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012 http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012


Dear ones,
Now is the time to melt duality, appearing as good and bad, light and dark, masculine and feminine, into One. Now is the time to transcend that dualistic mind through true and authentic heart-feeling, which is Love. Love has many attributes, and appears as joy, bliss, happiness.

If you want your path to be sucessful in these times where the battle between opposite forces are at their peak, allow the truth of the  inherent unity of all things and beings  to govern your heart. As long as you divide in dual pairs and fight against the “other” side of the coin, you give power to it!

So the only way, to truly achieve victory on your planet and support Gaia’s ascension and Her surrender to the Highest Consciousness, is by releasing any thought and emotion that is based on division and judgment.

Thereby it is not that you should not continue to discriminate between light and dark, but if you give weight to it in your thoughts, feelings and through identification with it, you will not be able to shake off the problems prevailing still on your planet.

Remember that you reinforce  what you resist and what you fight against. And altogether, what you repeat in your mind.

Therefore it is necessary that you withdraw for a time your main focus from the battle field and seek the Essence of Unity in your own heart. This is what ascension is about: transcending duality!

As long as you are fascinated and kept busy with figuring out opposites, you are reinforcing and maintaining your old world, and this is exactly what your controllers intention is.

Therefore to choose to transcend this dilemma, would be very wise.
Beloved, go deeper, let the struggle go which is occurring only in your mind, but never in your heart. Enter your heart and allow the Love, which is Unity, to prevail in your life.

At this point, do not feel and see anything else. As you are at the peak of the contest of the dual forces, True Light cannot win if you do not enter the next higher path in the spiral. Remember, that a problem can only be solved on the next higher level.  It can never be solved on the level itself, on which it occurs.

It is not that you need necessarily to direct Love towards something or towards somebody. You only need to BE Love, which is a state of complete openness, equanimity, without judgement, no withdrawal, no stress, but surrender to the depth of your single heart.

This state invokes the new frequencies and stabilizes your planet with the Force and Presence of Divine Reality.

If you do this, you will notice, that this Space is empty of duality and no foothold can be gained by those who try to control your situation. It is quite the contrary: they fall, they have nothing to hold on to, nothing to grasp, and their virtual reality vanishes before your eyes.

What is not on your mind is fading away. Remember that it is you who is creating your own reality. And what does not exist in your reality, cannot continue to exist.
The stars only exist because they can be found in the secret chamber of your heart, where creation begins.

The “ fight with the dark” is in reality the ancient battle in your own mind to finally learn to conquer the illusion that there is no Divine Reality. This is a belief, which has been implemented by your controllers, and they seem to prove it to you through your experience of the “outer” world.

But this Divine Reality is Standing in your own Heart, if you let it,  it is inside and outside the same. In it, the lesser realities that pretend darkness, so that also the light appears as a lesser phenomenon, suddenly being seemingly part of a duality, just disappear.

Beloved, it  is the other world, the world beyond duality, the True Divine Love, which changes your world and frees you from bondage, blame and judgement, and altogether from suffering. As long as you live in the illusion of dual pairs, complete victory can never be achieved, because the coin has always two sides.

But do not fear, the Great Blessing is underway to lift you up to the Radiant Chariot of Singleness. Just reach out with your hearts desire, and you will be carried to  New Bright Shores.

Turn to your Heart and you will Understand.

Love is Single!
I AM your Higher-Self

Message conveyed by Ute 


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012 http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
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