Sunday, March 10, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please support my work via subscription or donation. Read the update from 21.8.12

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Beloved Friends!

My heart-felt gratitude for your many loving responses I received to my last update: "Blessed, Strange Times"! It was another proof to me that we are all together in this, by going through a profound evolutionary process.

And your responses also confirmed to me that I function (as so many others at this important time)  as a catalyst. Because as soon as I had published this update, I noticed that suddenly all the “symptoms” were gone! And all the juiciness in my body-mind was back! While obviously a conscious process of recognition and transformation had started in others.

The process of writing is being initiated in my case from an All- Embracing Love-Light and Joy that is Pervading my being, with a  strong impulse to write, and it is as if this Energy is writing down what I need to say. It is not “me” that is writing, it is another Dimension that  speaks.  And another Dimension that is willing to feel personally things that are not owned and not so pleasant but which are holding at a certain time a more or less general level and quality of experience in the  collective consciousness of those who have agreed to enter the path of ascension.

This Dimension of Light, Love and Joy is the Native Truth of Humanity, which suggests, that the Divinity of Humanity is acting and speaking  through me at times, using this body-mind as an instrument. So it is like YOUR own Divine Truth is speaking through me, as we are One, to support your individual conscious process.

This seems to be very mysterious. But if we accept the Reality of seamless interconnectedness, it is a normal process. It is the united field of Divine Consciousness in which we all inhere, this  Consciousness that is paired with Light-Energy. As soon as we realize something consciously, an energetic process is set in motion. In that sense we catapult each other exponentionally toward ascension each time we go through a conscious process.

Because all and everything must be recognized in Consciousness to move, to change, to dissolve, to be transported, altered, transfigured, and to be ultimately liberated into the  Source-Consciousness of All-That-Is.

So the conscious process can move mountains. All that is recognized consciously moves energetically, gravitating toward a lighter state of frequency, until it dissolves or becomes One in and with the endless Radiant Ocean of the Divine Conscious Source Condition.

What a great adventure! What an awesome  confirmation that humanity’s Truth and True State and Nature behind all appearances is Pure and Mere Radiant Consciousness, even beyond or prior to brain-based consciousness and body-mind, a Consciousness that is Greater than the Creations That are appearing in It, Greater than all individual Beings and Entities, Who are appearing in It. And That at a time Expresses Itself As all Beings and Things.

What is actually happening now is that the Divine Source Consciousness of all Creations is emerging from the sleeping Unconscious of Humanity into the Awakened Conscious. And thereby It Is Liberating what was bound to the conditional worlds.

Thank you again for all your responses, in thoughts, feelings and awakenings! They are mile stones in our evolutionary process. Especially every written word creates a strong energetic pathway that serves the conscious awakening of all mankind.

Much Love and many Blessings,



Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, March 9, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please support my work via subscription or donation. Read the update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended)

Beloved friends,

at the moment I am surviving in the space that is beyond the conditional. Meaning, in the visible, conditional world I am kind of non-existing and rather invisible.

If you understand a bit astrology you know what I am talking about. It is the worst that can happen all at once: Transiting Saturn, Pluto and South Node all in more or less difficult aspects to my natal Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Wheel of Fortune, Ascendant, and the Cusps of the 4th and 10th house. The whole lot, and more.

This is as if the main water supply has been completely cut  off. Making my incarnated existence almost non-functional, just handling the basics.

Honestly, I am surprised how the cosmic energies still are working in this way on us. Although we are already in the dawn of the New Era. 

Or have we taken on a new load for the sake of the still sleeping masses? There is always perfect timing!

To accomplish anything of what I have been devoted to in the last years, does now require four times or more effort than usual.

You guessed it, in this dryness also my usual inspiration is somewhere where I cannot find it. There is only this place where nothing of the familiar is happening. But diving deep into this space there is happiness and radiance. No mind and no body and no world.

Honestly, I don't like it that way. I am missing the juice in my body-mind. But lets see where I am drawn to if I allow this eternity to swallow me because I surrender. But it means dying. Perhaps this is required as a kind of counterbalance to draw the sleeping out of their sleep!

Another virtue I need now to use is patience, and the recognition that all this experience on the conditional level is part of the illusion.  

Well, I am starting to see the humor in the midst of all of this. It has been my experience so far, when everything appears to be so obviously ridiculous and impossible, that I discover the cosmic joke, far beyond any trace of seriousness.  And actually, if there are appearing everywhere conditional blockages, what can I do but acknowledge my true freedom from and beyond all the illusionary appearances. Even if it is a matter of energy that is not flowing as usual. 

Because after all, I can still smile and make people happy. I can always Be Love, no matter what.

That's how we survive as That One That We Are. It is a question of choice, surrender and transcendence, although the world seems to stand still - totally. 

As such it appears as if space and time is becoming obsolete and non-existing, and  there is endless peace and stillness, without a world.

They say South Node transiting one's Sun can bring spiritual growth - besides the draining of life force.  I can tell, because there is no existing pathway at this point into any worldly matter of expression. And where is my creativity? Even that one is swallowed into the timeless and space-less infinity of Being - if I allow myself to enter It.

Now, I hope, you understand my silence here. I haven't forgotten you, but I am drawn into something else and I have no power to change it. I must go with the flow of what is offered to me at this point.

But perhaps I am not alone in this, and this is the waiting time for everybody, the long silence before the storm, many might experiencing now, that is adding to my personal experience. ...

So I am wondering about the strangeness of it all, it is perhaps the harbinger of something unheard and new for the whole human family and the planet. Almost feels like it!

Can we sense the new joy in the air? Yes, we can! And therefore the illusion must step back, so that this joy can shine forward and enter fully our realm.

Be assured that we are all so much blessed! 
Much love,

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Saturday, March 2, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel

It is not in the outer world and not in the doings that is now our first focus. First focus and awareness is now necessary in pure feeling awareness, meaning widening and expanding our feeling awareness like subtle antennas around our body-mind  to infinity in a state of innocence and non-knowledge, and in a mood of free exploration.

It is just about this feeling and noticing and being aware of the new light around and pervading us, which is also information.

We need to relax the tension of the brain, relax our forehead and  consent not to figure anything out at the point where we start to practice pure feeling awareness, allowing to Be in Which we arise, allowing to Be What We Are.

And we will discover, we are Consciousness and Light and when we go deeper into the heart region, the feeling becomes more concentrated and intense perhaps, a sensation that is the frequency of Love. In this case we seem to be back in the core of the seemingly separate being. But ultimately this core again feels to be an infinite  thing!

So wherever we go, we discover the same, just in different layers and exposures: what is outside is inside, and even the inside is not confined to a center really and appears perhaps to be without circumference. It is the holographic design of a fractal that repeats itself to infinity!

This whole structural holographic design is the fingerprint of creation and how creation works. There is no end to it, continuing inside and outside. And after all, “inside and outside” is a pretty limited point of view, perceived from the illusion of being a separate being. As if our True Nature of Being would be confined to a point in existence, whereas in Truth, as we Are Consciousness,  we are All and Everywhere.

It is just that the body-mind is a focus point through which we make experiences, to look at the detailed process of creation, by creating them.

So being in a state of feeling-awareness allows the present intense light and information, that is dramatically right now changing our DNA and the very core of our body cells, to become our guide and pointer to the Truth of what we Are.

It is certainly not a “busy” state, but a place of great stillness and infinite space, from which we then might be guided to move into action, whatever it is.

This tells us that we need to unlearn to operate from the point of view of a limited and separated entity, the body-mind, and to allow to be gently and naturally drawn and moved by the wisdom of our Divine Being.

Not doings and actions then are any longer our main identity, but Knowing without center, is our operating system, in  and from which everything is possible.

Depending on our soul contract which bears the reason why we are here, actions and doings will evolve naturally.

So if we are at present in a crisis, not knowing where to go or what to do, because everything has been pulled away underneath our feet, we must remember to surrender our willful and familiar stress-bound search for fulfillment through actions.

We must drop everything to be turned around and to be guided not from a contracted assumed illusionary center, but by the Infinity of light and consciousness that is our Divine Nature.

In the beginning, if we haven’t done such a thing before, we might think that we fall into nothingness and emptiness, and this might feel scary.

But here the fear is the gate-keeper to the domain of  Truth, because once we accept, embrace, understand and go beyond this fear, we will recognize the seeming emptiness as mere and heart-fulfilling fullness!

When we come to this recognition, we understand that we have interpreted “emptiness” from the point of view of a separated ego-personality. And indeed, our Divine Truth IS empty of it! But in the transcendence of the ego or identification with the mind, our infinite Being of Fullness can Emerge and become obvious.

It is the Blessing Grace of this time that we are given the opportunity to be reborn as the Ones We Truly Are, and we surrender, just because the old patterns are not working anymore. And so we are Gently and Divinely brought to the point where we are willing to change our perspective, One with the Higher Will of the Divine!

Therefore, Beloved Friends, do not consider difficulties at this time as personal failures, while you are waiting for the world to change, but as the call to change your point of view, your awareness, and to expand your understanding to grow into a new Consciousness that expresses your Divine Nature.

This will not be difficult, because it is given to you when you ask, when you listen into the un-Known, without prejudice and expectation. Then you will Know and then you will Remember. Because you have known it since Eternity.

I love you!


Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Monday, February 25, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please support my work via subscription or donation. Read the update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommeded)
My Beloveds, I AM your God-Self!

On the deep soul level of everyone, a revolution is going on!
Do not look at the surface of people as what they appear to be. But look deeper!

Look into their eyes and into their souls, connect with the Radiant  Depth that you are sensing, feeling and seeing – inevitably, if you are serious to connect with their soul.
You will see a radiance, undisturbed, not hidden, but very obvious!

This is so because everyone has been touched at this level by Me, no matter what they are  still doing outwardly and which does not seem to match their true nature.

You see, this is all still due to the automaticity their outer personality has been programmed with over such a long  time. But this automatic program is running out soon.

You can help the process to quicken enormously if you help your brothers and sisters, even those, still seemingly deeply asleep, to remember who they are, just by recognizing and acknowledging Me in them, their own source of existence, which is Love and Pure Being-ness.

Often, if people are not very aware of themselves, they do not know what is going on in the depth of their being. And so they need help and a trigger from all of you who are on their path of awakening.

To open your heart-feeling to all humanity, is your first step. This includes Billions you never will personally meet. But this will touch everyone as all is connected.  And you can awaken the memory of Me in their soul, in the relatively few you meet by merely feeling your unity with them and connecting  your love with their soul you know is alive. Yes, you KNOW it! Sense and know and feel your inseparable unity with all humanity, and they will awaken.

The power of light and love is greater than all obstacles of men-made and mind-made limitations, false images and false self-identifications!  There is nothing greater than Truth Itself, the Source of all creations, whether they are truly Divine or just distortion of the Divine.

The  Truth, that is also  yours, is the Truth of all beings and things, and now is the time where the Force of this Truth, which is the Unconditional Power of Light, Love and Consciousness is breaking through everywhere to express Itself Openly and before your eyes!

See It, feel It, observe It happening! And it can happen by your own doing, by feeling this Truth in your own heart and total body-mind, by letting it to be present and radiating through and as your whole being!

You only need to consent, this to happen! Because this Radiance is Waiting all around you to be let in!

It is now that the turning point has come where the glorious  Truth of humanity shines forth. Please remember that it still needs your agreement to accept this Truth to be your own.

There are so many brothers and sisters of your human family who cannot yet believe in their own Divine Truth, but they will, as you show them by your example who they are.

This requires that you, who are the forerunners of the New and Awakened humanity, transcend in any moment your own old limiting belief-system that imagines that you are less than Divine.

With your own self-transcendence you will work wonders in this world and you will discover that it will change radically in short time before you. Because what has not been possible for centuries in the past will now come forward in the blink of an eye.

With every heart that is responding to your silent call of love to remember, this world becomes more radiant and full. Each heart that is already touched in its hidden depth by the Light of Love, present on earth, and now brought forward in response to your Light of Love, will brighten up and remember its own Truth.

It is a chain reaction that each one of you can set in motion. It is the Radiant Fire that consumes the old illusions of separateness and fear and the believe in “not enough”.

Because there is only Fullness, my Beloved Ones. I AM That, and You Are That, and there Is Only Love, and there Is the Vastness of Only Light and Divine  Consciousness to which  everyone will awaken. Because it is the One and Undivided Truth of You.

I AM Your God-Self!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.


Friday, February 22, 2013


Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
Please support my work via subscription or donation. Read the update from 21.8.12

VIDEO (recommended) 

Beloved friends,

Since 20.2.13 everything feels different and fresh.
We have indeed finally entered a new era!
That day I also found out that according to the Mayan calculations, we entered on the 20./21. February indeed a completely new cycle.

Some sources say that we had to wait until now to see the  completion of the year 2012 happening.

What is the difference? We are definitely on the home stretch, dearest family of light! Now we can say good bye to the old times. What makes me so sure  to say this?

It is the energy, the frequency on the planet that speaks to us as it carries the abundance of a new information of fullness, clarity and exquisite beauty. The old times of emptiness and scarcity, empty of Love and Radiance, are over! Divine paradigms are arriving, heralding a new world and new humanity, the resurrected one.

I am not getting at this point messages from “outside”, such as our Galactic Friends or Masters,  because I am told that it is us, humanity, who must now observe, receive and live what is already here and on its way. It is now our responsibility to deal with this and we have had so far enough information and experience to make sense of all of it.
Now we must reap what has been sown, and it is up to us to find our way for a while ourselves.

In my understanding this is a very good sign! It tells us that we have grown up and can find not only the Source of information on the planet itself and in ourselves, but also are able to use and take advantage of all that has been given to us: the high frequency of light and of love now so tangibly present here. And so at this point our focus is here for integration.

What does it mean practically for us? What do we do with these great precious gifts?

I can only speak for myself, but also need to explain, that my approach to spirituality has been always very expansive while searching for Ultimate Truth. To me this Truth is the Source of all Existence and all Creations, all Beings and Things Itself. It is beyond and prior to our body and mind therefore, while all things are a modification of It and are arising in It.

By “Source” I do not mean an abstract idea that can be imagined with the mind and believed in, but I am talking about the Spirit Force of that Source-Reality Itself and Who can be  tangibly FELT and Experienced via and in the body.

In this context the signs in a body-mind that surrenders to this Force of Truth are different to the one who believes that the brain is the non-plus-ultra of human existence and of existence altogether. This is due to creative laws.
To me the brain with its two halves is only the servant to navigate through life, on the gross, subtle and causal level. It is merely a tool to function and not there to explain or really understand or even realize Reality or the Divine.

The greatest masters of mankind have always rather pointed to the heart as the doorway to the Truth and Absolute  Divinity. And it is my own experience too, as I followed their instructions. The heart bears all the Great Secrets of our Being-ness and is the starting point from where we can enter all the Mysteries of Existence Itself.

This is so because there are hidden points of access in the heart, of which the "Secret or Tiny Space" and the so called “Right Side of the Heart” are the most important ones. Both locations have not really been discussed in public and they have been kept mainly secret and passed on from teacher to disciple via oral instructions or direct transmission.

While the Tiny Space is the access point to the Abode of Creation itself, the Right side is the access point to Source, Infinity and Pure Radiant Consciousness. This is only a hint and there is much more to it. Both locations are the doorway into a different dimensionality, a frequency  that we are not familiar with when we consider or know 3D as the only reality. Therefore we must be able to die to any familiarity to go utterly beyond it. This requires a practice that very few are willing to do.

How do we create a close relationship with our heart, to begin with?

Yes, of course, by feeling! In the beginning, depending on our upbringing and the frustrations that come with living in the confinement of this controlled world, we might feel a lot of lower emotions, such as fear, anger and sorrow and the like. But if we have been lucky, it is more conditional joy and happiness what we  feel. 

We must thoroughly feel all of it. This enables us to rise all these frequencies to an unconditional quality of Feeling that vibrates unlimitedly to infinity, unobstructed by the shorter waves of lower or higher conditional emotions. This feeling to infinity can also be associated with what is called the "Sacred Space of the Heart".

Unobstructed feeling to Infinity is also a vibration that opens our body-mind beyond the contracted activity of thinking and is experienced as mere thoughtless Feeling of Being. It is Love in its purest form. Therefore this quality of feeling can also be cultivated by the vibration of love. We can start with little things when practicing selfless love, but we will soon discover that without self-love, love cannot really expand to include all beings and things.

Without self-love and compassion for ourselves, we cannot truly grow spiritually. Therefore we must first understand and forgive ourselves. 
As this love vibration is now present on our planet and surrounding us, we can ask it to purify our heart, so that we can feel it in its purest frequency. As soon as we are able  to feel the fullness of unconditional love vibration in, around and from the heart, we can grow further.

When this happens, you will notice that the crown of your head opens up and that you can feel to infinitely above it,  while the hard skull becomes soft and like a feeling organ.

Then you are ready to receive like an open cup the Great Spirit Force from above. It will find its way down your body to your feet while purifying what is in the way, and this is a process. The less dense your energies become the more powerful is the descend of the Spirit Force. And at one point it will trigger the energy center at the base of your body, turn around and ascend to above. This can happen when you choose the channel in the  spine, bypassing the sexual channel. And then the spirit current moves in a  circle up and down the body.

This is only the beginning of our evolutionary development. And this description of the process, we are now called to go through and which transforms the body-mind, is very basic. But it is hereby never just the brain that can initiate this process, as it confines our consciousness in the thought field. Rather, as described here, the brain is secondary and the Heart is primary.

The heart is the main transformation and transfiguration station. It unblocks when fully active, all energy channels in the body, so that we can be a conduit for the incoming light and information that in turn transforms our body-mind, by rising it to a higher vibration and light quotient.

This is also the means for the creation of our new crystalline body, as the new light frequencies carry the information for change.

To summarize: Love is the key! But it has a much more profound meaning than one would think, as it does initiate a deeper process of Spirit Force. So this is not just a nice statement or a sentimental claiming, but it the secret for profound transformation of the whole being by means of the spirit force or shakti.

In the old world we have been kept in very low vibrational fields, imprisoned by the force of thoughts of merely linear, conceptual and polarity thinking, good and bad, light  and dark.

But now,  in the new era, with the intense Light and Love Vibration on Beloved Earth, we begin to feel and to experience the Truth of the Singleness of our true and undivided nature, beyond polarity in and via the heart

Therefore our true nature cannot be understood by the thinking process of the brain, but only by direct experience and feeling awareness, associated with the heart. And direct experience is possible when we unlock with the Power of the Awakened Heart the Spirit Force, the Current of Light and Frequency, in the instrument that is our body-mind.

Now is the time where this process is available for all of us if we understand and use the Power of the Heart! This is the blessing of the new era. 

With much love and many blessings!

Copyright© 2013. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel,
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without  changes, including the title. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.
