Showing posts with label Divine Self. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divine Self. Show all posts

Sunday, February 19, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012
Listen to this message on YouTube 

Greetings, I AM Tobaara again, returning to continue our conversation!

There are many star nations who serve humanity at this point in your process of evolution. However there is much doubt also that they have untrustworthy intentions, intentions that would strive to make contact with you to dominate your race or your planet.

You must know that those intentions exist but that they are at this point not allowed to enter your realm, they are prevented from reaching you even. This is so as this is a time where humanity is protected for the sake of their ascension and evolvement into a higher consciousness.

Therefore, interference is not allowed anymore. You have been already too long under the domination of alien races and their time is not over just to hand you over to others who would continue to dominate you.

However please understand, that this gives you the opportunity to stand up for yourself and end the millenniums of submissive behavior and irresponsibility for your own life.

All the religions which have subdued you in false teachings and promises must be seen through and you must take your own authority back. This includes the understanding who you really are: a Divine creation, a being of light. The times of slavery are over and in reality you are not what you think you are. This process of realignment to your true nature requires of you a willingness to take on a new self-understanding and thereby to find out your true roots, which means that you must go inside to find out. You cannot go on with your life as usual and just relate to it as something which happens merely outside of you.

You must start to know yourself.

Without it you will continue to give all your powers away to the forces who are still trying to dominate you and have turned you into beings with a herd-like behavior, full of consumer ideas and desires, passive individuals who are not able to make their life a creative adventure, but individuals who are  unconsciously waiting to be manipulated, abused and destroyed.

This will continue for you until you seriously start to find out your true roots, discover what you truly are, until you start to ask your heart and live from the creativity of your heart and until you find the innate feeling of your own presence by wandering down from your dominant place in the brain of your head into your heart.

As long as you utilize mainly your capacity to think in abstract ways, you will be manipulated by those who want power over you. They are therefore indeed your teachers!

The heart is the only place from which you cannot be manipulated, because it is the place where you are the stage director of your own life. Living from there you cannot be betrayed by "other" forces. Living from there makes your life an authentic life and a Divine Life, as your heart is always directly connected and one with your Divine Source.

I am here to encourage you to take my advice to your very heart and change your position to become and realize who you are: a powerful being, full of the powers of God who has created you in His own image. A being of unspeakable beauty, light, love and purity.

Indeed you are not the cattle you have been allowing to be turned into, who is living dependent on what the designers of your life want you to be: obedient to and identified with a consumer’s world and its illusions.

Turn to the light that is invading now your planet and let yourself to be awakened and enlightened . Become yourself,  by withdrawing your main attention from a world around you that has been created by the dominating powers who want you to continue to live an unconscious and submissive life, shaped by things to have and norms how you should look like.

You are not your body, although you have one. Let this body be at peace and pleasurable, but let it be so by the ruling force of your heart, to enjoy a Divine World. 

A world that is appearing in front of you which is not created from your own heart is a false world. A world of illusion. It is created by your controllers so you do not notice who you are. It is created to disinform you and to distract you from the source of your true happiness. You must have noticed – as you run after things hoping for ultimate fulfillment – that the happiness attained by things is short. It is indeed. 

Because you cannot find your heart in things. Your heart is found by feeling into your own deep of being. That is where you find happiness.
Enjoy the things of life but do not look in them for happiness.

Wake up, humanity, beloved! We all desire so much to see your awakening heart, your beauty to unfold, to free your world.

I AM Tobaara, your friend and being from the 5th dimension.

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012
Listen to this message on YouTube

We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all Souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.  

Dearest ones,

We speak to those who were counting on being part of the “Voyage to the Stars” adventure. But we also embrace those who were merely observing, but participating with their heart and emotion as part of a to be  adventure in the collective consciousness of starseeds, lightworkers and all those who are on your earth to help with the ascension process.

We are with you and understand how testing it must be for all of you, to be so shaken by the yes-es and no’s (because of certain reasons), from your galactic friends, who have invited you to visit their star ship.

We know exactly how difficult it is for you, to open yourself up for an unprecedented adventure which would have asked of you to let go much of your familiar world and dare to enter new realities, knowing you would not be the same on return. And how demanding it would be for you to return and remain further in your old world. It is like dying, there is no doubt about it.

Now that you have stretched yourself beyond your familiar pattern and this new space has not been filled with new information and expected experience, it leaves you empty and doubtful, while you lost your usual point of self-identity. As you have been reaching out for a new identity, leaving behind the old one, many of you are now in a space of no-man’s-land, which is very difficult to bear. You wanted to jump forward, willing to die to your old self, but now you do not know how to find your new identity as the old one has died, indeed.

Dear ones, know, as difficult this might be, this is exactly a most fertile situation where your deeper truth can be born to build the new and purified foundation for your true and deeper Self to emerge.This, your true Self, is not dependent on any activity or identification with a “place” or even dimension.

But still, - while this adventure which did not turn out to be the way you hoped for, was able to shake so profoundly the self-identity with all your reference points of familiarity of so many of you, - you now try to go back to your old identity. But again, once you left intentionally your identity behind, you never will be able to resume that one.

So now, you are in a kind of a new “Bardo”. And this is exactly the state you start, and perhaps for the first time seriously, to ask yourself, Who you Are, do you not! Are you merely an earth-based being, a galactic or multidimensional being or are you more than that? You want to find That One desperately to occupy your grounds again, to go on with your life. 

And understand, that you are now exactly at the point of greatest creativity, where EVERYTHING can happen to you in the most auspicious way, as you can allow the True You to come in and take seat, That One which is Greater than the  you  which you left behind, and which is also greater than the one you aspired by traveling the space.

You can only leave behind an identity which is not true. And your new hoped for identity, the one who would visit the stars, is not  your true identity either! Neither of them really is or would ever be.

So do not be sorry about a perhaps lost opportunity, although this opportunity may be arising for some of you shortly indeed, but welcome the chance to let your true Self emerge, your true and only place to be in the illusions of appearances. Whether they are familiar or unfamiliar, planetary or galactic.

That much puzzled by a situation you never can sort out to the last detail, you will find that it is useless to exercise your mind, but rather choose to retreat and own your own heart of being, leaving the situation you cannot fully understand, behind.

You must know that you need to rest in your true identity, to leave your planet and visit the stars and your star family, so that you do not hurt yourself.  Even ascension requires of you this step, so that you ascend as a being that is grounded in your own Truth, independent from what is occurring outside and independent from any change of place and dimension, and even that of your physical body.

Yes, you can say, it is Love, which is your true place to be. But what is Love? You humans have so many interpretations of it in your world, and mostly you have greatly limited the true meaning and impact and presence of the Love-energy.

Love is not to be nice. But may include it. You can be nice, but it might not be Love. You might be angry, and it could be a sign of love. You could be even very angry, and it could be the greatest sign of Love. It is not the emotion you show which characterizes Love. It is the Being-ness you are, the One Who Cares, the openness and non-contraction all over your being, gross, subtle and causal, the openness to All-That-Is, that is the highest sign of Love. It is the non-reaction to things which arise. It is the resting in the Being-ness of All-That-Is which is True Love, beyond separation and division.

In this state you are truly free, otherwise you will be always like a dry leaf in the winds of change, taking on their colors, forgetful of your own.

This Love is the only steadiness in the cycles of change, loss, disappearance and the appearance of new things, situations and worlds.

So call your true identity Love, if you understand Love’s original sign.
Otherwise call it the I AM, the Presence, the Stillness, the Eye in the hurricane, your Being-ness which persists in the  carrousel of life. Find that One, dearest ones, as it is given to you at this very moment, and in every moment, and be grateful for the gift of this lesson. 

If you stop seeking, dearest ones, in places where you cannot find yourself, if you accept the worlds to disappear for a moment to be drawn into your own very Source, It will reveal Itself.

This is how you prepare for ascension, to allow yourself to fall into YOUR-Self alone,  and let it be your center, your motivator, your treasure never again to be lost, because it is yours forever, has always been.

We leave you with this and know that we are transmitting the golden light of healing to your souls, to relax to find that point of entry into the Eternity of your True Being.

With Blessings and Showers of Love.
We are the Beings of Light of the Andromeda Galaxy!

Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, ©2012 Copy
 Listen to this message on YouTube

I AM your God-Self,
Speaking to all humanity ~

Dearest Ones, I AM the Self of all humanity as humanity has one Source of Self. You are all souls and  bodies of Mine, but your Self, your Divine Source is One. It is your soul which makes you believe that you and your loved ones and all your human  brothers and sisters are separated from one another. You say: this is my soul and this is their soul. This is so because of your thought process. It is the thinking mind which perceives separation.

So it is a matter of how deep you look for your roots. If you look truly deep and if it is your heart’s desire to find the deepest truth of your being, you will find and experience that it is mindless and utterly heart satisfaction, where all your searches halt and die.

In this depth there is no separation from your  Source condition which some of you call God. Your Source Condition is your True Lover and when you begin to experience this Love you know that it is Unique because it is a Love which is Greater than any of the deepest love you can feel for your human lover.

You might think that it is not possible, you might think that your undying love for your beloved is the greatest love which exists.

But not so: there is a greater love and it is the Love of God which always Loved you first. If you allow this Love to touch you, you will know and you will know that you cannot share this love with your beloved but only with God, your Source.

Each heartache you suffer in your relationship with your most beloved one, each loss and each hurt, which breaks your heart and you believe cannot be survived, is healed by the Love of God.

To feel this Ultimate Love you must empty your heart of yourself, so that your Divine Lover can enter. He enters a space in your heart that you never can share with your beloved, it is the sacred space Reserved for God Himself. The Love with Which He Loves you is ultimate fulfillment as you have given yourself to the Ultimate, the Oneness with all beings; and What Is truly Great Is that Ultimate One Only.

All personal greatness you perceive about yourself, even that one which is your higher self, that one which survives all your incarnations, even your galactic ones, is an emanation of Myself, the God That Is Eternal in His Presence.
This Eternal One is the Substance of all worlds. It is the Ultimate Love and Happiness, It Is  the Light Above all lights and It Is above all cosmic lights and cosmic gods and beings, but contains them all.

This is your true and truly eternal home, my beloved ones. My Love never diminishes and so my Light and so my Happiness. This love you share with Me only, and it is sufficient.

Yes, love your beloved and your brothers and sisters and all beings with all your heart, because that is it what your life is about. But the Love you live and realize with Me, contains all the human love, and goes beyond even the most passionate and deepest one. The bond between the lovers is the gift of my Ultimate and your heart overwhelming Greatest Love, but this bond is but a fraction of your bond with Me, as you discover Me.

I have told you this, because there are so many - suffering the loss and separation and sometimes hurt from their most beloved one. And your feeling heart cannot survive it as it tears it apart.

The Love you have with me undoes the "you" who bonds with your beloved, and in the place of “you” the Great One takes His Seat in your heart, all your heart desires eternally satisfied, all your deepest desires fulfilled, because even the desire for your beloved is truly and ultimately  fulfilled in the everlasting Love of Myself. In this Love not only “you” but all your worlds are gone and nothing remains to be desired or suffered or missed.

This is the One undying Secret and Truth of your truly human heart. It is the Ultimate Treasure of humanity and the Oneness you are all searching for. Desires are the emanation of separation from your own Source. But when you merge with your Source, all your desires die in the Fullness which can never become less than this Fullness and Satisfaction. And ALL your deepest desires are fulfilled in This One Divine Love.

Who has tasted It Knows, he Is the Knower of Truth and he will never search for less. Because once you have tasted the Supreme Nectar you never will go back for less.

This Nectar is the Source and Giver of true human love because it has undone the “you” who lives and breathes in separation. This is the true release of separation and the enjoyment of Oneness with all beings and things.

Empty your heart of yourself, my dearest ones, of all shadows and make room for Me to enter. You will notice that this cleared space in your heart is not in the middle, it is a place which is connected with the right side of your heart. It is there where you find Me. Where I reside if you let Me in. It is the doorway to utter freedom and love and satisfaction, so you look for it. And you will look for It because you have noticed that all your businesses so far have not touched the real Ground of your Reality.

You will look for It because, even if you feel happy, you have not found Undying Happiness. You will look for it because you notice that even the greatest love between human lovers will disappear one day. You will look for it because of your experience that everything, EVERYTHING, changes, comes and goes and has no permanence.

When you start to feel desolate by the vanishing of time and things, you will look for Me and the True Source of what you are. And you will discover, that there IS indeed something which IS Eternal and fills your heart after the “you” has been given over to Me, the “you” that experiences loss, and changing, the “you”, that is eager to create worlds and things but which always change and perish in the end.

Even the creator changes with his creations, but the One that never changes is the Eternal One, the Radiant One, the Great Lover and Happiness That took It’s Seat in the free space of your heart.

There, in this glorious space, is Only God and there is Only Love and Happiness. It is untouched by the worlds, lower and higher and even the highest worlds. It is untouched by all the gods and goddesses and all the masters and rulers of the worlds. It is untouched by the “you” you think you are. It IS forever Radiant.

I AM your God-Self

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright© 2012

this is the time of Silence, the preciousness of the Golden Silence in which only Love exists, or say: Love Is Silence, the Stillness which unfolds like pink rose petals with a fragrance and tenderness that is not of this world.

It is unfolding to infinite Heights above while you feel that It embraces all, contains all. It is unfolding deep in the heart of man now, it is unfolding, if you allow. It is set to unfold, my dear and it unfolds everywhere because this is your destiny, it is humanity’s future.

What I AM to you I AM to everyone, as That What is speaking speaks to everyone, so they only would listen.  Because It Is the One Which is the God-Self of every One. It Is the One in which and as which you are all One with Me and with One another.

This is not the time now for glorious events in your world to occur, it is the time to go deep into yourself, and I speak to all humanity, because you are One in Me and as Me.

I AM your own True Self which is the Eternal Enjoyer of all worlds and things.
Cultivate Me now because times are coming rather soon where you need to prove my Existence while your world is turning.

This time is given to you to unite with Me, your own True Self, which is the Self of All, because in Reality this is the Truth which never changes while your worlds and your bodies, your mind and your state is changing.

Soon you are going to ascend, my dear and all my dear ones, but what is this ascension other than an experience in my infinite Being. Yes, my denser part, such as your bodies and your lower mind and your planetary 3rd density, are going to be pervaded by Me increasingly so that also they are able to recognize Me. This is glorious and to Me a great Enjoyment As I find Myself in Myself. What a miracle, and I AM That too.

I AM non-separation from you and all of you need to feel Me and to find Me now. I do not want you to have your concern merely on your life-circumstances, I want you to have your attention on your Eternal Self, the Only One Eternal, while all worlds and universes perish. At least from time to time, from eons to eons.

Now is the time to rest and dig deep in your very heart and being, to find the Truth You Are.

I AM Beauty and Fullness which cannot diminish, I AM free of all circumstances although they occur in Me. My Beauty is overwhelming your heart if you find Me, and the Sweetness of My Essence is your ecstasy.

Did you know that I exist? Do not think you are your body, not even your ascended body, although it is a beautiful thing, such a beautiful creation of Mine. But this your new ascended body can only be so beautiful because I AM. Your new ascended World can only be because I AM. And your Happiness, your Love can only be because I AM.

This is the time to find out! The time when it seems the worlds hold their breath, when you expect things extraordinary to happen, while they do not happen yet.

Go deep, beloveds, go where the inhale holds to prepare for the exhale. This eternal Stillness is where I reside, and I reside even there as you breathe. I AM embracing you, but you do not notice Me. But will you now? I have been there always, but will you notice Me from now and live all your life while noticing Me, your own Divine Self?

This  is not spectacular and world-fulfilling, Truth always has revealed itself  in the Beauty of Stillness where Reality reveals Itself. It does not depend on a spectacular world or the arising of things.
But I AM the One without Whom nothing would arise, however spectacular it would be.

Notice Me and you have understood yourself and your world.
And now is the time to notice ME.

I AM your God-Self
Message conveyed by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions please contact me via Thank you.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


 Listen to this message on YouTube

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright ©2011
Dear Ones, I Am St. Germain! 

At this time, where most of you are celebrating or taking a holiday in the midst of your usual busy lives, you might find a special time and sacred space to take my message to your heart. 

We are happy that many of you now are starting to more and more wake up, wanting to know the truth behind the politics of your governments, your history. But most of all, ever more of you start to question who you really are and where you came from. 

Dear humans, in this context I am referring to the fact that the paradigm your race has been living with and believing in for thousands of years, convinced that it was solid truth, is not what you think it is. 

There is no truth about it, never has been, as many of you already know, but to face this fact, is more disturbing for many of you than you are aware of. Because, if you managed to establish yourselves well, it questions all your beliefs, the quality of your social structure, your safety and the roles you are playing in this structure and your identification with it. 

What you are now experiencing is the breaking down of your identity and this is perhaps the most difficult thing you must face on your way to a new era of your world, which is already on its way and will in due course of time change profoundly its appearance, functioning and frequency.

Loosing your identity with which you have been familiar all your lifetime, even in most cases innumerable life times before, is the most difficult and challenging task you could ever encounter. Loosing your possessions is something else, because you can survive it, by holding on to the same identity. 

Not so, when your idea about what you think you are, is falling apart. However, this old and familiar identity so far has limited you profoundly to a being which is supposed to be just a body-mind, separate even from your family and the ones you most love and the rest of humanity and the world. 

You have been well adapting to this limitation for centuries and millenniums and only very few of the human race dared to question this limited identity and searched for a more expanded meaning of their lives and themselves. They have been heroes because they had the courage to step out of their familiar environment, to leave behind a feeling of belonging which might have led them to the experience of isolation from the rest of you. 

This is also the reason why you did never start to question yourselves whether your limited state was your true identity, because you were driven by fear to end up in such an isolation from the rest of your human family, that you  would experience when you would decide to step out of a normal social group consciousness. You have been just too afraid to allow the urge of your inherent heart-desire to investigate your deeper nature, but rather suppressed it to the point where you did not feel it anymore. 
And because of this fear you often preferred to ridicule and put down those with courage to find their true self. 

The other reason why you have kept yourselves locked up in your limited identity, have been your governments who understood to educate you in a way that kept you in your belief of what you thought your were. They gave you intentionally wrong information about your true identity in schools, universities, their media and by spreading falsified scientific knowledge by people who have been bribed by them, to make wrong statements. 

In this way they managed to manipulate your inherent understanding about yourself and your world, so that you ceased to trust your own intuition and your heart. Deeply confused by this conflict you started to take refuge to your perceptual thinking mind, and from then on you walked a path of arbitrariness, where you blindly followed a world of mind where everything could be proven and disproved simultaneously. While some of you followed theories which seemed to be proven, others swore that the opposite was true, however your conviction was not one of your heart where truth can be found, but was based on mere mental findings and arbitrary personal likes and dislikes. 

In this way you have become extremely vulnerable to outside forces and increasing manipulation, while you divided in groups of different believes and convictions. From then on it was very easy for your manipulators to gain increasing power over you. I do not need to continue to explain this further, as I know that most of you understand today exactly this dilemma humanity is suffering. 

But if you now consciously, by following my explanation, recognize and understand the history and reason why you perhaps have been one of those who are still hesitating to let go of your old identity, by understanding that it is a false identity, you will be able to easier let it go and give room to your true identity to emerge. 

What is your true identity? Dear Ones, your true identity is Divine and is not limited to a role in a social group, like a family, your working situation, a church or a nation. It is not limited to any doctrine or your thinking capability and how you use it, it is not limited to your physical body and your senses, it is not limited to your experience of birth and death, short and superficial joys and long-lasting and deep suffering. 

Your true identity is your inherent and forever free and eternal soul, whose nature is undying and unlimited joy, happiness and pure love. In all your endeavors, to accumulate possessions and power and to experience sophisticated enjoyments you have been searching always exactly for this happiness only.  But you have indeed limited yourselves to your finite body, lifetime, role-play, possessions or the lack of them, while you have been searching for something you have been already all the time. 

Therefore your true nature’s freedom is the freedom from all these limiting identifications with things, which originally have been created to allow you to experience creation as a Divine Being, but not as a being in slavery, with suffering, separation and deadly endings. This has never been the Divine Plan. 

But things happened that way, superimposed on you by forces who had not your very best in their hearts. However it was you who allowed this to happen, this limitation, this deprivation of your true Divine Nature. In due course of this process you developed this false identity and what is now given to you, in this glorious era of awakening, is the opportunity and the Divine Gift and Compassion that allows you to take back what you lost: your true Divine Identity. 

By opening your heart where you have stored all your pain since Millenniums, your own truth can be experienced again. But you must acknowledge all the pain as the doorway to your true and always inherent happiness. All your pain in your heart are events where you have betrayed  your own truth so many times, and where you are still betraying yourselves, where you haven’t been true to yourself, where you followed false doctrines and where you allowed yourselves to be manipulated by others, who played the separate game with you, and you agreed. 

By taking back what you Are, you will free the Love, the Happiness, the unlimited Light and energy that you are because you are remembering that you are a free being, participating directly and immediately in the force of Divine Light, Energy and Love, even with your physical body. All of which sustains your existence boundlessly. 

This non-separate participation in the All-That-Is is your true identity, my dear Ones, it is limitless and your constant experience of all the Happiness and Love, as which you dance the experience of your life. 

Be Blessed, dear Ones, let yourselves fall into the Source of your own Being-ness to Be the Fullness of Who You Are! 

I AM St. Germain!

Message received by Ute 

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright © 2011
 Listen to this message on  YouTube

My dear ones,
I Am St. Germain!

It’s a wonderful time to extend my heart to you! So many of you are now opening up to Divine Light and the Message the Divine is directly planting into your hearts. This message is telling you about your liberation from your long standing dream of separation from God. This dream is coming to an end.

Dearest human beings, you have never been separated from your very  Divine Source because how would this Very Source, your Creator, be able to separate from His Own Creation? So it is you who must have been in a long and dark dream yourselves, imagining separation. Your lifetimes have been only full of suffering because without your intimate unity with your own Source of Happiness how could you ever be happy? How could your life ever be successful in a true sense, in a all-encompassing way, without embracing your own total being?

You have been for so long only living on a tiny little part of yourself. Of course, this would naturally imply chronic lack and frustration and cause all the from this chronic constriction resulting painful experiences, which confine you to your sorrows, your angers and your fears. Oh yes, and not to forget your chronic guilt! Because if you are not living the fullness that you are and if you have agreed to live only on a little and low flame of your  Divine Fire,  how could you enjoy your existence which did not match what you truly are.

But now this dreadful dream is coming to an end, my dearest ones. And oh, how happy I am, observing your awakening, watching how more and more of you are opening your eyes and the eyes of your heart! I see the Divine enfolding in you and the Light growing and shining from your whole being, as your true fragrant Flower starts to awaken.

The Divine Source is such a Magnificent Being, it is Love and Bliss and Beauty and Happiness. And all of that is your own true Nature, most beloved ones!
Can you feel it, can you sense it, do you Know already what I see?
Can you allow this beauty to emerge as your own being, pristine and ever perfect in its own nature?

Yes! This Is You! This Is You! It is! And it Is Happening, already now!
We fuel you with our love, beloveds, and nurture these fine and newly born flames of your true heart, and we adore it, we love it.

We are so happy, to experience the Divine Unfolding in Its Creation, to see this preciousness to emerge now everywhere in your world!

It will never leave you again, the Divinity is now forever yours. Let it grow, let it Be. Worship! No, not your ego! Worship this beautiful Light awakening in your being, in your heart, in your feeling. It Is the Other World. Do not neglect it, do not inattentively overlook it!  Be very very aware, be very observant how the Divine is emerging in all of you. You are ALL His, there is no exception! If you dream there is, know it is only an illusion. The truth is, that God is now awakening in you all, dearest humanity!

With boundless joy,
I Am St. Germain 

Message received by Ute

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright© 2011
Listen to this message on YouTube

Dearest Ones, I Am AA Metatron!

Greetings to all of you who are already consciously participating in the ascension process of Gaia and yourself, the united human body of which you are part of. Silently I bless all those still asleep, all those cells and points of consciousness, although still of dim light and not yet aware about what is going on. It is a great and wonderfully evolving process underway and already happening with your whole human civilization and your planet Gaia herself.

We, who are the  initiators and overseers of this process, are rejoicing in this glorious awakening which is happening directly in the Heart of God in His feminine and masculine aspect, which is Light and Consciousness Itself. The joy, concentrated and expanding in the Heart of God Who is the Creator of His Own Nature and the many emanations in the Divine Universe, Is directly igniting the most Sacred Core of your planet. And as you, humanity on earth, and all her beings, living in her sphere, are her expressions of her love and her life, you are all directly participating in this Blessed Event.

We are extremely happy to announce that your united ascension process has come to a point where it went over the ridge, so to speak. In your understanding of linear time, it is only a short while until the rest of humanity will awaken to this fact as a whole, and in our view it has already happened. As you know, Divine consciousness, sleeping in dense frequencies which you observe as matter, needs some “time” to en-lighten and transform low density into higher vibrations. The first step is always the most difficult one, but the process is already in everybody underway. Most of those  who are awakening, are not yet aware of this new process, as they are still dreaming, but it is their last morning dream and they are soon to open their eyes!

We wish that you turn your heart and your mind fully to this evolving and awakening human consciousness and thereby take responsibility to be midwifes for your fellow brothers and sisters! Like buds of beautiful flowers, today still tightly closed, they will open their eyes in the coming rising of the sunlight, like flowers are opening their petals.  You do not need to talk, you only need to radiate from your heart the knowing of Divinity, which is the true nature of all humanity. We ask that you, who are certain of the awakening, as you yourself have been already awakening, freely assume the awakening of your human family as already happened, knowing that they will awaken without doubt,  — all of them who came here to participate in this blessed event.

They all will be drawn now to those of you who are already participating so that your heart spark will ignite the still sleeping seeds of Divine Love in their hearts and open their minds in wondrous ways to embrace this glorious process.

Do not look back and do not look at what you do not want: a world without love, a world without light! Surrender these thoughts and these emotions,  which are mirrors of the outer world in your own being, to the ever growing expansion and opening of your own Divine Nature, allowing greater Divine Light flooding  through your being.

We have imprinted you with the information of opening up to your original blueprint, the Adam Kadmon, the Divine Man in the image of the  Creator. Trust that it will unfold and that you will – together with your brothers and sisters - unfold to your highest potential, where your body is only instrument to perform the Miracles and the Love of  God.

We cannot but bless you with the blessings from the Heart of God, arousing the fire of your heart, which is His Own.
Dear Ones, understand that there is only God who is awakening in His own creations. We ask to give room to His Presence in your very heart which is Greater than what you have been identifying  with so far. His Presence is breaking up your old prison of confinement as a dimensional being. In truth you are free of all limitations as the Light of God is. Light radiates in all directions and without limitations and form of mind  is only a tool to play, to explore, to experience.  And you are not even your experience, you should know.

Understand the relationship between true  knowing and experience and enjoy your Divine Play as a free dance with Divinity. The human heart is eternally free if you allow all limitations to be taken into the light and joy in the Heart of God.  

Your boundless Happiness has been always yours, always. But you allowed lower densities to enter your being and to darken the original free Structure of Divinity to become less than it has originally been created for. This heavy density which put you to sleep will now be lifted, beloved ones.
Light is already flowing – and even most powerfully, if you allow it - through your being and will set you fully free. All obstacles on its way are being dissolved so that the pure creation of God, fully transparent to His Light and His Love, will be obvious. In this state of en-lightenment of your bodily vehicle non-separation is fully realized. What has been a feeling and intuition will be a realization of the Great Divine Human Body which is One.
Keep this vision and truth in your hearts, always, dear ones, because it has already happened in the Heart of God, it already exists as unswerving truth.

Be careful about what you think as the power of more instant manifestation  increases rapidly. Do not resist or impede the Dream of God with your doubts but nurture the power of your faith in the Reality of Divine Purpose.

Gaia’s original purpose is restored and so is yours, beloved ones. Join forces with those who share your faith and build together  a powerful circle which is breathing the breath of your new world. Unite and celebrate joy and unconditional love which has the power to  dissolve the shadows of the past into the Light of the New Creation.

We are here to support all your dreams and love and heart-passion. We never leave you, as we are all part of this One Great Creation of God.

Be Blessed and accept the Love from the Heart of God!

I Am AA Metatron

Message received by Ute
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions about sharing it, please contact me. Thank you.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


It is our joy to communicate with you again. By the Grace of Divinity your time has come where you are being given the gift  to return to your true Self which has been laying dormant in most of you, dear  souls, for thousands of years.

You have no perception – and you cannot have it, we tell you! – how much your returning to your own truth spreads as deepest and enlivening joy through the ethers and the whole universe!

Your awakening removes many densities in your galaxy laid upon countless civilizations and forms of existence! Each one of you who is willing to take the leap to your own awakening is therefore supported in many ways by those who are already awakened and who are able to guide you because they have been already going through what you are now experiencing.

Having said this, we want you to understand that your awakening, personally and collectively, is not an isolated  event. As we have been telling you so many times, everything affects everything else and there is no awakening on the slightest level that is happening on the basis of just your own personal merits! “You” is only “separate” in your imagination, in your mindful thinking. “You” is a process in the totality of existence, and your awakening is due to the “merit” of the whole.

I am telling you this so that you may better understand and come to the realization of oneness which is in truth always already a reality, but which you haven’t seen  as such.

Awakening to this oneness is therefore not an act which requires your effort and a kind of “spiritual labor to achieve”, it only requires of you to let go of false presumptions, which has had for so long a grip on you who has being identified with as a personality with a flesh body, a name and a role.

It is our intention to educate you in this matter so that you, inspired by rightful feeling and  imagination, may open up to the consciousness of moving energy as your very being. Everything is energy, frequency. When you have truly understood this, when you experience yourself as a process of  pure energy, you understand fully what we are saying.

Your melting of your existence as energy with the new incoming light frequencies then illuminates the knowledge of what we have said in the beginning of this communication: that there is no merely personal merit of your awakening, as there is no “independent” being. There is only One Great Current as the many currents of light and different densities who together and as One are the Experience of the One Heart of God or The Reality of All That Is.

Be Blessed and Be in Joy!
I Am St. Germain

Message received by Ute

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Friday, October 14, 2011


We are the Light Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah*,
Seeding earth and humanity with the light of Ascension

Dear Ones,
Have you been rejoicing in Light as the waves of new consciousness are being released on your earth? And they continue to flood your reality even more each day!

Beloveds, this light is not only for infilling your bodies, it is to expand with It, to be part of It as a greater Consciousness that expands now your world!
Light is radiating without limitation, connect your heart and higher intelligence with it, let It replace every little and greater imperfection or feeling of being not complete! Of course having created an image of confined personality of yourself, you always will feel incomplete and somehow troubled. This is the cause of suffering. But suffering is now coming to an end for all of you who are willing to surrender to the Light of God.

The confined personality can never be complete, even filled with light to the degree of a fullness which does not allow you to let in anything of more Divinity. The shell has to be transcended into the infinite Light of God. It is Consciousness beyond your little brain, it comprises all that you can be.

Everything is made from light, this is your true identity and sign. It is the signature of your creation, because from what you can create is what you are made of from the beginning!

However the density of your current existence has not allowed you to feel this fully, although you may have a vision of it, a feeling of it, and an intuition of it.

With the removal of your shell — of even the slightest thinness – your unrestrained happiness and satisfaction will be set free. Then there will be no more feeling of non-completion, of something missing. Surrendering to the light is the greatest fulfillment and joy, as it is your true Heart, which has no boundary.

Your true Heart is That, it is Bliss, it is Infinity, it has all characteristics and also none of them at all.

In this state your suffering ends and there is no separation, not the slightest, there is no pondering whether you are right or wrong. It is transcended, because you Are all of that.

In your new world you will find yourself in a dance of non-ending joy and love is your existence.

Whenever you read these words, we bless and embrace you, so that you may be widened to the vision and ultimately the realization of this Truth.

We are One, dearest Ones, always have been, do not separate yourself, open your heart and feel the joy from above and the Divine Presence Which has been always yours.

We love you!
Message received by Ute

*Tse-Bo-Rah is Hebrew, meaning "Flames of God"
Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.