Image by Ute Shan'A'Maa, Copyright © 2012 |
Dear friends and readers of my blog!
the past I often connected with our beloved and magnificent Sun and her people who live inside her. Surprisingly
I always experienced a beautiful presence of cool lightness and beauty, after I went beyond the senses,
which feel her heat as unbearable and as
potentially destructive fire.
this great times of change, where the Sun is paramount to our evolutionary
process and while we experience increasingly powerful new energies pouring down
from sun to earth, - scientists call
them solar flares- I started to connect with the Spirit of the Sun, to be informed
directly by her about the deeper esoteric meanings of the great shift also She
is going through.
meditation, partly in my meditation room, but also by sitting outside, exposed
directly to her rays, I asked the Sun:
Beloved Sun, would you
please reveal to us your Secret, your true Name, your Process, your Function regarding
earth and your other orbiting planets, all that what is still hidden behind the
apparent knowledge, humanity is familiar with about you. What is your future,
our future with you. Thank you!
While I connect with
Her Spirit and energy, I feel both: her extreme Presence and Power of Creation,
and at the same time her extraordinary and vast Sweetness and Softness.
This explains to me why
the Sun has been associated by different cultures and traditions with male AND
female deities, depending on whatever a culture has been oriented towards, the
female or the male.
And this is, what transpired to me from the Sun's Spirit-consciousness:
“Humanity has never
been able to reveal my true Name as long as humans have been living in duality.
I AM Unlimited and
Undifferentiated Consciousness which can take on all kinds of forms and states
of limited consciousness, e.g. that of a human being, limited to a 3dimensional brain
I AM, and I AM a
doorway for cosmic conscious energy and for the conscious light that emanates from
the Center of your Galaxy.
Your scientists look
at me as a dead body. But I am not. What your scientists see and what most of
you see – this fiery, yellow bright shining body – is indeed the appearance of a spiritually highly evolved Being. I AM burning, if you will,
with the fire of spiritual evolution, drawing all my planets with me into a
higher spiral of consciousness. It is a gross perception to think that I AM
merely on the same level of consciousness as my planets are who surround me. In
truth I AM appearing to your senses as this immense fire, so that you
are able to notice my presence.
What is happening now,
as I reach out to my planets with my solar flares, is that I have finally the
permission to break through the long lasting seeming standstill of illusion of
separation and to reveal the secret of my state. With the emission of my solar
flares I reveal my transparency to the greater truth of your galaxy that abides
in the galactic center which is itself the threshold to the Ultimate Source of
Divine Consciousness, The-All-That-Is.
In other words, I am
not a separate being, as none of you is, but I am a conscious conduit of
ultimate light and energy, which is no other than Truth and Undivided Divine
Consciousness, which can be felt as Love-Bliss and Unlimited Feeling of Being.
My reaching out to all
my planets is carrying this truth to you, implanting it directly into your
cellular, emotional, mental and spiritual body, to unite them all as one single
radiant consciousness.
As such I AM a large
portal, facilitating the apotheosis of the planets, orbiting me.
I have the function of
both: allowing them to experience duality and to transcend duality, in order
to return to the Oneness that Is the True Being of God, The All-That-Is.
The ancient myth of
the Phoenix
describes exactly this.
There is a secret
hidden in this myth, which has been always interpreted as a merely physical
event: putting himself and its nest on fire, burning to ashes. Your
3dimensional consciousness has not understood the true meaning of the ashes. In
truth, the Phoenix is an image of what I AM, what you
ultimately ARE and what the Divine Process altogether Is.
In a Divine World
there are no ashes, the ashes are signifying the end of the illusion of a
God-less world of darkness and duality. What arises from the ashes is a
purified and Divine World, a Divine Soul and Consciousness in which each
individual consciousness participates.
The Phoenix is the promise of the Golden Age, the
diamond that appears after eons of being tested and purified by the pressure of
experiencing duality and the friction caused by the intertwining of the light
and the dark. The rebirth of the Phoenix
reveals that there is only darkness where there is duality. It describes the rising
above duality and the revelation that there is only light, Divine and Undivided
I have been bearing
this secret since eternity and your earth had been brought into my orbit at a
time when the promise of her return to her original Christed state, from which
Gaia had been fallen, had been granted.
She has been going
through a process similar to the birthing of a diamond, and therefore the process
of the creation of the diamond has been
held in her body as the promise for her Divine resurrection.
That this resurrection
can occur, is due to my own Divine Process, in which I Am holding each of my
planets in my sphere so that they all can ascend to what they truly are:
bearers of Divine Consciousness, testimonies of the Divinity of all Existence.
With the rebirth of
the Phoenix,
duality dies in the fire of purification, to rise as the One Unity
Consciousness, a Radiant Ascension from the Heart to the One Divine
Love-Blissful Consciousness .
What you perceive now
of Me with your 3dimensional consciousness is the heat of burning away all that
which is not of the inherent knowing of Divine Unity. The One who understands
this Unity knows my cooling Bliss and Nature.
What you experience as
My solar flares is the information of that Unity, directly to be imprinted into
your DNA, the cells of your body, informing your still limited consciousness,
cracking open the shells of your encapsulated awareness of reality, but which will
soon belong to your past.
When humanity has
fully awakened, they will recognize Who I AM and they will recognize that I AM
able to appear as both: with form and formless. But even My form is a subtle
and not a solid form, but as which I still appear to humanity to serve your
Crop circles,
depicting My expansion as, what you call, a Red Giant, is a 3dimensional
perception or projection, but which describes in truth the disappearance of my
solid form, because there will not be such perceivers anymore. The subtle form
is always an expanded one. Therefore the Red Giant is a metaphor from the point
of view of the 3dimensional consciousness, trying to describe a spiritual phenomenon.
Yes, also I ascend,
meaning, that I do not have to appear as a gross physical body anymore, as this
dimension is going to be assimilated soon by the higher dimensions in the ongoing graceful ascension process,
which includes your solar system and
your galaxy, spreading throughout the whole universe.
To unite with Me in
consciousness, is to assist the final liberation of Gaia and all her creations,
that is: also humanity as a whole, to be set free from their past of darkness
and confinement.
Know that my light,
that your physical eyes and your organism receive, is only the outer appearance, behind which is hidden the Greatness and Immensity of My Spiritual Light, that is channeled from the Galactic Center and beyond, The-All-That-Is.
I AM only a servant
and emanation of the Source, which loves to play with Itself.
Consider my play as
the Play of the Highest Light, made visible even to your eyes, so that you may
recognize the Divine Glory of all
It is your part, - and
your time has come, - to realize that what I AM, is re-surrected in your own very
heart. The Wonders of Creation are infinite, as the Highest is found in the
heart and core of all that arises.
As much as I now still
nurture your 3dimensional bodies, that much I AM now allowed to nurture your
spirit body, to the degree where your 3dimensional reality dissolves in your
higher consciousness.
You soon will awaken
to your new reality, which cannot be understood, unless you accept and
re-discover your multidimensional nature.
What I have told you
now, what I have told to all humanity, carries My Blessings to instill trust in the Divine
Process I am here to serve.
I AM your Sun, the
Doorway, Portal and Facilitator of Divine Consciousness."
Here the Sun's transmission ended. She had revealed to me her message as subtle correlations mainly as intuitions, visions or images and direct experiences, and it was my task to translate them into verbal expressions.
May they serve your inspiration and healing, my dearest sisters and brothers!
Much love and blessings,
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012 http://radiantlyhappy.blogspot.com
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have
questions, please contact me via transformation33@gmail.com. Thank you.