Showing posts with label Forces of Light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forces of Light. Show all posts

Friday, March 2, 2012



                                                              Deutsche Version                                

                                                             Dear friends,

As I am reading the energies, I am also seeing and feeling the mass consciousness, and the turbulences in their response to the incoming mighty cosmic waves of light.

Right now we are sitting in a pressure cooker and as far as I can see, this will not subside and get easy and even for quite a while. Everything is in tumult, that which is not seeking and attuning to this light, which and who is not striving to be love and willing to let go the convictions, attitudes and behaviors, that hold on to the old world that neglects the Divine Law.

These new energies of pure and exalted Joy, and of a Light which is not of this world, so pure and sublime it is, and which is the energy of our new high heart, might not be felt by all within the body, but our intuition knows that it is here, and our heart knows, when we allow the silence to come forward and inform our busy lives.

This pristine and high vibrational light is creating our new heart chacra, to own the new creation of the human race and to  hold its domicile in our newly to be created bodies and transformed and blossoming consciousness.

In other words we are part of this new light. And In this way it makes sure that ascension truly happens.

This light is indeed other-wordly. It is a brilliance and bright inspiration to transcend the 3dimensional reality and is the bridge into a Divine World, drawing us directly into It, as it comes from there.

We are not separated from this Divine World anymore, as it has found a way to directly communicate with us by having itself located into our physicality, a form that starts to brighten with its impact. We cannot "escape" Divinity anymore.

Being such connected, we infuse the turmoil of the world with Divine Light, so that it shines on everything, smoothing the hard edges of a 3dimensional appearance, helping them to glow and finally to surrender to that light. So that all things become transparent when the time has come. All that seems to be rock-solid and dark cannot resist this light. It is on its way to be victorious and all the congested feeling hearts, seemingly cold, are melting.

There will be a glorious opening of all that still resists the light, to the existing Magnificence of the Radiant Divine, that Bliss, that Joy, that Beauty. As we are in truth nothing but vessels for the Divine and not separate from It. As the Sun is a vessel, so we are. As the Sun is a channel for that Divinity, so we are.

The All-That-Is is Light and Light is Consciousness. As the Light informs our bodies it instills us with the knowledge of our Divinity, because there is Only God. And this will be our own Knowing, in our surrender to that Light, to that Consciousness.

Dearest friends, do not look into the chaos of this time if you seek healing and happiness. Find that brilliant Gift that wishes to inform you with Its own glory. Birth your new world, - the world and life and being- which you desire to emerge, by entrusting this new Light with its creation.

By allowing ourselves to be drawn by that light to the realm where it is coming from, we have already transcended the old world of separation. There is only One Light and One Consciousness and we all are participating in It, whether we know it or not.

We are so Blessed!

Much love,


Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Personal Update: The Cosmic Breath of Change


Dear friends and readers of my blog,

where are we right now?
I think we are in a great place! Although not always comfortable. 

The light-frequencies sweeping earth ever more frequently and powerfully, are very pleasant when we let them do their work on and in our body, or better: bodies, as we have a number of them, from gross, subtle to causal, all with a different function. I am not going into details about them, if you need to, I recommend you look this up in other places that are dedicated to this matter. 

I can see and feel an incredible orchestration and pouring down of energies, dancing, expanding, pressing on and directly targeting our bodies and everything on this planet, bringing with them the breath of change.

If we invite them, and open fully up to them, making ourself wide, without contraction, they reveal themselves as bright and mighty winged messengers and carriers of Divine empowerment, messengers of liberation and freedom. 

It is the freedom from any limitation in our physical cells, in our mind and our feeling. They carry with them the opening up to the infinity of the Great Spirit that breathes all beings and things. It is the Creative Spirit-Power of the nameless and image-less Creator Force Who comes with His overwhelming Presence of Love and Completion.

Well, how can I describe what is beyond our words, as it widens the cave of the heart to the infinite horizon of Joy and Eternity. These forces are bringing to us the Knowing of the Soul's Immortality in an Immortal body. They take away ANY walls of any prison we have known for the last millenniums. They set us free. 

They teach us to let go whatever still confines us, they are our benefactor and even great pains of letting go, the pain of the frictions we might experience while these forces impact on denser vibrations to which we might still hold onto, are in truth our benefactors, our great helpers, our Divine Lovers, those who embrace our Truth. They do not embrace our limitations, our false identities.  They speak directly to our Essence, so that our Essence can let go what we are not. 

We might feel a fire in our body, a pressing surge of electricity, a sudden release of light, a stinging pain, a restlessness, a sudden buzz and whirling brain, a breathless breath, a deep peace and bursts of laughter and joy. Or tears of love. Or our thinking mind resists to work, or sudden clouds of old emotions  come to surface. And many more things too. 

While we open ourselves up to these Mighty Forces of Light, all what is dense and somehow awkward and unpleasant can now escape through the "opening cracks" of our willingness, to dissolve into this light. Just in a minute. We  realize we don't need them anymore and they have NOTHING to do with us. Plain old NOTHING. 

Each of the incoming waves of the Solar Storms are a new cosmic shower we need to step into to get the next clean up. Our beloved Sun is a portal for cosmic energies to blast through to reach all its planets. In Gaia's intimate relationship with our Sun this most potent exchange of energy is happening now.

It really has begun, and is only the beginning. I feel it is important to honor each blast accordingly to keep up with the pace. It is like sitting in class and when we miss a lecture we have to work harder to catch up. 

These are already the emissions from the Galactic Center, this is not high school anymore! We are sitting already in the cosmic university!

10 more and ever more exciting months to go when the alignment is perfect. Its all only a matter of surrender. 

Some of us have learned how to surrender, others not. Now we have gotten a crash course, to learn it, we just need to ask for it, and it will be given to us. For certain it has something to do with surrendering the dominating power of mind-chatter, useless ideas, fears and worry, - we don't need that anymore,  and the entering into the domain of feeling. Feeling these powers is helpful, but an open heart is enough. Letting go all that useless crap we have accumulated over - ? eons of time! 

We are throwing now in the winds of change all our layers of false presumptions, while they blow away into nothingness. It just happens, with all of us, sooner or later. While we seek the change - it happens, just by itself.

Dearest friends, we are in the midst of it already, the promises are being delivered! Our hopes are met with Intense Divine Love, with Divine Tenderness. We ARE IT. We are the Paradox, the Nameless and the Completion. 

And by the way, my printer went noisy,  crazy working, without being plucked into the wall socket while I was typing. This good old Dell buddy seems to be always very in tune and a real lightworker. :)

Much love,

Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright© 2012
Listen to  this message on YouTube

Dear Ones, I AM Sananda!

To all who read this message, to all who strive to open their hearts and ever more so, to all who desire to participate in the ascension process, I have one single message:
Trust and prepare yourself with the help of the ever growing incoming light and love energy from the Divine Abode.

The Light is pressing down on you and your planet ever more strongly and it is necessary that you work with each new incoming flood very consciously to integrate it into your consciousness and body. Do not let one single event of such incoming frequencies go past you, while you do not deal with it consciously. You will notice the influx in your body, either because you feel a pressure, or you start to feel unwell, without reason, and at the very best, because you feel expanding joy and deepening love while your heart opens and radiant light is filling your body and energy centers.
What ever your experience is: open up your awareness, your receptivity, your mind and body, and let occur and reveal what wants to be known and experienced by you.  

I do not say that you will notice always when a new flood of energies enters your realm, and that you should. But if you do, it is very necessary to follow each process with a conscious mind and feeling. Therefore take some time on those days for yourself, breathe and meditate and connect to the Divine Source in whatever way it is possible for you.

This will very much prepare you for the great event of  alignment of your earth and solar system to the Galactic Center. With this preparation you will be very easily able to pass through this alignment in whatever way it will occur and in whatever way you will experience it. 

Working already now very consciously with the incoming high frequencies, also helps you to become aware of tendencies and patterns you are still holding onto, but which do not belong to the higher dimensions. And you must have released them all before the great moment arrives. If you hold on to them, even now, you will notice pain, physically and/or emotionally, which tells you that you do not allow the incoming current of light to pass through your physical, emotional and spiritual body, as your tendencies have piled up as blockages in your energy-system.

Your desire to let them go, is important, because this attracts Divine Helpers, such as Myself to help you as kind of midwifes in your awakening process. Trust our help because we are able, if not in your waking state, but surely when you sleep, to wash away these blockages with Divine Light. In these times legions of light are there to support your process of purification, because it is purification of the human race, what it is about, to emerge as the Light Being you essentially are.

Your part is enough sleep, clean food and water (if possible), daily exercise. If you have no access to pure food and water, bless it before intake with the love of your heart and ask the Divine Legions to help to purify it, to soak it with Light. Breathe in Light with every inhalation and breathe out love with every exhalation. This helps also the high energy currents to easier enter your body and to dissolve energy blockages.

You will notice that this process becomes easier every day for you, and that it will become a daily routine that way - to prepare you for the great moment when your world will shift into a new position, density and consciousness.

Rest assured that you all are guided (so you allow) and blessed to slide through this great process with ease and joy, inspite of sometimes arising difficulties.

There is this undivided field of love already expanding in your spheres, that will be your greatest protection and support if you participate in it. All of you can do this by intent and prayer.

Certainly My presence of Love is always with you, for you to recognize who you are.

I AM Sananda at the threshold of the Galactic Center

Message conveyed by Ute
Copyright©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2012
Sharing of this message is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me via Thank you.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


 Listen to this message on YouTube

We are the Light Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah, seeding earth and humanity with the light of ascension.

Dear Ones,

Having this voice amidst you who is able to deliver our messages filled with Divine Light to you, is extremely important to us and we thank you, earth humanity, you, who is receiving these messages with your open heart.
Because with every message you read and listen to, you have the opportunity to make a step forwards in your evolution and prepare for your ascension and that of Gaia, your loving Mother Earth.

Doing our work of seeding the Light of God into your planet requires those who are able to receive it, in order to bring about the desired success of setting humanity free.

For thousands of years you have been living in darkness, and darkness brings about all these ugly emotions which you have suffered, whether you wanted it or not. It was indeed not to avoid and none of you could ever expect a merely happy life. There has been not a single being free of suffering. In fact, in low and dense frequencies which do not allow for much light, but keep it always dim, lower emotions such as fear, sorrow and anger, are naturally “at home”. Very few human beings were able to transcend In these times such low emotions, and most of you have been constantly and always in pain, even unknowingly. Because levels of pain are relative if you do not know what real happiness is. And in all these Thousands of years very few individuals knew true Happiness. Most humans believed that playing a certain role in life or “having” specific things and circumstances at their disposal, that this was happiness.
However from our perspective all they called “happiness” was just a little dim spark in an otherwise dark dream.

Beloved Ones, that Divinity has decreed your liberation from that darkness, that now humanity is given the right back to participate directly in Divine Light again, is of highest satisfaction for us and gives us the opportunity to flow this light through those who accept it.

Have you ever wanted to give something to your loved ones full of joy because you knew it would make them happy – but they denied? Do you know this pain you feel when your gift is not accepted?
And the joy when it is?

As we are coming like opulent currents from the Divine Ocean of Infinite Light into your Sphere we wish that you welcome this Divine and ever-free flowing Gift into your life.
Do not withhold yourself from it. All what it does is washing away what you hold in your space and which is not of light. It is a glimpse only for you to notice what it is and perhaps a short moment of ache in the memory of your heart but soon gone as you allow it to be dissolved in the stream of Light.

You, earth humanity, are blessed beyond your imagination. The doors to unveiled, radiant Light are open for you, so that you may join again what you are truly made of. Light is your Home, and there is no difference to love, it is One Single Bliss and this is the Gift we are pouring now atop you, around you and into your Beloved Mother Earth.

This is the moment where the shadows of your past can vanish like fog in the dawn of the morning light.
Do you understand the unspeakable significance of this moment?
Will you know a happiness you never thought it would be possible?
Did you ever dream about a fulfillment which you thought it would not exist?

Beloved Ones, all of this will now be yours. We are the Voice and Deed of God Who is Conscious Light. We are the means by which the Masters work. We are no other but we enable you to wake up from a false dream, from the illusion of Godlessness.

The Divine Knows only Joy because It is Joy. It Is all what is Great and what you ever have wished for in the deepest depth of your heart.

Dearest Ones, we are that joy that also fills your heart with joy. Light is expansion, when you expand your are joy. And there is no love without joy.
We are here, and know that you can participate in all of this Divine Abundance in the blink of an eye, when you let go of your old and now unnecessary baggage. Observe how it all dissolves and becomes Light, becomes Joy.
Oh, and your heart is just overwhelmed with so much love.

Blessed is this moment — and you all with it.

Message received by Ute
©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space, please treat with respect. Sharing  of this message  is only allowed together with this information and without any changes. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Listen to this message on YouTube

We are the Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah, seeding earth and humanity with the light of ascension.

Dearest Ones,

Blessings, Blessings! If you could see and feel our joy! But even if you do not feel it or see it, it IS important for you to know that it exists, that there is unspeakable joy in the heavens, that earth has been recovered from the densities of the forces who do not yet yearn for the bliss and love of the Divine.

What we mean by “earth has recovered” is, that all signs for  this recovery are set for your course of liberation and freedom in the subtle realms, in the realms of light and that there is no return to the old and dense way of life which has been lived for thousands of years by humanity, with a very few exceptions. These exceptions all came from spiritually advanced civilizations and heavenly domains, to help your world to not loose the connection to the light, to always keep a flame burning, to always keep the torch of the vision of the Light and the Presence of Divinity and the Ultimate Source of existence alive. They were the ones you called Masters, Saints and Adepts, and some of them were the ones who founded the great religions of humanity.

But now, dear ones, the time has come, where all of you will be keeping this torch high and becoming a flame, a light of the Divine yourself, as the shadows of the old world are lifting. All manifest worlds are supported by Divine rays and the great universal cycles in the creation of God.
And now your page is turning and it has been turned around already in the subtle worlds, where your new world already exists. To manifest In greater densities it takes some, what you call “time”, but know that your new world will be lifted from her current density to a more radiant one. It is called the 4th or 5th dimension, but all what it is, is that your world’s frequency and yours will change dramatically to a state where “matter”, as you understand it now will not exist anymore and where Gaia’s body, your body and all things you know on your earth, will be of a different and more transparent consistency, transparent to the Light of God Who Is the All-That-Is. It will be therefore a Divine Creation and all your dark and fearsome dreams will vanish.

You see, because we, the Light Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah, are dancing as God’s sacred flames, pouring now Divine Light into your world, are so joyful, you can be most joyful too. Divine Light from the Highest Source is not just an ‘etheric’ something, a thing of the mind, an idea, something somehow pale, as you might imagine it.

No, Divine Light is the most Real Substance you ever could experience. It is more real than a tree you touch with your hands, because it is not “created”, it is the very substance of existence itself.
When you experience it, pouring as current into your body, it might feel first like thick and strong electricity, without color, pressing down and filling your body. It might awaken your heart and your spiritual center at the base of your body and it might, when your body has accepted it, feel like wonderful, beautifully cooling liquid light. And you might begin to “see” it as Radiance in the room everywhere, as the only real substance that exists.

Dearest Ones, to be receptive to this Light is all there is. It carries you to the new consciousness that is the destiny of humanity. Do not be concerned. You only need to be ready to receive this Light, by releasing the density of negative thinking and emotion and by inviting this Divine Light into your being with the love of your heart. You have to give room and step aside, dear humans, in order to do so.  And there is much help given to you by visible and invisible servants of the  Divine.  It is all the Grace of God Who does the work, but you must be ready to allow it. “You” must get out of the way.

Each day there are more of your brothers and sisters who awaken to this simplicity of how the Divine transforms your world. More and more, we can see and feel, have themselves dedicated to participate in this most beautiful process of “enlightening”. It is your birth right, and this is the real reason why you are here.

There are no other reasons, although your society has told and your teachers have taught you otherwise.  This is part of the brainwashing programs, even good-hearted human beings believed in. 

Fulfilling your daily tasks and responsibilities, is an opportunity to allow this Divine Light more and more in every circumstance into your life. And so you become a Grace for the world, a precious gift, the most Sacred Gift you ever could be in your world amidst your human family.

We are already with you on this earth. We are not “far” away, as you might think, no, we are here, and the Divine Work is done from moment to moment, unfolding further in a most joyful way. This great joy is already amongst you. It is you who must discover this truth and let go of your old view, to pull down the heavy veil from your sight and allow to see what there is already emerging, perhaps still  hidden by the old nightmares of your past.

Your nightmares are but a deep illusion, they are not true, they are deceiving you. True is only What the Light of God Is, because it is the Source of all appearances and is eternal.
You can participate in this eternity too, if you accept your heritage as a being of Divinity. What you have been thinking all the while until this present moment, of what you are: a flesh body only, mortal, with some little pleasures and greater pains, with some flickering and ideas of love, but soon all dry In the hopelessness of a gray world; to you we say: Stop it Now! The dark dream is over. This dark dream is just draining down now like whirling water in your sink. Don’t watch it. Watch the Light of God and His most wonderful new Creations.

We are here, with every one of you, and at least in your dreams you notice us, until you fully awaken to your new and radiant day.

We Love.
We are Love.
And we love you.

Message received by Ute
©. All rights reserved: Ute Posegga-Rudel, 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Role of the Kingdoms of Nature in the Ascension Process

Dear friends,

today I went into a nearby Nature Reserve and at the entrance  -- He was already waiting: a Being of Light, about 3.50 meters tall. He communicated that he had an important and urgent message for humanity and wanted me to be the messenger.
He did not tell me His name but was indicating that he was an ambassador of Archangel Ariel, who is the Angel of Nature.

In our “conversation” he did not use words, but he rather showed me directly what he wanted to communicate.

What I saw was this: that Gaia’s Ascension is not only supported and served by us humans, but also to a great degree by the Spirits and Angels of Nature. They are the ones who are weaving higher vibrational  light in the ethers and habitat of the flora and fauna and help them thereby to evolve.

He showed me how every tree and bush, and every leaf and blossom in that reserve was vibrating with radiant light and how pristine and clear the aura of this beautiful place was, because of the high vibration the Nature Spirits are working with.

He wanted you all to remember, that we are each, no matter to which kingdom we belong,  simply living certain frequencies which are harmoniously intertwined with smooth transitions, and therefore we are all, naturally, closely connected. Without the work and support of the Nature Spirits,  the ascension of Gaia herself, and our ascension would be not possible, as we have also a symbiotic relationship with Gaia. The Kingdom of Nature is the necessary link in the total process of rising the frequencies of Gaia and all her kingdoms, to be able to ascend.

The  Spirits of Nature also want you to know that they are – like many of us – anchoring the new arriving light on Earth and thereby they prepare her ethereal field, which is also nurtured by the  Forces of Nature, which assist Gaia in her great work of the transfiguration of her body. He showed me how all of this is just one great work of cooperation!

Therefore, what they are doing, is also of significant assistance for us humans who are preparing for ascension. And the Spirits of Nature  are inviting us to spend time in nature where they are joyfully waiting to communicate with us.

As long as we identify with a separate 3dimensional body, we assume that the whole ascension work is just that of us, of Gaia, of our Ascended Masters and our Galactic Friends as separate beings. However, the Spirits of Nature  wanted to remind us, that they are participating as well, and that our connection with them can help us to transcend our illusion of separateness, especially as they are our friends who love us dearly.

To be open to them and invite them consciously into our hearts and to let them be a part of our experience, is a necessary heart-opener, by understanding and communing with the forces of light and love which are surrounding us every day.

This Being of Light, who greeted me when I entered the Reserve, is still with me, while I am typing this message into my computer at home. His love is radiating and beautiful, and touches graciously my heart. I feel the wisdom and the greatness of this being and his joy.
I am very grateful — and he wishes to extend all his love and joy to all of you  too!

He left, after he had made sure that I have written down everything he wanted you to know.

This message has been brought to you by Ute 

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011 
When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Listen to this message on YouTube
Dearest Ones, We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

 Beloved Earth Humans,

We are here again  to shower your world with our Blessings with powerful waves of Light from our Galaxy.
Many of us took birth on your planet to anchor Light and Information from the Andromeda Galaxy on Earth to assist with the awakening of her humanity and the cleansing and shifting of her into higher dimensions.

We are giving you this information, dear earth humans, to assure you that you and your planet have never been – in reality – cut off from the rest of the universe. It was only  a gesture of you in the past history, which laid around and upon Earth, through your own lowering of your frequency, a dense and heavy veil which did not allow much communications of higher light and information to reach you and your planet from outer space.

This self-induced isolation is now coming to an end, also because many other souls from other enlightened star systems and galaxies are at this time incarnated among you, to draw down  the light and love of the stars into your reality to help you to evolve.

These beings from other star systems have taken birth in difficult situations in order to purify your dark earth history with their own awakening process, which required them to confront all the pain -- that you earth people are suffering -- in their own bodies, emotions and mental experiences.

For many, if not for most of them, this ordeal of purification of your dark history in their own system, this process has now come to an end and they are here now between you, anchoring our light and information and that of many other star systems on your earth.

They are now illuminated  antennas receiving and channeling  light from space through their consciousness and bodies into the core of Gaia  and radiating  this light and this love all over the earth. They are the ones who have done all the work directly on your planet, to support your own awakening, like one candle ignites the next one, so that also you can become like them a radiant luminary to illuminate further the path to ascension in your world.

What is required of you, Beloved Earth Humans, in your awakening process  in this short remaining moment, is to open up to unconditional love, a Divine Frequency now showered upon your earth! It is the Force which drives humanity forward to her unity and elevation. It is the Force which does not know separation, and it is the Force which has been always your rightful inheritance and True Sign since eternity.

"Humanity Is Love", - this will be your sign and “trade mark”  in your coming Galactic Participation, where earth will be embraced again in the midst of other star nations and illuminated planets and galaxies.

You are on your way to fully participate again in the unimpeded communication and union of the galactic network of light, which flows like liquid water through all the veins of the Divine Universe.

Once ascended you will be participating again in the currents of universal joy and love where we all rejoice In mutual friendship, love and respect.

There is only One Divinity and we are all Its Divine Expression.

Welcome, dearest earth humans, to this glorious moment in the very near future, but which is in truth already always Now.

Our Light and Our Love is in the midst of you all.
With eternal Blessings!

Message received by Ute
Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Listen to this Message on YouTube

Dearest Ones, We Are from the Domain of Fire and Light, of Unity of all souls and Sacred Divine Core Essence in the Andromeda Galaxy.

Beloved humans from planet earth,

Peace be with you! Peace is the most crucial quality you MUST live and exercise in your very heart, starting from NOW, if you haven’t done so already. A short moment in eternity is given to you to prepare.

Please, dearest Ones, take notice, there is no sudden awakening and your are all Light in the blink of an eye. Awakening and enlightenment must be practiced and exercised as a conscious process. For some it is a long process still ahead.

How do you practice this peace? Did you try?
If you can’t do it, what does it tell you?

We have spoken in our last communication about the Glory of the Divine, the Truth of Happiness and Love which are qualities of the Living Divinity. We have spoken to you from the white fires that travel along the grids of consciousness to enlighten the worlds and all beings.

So – how do you bring together this message of joy, love and ecstasy with your own receptivity and realization of it to the degree that you truly are LIVING it?

When Divine peace and joy is not yours in your heart yet, know that It still exists and is very real, but obviously there is something in your being, in your feeling, in your thinking, in your heart and energy field which resists Divinity as such. It does not allow It to enter and to inform your life so that it IS a Divine Event, yes, YOUR life: a DIVINE event.

The reason for it not to be so, the reason, that there is not yet peace in your heart and life then, is, that you, as a self-responsible being, are not aware of what darkens your heart, your emotions and your thinking as it is hidden to your consciousness.

If you cannot find peace, and we mean a peace which exists as your whole being,  know that you have work to do!
The coming events require from you this peace, this equanimity, this calmness, which allows you to  Be Love.

Dearest ones, we urge you to enter the process of your own clean up! Without it ascension is only a future event for you and earth will ascend without you. She will not wait much longer as she has decided to move on in the near future.

Dearest Ones, there are legions of forces of light, waiting to help you in this process! But you must be the one, who recognizes the sparks of darkness you have been allowed to govern you, and it must be you, who asks the Divine Light for help! Darkness cannot exist where Light is!

Your conscious willingness and explicit desire to replace ANY dark corner in your being with Divine Light, is required, to allow your clean up process to be successful! This process of calling upon the Divine Light to abide you, is an ongoing requirement without taking a vacation in between! There is not much time left, dear ones, to stretch this process any longer into some vague future.

You might be one of those who think that they have done it all already, considering themselves to be already of pure light.
Do not deceive your self, dear ones! As long as you still live in the density of this 3dimensional realm, still governed by darker forces,  there are always plenty of occasions where secretly impure impulses can nest themselves into your consciousness without your awareness. Sleeping means that you are not aware of it because you think you have “made it” already. This is however the most dangerous disposition. You must under all circumstances ALWAYS be aware and alert to make sure that your house is always radiant with light and without interference. You must clean yourself from moment to moment. This is the greatest service you can do for your planet, for humanity and also for your own ascension.

All this work is necessary without doubt to make sure that the Divine Light can take hold of you and of every single person in your world that desires ascension.
Dear ones, please consider this your responsibility that you have! Because it is you who has chosen this path yourself, but who might still not remember it or is not aware of it in it’s fullest meaning and requirements.

All we want is, to inspire you to be alert, take full responsibility for yourself, dedicate yourself fullest to this service of your own choice and be one with the great universal process of shifting your beloved planet Earth and yourself as humanity into Divine Realms, where only Light Is.

The totality of Divine Light and Help, Joy and Love Is always present and available to you, even now!

Be at peace! 
Can you BE it – in ANY moment? Choose well!

Our Blessings are with you!
Know, that you are so much loved!

Message received by Ute

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Friday, October 14, 2011


We are the Light Beings from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah*,
Seeding earth and humanity with the light of Ascension

Dear Ones,
Have you been rejoicing in Light as the waves of new consciousness are being released on your earth? And they continue to flood your reality even more each day!

Beloveds, this light is not only for infilling your bodies, it is to expand with It, to be part of It as a greater Consciousness that expands now your world!
Light is radiating without limitation, connect your heart and higher intelligence with it, let It replace every little and greater imperfection or feeling of being not complete! Of course having created an image of confined personality of yourself, you always will feel incomplete and somehow troubled. This is the cause of suffering. But suffering is now coming to an end for all of you who are willing to surrender to the Light of God.

The confined personality can never be complete, even filled with light to the degree of a fullness which does not allow you to let in anything of more Divinity. The shell has to be transcended into the infinite Light of God. It is Consciousness beyond your little brain, it comprises all that you can be.

Everything is made from light, this is your true identity and sign. It is the signature of your creation, because from what you can create is what you are made of from the beginning!

However the density of your current existence has not allowed you to feel this fully, although you may have a vision of it, a feeling of it, and an intuition of it.

With the removal of your shell — of even the slightest thinness – your unrestrained happiness and satisfaction will be set free. Then there will be no more feeling of non-completion, of something missing. Surrendering to the light is the greatest fulfillment and joy, as it is your true Heart, which has no boundary.

Your true Heart is That, it is Bliss, it is Infinity, it has all characteristics and also none of them at all.

In this state your suffering ends and there is no separation, not the slightest, there is no pondering whether you are right or wrong. It is transcended, because you Are all of that.

In your new world you will find yourself in a dance of non-ending joy and love is your existence.

Whenever you read these words, we bless and embrace you, so that you may be widened to the vision and ultimately the realization of this Truth.

We are One, dearest Ones, always have been, do not separate yourself, open your heart and feel the joy from above and the Divine Presence Which has been always yours.

We love you!
Message received by Ute

*Tse-Bo-Rah is Hebrew, meaning "Flames of God"
Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect.  When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Our first message is here: 

We are from the Realm of Tse-Bo-Rah,
Seeding your world with Divine Light

Beloved people of the earth,

The time has come where the light on your earth is increasing in a way that will create unforeseen changes. It is the light which dissolves form that is too rigid to allow to flow with the new incoming and increasing Divine Consciousness.
 Therefore you will see many “things” break loose from their familiar appearance, as the consciousness changes that carries these forms.
Beloved hearts, we advise not to be concerned! In these times it is of most importance to connect directly with the Divine Essence of things. What we mean is: connect your innermost heart with the force of change itself, which carries the impulse of your liberation and freedom from old and limiting ideas and paradigms you have been identified with for so long. 

Rather, as we said in our first communication to you, open yourself to receive our light which we are seeding on earth and directly into your bodies, the cooling light of healing and elevation of your conscious level of Divinity.

We want to tell you that this is the time to transcend your point of view of perceiving your world from “outside” and begin to perceive the reality you live in from inside, from the core of life and consciousness itself.
Connect your hearts with the inner mover and light of all things, unify with this force of life and Divine Light which is also your own sacred very  mover.
It is time to allow this change in your consciousness to occur to break free from the illusions of a separate world in duality, to recognize the unity of all things and beings, which is the radiant bright light at the core of all that arises.

This is the time to allow to be transformed by the Divine Force, so that inside becomes outside and outside becomes inside. It is a radical change which will adjust forever your distorted understanding of your reality, distorted since millenniums by the powers that be.

Now is the time to take back your own Divinity, your own Divine and True Subjectivity, as what has been object now with this great change becomes subject again.
Do you understand? We want to tell you that you have not seen the true nature of the world for so long, which created the hologram of your illusions — and you even have not been aware of it! Now this will be reversed, and you will start to see again your true reality as the blindfolds are removed from your eyes. 

Watch and take on a disposition of total openness, let go any narrow mindedness or prejudice about what is to occur. And the miracles of the Divine Creation will unfold before your eyes.
It is the light that creates these changes, ride on it’s waves and let yourself not to be trapped in appearance of familiar forms. Your new world will be never built on the fundaments of the old world. It will be completely new, and you will have been changed from upside down, back to upside! Watch it!

We bless you immensely!

Message received by Ute 

Copyright: Ute Posegga-Rudel, Oct 2011
This message has been received in a sacred space and should be treated accordingly and with respect. When sharing this message please only together with this information. If you have questions, please contact me. Thank you.